Benefits Networking You’re invited! Coordinators, teachers, and administrators of AEFLA-funded agencies. Sessions and updates from CASAS, OTAN, & CDE Classroom practices Save the Date! Sponsored by our local ESL publishers FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 2015 4TH ANNUAL ENGLISH LITERACY AND CIVICS EDUCATION AND CITIZENSHIP CONFERENCE Offering EL Civics and Citizenship Preparation textbooks and materials “A better understanding of EL Civics COAAPS & what books teachers can use.” “Good publisher presentations!” 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Light breakfast & lunch included Contact: Jorge Gamboa (714) 808-4563 Email: [email protected] Register at the CASAS website under ‘trainings’ LOCATION 1830 W. Romneya Drive Anaheim, CA 92801 12:45 to 1:35 ACTIVITY PRESENTER OTAN Resources for Civic Participation & Technology Presenter will share many EL Civics teaching resources available on and through the OTAN Web site and offer an overview of the Technology Plan deliverable. Integrating College and Career Readiness Standards into EL Civics Instruction Presenter demonstrates activities which teach an employmentrelated Civic Objective and CCRS. 2:30 OTAN Ronna Magy Pearson Jennifer Gagliardi Participants will identify many teacher-created online resources in the form of Web sites, blogs, podcasts and more. Milpitas Adult School, OTAN Trainer Learn about two EL Civics objectives (47 & 48) focused on helping ESL students develop effective online communication skills. to Marceta Citizenship Preparation Resources for Adult Education Digital Literacy & Internet Safety 1:40 Branka Citizenship Lessons Made Easy Use technology and online resources to create/supplement lessons for Citizenship Prep Courses. Karla Frizler Torrance Adult School, OTAN Trainer Rocio Silva & Michele Bezich Santiago Canyon College ROOM Lab Room 606 Room 124 Lab Room 301 Lab Room 302 Lab Room 312 Fr i d a y, J a n u a r y 3 0 , 2 0 1 5 TIME 4th Annual English Literacy and Civics Education Conference (Focusing on Civic Participation and Citizenship Preparation Programs)) USCIS Grace ArreolaMunoz USCIS 2:35 to 3:30 Open Forum, Evaluations, Drawing & Cupcakes Lab Room 313 Room 105 North Orange County Community College District School of Continuing Education ESL Department 1830 West Romneya Drive Anaheim, CA 92801 8:00 AM—3:30 PM TIME 8:00 to 8:30 ACTIVITY PRESENTER ROOM TIME Lobby and Room 105 Registration & Refreshments Implementing COAPPS for Civic Participation This session gives in-depth information about implementing COAAPS – especially important for EL Civics Coordinators and Administrators new to EL Civics. North Orange Welcome Civic Participation Basics If you are new to EL Civics or you would like a refresher, please join this session. 8:45 to 9:35 Greg Schulz Provost Carmen MartinezCalderon CDE Lori Howard CASAS Civic Participation Curriculum Natalya Dollar NOCCCD and This is an exploration of helpful resources including websites for creating curriculum and lessons for classes. Stephanie Thomas Board Room 100 10:40 to 11:30 Room 126 9:35 to 10:05 Break with refreshments. Please look through the publications. 10:05 to 10:35 CALPRO and OTAN Resources for programs and professional development Publishers Marian Thacher CALPRO Branka Marceta OTAN Lori Howard CASAS Room 126 Structuring Civic Participation in a Multilevel Classroom Presenter will demonstrate a Eileen Filloy lesson on one theme to the whole class and then provide leveledgroup differentiated activities and worksheets. NOCCCD This session will provide an overview of the Citizenship Preparation Program including history, testing, and resources. Room 124 SDCCD Grossmont Adult School El Civics Team ROOM Room 124 Citizenship Prep Overview How to Build an EL Civics Team One team presents an annual calendar, dividing tasks, technology and strategies for building a successful team including Do's and Don'ts learned the hard way. PRESENTER Understanding and Jorge Gamboa 8:30 to 8:40 ACTIVITY Room 128 Room 105 Board Room 100 11:30 to 11:45 11:45 to 12:45 Louann Gigante CASAS LUNCH PICK UP Room 301 Room 105 Please pick up your lunch How Civic Participation & Citizenship Preparation are Addressed in Published Materials Many thanks to our publishers for their continued support of our conference! Lab Burlington English Cambridge Nat Geo R00m 105 Pearson Thanks to Burlington English, Cambridge University Press, National Geographic Learning and Pearson for lunch !
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