First Christian Church(Disciples of Christ) 2810 E. 14th Street, Greenville NC 27858 Phone: 252 / 756-3138 Mail: PO Box 2366, Greenville NC 27836-0366 Rev. Reece Jones, Minister Volume XI, Issue 2 [email protected] [email protected] Marilyn Lee, Editor February 2015 BEAN BAG TOSS TOURNAMENT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH FAMILY LIFE CENTER – 1:30PM WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY -10:30AM (February 11th, 18th, 25th) ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE FEBRUARY 18TH – 6:30PM LENTEN LUNCHEON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD – NOON FAMILY LIFE CENTER YARD SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH FAMILY LIFE CENTER -- 6AM-1PM FEBRUARY RALLY NIGHTS! 4TH 11TH 18TH (MEAL ONLY) 25TH 2015 RALLY NIGHT MEAL SIGN-UP The February, March, and April 2015 dates are listed on the easel in the Family Life Center. Please sign up to do a meal! CWF MEETING All women of the church are invited to CWF on Monday, February 9th. We will gather in the parlor at 10:30am and begin the meeting at 10:45am. Mary Alice Yarbrough will present the program and there are several items of business to discuss. Please plan to attend and bring a friend. I look forward to seeing you for a time of fellowship and friendship. Lee Martin Adams, Circle Leader “LUNCH BUNCH” THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH –11:30AM at A.J. McMURPHY’s Disciple Men’s (CMF) Breakfast We will meet at 8am on Sunday, February 22nd, in the Family Life Center. All men of the church are invited. REMEMBER WITH PRAYERS, CARDS, CALLS AND VISITS IN ASSISTED LIVING/NURSING HOME/ FACILITIES Scrappy Proctor and Nell Speight MEMBER / VISITOR CONCERNS Jason Adams, Muriel Bennett, Sheron Bennett, Bobby Boone, Julius Budacz, Carlton Corbett, Nancy Corbett, Sylvia Corey, Della Dayson, Joanne Ellington, Louis Gaylord, Richard Gaylord, Peg Hardee, Wanda Cox Harrington, Jim Krepps, Carrie Oakley, Bruce Strickland, Raye Troutman, Julia Wilson, and Marguerite Wilson. OTHER CONCERNS Charles Albritton (friend of Don & Susan Edwards), Carl Allen (friend of Richard Herrera), Sandra Allen (Karen Averette’s niece), Dawn Bayles (Michelle Smith’s cousin), Pam Black (friend of the Mannings), Edna Boone (Jewelle Boone’s mother-in-law), Becky Bundy (Dawn Manning’s mother), Cumy Butler (friend of Wanda Harrington), Angie Byrne (friend of Lana & Chris Warren), Becky Cain (friend of Donna & Jim Krepps), Doreen Cavaliere (Adrienne Fornes' grandmother), Reg Coltrain (friend of the Mannings), Bud Cox (Wanda Harrington’s uncle), Richie Creech (friend of Dawn & Tim Manning), Denise Daniel (friend of Dawn & Tim Manning), Jean Dornemann (friend of Claudy & Reece Jones), Jean Eber, (Marla Harrell’s mother), Benton Edwards (friend of Marla Harrell), Carolyn Everette (friend of Wanda Harrington), Bonny Feldbush (Leslie’s mother), Savannah Ferguson (Sheron Bennett’s granddaughter), Forbis Family (friend of Cassie Edwards), Rhettec Galaska (friend of the Ward family), Georgia Godwin (granddaughter of Betsy & Charles Godwin), Charles Griffin (Marsha Griffin’s father), Edwin Hall (Jim Hall’s father), Sue Hallow (friend of Judy Carlton), Trish Harris, Betty Heath (friend of Sue and Sam Pennington), Ruby Hodges (Joanne Ellington’s sister), Luke Jones (friend of Wanda Harrington), Kathy Koth (Tom Gottschall’s mother), Gilbert Johnson (friend of Richard Herrera), Meg Lee (David Lee’s stepmother; Nicolas Lee’s grandmother), Jim Maner (friend of Dawn & Tim Manning), Bev Manning (friend of the Mannings), Anthony Mayberry (student of Beth Anne Stork), Patrick Milligan (Marsha Hall’s brother), Shamus Phillips (Donna Diehl’s grandson), Gary Pollard (Lisa Oakley’s uncle), Beverly Queen (Bonnie Perkins’ sister), Martha Roberson (friend of Alysia Bright), Emily Robertson, Vini Rohrbaugh (Marla Harrell’s brother), Max Scheetz (Donna Diehl's father), Kimberly Schlienz (friend of Wanda Harrington), Janet Sneed (Sandra Everett’s aunt), George Stewart (Karen Averette’s brother-in-law), Tillman Storm (Cyndi Budacz’s great nephew), Sally Tarkington (friend of the Mannings), John Tilley (Anne's husband), Tim Summerlin (Muriel Bennett’s son), Barbara Trask (Alysia Bright’s coworker), Jay Tripp (Judy Carlton’s son-in-law), Bob Wall (friend of Dawn & Tim Manning), Kylie Ward (friend of the Bennetts), Janet Wood (friend of Marla Harrell), Jackie Whisenant (Bonnie Perkins’ niece), and Leon Wilson (Deborah Price’s cousin). Lukas Boyd was called to Life Eternal on January 5th. Please keep Gabby, Dana, Sarah, and Ellie close to your hearts and in your prayers. March 20-21 March 22 March 26 March 27-28 Quilt Show – Family Life Center Women’s Weekend Retreat at Camp Caroline Greenville Choral Society Concert – Sanctuary Fellowship of Christian Athletes Annual Banquet at Rock Springs – Anne Graham Lotz will speak. Youth Lock-In – Family Life Center HOOKERTON DISTRICT CMF MTG. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th WALSTONBURG CHRISTIAN CHURCH The church van will leave our parking lot at 5:30pm. A BIG THANK-YOU! to everyone who helped to make the Advent and Christmas worship services so special. You are such a blessing to our church! Marla Harrell, Worship Mission Team Chair ANOTHER BIG THANK-YOU! to all who have helped to feed our Backpack Pal students! Each time we have a "packing", we learn something new to improve our method and make it a speedy and fun event. Many hands do indeed make for light work. We will pack again in the spring to finish out the school year. Your generous food donations and checks make the process work! It takes all of us to get the job done. If we keep filling the carts, we can keep filling the bags. Thank you, Brandon, Judy, Wanda and Sally A Day Apart Camp Caroline Retreat for Women March 20th–21st Weekend Retreat featuring Fellowship, Fun and Vespers Keynote: Maggie May Archibald Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN Registration Deadline: March 11th (must be in regional office, not postmarked) Registration forms available in the narthex WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY 10:30AM – February 11th, 18th, & 25th This class meets in the parlor and is led by Reece. Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University A biblically based curriculum that teaches people how to handle money God’s Way is being offered by Hooker Memorial Christian Church (DoC) 1111 Greenville Blvd. 9-week program for $120 (payment plan available) beginning Sunday, February 15th, at 6:30pm in their sanctuary Call 756-2275 or e-mail [email protected] for more details or to register. Childcare will be provided, but you must reserve a spot for your child. Upcoming Dates from Christian Education! The elementary group (grades 1-5) will have a fun night on Friday, February 20th 7-10pm. We will have a sign-up sheet available in the Narthex and Family Life Center. Please invite friends and come fellowship with us. Sunday, February 22nd,the Pre-school – Kindergarten will meet right after church to fellowship with games, crafts, and outside time. They will have lunch at church and activities will follow. They will need to be picked up at 2 pm. We will have a sign-up sheet available in the Narthex and Family Life Center. Vacation Bible School Christian Education Mission Team is so excited about Vacation Bible School this year. The theme this year is…..Everest VBS!!!!! Save the date: July 27th – July 31st!!! Members from the Christian Ed. Mission Team will be calling on everyone to help participate on a committee. We all have talents and gifts to share, and what an awesome way to share those with our children and other children in the community. Items we need to start collecting: • Gallon milk jugs (please rinse them out). We will have a box to collect them. • Old white sheets Sara Kleinknecht, Christian Ed Mission Team Chair HAVE A HEART! The Outreach Mission Team wants you to have a heart this FEBRUARY and support our Outreach projects! 1. UNDERWEARNESS Every year millions of kids go without underwear - which can affect everything from self-esteem to their performance in school. Some parents have to choose between clothing items - they can't afford everything - and no one can tell if you aren't wearing underwear. But the children know and are embarrassed. So buy a pack of children's underwear and bring them to church and put them in the underwear "drawer" (most boys wear boxes now). So simple. 2. HOPE LODGE This is a great place that offers cancer patients who live more than 40 miles from Greenville a place to stay while having treatments - and it is free. They need: toilet paper, paper towels, Cremora, plastic forks, spoons, knives, and napkins. WHITE - twin sheets, towels, washcloths, and dish cloths. 3. FOOD BANK Bring in some canned goods and place in the Food Bank bucket. LOOK for our “Have a Heart” display in the Narthex! Deborah Price and Jewelle Boone Outreach Mission Team Co-Chairs FROM OUR MINISTER . . . cell: (252) 883-4495 Over the last few weeks, our sermons have focused on leadership, and ministry and calling and giftedness. We have thought together about how God calls us and how he gives us the gifts we need to be effective. In baptism, each and every one of us is called to be a minister, and yet a lot of people have a difficult time getting their heads around this concept. Maybe they have made mistakes or bad decisions or lived less than stellar moral lives and just cannot believe that God would be able to use them. The Bible teaches us though that there is nothing that we can do that would prohibit God from being able to use us. One of the best examples of this truth in the Bible is the life of Moses. Like many people, his early life saw situations and circumstances and decisions that should have and could have disqualified him from ever being used by God and yet God was able to use Moses to lead his people out of Egypt. And as you have heard me say, if God could use Moses, God could use any of us. I have spent so much time on this concept over the last few weeks because I believe it is one of the most important truths for people who truly want to be used by God. If our congregation is going to accomplish God’s call, it is going to take all of us working together, using our gifts. As we have discussed calling and giftedness, we have also been in the process of filling mission teams and choosing mission team chairs. So far, we have had a great deal of success in doing this, but we still have one mission chair position to fill – Membership. Without question, this is one of the most important teams that we have and deciding to lead this team requires commitment and hard work, so much so that those whom we have asked have decided to decline. I know there are many legitimate reasons for this, but we need someone to take the reins of the Membership Mission Team. Perhaps their most challenging role is that of overseeing the Wednesday RALLY Night meal. This takes a lot of organization and often requires having to step in when someone is unable to provide the meal. But RALLY Night is at the heart and soul of our fellowship together. People from different age groups come together for a shared meal and then we have our children’s and youth activities, adult Bible Study and choir practice. If you feel led to take on this position, please let either me or Sandy Steele know. There is a great team already in place to provide support, but they need a leader. I hope that all of us have benefitted from the last few weeks and have gained a better idea of what our gifts are and they can be used in the church. Grace and Peace, Reece FROM OUR YOUTH DIRECTOR . . . cell: (336) 416-8361 Dear Church Family, It seems like a Homecoming and I am so overjoyed to be back with my church family here at First Christian Church. We are looking to do great things here and looking to stay active, as we move forward with some great ideas to help teach, nurture, and guide our youth and children here at First Christian. We are so excited about this and we know there is a great buzz growing within the walls of this church. The great Alexander Campbell is quoted in The Declaration in Address saying, "To all that love our Lord Jesus Christ, in sincerity, throughout all the Churches, the following Address is most respectfully submitted. Dearly Beloved Brethren, That it is the grand design and native tendency of our holy religion to reconcile and unite men and women to God, and to each other, in truth and love, to the glory of God, and their own present and eternal good, will not, we presume, be denied, by and of the subjects of Christianity." Moreover, we will do the same as those who came before us, to teach our youth and children to act with justice and unity, to love and be kind to others, to humbly walk in faith with your God. Blessings, Rev. Joshua Gentry Welcome to Josh I want to welcome Josh Gentry back to First Christian Church as our interim Youth Director. Josh worked here as youth ministry intern a few years ago, while he was in seminary. Since then, he has graduated with his Master of Divinity, been ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and served as full-time Associate Pastor at a church in Tennessee. We are delighted to have Josh back with us and I am grateful for the gifts he brings and for his dedication and commitment to the youth of our church. Reece It’s That Time of Year Again! The Annual Youth Fundraising YARD SALE!!! February 28th! 6-11am Start cleaning out your closets, attics, and garages! We will begin accepting donations in the Family Life Center on Sunday, February 15th. If you need assistance bringing your items to the church, please contact Adrienne Fornes (252) 375-7590. Want to help? We are in need of pricers, set-up, take down, customer assistance, cashiers, and most of all…DONATORS!! Lenten Luncheon Schedule Please join us at noon in the Family Life Center for our Lenten Luncheons: Date Speaker February 23 Rev. Reece Jones March 2 Rev. Joshua Gentry March 9 Brian Hufford March 16 Rev. Stewart LaNeave March 23 Rev. Skipper McLawhorn WHEN: Sunday, February 8th WHERE: Family Life Center COST: $15.00 TIME: 2:00pm (Sign-Up Begins at 1:30 & Ends @ 1:50) ***All proceeds will go to benefit Youth Mission/Evangelism Projects*** **Co-Ed Blind Draw Tournament** **We hope that you will join us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship—All Are Welcome** Bring a finger food to share!! Sunday Night Youth (6th - 12th Grades) (Spiritual Growth, Relationships & Fellowship) FCC is excited to introduce to you, a Sunday Night Youth Group created for 6th-12th graders on the Second Sunday Night of each month @ 5:30pm. This new programing has been implemented as a supplement to our Wednesday night RALLY programing as well as Sunday school and church. This programing will take place in the homes of our "Youth Sponsors", Dawn & Tim Manning, Karen & Whit Brown, Stacey & Jeremy Cook and Avis and Stephen Wicher with the assistance of Josh Gentry, our new Interim Youth Director. This program has been designed with the idea of giving our 6th-12th graders an opportunity to grow spiritually together in small group settings, to form lasting relationships, and to have a great time while together. They will form strong bonds in faith and one another through activities, devotions, and games! Mission Projects (local and on a larger scale) are in the works, Youth Sunday, as well as fun weekend activities such as River Weekends and Snow Skiing! Our first meeting will take place in the Family Center on Sunday, February 8th @ 5pm following the Bean Bag Toss Tournament. We encourage all Youth (6th-12th) grade and their parents to join us as we talk about our focus and direction for our Youth Program at FCC! You will hear from Josh Gentry, who will be leading Wednesday Night RALLY and Sunday school for this age group as well! **February 8th - Meet and Greet @ FCC in the Family Life Center 5pm **March 8th - At the home of Karen & Whit Brown (March Activity - The Message of Easter - Outdoor Drama-TBA) **April 12th - At the home of Dawn & Tim Manning (April Activity - April 26th Luncheon Fundraiser following Worship) **May 10th - At the home of Stacey & Jeremy Cook (May Activity - Local Mission Work - TBA) **June 14th - At the home of Avis & Stephen Wicher (June Activity - Weekend at the Albermarle Sound - fishing, boating and swimming - compliments of Marsha Griffin) Mark your calendars now!! We are excited about these new opportunities and the ways that God is leading us as Youth Sponsors! Dawn & Tim Manning Karen & Whit Brown Stacey & Jeremy Cook Avis & Stephen Wicher DEACONS’ TRAINING SESSION SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 FOLLOWING WORSHIP ELDERS ARE INVITED. 2015 OFFICIAL BOARD Sandy Steele – Chair Will Corbitt —Chair-elect Michelle Smith – Secretary Tom Gottschall – Treasurer/Finance Mission Team Chair Sara Kleinknecht – Christian Ed Mission Team Chair Adrienne Fornes – Evangelism Mission Team Chair _____________ – Membership Mission Team Chair Deborah Price / Jewelle Boone – Outreach Mission Team Co-Chairs Jason Arnold – Property Mission Team Chair Marla Harrell – Worship Mission Team Chair Ervin Evans – Elder Representative Bryan Averette – Elder Representative Susan Edwards – Elder Representative Dawn Manning – Deacon Representative Bonita Batts – Deacon Representative Marsha Griffin – Deacon Representative Brian Hufford – CMF Representative ______________ – CWF Representative Lyndsay McKinley – CYF Representative Whit Brown – Trustee Representative Louis Gaylord, Jr. – Life Member Richard Gaylord – Life Member Rev. Reece Jones – Ex-officio Rev. Joshua Gentry – Ex-officio Louise Gurganus – Ex-officio ATTENDANCE / COMMITMENT/ EXPENSES IN DECEMBER 2014 AVERAGE WEEKLY WORSHIP ATTENDANCE: 164 CONTRIBUTIONS YEAR-TO-DATE Contributions: $52,766.41 Expenses: $19,760.19 Contributions: $267,954.33 Expenses: $292,885.10
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