First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Lancaster, SC Pastor-Dr. Kyle E. Sims Intern/Youth - Mr. Tom Wilson Choir Director - Dr. Kristen Wunderlich Organist - Mrs. Amy Jones Church Secretary - Mrs. Cecilia Estridge February 1, 2015 Welcome Guests! We welcome you to worship this Lord’s Day. Whether you are exploring what Christianity is all about, looking for a new church home, or just visiting for today we are glad that you are here with us. If you have any questions or needs please find one of our Ushers or Greeters who will be located at the back of the sanctuary or near the side door entrance at the front. Also feel free to ask anyone around you and they will be glad to help you if they can. Helpful Information Restrooms: There is a restroom located at the back of the Sanctuary in the room to the right as you are going out. There are also restrooms on the main hall near the water fountain. A handicap accessible restroom is located at the end of the hall on the right. Children: There are nurseries available for infants and toddlers. Children three years and older we would like to stay in church until the sermon, then they will be dismissed to children’s church. Children’s church is for children under six. Decorum: We encourage you to interact with other worshipers, but from the prelude through the conclusion of the service we request that you maintain an appropriate focus on the Lord and His Worship. Emergency: If you have an Emergency, please let an usher know as quickly as possible. We have a safety team that has medic training and can call for outside help if needed. Your safety and well being is a concern for us. Our Worship Our worship service is designed around the principle that God has told us in His Word how He wants us to worship Him. Our focus is on God who has promised that He is with us anytime that two are three come in His name (Matthew). Gospel: At the heart of our Worship is the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. We worship in the name of the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that we are saved by faith. We worship to celebrate and share our faith with each other and the lost. Music: We sing hymns that proclaim the great truths of the Christian Faith. We sing the Psalms that are inspired by God and cover the full range of emotions in the Christian’s life. We seek to sing songs of a variety of styles and types to express our praise to God. We want to keep growing in our knowledge of music without losing the great heritage that was given to us through the ages. Prayers: We pray to speak with God. Our prayers are offered in the name of Jesus Christ. We seek to adore God, confess our sin, give our thanks, and pray for the needs of our church, community, and world. If you need prayer please let us know and our elders would be glad to pray with you and for you. Tithing and Offerings: We give to the Lord as a part of our worship service. This allows us to show that we are obeying God’s command to give our Tithes and Offerings, but also proclaiming our trust in God rather than material things. If you would like to talk about tithing, please let us know and we can get you more information. Sermon: The focal point of our worship is the sermon. Over half the service is given to this element of worship. The reading, exposition, and application of God’s Word is crucial to the healthy Christian life. Baptism: This sacrament is a sign and seal of what God has promised and is doing in the lives of believers. Lord’s Supper: This sacrament is a sign and seal of the Gospel. It is where we come to Christ’s table and eat the covenantal meal with Him. It is for believers only. Benediction: This is God’s blessing on God’s people Morning Worship February 1, 2015 PREPARING FOR WORSHIP Prelude Organist Chiming the Hour Welcome and Announcements Choral Introit Dr. Kyle E. Sims “It Is a Good Thing” Chancel Choir ENTERING WORSHIP *Call to Worship Psalm 150 “Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine, and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!” *Hymn of Praise #381 “Brethren, We Have Met to Worship” Red Trinity Hymnal *Prayer of Adoration and Confession *The Lord’s Prayer Our Father Who are in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; For Thine is the kingdom, And the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. *Confession of Faith The Apostles’ Creed I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost; born of the Virgin Mary; Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead, and buried; He ascended into heaven; and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic* church; the communion of saints; The forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen *Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be. World without end. Amen, amen. Tithes and Offerings *Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. MEANS OF GRACE Psalm #119H “My Portion Is the Lord” Blue ARP Psalter Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession Choral Anthem “Lord, I Stretch My Hands to You” Chancel Choir Children’s Church Scripture Reading Romans 1:18-32 Pew Bible Page 939 Sermon Dr. Kyle E. Sims “God’s Wrath Against Sin” Prayer of Application RESPONSE TO THE GOSPEL *Hymn of Response #674 “I Need Thee Every Hour” Red Trinity Hymnal *Free Offer of the Gospel *Benediction LEAVING WORSHIP *Congregational Response “Benediction” May the Peace of God our Heavenly Father, and the grace of Christ the Risen Son, And the Fellowship of God the Spirit keep our hearts and minds within His love. And to Him be praise for His glorious reign, from the depths of earth to the heights of heaven. We declare the name of the Lamb once slain; Christ Eternal, the King of Kings! *Postlude *The Greeting of the Congregation *All who are able are invited to stand Organist Morning Sermon Notes Title: God’s Wrath Against Sin Text: Romans 1:18-32 A Word to Parents of Young Worshipers… At First ARP Church we treasure our times of worship. The Lord’s Day is the time when the family of God gathers together to worship God. We encourage families to worship together. This allows children to see their parents engaged in the worship of God, and for children to be exposed to the preaching of the Wordwhich is able to bring them to faith according to Romans 10:17. Having children sit with their parents in worship also assists in the sharing of our faith from parent to child, as the elements of worship and the subjects of prayer and sermons are reviewed and discussed. Parents may then clarify what the child misunderstood, and reinforce those things the child has properly understood. This Children’s Worship Page has two-fold aim: (1) to help the child engage in worship from the earliest ages, and (2) to help parents and teachers review the worship experience with the child after the service. The Children’s Worship Page is not busywork, but the earliest form of note-taking, and participation for the child. During the worship service, your youngest children should draw pictures of what they hear and see in the appropriate boxes, while older children ought to take written notes. We encourage you, the parent, to make every effort-at church and at home to introduce your children to the things of God. It is not always an easy task, nor a culturally popular one, but it leads to greater blessings than any other pursuit. May God help you this very day! Today’s Text and Sermon Today’s Hymns and Music Today’s Prayers How Will I Obey God’s Word? Our New Members Daniel and Miranda Bohler Brant Avant Peter Sims For the last few years we have been concerned about “The Link”. It was obvious to us in the office that it was failing in its job to communicate to the whole congregation. In the last few months, we placed an article in one of the boxes that simply said, “If you read this please call Cecilia or email her and let her know.” We had five responses from people who saw it and contacted her. One of our staff members told their group that they would put an announcement in the Link and the group responded that they didn’t read the Link. It has become obvious that many folks are not reading or using the Link as in the past. The rub for us is that it cost us a couple of thousand dollars a year to print and mail the Link out to over 200 homes. We have discussed the cost verses benefits for over five years. In recent months many of us have started to realize that it is not worth the cost. Yet, we know that many love the Link and use it as we hoped everyone would. So we wrestled with the question of how can we do this better. How do we transition from a printed Link to most likely more electronic communication from the church to the congregation? At the end of December, one of our members came into the office with a bulletin from a church in Myrtle Beach. It was 30 pages long! But I liked how they had all their information in one document. This got Cecilia and I thinking and we started laying out the pros and cons of combining the Link and the Bulletin. The cost savings were immediately apparent. We would save close to $2,000 in postage alone. It would actually use less paper each week by combining 4 documents in one. It would be less copies on the copier. The down side is that for some mailing them the Link was the best way for them to receive it. We presented the idea to the Session in January and they agreed with the staff’s assessment of the problem and to the solution of combining the Link with the Bulletin. In addition to the printed Link we will start sending out “Email - Updates” on Tuesdays and Fridays. For emergency and other urgent news we will have our phone prayer chain. If you would like to sign up for either the email update or the phone chain please contact the church office. We are working on how to best get the Bulletin/Link to our shut-ins and others who cannot get to church on Sundays or Wednesdays. There are now new deadlines for the Link. If you want information in the Link it will need to be there by Noon on Thursday. “News for the Email - Update” need to be in by Noon on Tuesday and 10:00AM on Friday. I know that change is not easy, but we feel like this will be a good change to help us better communicate to the congregation, both efficiently and economically. Dr. Kyle E. Sims Pastor Church Family Concerns Marion Weisner Sally Lloyd Pat Willis Clara Nell Robinson Charles & Annie Montgomery-Susan & Lynn’s Parents Bill Whitesell-Brother of Virginia Fleming, Cancer Mary Ginty-Mother of Katey Powell Johnny Morgan-Brother of Tom Morgan Ralph Dickson-Brother of Wayne Dickson Ashley-Niece of Marge Dix Frank & Doris Hudson-Lorri Crawford’s Parents Merley & JoAnn Byrd-Parents of Patricia Gardner Emily Justice-Granddaughter of Mac & Carol McConnell Bobby Powell-Uncle of Butch Ghent Pat McEachern-Shoulder Kennie Parker-Geri Brazell’s brother-Back surgery Richard Spinks-Brother-In-law of Geri Brazell-Broken neck Bill McFarland-Betty Allen’s Brother-in-law Debbie Petricek-Friend of Debbie Dickson Helen Jordan-Mary Ella’s sister & Laura Caskey’s Grandmother George Mason-Completed radiation Homebound & Nursing Home Betty Sowell-White Oak R-314 Francis Bosdell-Debby Hegler’s Dad Bradford Carol Nims-Presbyterian Home, Florence Mary Brown Parks-Morningside Kyle Wilson-Donna Robinson’s Sister-York Frances Mason-George Mason’s Mother-Springs Hospital with flu Missionaries/Mission Churches Mark & Natalie Witte-Spain Rebekah Carson-Germany David Stover-River Crossing Church Andy Stager-Hill City Church Ian Wise-Pageland Phil & Sarah Baer-Wycliffe Clinton & Diane Dix-World Witness Remember Kelly Sims and her mission team this week as they minister in Bangladesh. It’s time to start planning for our Relay For Life activities. If you would like to be a part of our team, see Richard or Lorri Crawford or Susan Prete. The Safety & Security Committee will meet on Sunday, February 8th at 4pm. HOPE Needs! Canned beans Canned fruit Canned meats Canned milk Canned pasta Canned sweet potatoes Canned tuna Self-rising flour Peanut butter Our collection container for HOPE has been relocated. Stock the shelves outside the Fellowship Hall. NEW MEMBERS LUNCHEON & SOUPER BOWL OF CARING We hope you will join us today as we have our New Members Luncheon. We have a covered dish luncheon every year to honor members who have joined our church during the year. Today we will be honoring: Daniel & Miranda Bohler Peter Sims Brant Avant We will also be taking up canned food for HOPE for our Souper Bowl of Caring. If you did not bring canned food items, you may give a monetary offering that will go to HOPE Congratulations to Tom Wilson on graduating from Reformed Theological Seminary. There will be no evening services tonight. WEDNESDAY NIGHT FAMILY NIGHT Sign up for our Wednesday night supper on the bulletin board! Supper begins at 5:45pm and cost $3 a person with a max of $10 for a family. Classes will start at 6:30pm. THE CHURCH CALENDAR Sunday, February 1 9:30am Officers 9:45am Coffee & Fellowship 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Morning Worship New Member Luncheon Monday, February 2 1:30pm Jones Robinson Pressly 4:00pm Jean Love 5:30pm Girl Scouts 6:30pm Boy Scouts Tuesday, February 3 6:30am Men’s Morning Study 6:30pm Alison Erskine 6:30pm Cub Scouts Wednesday, February 4 5:45pm Wednesday Evening Dinner 6:30pm Wednesday Night Classes Friday, February 6 7:00am Youth Breakfast VOLUNTEERS 2/1/15 2/8/15 Nursery Natalie Carmichael Dell Ghent Toddlers Erin Tindal Susan Prete Children’s Church Nancy Ogburn Patricia Gardner Greeters Front Phil & Sarah Baer Richard & Lorri Crawford Side Butch & Dell Ghent Mac & Carol McConnell Friendship Class: Mac McConnell Elders: Richard Gardner & Sam Huey Deacon: Richard Shields Ushers: Richard Shields Paul Robinson Steve Willis FINANCIALS January 25, 2015 Attendance General Fund Offering Offering this month 111 $2,947.90 $13,039.65 Faith Promise Offering Faith Promise this month $75 $440 Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday-Thursday 8:30am - 12:00pm Friday Office Phone: 803-285-1578 [email protected] Dr. Kyle E. Sims: 803-804-4344 [email protected] THE SESSION: Buddy Lever, Clerk Paul Robinson Richard Gardner Sam Huey Butch Ghent David Pokopac THE DIACONATE: Richard Shields Richard Crawford Jonathan Dix Philip Pegram Sam Prete Lathan Rivers FIRST ARP CHURCH PO BOX 864 701 N. MAIN STREET LANCASTER, SC 29721
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