UNDERGRADUATE COURSES UNDERGRADUATE 4 HOURS WRITTEN Morning Slot 9am-1pm MONDAY AUGUST 3 TUESDAY AUGUST 4 WEDNESDAY AUGUST 5 BHAAI1016U Foundational perspectives in leading and managing organizations (Gary Schwarz) BHAAI1045U Fundamentals of Internet technology and BHAAI1023U Principles of microeconomics – a business models (Ted Ladd) business perspective (Brad Hobbs) BHAAI1001U Basic statistics for business and economics (Rene Ordonez) BHAAI1022U Principles of macroeconomics (Brad Hobbs) BHAAI1009U Principles of financial accounting (Carol Adams) BHAAI1037U Sustainability and urbanization - an analysis of economic and policy considerations (Claudio Lucinda) BHAAI1035U Business, society and ethics (Bill Holmes) BHAAI1044U An introduction to econometrics (Rene Ordonez) BHAAI1013U Undergraduate international financial management and hedging (Jakob Müllner) BHAAI1028U Undergraduate corporate finance (Shelton Weeks) BHAAI1041U Organisational behaviour (Kinga Konczey) BHAAI1038U Fundamentals of finance – global issues (Claudio Lucinda) BHAAI1011U Undergraduate financial modeling (Simon Benninga) BHAAI1046U Politics in the European Union Theoretical and empirical approaches (Kurt Hübner) BHAAI1042U Introduction to strategic thinking (Juliana Kozak Rogo) BHAAI1015U Introduction to Marketing (Maxwell Winchester) BHAAI1040U Organization theory and design (Gary Schwarz) BHAAI1036U Sustainability and global food security – an BHAAI1003U Undergraduate consumer behavior analysis of theory and practice (Patricia Plackett) and customer analysis (Glen Brodowsky) Afternoon Slot 3pm-7pm THURSDAY AUGUST 6 BHAAI1017U Principles of management accounting (Rafael Rogo) BHAAI1047U Politics and economics of globalization (Kurt Hübner) BHAAI1024U Principles of microeconomics – a policy perspective (Rodrigo Zeidan) BHAAI1043U Strategic supply chain management: Building the lean and agile business (Tom Goldsby) BHAAI1002U Brand management (Lars Bergkvist) GRADUATE COURSES GRADUATE 4 HOURS WRITTEN Morning Slot 9am-1pm Afternoon Slot 3pm-7pm MONDAY AUGUST 3 TUESDAY AUGUST 4 WEDNESDAY AUGUST 5 CCMVI2001U Advanced international financial management and hedging (Jakob Müllner) CCMVI2017U Graduate financial modelling (Simon Benninga) CCMVI2011U Advanced perpectives in leading and managing organization (Gary Schwarz) CCMVI2008U Financial statement analysis (Carol Adams) CCMVI2025U Cost analysis for decision-making (Rafael Rogo) CCMVI2029U Applied statistical analysis for business and economics (Rene Ordonez) CCMVI2000U Advanced graduate corporate finance (Shelton Weeks) CCMVI2030U Advanced internet business models (Ted Ladd) CCMVI2026U Supply chain analytics: Sustainability and risk management (Tom Goldsby) CCMVI2002U Advertising and marketing communication (Lars Bergkvist) THURSDAY AUGUST 6 CCMVI2028U Macroeconomics and global issues (Juliana Kozak Rogo) HOME ASSIGNMENTS PROJECT/ HOME ASSIGNMENT UNDERGRADUATE COURSES BHAAI1048U Business anthropology and organizational fieldwork (Ginger Grant) BHAAI1051U Management for the creative industries (Ginger Grant) BHAAI1014U International marketing management – Strategic thinking for managing and marketing in a global economy (Glen Brodowsky) BHAAI1039U Innovation and creativity (Rob Morgan) BHAAI1049U Undergraduate creative problem solving in business (William Holmes) BHAAI1034U The persuasive power of external communication in shaping business fates and fortunes (Jay Rubin) BHAAI1020U Organizational communication and reputation management (Jay Rubin) BHAAI1050U Psychology of decision making - We are not irrational, are we? (Kinga Konczey) BHAAI1033U Marketing stratety for startups (Sharon McIntyre) GRADUATE COURSES CCMVI2014U Graduate consumer behaviour (Maxwell Winchester) CCMVI2020U Food for thought (Patricia Plackett) CCMVI2023U Strategic market management: Marketing processes, practices and pitfalls in an era of hypercompetition (Rob Morgan) The projects have to be submitted by 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time The projects have to be submitted by 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time 3:00 PM 6 August 2015 Danish time CCMVI2013U Social enterepreneurship, sustainable business pactice and development economics: An integrated framework (Rodrigo Zeidan) CCMVI2024U New models of entrepreneurial innovation (Sharon McIntyre)
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