February 2015 Lowcountry Presbyterian Church Upcoming Events: Food Fun and Fellowship Dinner March 9th (see page 6) Small Groups for Lent (see page 10) Worship With the Community in Lent The series begins with an Ash Wednesday service on Feb 18th Join your brothers and here at LPC. Rev. Jon sisters in Christ from Hilinger, senior pastor various churches in at Lord of Life Lutheran Bluffton for worship every will give the meditation. Wednesday at noon He will be assisted in during Lent. worship by Rev. Herrin. Each thirty minute service The service will will be followed by a conclude with the simple meal for those imposition of ashes. who attend. Look for more details on the host churches each week in the bulletin and e-blasts. Join us for this wonderful opportunity to worship with others in the community and to show by our participation our one-ness in Christ. Inside this issue: Souper Bowl Sunday VBS News 2 WOC Valentine 2 Party Kiah’s Retirement 2 New Members Class 3 New Session Members & Highlights 4 Volunteer Opportunities 5 Fellowship Opportunities 6 Ministry Teams 7-11 Prayer Concerns 10 Birthdays 11 Calendar 13 On Sunday, February 1st the Youth Group will be collecting cans of soup and monetary donations for the local food pantries as a part of the nationwide effort to end hunger, the Souper Bowl of Caring. Meet our newest baptized member: Carleigh Jo Scott! On Sunday, Jan 25th we welcomed her into our family of faith. Proud parents are Jane and Charles Scott, and her big sister is Caralynn. Participating elder was Joe Crowley and Janie Reynolds sang a solo that certainly touched our hearts. As part of the service the congregation agreed to help to nurture her in the faith. Page 2 The Light Page 2 Vaction Bible School 2015 Calling All Volunteers—VBS 2015 Volunteers are needed to help with Vacation Bible School scheduled for the week of August 3-7. This year’s theme is “G-Force”. The first planning meeting will be held in the balcony immediately following the 10:30am worship service Sunday, February 8th. There are many areas where volunteers are needed. These areas include; decorating, registration, games, music, crafts, snacks, science, storytelling, guides and assembly. Leaders are needed in each area as well as helpers to assist them. For more detailed description for each area, please contact Phyllis Willever: ([email protected] or call 705-6193) Valentine Game Day Saturday, February 14, 2015 12:00pm—4:00pm $15 per person Lunch Served at Noon After Lunch, Games, Cards and Fellowship Tribute to Our Music Director A reception to honor and pay tribute to Kiah O’Brien for his twenty plus years of service to the Music Ministry of LPC will be held in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, February 22nd , immediately following the 10:30am service. (There will be no refreshments provided in the Narthex after the late service that day.) Kiah O’Brien A special Love Offering will be received on the Sundays leading up to the 22nd. Checks may be made to LPC, but indicate your “gift to Kiah” in the memo line of the check. Note cards for your well wishes will be available in Fellowship Hall on the 22nd during the reception for those who wish to write a personal message to Kiah. Those unable to attend after the second service may greet Kiah following the 8:30am service in the Narthex. All are welcome to celebrate Kiah’s many years of service to LPC as Chancel Choir Director! Page 3 The Light with the pastor and other leaders in the congregation. Membership is more meaningful Pastor Chris announced Sunday that we would be when we get to know others in the congregation. starting a new membership class February 15. We have decided this is where we will grow in Some, hopefully all, who attend those classes will grace by active support of the life of the church be joining the church. Joining the church. And through financial giving and through the exercise so, exactly, what does that mean? of our spiritual gifts. We show a willingness to commit ourselves to a devotional life, and to As I was clearing off my desk this week I found practice the art of prayer. something that helped focus my thoughts on that question. I didn’t write it and I don’t know who did, “Our understanding of the gospel is that every but here’s how I’ve used somebody else’s ideas: Christian has an important role to play in ministry. We cannot be a person of faith and a spiritual Membership in anything certainly gives us a spectator at the same time, the two are sense of belonging, but this is more. The church incompatible. The work of the church is to help is a place where we practice tolerance for new every person of faith to find and develop his or her and different ideas, where we are exposed to new own capacity for active participation in ministry. forms and new expressions of faith. Hopefully, we As we accomplish this we glorify God and begin to see that membership in LPC isn’t just contribute to the building of our Lord’s Kingdom.” going to church on Sunday, but investing ourselves in God’s work here on earth. We This is good news for all of us! choose where we want to grow in spirit and with Fran Casperson, Chair whom. We intentionally establish a relationship Outreach & Membership “Our understanding of the gospel is that every Christian has an important role to play in ministry.” New Member Class A New Member and Inquirers’ Class will be offered beginning Sunday, February 15th from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. The class will be led by Rev. Herrin with assistance from Joe Crowley and from members of the Membership Ministry. In addition to discussing what it means to be Presbyterian we will look at the meaning of membership, faith, and have time in small group discussion to get to know one another. Please contact the church office to sign up, 815-6570. Warm Hearts Warm Friends! This was shared on Bluffton Self Help Facebook page... Warm Hearts Warm Friends! Look at our friends in this happy photo! This is Diane and her adorable grandkids - they stopped by BSH and brought 11 electric blankets and 4 nonelectric blankets ...all from Lowcountry Presbyterian! They were worried about their neighbors getting cold! Thanks so much for caring Lowcountry Presbyterian friends! It is still cold out there, so if you still want to donate blankets, we will gladly accept them and deliver them to Bluffton Self Help or you can take them there yourself. The Light Page 4 Page 4 Newly Installed Session Members On Sunday, January 11th, the elders for the Class of 2017 were ordained and installed during our 10:30 am service. Bonne, Phil, Jim and Diane participated in a four part elder training class led by Rev. Herrin that ended in January. The class involved reading a book on being a church officer, {Pictured above: Bonnie Flack, Phil Kiser, Rev. Herrin, Jim Dove, & Diane Mikkelson} discussion of our polity and calling, a review of the essential tenets of Reformed Theology, engaging with our Book of Order and Book of Confession and faith sharing, culminating in each elder writing their own faith statement. {Back row l-r: Bill Guise, Dave Post, Bob Lowry, Dee Lehr, Phil Kiser, Jim Dove. Front row: Richard Robertson, Bonnie Flack, Fran Casperson, Chris Herrin, Diane Mikkelson, Elaine Branda, Sonia Abernethy} Session Highlights The January Stated Session meeting was held on Monday, January 19th at 7PM in Fellowship Hall. Session reported and/or acted on the following items: Session received and approved reports from standing committees and also approved the minutes of the previous Session meetings. Session discussed the treasurer’s report. Income from offerings was well above plan for the year, allowing us to partially replenish our depleted capital reserve fund. Attendance is tracking well above last year. Rev. Herrin led a small group exercise that allowed Session to consider and share thoughts about how God might be calling us to act on His behalf (God has work for us to do and God is a great delegator). Update on Storage - Elder Guise noted that we now have an architect and that we are awaiting his proposal on our need for improved and expanded storage. Elder Robertson reported on the state of identifying an interim music director. Dr. Robin Lind has agreed to fill the position as an interim for March thru June. The Worship Committee is reviewing the current Job description to see what changes might be necessary and a committee is being formed to identify and retain a Music Director. Elder Robertson proposed that the committee be allowed to proceed on this basis. A committee will be formed, made up of representatives for Strategic Planning, Worship and Music, Finance, Building and Grounds, and Fellowship to consider ways to improve Fellowship Time after the Services (noting that the narthex becomes very crowded). The next Stated Session meeting will be at 7 PM on Monday, February 16th in Fellowship Hall. If you would like to know more, please e-mail me (or any member of Session). You can reach me at [email protected]. Or, if computers aren’t your thing, please call one of us. Our telephone contact numbers are printed every week in the Sunday bulletin. Grace and peace, Joseph P. Crowley, Clerk of Session Page 5 Lowcountry Presbyterian Church 10 Simmonsville Rd. Bluffton, SC 29910 Phone: 843-815-6570 Fax:843-815-4165 E-mail: [email protected] We’re on the web! www.lowcountrypres.org Individual needed to occasionally assist with posting church events/ invitations/info (from weekly eblast) on Facebook. General knowledge of Facebook necessary. Will train on specific procedures for posting to LPC's page. Contact the church office or Jane Scott via email ([email protected]). VOLUNTEER FOR GED Our Session Members: Sonia Abernethy 843-757-8099 Email: [email protected] Elaine Branda 843-705-2015 Email: [email protected] Fran Casperson 843-705-9973 Email: [email protected] Jim Dove 843-705-9015 Email: [email protected] Bonnie Flack 843-705-5212 Email: bflack @hargray.com Bill Guise 843-757-9169 [email protected] Phil Kiser 843-842-6615 Email: [email protected] Dee Lehr 843-757-6775 Email: [email protected] Diane Mikkelson 843-757-6686 Email: [email protected] Dave Post 843-705-7508 [email protected] Richard Robertson 843-645-6364 Email: richardrobertson2003@ yahoo.com Joe Crowley, Clerk of Session 843-757-1055 Email: [email protected] One of the missions of LPC is the GED Program (General Education Development. We help local adults to earn their high school equivalency diplomas. Our fourth Camp will be 3/2-4/17. Please consider participating in the program: Teacher/Substitute for classes 9:30am-12:30pm o Language arts 3/3, 3/5, 3/6, 3/10, 3/12, 3/16, 3/17, 3/18 o Math reasoning 3/23, 3/25, 3/27, 3/30, 4/1, 4/3, 4/6, 4/8, 4/10, 4/13, 4/15, 4/17 o Science 3/24, 3/31, 4/7, 4/14 o Social studies 3/2, 3/4, 3/11, 3/13, 3/20 Tutor for 1-on-1 extra help 1 hour sessions 12:45pm-1:45pm 3/2-4/17 Monday-Friday by appointment Language arts Math reasoning Science Social Studies Administrative/Hospitality Volunteer O Post flyers in Bluffton O Assist with pretest events and student interviews 2/17 and 2/23 O Open/close building 8:30am, make coffee, set up classrooms, snacks and coffee O Set up laptops & printer O Assist students taking practice tests O Bring healthy snacks and drinks O Help with kickoff event 2/27 3:00pm If you have any questions, please contact Janit Maguire at [email protected] or 845-527-6409 WANTED FOR 2015 Worship is looking for folks who are willing to be put on the substitute lists to serve as either liturgists and/or ushers. If you are not currently on the regular schedule, but would be willing to be a sub, please contact Bob Lowry so he can put you on the list; [email protected], or 815-4962 Bluffton Self Help needs additional help Tuesday afternoons, 1:00pm— 3:00pm, also Thursday and Friday mornings, 9:00am-12:00pm. They especially need men in the afternoon to help unload the Second Helpings truck. Contact member Cindy Marshall; email— [email protected] Page 6 The Light To Those Who Enjoy The Coffee Hour Our coffee time is a great opportunity to visit with friends we may only see once a week and to introduce ourselves to visitors. We all enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and a little sweet treat after church, but we need your help to be able to keep our Sunday coffee hour going. We need bakers and coffee brewers to help out by picking a Sunday that you can either bring treats or brew coffee. Please sign up on the sheets posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. The coffee brewers will come in before the service and set up the table and brew the coffee and clean up after the coffee hour. For questions call Nancy Spears at 705-5490. For those bringing treats, they will help with serving the coffee and cleaning up afterward. Please bring refreshments, either home baked or store bought, on plates ready to serve. Any questions contact Bonnie Dove at 705-9015. Stephen Ministry A combined meeting was held in Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, January 20 with the Stephen Ministers of LPC and Church of the Cross. Holly Field, a member of the Board of Directorship, gave a presentation on the new venture, Staying Connected. Save the Date for the Next Food, Fun and Fellowship Dinner March 9, 2015 Program: Fellowship Dinner Theater Janie Reynolds will sing a selection of Broadway songs following the March 9 Fellowship Dinner. As a third-grader Janie was drawn to the magic of musical theater after seeing a professional production of Oklahoma. It quickly became a passion that inspired her love of singing and paved the way for a degree in Theater Arts from Penn State University. In addition to singing currently in church and community choirs and as a church soloist (north and south), Janie has performed in many musical theater productions at various venues in western Pennsylvania. Janie’s performance will feature a mix of old favorites and new treasures from the Broadway stage. Menu: Partial Pot-luck—Fellowship will provide KFC, beverages, and paper products. Sign-up by March 4th— on the sign-up sheets or contact the church office 815-6570. Page 7 The Light MISSIONS Don Pierce, Dan Herrin, Bert & Anneke Ruys, June & Donald Allison, Judy Hinman, Carol Hissom and Mick “Just What Happens During a Family Promise Mikkelson & myself. Each morning at 7 am during the Host Week?” week, the families were transported by a Family Promise van to the Day Center in Bluffton where they We have just completed our first hosting experience spent the day working with the case worker finding for Family Promise for 2015 and what a joyful experience it was! I think I speak for all of those who employment and affordable housing and learning life helped out during the week that the three families that skills. On Saturday morning, members of Iglesia Casa del Rey prepared and served breakfast and we hosted this year were delightful….the 3 moms hosted the families until 10:00 am. At 10:00 a.m., the were so helpful and appreciative and the 6 children Family Promise case worker transports the families to were a delight to have around. We had more the Day Center to spend the day. Sunday morning volunteers helping us than ever before and that was after the families left at 7 am, Mick Mikkelson & I, Bob most appreciated. Many of you know that we host these families four times a year but you may not know & Bonnie Flack and Bert Ruys loaded the trailer once what happens during each week so I am going to tell again in preparation for the next congregation and cleaned and organized Fellowship Hall in time for you everything that occurred this past week which Sunday School classes. Laundry from the week was was typical of all of our hosting weeks: bagged and distributed to Sally Stein, Hazel Burger, Before the week begins, Bonnie Flack is lining up Sonia Abernathy, Sheila Parliament, Yvonne Rhode dinner hosts from those who have either signed up or and Lois Poper to wash and return before the next called and are willing to help during the week. At the host week begins in April. Thank you to everyone same time, I am scheduling overnight hosts, set-up who helped to make this host week so delightful! and clean-up volunteers and laundry volunteers. This is the beginning of our seventh year of an Beginning on Sunday, January 25, Mick Mikkelson association with Family Promise of Beaufort County travelled to the Lord of Life Lutheran Church to pick and it is a very important ministry of Lowcountry up the Family Promise trailer containing all of the Presbyterian Church. There are 350 homeless beds, the families’ belongings, car seats, strollers, first children in Beaufort County and this organization aid kit and pillows that will be used during the week working with 13 host congregations such as ours and and brought that to Fellowship Hall arriving as the many other support congregations is the only shelter second service ends. During that time, I was for these children and their families. It is a hand up, organizing the bedding and linens which we have not a hand out as 85% of the families in the program stored for use each time in preparation for Bob & are still employed in homes at least one year or more Bonnie Flack, Nancy Kozlowski, Carol Hissom and later. Please consider helping during the next host David Stevenson who will help set up the beds, TVs, week April 26 through May 3 in some way. Remember nightstands, etc. in each of the families’ private room as they say at Family Promise, “one homeless child is for the week. Each door has a welcoming sign with one too many”. the names of the family members. Another room is set up as a common lounge with a TV with DVDs, games, toys, books, crafts and a couch. Prior to all of this being done, Bonnie and I have stocked the kitchen with breakfast and lunch items to last throughout the week. In addition throughout the week, we will restock and bring fresh fruits. Starting on Sunday evening and every evening through Friday, caring volunteers serve as dinner hosts bringing a portion of the evening meal, staying and offering Christian hospitality from 5:30 to 8:30. During this week, Pam & Andy Carpenter, Janit & Tom Maguire, Nancy Kozlowski, Betsy & Dick MacDougal, Pastor Chris, Dan, Lucy and Jake, June & Donald Allison, and members of Temple Oseh Shalom served as evening hosts. Each evening throughout the week there was either one or two overnight hosts from 8:30 pm until 7:00 am, and these included: Cindy & Jay Marshall, Bebe Fasbender, Jaquan and others like him are why we are a host congregation. The Light Page 8 Family Promise Host Week . Some of our Family Promise guests working on homework during our host week. One of the guest bedrooms. Nancy Kozlowski and Janit Maguire helping in the kitchen during Family Promise Nancy Kozlowski and Tom Maguire help with dinner for the guests. Over night host bedroom. Family Promise guests enjoying ice cream! The Light Page 9 We plan to make some additions and changes to The Light that will make our newsletter focus more on upcoming activities and provide easy Continual improvements to LPC communication reading. Additionally, plan for more supporting layouts are being developed to inform members photos to tell our stories. For those of you that and visitors of planned activities. An important want to hear more details about past church goal is to appeal to potential visitors using the functions, ministries and people, we will make Internet and social media as new residents more space available online, and keep search for a church home. Already, Jane Scott newsletters for details of the next few week’s has updated our Facebook page and Chuck events. Thomas is in the process of converting to new software for the LPC website. This software will Another important goal is to listen carefully to your ideas about potential articles that you make it easier for members to sign up to participate in events or volunteer opportunities, would like to see or write about. We are always open to print stories about something or and more people can make changes to our somebody that interests you. webpages. Communications Jim Dove, Chair Christian Education February is Heart Month. In addition to emphasis on good health, we think of gifts such as valentines, flowers and candy. Learning more about God’s gifts to us will fill our hearts with love and appreciation. Our ACE (Adult Christian Education) program is designed to offer different opportunities for learning just how much God loves us. Come join in! The Sunday Bible study class taught by Joe Crowley is continuing the study of the book of Isaiah. The Contemporary Application class taught by Richard Robertson will finish the study of MAKING SENSE OF THE BIBLE on February 15th and begin a 7-week Lenten study titled 24 HOURS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD on February 22nd. Both classes meet in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30am. The Women’s and Men’s Bible studies, led by Joe Crowley, are studying the book of Romans. They meet in Fellowship Hall on Tuesdays at 10:00am for the women and Wednesdays at 9:00am for the men. Men of Purpose meet Saturday mornings at 8:00am in the church parlor. They are studying DAVID, A MAN OF PASSION AND DESTINY. Come early for coffee and refreshments. Check the bulletin or the on-line bulletin board for time and location of the WOMEN OF THE CHURCH Bible study. They meet on Wednesdays in different homes. Members and visitors are welcome to attend any of these opportunities on a drop-in basis. CHILDREN’ CHURCH for children ages 4 through elementary meets Sunday mornings following the Children’s Moment in 10:30am service. They are taught by Phyllis Willever. Nursery care is also available for the 10:30am service. Sonia Abernethy, Chair The Light Page 10 Fellowship Ministry “When in doubt, PRAY it out” January was a busy Fellowship month. The entire team got together and reported what has been going on for the past year and most all seems well. Bonnie Dove has graciously consented to help Nancy Spears with the hospitality hour after the Sunday services. We have bakers and makers. The “bakers” will be contacted by Bonnie to bring goodies to hospitality hour. You do not have to bake them, it is nice when you do, but if you want to buy things that is great too. It is nice if you put them on trays at home, but if you can’t we can tray them in the parlor. We would love it if the people that brought the goodies would pour the coffee, and take the accolades for your goodies. If you can’t, tell us and we can get someone to take over for you. Just think, it is a good way to get to know people as they come up to the table. Many hands make light work, so if you can help clean it up that is great too. The coffee “makers” set up the table, and get things ready for coffee and juice. They keep the coffee coming and help the “bakers” any way they can. We really appreciate all your help. WOC is off and running. Our first meeting of the New Year had about 30 members and we are still growing. We will have to use the big room now, and that is a good thing. At the February meeting we will decide where our donations will go, and how much we will donate. It will be a ballot vote, so why not come and help us with this big decision. We will also explain one more time about the prayer chain and hopefully get it off the ground. Prayerfully consider whether you want to participate. You will have the chance to sign-up then. Greeters, hospitality desk, dine-around and Bible Study seem to just go along wonderfully. Food, fun and fellowship is looking to cater some of March’s meal, so watch for the menu and please come and support our wonderful way to meet more people and get to know them. We always have fun, and the food is usually good, but the fellowship is fabulous!!! Thanks for all you do for me, it really is appreciated. “Don’t be anxious about anything, God is in control!” Dee Lehr, Chair Small Groups Small Groups for Lent are coming! Watch the bulletin and e-blasts for more information or contact the church office. WOC The Women of the Church will meet Tuesday, February 17th at 11:30am in Fellowship Hall. The topic for the month is "Love" and there will be a "Surprise Speaker". Join them for fun and fellowship in the women's ministry of the church. Page 12 The Light An Abundant Light When we analyze 2014 and the impact it had on or church we begin to understand the significant and positive results that have happened in the past. We once had a mortgage payment that demanded most of our cash flow. Many repairs and items that needed to be tended to were delayed and left to their own survival. Then the State of South Carolina wanted to expand roads on our property and the mortgage suddenly and thankfully disappeared. Now we were faced with the challenge of doing the equipment repairs and maintenance heretofore left undone because of limited cash flow. The Mission Committee had to endure limited opportunities without any increase in funding. Committee members of the Session had to submit tight budgets to stay within the overall budget. And then comes 2014, new pastor, Rev. Chris Herrin, many new members, a relieved membership with a new spirit and an excitement. Attendance is up, ministry teams are alive, spiritual growth opportunities abound, mission expands, and a significant budget surplus appears. The spirit of the Lord prevails. The Session in their last meeting voted to allocate ten percent of the budget surplus to the Mission Committee ($5,163.) and the remaining to the Capital Account ($46,000) which had taken quite a beating in the last few years with all of the repairs and equipment replacements. What a welcome and fortunate occurrence. I would be remiss if I did not thank the committee, Doug Adams , Al Burfeind, Richard Robertson, Gray Toulmin, our Pastor Chris Herrin and of course our Treasurer Al Couper. These folks are very dedicated to the process and LPC is very fortunate to have them. All is good for the moment and it would be inane not to thank our membership, staff and visitors from the whole community for their whole hearted commitment to Lowcountry Presbyterian Church. But we must stay vigilant and prudent in the future as we march forward with God’s guidance. God Bless You All and May this be a Blessed Year! Dave Post , chair Please keep them in your thoughts & prayers In Christian Sympathy To Linda Bemister on the death of her mother, Martha Glime. Dorothy Billings Helen Joseph Martha Lester Connie Plumstead Ed Smith Bill Walker Priscilla Woodring Don & Ruth Zellar The Light Page 11 Don and Keith By Jim Dove any of you will remember two dedicated Christian widowers that regularly attended LPC for several years. Generally, Don Crewdson sat in the second or third row and often dressed in a white suit during the hot summer months. Keith Blair joined Bonnie and me near the sanctuary center about halfway back. Both were in their eighties when they moved to Sun City and they still drove their cars to church in the beginning; but due to their declining vision and hearing they soon needed a little help getting to church. Most Sundays they rode with us, but others filled in when we were away. Two happier men you may never meet. Those commutes to church were when we learned about the lives they lived, and the examples they set for others, including their children. Keith had a burgundy Ford Mustang convertible that was his pride and joy, but it was truly a menacing love affair. Among the trials he endured included turning a corner and having the steering wheel become completely disconnected from the car. That’s not even to mention the two new engines and complete body restoration by someone that disappeared with his antique car. A helpful Bluffton police officer located the car in Ridgeland and returned it to him. Don was born in Osaka, Japan to Presbyterian missionaries and had a life-long love for Christian missions. He made multiple mission trips to Africa, and he continued to talk about one more trip to Africa to help the Lions with their vision missions there. While in his eighties, Don was elected elder at LPC soon before his declining health caused him to resign. Still, when I think about Don’s longlasting service to his church, the Boy Scouts, and the Lions Club, I was not surprised he accepted when asked to be an elder at LPC. Saturday mornings found Keith with his Shetland Sheepdog at our church caring for the landscaping. He and a friend painted the Rose Room at LPC. He was born in Jamaica and retired a small business owner that remodeled homes in Connecticut. One of Keith’s favorite stories told about the time he fell off a ladder when working on David Letterman’s home. He was incredibly proud that David visited him in the hospital and gave him a Tonight Show jacket. A few years ago these wonderful Christian men progressed to other senior living residences that provided more assistance and closer proximity to their caring children. They passed away in 2014 to be with their Savior. Keith and Don made our lives richer as they strived to serve their God. I miss them! Looking after our older members, friends and relatives is a Christian mission. Too soon each one of us may need a helpful friend to offer a hand, or maybe just an ear! Dennis Lake Colonel Bloom Kay Moore Leland Day Janet Lang Marilyn Miesner Carolyn Alexander Dick Eberhart Fran Marshall Kay Post Anne Louise O’Brien John Rea Bob Anderson Kay Hollinger 1 2 3 4 4 7 8 9 9 11 13 14 15 16 Jerri Hanna Margaret Hubsch Arthur Paton Kiah O’Brien Larry Tremitiere Bob Replogle Pam Carpenter Billie Hoskins Phil Sanford Dennis Jagt Don Pierce Mick Mikkelson Janet Chamberlain 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 27 28 February 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 5 Souper Bowl Sunday Worship 8:30am& 10:30am Worship Meeting at 7:00pm Women’s Bible Study 10:00am Bells-12:30pm Men’s Bible Study 9:00am Choir Practice 7:00pm 6 Sat 7 Men of Purpose 7:30:am Christian Care Ministry 3:00pm All Sunday School Classes 9:30am 8 WOC Bible Study 10:00am Fri Stephen Ministry 6:30pm CPR Training – 7:00pm-FH 9 CCMAC Worship 8:30am& 10:30am All Sunday School Classes 9:30am 10 11 12 13 Women’s Bible Study 10:00am Bells— 12:30pm Men’s Bible Study 9:00am Mission Ministry Meeting 5:30pm Men of Strategic Purpose Planning Meeting 1:15pm 7:30:am 18 19 Men’s Bible Study 9:00am Choir Practice 7:00pm WOC Bible Study 10:00am Choir Practice 7:00pm 14 GED Meeting 1:30pm Valentine’s Card and Game Party 12:00pm 20 21 VBS Meeting 11:30am 15 16 17 Worship 8:30am& 10:30am Session Meeting 7:00pm GED –9:00am Women’s Bible Study 10:00am All Sunday School Classes 9:30am WOC Meeting 11:30am Bells— 12:30pm New Member Class 45:30pm 22 Stephen Ministry 6:30pm 23 Worship 8:30 & 10:30am All Sunday School Classes GED 9:00am 9:30am Kiah’s Retirement Reception 11:30am New Member Class 4:00pm WOC Bible Study 10:00am Men of Purpose 7:30:am Ash Wednesday Community Service 12:00pm 24 25 26 27 28 Women’s Bible Study 10:00am Bells— 12:30pm Men’s Bible Study 9:00am GED 5:30pm GED Kick-off 5:00pm Men of Purpose 7:30:am Choir WOC Bible Study 10:00am Practice 7:00pm March 2015 Sun Mon 1 2 Worship 8:30 & 10:30am Worship Meeting at 7:00pm Tue 3 All Sunday School Classes 9:30am Women’s Bible Study 10:00am Bells— 12:30pm Wed Thu 4 5 Men’s Bible Study 9:00am Choir Practice 7:00pm WOC Bible Study 10:00am Fri 6 Sat 7 Men of Purpose 7:30:am Christian Care Ministry 3:00pm New Member Class 4:00pm GED Classes 9:30am to 12:30pm in Fellowship Hall Monday—Friday 8 9 10 Worship 8:30am& 10:30am Fellowship Bells— Dinner 5:30pm 12:30pm 11 12 Choir WOC Bible Study 10:00am Practice 7:00pm All Sunday School Classes 9:30am 13 14 Strategic Planning Meeting 1:15pm Men of Purpose 7:30:am GED Classes 9:30am to 12:30pm in Fellowship Hall Monday—Friday 15 16 17 18 Worship 8:30am& 10:30am Session Meeting 7:00pm WOC Meeting 11:30am Bells— 12:30pm Choir WOC Bible Study 10:00am Practice 7:00pm All Sunday School Classes 9:30am 19 20 21 Men of Purpose 7:30:am Stephen Ministry 6:30pm GED Classes 9:30am to 12:30pm in Fellowship Hall Monday—Friday 22 23 Worship 8:30am& 10:30am All Sunday School Classes 9:30am 24 25 26 Women’s Bible Study 10:00am Bells— 12:30pm Men’s Bible Study 9:00am Choir Practice 7:00pm WOC Bible Study 10:00am 27 GED Classes 9:30am to 12:30pm in Fellowship Hall Monday—Friday 29 Worship 8:30am& 10:30am All Sunday School Classes 9:30am 30 31 Women’s Bible Study 10:00am GED Classes 9:30am to 12:30pm in Fellowship Hall Monday—Friday 28 Men of Purpose 7:30:am
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