SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2015 at 10 AM Black History, Journeying Through Time. Honouring Our Past - Celebrating Our Present! Prelude We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder The Gathering Song “Lord, Prepare Me...” Welcome and Announcements Lighting of the Candles Traditional MV 18 Announcements ~ February 8, 2015 WE ARE STRIVING TO BECOME A SCENT FREE FACILITY. “We are a progressive Christian community that offers a safe place and the resources for people at every stage of their lives to enrich and empower themselves in body, mind, and spirit. We are committed to the human journey to love more deeply and to live more meaningfully.” — GATHERING OF THE PEOPLE — Call to Worship Hymn “Steal Away” Opening Prayer Hymn “Hush! Hush!” The Peace of Christ Video The Symbol of the Quilt Codes Time with Children Can You Keep A Secret? Minute for Mission EDEN UNITED CHURCH MV 167 — LISTENING TO GOD’S WORD — Ministry of Music Deep River Hart Morris Prayer of Illumination Scripture Joshua 1: 3-9 Reader: Susan Roberts Hymn "My Lord, What A Morning" VU 708 Sermon Rev. Eleanor Scarlett Ministry of Music Wade In The Water Sandra Eithun — THE RESPONSE — — OUR OFFERING OUR GIFTS — Invitation to Offering Offertory Lord, I Want To Be A Christian Traditional Offering Hymn “I’m Gonna Live” VU 575 Offering Prayer Prayer of Thanksgiving & Prayers of the People — GOING INTO THE WORLD — Closing Hymn “Precious Lord, …” VU 670, v. 1 &3 Commissioning & Benediction Sending Forth Hymn “Swing Low Sweet Chariot” Postlude Every Time I Feel The Spirit Traditional Join us for Coffee and Conversation. EDEN UNITED CHURCH— TODAY’S WORSHIP ...will be led by Rev. Eleanor Scarlett. This week's theme is Black History, Journeying Through Time. Honouring Our Past Celebrating Our Present! Rev. Eleanor Scarlett will be providing Pastoral Care. Please call her Cell: 647-835-1345 UPCOMING FOR EDEN February 17th: Shrove (Pancake) Tuesday at 6:00pm ($6.00 per person, children under 2 free) February 18th: Ash Wednesday at 7:00pm During Lent there will be a series of discussions and the theme will be on “CALL”. Ponder where God is calling you to be during this Lenten time. FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT The Youth group would like to invite families (especially those with children) to join us on Friday, February 20th. Join us for snacks and a movie starting at 8:00 pm. Please R.S.V.P. to [email protected] or speak to Terri Hill after church. OBSERVER MAGAZINE Observer Magazine Renewal Time! New subscriptions welcome! Only $20 including taxes annually. Please see Barb Jones 905-824-4028 by March 8th deadline. WELCOME TO EDEN Wherever you are on your faith journey, we hope you feel welcome here. During coffee hour, feel free to choose a BLUE MUG: It helps us know that you are visiting, so we can say “Hello”. EDEN UNITED CHURCH Office Hours ~ Monday to Thursday ~ 9:00 am to 5:00 pm & Friday 9:00am to 12 noon Minister: Rev. Eleanor Scarlett ~ 905-824-5578. Music Director: Richard Cunningham ~ Organist: Catherine Ambrose. THE RETRO RAMBLERS - SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 AT 7:00 PM - RIGHT HERE AT EDEN Be sure to join us to sing along…and dance along…with this great group singing songs from the “old days” but with a taste for the contemporary. This fun loving quartet sings great 4 part harmony…some barbershop, some “doo wop”, something for everyone! Tickets: $20.00 ($18.00 for 65+) will be sold after worship, in the office and, if there are any left, at the door. Wine, beer and pop/water will be available. So gather your music-loving friends, dig out your dancing shoes and buy your tickets early! UNITED CHURCH WOMEN - FEBRUARY MEETINGS UCW is a group of women who meet for Christian fellowship, fun and service. Each of the 3 groups meet monthly. Visitors and new members are always welcome! For further information contact Brenda Halley at 905-824-2714. The Primrose unit will meet on Tuesday, February 10 at 1:30pm at the church for tea and conversation. For more information contact Thelma Haydock at 905-848-6743. The Nightingales unit will meet on Wednesday, February 11 at 7:00pm at Sheena MacLean’s home to put together gift bags for an outreach program. This will be followed by a movie. For more information contact Kerry Withey at 905-824-0911. The Forget Me Nots unit will meet Wednesday, February 18 at 7:00pm for the Ash Wednesday service followed by a visit with Eleanor. For more information contact Elizabeth Singer at 905-821-0808 or Diana Funk at 905-824-1508. Next UCW Executive Meeting: Wednesday, February 25 at Amy Hill’s home. MISSISSAUGA POPS BAND LIVE AT EDEN! The Mississauga Pops band will be preforming in concert “Playing Games” on Sunday, March 1st, 2015 at 3:00pm. Tickets: $10.00, $5.00 for child/student, $20.00 for family (max 2 adults). Tickets from a band member or at the door (cash only) For more information and details contact or email [email protected] or leave a message at 416-769-2382. YOUR TRANSITION TEAM We are journeying together in a time of transition. To help us understand where we are individually and collectively here at Eden, please respond to the following question? What do you feel God is calling you to do? (Rev. Eleanor Scarlett, Amy Hill, Kim Fletcher, Brenda Halley, Stephen Hurley, Robert Leschied, Helen McKay, and Dan Thoms). FREE PIANO AVAILABLE My family is interested in donating, for free a Nordheimer Upright Piano to Eden United church, congregation member or friend interested in taking the piano from my home. Canadian made Upright Nordheimer Piano and bench Serial # 19244, valued between $800 and $1000 – Contact Karen Salinas at 905-858 8117 or [email protected] EDEN CARES ABOUT OUR EDEN COMMUNITY! Do you know someone who has a reason to celebrate – birthday, anniversary, graduation? Or maybe you know someone who could use some encouragement, or some prayers. Is someone you know in the hospital, or feeling down? Could you or someone else use a friendly visit? Please send any Pastoral Care Information or Concerns to [email protected] K-E-E-P-I-N-G C-O-N-N-E-C-T-E-D ! To receive announcements by email or to post announcements use this email: [email protected] Announcements will be posted on the web. If you do not want your email and phone publicized, indicate so. Please send your announcements to the office by Tuesday noon. Thank you. Feb 15, 2015
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