THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF BUNDABERG When we gather for the Eucharist, we gather to celebrate the reality of God’s love for us, the nearness of God’s kingdom. Let us give thanks for the salvation that the Lord offers. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - Hours of Sunday, Te Deum - Psalter Week 1 - 8th February 2015 Holy Rosary Church Corner Barolin & Woongarra Streets Bundaberg CBD St Patrick’s Church 16 Powers Street Bundaberg West St Mary’s Church Corner Barolin & Boston Streets Bundaberg South “HOLY ALTAR” Sacred Songs of Praise Lyrics & Music written by Jaimon Kuzhikkattu (Bundaberg). CDs $10 each (Part Sales given to Parish). On Sale in the Holy Rosary Holy Goods Store and at the Christian Gift & Bookstore. PATHWAYS OF ST PAUL Join parishioners from Holy Innocents’ on a 20 day Pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey, departing Monday 20th April 2015. Walk in the footsteps of St. Paul, visit the places where he lived, worked and was imprisoned. Also visit island of Patmos, where book of Revelation, Basilica of St tomb of "The Divine" Apostle and where it is said Mary spent the later St John wrote the John built over the the "House of Mary" years of her life. For Itinerary Brochure and Booking Form please contact Fr. Peter Krigovsky, [email protected], 02 97474291, or download from -events/parish-pilgrimage. WORLD NEWS Pope Francis proclaimed 2015 A YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE, starting on the First Sunday of Advent, November 29, 2014, and ending on February 2, 2016, the World Day of Consecrated Life. The goals will include reflecting on the unique role religious men and women have in the Church, everything from their charisms to their challenges Pope Francis’ Daily Homily - National Catholic Reporter - National Jesuits News - UCAN - St James’ Church 38 See Street Bargara Parish Office & Christian Gift & Bookstore Rossolini Place Level 1 / 66 Woongarra Street PO Box 79 Bundaberg Qld 4670 Parish Office Hours 8:30am - 3:30pm Monday to Friday Telephone (07) 4151 6666 Facsimile (07) 4153 3102 Email [email protected] Website The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg Pastoral Team Fr John Daly - Parish Priest Fr John Fitz-Herbert - Parish Priest Assistant Fr Andrew Hogan - Associate Pastor Anne Sheehan - Liturgy, Sacramental, RCIA Co-ordinator Joe McCorley - Team Member Nadia Fregonese - Stewardship & Adult Faith Co-ordinator Denise Tuzes - Visitation & Funeral Co-ordinator Diana Pippia - Office Manager Kaye Andersen - Receptionist Mass Times (07) 4151 6666 (Afterhours) Centacare 1300 523 985 St Vincent de Paul (07) 4151 5455 Towards Healing Helpline 1800 337 928 Complaints Management 1800 830 113 St Joseph’s School - (07) 4151 4771 Principal - Kaye Beston St Mary’s School - (07) 4152 2167 Principal - Madonna Davitt St Patrick’s School - (07) 4152 1380 Principal - Mark Fox Shalom College - (07) 4155 8111 Principal - Dan McMahon FOCUS by Joe McCorley WHAT DO I OWN? WHAT OWNS ME? As I was wheeled into the surgical room it suddenly dawned on me, ‘You know, when you are in that surgical room, it doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter one darn bit what you own. What matters at that moment is a competent surgical staff and a good and gracious God’. But after that particular moment, that experience of my life from which I came out very, very fortunate, it prompted me to ask the question, “What do I own and what owns me?” Having had the same experience, along with many others in our community, I join with the Irish-American Bishop, Thomas Murphy, in asking the same question, ‘What do I own and what owns me?” I used to think I owned many things - a house, car, career, family, race horse and many talents, skills and abilities. However when one faces death threatening cancer, one realises “I own nothing!” Everything in my life is a GIFT! All are material and spiritual gifts from an ever-loving and generous God. Indeed, our lives are gifts, our time on earth is a gift, to be lived, cherished, and shared with others. What owns me? What am I possessed by? Perhaps this is more difficult to answer. It is easy to spell out addictions, such as drugs, smoking, alcohol, or gambling. But many other things can also take control of our lives. Is it money, or TV, or shopping, or iPhones, or possessions, or sport, or my job, or religion, or ‘ What people think of me?’ All of these may be essential and good in moderation, but when they begin to control our lives, our freedom, as followers of Christ in the service of others, becomes limited. This critical question of Stewardship as a Way of Life in our parish invites reflection: “What do I own and what owns me?”. LITURGY SPOT PROCESSION OF GIFTS: “Even though the faithful no longer bring from their own possessions the bread and wine intended for the liturgy as was once the case, nevertheless the rite of carrying up the offerings still keeps its spiritual efficacy and significance. Even money or other gifts for the poor or for the Church, brought by the faithful or collected in the church, are acceptable.” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal 73) STEWARDSHIP This week we say thank you to the Australian Catholic Women’s League, Bundaberg Branch, for their commitment and dedication towards social justice and ethical issues within our parish, community and the diocese. Like St. Paul in the second reading, the good steward can say, “I do all that I do for the sake of the Gospel in hope of sharing in its blessings”. JUSTICE & SUSTAINABILITY Living Justly. Living Sustainably Today February 8 is the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking. We remember the roughly 21 million people in our world who have no voice, do not count, and are no one: they are simply slaves. Francis reminds us “Trafficking in persons is a crime against humanity” (December 12, 2103). Pope LITURGY TIMETABLE th SATURDAY, 7 FEBRUARY 2015 Sunday Readings as per back page. 7:30am St Mary’s MASS followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. 6:00pm St Patrick’s Sunday MASS. SUNDAY, 8th FEBRUARY 2015 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday Readings as per back page. 7:00am St James’ MASS; 8:00am Holy Rosary MASS; 9:00am St Mary’s MASS; 11:00am Kepnock MASS - CANCELLED; 5:30pm Holy Rosary MASS. MONDAY, 9th FEBRUARY 2015 Genesis 1:1-19; Mark 6:53-56. 9:00am St Patrick’s MASS; 2:00pm Fairways ANOINTINGS. TUESDAY, 10th FEBRUARY 2015 Genesis 1:20-24; Mark 7:1-13. 9:00am St James’ LWC followed by Exposition of Blessed Sacrament until 10:30am; 12:15pm Holy Rosary MASS. WEDNESDAY, 11th FEBRUARY 2015 World Day of Prayer for the Sick Genesis 2:4-9, 15-17; Mark 7:14-23. 9:00am Millbank ANOINTING MASS; 5:30pm St Patrick’s MASS. THURSDAY, 12th FEBRUARY 2015 Genesis 2:18-25; Mark 7:24-30. 6:30am St Mary’s MASS; 12:15pm Holy Rosary MASS. FRIDAY, 13th FEBRUARY 2015 Genesis 3:1-8; Mark 7:31-37 9:00am Holy Rosary SCHOOL MASS (ST. JOSEPH’S); 12:15pm Holy Rosary MASS; 3:00pm Pioneer South ANOINTING MASS; 5:30pm Novakoski Centre LENTEN RETREAT. SATURDAY, 14th FEBRUARY 2015 Genesis 3:9-24; Mark 8:1-10 7:30am St Mary’s LWC followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. 6:00pm St Patrick’s Sunday MASS. SUNDAY, 15th FEBRUARY 2015 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46; 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1; Mark 1:40-45. WEDDINGS Weddings are by appointment. Please note that we require at least six months notice for marriages. Preparation also required. BAPTISMS This week we welcome Harrison BARKER into the Body of Christ through the sacrament of Baptism. RECENTLY DECEASED John CLEARY (Canberra); Arthur BRASCH; June EDWARDS; Guido De BONI (Brisbane); Carmel RODEN; Margaret BLOOMER (Rockhampton); Dorothy SPENCER (Rockhampton); John Natale NATTA (Sydney); Parker RIVERA (USA); Concetta BARONE; Geoff MURRAY (Wangaratta); Jeffrey BAART; Neil JOSEPH (Melbourne); Graham CAESAR; Carmel PATTERSON (Tara); Enea GIANNANGELO; Patricia CHAPMAN. “On this mountain, the Lord of hosts will prepare for all peoples, a banquet of rich food.” Isaiah 25:6 PRAYER GROUPS The ECUMENICAL ORDER OF SAINT FRANCIS ~ Sunday, 15th February 2015 at 10:30am in Room 2 at the St Mary’s Catholic Community Centre. DIVINE MERCY HOUR with EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ~ Sunday, 15th February 2015, 4:00pm - 5:00pm in St Mary’s Church. MEDJUGORJE AFTERNOON in the form of ROSARY with EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ~ Sunday, 15th February 2015, 4:00pm - 5:00pm in St Mary’s Church. MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK BUNDABERG CATHOLIC PLAYGROUP ~ Every Tuesday, 9:30am - 11:00am in St Patrick’s Hall. For more information contact Kathy Harden on 4155 3833 or 0429 625 730. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION ~ Monday, 7:30pm - 8:30pm, 6 San Vito Court, Bundaberg. Contact Ian Tolley on 4152 8262; VISITATION MINISTRY MEETING ~ Friday, 13th February 2015 at 10:30am in the Parish Office. Tuesday, 10:00am - 10:30am & Friday, IN THIS PARISH 11:30am - 12noon. Held in the Chapel in the Parish Office. Beginners are invited to join the regular meditators in this “prayer of the heart.” Contact Joe McCorley - 0418 727 845 or Nadia Fregonese - 4151 6666 or just turn up! ROSARY TIMES ~ Tuesday’s & Thursday’s at 5:25pm in the Holy Rosary Church; Wednesday’s at 5:00pm in St Patrick’s Church and Thursday’s at 6:00am in St Mary’s Church. MOTHER’S PRAYER GROUP ~ Tuesday, 13th February 2015, 11:00am - 12:00noon in the St Mary’s Catholic Community Centre, Room 2. 7:00am St James’ MASS; 8:00am Holy Rosary MASS; 9:00am St Mary’s MASS; 5:30pm Holy Rosary MASS. SUNDAY SCRIPTURE DISCUSSION GROUP ~ Every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Parish Office. All welcome. RECONCILIATION Saturday 11:00am - 12 noon at Holy Rosary Church, or by appointment. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ~ Friday, 13th February 2015 from 9:00am - 12noon in BAPTISMS In the Bundaberg Region one month’s notice is required for all baptisms. All couples are asked to participate in one preparation session. Please contact Parish Office. EL SHADDAI CHARISMATIC PRAYE R G ROUP ~ Saturday, 14th February 2015, 1:00pm - 4:00pm in the Novakoski Centre. For more information contact Fely Hunter 4155 3953 / 0488 594 839; Lee Pendleton 4159 3938 / 0423 480 744; Melba Allen 0432 540 348. St Patrick’s Church. THE WORD AMONG US ~ The Lent Edition of the ‘Word Among Us’ can now be collected from the Parish Office. Fr Peter Greene is now residing in Rockhampton surrounded by Family. He sends his love and wishes to thank the people of Bundaberg for their kindness and prayers. ~ Thank You ~ We thank Fr Peter for the many years of service as a Priest in Bundaberg. The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg Finance Total Pledges .................. 597 Amount Pledged ..... $8 703.70 Total Given ............ $7 971.20 The Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton abides strictly with the principles and procedures of Towards Healing. The Diocese is committed to healing for victims by providing a sensitive and compassionate response to complaints. Contact the Response Coordinator Melissa Davey Ph: 1800 830 113 or email: [email protected]. SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMS Primary Students: Reconciliation - (Parents Only Session) Sunday, 8th February 2015 at 10:30am or Wednesday, 11th February 2015 at 7:00pm in the Parish Office. Secondary Students: Eucharist - Sunday, 15th February 2015 at 4:15pm in the Parish Office. ATTENTION: ALL NEW PARISHIONERS A ‘Wine & Cheese Welcome Evening’ is being held on Thursday, 26th February 2015 at 5:30pm in the Parish Office. New Parishioners are encouraged to contact the Parish Office for more details. BUNDABERG PASSIONIST FAMILY GROUP MOVEMENT Family, Friends and Carers are invited to a light luncheon to celebrate a belated Disability Awareness Week, on Sunday, 22nd February 2015 at 12:30pm in the Novakoski Centre (behind the Holy Rosary Church). BYO Salad or Dessert and Own Drinks. Chicken, Finger Food, Tea & Coffee and Cordial will be provided. RSVP to Geraldine - 0413 671 641 or Helen - 0401 243 484 by Thursday, 19th February 2015. DATE CLAIMER Lenten Twilight Retreat, preparing for Lent & Easter — Friday, 13th February 2015 at 5:30pm in the Novakoski Centre. RSVP to the Parish Office by Tuesday, 10th February 2015. Rich in Mercy Come and join a Weekly Lenten Discussion Group: You are invited to join our Lenten Discussion Groups. The theme of our Lenten Programme for 2015 is ‘Rich in Mercy’. Consisting of a six-week journey, each group will focus on prayer, scripture and personal reflections, discussion and living in mercy. AVAILABLE GROUPS: Monday ............ 11am, Parish Office; Wednesday ...... 2pm, St James’ Church Bargara; ......................... 4.15pm, St Patrick’s Hall; ......................... 7pm, 105 Walker Street; Thursday .......... 7pm, 77 Woods Road, Sharon; Friday ............... 9am, Parish Office; Saturday........... 2pm, 11 McCarthy Street; Sunday ............. 4.15pm, Novakoski Centre. If you wish to join please write your name and indicate the group on a provided list at every church or contact the parish office on 4151 6666 or email [email protected] Daily Lenten Reflections Books available at churches and parish office: Little Black Books $3 each Little Purple Books (for children) $3 each There will be a Combined Churches Service at the Moncrieff Theatre at 6.30pm on Sunday, 15th February 2015. The speaker will be Phil Smith, the Campus Minister of Unity College Caloundra, the Community Pastor at Bells Reach & an ABC radio broadcaster. This service, which is organised by the Bundaberg Ministers Association, will be an opportunity for churchgoers to join together to celebrate our oneness in Christ. The focus of the service will be on Scripture Union and the offering taken on the night will go towards the support of the chaplains in our local schools. Plan to go along to share in worship and fellowship with some of the other churchgoers in our district and to support school chaplaincy! WORLD DAY OF PRAYER (INTER-DENOMINATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL & INTER-RACIAL) World Wide Theme “Do you know what I have done to you?” Everyone is invited to unite in this World Wide Day of Fellowship, Prayer & Worship to be held at 9:30am on Friday, 6th March 2015 at: Church of Christ 56 Twyford Street Bundaberg Qld 4670 Contact: June Fischer Ph: 4152 2081 St James Catholic Church 38 See Street Bargara Qld 4670 Contact: Marg Lloyd-Jones Ph: 4159 2066 ~Please Wear Bright Colours~ Cherish Life Queensland - Bundaberg Branch supported by the Bundaberg Branches of the “Knights of the Southern Cross” and “men ALIVE” present an evening dinner with Guest Speaker Bobby Schindler. “ A Life That Matters ” (The legacy of Terri Schiavo - A lesson for us all) When: Venue: Time: Sunday, 17th May 2015 RSL Club (Quay St, Bundaberg) Doors Open 6:00pm / Dinner - 7:00pm Tickets are $30.00 each & can be purchased from the Catholic Parish Office (Ph: 4151 6666); Barry Kirby (Ph: 0419 745 242) or Kevin Gould (Ph: 4153 1287). Thank you to all those who attended June’s Requiem Mass, offered prayers, sent Cards, Mass Cards, Phone Calls & other Acts of Kindness on the passing of June. Special thanks to Denise Tuzes & Fr Andrew. Len Edwards
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