PREP NEWS THE WEEKLY BULLETIN OF TRINITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL PREPARATORY SCHOOL LENT TERM | BULLETIN II FRIDAY 6TH FEBRUARY 2015 FROM THE MASTER OF THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 On Friday morning we inducted the 2014 School Officers in a Chapel Service here at Strathfield. In my address to the boys I spoke about some of the common perceptions of leadership; famous politicians, sportsman, winning; and then I compared these with the leadership demonstrated by Jesus. We looked at Philippians 2:5-11 which talks about Jesus giving up everything to become man, ultimately to die for us. To try to illustrate the significance of this I asked the boys to imagine Michael Clarke, the Australian Cricket Captain, arriving at a game of Super 8’s cricket on the weekend and asking if he could bowl. It’s ridiculous! Why would the captain of Australia lower himself to playing in an Under 10’s game of cricket and waiting his turn to bowl? And yet, this is nothing compared to the humility, sacrifice and service that Jesus demonstrated. I encouraged the boys to think of leadership in these terms and to consider the words of Micah 6:8; ‘To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” We look forward to seeing our School Officers rising to the occasion and providing strong, servant-hearted leadership this year. 1300 788 477 TGS MULTI-CAMPUS INFO LINE WET WEATHER DETAILS | SPECIAL EVENTS | CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES | SPORT INFORMATION Whilst we highlighted these particular leadership roles in our school it is important to also acknowledge the general leadership that will be shown by all of our Year 6 students this year as they set the standards for all of our boys. One of the greatest acts of leadership they have will be with their Kindergarten buddies as they form special relationships throughout the year that are mutually beneficial. Our K-2 boys had their first Chapel service on Monday. I was pleased to see that the boys participated enthusiastically and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to learn a little more about me through Mr Smith’s interview. IPSHA sets out clear guidelines and codes of behaviour for players, spectators and coaches. These principles have been attached at the end of this newsletter. I have listed below the main aims and principles of IPSHA sport and I encourage all boys and parents to reflect on these. >> Enjoyment and sportsmanship must be emphasised at all times >> Competitors should be encouraged to play hard and strive to win fairly >> Respect your opponent Each week in Chapel each class from Kindergarten to Year 6 presents their missionary collection for that week. This is not a compulsory collection. However, boys are encouraged to give to those less fortunate. A different Christian charity or mission group is supported each month. Preparatory School families have always generously supported our mission appeals and I would encourage you to discuss this opportunity with your son and see if you can turn this into a valuable learning situation for him. >> Team spirit and School loyalty must be given priority over selfish play This week we began the Parent Information evenings with PreKindergarten and Kindergarten on Tuesday evening followed by Years 3 & 4 on Thursday evening. Thank you to all of the parents who made this night a priority. Years 1 & 2 are on Tuesday next week, followed by Years 5 & 6 on Thursday 19th February. These sessions provide a good opportunity to hear from your son’s classroom teacher about the year ahead. >> Complaints concerning the conduct of games must not be made during or after the game but must be referred to the School (either Mr Bishop, Mr Ayoub or me) At the Parent Information evenings I took great pleasure in sharing the focus of our recent Staff Professional Development session. We spent a whole day considering the exciting challenge of working together, with all stakeholders, to continue making Trinity Preparatory School even greater. We agreed that we would work towards the following goal; “To develop an inclusive learning community which nurtures potential, inspires passion and celebrates growth.” From time to time families have the need to set up custodial arrangements in regards to the care of their child. The School would appreciate a copy of any court orders that are issued in relation to your son. This information is kept secured in a child’s file and any pertinent information is provided in an information bulletin for the child’s classroom teacher and other relevant staff. This week has seen the launching of our co-curricular activities for 2015. I must begin by apologising for the lack of certainty with some of the logistics with this. We have been getting used to the new online form system that promises to be an efficient and effective tool to support co-curricular organisation in the long run. It has been wonderful to see so many boys enjoying the vast and varied co-curricular activities on offer before and after school. Activities that didn’t start this week will begin in Week 3. Saturday sport commences this weekend for all boys in Years 5 and 6. Boys who play Cricket, Basketball and Softball play under the IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads of Australia NSW Branch) umbrella. The School also offers an intra-school programme for Oz Tag and swimming. Teams have been finalised for this week and boys should be aware of where they are playing and what time. This information also appears as part of this newsletter. I would like to remind all parents about the importance of your son turning up to his match in sufficient time for a warm up and instructions from the coach. It is expected that boys are at venues at twenty minutes before the scheduled start of play. >> Foul or rough play is inexcusable >> Applause should be generously bestowed on good play from both teams >> Excessive jubilation must be curbed so as not to show contempt for an opponent >> The referee’s decision is final and beyond reproach I also refer you to the Trinity Grammar School Sport Code of Conduct, which is also attached at the end of the newsletter. I ask that you reinforce these principles with your son and uphold them yourselves of a Saturday. At Trinity we encourage boys to be gracious in winning as well as in defeat. The shaking of an opponent’s hand at the completion of any game is expected and good play from an opposition team should be acknowledged in an appropriate manner. No player should criticise any teammate and there is to be no swearing or fighting on the playing field for any reason, or as the result of any provocation. All Trinity teams are to be immaculately turned out in the correct playing strip and non-Trinity items of clothing are not to be worn. At all times boys are expected to give 100% effort. Sport is a compulsory part of the programme. If your son is unable to attend due to illness please contact the Sportsmaster, Mr Bishop, on his mobile phone (0413 850 340) and ensure a note accompanies your son to School on the Monday following the absence. The School’s Wet Weather number is also updated with cancellations for the day at 6:45am on Saturday mornings (1300 788 477 and follow the prompts). It is not acceptable if we don’t have full teams for matches due to players not turning up to play. The House Swimming Championships for boys in Years 3 – 6 will be held over two days next week, Monday and Thursday. On Monday the heats and some of the timed finals are held at Summer Hill, with the majority of finals held on Thursday at Homebush. Each boy will get at least two swims at each carnival. Please ensure that your son has the Trinity Swimming costume and his House swimming cap. An information letter has been sent out by Mr Bishop and you should have returned the transport slip to your son’s class teacher this week. Please be aware that boys must stay at the carnivals until the completion of all events. We strongly recommend all parents registering their son for OSHClub. It is free to register and makes it easier if and when your son needs to use this service. Please note that OSHClub is an externally operated service and as such fees can’t be waived if a student only attend for a few minutes. Chris Wyatt | Master of the Preparatory School 2 > Prep School News | 6 February 2015 DATES FOR THE DIARY FEBRUARY Saturday, 7th Summer Sport Round 1 Monday, 9th 8:30am to 3:30pm House Swimming Championship (Summer Hill) Tuesday, 10th 7:00pm Parent Information Night – Year 1 & 2 (Chapel) Thursday, 12th Junior & Preparatory School Championship (SOPAC) Friday, 13th Minimites Starts Saturday, 14th Summer Sport Round 2 Monday, 16th Year 5 Excursion To Bathurst Tuesday, 17th Year 5 Excursion To Bathurst Wednesday, 18th Year 5 Excursion To Bathurst Thursday, 19th PreK & K: STEPS Sight Screening Assessment 7:00pm Parent Information Night – Year 5 & 6 (Chapel) Friday, 20th PreK & K: STEPS Sight Screening Assessment Swimming: SCOTS Invitaiton (Bellevue Hill) Saturday, 21st Summer Sport Round 3 Thursday, 26th Year 5 & 6 Summer Sports Photographs Friday, 27th Swimming: IPSHA South Harbour Invitation (SH) Saturday, 28th Summer Sport Round 4 FROM THE DEPUTY MASTER INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS AND ASSESSMENTS FOR SCHOOLS (ICAS) 2015 him to be entered in. Please make your preference(s) at the following link: In 2015 the School will change the administration of ICAS 3 – 6 competitions in both the Junior School and Preparatory School. waa9PY6wxbO56USmThdRZUWbPU/viewform?usp=send_ form The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) are independent skills-based assessments with a competition element. The tests are commonly referred to as the UNSW tests. The School collects a variety of information from a many sources (both internal and external) to assess student progress. There is no longer the need to obtain data from ICAS competitions to inform practice of teaching and learning, for all students. As a School we’d like to offer the opportunity for students to participate in ICAS English (28th July 2015), Writing (15th – 19th June 2015) and Mathematics (11th August 2015) as an enrichment opportunity for students who will benefit from participation. Please consider carefully before choosing this enrichment opportunity for your son. It is a rigorous competition with many questions set beyond grade level. If you are unsure of your son’s suitability, please consult with his teacher. More information about the assessments can be found at: There is no additional cost for your son to participate in ICAS tests. Anni Sandwell | Deputy Master of the Preparatory School If you would like your son to compete in 2015 ICAS Competitions, you will be asked to nominate which competitions you would like SAFER INTERNET DAY’ Safer Internet Day is being held on Tuesday 10th February. Students in Years 3 to 6 will be involved in a webinar called ‘Being a Good Bystander’. The webinar will focus on cyber safety topics and explore how students need to develop an understanding of what it means to be a responsible digital citizen. The Cybersmart website has a range of age appropriate online information and related links to support parents and children in the education of cyber safety topics. Please click here. I would like to encourage you to have regular conversations with your son about what it means to be a responsible digital citizen. Richard Lever | Director of Primary Curriculum (PYP Co-ordinator) Prep School News | 6 February 2015 < 3 FROM THE ACADEMIC DEAN HANDY HINTS FOR IMPROVING YOUR SON’S LEARNING Our core business at Trinity is boys’ learning. We aim to bring out the very best in all our boys. To this end, it is important that we continue to work together, School and home, in providing the optimum learning environment for our boys. The following seven handy hints for improving your son’s learning are worthy of consideration. They have been adapted from Andrew Fuller’s book Help Your Child Succeed at School. 1. Ensure your son has an organised learning space. Many boys have difficulty setting up and maintaining a well-organised learning space at home. Parents can assist with some of the practical aspects of setting up their son’s home study area, and help with ways the space can be better organised and managed. 2. Lighting can help/hinder learning. Natural or indirect lighting such as a desk lamp is best for learning. Studying under fluorescent lighting is not ideal as it is related to raised cortisol levels, which is an indicator of anxiety and agitation. 3. How much television is too much? From the age of two, a small amount of television viewing has been found to be positively associated with academic achievement. Once boys are nine, 1.5 hours per day is regarded as the upper limit. At 13, the limit drops to one hour per day. At 17, it drops even further to the optimal amount being around 30 minutes per day. 4. The importance of sleep. A good night’s sleep (at least eight hours) is essential for optimal brain functioning. Memory consolidation occurs during sleep, especially dream (or REM) sleep. During the normal eight to nine hours of sleep, five dream (REM) cycles occur. Boys getting only five to six hours of sleep lose out on the last two REM cycles and thereby reduce the amount of time the brain has to consolidate information. There is also no such thing as a sleep bank. Just because you get ten hours one night doesn’t mean you can get away with only sleeping six hours the next. 5. A good breakfast provides a great start. Many studies have shown that skipping breakfast in the morning has a negative effect on learning and concentration during the day. The type of breakfast boys have can also have an impact. A breakfast that is high in protein (eggs, low fat dairy products, lean meat, fish) and containing low GI index carbohydrates (e.g. porridge, muesli, bran-enriched cereal, most fruits) promotes concentration and learning. A high GI breakfast (e.g. sugary cereals, white toast) can lead to a decline in performance as the energy is less sustained throughout the day. 6. Giving your son feedback on his learning. Research has shown that the best way to provide feedback to improve student achievement on a learning task is to focus on the task itself and how to do it more effectively. Feedback related to general praise, rewards or punishment has little effect on improving learning. 7. The essential skills for success. Three of the skills needed for success at school (and in most areas of life) are concentration, memory and sequencing or getting things in the right order. The games parents play with their children such as Snap, Uno, Concentration, Battleships, Monopoly, Chess, Jigsaw puzzles, etc. all play an incredibly important role in developing these skills. However,computer versions of these games have been found not to be as effective. Jason Cheers | Academic Dean CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - ONLINE REGISTRATION PROCESS 1. Go to the Trinity Grammar School home page and click on Register for Co-curricular Activities (under the PREPARATORY SCHOOL heading) 2. Scroll down the list of events and click on the Co-Curricular Activity you are enrolling your son into to start the registration process. 4 > Prep School News | 6 February 2015 AUXILIARY NEWS COMMUNITY DINNER PIZZA PARTY - Art Auction Helpers Needed! I hope you’ve put Friday, March 6 in your diaries. I don’t want any excuses. We have got a ripper of a night planned (I haven’t used the word ‘ripper’ since 1978. That’s it, I’m bringing it back.) What is super exciting is the Art Auction. It’s going to be so good I’m feeling a little scared. Previously we’ve only auctioned off pieces from the Infants’ School, but this year we have one piece per year all the way to Year 6. Wait until you see them! Of course if you want to see them early all you have to do is come and help out in the Art Room. We REALLY need people on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.45am – 10.15am or any time in between. I have lollies! I will give you some! See you there! COMMUNITY DINNER ONLINE INVITATION Any minute now the online invitation will be coming out for the Community Dinner. You will be able to find it on the website; it will be emailed to you; it will appear in the Prep News. I don’t know what else I can do. My people, let me take your delicate hand and put it in my own. Let me pat it gently and say to you: No Hard Copies of the Invite! Everything is going to be online this year. I’m serious: No. Hard. Copies. I will be reminding you about the invite. I will be helping you find it wherever it may appear. Together we can do this! Speaking of together... CLASS PARENTS If you are not new to Trinity you know all about how much fun being a class parent can be. Am I RIGHT?! And if you are new, what joy is in store. Let me give you a quick run down on said joys. Class Parents represent each class and their purpose is to a) have fun and meet new people and, b) be a contact for all parents to organise picnics, coffee mornings, fishing trips (?! optional) and other fun events. Class parents can be the conduit between the Auxiliary and parents. For example, I might send out an email to the class parents asking them to contact their class to see if anyone can come and help in the art room. Gosh, that’s a good idea. If only I had some class parents to contact/ ask. Class Parents also have a role to play in the Fiesta where they help organise their year’s stall. Let’s not get into Fiesta details right this second. I’m still recovering (in a good way) from last year. The role is not onerous, it really is a chance to get to know more people in your year and is a great way to support the boys. Please contact me on [email protected] or 0430 085 664 to either sign up or just ask me about it and give me a chance to talk you into it. You can also drop into the office or email [email protected] and give your details to Mrs Carmichael. All we need to know is your name, your email/ phone number, your son’s name and his class. Also you can have as many class parents per class as you like. So get your friends onto it as well and share the tiny load. FIESTA 2014 I’ll give you a chance to start texting me that you’d love to be a class parent whilst I tell you about last year’s Fiesta. The profit was somewhere in the area of $63,000! Boom! That is a lot of money and an improvement on 2013. Well done to everyone who was involved and thanks to the P&F for putting on a pretty good show, wouldn’t you say? Is that my sms alert I hear? Don’t tell me you’re jumping at the chance to be a class parent? I sure talked that up, didn’t I? Ok, let me check all my messages that are from people who want to be class parents. (Did you like that Oprah-style affirmation? If I say it’s true, it will become true) Til next week, Elizabeth McMullen | President Strathfield Auxiliary COMMUNITY DINNER PIZZA PARTY The Strathfield Auxiliary invites all members of our community to our annual Community Dinner and Welcome to Mr Wyatt When 5.30pm to 9pm, Friday, March 6, 2015 Where The Pavilion at the Prep School Cost $30 per adult $20 per child 3rd and subsequent children $15. Children 3 and under free) Includes: Pizza, salad and dessert. Kids' meal plus drink plus kids' entertainment. A drink is included in the kids' meal but all other drinks are BYO. CLICK HERE TO RSVP NOW ABSENTEE INSTRUCTIONS Listed below, in preference order, are the methods available for Absentee reporting that would assist the Office: 1.Use the Trinity Grammar School phone APP and follow the prompts (From the APP home page select Preparatory School the select Absentee Form to open the absentee form). Instructions for installing the APP on your phone can be found by clicking here 2.Using the Absentee email address [email protected] Also, if you wish, you can ‘CC’ the class teacher on this email. ÆÆ 3.Lastly, you can phone 8732 4658 and leave a message with your son’s name and class Prep School News | 6 February 2015 < 5 CANTEEN NEWS CANTEEN ROSTER Please Note – New Menu and price list for Term 1, 2015 Monday 5th February - Friday 13th February Monday Lei Wang Tuesday Susanne Stavros, Ji Ying Liu Wednesday Joanne Micheal, Tanya Toomalatal Thursday Barbara Moromalos Friday Filia Kapaniris, Catherine Joukhadar PARENTS PLEASE NOTE When ordering your child’s lunch, could you please write on a separate bag for drinks and hot food. Please call Mary Saba on 8732 4654, if you can spare some time to volunteer. Mary Saba | Canteen Manager phone 8732 4654 SYDNEY FC vs WESTERN SYDNEY WANDERERS School Prayer TRINITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL Parents and friends are most welcome to come and pray for our boys and the School, on Tuesdays between 8.30am and 9.30am. The Prayer Mornings are run on a rotational basis, on alternate weeks, at the Preparatory School campus and the Summer Hill School campus. PREPARATORY SCHOOL STRATHFIELD - meet in the Joske Room Strathfield, on odd weeks of term (Weeks 3, 5, 7, 9) Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 1st February 10th, 24th, March 10th, 24th May 5th, 19th, June 2nd, 16th July 28th, August 11th, 25th, September 8th October 20th, November 3rd, 17th, December JUNIOR, MIDDLE AND SENIOR SCHOOLS SUMMER HILL On Saturday the 28th of February at 7:30pm, Sydney FC takes on the Western Sydney Wanderers at Parramatta Stadium, in what will be a blockbuster sell out event! – meet at reception in the Junior School Building, on even weeks of term (Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8,) Trinity will be playing the game on the big screen in the Experimental Drama Theatre and you are invited to come in your team colours to share the passion of a local derby with the Trinity community. Term 1 week 4) Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 This is a Friends of Football fundraising event with proceeds going to the development of Football at the School. Doors open at 6:45pm and your ticket includes a complimentary sausage sandwich, soft drink and entry into the lucky door prize draws. Come and join us so we can encourage each other, help form a sense of community within the School, and genuinely bring the needs of the School community before our great God. If you buy your tickets to this Trinity event by Sunday the 22nd of February, you will immediately go into the draw to win a VIP Dugout Double Pass or Family Pass to the actual game! This will be drawn at lunchtime in Latham Theatre on Monday the 23rd of February. February 17th, March 3rd, 17th, 31st (start April 28th, May 12th, 26th, June 9th July 21st, August 4th, 18th, September 1st October 13th, 27th, November 10th, 24th Contacts: STRATHFIELD >> Stuart Smith | Assistant Chaplain, Strathfield email [email protected] Tickets to the above Trinity event are $20.00 per person and these can be purchased on the link below. Capacity is limited, so book your tickets early to avoid disappointment! >> Tamara Gill mobile 0432 011 351 Event Details: >> Greg Webster | Senior Chaplain, Summer Hill email [email protected] Where Trinity Grammar School Experimental Drama Theatre (Summer Hill Campus) Date Saturday the 28th of February Time Doors Open 6:45pm, Game Kicks Off 7:30pm Tickets $20.00 per person Note that this is a non-alcoholic event. RSVP: Monday 23rd February 2015 CLICK HERE TO RSVP NOW Luke Gray | MIC Football 6 > Prep School News | 6 February 2015 >> Margaret Chu (Summer Hill) mobile 0433 124 523 DATES CHANGE IN RECORD BOOK: Parents please note that the Years 5 and 6 Parent Information Evening originally scheduled for Tuesday February 17th will now be on THURSDAY February 19th at 7pm (Preparatory School Chapel/ Assembly Hall). 2015 RECO RD BO TRINITY GRAM OK MAR SC HOOL FROM THE SPORTSMASTER CUB AND SCOUT NEWS WELL WHAT A START TO THE YEAR! The boys are enjoying getting into their PE lessons, learning new skills and revisiting old ones. The FAST programme has also started well as we endeavour to not only make our boys active but active in the correct and right way. This weekend (tomorrow) sees the commencement of IPSHA competition for Year 5/6 teams across Cricket, Basketball and Softball. The Oztag boys will also be playing their game as an internal fixture too! Please pay careful attention to the fixtures list, noting time and the venue most importantly. As stated last week in our first bulletin, please be at the ground at least 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the game. Good luck to all teams. Remember boys, whether we win, lose or draw – that what we want to see is a great, hard game where it is played in the right manner and spirit. Throughout the game it is of absolute importance that sportsmanlike conduct and behaviour is in line with that of a true Trinitarian! Next week is a big week of swimming for the Year 3-6 boys. We have two days out. The first is Monday at Summer Hill and the second is Thursday at SOPAC (Homebush). You should have received these notes earlier this week. They must be completed and returned to the School ASAP. Thank you. Please be aware that also commencing next week are the external sporting commitments for especially Cricket and Football. Please be sure to read carefully where those sessions will be located either at Strathfield or Summer Hill. To those boys who have been selected in the 1st/2ndV Basketball teams or the 1st/2nd/ 11A XI Cricket teams in 2015 there is an opportunity for you to train a second time every week. That time has been set as Tuesday mornings from 7am and it commences next week. The Basketballers will train on the Preparatory School courts under the direction of Mr Dunphy and some old boys. The Cricketers will be training at Summer Hill at the same time. A permission note will be sent home to those parents affected shortly. Once again if you have any questions or unsure of the requirements of the boys to attend their Saturday sporting event, please do not hesitate in getting in contact with myself on 8732 4664 or George Ayoub on 8732 4620. Richard Bishop and George Ayoub Preparatory School Sportsmaster(s) TRINITY SPORTS COCKTAIL RECEPTION 2015 WATCH AND MEET THE WARATAHS Kick off 2015 with tickets to the Trinity Sports Cocktail Reception, with the best seats in the house,you won’t miss a minute of the Waratahs on-field action. Inclusions: >> MC and special guests >> Match Ticket - Premium Level Seating (Corporate box) >> Pre and post-match cocktail reception Welcome to the start of another scout year. This week the Group went over to Yeo Park for a game of 3-way capture the flag and a game of rob the nest. This term the Trinity Cubs and Scouts have a great program starting with First Aid refresher next week (See over page for the Term 1, 2015 programme). We will be putting together a simple personal first-aid kit that scouts will use on all activities. Later in the term we ill invite other groups to join us for a construction night as well as special guests to talk about hiking gear. This term we also plan to visit the local police station. At the end of the term and the start of term two when the weather cools down we will be participating in a number of hikes from ones organised by the scouts for themselves to group and district hikes. Our first outing will be on Founders Day, 22 February at Circular Quay where we will have a small service to remember the founder of scouting before the scouts take an urban navigation challenge to a cryptic destination in Sydney based on the clues in the sculpture “Windlines” at Scout Place in front of the AMP Building. Congratulations to Kelvin Kong who achieved his level 1 Music Badge for Cubs. All students interested in Scouts are welcome at 3rd Summer Hill (Trinity Grammar) – the Group is led by parent and local adult volunteers. The Group is currently running programs for all Trinity boys from 7.5 years up to 10.5 years (Cubs) and 10 years up to 15 years (Scouts). Older students, including those interested in service projects for IB and Duke of Edinburgh, are also welcome. The Group meets in the old gymnasium at Summer Hill Campus on Tuesday evenings from 6pm to 7:30pm. Leader Contact: Group Leader: David Hull (Chil) mobile 0411 853 798 group email [email protected] JOIN SCOUT AND CUBS! CLICK HERE FOR THE APPLICATION FORM SAVE THE DATES Saturday 25 April, 2015 ANZ Stadium, Homebush Waratahs vs Rebels, Reception starts 6.30pm Saturday 23 May, 2015, ANZ Stadium, Homebush Waratahs vs Crusades, Reception starts 6.30pm For more information please contact Mr Ayoub. George Ayoub | Director of Development email [email protected] phone 02 9581 6000 mobile 0414 915 910 Prep School News | 6 February 2015 < 7 TRINITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL SCOUTS TERM 1 PROGRAM 2015 Tuesday, February 3 Welcome back and wide game at Yeo Park Welcome new cubs and scouts to the group and celebrate the adventures of our holidays. Have a wide game of capture the flag and robbing the nest next to the school at Yeo Park (weather permitting) Tuesday, February 10 Troop Council – 5-6pm First Aid night – refresher first aid and how to put together a first aid kit Each cub and scout puts together a first aid kit for the year using Magpie’s hiking first aid kit template Tuesday, February 17 Origins of Scouting and what makes a Scout A history of scouting as we lead up to Founders Day [Huon is away this week and parent help is needed] Sunday, February 22 Founder’s Day and Sydney Wide Game Patrols to organise themselves and travel to Circular Quay as a patrol bringing with them one of the Group’s scouting flags for a special Scouts Own before a wide game across Sydney with other troops of the North Hub. Finish by 3pm Tuesday, February 24 Construction night Scouts raid the store and grab the materials to construct a floating flag pole or pitch some old canvas tents Tuesday, March 3 Visit to Ashfield Police Station Patrol nominated at Troop Council to organise with Ashfield police a visit and tour of the Police Station – Meet as normal and walk down Victoria St to the police station Tuesday, March 10 Construction night re-visited How much can we remember from two weeks ago and can we build it faster – invite another troop to visit and join in Tuesday, March 17 Preparing for a hike How to pack a back-pack, what gear do you need and what gear don’t you need [During this week we will also have our Group Annual Meeting for Parents] Friday, March 20 to Sunday, March 22 Scout Leadership Course A Region Camp especially for those who have Pioneer badge Tuesday, March 24 Badge night So we have had Scouts running for nearly a full term, what have we completed and can sign off and what badges have we been working on outside of scouts Friday, March 27 to Sunday, March 29 James’ green chord hike Catching the train from and back to summer hill, a patrol is to join James in hiking from Epping back to the City along the Great North Walk and Lane Cove National Park staying at Pennant Hills Scout Camp and Lane Cove National Park campground – 2 nights camping that counts towards Pioneer badge and Australian Jamboree! Tuesday, March 31 Easter Challenge Celebrate the term with family, present some badges and have some activities that includes buckets of Easter eggs! SPECIAL ACTIVITES FOR NEXT TERM Saturday, 25 April ANZAC DAY – Community service helping Legacy distribute rosemary sprigs in the main march in the city Saturday, 2 May to Sunday, 3 May NSW Scout Hike – a fun hike in a State Forest with loads of activities Saturday, 9 May to Sunday, 10 May Jamboree on the Trail (JOTT) – this is a North Hub activity with other scout troops where you can earn an international scouting badge with a fun night-time activity in the trees! Mums and family welcome to join the Scouts for the hike or just on the Sunday for Mother’s day Saturday, 6 June to Sunday, 8 June Region Scout Camp at Coutts – our annual camp for scouts from across the Region where we stay on our bush campsite near Waterfall 8 > Prep School News | 6 February 2015 OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE TRINITY GRAMMAR PREPARATORY SCHOOL Welcome to OSHClub, your Before School Care and After School Care Programme provider. OSHClub provides the highest quality Before School Care, After School Care, Pupil Free Day Care and Holiday Programmes for Primary and Kinder aged children. We pride ourselves on providing children with a fun experience that they will enjoy. From exciting activities and healthy, nutritious snacks to caring, motivated staff, the programme meets all your children’s needs. Head Office Number 1800 460 870 or 02 8355 5300 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri) Website Operating Times Before School Care After School Care 7:00am to 9:00am 3:00pm to 6:00pm Holiday Programme 7:30am to 6:00pm Cost >> Before School Care from $4.23 per child per session (full fee $16.00) >> After School Care from $6.34 per child per session (full fee $24.00) >> After School Care Short Fee (<30 minutes) from $6.26 per child per session (full fee $14.40) >> Holiday Programme/Pupil Free Days from $10.19 per child per session (full fee $60.00) (fees subject to change) Most families are eligible for Child Care Benefit (CCB) and the 50% Child Care Rebate (CCR). The full fee applies for families who do not apply for and are not eligible for CCB and the CCR. All fees are approximate only. Late pick up fees of $2 per minute per child apply for children collected after 6:00pm. Prices may change at any time. Casual bookings made within 24 hours incur an extra charge of $3.30 per session. A late booking fee of $5.00 applies to all Holiday Programme bookings made within 2 working days of a session. Any pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten children not collected by 3:00pm will be taken to After Care. Any children from other years not collected by 3:40pm will be taken to After Care. What happens Loads of fun activities for all ages including art/craft, games, sports, drama, board games and fun with friends. What to bring Make sure you wear or bring appropriate clothing including a hat (Terms 1 & 4). How to book An OSHClub online enrolment form must be completed. Enrol online at Once enrolled with OSHClub, log in to your account and select to place either a permanent or casual booking. How to pay Fees can be paid by Credit Card (VISA or Mastercard) or by direct debit from your nominated bank account. Your account will be automatically charged every 2 weeks for your attendance fees. Usage statements will be available online. A late/penalty fee of $9.90 will be charged to your credit card or bank account if a transaction is declined. Cancellations OSHClub requires 24 hours’ notice for cancellation of a booking, or a medical certificate in the case of illness. If you provide either of these, you will receive a credit on any out of pocket charges you incur. Credits will equal the full fee less your CCB. How to cancel a booking 1. Online (preferred method) – login to your account at and remove or change your booking. These changes take effect immediately. 2. SMS – 0421 268 989 (SMS charges apply). This can take up to 24 hours to process. Include the following details to ensure your request can be processed: Child’s name e.g. Scott & Katie Smith Service e.g. Example Primary School Session & Date you wish to cancel e.g. Before Care on 15 Aug 2012 OSHClub Staff OSHClub Programmes are staffed by qualified and experienced Coordinators who have Working with Children checks. Coordinators are trained in First Aid, CPR, Asthma and Anaphylaxis. Policies Please refer to our policy document at the service to view our admission and enrolment requirements, fee payment procedures, employment of staff procedures, programming procedures, behaviour management procedures, delivery and collection procedures for children, dealing with illness and emergency care, infectious disease, complaints and anaphylaxis management policy. Complaints Any complaints or concerns regarding this service should be directed to the Programme Coordinator, or by contacting the OSHClub head office via email admin@ or on 02 8355 5300. If you are unhappy with the way your complaint or issue was handled, please contact the NSW Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate, Department of Education and Communities, Locked Bag 5107, PARRAMATTA NSW 2124, Phone: 1800 619 113 (toll free). This programme is provided and operated by OSHClub Pty Ltd in collaboration with the school. Mr S. Bull and Mr J Bruce are the representatives and licensees of this corporation. Prep School News | 6 February 2015 < 9 SOCIETY OF THE ARTS MARCELLO MAIO (ACCORDION) & PHIL STACK (DOUBLE BASS) IN CONCERT Venue Delmar Gallery Date Tuesday 17 February at 7.30pm Tickets $30 / $20 concession and seniors / $75 family of four Free for Trinity students in uniform click here to book online or phone 9581 6070 Wednesday to Friday Bookings essential Maio is a true ‘musician’s musician’, whose flair and facility has seen him range from a season with the Song Company to the Australian tour of Atlanta soul artist Cody ChestnuTT plus regular appearances with his own jazz trio. In Roland Peelman’s words (director of the Song Company), “Marcello can do anything!” Stack is a previous winner of the National Jazz Awards, a founding member of multi-platinum rock/ pop group Thirsty Merc and in demand for studio and live performances around the world. He began touring with legendary trumpeter James Morrison at the age of 19, after winning the James Morrison Scholarship when he graduated from the Sydney Conservatorium. Together they will be performing Maio’s original jazz compositions along with celebrated works by Piazzolla and Jobim, classic French musette and standards. Expect an evening of dramatic, chamberlike sound, a keen sense of rhythmic interest and exquisite improvisation! SUBSCRIBE TO THE SOCIETY OF THE ARTS AND SAVE! 3 concert package: $75 / $50 conc. & seniors Full subscription: $120 / $90 conc. & seniors 2015 CONCERT DATES 17 February – Marcello Maio & Phil Stack 24 March – London Klezmer Quartet (UK) 28 May – Orava Quartet 2 September – Miriam Lieberman and Friends 15 October – Michael Kieran Harvey Click here to read the full programme 10 > Prep School News | 6 February 2015 HOMELANDS All are welcome to attend the opening of our first exhibition “Homelands” at Delmar Gallery tomorrow (31 January), 3.30pm. As well as viewing the exhibition, you can meet the artists and hear an opening address at 3.30pm by Mr Simon Chan. Mr Chan is Director of Simon Chan & Associates Architects, a firm he established in 1987. In 2009, he founded Art Atrium Gallery to exhibit contemporary Australian, Asian and Aboriginal art with a special focus on cross cultural collaboration and expression in art. He was the recipient of the inaugural NSW Premier’s Multicultural Award for Arts & Culture (2013). He is also President of the Haymarket Chamber of Commerce, Vice President of the Australian Chinese Community Association and Co-Principal Sponsor of the Paddington Art Prize. The works in the exhibition range from symbolist charcoal drawings and a graphic novel by Anton Pulvirenti, telling the story of the artist’s Italian grandfather’s internment during WWII; a poetic, short film by Zheng Zheqing about his quest to make sense of a new culture and place, acclimatising to Sydney as an international student; to a monumental sculpture by Ingrid van der Aa representing the artist’s Dutch and Australian identities. Also included are impressive drawings by Abdullah M. I. Syed, layered prints by Lucienne Fontannaz and sculpture Merryn Hull. The six artists have either just completed or are finishing PhD and Masters degrees at the National Art School, Sydney College of the Arts and UNSW Art & Design. Abdullah Syed exhibits regularly in New York, Karachi and Dubai, and has participated in many group exhibitions since moving to Sydney five years ago. Lucienne Fontannaz, Merryn Hull and Ingrid van der Aa have had previous careers as a curator, architect and counsellor respectively. Anton Pulvirenti is one of the last practitioners of the art of Sicilian cart painting and is represented by Dominik Mersch Gallery, Sydney. Zheng Zheqing is practising as an artist in Shanghai. Works in the exhibition are for sale. Images: Anton Pulvirenti The Opening, 2014, charcoal on paper, 60 x 50cm / Goomiland, 2014, pen and ink on paper, 24 pages, 62 x 42cm each. / Courtesy of Dominik Mersch Gallery, Sydney. Catherine Benz | Convenor, Society of the Arts and Curator, Delmar Gallery Delmar Gallery 144 Victoria Street Ashfield NSW 2131 phone 61 2 9581 6070 fax 61 2 9716 7206 Timely Reflections… By Mr Ron Ogier (1966 – 1994) and (1997 – present) THE HUNGRY SNAKE Once upon a time in a jungle a very large python awoke from his winter sleep feeling very hungry and very much lacking in energy. His immediate problem was how to get some food. In a tree nearby were dozens of monkeys, all swinging on the branches and chattering busily, They were deliciously plump, just the thing for a post hibernation snack, but how to get hold of one? The python was in no condition to climb the tree, and in any case the monkeys would see him coming and flee. So, putting on his thinking cap, the python decided on a very cunning action. He slid out into a clearing below the tree, which was a veritable smorgasbord of monkeys just waiting to be eaten. He coiled himself into a tidy circle, with his head rising from its centre. There he stayed. All he did was open and shut his mouth. Open and shut. Open and shut. At first there seemed to be no result, but after a while, a couple of the monkeys noticed the python’s mouth opening and shutting; opening and shutting. Very soon, many more monkeys started to watch. Fascinated by the ever opening and shutting mouth, they stopped their chattering and playing, and gathered on the side of the tree nearest the python. Still the snake’s mouth opened and shut; opened and shut. Some of the more daring monkeys climbed down the tree and sat in a circle around the large reptile. Open, shut. Open, shut: the Python’s mouth continued to move. The circle of monkeys now utterly fascinated, came even closer. Eventually one monkey came right up to the python to watch the opening and closing mouth. SNAP!!! And that monkey was no more! At least, he was no more on the outside, but was a monkey-sized bulge in the python’s stomach. The python’s strategy had worked! He had achieved his first meal for the summer. I was reminded of this story heard in Sunday school so many years ago, as I was listening to Quad Assembly on Monday. Mr Cujes was explaining to the new boys the process of coming to attention, standing at ease, and standing easy during the Assembly, and my attention was caught by the word attention which drew my attention to this story, which I remember was titled What gets your attention gets you! I hope that no-one at Trinity Grammar School is ever going to become a python’s breakfast, but the moral of the story is that anything to which you give your attention constantly and regularly, may “get” you in the sense that it becomes a habit. Habits may be good or bad, so we really need to think carefully about what we devote our attention to, because what we do in our daily lives will be affected by our choices. We need to develop good habits of study, of tidiness, of exercise and recreation, where we go, what we say, and of consideration for others, remembering that What gets your attention – gets you! Ron Ogier RUGBY RUGBY CLINIC ‘Junior Rugby Clinic’ will be running again this term; the clinic is open to Prep and Junior School boys in Years 3 to 6. The clinic will be held on Friday afternoons from 3:50pm to 5pm on No. 3 Oval of the Summer Hill campus. It will commence on Friday 6th February 2015 and run for the remainder of the term. The clinic will develop handling skills, evasive footwork, spatial awareness and game sense. The training is designed to be fun and fast with the emphasis on non-contact skills and games. The programme will be delivered by Josh Clark, an ARU Level 2 coach. Josh has worked with the Senior and Junior School Rugby teams for the past 4 seasons, prior to this he played professional rugby in the UK and was involved with England schoolboys. The cost of the Rugby Clinic is only $100 for the term. If you would like your son to join please fill out the registration form. This can be accessed by visiting the home page of the Junior and Prep school websites and clicking on the “Rugby Clinic | Years 3 to 6” link. Payment for this activity is required prior to attendance. Please note Preparatory School boys may have to make their own travel arrangements, as spaces on the bus to the Summer Hill campus are limited. Boys should wear School sports clothing and bring mouth guards and boots. If you require any additional information, please contact Josh Clark on [email protected]. Josh Clark | Coaching Coordinator No Limits Sports mobile 0449 101 543 web Prep School News | 6 February 2015 < 11 TRINITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL PREPARATORY SCHOOL Pancake Day Please return the slip below to the canteen no later than Wednesday 11th February and bring money on the DAY. Pancake Day Recess Tuesday 17th February Son’s name 1 x pancake $1.80 2 x pancakes $3.50 Maple Syrup Class 12 > Prep School News | 6 February 2015 Able to Volunteer Name and Phone Number e k D a c n a a Team: P SUMMER SPORT ‐ Saturday, 7 February 2015 IF YOUR SON IS SICK OR UNABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE RING 0413 850 340 BEFORE 7:30 AM If there is wet weather leading up to, or on, the day, boys should ring the Wet Weather Number 1300 788 477 AFTER 7:15 am. Should any further cancellations be made after 7:15 am, this message will be updated. CRICKET SOFTBALL 1st XI 2nd XI Yr 5 XI A Yr 5 XI B Snr Super 8A Bat and Ball Clinic A B Opponent: Scots Scots St Patrick St Patrick Shore Softball St Patricks St Patricks Venue: Bressington Pk 1 Bressington Pk 2 Bressington 3 Bressington Pk 4 Northbridge E Bressington 5 Bressington Pk A Bressington Pk A Address: Underwood Rd, Homebush Underwood Rd, Homebush Underwood Rd, Homebush Underwood Rd, Homebush 57 Sailors Bay Rd, Northbridge Underwood Rd, Homebush Underwood Rd, Homebush Underwood Rd, Homebush Time: 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 9:30am 8:00am 9:30am 8:00am Report To: Mr Warland Mr Asplin/ Mr Parekh Mr Fraser/ Mr Gaudiosi Mr Thomson/ Mr Murphy Mr Bryant Ms Robertson/ Ms Kelly Mr Smith Ms Evans/ Mr Jepson Emmanuel Grogan Darcy Mooney Nicholas Enno Nikhil Kapoor Hunter Hannaford Theo Christian Jasper McCullagh Isaac Cunningham Zubin Thukral Max Ryan Ben Robinson Tyler Beverly‐Smith Will Martin Laurence Curtis Eric Mihas Will Cooper Liam Clayton Thomas McCrory Rohan John Ben Cameron William Blanchfield James Hardiman Jude Robinson Harry Ford Kieran Greche Joshua Marcos Thomas de Szoeke Varun Iyer Spyridon Konidaris Zachary Pliatskas William Maistry Tom Mackie Reuben Srinivasan Damien Vimalaratnam Sam Darling Oscar Hindle Benjamin Orr Biaggio Signorelli Harry Evans Rhys Williams Hari Kangatharan Jesse Ring Oliver Walker William Gray Henry Sun Lewis Potter Nathan Dang Liam Ling Brendan Chew Jim O’Brien Ben Prsa Jack Henderson Marco Ianni James Mallios Jacob Angoul William Thorpe Shaan Mehta Henry Sun Evan Zhang Panaw Jairan Joshua Van de Groot Hashim Mian M tth R d Alex Donavan James Hawkins Riley Janjes Felix Leckie Rhy Williams Michael Alam Oscar McLean Andrew Tanous Halil Mentes Jon Luc Shala SENIOR BASKETBALL Team: 1st V 2nd V 3rd V 4th V 5th V 6th V Opponent: Trinity Jnr Trinity Jnr Trinity Jnr Trinity Jnr Trinity Jnr Trinity Jnr Venue: TGS Prep Gym TGS Prep Gym TGS Prep Gym TGS Prep Gym Address: Llandilo Ave Strathfield Llandilo Ave Strathfield Llandilo Ave Strathfield Llandilo Ave Strathfield TGS Prep O/Side Court Llandilo Ave Strathfield TGS Prep O/Side Court Llandilo Ave Strathfield Time: 10:15am 9:30am 8:45am 8:00am 8:45am 8:00am Mr Dunphy Report To: Matthew NICOLAS Dean PARASKEVOPOULOS Sebastian PORTOLESI Ricardo DELGADO Theo KIDD Jamie CHRISTOPOULOS Kurtis CASTORINA James PETRAKIS Hayden JOHNSON Euan GERMANOS Matthew CHEN Jordan LIU Andy LEE Adam STAVROS William LENARD Alistair ROSEWORN Kallan MARANIK Sami HATOUM Ryan TAMERJI Elias CHAHINE Mr Shum Sebastian MATESIC Jacky HONG Michael MCPARTLAND Justin KARAM William ORR James KAYE Alexander PAGE Joseph COOREY Tony GEORGES Christopher KAPANIRIS Jordon LY Jake VARONE Justin WANG Aaron FOK Nicholas KICEEC Thomas CALABRO Edward FENG George KRAMBOUSANOUS Noah JUNG Brian TRAN Mr Bremner Johnny DONG Hashim MIAN Nathan NGUYEN Christian FARR Simon HELIDONIOTIS Matthew DE BELLE James PAU Mackenzie STEWART Dylan ILON Anthony JERONCIC Brendan Capelli Ivan Fang Theo Fatseas Alex Gomez Jordan Itaoui Harris Katsionas John Lynch David Nguyen Ari Nikolakopoulos Adam Pascale Gabriel Willis Emmanuel Abdel‐Nour Hari Amirthalingham Juno Ananda Chris Chin Jack Fahd Archer Jeremy Matthew Jerkovic Anthony Le Joshua Luong Nicholas Nguyen Justin Wang OZTAG NSW QLD Bressington Underwood Rd, Homebush 8:00am Mr T O'Neill/Ms Edwards Antonio MURANIA Joshua MING Hamish DAVIDSON‐ MCLEOD Evangelos PAPADOPOULOS Farhan TAMBOLI Jeris PAVLATOS Jeremy CHIA Edmund BAKER Kyan LUU Duncan FENG Anek Banik Oliver de Andrade James Huang Elliot Kim Jeremy McKeown Callum McLeod Brannen Ngo Nathan Tran Dylan Wang Brandon Wong Jake Bubic Jacob Chow Jason Cho Ian Hong Oscar McLean John Sakoutis Kurtin Tsang Max Velton Mohammed Zaarour Prep School News | 6 February 2015 < 13
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