FEBRUARY 2015 The HILL VALLEY & P A R I S H M A G A Z I N E Advertising -of 01285 720 683 Newsletter of the Parishes Chedworth and District 1 The Benefice of Chedworth and District Priest-in-Charge Reverend Stephen Goundrey-Smith The Vicarage, Chedworth, Cheltenham, GL54 4AA Tel: 01285 720392 Church Wardens Chedworth Robert Young: Irene Catton: 01285 720398 01285 720515 Coln Rogers & Coln St. Denys Neil Irving: 01285 720403 Ian Smallman: 01285 720676 Nellie Burrows: 01285 720653 Yanworth with Stowell Lord Vestey: Stowell Park Dick Bradford: 01285 720517 Reader Ian Smallman: 01285 720676 Priscilla Burris: 01285 720275 Local Ministry Ian Smallman: Sheila Bowley: Teresa Irving: Priscilla Burris: Team 01285 720676 01285 720369 01285 720403 01285 720275 Please submit all articles and adverts before midday on the 15th of the month using the online system - see below. Dear Readers and Contributors The production of the Hill and Valley is made possible through a combination of the articles from our contributors, our advertisers, our printers, finance team and a group of coordinators creating the magazine 10 times each year. In order to assist the magazine coordinators we ask that articles are submitted online (not by email) and conform to a standard A5-sized article template. For more information please go online to the Magazine Contributors area of www.hillandvalley.co.uk . Business advertisers please contact Sue Robertson - 01285 720683 or [email protected] . The magazine coordinators for February 2015 were Iain & Sue Robertson (01285 720683) and for March 2015 will be Julie Young (01285 720398). 2 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Contents Stephen’s Letter.........................................4 Church Briefing..........................................5 Dates for your Diary...................................8 Recycling Dates.........................................9 St Andrew’s C of E Primary School.........10 Chedworth Pre-School.............................13 Hugh Woodward Educational Trust.........14 Chedworth Parish Council.......................15 News from the Coln Valley......................18 Chedworth Village Hall............................19 6 to 8 Club...............................................20 Chedworth Silver Band............................20 Whist Drive..............................................21 Chedworth Table Tennis Club.................21 Chedworth W.I.........................................22 Chedworth Oil Club (CHOC)....................23 Hill and Valley Tennis Club......................26 2014 Chedworth Panto............................28 Pantos - Past and Present.......................29 Back Row Club........................................30 Village and Community Agents...............30 Gardening Tips for February...................31 Chedworth Remembers Project..............32 Maggie’s Poem........................................35 February Crossword................................36 Citizens Advice Bureau............................38 Magazine Donations - 2015 Bringing the Hill and Valley Magazine to over 500 households is possible through the efforts of a group of volunteers who give up their time to create articles, layout the publication, organise printing and distribute it throughout our local parishes. It is funded through valued local advertisers and the equally appreciated contributions from many of the households who receive the Hill and Valley 10 times a year. Your donations all ensure that the Hill and Valley remains an important and interesting part of our community. Along with this year’s April addition will be included an envelope giving details of how you are able to donate. We are keen to make the process of donating as easy as possible for you and our volunteers. Advertising - 01285 720 683 3 Stephen’s Letter Liberty, Equality, Fraternity “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” Galatians 5v1 Liberty, Equality, Fraternity is, of course, the national motto of France, a motto that has its origins in the French Revolution, which marked the beginning of the modern state of France. But the violent events in Paris during the last month have shown us that freedom – freedom of speech and of expression – cannot be taken for granted, and that there are many people in the world who want to suppress our freedom as individuals and as a society. Christians believe in freedom. As the above Bible reading from St Paul’s letter to the Galatians makes clear, the Christian belief is that Jesus Christ died on the cross so we can be forgiven and set free of the sin and guilt that we have as imperfect people. St Paul speaks often in the New Testament about the freedom that we have through belief in Jesus – and the implications of that freedom; that we are all equal in Christ (equality), and we can have fellowship (fraternity) with each other with a common belief in God and Jesus. The Christian hope is that the kingdoms of this world might grow to approximate more closely the perfect Kingdom of Heaven – and, for this reason, many prominent Christians over the centuries have been staunch defenders of social and civil liberties. But the Christian message is that freedom is not about selfishness or licenciousness. With freedom comes responsibility, and we should use the freedom we have to defend the freedom and wellbeing of others. So let us now thank God for the freedom of expression we currently enjoy in this country, let us consider how we can support fellow human beings in other countries and cultures in their quest for democracy and tolerance, and let us pray that God would frustrate the works of those in this world who prefer oppression and tyranny. With best wishes for the challenges of 2015. Stephen. 4 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Church Briefing Services for February 2015 Sunday 1st February – Presentation of Christ in the Temple Candlemas Candlemas Holy Communion 10.30 am – Coln St Dennis Sunday 8th February – 2nd Sunday before Lent Holy Communion (BCP) Family Communion Tea Time Service with band from Cirencester Baptist Church 9 am - Chedworth 10.30 am - Yanworth 4 pm - Chedworth Sunday 15th February - Sunday before Lent Holy Communion (BCP) School Family Service Evensong 9 am - Stowell 10.30 am - Chedworth 6 pm - Coln Rogers Wednesday 18th February - Ash Wednesday Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes 7 pm - Chedworth Sunday 22nd February - 1st Sunday of Lent Holy Communion Family Service 10.30 am - Chedworth 4 pm - Yanworth Sunday 1st March - 2nd Sunday of Lent Family Communion 10.30 am - Coln St Dennis Friday 6th March Womens' World Day of Prayer Service 7.30 pm - Chedworth Prayer Hour Prayer Hour takes place monthly, 8-9 pm, at the Vicarage Room usually on a Tuesday. Phone Sally on 720285 for further details. Advertising - 01285 720 683 5 Church Briefing Tea Time Service - February At our Tea Time Service in February (4 pm - February 8th - St Andrew's Church, Chedworth), we will be joined by Cirencester Baptism Church band, and our music will be live! We will continue our series on the lives of the prophets. Refreshments afterwards - all welcome! Lent Course Our Lent Course this year is entitled The Road to Calvary. This course will help us to reflect on Jesus' journey to the cross, as we prepare for Easter, and help us to think about our purpose and destiny. The course will take place on Wednesday evenings during Lent (25th February, 4th March, 11th March, 18th March, 25th March) at the Parish Room, Chedworth Vicarage. Everyone is warmly welcome - no previous experience of Bible study is needed; just a willingness to drink coffee, eat biscuits and talk. Lent Lunches Our Lent Lunches will take place on Tuesdays during Lent (24th February, 3rd March, 10th March, 17th March, 24th March) from 12 noon - 2 pm. Everyone is warmly welcome. Venues are as follows: ● 24th February - Simon & Sylvia Colbeck, Ashcombe Edge, Chedworth (720146) ● 3rd March - Stephen & Sally, The Vicarage, Chedworth (720392) ● 10th March - Kate & Mark Ransome, South Hill, Coln St Dennis (721067) ● 17th March - Paul & Ann Deamer, Cherrington Combs, Chedworth (720525) ● 24th March - Annette & Peter Seymour, Windsor Cottage, Chedworth (720568) All welcome! 6 www.hillandvalley.co.uk 10 Days from Pentecost! Want to pray and read the Bible more? Look out for 10 Days from Pentecost to be launched later this year! Benefice Strategy In the near future, we will be launching our Benefice Strategy for the next few years, which has been formulated following our Benefice Day and consultation last year. Watch out for further details. From the Registers Funerals "Nothing in creation can separate us from the love of God". Romans 8v39 Marek (Mark) Szymkowiak - St Michael's Church, Yanworth - 9th January Finding out more about God in creative ways. For 4-11 year olds Every 4th Sunday of the month 10.15-11.30 am In Parish Room at The Vicarage, Chedworth Phone Sally on 720285 to book a place [email protected] Advertising - 01285 720 683 7 Dates for your Diary Day Time Event Venue 02-Feb 19:30 Whist Drive Village Hall 04-Feb 18:30 6 to 8 Club - Gamekeeping Airfield 09-Feb 19:30 Whist Drive Bibury Football Club 09-Feb 19:30 Parish Council Meeting Village Hall 11-Feb 19:15 WI Village Hall 13-Feb 14:00-15:30 Table Tennis Club - afternoon session Village Hall 13-Feb 19:30 Back Row Club Village Hall 14-Feb 19:30-23:30 Strictly Fun Dancing Valentine’s Dance Village Hall Village Hall CLOSED until 23 Feb for Village Hall 15-Feb upgrade & maintenance 16-Feb 19:30 Whist Drive Village Hall 23-Feb 19:30 Whist Drive Village Hall 25-Feb 09:50-11:50 Mobile Library Village Hall car park 02-Mar 19:30 Whist Drive Village Hall 09-Mar 19:30 Whist Drive Bibury Football Club 09-Mar 19:30 Parish Council Meeting Village Hall 11-Mar 19:15 WI Village Hall 13-Mar 19:30 Back Row Club Village Hall Chedworth Entertainments - Johnny Village Hall 14-Mar 19:30 Coppin concert 16-Mar 19:30 Whist Drive Village Hall 16-Mar 19:30 Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting Village Hall “Life as a Cotswold Stone Mason Living in 20-Mar Village Hall Chedworth” Talk by Peter Juggins 21-Mar 14:00 WI Jumble Sale Village Hall 23-Mar 15:30 WI Centenary Celebrations Village Hall 23-Mar 19:30 Whist Drive (last one until October) Village Hall 25-Mar 09:50-11:50 Mobile Library Village Hall car park 28-Mar 09:00 Chedworth Spring Clean & Litter Pick Village Hall 08-Apr 19:15 WI Village Hall 10-Apr 19:30 Back Row Club Village Hall 13-Apr 19:30 Parish Council Meeting Village Hall 22-Apr 09:50-11:50 Mobile Library Village Hall car park See www.hillandvalley.co.uk for the dates of events later in the year 8 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Recycling Dates Domestic Waste & Recycling Chedworth Area February 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 Fri Sat 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 Sun 1 8 15 22 East of the Fosseway March 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 Advertising - 01285 720 683 5 12 19 26 Fri 6 13 20 27 Sat Sun 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 9 St Andrew’s C of E Primary School Celebrating Children, Respect, Trust and Forgiveness It is very easy to forget that we had an OFSTED Inspection in September 2014. The purpose of OFSTED is to inspect the teaching and learning of the children and the care they receive. It was a rigorous and thorough two day Inspection, and our overall judgement was GOOD with OUTSTANDING features. All teaching was good or above, and the behaviour and safety of the children was judged as outstanding. The Inspector found no time in lessons when children were not learning, progressing or enthusiastic. We have areas, already identified, to work on, and that is exactly what good selfevaluation is. We are proud of our children and their attitude to their work, and their caring and supportive nature. ● We reinforce our school GOLDEN VALUES at all times, throughout the day. ● WE CHOSE OUR WORDS CAREFULLY - we say nothing to hurt anyone else's feelings and we do not use unpleasant words. ● WE ARE GENTLE IN ALL WE DO - we do not hurt another child in any way whatsoever ● THINK! THINK! THINK! - If the children think…they won't do anything that is not RESPECTFUL. ● It is ok to tell an adult - any - ANY - worry the children must tell an adult. ● WE REPRESENT OUR SCHOOL WITH PRIDE. Yes - they do and our school is a BRILLIANT School. Operation Christmas Child - A big thank you to all those who sent shoe boxes filled with super gifts for children who would not be expecting a single Christmas present. It is such a meaningful way of showing our Values 10 www.hillandvalley.co.uk in action. We are sure the boxes, filled with lots of things, really brightened up the children's Christmas. Auction - In November we had an Auction and raised £1,450 just. This is a really great amount and many thanks must go to all of you, who both sent in lots and bought. The money will be of HUGE benefit to all the children, and will allow us to continue to help pay for coaches to take the children on exciting and educational visits. So far this term the PTA have helped fund: ● Coach for Orienteering - Class 3 ● Explorer Dome - Class 4 ● Viney Hill Residential - Class 4 ● Roman Villa - Class 3 ● Corinium Museum - Class 3 ● Clearwell Caves for Class 1 and 2 - December 5th saw Father Christmas. Sports Hall Athletics - Mr. Hunt has really taken over his role as PE Subject Leader with great enthusiasm. The children wore our new School Kit and they looked the part. It really made a difference having them in their team kit and they were very proud. The whole event was well organised and our children took part in everything, trying their very best and showing our VALUES. Our girls came FIRST, our boys came FIRST. We were FIRST overall. WELL DONE TEAM. Advertising - 01285 720 683 11 St Andrew’s C of E Primary School Miss Gemma Mead - We have a new member of staff for the Reception Class. We had three credible and impressive candidates and thank them all for their time and efforts. The post was given to Miss Mead. She has been teaching for 4 years and recently located to the area. She has worked in EYFS for two and a half years and undertaken the EYFS Course. She has great experience and is very excited about her new role. We CELEBRATE the fact that ALL our TEACHING IS GOOD WITH OUTSTANDING FEATURES, and all teachers continue to deliver the best both academically, and personally, to the children, in a professional, trustworthy manner, showing RESPECT in all they do. CLASS 4 WORSHIP On Monday 8th December our Collective Worship was run by Class 4. The VALUE was RESPONSIBILITY and they certainly showed this in bucket loads. Through acting and readings, they were able to show how we can be RESPONSIBLE in our lives. They were confident, caring towards each other and obviously showed they could work in groups. Thanks very much to them and for the parents who came along. Please note: ● Friday 23rd January - FUND RAISING for our two children in Kenya ● Monday 9th February - Children to plan and lead Collective Worship ● Friday 20th February - Class 1 and 2 to lead Collective Worship During SPRING TERM Class 4 will take the FAMILY SERVICE at St. Andrew's Church In the New Year, of 2015, we want to continue working with our Parents and you, to benefit our children. My staff are totally dedicated to each child in their care, planning and matching their work to ensure they progress. We all feel privileged to be part of the children's education and personal development, and want to make sure our links are as secure as possible. Kind regards T. Buck Headteacher 12 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Chedworth Pre-School New Pre-School Manager We are very pleased to introduce our new Pre-School Manager – Ione McMahon. Ione comes to us with a variety of teaching experience. Her two eldest daughters started at St Andrew’s School in September and her youngest daughter is at Pre-School. We are delighted she has joined us! “I am very excited to work with the wonderful children and staff in this long-standing and fantastically well supported village Pre-School. If you have any skills to share with the children, I would love community involvement. Please do get in touch.” Ione This Term … We have lots of wonderful things planned this term! We’ll be looking at the seasons and exploring activities with leaves, trees and birds. We also have a visit from Rev. Stephen to look forward to. Last Term’s Fundraising Thank you so much to everyone who supported/came along to our various fundraisers last term. Our Christmas fair was very well attended and we raised a wonderful £876 and our Santa’s Sleigh evening raised £100. We are always very grateful for the support of our wider community – thank you! New Contact Details for Pre-School If you have children aged 2 to school-age, please do get in touch with Ione if you’d like to look around Pre-School and meet our staff. Advertising - 01285 720 683 13 Ione can be contacted on: 07840 370220 or please email [email protected] Toddler time We run a busy baby and toddler group on Tuesday mornings at the village hall from 9.30 am (term time only). All welcome! Please call Lucy on 01285 720325 if you would like any more information. We are a fantastic rural pre-school run for the benefit of children aged between 2 years and school age. We run a setting in Chedworth Village Hall Monday to Thursday mornings and on Fridays all day in St Andrew’s School. To arrange a visit or just find out more, please contact our preschool manager by email on [email protected] or pop into see us. Hugh Woodward Educational Trust All students going on to Further Education and living in the Cotswold School catchment area, which of course includes Chedworth, Fossebridge, Coln Rogers and Coln St Dennis and Stowell, are eligible for a small grant of between £100 and £120 depending on the year of study. Applications for the grant should be made by filling in a form BEFORE OCTOBER, available from the Clerk to the Trustees, Mr John Prout. Mr Prout’s telephone number is 01242 890428 and his e-mail address is [email protected] It is necessary each year to confirm that the student is continuing with the course but not necessary to fill in another application form. Rosalind Marsden (Tel. 01285 720237) 14 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Chedworth Parish Council To contact the Parish Council: email [email protected] Elizabeth Broad (Clerk) 720313 Paul Sibbald (Chairman) 720016 Adrian Bell 721056 Graeme Brister 720446 David Broad 720313 Lindy Gallagher 07939 058006 John King 720278 Robert Richmond 720688 Parish Council Meeting Dates 2015 - Village Hall Games Room starting at 7.30pm on the second Monday in the month: 9th February, 9th March, 16th March (Annual Parish Meeting), 13th April, 18th May (3rd Monday as 2015 is Election Year), 8th June, 13th July, 17th August (3rd Monday as hall is not available on the 10th), 14th September, 12th October, 9th November, 14th December. Annual Precept At the meeting on Monday 12th January, the Parish Council agreed and set their annual budget for the year 2015-2016. It was very pleasing to see more people than usual attending the meeting and providing us with their ideas and feedback on what they thought the Council could do to improve the village's environs. To that end, our total budget for 2015-2016 has increased slightly by £315 from last year but the total amount requested from the precept is up by £89. Some of the items included in the budget are: ● A donation to Chedworth Preschool for gardening tools. ● Additional lids for the green grit-bins around the village. ● Repairs of notice boards and fencing and the cutting and clearing the Tuns Triangle. These are in addition to our general costs of running the Parish Council and its' various assets and responsibilities. A full copy of the budget can be seen on the Parish Council website at www.chedworth-pc.org.uk Advertising - 01285 720 683 15 Chedworth Parish Council Parish Council Election Thursday 7th May 2015 is not only the date set for the General Election, but also for the election of your Parish Councillors. Any member of the Parish can stand for election, subject to a few criteria, and should there be more than seven prospective candidates, a formal election will take place with votes being cast by the parishioners for each candidate. Further information, including where to get candidate papers and the election timetables are available on the Parish Council website at www.chedworth-pc.org.uk . Overhanging vegetation We have been asked, in particularly by Gloucestershire Highways, to ensure landowners cut back over hanging branches and bushes as these create a hazard to drivers and pedestrians. Overhanging branches can force traffic into the middle of the road and also cause damage to car and lorry wing mirrors. So please have a look and cut back any offending vegetation. Posters for events A number of complaints have been received regarding the length of time it takes for posters to be removed from the roadside and notice boards following an event. This is just a gentle reminder to please remove them as soon as possible after the event has taken place. Chedworth Spring Clean and Litter Pick Following last years' successful spring clean and litter pick the Parish Council will be organising another on Saturday 28th March 2015. Gloves, litter pickers and bags will be available from the Village Hall from 9.00am and tea and biscuits will be supplied from 10.00 for all the volunteers. Further details will be posted on the website, notice boards, Chedworth Village Facebook etc. 16 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Message from the Fire Service Identifying vulnerable households in the community Over the past two years we have seen a significant number of fire related incidents in households where hoarding or poor housekeeping has been a contributory factor. Sadly, over the Christmas period we experienced the latest incident that resulted in a fatality in the home. We are working with several partner agencies to try and identify those people at risk in our communities but one area that has been highlighted as a problem is not having a significant number of "eyes and ears" on the ground in the community. This is where we are seeking your help. If you are aware of households where housekeeping may be a problem we are asking you to engage with them and where possible to discuss a visit from one of our safety advisors to discuss fire safety and to fit free smoke alarms if appropriate. Where you feel someone is vulnerable and would benefit from our help there are several ways you can let us know; ● The favoured option is to ask them to self-refer using our website www.glosfire.gov.uk/your_safety.html . ● They can also make contact on 0800 180 41 40 if they do not have Internet access. ● If this is not possible, you can refer them using the same methods. To do this you must ensure that you have their explicit permission to do so and that they understand they will be contacted by us. When referring, please be sure to explain your role and that you are referring on behalf of someone else. It is important that we respect everyone's right to privacy, so we must deal with people sensitively and emphasise that this is not a judgmental approach. Our aspiration is to make everyone safer and to reduce risk and harm, whilst respecting people's right to live how they wish. John Beard, Head of Community Safety (Prevention and Protection) Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service Advertising - 01285 720 683 17 News from the Coln Valley The big news is that the new village hall is complete and ready for use. In fact it was so at the end of September and we held two parties in the hall in the first half of October. Both events were well attended and we had very positive feedback on the hall. It showed what a good venue it is for smaller parties. The events also proved useful in throwing up some minor snagging issues which we have been fixing including the approach to the hall which is now firm under foot even in after heavy rain. This photo shows a that it was well worth waiting for. We are deeply grateful to all who have given money to fund the project. People have been extraordinarily generous. The project has also been generously supported by grants from the Gloucestershire Environmental Trust, GCC Community Building Fund, the Cotswold District Council Community Fund, the Cotswold AONB Sustainable Development Fund and the Summerfield Trust. Without all their support the hall would never have been started let alone come to a building of which the valley is already very proud. Completing the hall has not been without its set backs; the most recent was that the hall was broken into in early December. The thieves stole 4 solar panels and the inverter and then broke into the hall. The only thing they took was the double doors by which they exited probably so that they could come back later with a van and empty the hall. The loss of the doors meant we had to close the hall temporarily. We have now repaired the damage and we are at last open for business. The hall is designed to meet the needs of the local residents of the five valley villages and we would encourage anyone who has an activity they would like to see taking place to contact the management committee. If you are thinking of a small party or celebration (up to 50 seated or 100 standing) this year then why not come and see the hall. I am sure you will be taken by the magic of its position. Please contact me on [email protected] Nick Dummett Chairman Coln Valley Village Hall Management Committee 18 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Chedworth Village Hall The Village Hall will be closed to all users for the half term week Sunday February 15th until Monday February 23rd for an upgrade involving new windows and heating at a cost in excess of £20,000, largely funded by grants but some £4,000 still has to be raised. Committee members also hope to do some essential maintenance the same week so any offers of assistance would be greatly appreciated. The Committee is currently short of members as several vacancies exist among appointing user groups. If you would like information on how to join the Hall Committee please contact Elizabeth Broad 01285 720313 or email [email protected] . Elizabeth is acting as secretary for a 3 month period until a volunteer committee member/trustee comes forward to provide minutes/record keeping for the monthly meetings and provide administration support to the committee. In recent weeks the Hall Committee members have spent many hours resolving conflict between user groups which would not have arisen had some simple guidelines been followed:1. No one should use the Hall without first having booked with Mary Peace 01285 720669. Online bookings are provisional until confirmed. 2. The booking should cover all the facilities to be used and the whole time they are to be used including set up, clearing away and cleaning. 3. The facilities should be left clean and tidy ready for the next user who may follow immediately. The Hall is a charitable village facility, there is no manager or caretaker and the professional cleaners come once a week on Thursdays, so smooth operation relies heavily on co-operation between user groups. Places for storage of equipment between sessions can also be an issue as rooms such as the stage, under stage and changing room are sometimes available for storage but will on occasions need to be cleared for hirers to use. The Hall has applied for a grant to install Wifi Internet access and is seeking potential Wifi users and indeed users for the satellite TV installed in 2013. Contacts: Bookings 01285 720669, www.chedworthvillagehall.org.uk, [email protected] . David Broad - Chairman Advertising - 01285 720 683 19 6 to 8 Club The 6 to 8 Club is run by volunteers for all children who live in or around the area and are in school years 6, 7 and 8. Sessions are generally held on the first and third Wednesday of each month during term time. Different activities are held each session and we usually meet at Chedworth Village Hall at 6.30 p.m. with pick up at 8 p.m. prompt. The cost is £2 per person. We are always open to any ideas and offers of parental assistance or expertise. Please contact: Victoria & Rob Richmond on 01285 720688 or [email protected]. Please do come along we really look forward to seeing you! There is only one session in February due to half term. Weds Feb 4th Gamekeeping at the Airfield To join the mailing list contact [email protected] www.chedworth.org.uk/6to8club www.facebook.com/groups/chedworth6to8club Chedworth Silver Band Chedworth Silver Band would like to thank everyone who supported the band over the Christmas period, the refreshments on Boxing Day were particularly welcome. In addition to playing around local Pubs etc the Band played for a Christmas Concert at Bourton on the Water which raised £607 for the CLIC Sargent, the children's cancer charity. Some of the Band's 25 members were photographed and videoed playing outside the Seven Tuns Inn on Boxing Day and can be viewed on YouTube. David Broad Bandmaster - 01285 720313 [email protected] www.chedworthsilverband.co.uk 20 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Whist Drive The Chedworth Whist Drive starts again on 2nd February at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. New players welcome! Contact Pauline Jewell on 01285 720538 February Mon 2nd Mon 9th Mon 16th Mon 23rd Chedworth Village Hall Bibury Football Club Chedworth Village Hall Chedworth Village Hall March Mon 2nd Mon 9th Mon 16th Mon 23rd Chedworth Village Hall Bibury Football Club Chedworth Village Hall Chedworth Village Hall Last Whist - Start again in October. Chedworth Table Tennis Club The club will be running some afternoon table tennis sessions at Chedworth village hall. The first of these sessions will be on Friday 13th February starting at 2.00pm and running until 3.30pm. It’s a good keep fit sport and beginners are very welcome; we hope to encourage new people to Table Tennis, it is fun. Tea and refreshments. The idea is to attract parents and other people who may not be available in the evenings, but would welcome the exercise and the fun of playing table tennis with a social group. There will be a £3.00 charge to help cover hall costs. For more detail contact Geoff or Carol Bailey at 01285 831836 or email [email protected] Advertising - 01285 720 683 21 Chedworth W.I. Report for January 2015 Oh my goodness 2015 it’s two months since I last wrote a report and here we are in a New Year. I do hope that everyone had a good Christmas and are now gearing up for a busy and Happy New Year. So what do we, as a WI, have to look forward to in 2015? Well it is a busy programme which includes a Pamper Evening including Wine and Cheese (March), a visit from Dogs for the Disabled (June), a visit from Mummers (October), and a talk from a Chocolatier (December, I do hope she brings samples). Added to that we have to meet, greet and send on its way the baton celebrating the 100th birthday of the National Federation of WI's (you will hear more of this from Ann Deamer, and see separate notice), hold our annual Jumble Sale (Saturday 21st March) and hostess the final of the County WI Quiz, in which we will hopefully have a team. We can also look forward to our August outing, Centenary celebration outing and Super Supper (after the AGM). A quiet year to look forward to! To start us off we have just enjoyed a lovely talk on the History of Buttons as illustrated by Pam Clements beautiful, stunning button collection and her amazing knowledge, to lead us gently into the New Year. Our next meeting on 11th February at 7.15 in the Village Hall is the history of AGA Cookers, but it is not compulsory to have one to come! We always welcome guests so do come and try us. Jill Englehart Advance Notice - W.I. Centenary Celebrations We will be celebrating the centenary of the founding of the W.I. on Monday, March 23rd at 3.30 p.m. when a baton, which is being passed round the country to all W.I’s, will arrive in Chedworth. There will be a cavalcade of vintage and classic vehicles leaving the Village Hall with the baton for Fairford, but watch this space for details of other attractions Please put this event in your diary and come along and support us. Ann Deamer (Chedworth W.I.) 22 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Chedworth Oil Club (CHOC) Dear Members, Oil Prices Whilst the current downward trend in oil prices is very welcome, it can cause concern due to the frequency with which changes are occurring. As a reminder, when Sweet Fuels quote you a price, it is fixed which is fine for you when prices then rise but perhaps not so good when they drop! The price will be based upon Sweet Fuels’ own stock and order position and they will always endeavour to give you the best price. Sweet Fuels are contracted to provide members 1p per litre off their normal price, regular deliveries and no credit card fees should you choose that as a method of payment. There will always be cases, especially at this time of the year, when large nationals may offer a better price, in particular to regain lost business. The price may be a one-off, the delivery date may not be specified and if it’s too good a price, be careful if you accept it that all the conditions you want are met e.g. payment, delivery etc. There have been a couple of instances recently where members feel that they may have been overcharged by Sweet Fuels. Its possibly down to the volatile market or an error but if you have an individual problem, please check it out with Sweet Fuels first. They want to work with us and will try and resolve your problem, but if you are not satisfied, please let me know. Commission Cheque I am pleased to advise that we have received the latest commission cheque (May to Nov 2014 period) from Sweet Fuels for £260.44, slightly lower due to falling oil prices! Added to our current bank balance of £125.85, and after recent donations of £458 previously advised, we have almost £400 set aside for Chedworth good causes. Advertising - 01285 720 683 23 Chedworth Oil Club (CHOC) Communications There are still many members who do not benefit from regular CHOC emails which will keep you right up-to-date. If you are not getting updates, you can register your preferences along with any other village organisations that may interest you by logging on to chedworthmail.org.uk and selecting the “join” option, enter your email address and name. You will see that there are also check boxes for all other organisations as well as CHOC. Its an excellent way to keep you up-to-date with your direct interests and all that’s going on in our area generally. Regards Phillip Needham Telephone 720995 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Elderberries Friends of St. Andrew’s Church (FOStA) Talk by Peter Juggins on “Life as a Cotswold Stone Mason living in Chedworth” Chedworth Village Hall Friday 20th March 2015 More details to follow in March 24 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Johnny Coppin Chedworth Village Hall on Saturday 14th March, 7.30 pm. Bar available. Tickets £10/head available from Rosemary on 720431, Sue D 720169, Sue R 720683 and Ella 720005. You can also buy tickets online at chedworthmail.org.uk/payments . "One of the land's finest singer-songwriters....his music is as natural as the sun on the hills or the fresh waters of the streams" Brum Beat Saturday 12th September 2015 THE LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS Relayed live from The Royal Albert Hall at Chedworth Village Hall In aid of Friends of St. Andrews (FoStA) Volunteers willing to help with the evening please contact: Heather Brown 720280 or Sue Callard 720468 Advertising - 01285 720 683 25 Hill and Valley Tennis Club We hope all members and villagers had a good Christmas and New Year. Last Year was extremely busy with the re-surfacing of the tennis courts being a major undertaking. The results of this work gave the members a high quality playing surface for the last quarter of the year. The whole committee were instrumental in the success of the project, but a special mention should be given to Graham Stock and Fred Shaftoe who helped mastermind the work from conception to completion. Allison Stock and her team of helpers have run several successful competitions throughout the year with the highlight being the Coln Valley Tournament in June. Entries were higher than the previous year which provided extra income for the club and enabled us to give an increased donation to Chedworth and the Valley Churches. A new coaching regime was established at the beginning of the year, with members expressing their satisfaction at the quality of the tuition offered. As always, we would like to see higher numbers of participants at the sessionsespecially juniors. Remember, the coaching team is offering lessons for beginners through to advanced players (watch the Hill and Valley for details). Socially, we have held a Murder Mystery evening, had a screening of the Wimbledon Men's Final, with a strawberry and cream tea and organised several social tennis evenings during the summer. We would like to thank everyone who has helped with these events. We would like to mention John Sissons and Nigel Magson for their roles in finance and communication respectively and they have always there to help at our numerous events. We now have a new committee member, Rosemary Scott-Smith, who is overseeing future social activities, starting with a Dance Evening ("strictly style") on Valentine's Day - 14th February - don't forget to put it in your diaries and contact Rosemary to get your tickets (720431). All in all, it would seem the perfect time to join, or rejoin our thriving club, whether you want to play socially or competitively, or better still, both (contact Fred Shaftoe on 720074). John Robson, Chairman 26 www.hillandvalley.co.uk 2015 Tennis Coaching The dates and times for courses are being worked out as this goes to press and we will publish the details in posters and on-line by the time you read this. Junior Coaching will begin week commencing Monday 23rd February, the week after half term. Please contact Dave O'Hanlon for all Junior coaching enquiries. You can also contact Hilary or Mark for adult and teenage group sessions from the end of January for more information. All other sessions, including the Saturday morning Cardio tennis, followed by the adults, will be announced in due course. Hilary Swan 01242-890213 Mark Wontumi 07528-540069 Dave O'Hanlon 07790-962932 Mixed Doubles Winter League Ten matches have now been played with 5 wins, 1 draw and 4 losses. We have one match to complete which was stopped due to frost on the courts and 1 other remaining match in January. We are currently sitting in 3rd position, but hope to end up 4th or 5th as some clubs still have a few matches to play. Coln Valley Mixed Doubles Tournament 2015 The date you need for your diary is Saturday 13th June. We look forward to sunshine, good fun, good food and a good turn out! Sunday Club Morning Sunday morning from 10-12 is proving popular, so do come along and join in. Love to Dance? Now’s your chance! [See advert on front cover] Come along to the Tennis Club’s Valentine’s Day Dance at 7.30pm on Saturday 14 February at the Village Hall and you can watch, learn and dance the night away! Dance teacher, Natassia Overthrow will teach everyone some basic steps, so even if you have never danced before, you can take to the floor with confidence. There will also be a chance to see how the experts do it with demonstrations from top amateur ballroom dancers, Bas Willem and Jennifer McMillan and Britain’s youngest top under-14 couple, Cameron Leitis and Jade Overthrow. As if that wasn’t enough, a disco will follow during which you can either put your newly learned skills on show - or simply shuffle around the floor! The bar will be open all night and light refreshments will be served. A prize for the best ‘Strictly’ dressed couple is also on offer… Tickets £10 (in advance only) from Rosemary 01285 720431, Allison 01451 860903, Dee 01285 720263 Advertising - 01285 720 683 27 2014 Chedworth Panto WOW! ... Was the fantastic response we received to the Chedworth Charity Panto held at the village Hall on the weekend of 3+4th of January. After months of hard work by the director, props and scenery ladies, cast, musicians and technical crew, the Panto arrived with a BANG to start off the New Year in style. The audience ranged in age from 2 (to 93!) years old and there was truly something for everyone - from the wonderfully corny jokes and the many "Chedworthian" references which had people in stitches - to the enormous dwarfs which apparently roam Chedworth woods! Even the youngest children sang the Cake Baking song with great gusto, hissing and booing along with everyone - some kicking their legs in excitement! Many of the young ones wanted their photos taken with Snow White after the performance too! We are glad to report that the Panto had a very happy ending - Love conquered all, good triumphed over evil, Snow White married the Prince and we raised £2000 to help fund the amazing work that The Churn Project undertakes to support disadvantaged people in and around Cirencester. As some lovely person commented - it was a great village event, fun evening and a very classy performance, much enjoyed by all. Thank you to everyone who worked on the production and to all those who supported us. Cate Thacker 28 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Pantos - Past and Present Along with everyone else, I thoroughly enjoyed the recent Chedworth Panto Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs. It was full of humour, talent, enthusiasm and energy and was great fun. But it was not the first Chedworth Panto. (Oh no it isn't!) Inspired by Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, I went back to my old photo album. I am sharing the photo of another Chedworth panto, Aladdin, performed on the 9th January 1959 at the old village hut (located in the field just below the Chedworth CofE Primary School). It was one of several shows put on in those years for the annual party of the Chedworth Women's Institute, of which my mother, Phyllis Jones, was a member. This party regularly brought together many families in the community. You might be interested to know the names (at the time) of the cast. There is one member (??) whose name I don't recollect, but perhaps someone can help out here: Back Row Left to Right: Heather Playfair, Susan Easter, Freda Playfair, Eric Easter, ??, Richard Lovett-Turner, Lawrence Allman, Elaine Rose, Daphne Robins, Jennifer Rose, Shelagh Lovett-Turner. Front Row, Left to Right: Nikki Jones, Jennifer Ebsworth. In addition to being enthusiastic actors, many of the cast members were very active in the community. Eric Easter was the headmaster of Chedworth CofE Primary School, where most of us in the photo were educated. Richard and Shelagh Lovett-Turner ran the Chedworth Youth Club. Richard Lovett-Turner is well known as a long-term Parish Councillor, and member of the Village Hall Committee (see the clock on the "new" village hall). Shelagh Lovett-Turner, Freda Playfair and Elaine Rose were also WI members. Jennifer Ebsworth's mother was the landlady of the Seven Tuns. Only two of us now live in the village, but several cast members, including Heather, Susan, and Daphne, regularly come back to Chedworth for local events. I hope this picture helps them remember the time (56 years ago) when, like the cast of Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, we had a lot of fun. Roll on the next panto! Nikki Jones Advertising - 01285 720 683 29 Back Row Club 13 February 2015 Chedworth Village Hall Doors open 7.00 p.m, starts 7.30pm Village and Community Agents The Village Agents Social Lunch. A date has yet to be decided on for the February Social Lunch but we will make sure everyone is kept informed. At the usual venue, everyone welcome. Health watch needs you!! Health Watch Gloucestershire is the local independent consumer champion for health and social care. By creating a strong membership we can make a real difference in how local services are planned and delivered, by using your views and experiences (good and bad) of the services you use. By becoming a member, you have an opportunity for your voice to be heard. It is FREE to join - call us now on 0800 652 5193 or go to the website www.healthwatchgloucestershire.co.uk. GRCC's IN TOUCH project is offering free tuition for Groups to learn about using a computer. Also on offer is teaching you how to use a tablet or iPad, etc. This is being held at the GRCC offices in Gloucester. It is open to anyone who is 50+. Contact Julie Pritchard on 01452 528491. Best Wishes, Cynthia Laird Village and Community Agent for the Hill and Valley Villages 07776 245780 [email protected] www.villageagents.org.uk 30 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Gardening Tips for February The weather in early January has hardly justified the fitting of winter tyres! Some of us are still harvesting purple sprouting! So, unless the weather turns really cold, there is plenty to do as the days grow longer. ● Prepare vegetable seed beds, and sow some vegetables under cover ● Chit potato tubers. ● Divide bulbs such as snowdrops, and plant those that need planting 'in the green' ● Prune Wisteria ● Lighter soils can be mulched after careful weeding ● Improve the drainage of heavy soils by working in coarse gravel as well as organic matter. ● Dahlia tubers stored over winter can be started into growth. Check also that they have not dried out. ● Protect delphinium, hosta and lily shoots from slugs and snails before they appear - shoots and slugs that is! ● It is not too late to take hardwood cuttings. ● Water houseplants sparingly until they come onto growth and beware leaving them on a cold windowsill behind the curtain. Simon Colbeck Chairman Chedworth & District HORTSOC Advertising - 01285 720 683 31 Chedworth Remembers Project Project Update Starting in 2013, and thanks to the support of the Chedworth Society, CHOC, CVT and the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Chedworth Remembers Project team has been researching and recording the lives of some 140 Chedworth men who served in World War 1 and creating archive material in both digital and written form for the benefit of future generations. In addition, it was agreed that there should be a project for 2014 to restore the wooden memorial panels in the porch of St Andrews to coincide with the centenary of the outset of the Great War in 1914, plus a special Memorial Concert to take place on the day before Remembrance Sunday. As the project progressed stories were written in Hill and Valley throughout 2014 about some of the Chedworth men who served and to write brief memorials included to those men who lost their lives. A video has also been produced and can be found on YouTube at http://youtu.be/E_mgPsiDLgk . The Memorial Concert took place on 8th November and included music, drama and readings from the time of the Great War. The evening was marked by many outstanding contributions by both individuals and groups (and who can forget the excellent Ration Boxes and trench rations "issued" by Claire Booth during the interval!). It was a very special village occasion to commemorate the bravery and sacrifices made by the Chedworth men of a century ago. Remembrance Sunday the next day was particularly enhanced by the rededication of the newly restored memorial panels and a short wreath- 32 www.hillandvalley.co.uk laying at the graveside of Captain Ellis RAMC (whose story appeared in the November issue of Hill and Valley). The weekend was made particularly poignant by the participation of many families with World War 1 Chedworth connections, including David and Peter Scott and their sister Margaret who travelled from Australia specifically to attend the commemorations. Readers may be interested in this report from the local newspaper of July 2nd 1921 with its echoes from the past. It describes the original unveiling and dedication of the stone war memorial to those who lost their lives and to the erection of the wooden memorial panels: "DEDICATION OF CHURCH WAR MEMORIAL AT CHEDWORTH At the venerable Parish Church of St Andrews on Friday evening last, the unveiling and dedication of the Church War Memorial took place in the presence of a large congregation, amongst whom were many exServicemen and their relatives. Prior to the service a muffled peal was rung on the bells, a hymn was played by the Chedworth Brass Band, and a voluntary " I know that my Redeemer liveth" was played by Miss E L Cook, the organist. The memorial tablet was then unveiled by BrigadierGeneral Painter CMG, assisted by Lieut-Colonel Purvis, DSO, the dedication by the Bishop of Gloucester immediately following." The article continues with a description of the service and ends with a description of the tablet and the wooden panels. It was particularly interesting to learn of the origins of the material for the latter. "........The memorial tablet is fixed on the north wall of the interior of the church, nearly opposite the main entrance, and is constructed from a massive slab of Cotswold stone. Above the names of the twelve honoured dead are inscribed the following words: "In proud memory of the Chedworth men who gave their lives in the Great War, 1914-1919." Beneath the names are the following anonymous lines: "True love by life, no less than death, is tried: Live thou for England, we for England died." In the church porch an additional memorial has been placed to Chedworth men who served in the Forces during the Great War. It Advertising - 01285 720 683 33 Chedworth Remembers Project consists of a framework of old oak which originally came from the belfry, and contains six oak panels, on which are described the names of the men." The memorial panels were beautifully restored by Malcolm Fisk and Jared Gilbey and a magnificent new oak panel made by Northleach Joinery was installed to mark the event. Certainly those involved in the restoration had no idea that the frame had much earlier origins, considering how well it had withstood the ravages of weathering in the porch over nearly 100 years! Their recent efforts will certainly see the memorial lasting at least another hundred as a fitting tribute to our men who served. Now the centenary is over, our primary task is to convert the records we have researched of the Chedworth men into an archive. This will be in the form of individual records and they will be published in both hard copy and ebook form to make them widely available. There are some 140 records and a huge number of documents and photographs to convert into readable documents and we are currently engaged on the writing task. This work is part of our commitment to the Heritage Lottery Fund (which also funded much of the restoration project) to provide a permanent record for organisations such as the Imperial War Museum and the Gloucestershire Archives. The aim is to complete the task by November this year. Mike Tovey and Peter Seymour The Chedworth Remembers Project 34 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Maggie’s Poem Happy 2015 Christmas cards are taken down All decorations have gone too So we start another year Resolutions made good and true. I expect we all sit and wonder What the coming year will hold No one knows what's around the corner Ups and downs sure to unfold. We plan our day, we plan our week And even the month to come But does it all slip into place When the month has had its run? We only live our life just once So make the most of what we do Whatever road we have to take Make sure you take God too. Love to All Maggie Scrivens WORLD WOMEN'S DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE 7.30pm, Friday 6th March 2015 at St. Andrew's Church, Chedworth For 2015 the Christian women of the Bahamas have prepared a service on the theme of 'Jesus said to them: Do you know what I have done to you?' Do come and join in this service. Everybody, men, women and children are most welcome. This is one day in the year when our village church becomes, even more than normal, a part of a world wide celebration. Advertising - 01285 720 683 35 February Crossword December/January Solution 36 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Across 8 Interrogated (Acts 12:19) (5-8) 9 ?Burn it in a wood fire on the ? heap? (Leviticus 4:12) (3) 10 Tobit, Judith, Baruch and the books of Esdras and the Maccabees are part of it (9) 11 Science fiction (abbrev.) (3-2) 13 Clay pit (anag.) (7) 16 Went to (John 4:46) (7) 19 ?Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God?s mercy, to ? your bodies as living sacrifices? (Romans 12:1) (5) 22 David?s plea to God concerning those referred to in 14 Down: ?On ? ? let them escape? (Psalm 56:7) (2,7) 24 Royal Automobile Club (1,1,1) 25 How the book of Ezekiel refers to God more than 200 times (Ezekiel 2:4) (9,4) Down 1 Seas (Proverbs 8:24) (6) 2 One of the sons of Eli the priest, killed in battle by the Philistines (1 Samuel 4:11) (6) 3 Specialist in the study of the Muslim religion (8) 4 ?Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but ? him as if he were your father? (1 Timothy 5:1) (6) 5 One of Esau?s grandsons (Genesis 36:11) (4) 6 Taking a chance (colloq.) (2,4) 7 God?s instructions to the Israelites concerning grain offerings: ? ? salt to ? your offerings? (Leviticus 2:13) (3,3) 12 Confederation of British Industry (1,1,1) 14 ?All day long they twist my words; they are always ? to harm me? (Psalm 56:5) (8) 15 The crowd?s reaction to Jesus bringing back to life a widow?s son in Nain (Luke 7:16) (3) 16 Disappear (Psalm 104:35) (6) 17 How Jeremiah was likely to die if he wasn?t rescued from the cistern where he was imprisoned (Jeremiah 38:9) (6) 18 What the prophets do to a wall, with whitewash (Ezekiel 13:10, RSV) (4,2) 20 Made by a plough (Job 39:10) (6) 21 Noah was relieved when the flood waters continued to ? (Genesis 8:5) (6) 23 Jesus gave the Twelve the power and authority to do this to diseases (Luke 9:1) (4) Advertising - 01285 720 683 37 Citizens Advice Bureau Cotswold Residents Could Save £75 a Year if They Take Control of Their Heating. Four fifths of Brits believe they understand their heating controls, yet HALF misuse energy when they turn up their thermostat and nearly 40 per cent of Brits think it’s more efficient to leave the heating on all the time. The findings from an Ipsos MORI survey of over 2,000 UK respondents show that 78% claim to understand how to use their heating controls. However, many of these respondents turn out to be using their heating controls incorrectly. MYTH 1: Turn the heating up when it’s cold outside. A home shouldn’t need this as the thermostat is there to maintain the home temperature whatever the weather. MYTH 2: Turn up the thermostat to heat the room quicker. This does not help a room become warmer any quicker and only heats the home to a warmer temperature. MYTH 3: Leave the heating on low constantly. This means these homes are heated when no-one is there to benefit and then the home is too cold when people are in the home. MYTH 4: Hot water runs out if you stop feeding the tank. Leaving the water heating on all the time costs far more on energy bills than necessary. MYTH 5: Keep electric storage heaters on all the time. Few people with electric storage heaters fully understand how they work (only 38%). This means that households with electric heating could be paying through the nose by not taking advantage of cheaper night rate electricity. Anybody needing help and advice on any of the issues raised should call the Energy Saving Advice Service (England and Wales) on 0300 123 1234. Cotswold District Citizens Advice can help you if you are having problems managing your bills and help you to maximise your income. Contact Cotswold CAB on 0808 800 0511 or check www.cotswoldcab.org.uk for opening hours and to submit an email query. If your local group would like the CAB to give an energy saving presentation please contact [email protected] 38 www.hillandvalley.co.uk Classified Adverts These adverts are available to residents of the Hill & Valley Parishes at a cost of £2.00. Please email your advert text to [email protected] For Sale Great “down sizing” sale at chez Hughes (720206) House surplus, offers invited for: ● ● ● ● ● ● Bunk beds, pine, 3ft. dressing chest, pine, 2ft 8in wardrobe, 3ft, & matching dressing chest + mirror, 4ft. sideboard (mahogany look), 7ft. Super SER gas heater & bottle. Carpets, Axminster:● 10ft by 9ft red/brown (two) ● 12ft by 10ft brown pattern on cream ● 9ft by 7ft 6in blue/green ● carpet roll 24ft by 27ins, greenish pattern Business Adverts Please send all enquiries or submissions to: [email protected] or call 01285 720683 Advertising rates for 2015: Full Page £30 Half Page £15 Third of Page £10 Sixth of Page (box) £5 Advertising - 01285 720 683 39
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