t hear land connection February, 2015 D ear friends, Volume 21, Issue 2 By Pastor George February is one of those months where nothing really exciting seems to happen. Weather is still too cold and dreary to do a lot outside and Presidents day is not exactly the kind of holiday that brings deep celebration. The most excitement seems to revolve around a little weather predicting rodent and whether or not he will see his shadow. Of course this year we also have the added “excitement” of the Super Bowl. But in the middle of this month, there is a day that stands out--Valentine’s Day. As you know this is the day when we express our love to those around us--sometimes with great fanfare and expense, other times anonymously with a card. It is to be a day for tender moments and flowers and candy and jewels and food. What a great time of year for this. In the midst of dreary days and dark, cold nights, there is an opportunity to express love. God has done much the same with us. We were living in the dark. We were dead and separated from God because of our sin. We were in the midst of the gloom and lived a dreary existence away from Him. Then suddenly, He reached out to us with an extravagant display of His love. He gave us a gift that was priceless--His own Son, Jesus. “God demonstrated His own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). He has “rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son” (Colossians 1:13). Now even when surrounded by the darkness of our world, God’s love shines through. What an incredible, magnificent, lavish, overwhelming experience. As we look at what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, this is the starting point. God reached out to us with the gift of salvation through His Son. When someone has given us a gift or has shown us love, our response should be to thank them and love them back. We, above all people, ought to continually thank God for His great gift and love Him back. In John 14, there is one indicator that Jesus said would prove our love to Him. Jesus said, “ If you love Me, you will obey Me”. What better demonstration of our love for God could there be than for us to do what He asks. It’s not because we are trying to earn His love. He gave us that before we even wanted Him. It’s because we ought to. We now have the ability and the incredible privilege to show our love for God through obedience. Let us continue to strive for purity, holiness and Christlikeness in our lives as we walk according to the manual He has given us--His Word. Love also goes to the next level. Jesus said in John 15:17, “This I command you, that you love one another.” As difficult as it may seem at times to love God, it is often more difficult to love each other. But as 1 John 4 reminds us, “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” (vs.12). Loving each other is not an option as John goes on to say, “The one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother also” (1 John 4:20-21). Love can take many forms and look differently for each of us, but the bottom line is one of sacrificial service. Jesus said, “Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” (Continued on page 2) Heartland Community Church ▪ 457 S. Woodlawn ▪ Wichita KS ▪ 67218 Page 1 (Continued from page 1) Maybe that means you sacrifice your time to help. Maybe you sacrifice your money to provide for a need. Maybe you sacrifice your pride by asking forgiveness. Maybe you sacrifice your comfort. Maybe you sacrifice your privacy. Whatever it may be, it is serving the other person. And when we do that, we truly prove that we love God and, guess what? It is a witness to the world of what a Christian ought to be. John 13:35 says, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.” So it is not just for our own sakes or for the good of the other person or for the reputation of Heartland that we learn to love each other. It is actually a tool to witness to the world about the nature and character of our God. It is a proof that we truly belong to Him and follow Christ. As Francis Schaeffer said, love is the mark of the Christian. Loving God and others is a proof that we are His disciples. I pray that we may be able to live out our love for God and each other in such a way that God is glorified and people will know that we follow Him. We have had a great month of learning and growing. We have some great adult Sunday School classes starting now and I would urge you to make that a part of your Sunday. We are seeing new faces almost every Sunday. Continue to reach out and greet them and make them feel welcome. In this month of Valentine’s Day, let us use it as a month to truly love one another. Thanks for the privilege of serving Him as your pastor. I love you all! Yours in His love, Youth Happenings!! Youth Group Mission Trip: The Youth Group will once again be participating in a mission trip to the Omaha Indian Reservation in Walthill, NE. The trip will take place June 6 – June 13, 2015. If you or your HS age youth (those entering 9th grade in the fall) are interested in learning more about the trip or if you already know you would like to participate in this trip, please let Rachel Bouma know at [email protected]. Our initial confirmation is due February 1st High School Ski Trip: The HS Ski Trip will be March 13 – 16 this year. We will be driving to Winter Park on Friday, March 13 and returning on Monday. If you are interested in going, please let Rachel Bouma know [email protected]. Page 2 “READING FOR SPIRITUAL MATURITY” BY PASTOR RICK FRANKS Have you ever wondered how well we really know each other in the church? Even at Heartland, as much as we love each other and seem to enjoy being with each other, how well do people really know you? I recently have had several conversations with people where I have shared how much I struggle with reading. Reading is a difficult task for me and one that requires constant work. When I share my struggles, most people are surprised as they assume that I have always loved to read and that it comes easily to me! The reality is, I have simply come to realize how important it is for Christians to read. Over the years I have noticed that many of the preachers I look up to, (both living and deceased), have at least one thing in common; they read-and extensively at that. So while reading takes great effort for me, I have discovered it a task worth laboring for and one that produces great spiritual fruit. Therefore, while it still does not come easily, I seek to read on a regular basis and the labor has proven to be profitable for my spiritual life and those whom I pastor. However reading materials of substance such as the Bible and other “soul-fattening” books (ie: works that will increase your knowledge, your love for the Lord and your confidence in Scripture), is an art that seems to be quickly disappearing; even in the church. The culture around us is doing everything it can to encourage us to no longer think deeply, but rather to be satisfied with being entertained; to simply give in to what we want to do or think we ought to do without examination. Let’s face it, it is much easier to give in to cultural pressures & expectations than fight for what would foster spiritual maturity. But in Romans 12:2 we read, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2 NAU)” Paul commands us to give ourselves wholly to God because of His saving grace and the way we do so is by the renewing of our mind. Therefore, as Christians we are to give ourselves to the reading of God’s Word and other spiritually edifying teaching (i.e. “soul-fattening” books). So in light of these truths, this month I would like to recommend several resources that may encourage someone who desires to develop the habit of reading. I think you will find each of these quite manageable, and yet quite edifying. Many of these resources have been useful to me in developing daily habits of reading books with substance, and very enjoyable in the process as well! Here are my selections: A Long Line of Godly Men edited by Steven Lawson -- The first set of books that I would like to recommend is a series of biographies of great Christian men. The series is entitled A Long Line Of Godly Men Profile and put out by Ligonier Ministries. This series highlights different godly men, such as John Calvin, Martin Luther, George Whitfield, Issac Watts, Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, John Knox and John Owen. What makes these biographies different is that the first chapters usually outlines the events of the man’s life and the rest of the book speaks of his contribution to the church. I am currently reading Owen’s biography that addresses his emphasis on the Trinity and how this impacts the life of the believer. Approximately 150 Pages. http://www.ligonier.org/store/collection/longline-godly-men/ Other books I would recommend for your consideration are: (Continued on page 4) Page 3 (Continued from page 3) The Faith Shaped Life by Ian Hamilton – This is one of my favorite books to recommend to people. The chapters are intentionally brief and packed with biblical teaching to encourage and challenge both younger and older Christians; and above all to point us relentlessly to Jesus Christ ‘the founder and perfecter of our faith’ which is important as the life of faith is not easy. The Christian is engaged in an unrelenting warfare with the world, the flesh and the devil. Every step forward will be contested. The one thing that will keep the believer on track and pressing on is moment by moment trust in God, in His word, in the goodness and perfection of His purposes, and in His exceedingly great and precious promises. ‘This is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith’ (1 John 5:4). I have used this book in my personal daily worship; reading through a chapter a day. It is concise, yet thought provoking. 160 Pages. http://banneroftruth.org/us/store/christian-living/faith-shaped-life/ Catching Foxes by John Henderson – This book/workbook is one that my wife and I use on a regular basis for pre-marital counseling with engaged couples because it is designed to guide couples toward a Christ-centered and Christ-exalting paradigm for marriage. While meant for couples, I think it could be adapted by parents as well who seek to train & equip their young adult children for marriage. 282 pages. http:// www.amazon.com/Catching-Foxes-Ph-D-John-Henderson/dp/1105894096 Reformation Heritage Study Bible by Joel Beeke, Michael Barret, and Gerald Bilkes (editors) – I recently got this Bible for Christmas and love it. It does come in KJV only, but the thousands of study notes with integrated cross-references; the articles on key Christian teachings; concordance, color maps, daily reading plan; overview of twenty centuries of church history; ancient creeds, confessions and catechisms with introductions; articles on how to live the Christian life and guidance on how to experience the truths of the Bible make it an excellent study Bible. In addition to all that, I like that they have included discussion questions for each chapter of the Bible that can be used for personal or family worship. It is available in print or digital formats. 2216 Pages. http://www.heritagebooks.org/ categories/rhb-publications/bibles.html The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life’s Hard by Kara Tippetts – While this is the story of a PCA pastor’s wife who struggles with stage four cancer, it is written to everyone, not just those who struggle with cancer. Because every Christian experiences difficulties in life, this book has something for everyone. Kara doesn't offer answers for when living is hard, but she asks us to join her in moving away from fear and control and toward peace and grace. Most of all, she draws us back to the God who is with us, in the mundane and the suffering, and who shapes even our pain into beauty. 192 pages. http://www.mundanefaithfulness.com/the-hardest-peace-book/ Puritan Treasures for Today series – As you have probably noticed already, I really enjoy reading Puritan writers. One reason is that they think deeply about Biblical truths that they might love God and others more completely. They exhibit a passion and love for God that I only aspire to. But often, reading these giants of the faith is a bit unnerving. The Puritan Treasures for Today Series seeks to overcome that barrier by presenting Puritan books that are convenient in size and are not intimidating in length. Each book is carefully edited with modern readers in mind, smoothing out difficult language of a bygone era while retaining the meaning of the original authors. Books for the series are thoughtfully selected to provide some of the best counsel on important subjects that people continue to wrestle with today. Titles in this series include Triumphing Over Sinful Fear by John Flavel; Stop Loving the World (Continued on page 5) Page 4 by William Greenhill; The Fading of the Flesh and the Flourishing of Faith by George Swinnock; Contentment, Prosperity, and God’s Glory by Jeremiah Burroughs and can be found at Reformation Heritage Books. Approximately 150 pages. http://www.heritagebooks.org/ categories/RHB-Publications/Puritan-Treasures-For-Today/ If I may be of any assistance to you in your reading venture, please let me know. I would love to know of others who are joining with me in seeking to increase their reading habits, and assure you that you will not regret doing so! I pray that you may grow in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ as you grow in your habit of reading God’s Word and “soul-fattening” books! In Christ, Pastor Rick Heartland Presbytery March 13 & 14, 2015 To be hosted at Heartland Community Church, Wichita, KS Membership Class Sunday, March 1, 2015 If you’re interested in becoming a member of Heartland Community Church, please join us on Sunday, March 1 for a Membership class. The class will be from 3:00—6:00 p.m. in the church library. Please RSVP to the church office to sign up for the class in advance at: [email protected] Looking Forward on the Calendar March 1 Membership Class March 6 & 7 Annual Women’s Retreat March 13-16 High School Ski Trip March 13-14 Heartland Presbytery (at Heartland) April 17-18 Men’s Retreat (MorningStar Ranch) June 6-June 13 Youth Group Mission Trip Happy Valentine’s Day!!! Page 5 February Birthdays 3 Larry Paarmann Susan Shelden Gary Wischmeyer 6 John Bouma Mark Huenergardt Morten Vigilius 7 Kirk Hansen Stan Shelden 8 Dean Flaten Women in the Church Congratulations to our Engaged Couples... David Dirks & Kaitlin Vestal (March 21) Nathan Franks & Sarah Waalkes (May 22) Brandon Layton & Sarah Keely (June 5) Ben Johnson & Elizabeth Franks (June 20) BJ Brinkman and Miranda Sterling (June 27) Casey Carmichael and Amy Alexander (June 27) Grant Trembly & Lynsey Fortune (July 11) Ben Franks & Cherie Farinola (July 18) ...and Expecting Families Chris & Hannah Ladehoff (March) Jens & Jennifer Lukoschat (March) Dean & Lindsey Flaten (April) Brian & Brian Nelson (April) Stephen & Ashley Granberry (May) 11 Jon Larson 12 Cambell James Jeff Vaughn Justice Wegener 13 Timothy Franks 15 Rick Franks 17 Erika Petit 18 Gustavo Formenti Jeff Morris Abraham Nelson 22 Kristin Jackson Seth Larson Pete Neblett 24 Jordan Flora Upcoming events: 26 Jaclyn Bouma 2015 Retreat - Mark your calendars for the 2015 Heartland 28 Sarah Willis Women’s Retreat on March 6th & 7th at the Hilton Doubletree! The theme will be “From From Garden to Glory” featuring Courtney Doctor! Registration will be open for three weeks, beginning February 1st and ending February 15th. Questions? Contact Hannah Ladehoff at [email protected] or Cynthia Shelden at [email protected]. Meals for New Moms, Illnesses and Bereavements - We are working on creating a WIC Sign-Up Genius in order for our church body to care for each other. We will include all the women in the church and will send out an invitation as needs arise. We ask that each woman and family consider sharing a meal with a member in need as they are able. This is a tangible way we can be the hands of Jesus to each other. If you need help signing up, email Ann Harder, [email protected], or Hannah Ladehoff, [email protected]. Know of an expecting mother or engaged couple? Let us know at [email protected] See more info on Women in the Church on the bulletin board west of the women’s restroom! Page 6 Nursery Schedule Date Sunday School 9:00a.m. Feb 1 Erin Sundquist/ Cynthia Shelden Ralston Family/Kayla Flora Elizabeth Franks/ Lois Johnson Feb 8 Ann Harder/Silvia Petit Deb, Elizabeth & Jason Johnson Sara Johnson/Jessica King Feb 15 Chris & Kristin Jackson Brinkman Family/Celeste Mathews Heidi Whitman/ Elizabeth Franks Feb 22 Willis Family De Jong Family/Susan Shelden/ Ruth Waalkes Sara Johnson/Lois Johnson Mar 1 Kathy & Caleb Morris/ Hannah Larson Ralston Family/Kayla Flora Elizabeth Franks/ Nancy Hansen Morning Worship 10:35am Evening 6:00 p.m. Worshipers In Training Date Music Leader Teacher Helpers Feb 1 Anna Hetherington Lois Johnson Nancy Hansen/Tim Johnson Feb 8 Lauren Johnson Ruby Nelson Gabrielle Phillips/John Hetherington Feb 15 Rolaine Hetherington Rolaine Hetherington Hannah Larson/Daniel Johnson Feb 22 Kayla Flora Daphne Phillips Sally Peterson/Rebekah Waalkes Mar 1 Cynthia Shelden Cynthia Shelden Ben Waalkes/Sarah Franks Prayer Date Prayer of Confession Prayer of Thanks/ Supplication 02/01/15 Taylor Johnson John Bouma 02/08/15 Chris Morris George Bruce 02/15/15 Matt Kratz Jeff Flora 02/22/15 Paul Kurtzweil Gary Gensch 03/01/15 Eric Lamp Bryan Hanning Greeters: For February: Janet Ralston Family Please arrive at 10:15 a.m. Page97 Page
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