~L9 Commercial Leasing & Finance limited Company Registration NO: PO 131 PB &6. Bauddhaloka Mawalha. Colombo 04 T~:4526526 Fa.: 4526581 COMMEROAL LUSlNc;" FINA"CE Commercial Leasing & Finance Limited Manager, ....................... Brand1 Please open a Minor Savings •••. ccount as pe< tl1e details provided t>elow; P••• onal lol"",,allon of !he Minor r" Master I Miss Name., iuD P<KTTla"""t Mdress Name 01 Sc/1001 (It Applicable) Dale of Birth Registratioo P• ...,n.1 Number of Birtl1 CertiflCale Information of Parent I Guardian nUe Rev) M,./ Mrs./ "Is, I Mis •. Name in full Pem1anenlAddress Relationship to the Minor Nle I Passport No Contact Telephone Numbers &-mail A<!dre•• NICI Pas.pan Number I conr"rn thai I am the father I mother I legal guardian of lhe above named minor and I haue the hghllo OjIen a minor savings aC(:QUn\On his I her behalf in lhe same capacity. I ag'ee to lull fililne requirements of CLC for opening such accounts and 10 be bound by the Terms and Conditions for opening and op<lC3ting such accounts on behalf of the minor. •....••......................................................•.....•.......•..... ....................•.................. Signature Date of the lather I mother I legal guardian COMl\tERCIAL 68. B.udd~.lok. LIASI"G •• ~I.~""('F M_.,~ •. Colombo -M, T.I: '526526 F•• , 0(526581 E-m.oil,'"[email protected] Commercial Leasing & Finance limited Company Registral'OIl No: PO 131 PB 68, Bauddhalol<a Mawatha, Colombo04 ~L~ T~;4526526 Fa,:4526581 COMMERCIAL lEH1N"", FlNANCO TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. FOR OPENING AND OPERATING OF A MINOR SAVINGS ACCOUNT A "Minor Savings' Account is an individual Account opened on behalf of the minor by tlislher mOlher. lather or the legal guardian and it must nol be considered as a "JoitAccount" al any time. The mirJO'. ,n whose name IheAccounl is opened, will be Ihe sale beneficiary of the monies lying 10the credit 01the Account. 2. No withdrawals Withdrawals will be permItted from Ihe Account under normal circllmstances, prior to the minor becomes a major, will be allowed on very exceplional basis only at Ihe discretion 01 CLC far any justifiable reason suctl as meeting of the cost of medicallrealment Or essential educatiooall'urposes of the minor. Such request must only be made by the parent or the guardian who opened the accouot together w;th documentary evidence acceptable to ClC 3 A passbook will be issued for each Minor Savings Account and the responsibility parent 4. 01 keeping it safe lies with the I guardian who opened the Account All amounts deposited in to the account will be recorded in the passbook by ClC. correctness of such entries before leaving the ClC Counters I Premises. unauthorL,ed entry in the pass book which was neither a computer. Depositors must ched< and verify the ClC is no way responsible lor any generated nor a written record without the initial of an authorized signatory of ClC. 5, The parent Of guardian is bound to deposit the minimum initial depos~ amount In to lheAccount Account and to maintain the stipulated minimum balance requirement of the Account thereafter. charge the Rate of interest applicabl",to at the time 01opening the ClC serves the rlght to the Account, method of calculation 01 interest and the Irequerlcy of crediting interest in to the Account. from time to time depending On the prevailing mark",t condHions. 6. The m,nor may w,thdraw the whole amount lying to lhe credil 01 his Account, upon the reaching of age of majority (18 at to ClC. Years present) by prooving his identity to ClC. He I She must make this request in writing together with the pass book tithe minor does not claim tho same within 02 we",ks 01 him I her attaining majorily. ClC reServe, the right to transfer the monies to a nonnal savings account whiCh will be governed by the rules and conditions applicable to nonnal savings account. 7. It is mandalory to submit the Birth Certificate of the minor at the time of opening the Account 8 In lhe event 01 the death 01 parenti guardian who opened the Account on behalf of the minor prior the age of majority. the nominee who was appoionted by the parenti to him/her reaching guardian at the time of opening lhe Account will be allowed to operate the Account on behalf olthe minOTtill the mmor reaches the age of majority, g All transaclions relating to this Account will be conducted only withint the nonnal business hours of ClC. 10 The parenll guardian has the right to transfer the balance lying to the credit of the account 10 an another account;n the name ot the minor, opened and operated within Sri Lanka and a linancial institution authorized by Cflntral Bank of Sri Lanka, after a lapse 0160 months from the date of first deposrt made in to this Account or therealler. Such request should be made in writing only by the parent I guardian who opened the Account or by his I her nominee afler his I her death, 11. CLC reserves the right to amend or delet", any olthe above rules and conditions, or 10 add any rules and conditions from time 10 time. COMMERCIAL L[A~ING & F1NA)l;C[ 68, B.lI<ldh.f",," "'._n., Colombo ~, T.f ; .52S~26 F•• ,.~26~/l1 1;..•.•••01 : fnk>@ele.fk
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