4th February, 2015 PRINCIPAL’S NEWS Dear Parents/Guardians, Staff, Students and Friends of St. Thomas’ A warm welcome back to our staff, students and families for this 2015 school year. A special word of welcome to all those who are new to St Thomas’, as students, as staff or as families. We also welcome Helen Brittain as APRE whilst Liz Jones is on long service. Helen returns for a short stint with us. She was APRE at St Thomas’ School from 1990 – 1997 and will be a familiar to both staff and some families. Many thanks Helen, we hope you enjoy your stay with us. I am thrilled to be part of the excitement of a new year at St Thomas’. I believe that we have a strong team of teaching staff, support staff and administration officers who will work closely with you and your child this year. St Thomas’ is a great school and a strong family based community. I encourage you to get involved in the events of the school and thus become comfortable with others in our community and then quickly feel a part of this special place. The children have all settled well into their new classes and the general consensus is that it’s good to be back. Our number one priority for 2015 continues to be that St Thomas’ is a supportive and inclusive Catholic community of faith and education where all are welcomed and valued. All families are encouraged to join in celebrating the new school year at this Sunday’s Summer Sizzle welcome event. th Our mass to mark the start of this 2015 school year will be held on Friday, 13 February at 9:00am. Coming together as a community to pray makes us stronger. Monday morning saw our first school prayer assembly for 2015 – most ably led by our new 2015 student leaders. Sr th Carmela Zammit spoke to us on the occasion of the 158 anniversary of Foundation Day of the Good Samaritan nd Sisters. Five women came together on 2 February 1857 to found the first Australian congregation of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict. As St Thomas’ School was commenced by the Sisters of the Good Samaritans, Monday was a significant day in our school’s history. We offer our thanks to the many “Good Sams” who have been part of the life of St Thomas’. th Parent/Teacher Night for 2015 will take place on Wednesday, 11 February. All parents/guardians are encouraged to participate in this wonderful opportunity to meet your child’s/children’s teacher/s and gain a glimpse into the year ahead for your child’s class, learn more about class and teacher expectations, routines and the developmental learning experiences they have planned. Starting times will be staggered as follows to allow for families with a number of children to attend each meeting or part thereof. The meetings will be held in the classrooms. 6pm – Prep and Year 1 6:30pm – Years 2 and 3 7pm – Years 4 and 5 7:30pm – Year 5/6, Year 6 The evening is of a general nature and so discussions about individual children will not be possible but please feel free to contact the school office to organise an interview time with your child’s teacher to discuss any concerns or queries that you may have. The focus for the evening is interaction and information sharing between parents/caregivers and staff and therefore it is anticipated that children will not be in attendance during the various class meetings. Please try to avoid bringing children on the night, but, if alternative arrangements can’t be made, please don’t let it prevent you from attending. We hope all families will be represented on the night. School Board Our St Thomas’ Pastoral School Board meets approximately once each month during the school year. Catholic School Boards are not management boards but act in a manner which is at one with the Catholic belief that the Holy Spirit lives in the Christian community and that all members have wisdom to contribute – a shared wisdom model. The Board offers insights and advice to the Principal on matters of school policy and “big picture” matters affecting the school’s present life and its future. If you are interested in finding out about being on our St Thomas’ School Board in 2015/2016, please contact the school office expressing your interest. The commencement of a new year is always busy for all families, especially when organising children to return to school. Thank you for your efforts in organising your children for school and having them presented so neatly. I look forward to witnessing a high standard of uniform and presentation of all students throughout the year. Following is a reminder of the Uniform Policy and in particular the white shoe requirement for sports, including white laces. Sports Uniform Policy - Shoes Predominantly white jogger (no high tops, stripes, etc.) As mentioned in our first day note last week, staff are on duty from 8:15am until 3:15pm each school day to provide care and to supervise our children. Due to the legal requirements of all schools, and to contribute towards their safety, no child should be on the school premises before or after these times except for supervised, organised programs such as tennis, special school projects, music lessons, etc. The Outside School Hours Care facility is available for those families who require earlier or later attendance on site. Children who are not collected by 3:15pm will be brought into the school office to wait. Please note that the school office closes at 3:30pm. We look forward to the year ahead together. There are a lot of ways you can support your child’s learning, but you can’t go wrong if you take a real interest in what your children are involved in at school and be an active, risk-taking learner yourself. And in the words of Pope Francis – find new ways to spread the word of God to every corner of your world. God’s blessings, Lorraine Walker Update on Student Protection at St Thomas’ School Your children and their safety and wellbeing are our priority. St Thomas’ School is committed to the protection of all our students from harm and abuse. There have been some recent changes to legislation in relation to reporting of student protection matters by schools. Reporting of Concerns – At St Thomas’ School any concerns or reasonable suspicions we have about a student’s safety and wellbeing or the behaviour of a staff member or volunteer which a student considers to be inappropriate, will continue to be managed in accordance with Brisbane Catholic Education Student Protection Processes. All our staff recently undertook training on their reporting responsibilities. A link to the Brisbane Catholic Education Student Protection Processes can be found on our school website or they can be accessed on Brisbane Catholic Education’s public website www.bne.catholic.edu.au Under the ‘Students and Parents’ tab select ‘Student Protection’ from the drop down menu and click on the relevant button. Complaints Procedure - Brisbane Catholic Education has published a Complaints Procedure for Non-Compliance with BCE Student Protection Processes. A link to the Complaints Procedure can be found on our school website. Parents or students may make a complaint via the Record of Complaint about Non-compliance with Brisbane Catholic Education Student Protection Processes which can be accessed on Brisbane Catholic Education’s public website www.bne.catholic.edu.au Under the ‘Students and Parents’ tab select ‘Student Protection’ from the drop down menu and click on the relevant button. We take all complaints very seriously and will handle them in accordance with the Complaints Procedure for NonCompliance with BCE Student Protection Processes. Should you require information or assistance regarding the procedures you may contact the school or the Brisbane Catholic Education Student Protection Team on 3033 7409. APRE NEWS Greetings from the APRE‘s office. Mrs. Jones is enjoying the last couple of weeks of the Long Service Leave that she th added to her Christmas break, and I am filling in for her until February 13 . My name is Helen Brittain. Welcome back to another school year and all the excitement and challenges that lie ahead for 2015. On Monday morning we celebrated our first whole-school Prayer Liturgy, brilliantly led by a small group of students from Year Six. We listened to the parable of the seeds that fell in good soil and were able to thrive because the conditions were “right” for them. How important are the family and school environments we provide for our children, as they struggle to find themselves and make their way in life! What an awesome task it is to be a parent and / or a teacher!!! On Tuesday and Thursday this week, all class teachers will use their non-contact release time for the planning of their Religious Education Classroom Programs. They will be assisted in this by RE Consultant Anne Victor, from the Brisbane Catholic Education Office, and me. On Wednesday our Year Six students will enjoy a special day of Leadership training th with a group of young men and women from the team “Project Hatch” and next Friday (February 13 ) they will be officially commissioned as St Thomas’ School Leaders for 2015, by Father Peter, during the parish Mass at 9am. You 2|Page are most welcome to celebrate with us as we gather to share Eucharist and pray for all those who form the wider community of St Thomas’ school and parish. th Another important event this coming week is Sunday’s Welcome Picnic (February 8 ) so we are off to a busy and exciting start! I wish you a wonderful 2015. As the year unfolds, may you enjoy many blessings; lots of joy in watching your children learn and grow; the love and support of good friends, and deep love and peace within your families. Helen Brittain (APRE) th th Annual Little Kings Movement Collection – 14 and 15 February Next weekend, 14th and 15th February 2015, the annual collection for the Little King Movement for the Disabled will take place after Mass. Little Kings provides spiritual, social and cultural assistance for people with disabilities and their families and depends entirely on donations – no Government subsidies are received and no fees are charged. All workers in the Movement are unpaid volunteers. St Thomas’ parish and school has loyally supported this Movement for over 30 years and we are again asking you to dig deep for this most worthy cause. Please support the collection after Masses next weekend of if you would like more information or to make a direct donation, please contact Paul and Kay Bertini 3398 2963 or 0417 104 460. Thank you. Paul Bertini DATES TO REMEMBER February 8 9 11 13 17 18 18 Summer Sizzle First P&F Meeting 2015 at 7pm in staff room Parent Night (in classrooms) Opening Mass 9:00am Swimming Carnival Years 3-6 Ash Wednesday Assembly commencing 2:15pm to farewell Mrs Stewart as she retires – everyone is welcome. 18, 19, 20 Year 6 Leadership Camp 23 Prep 2016 enrolments open March 25 School Photos P&F NEWS On behalf of the P&F, I wish all new and returning families a very warm welcome to the 2015 school year. I trust you have had a happy and restful Christmas break and are ready to tackle the challenges of 2015. The Committee A few new faces in the P & F Committee this year, but plenty of old hands still on board to help with the learning curve and share the workload. President Rich Armitage Vice President Allannah Traill Secretary Lisa Moroney Assistant Secretary Amanda Hawes Treasurer Jo Lindsay Assistant Treasurer Tracy Cox Events Loretta Jordan-Vieira Communications Caitie Duncan Communications Kirsty Catalano Sponsorship Monica Phillips Keep an eye on the P&F noticeboard for updated profiles of the P&F committee members. P&F Meeting The first meeting will be held on Monday 9th February at 7pm in the staff room. Everyone is welcome. Come and see what is happening at our school this year, have some input and meet some new people. If you have any questions about the P&F, please contact me (0414 676 685) or the Vice-President, Allannah (0416 263 640), and we will endeavour to answer them for you. We can also be contacted through the email account [email protected] See you at the Summer Sizzle! Rich Armitage, P&F President 2015 Summer Sizzle Sunday, 8 February from 2-5pm There will be Rotary BBQ, soft drinks, bar, snow cones, fairy floss, inflatable obstacle course (for all ages), magic and more! Please bring your picnic blanket, come and sit under the shady marquee, welcome the new families and catch up with old friends. Rides bracelets will be available to pre-purchase each morning this week ($5 unlimited rides). Please look for Loretta near the Memorial Statue to avoid queues on the day. They will also be sold on Sunday. Help on bar and soft drinks is always needed and greatly appreciated so please email Loretta Jordan at [email protected] if you can assist. Big thanks to our convenors Camilla Taylor and Matt and Leona Pearson who are again generously donating their time and efforts and also to Mel and Arj Rupesinghe who always very generously donate the wine. Thanks also to Donna Leahy. An advance thank you also goes out to all those who have offered to help on the day. We hope to see you there for something new but hopefully even more fun! P&F Committee 2015 3|Page Tennis Courts The P&F are changing the process for giving school families access to the school tennis courts. This is currently being finalised and as a result the tennis courts will not be available for the next week or so. We apologise for any inconvenience and will be in touch with more information shortly. Thank you for your support. School Banking Day is Monday Attention all students, school banking will resume this term and our banking day will remain on a Monday so please start bringing in your deposits. New families will receive an information pack in the coming weeks or alternatively visit your local branch to organise your Dollarmites account and you will be set to save with us at school. Watch out for new prizes in 2015, including a chance to win a family holiday to Disneyland! In 2015 we will no longer be awarding tokens, but will be keeping stars and track progress online. Happy Banking. Lauren Dowling - School Banking Coordinator 2015 TUCKSHOP NEWS Tuckshop Roster for Thursday, 5th February Richard Armitage, Tracy Cox/Hayley Vandemere Home Bake Roster for Thursday, 5th February Donna Ficca, Michelle Clive, Mirella Santos Tuckshop Roster for Monday, 9th February Anna Wright, Allison Gamer, Kristy Presley Home Bake Roster for Monday, 9th February Jaquel Thavenot, Karen Horvath, Siobhan Bierne, Lisa Beer, Liesl Burman PREP 2016 Applications for enrolment for Prep 2016 will open on Monday, 23rd February, 2015 and close on Wednesday, 1st April, 2015. Application for Enrolment forms will be available online at that time via www.stthomascamphill.qld.edu.au LIBRARY NEWS Welcome back to the St Thomas’ Library for 2015! We hope that you had a restful break and were able to catch up on some reading over the holidays. This week signals the beginning of library borrowing and library lessons for the year. We hope that this ignites for your family, the opportunity to enjoy some quality time exploring the wonderful literacy resources that the St Thomas’ Library has to offer. As the library borrowing routine kicks off for 2015, we ask that all students remember to bring a library bag for borrowing. This assists with keeping our resources well protected for the future use of others. We’d also appreciate you making a note of your child/s library borrowing day/s when this information becomes available, so that together students and parents can work toward returning library resources in a timely manner. We are hoping to implement a reward system for those students who develop the ability to independently return books on time. This is the building block of a great life skill! We have many other exciting plans for our library in 2015, so keep an eye on the Thomatalk for more information! In the meantime, you may be interested in this article which suggest over 40 great reads for boys aged 8 – 16. We have many of these books in our library. Happy Reading! Mrs Irwin, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Henricks UNIFORM SHOP NEWS House Shirts Coloured house shirts are now available from the Uniform Shop for the Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival on th Tuesday, 17 February. Shirts are $15 each. Shop hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:15am – 8:45am. Paula Lisignoli, Uniform Shop Convenor SPORT NEWS Live your life today! WELCOME back to another exciting year where our children will meet many challenges in the physical world, and we hope to equip them with means of succeeding in the area of physical development. I hope that you have all had a very happy and restful holiday and are now ready to enjoy the values and benefits of physical activity. Many of our children have been very active in their chosen sports over the holidays. It is great to see the excitement of the students in the beginning of each year. We have many events planned throughout the year to keep our students active and healthy. 4|Page Swimming Carnival Our inter-house swimming carnival will be held on th Tuesday, February 17 at Morningside State School pool. Letters with details have been sent home to all Year 3 to 6 students. This year all students in Year 3 will attend and compete at the carnival. It is expected that all students compete in at least 2 events. There are a number of students who are capable swimmers and we encourage them to swim in as many events as they wish .Students are able to swim in only one distance per stroke ie. either 25 metres or 50 metres NOT both. Those students who choose to swim in 50 metre events are also able to swim in the 100 metre races of freestyle and medley individual race. Students who are not confident swimmers will be assisted either in the pool or from the pool deck. If you are concerned for your child’s ability to compete please let Mrs McAfee know via the class teacher. Students may choose to swim all four strokes and are able to mix their distances if they are not confident in one or more of the strokes. Students must swim in their age group level according to their age at the end of the year. Students turning 10 this year will compete against each other. Those turning 8 and 9 will compete in the same age group. There will be separate age group races for 11 years and 12 years. The inter-school Zone 2 team to compete in the Catholic schools carnival will be chosen from this carnival. This carnival will be held at Chandler Sporting th complex on Thursday, March 19 . Parents are very welcome to come and cheer on our swimmers. We are in need of a number of parents to assist with various jobs on the carnival day. Please return the volunteer form as soon as possible to allow for organisation of the carnival. Swimming District Trials Trials for Lytton District will be held on Thursday, th February 12 at Moreton Bay College. Nominations are th due this Friday, February 5 . If your child is a good swimmer who competes in club swimming and is interested in swimming in these trials, please send in the events that you would like to nominate for. I will send out the relevant paperwork for the trials to each student who brings in his/her nominated events. Please be aware that these trials are not come and try events. They are for selection for the Lytton district team to attend the Met East trials and possibly, Queensland titles. We have had a number of swimmers who have represented Lytton and Met East at the swimming trials. District Sport Trials During Term 1 and 2 there will be a number of sporting trials for Lytton District sports region. A calendar for these sporting events will be sent in the next week to allow parents to plan for these trials. They are open to students who are turning 10 years and older this year. All correspondence with the Lytton district sports must be through the school. I will notify students and parents when the trials are to be held. Parents will be responsible for transporting the students to and from, and supervising your child during these trials. Parents will also need to present some relevant paperwork at these trials. These forms are to be collected from the school. District Trials for Lytton district will be held for various sports throughout this term and term 2. A calendar of trials will be given to all Year 4, 5,and 6 students to allow for future planning. These trials are for students who are playing particular sports at a high club level. These trials lead into representing Lytton district for the particular sport, with opportunities for being selected into the Met East team and possibly into the Queensland team for a chance to compete at national titles. We have had a number of students gain selection onto representative teams over the years. Students who are 10 years and up are able to trial for selected sports. All nominations for these trials must be sent through the school office. I will notify students of upcoming trials through the school newsletter. th Gala Day – Thursday, March 26 This is a day of fun, fitness and friendship where all Year 4,5 and 6 students choose a sport to play and spend the day playing against other schools at various sporting venues. It is an exciting and exhausting day enjoyed by all of our students. For this day to run smoothly, we would like to have a number of parents to assist with managing teams. More information will be sent out as the date gets closer. Janet McAfee, HPE Teacher SCHOOL PHOTOS The School Photos will be taken on Wednesday 25 March 2015. th Envelopes for ordering individual and family photos will be distributed in the coming weeks. Next weeks’ newsletter will contain more specific details. Nicole Webb – School Photography Co-ordinator SPEECH AND DRAMA PRIVATE LESSONS Speech and Drama Private Lessons are held on Thursdays at School. If you child loves experimenting with language, enjoys ‘playing with words’, mime, movement and ‘acting out ‘ different scenarios, these classes could be for your child. Or… maybe they just need to grow in confidence in a small group setting. Communication is the key to life. Classes are open to students in Years 2 to Year 6. Any enquiries please email Helen Galea [email protected] or call on 3398 2750. The Wynnum Eisteddfod is held in May for students wanting to compete. Forms with more information are available from the office. Helen Galea 5|Page CHESS NEWS During the school holidays, two of our St Thomas’ students played in the Australian Junior Chess Championship in Canberra (17/01/2015 – 25/01/2015). Dashiell and Arden have worked hard this year and their achievements are: Silver Medal - Australian Junior Problem Solving Chess Championship (U10) - Dashiell. Silver Medal - Australian Junior Problem Solving Chess Championship (U8) - Arden. Congratulations to Dashiell and Arden! Oleg Korenevski, Gardiner Chess Coach PARISH NEWS Sacraments of Initiation 2015 A reminder that the program for the 2015 Sacraments of Initiation will begin in March. If your child will be in Year 3 or above in 2015 and you wish them to receive these Sacraments, please contact the Parish Office as soon as possible for a registration form. Phone 3398 1154 or email [email protected]. The form can also be downloaded from our website – catholicsonthehill.org.au. and their children aged 0 to 5 years. If you have any questions, please call Susanne Smyth 0418 151 454. ~ NAB AFL Auskick is running at your local footy club now! Where: Coorparoo JAFC th When: First session and sign on Sunday 15 February Time: 9:00-10:00am Length of program: 6 weeks* Cost: $70 When you participate in Auskick you also receive your very own football, draw string bag and much more! For more information call 3394 2198 ~ Bulimba Cricket Club Milo in2Cricket & T20 blast programs Friday nights 6/2/2015 – 27/3/2015 Bulimba cricket ground, Lytton Rd Morningside In2Cricket: 5.30pm – 6.30pm. Cost is $95. Suitable for ages 5-7 5.00pm – 6.30pm. Cost is $99. Suitable for ages 8-12. Visit www.bulimbacricket.com.au for registration details. T20BLAST: Enquiries to Chris Netto 0408 157 919 or [email protected] ~ CONTACT INFORMATION COMMUNITY NOTICES St Thomas’ Playgroup Everyone is welcome to attend St Thomas’ Playgroup which started back this week. We meet each Monday in the church hall from 9am – 11am. Please come along and enjoy a fun and relaxed morning with parents Fax: 07 3398 6046 10 Stephen Street, Camp Hill Q 4152 Office Hours: 8:15am to 3:30pm Email: [email protected] Phone: 07 3398 6633 Absentee Line: 07 3398 7531 6|Page STAFF 2015 Teacher Prep Blue Teacher Prep White Teacher 1 Blue Teacher 1 White Teacher 2 Blue Teacher 5/6 White Mrs Cathy Manteufel Mrs Natalie Bergin Miss Jane Glynn Miss Jenny Little Mrs Jak Baer Mrs Tish Lee Mrs Liz Anderson Ms Helen Clarke Mrs Peta Ebzery Mrs Natasha Morrison Mrs Tamzin Hull Mrs Penney Taylor Ms Alison Clark Miss Kimberley Simpson Mr Michael Brammer Teacher 6 Blue Additional Classroom Support Learning Support Co-ordinator Additional Classroom Support Literacy Support ESL Teacher Teacher Librarian Teacher Librarian H & PE Teacher ICLT Teacher Mrs Hilary Boxshall Mrs Suzanne Dillon Mrs Ros Kelly Mrs Patricia Hickey Sr. Carmela Zammit To be advised Mrs Moira Stewart Mrs Lisa Irwin Mrs Janet McAfee Mr Paul Shaw Italian Teacher Mr Mario Collura Teacher 2 White Teacher 3 Blue Teacher 3 White Teacher 4 Blue Teacher 4 White Teacher 5 Blue Guidance Counsellor Music Teacher Administration Support Finance Secretary School Secretary/Teacher Aide School Secretary/Teacher Aide Teacher Aide Teacher Aide Teacher Aide Teacher Aide Teacher Aide Teacher Aide Prep Aide Prep Aide Library Aide Groundsperson Tuckshop Convenor Mrs Charlotte Smith Mr Adrian Van Praag SCHOOL OFFICERS Mrs Pattie Linning Mrs Robyn Weston Mrs Maree Shaw Mrs Gillian Mazoletti Mrs Andrea James Mrs Lyn Kasatchenko Mrs Paula Lisignoli Mrs Lucy Townsend Mrs. Michelle Gaddes Mrs Pauline Albiez Mrs Trudi Donda Mrs Bernadette Kelly Mrs. Mary Henricks ANCILLARY STAFF Mr Josh O’Connor Mrs Donna Leahy 7|Page 10 Stephen Street Camp Hill, Qld 4152 Email: [email protected] Please support the wonderful sponsors that support our school! Camp Hill Bowls Club helloworld Capalaba Ray White Morningside Xennox Diamonds AJ Crossfit and Personal Training Carina Leagues Club Fruition Tuition - Camp Hill Highly Strung Imago Photography Langlands Park Memorial Pool Libertine Perfumerie Mama's Home McPherson Plant Hire Miss Cocoa Party Time Amusements Ray White Stones Corner Vivid Photography 0423 176 808 (07) 3843 9200 (07) 3843 0080 [email protected] (07) 3395 5800 (07) 3397 7436 (07) 3216 0122 (07) 3357 3333 (07) 3843 4147 (07) 3868 4488 (07) 5543 6328 (07) 3394 2338 (07) 3391 7999 Aaron Dillaway MP ADG Engineers (Aust) Pty Ltd Bakers Delight Camp Hill Brisbane Marriott Hotel Bryan Byrt Volkswagen Cineplex Australia CocoBelle hair studio Crusty Devil Bakehouse Pty Ltd Domino's Pizza Carindale Frances Suter Photography Goodlife Health Club Holland Park Granada Café Tapas Bar Harvey Norman - Carindale Ithaca Ice Works John Pearcy Audiology Katrina Christ Photographer McGuires' Hotels Olli Skin Pig ‘n’ Whistle Renaissance Retirement Living Councillor Shayne Sutton Southern Cross Protection (07) 3399 9492 (07) 3300 8844 (07) 3324 9485 (07) 3303 8000 0418 886 777 (07) 3899 3450 (07) 3161 5331 (07) 3890 1018 (07) 3109 2099 (07) 3899 0107 (07) 3849 9700 (07) 3844 4757 (07) 3398 0600 (07) 3348 7855 (07) 3398 8862 (07) 3891 5885 (07) 33998222 (07) 3395 1088 (07) 3832 9099 (07) 3820 7700 (07) 3407 8200 1300 136 102 (07) 3398 1297 (07) 3245 4377 (07) 3638 4700 (07) 3210 6288 www.camphillbowls.com [email protected] www.xennoxdiamonds.com.au www.ajcrossfit.com www.carinaleaguesclub.com.au www.tutorfruition.com.au/camphill www.facebook.com/HighlyStrungAUS imagophotography.com.au www.langlandspool.com.au www.libertineparfumerie.com.au www.mamashome.com.au www.mcphersonplanthire.com.au www.misscocoa.com.au www.partytimeamusements.com.au raywhitestonescorner.com.au www.vividphotography.com.au www.aarondillaway.com.au www.adgce.com www.bakersdelight.com.au www.marriott.com.au www.bryanbyrtvw.com.au www.cineplex.com.au www.facebook.com/cocobellehair www.crustydevil.com.au www.dominos.com.au/store/Qld/carindale/98063 francessuter.com.au www.goodlifehealthclubs.com.au www.granadatapasbar.com.au www.harveynorman.com.au ithacaice.com.au johnpearcyaudiology.com.au/jpa/ www.katrinachrist.com.au www.mcguireshotels.com.au www.olliskin.com.au www.pignwhistle.com.au www.renaissancerl.com.au www.shaynesutton.com.au www.sxprotection.com.au Style Electrical Pty Ltd Suncorp Talentpath Teenie & Tiny Treetops Montville (07) 3343 8017 13 11 55 (07) 3221 7635 (07) 3395 3680 1800 087 330 [email protected] (07) 3398 2931 (07) 3265 8111 0413 339 845 (07) 3395 0725 (07) 3324 6200 (07) 3395 8555 (07) 3855 3966 (07) 3398 2107 (07) 3420 6120 (07) 3843 3011 (07) 5588 1111 (07) 3848 4000 (07) 3398 6945 (07) 3847 4106 (07) 3901 6577 (07) 3391 3530 (07) 3398 3153 aaliyahandi.com basilscoffee.com.au www.brisent.com.au bsorted.com.au (07) 3736 4400 www.jephsonhotel.com.au Aaliya and I Basils Pty Ltd Brisbane Entertainment Centre bsorted Café XS Carindale Hotel Carr Automotive Charlies Fruit Market Clem Jones Centre Clout and Turner Travel Danzart Dreamworld Espial Interiors + Gifts Fluid the Color Salon Green Earth landscaping Pty Ltd Happy Cakes by Kylie Mann Heinz Meats Idyllic Beauty Jephson Hotel & Covet Bar and Restaurant Learn Music McDonalds Coorparoo Morningside Picture Framing Norman Park Central Newsagency Officeworks Woolloongabba Pacific Golf Club Pizza Capers Queensland Festival and Events Shazzle Dazzle Face Painting Stuart Harland -Place Camp Hill Studio Pilates International Tans Taekwondo The Green Papaya Village Roadshow Theme Parks Watermark Plumbing (07) 3511 7602 (07) 3397 9956 (07) 3899 1088 (07) 3899 9255 (07) 3896 2300 (07) 3343 0888 (07) 3395 2111 0414 714 701 0423 15 9991 (07) 3107 2111 (07) 3899 4555 (07) 3311 1991 (07) 3843 5366 13 33 86 0417 620 502 www.learnmusic.biz mcdonalds.com.au www.pro-photography.com.au www.normanparknews.com.au www.officeworks.com.au www.pacificgolf.com.au www.pizzacapers.com.au www.qfe.com.au shazzledazzlefacepainting.jimdo.com www.eplace.com.au/staffmember.cfm?StaffID=97324 www.studiopilates.com/hawthorne.html www.tans.com.au www.greenpapaya.com.au themeparks.com.au www.watplumb.net.au Adorne Carindale Australia Zoo Big W Carindale Billabong Birdie and Mia's Bobbi Belle Style Carina Meat Supply Chris' SUPA IGA Coles Discount Drug Store Whites Hill Gardiner Chess Grill'd Camp Hill (07) 3843 1499 (07) 5436 2000 (07) 3115 3300 (07) 5589 9899 (07) 3395 4684 (07) 3394 1166 (07) 3398 3903 (07) 3398 1634 (07) 3308 6100 (07) 3398 7725 (07) 5522 7221 (07) 3843 4444 www.styleelectrical.com.au www.suncorp.com.au www.talentpath.com.au www.facebook.com/teenieandtiny treetopsmontville.com.au www.carindalehotel.com.au [email protected] www.charliesfruitmarket.com.au www.clemjonescentre.com.au www.travel-associates.com.au/clout www.danzart.com.au www.dreamworld.com.au www.espial.com.au www.fluidsalons.com www.greenearthls.com.au [email protected] www.heinzmeats.com.au www.idyllicbeauty.com.au www.adorne.com.au www.australiazoo.com.au www.bigw.com.au www.billabong.com www.facebook.com/BobbiBelleStyle www.igacarina.com.au www.coles.com.au www.discountdrugstores.com.au/stores/Qld/brisbane/whites-hill www.gardinerchess.com.au www.grilld.com.au Hairdressers of Camp Hill HART Sport Joanna Gianniotis – Place Bulimba John's Barber Shop Laserforce Little Grace Merlo coffee Mookie Designs Sirromet Stanley Road News Styles on Stanley Terri Butler - Member for Griffiths (07) 3398 1099 1300 764 719 [email protected] www.hartsport.com.au 0433 168 761 eplace.com.au 0413 519 845 (07) 3891 1031 (07) 3395 2125 (07) 3620 4200 (07) 3899 8492 (07) 3206 2999 (07) 3843 2099 (07) 3843 3100 (07) 3899 4031 The Rabbit Hole 0410 119 341 (07) 3432 5100 (07) 3168 1034 (07) 3252 0666 [email protected] www.facebook.com/JohnsBarberShopCampHill www.laserforce.com.au www.facebook.com/pages/Little-Grace/120112731438658 merlo.com.au www.facebook.com/pages/Mooki-design/102048443186319 www.sirromet.com www.theluckycharm.com.au/store-locations/queensland/carina/ www.stylesonstanley.com.au www.terributlermp.com www.facebook.com/pages/The-Rabbit-Hole-Cafe-Seven-HillsBrisbane/333328626764712 www.theworkshops.qm.Qld.gov.au www.unsurpassable.com.au www.victoriaparkgolfcomplex.com www.vintagefairy.com.au The Workshops Rail Museum Unsurpassable Hair Victoria Park Vintage Fairy
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