Old Town Village Crier February Old Town Village, Alexandria, Virginia 2015 From the OTVOA Board of Directors Tom Lane, OTVOA Vice President emanating from our own Governing Documents. These PRGs, along with the Rules for Use of Common Facilities and much additional information, are available for review on our townhome website. In recent months, the Townhome Board made progress improving financial relations with the Condominium Board. The suit before the Fair Housing Office was withdrawn by the resident filing it. And four townhome residents appeared before the Alexandria Planning Commission expressing their concerns and recommendations on the West Parc Project. hawaiidermatology.com As I begin my term on the Board, I anticipate enjoying the interest and cooperation among our helpful and generous volunteers, our neighbors at the condominiums, and our support from Legum & Norman. I admire Old Town Village for its location, buildings, and pleasant living environment and enjoy the facilities and activities we share. In pursuit of our participatory governance process, mentioned by Gary Jacobs last month, we are looking forward to a training/information sharing process on February 5th with L&N, in which we will review requirements from the State of Virginia on Property Owners Associations, as well as our Policies, Rules and Guidelines (PRG) Community Outreach Activities Priscilla Hardiman, Activities Committee Outreach Carpenter’s Shelter In February we will collect cereal for the Carpenter’s Shelter. Please leave your donations in the box in the Roundhouse. Thanks. Community Lodgings Community Lodgings is accepting small household kitchen items (glasses, cookware, dishes and food storage containers) only. Please leave your items in the designated box in the Roundhouse. Thanks for helping. Committees have also been diligent in repairs and maintenance of the common facilities, such as the Roundhouse, pool and patio furniture, roads and grounds, with special attention to our lovely trees. For 2015, the Board liaison contacts for our committees are as follows: • President Gary Jacobs ARB, Communications, Activities, Young Families • Vice President Tom Lane Management, Safety, Welcome • Secretary / Treasurer Steve Lindblom Finance, Grounds & Services, and Hardscape. I find all of this encouraging and now wish only that we could do something about the weather! Townhome Welcome Jerri Ginman, Committee Chair In December, we welcomed new Old Town Village residents Becky and Kevin Rust to their new home at 426 S. Fayette Street. As Becky and Kevin have moved from Old Town Alexandria to Old Town Village, they haven’t relocated from very far away and we hope they will really enjoy our great location and convenience to all that Old Town Alexandria offers! Jerri, Lisa, Janie, Freda, Connie, Joan, Debby, Patty NO FEBRUARY MEETING of the TOWNHOME BOARD! February 2015 The Village Crier Social Activities Dani Lane & Betsy McCormick, Committee Co-Chairs After a deserved respite in January, the Activities Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, February 10th. We hope to see some new faces there at the Roundhouse at 7 pm. Come help plan the St. Patrick’s Day Party, scheduled for March 15th. The party is always a fun-filled and much anticipated event each year! Safety & Security Steve Cragg, Committee Chair Crime – Over the holidays, several parcels were stolen in Old Town Village. Specifically, in the alleys behind Duke and Henry, these thefts seem to be occurring because of the two “cutthroughs’” between townhouses in this area. To stop this unwanted foot traffic, we are planning to install motion-activated lighting and to plant fire-thorn (pyracantha), which has been recommended by the police to prevent pedestrian access but not access by the police or fire department. Unfortunately, parcels were also stolen over the holidays in front of townhomes where delivery services have left them. The committee still recommends that residents ask UPS, FedEx, & USPS to deliver in the rear because pedestrians traversing Old Town Village stay mainly on the main streets. Lighting – Is much improved. Many residents have requested and received free lights for their below-deck alley way fixtures. If you don’t feel comfortable installing these lights yourself, Safety Committee members will install them for you. Call Steve Cragg at 703-535-1123 or email him at [email protected]. These lights are “Dusk-to-Dawn”, turning on automatically in the evening and going off in the morning. They are very inexpensive to operate. You just leave your light switch in the “on” position. Light fixtures will be installed at both ends of the alley behind the Wilkes Street townhomes, between Fayette and Payne. The alleys currently are not well illuminated. Vehicle Registration, Parking Decals, Guest Passes, & Gate Remotes - Currently, the database containing vehicle ownership information is out of date. To correct this situation, forms will be distributed to all Townhome residents which must be filled out with current vehicle information. Once this is completed, all residents will receive new car decals and guest passes. We thank you for your patience and cooperation in this undertaking. 2 Architectural Review Board Todd Moorman, Committee Chair Who are those people? The Architectural Review Board (ARB) has a unique set of responsibilities that are spelled out in our association covenant. Here is the language outlining the four main ARB duties: “…regulate the external design, appearance and location of improvements to: 1. Preserve and enhance the value of the property, 2. Avoid activities deleterious to the aesthetic or property values, 3. Maintain a harmonious relationship among the structures and the natural vegetation, and 4. Promote the general welfare and safety of the Owners, etc.” In practice, this means the ARB reviews applications for modifying existing aspects of your home or adding new features. Usually this involves owners simply replacing (often upgrading) the original construction. We consider the potential for any new benefit, as well as any negative impact, before making a determination. This is why you won’t see any chain-link fencing, outdoor fire pits, or 20foot flagpoles popping up in OTV. But you may see synthetic decking material replace old pressure-treated floor boards, for example. The covenant also requires the ARB to be vigilant and proactive in looking for any problems that could hurt property values or create an unsafe situation. So you will see us occasionally walking around inspecting doors, windows, roofs, fences, and decks to see how well we are doing as a community. And over the years many of you will have heard from the ARB with regard to maintenance issues that need your eventual (or immediate) attention. A missing address number over the garage is obviously minor, but a missing piece of siding from your dormer window is a major violation – not to mention an invitation to serious moisture damage. Lastly, the ARB conducts a pre-sale inspection prior to closing to ensure that any townhome for sale complies with the OTV covenant. The Legum & Norman Community Manager initiates the request for this verification and is first to receive the inspection results. If you, as a seller, prefer to know if your home is in compliance, please forward a request for verification blogs.msdn.com to the chair of the ARB Chair, Todd Moorman. This will help avoid any unwanted surprises in the selling process. We are glad to report, in general, OTV looks very well and our neighborhood continues to be a beautiful place to live. For more OTVOA Townhome news & information, visit the community web site: oldtownvillage.org February 2015 The Village Crier Communications Grounds & Services The 2015 OTV Residents’ Directory is here! The 2015 directory includes townhome residents and owners and condominium residents; a townhome street map; OTVOA and OTVCUOA contacts; and local and Virginia important contacts. Ann Lindblom and Janie Smith began distribution of the directories at January’s Townhome Board meeting. Distribution is also planned for when the new parking passes are distributed and also at the March Townhome Board meeting. If you would like to pick up a directory, send an email to Ann Lindblom. All Townhome bushes have been trimmed and the garden beds have been cleaned. The Crepe Myrtle trees have all been trimmed, as well. All other trees are scheduled to be trimmed by the beginning of February. Pat Street, Committee Chair Recent postings on the Townhome website include: • Board: »» Oct. 12 Board Minutes (Approved) »» Nov. Annual Meeting Minutes (Draft) »» Dec. 15 Board Meeting Agenda »» Dec. 15 Board Minutes • Book Club: updated with 2015 reading list and meeting dates on the Calendar • Communications: »» Jan. 6 Meeting Minutes »» Board process for submitting Crier articles (also posted on Newsletters page) »» Communications Committee process to collect Crier articles, publish, and distribution (also posted on the Newsletters web page) »» Committee chairs are encouraged to review both of the above processes before submitting their Crier articles – thank you! • OTV Owners’ Association: NEW WEB PAGES! »» 1997 Cost Sharing Agreement + 2003 Amendment »» Board / Committee Oversight designations for 2015 • Management Committee: Dec. 3 Meeting Minutes REMINDERS!! OTV events and activities are continually posted on the Website’s Calendar. Under the Website’s Marketplace tab, you can sell items, post something that you lost or found, or just share information – e-mail Pat Street. Getting ready for Spring clean-up? Don’t forget to check out OTV’s Handyman List under the website’s Resource Center tab. 3 Peter Cuviello, Committee Chair REMINDER Please remember to bring in trash cans by close of business the day of pick-up. If going out of town, either (1) wait to put trash/ recycling out until returning or (2) have a neighbor put containers away. Trash/recycle bins in some cases have sat out for days. Management Jim Larocco, Committee Chair While most residents’ thoughts this time of year turn to snow and cold, the Management Committee has primarily focused on getting everything ready for the pool, patio and spa season. Key projects include sanding and repainting the patio furniture, purchasing new pool deck chaise lounges and chairs, purchasing umbrellas for both the pool and patio area, fixing the outdoor shower and putting in place all new fixtures for the shower, repairing the leaks in the spa room and fixing broken tiles, adding a new light inside the spa itself and ensuring that moisture levels in that spa room are at an appropriate level. Everything is on schedule for the opening of the pool, just a few months away. Time to start thinking about buying that new swim suit you put off buying last year. In 2014, we had record attendance at the pool, and we look forward to a wonderful season of sun and fun in and around the pool in 2015. Doesn’t it make you feel warmer just thinking about it? At the same time, we have systematically been working room by room to bring the Roundhouse to a better state. You can breathe deep with full confidence now that all the air vents have been thoroughly cleaned and enjoy our fireplace on a cold February evening as that also has been cleaned. Stay warm with no drafts whatsoever as our new windows throughout the Roundhouse keep everything toasty. You will also notice it’s cooler in the summer as these new windows block out the heat much more effectively than the old ones. Jim Larocco (Chair), [email protected] (Townhomes) Andy Caldwell, [email protected] (Condominiums) Bruce Goldhirsch, [email protected] (Townhomes) Priscilla Hardiman, [email protected] (Townhomes) Jerry Lipson, [email protected] (Condominiums) John Prevar, [email protected] (Condominiums) For more OTVOA Townhome news & information, visit the community web site: oldtownvillage.org February 2015 The Village Crier OTVOA Townhome 2015 Board of Directors President Gary Jacobs 703-717-9541 [email protected] Vice President Book Club George Bartman & Heidi Plott, Club Co-Chairs January’s book was The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace: A Brilliant Young Man Who Left Newark for the Ivy League by Jeff Hobbs. A heartfelt, and riveting biography of the short life of a talented young African-American man who escapes the slums of Newark for Yale University only to succumb to the dangers of the streets—and of one’s own nature—when he returns home. The author, Robert’s Yale roommate for four years, methodically reconstructs each of the worlds that made his friend. Tom Lane 703-549-7676 [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Steve Lindblom 703-395-9392 [email protected] Committee Chairpersons Activities Dani Lane, Co-Chair 703-549-7676 [email protected] Betsy Aitken, Co-Chair 703-739-6738 [email protected] Architectural Review Board Todd Moorman 703-836-7760 [email protected] Communications Pat Street 703-888-0381 [email protected] Safety & Security Steve Cragg 703-535-1123 [email protected] Finance 4 We met at the home of Susan Blackman who led the discussion. We explored how the enduring American conflicts of race, class, drugs, community, imprisonment, education, family, friendship, and love impacted the success and failures in Robert’s life. His opportunities seemed boundless, but he failed to take advantage of any of them; making choices which seemed to squander his potential. Is “class-jumping” really possible; what sort of support does a person need to accomplish it? These and other questions we raised and examined. The group rated the book 4 out of 5 stars. Greg Street 703-888-0381 [email protected] Grounds & Services Peter Cuviello 703-684-0455 [email protected] Hardscape John Roe 703-837-0317 [email protected] Management Committee Jim Larocco 703-684-1984 [email protected] Welcome Jerri Ginman 571-970-2275 [email protected] Book Club George Bartman, Co-Chair 703-683-8808 [email protected] Heidi Plott, Co-Chair 703-836-1736 [email protected] Young Families Organization Meredith Harris meredith.a.harris@gmail 615-498-4040 Community Manager Legum & Norman Ron Purdy 703-970-8827 [email protected] February’s book is the 2014 Pulitzer Prize winner, The Gold Finch by Donna Tartt and George Bartman will host and facilitate the discussion on February 19. Board / Committee Oversight for 2015 The purpose of the Townhome Board “oversight of committees” is to provide committee chairs with a board member who serves as a quick reference point of contact - someone who would be especially knowledgeable of current committee needs, but not attempt to run the committee, not be a committee member nor routinely attend committee meetings. The structure of oversight by board office is: • President - ARB, Communications, Activities, Young Families Group • Vice President - Management, Safety, Welcome • Secretary / Treasurer - Finance, Grounds & Services, Hardscape For more OTVOA Townhome news & information, visit the community web site: oldtownvillage.org The Village Crier New Interior Paint Colors! Committee Chairs & Members The 2015 Grounds Committee Seasonal Reminders PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 5 From the OTVCUOA Board of Directors At the opening of the January 20 Board of Directors meeting, Captain Wemple of the Alexandria Police Department told those in attendance that there has been no criminal activity in the immediate area. Photo courtesy of Michelle Stark Condominium Happenings February 2015 Antonella DiLernia, Board Treasurer, gave a brief update on the Association’s year-end financials, which she described as very favorable. Board President Cheryl Van Coverden reported that the interior painting of the building’s lobbies and hallways was well underway; that painting in the South Payne Street building had been completed; and that work is now in progress on the South West Street building. Resident feedback has been very favorable with many stating that the painting and lighting upgrades will enhance the overall value of the property. If you get a chance, stop by the South Payne Street Building and take a look at the results. The board also reported that the trimming, removal and pruning of the trees on the property have been completed. This, too, has received numerous favorable comments. The board and the association’s counsel are currently in the final stages of approving the project specifications for the repair and renovation of the wooden balconies. Once approved, these specifications will be incorporated into the project manual along with a Request For Proposal that will go out to potential bidders. It is expected that the invitation to bid will be announced this month. The board also discussed and approved a proposal to clean all the gutters on each of the five buildings. Also of note was the unanimous approval of two resolutions. The first resolution changed the scope of the “Grounds and Services Committee” back to the “Grounds Committee” only. The second resolution is in line with the Virginia Property Owners’ Association Act, and the Association’s Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. This resolution identifies a fee schedule to be used to cover the costs of material and labor to provide copies of the association’s books and/or records if requested by a resident. Click here to view this schedule on our website. During the meeting, the board also ratified four email votes it had taken previously: 1. 2. 3. 4. Management Committee members Board of Director positions Tree trimming contract with McFall & Berry Approval of the colors (Gray Palette) for the lobbies and hallways 5. Repair of a unit owners unit The board announced that it had received a considerable amount of interest from owners volunteering to chair and/ or be on one of the association’s committees. With that Board of Directors Continued on next page For more OTV Condominium news & information, visit the condominium web site: oldtownvillagecondos.org February 2015 The Village Crier Board of Directors Continued from previous page 6 Condominium Grounds Pam Verick Committee Chair in mind, the board announced the following appointments for 2015: • • • • • Management Committee: John Prevar, Jerry Lipson, Andy Caldwell Grounds Committee: Pam Verick (Chair), Marian Russell, Carrie Ainsworth, Peg Wilson Welcoming Committee: Alexis Zaloudek, Dana Williams, Edna Johnson Condominium Editor & Crier Layout: Janet Donahue Website Master: Rene Shonerd And finally, the board adopted a new policy whereby residents and owners are encouraged to use the “Open Forum” at each monthly board meeting to enter into a dialogue with the board on matters, which are complex and policy-related in nature, rather than through an email exchange with the board. The board feels that this will not only cut back on the number of emails it receives, but will also ensure that there is greater transparency on the issues that are raised. The next meeting of the board will be on Tuesday February 17. Next OTVCUOA Condominium Board Meeting With gratitude for collective achievements in enhancing the “look, feel and value” of our OTVCUOA property, this year’s committee -- comprised of new members -- is specifically focused on our grounds, while services will be handled by the board in coordination with our management company, GHA. First order of business - a big thank you for outdoor tree trimming (now complete) and interior hallway painting (now underway). As chair, my plan is to align our activities with the board’s objectives and the association’s budget in order to help meet residents’ expectations about our grounds. The committee will meet on a quarterly basis and will provide updates at monthly board meetings and in monthly issues of the Crier. While the committee is no longer responsible for “services,” we understand that many residents were particularly concerned over delayed snow removal and de-icing during the earlier January snowfall. At the request of the board, GHA contacted McFall & Berry to let them know that OTVC residents expect better (and more timely) treatment of our grounds during winter storms. Our community’s need for pet-friendly de-icing material was also reiterated. The committee for 2015 appreciates all the work of the previous Grounds & Services Committee, as well as OTVC residents’ ideas and perspectives about our grounds. We look forward to continued maintenance and enhancement of our OTVC property. Please feel free to reach out with your suggestions. The date of our next meeting will be posted on the condominium lobby bulletin boards. Condominium Welcome Alexis Zaloudek, Committee Chair Tuesday, Feb. 17 7 pm Roundhouse Nice New Hallways! Now that we are getting a new, fresh look to our lobbies and hallways, let’s keep them looking spectacular. Please refrain from using the hallway outside your door as a staging area for discarded items, such as trash bags, empty boxes or shoes. Thanks! Hello. My name is Alexis Zaloudek, and I am excited to be the new 2015 Chair for the OTVC Welcome Committee. The new committee members and I are working to schedule our first meeting sometime in the next few weeks. Once we’ve set the date, it will be posted on the condominium lobby bulletin boards. I encourage all members of the OTVC community to contact me with any questions, comments, or suggestions at [email protected]. jarofjellybeanspls.blogspot I’m looking forward to working with everyone this year! For more OTV Condominium news & information, visit the condominium web site: oldtownvillagecondos.org February 2015 The Village Crier CONDOMINIUM First Quarter CHECKLIST 7 OTVCUOA Condominium 2015 Board of Directors President Cheryl Van Coverden 301-466-8881 [email protected] Vice President It may not look exactly like a house, but it is your home. A condominium requires regular maintenance just like a house. Here’s a handy checklist for the first quarter of the year to help you stay one step ahead of potential problems or breakdowns. Bradley Russell 571-201-2363 [email protected] Secretary Michelle Stark 571-970-0241 [email protected] Treasurer Antonella DiLernia 301-249-4930 [email protected] sprinterlife.com if you’re a renter, this will help your landlord keep your home in tip top condition. Member-at-Large Dan Hawkins 703-548-4346 [email protected] Committee Chairpersons JANUARY To keep refrigerator cooling efficiently, clean condenser coils behind or beneath the unit. FEBRUARY Inspect grout and caulk around sinks, bathtubs and showers. Repair or replace. MARCH Replace batteries and test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in all areas of the home. Management Committee Jim Larocco 703-684-1984 [email protected] Condominium Editor & Crier Layout Janet Donahue 703-548-7991 [email protected] Website Rene Shonerd 703-518-4475 [email protected] Grounds Pam Verick 703-299-8811 [email protected] Welcome Alexis Zaloudek 617-680-6549 [email protected] And don’t forget to change the furnace filter monthly. Thanks to condominium resident and realtor Janet Thomas for this handy list! More in April... Portfolio Manager GHA / TMP Coordinator OTVC Building Representatives Building 1 305 S. Payne St. Building 2 330 West St. Building 3 1304 Roundhouse Ln. Cheryl Van Coverden 301-466-8881 [email protected] Next Meetings of New Grounds & New Welcome Committees Gail Evans [email protected] Carolyn Ayers, #302 Sherri Pappas, #308 703-535-6918 [email protected] Building 4 1404 Roundhouse Ln. Janet Thomas 703-739-7779 [email protected] Building 5 1405 Roundhouse Ln. Bill Boylan 703-519-3826 Carolyn Cornwell 703-752-8300 [email protected] Published monthly for the benefit of owners & residents of Old Town Village Townhomes & Condominiums and available on the websites. Send photos, articles, information by the 20th of each month to: Townhomes - Janie Smith at [email protected] Condominiums - Janet Donahue at [email protected] Layout: Janet Donahue (703) 548-7991 [email protected] Dates for the upcoming meetings of the Grounds Committee & the Welcome Committee will be posted on the bulletin boards in the condominium building lobbies as soon as they are available. For more OTV Condominium news & information, visit the condominium web site: oldtownvillagecondos.org February 2015 The Village Crier 8 END NOTES ’re ! You vited in Every Friday is a Great Friday in OTV! Come join your neighbors every Friday at the TGIF get-together. 7 pm in the Roundhouse. Bring your own beverage and a snack or sweet to share. It’s great fun! ALL OTV RESIDENTS ARE INVITED! All events are held in the Roundhouse unless otherwise noted. MONTHLY & *SPECIAL EVENTS!* Day Time No Meeting Event Townhome Board Meeting 10 7:00 pm Activities Committee 17 7:00 pm Condominium Board Meeting 19 7:00 pm Book Club Host: Donna Tartt & George Bartman WEEKLY EVENTS Day Time Tues. 1:30 pm Mah Jong Fri.! 7:00 pm TGIF!! Event UPCOMING EVENTS MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Date Event Mar. 15 St. Partrick’s Day Party! Mah Jong Club at the Roundhouse! Even if you’ve never played before, we’ll be happy to teach you the in’s and out’s. We’re very easy-going and enjoy chatting as we play, so don’t worry about a high-stress situation. We play Tuesdays at 1:30 pm in the Roundhouse. You can just show up or if you have questions, email Shannon Collins. Hope to see you soon! February 07, 2015 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM George Washington Masonic Memorial 101 Callahan Drive This longest running annual designer warehouse sale is celebrating it’s 10th Anniversary. It’s a fun, yet casual, once a year, shopping extravaganza featuring highend boutique merchandise Deal seekers will find the very best from Alexandria’s finest boutiques on various brands of clothing, shoes, jewelry, home furnishings and more up to 70 or 80 percent off retail prices. For more information, click here!
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