Lake Eustis Line Lake Eustis Christian Church 315 East Orange Avenue, Eustis, Florida 32726-4194 Phone: 352-589-2235 FAX: 352-589-0988 Email: [email protected] Website: Lake Eustis Christian Church seeks to honor God by connecting people to Jesus Christ and equipping believers to live faithfully for Him. February, 2015 2015 “Do Something” Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 February 15, 18 & 22 Goal $55,000 Wednesday, February 18 At our regular Bible Study time all adults and teens will meet together at 7:00 PM to hear from those in our church family that have participated in missions. Sunday, February 22 All-Church Covered Dish Lunch Following 10:45 AM Service Each Family please bring a dish to share; Pulled chicken sandwiches provided. Sunday, February 22 Please Note: Faith Promise “promise” Sunday. On this day we ask that you make a commitment to faith promise missions for 2015. Be praying about how you and your family can support missions. Due to the café service, please drop off your dish in the kitchen before 10:45 AM, or leave in teen café until after the service ends. ICE CREAM for everyone following 6:00 Faith Promise Booklets will be handed out to each family soon. We ask that you read thru the booklet to see what faith promise is all about, how it works, and who we will be supporting in 2015. PM Service downstairs in the church fellowship hall. On Saturday, February 21 we will be going out to be a blessing to our community as we serve and meet needs in love. This will be in conjunction with our Faith Promise Emphasis in February where we highlight the missions that we support and encourage financial giving toward those missions. On Saturday, February 21 we will have several projects that will be taking place and there is something for everyone to do. Here are a couple of service opportunities for that day and more will be added. Ruth House Work We will be taking some able-bodied people to do some work around the Ruth House in Umatilla. We will be putting on a new deck on the back porch of their house. We will also be doing some pressure washing and some other small projects for them. Lake Eustis Care Center We will be meeting at the church’s fellowship hall to design greeting cards that will then be taken to the Lake Eustis Care Center and given to the residents that live there. We just want to tell the people there that we care and that they matter to God. Landscaping Project We will be doing a big landscaping project on the Orange Avenue side of our church building. We have some attractive palm trees but the other plants and shrubbery is lacking. We will be pulling out some of the old and preparing for new plants to go in. Miscellaneous Projects We will also have some other projects available that day but we are still ironing out the details. More information will follow soon. We would love to have you and your families join us that day as we give back to our community. We know that Jesus was a servant and that he led by example. In Philippians 2:5 we are told that we must have the same attitude as Jesus. This is a great way to be part of that. So come out and join us for a couple of hours on February 21st. More detail and times will be discussed in the coming weeks. Congratulations to Kim Hurley on the birth of a new granddaughter, Aireanna Luv Clarissa Moore 2750 David Walker Road, Apt. 2121 Eustis, FL 32726 [email protected] Hurley. She weighed 5 lbs., 4 ozs, and is 18 in. long. If you have facebook then you have seen how adorable she is! Congrats to Kim’s son and daughter-in-law! Congratulations Clarissa! Circle of Fellowship Movie Night Monday, February 23 6:30 PM All ladies are invited to meet in the church fellowship hall for movie night, finger foods and fellowship time! Bring your favorite finger food and bring a friend! If you would like to bring your camp chair to sit in that is fine too! Watch the church bulletin for info. on which movie we will be watching. Change of Email Address Tammy & Mike Moloney [email protected] Ray & Sue Nichols [email protected] Please make these changes in your address directory. Service Project Don Roth (recent hip surgery; rehab center soon) William Kinghorn (safety on the job) Matt (F&M Hackett’s sister’s grandson; critical condition due to bad car accident on the ice) David Jones (guidance; job situation; Diane Thomas’ brother) Shawn Wolfe and Family (loss of Shawn's brother) Michelle Gotfraind and Family (loss of Michelle's grandmother) Family & Friends of Marion McGlasson (Marion passed away) Gene Hartwell (lost hand in fireworks accident; doing very well; Melody Kinghorn's brother) Linda Thomas (recently in hospital with serious infection) Vickie Cruz (airboat accident; ICU @ ORMC for 3-6 months; info. from K. Houben) Krista Fay (baby due any time) Debbie Yunger (hole in heart;surg. on 1-28; Craig Leslie's sister) Trevor (8 yr. old; recent surg., another in spring; C&V Huffman's gr-grandson) Mike Bailey (health issues) Chuck Huffman (tests) Clarissa Moore Jim McConnell (upcoming procedure to put stint thru the liver) Christopher Murray & Beverly Stephens (request from Watts) Brody Hurley (unknown cyst/infection on neck; Pegues' family cousin) Diane Watts (tests; Tim Watts' mom) Greg Gascon (medical issues; Pete & Kathryn Gelabert's son) Donna Bentley (Frankie White's sister; radiation) Prayer Requests from Watts family: Inez Rosado's mom (Hospice), Ruth Ball, Betsy Cahaus June Dotson's sister Rita Urben's sister, Anna (medical issues) Pam Hendrix and David Higgins (PT for shoulder) Barb C's Aunt Mary Barb Cochrane's niece, Rachel R&B's son (cast on ankle and then therapy) Sandy Viccica (PT for shoulder; bladder cancer tests) ` Sandy Viccica’s son, Craig (guidance) Darla Kuiper's dad (several tumors; pray for him & family) Doc Johnson Marshall White Nancy Banuelas Acie Moreland Delores Gardner Jenn (Jo Ann Joslyn's daughter; Air Force;Afghanistan) Debi Edwards (June Slater's daughter) Mark and Linda Verderber's son James Cynthia Huff (ALS progressing; Michael & Theresa Bailey's sister) Dawn Lochard (illness; cousin of M&T Bailey) Dan Bolwell (treatm. for muscle disorder) Those with Cancer or going thru Treatments Our Country Our Elders Our Minister Our men & women in the military & their families All Young at Heart Senior Adults are encouraged to participate in a service project on Tuesday, February 10th. Meet at the church at 10:00 AM to help make laundry soap for the Ruth House, a men’s shelter and for a thrift store. After the service project the Young at Heart adults will go to McDonald’s for lunch. Everyone at church is asked to please save plastic juice bottles and 2-liter coke bottles (with caps!). You may drop them off in the Gathering room. Potluck & Singsperation Friday, February 13, 2015 Noon Church Fellowship Hall Come ready to sing your favorite hymns. If you have a talent you would like to share, please contact Dewayne & Ann Rhoads or Ed & Phyllis Lehman. Marilyn Fairchild and Connie Nichols will be assisting us with music. Join us in singing praises to our King! Lake Aurora Christian Camp Birthdays Men’s Retreat 2015 March 6-7 2 Speaker: Arron Chambers Greeley, CO John 15:13 $69 (Fri-Sat) $35 Deposit will secure your spot! Part-time Rates: Friday: $30 Saturday: $40 About Arron Chambers... Who is Arron Chambers? Lead Minister of Journey Christian Church in Greeley, Colorado, Author, Husband of a Lovely Wife, Father of Four Kids, Evangelism Champion, Leadership Consultant, Marriage Coach, and Blogger. He is the author of several books including "Devoted", "Eats with Sinners", "Running on Empty" and "Scripture to Live By". He is also a contributing editor to the Christian Standard and maintains a blog "My Lord and My Blog." Breakout Workshops to include: Man up, be a Godly father (Fatherhood) - Leader: Todd Thomas Are you man enough to fight? (Spiritual Warfare) Are you healthy enough to lead your church? (Church Leaders) - Leader: Dr. Joe Harvey Be a man towards your neighbor (Relationships) Be a man to your wife (Godly husbands) Leader: Alan Tison Jesus and Masculinity: Leader: Arron Chambers Contact Ray Nichols at 352-516-2072 or [email protected] if you would like to attend the Men’s Retreat with a group from Lake Eustis Christian. 3 5 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 28 Tom Hunter Chris Irby Michael Moloney Victoria Urben Troy Singer Sarah Avans Michelina Miller Carl Hendrix Myrtis Hales Lora Irizarry Clyde Shearer June Dotson Ashley Page Connie Nichols Donna Folsom Brad Page Marshall White Kyle Higginbotham Jennie Donohue Melvin Matteson Wedding Anniversaries 2-3 Craig & Natalie Leslie 2-13 Jim & June Dotson 2-27 Rod & Ellen Thompson The Loaves and Fishes ministry provides a little help to individuals or families who've hit a bit of a rough spot. The program provides groceries, both non-perishables and fresh goods, to families within our own congregation or those in the community we know with special needs. Our first distribution in December was a huge success, providing more than 30 bags of groceries to 6 families. We continue collecting dry goods and sign-ups for fresh goods, for distribution on February 28th. There are various ways to get involved. You can bring non-perishables to the basket in the foyer marked "Loaves and Fishes". Or you can sign up to bring fresh goods. Or you can donate funds for groceries using "Loaves and Fishes" on the memo line of your check. Or you can show up on the distribution day to help bag it all up. Some suggestions: Dry goods: pasta, noodles, rice; pasta sauce, gravy; canned fruits or veggies; canned or dry beans; canned tuna or meats; canned soup; peanut butter; cereals Fresh goods: produce (carrots, beans, apples, grapes, bananas); bread; eggs; milk; cheese; fresh meats, lunch meats For any questions, please contact Diane Thomas @ 352-589-6847. Cook book Recipes will continue to be collected thru Wednesday, February 4. A recipe book will then be put together. Our elementary age children will use the recipe book to raise money to help with the cost of this year’s summer camp. Drop your recipes off in the box outside of the church office, or email to [email protected] m or fax to 352-589-0988. See Cindy Wolfe if you have any questions. Go Ye Circle Tuesday, February 10 1:00 PM All ladies of the church are invited to meet with the Go Ye Circle. At our February meeting goodie bags are put together for some special people; some are shut-ins and others are those that the Go Ye Circle would like to give a special something….just because. All ladies are asked to please bring goodies that are wrapped and ready to be put in these bags. Also, we encourage ladies to bring a nonperishable food item to help the food pantry. February 2015 Sunday 1 Evening Worship 5:30-6:30 PM Monday 2 Financial Peace Class 6:30 – 8 PM Super Bowl Party Tuesday 3 Food Pantry 9:30-noon Connection Grps. Wednesday Thursday 4 Meal 6 PM Bible Study 7 5 Food Friday 6 Saturday 7 Pantry 9:30-noon PM Connection Grps. Connection Con. Grp. 7 PM Grps. Worship Team IMPACT at Johnson Univ. Softball Practice 8 PM 6:30 PM 8 Girl Scouts 9 Financial Peace Class 2-4 PM Mission Mtg. 10 Food Pantry 11 Meal 6 PM 12 Encouragers’ Breakfast Young at Bible Study 7 Food Heart Adults PM Pantry Service Project Con. Grp. 7 PM Connection Go Ye Circle Worship Team Grps. Softball 1 PM Practice 8 PM 13 14 Young at Valentine’s Heart Adults Day Potluck (noon) Connection Grps. Fishing Tournament Lake Griffin Silver Ring Thing (Teens) Connection Grps. 15 Faith Promise Spaghetti Lunch & Dessert Auction 22 Faith Promise Girl Scouts 2-4 PM 16 Financial Peace Class 17 Food Pantry Connection President’s Grps. Day 18 Meal 6 PM Faith Promise (upstairs) 7 PM 19 20 Food Pantry Circle of Fellowship Movie Night 24 Food Pantry Connection Grps. 25 Meal 6 PM Bible Study 7 PM Con. Grp. 7 PM Worship Team Practice 8 PM Lake Christian Church Riders Connection Grps. Softball Serve Eustis Day Worship Team 8 PM 23 Financial Peace Class 21 Connection Grps. 26 27 Food Pantry Connection Grps. Softball Connection Grps. 28 Loaves & Fishes Packing & Distribution Day Yard Sale & Car Wash (fundraiser for teens) CIY deposit of $50 due Sunday, February 15th Saturday, February 28th February 10th First Baptist Church of Mount Dora See Brian Palmer for tickets ( Cost is $5) The national event that speaks honestly to teens about God’s plan for sex. East Parking Lot of the Church Our teens will be holding a yard sale to help raise money for this year’s CIY. Brian Palmer is now accepting items. All items are appreciated, and remember that large items such as furniture, etc. tend to go well. Contact Brian if you need items picked up or if you will be bringing a large number of items to the church Parents are encouraged to attend as well. Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser Sunday, February 15th All are invited downstairs for lunch at noon. Donations will be accepted and will help with the cost of this summer’s CIY for our teens. Car Wash Saturday, February 28th Before you leave from the yard sale let our teens give your vehicle a good wash! Donations will be accepted. All donations will go towards the cost of CIY. Dessert Auction Please bring in a favorite dessert for the auction that will take place during the spaghetti lunch. Each year we have a large variety of desserts, so we encourage everyone to bring in something! All desserts that are auctioned off can be shared with everyone at lunch, or you can take it home with you. All donations given for desserts will help our teens with the cost of CIY this summer. IMPACT Middle & High School Students February 6-7 (Friday & Saturday) Johnson University Florida, in Kissimmee Impact is known for its huge touch football tournament, Sun Bowl. This year marks the 28th year of Sun Bowl. The event features a weekend full of fun, football, worship and biblical teaching. This year’s theme, “The Playbook,” focuses on all aspects of the Bible. FYI: Will leave from the church on Friday, February 6th at 4:45 pm. Will be back at the church on Saturday night, February 7th at 11:00 pm.
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