TAMILNADU GENERATION & DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION LTD. ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCH From Er.N.Krishnamoorthi, B.E., Chief Engineer/Personnel, 144, Anna Salai, Chennai-600 002. To All the Chief Engineers, TANGEDCO & TANTRANSO. Letter No.095087/G.11/G.111/2014-63, dated 31.01.2015. Sir, Sub :- Establishment - Class II Service – A.E./Electrical and J.E./ Electrical I Grade – Selected for promotion as A.E.E./ Electrical – Allotment – Orders issued. Ref :- Memo.No.71223/495/G.1/G.11/2013-65, dt.17.10.2014. ----------- The list of Assistant Engineers/Electrical, Junior Engineers/Electrical I Grade who have been selected for appointment as Assistant Executive Engineer/ Electrical on promotion in the reference cited, are allotted as detailed in Annexure for issue of appointment cum promotion order to the individuals. 2. Under powers delegated in B.P.Ms.No.61 (F.B.) (Sectt. Branch) dated 01.08.1988, the concerned authorities are requested to issue necessary appointment orders as Assistant Executive Engineer onan promotion eef.org under Regulation 106 of Tamil Nadu t . w wwand posting to the above promotees, to the circle as Electricity Board Service Regulations allotted under intimation to this office. 3. In this connection, I also invite reference to B.P.Ms.(FB) No.45 (Adm.Branch) dated 5.9.1988 wherein clear instructions have been issued regarding posting of personnel in the Central Offices. 4. I also request you to incorporate the following clause in the appointment and posting orders to the above promotees :i) “The appointment is subject to the outcome of W.P.Nos.22607/2011,18070/2012 19270/2012, 14842/2013, 15360/2013 and 20763/2013 and W.A.No.1375/2013 pending in the Hon’ble High Court of Madras. i) The promotees concerned should join duty at the place posted within 2 weeks from the date of issue of this order and no modification of postings will be entertained. ii) If he/she fails to assume charges within 2 weeks of relief from the present station, promotion orders will be cancelled. ..2 -2- 5. I also invite your attention to this Branch Letter No.113304/EA/A1/ 93-1 dated 22.11.1993 and issue suitable instructions to the Officers concerned to relieve the officials within 2 weeks from the date of issue of appointment and posting orders without waiting for joining of substitute and if any of the Officer do not relieve, necessary action may be taken against them/ him for not relieving promotees promptly as instructed in Memo. dated 22.11.93, I also invite your attention to the instructions in para (3) of Memo.No.117072/ Adm.Branch/ E1-3/ 97-1, dated 01.10.1997 and act accordingly. 6. As per Memo.No.089728/1069/G.15/G.151/2008-1, dated 29.08.2008, the Chief Engineers and Superintending Engineers of the Board are hereby informed that necessary instructions have already been issued in the Memo.No.95745/C1-1/1994-1 (Adm.Branch) dated 05.09.1994 for strict adherence for relieving/joining duty of the officials on his promotion. Inspite of said instructions, many officers in Class II Services has not joined duty in the respective office on promotion. Therefore, the Chairman has instructed that all the Officers concerned should relieve the promotees within 15 days from the date of receipt of order, failing which the Officers concerned will be held responsible. 7. The Superintending Engineers concerned should arrange to relieve the promotees immediately, even if there are vacancies in his circle. If the individual applies for Medical Leave, the matter should be referred to the Medical Board. If the individual applies any other leave, the same should be refused. If the individual applies for the Medical Leave, the fact may be intimated to this office so that the promotion order will be cancelled and allotment will be given after exhausting all the persons in the present panel. rg ef.o 8. I also request you to cancel w.tane the appointment and posting orders of the w w promotees due to non-joining duty in the place posted within 2 weeks from the date of relief and the fact intimated to this Branch for taking further necessary action. I also request that the above may be closely watched and action taken. 9. The Promotees who do not adhere to the time frame indicated for joining will be proceeded under Rule 8(a) of D&A Regulation as per Chairman Memo.No.100855/ 515/G42/G421/2002-1 dated 30.8.2002. 10. The Superintending Engineers concerned are requested to serve the promotion order to the individuals only if they are free from D.P./Undergoing punishment/ Vigilance remarks. ..3 -311.The following Sl.Nos.251, 254, 255, 257, 258, 260, 263, 265 and 266 are not eligible for Transfer Travelling Allowances. Yours faithfully, Sd.31.01.2015 S.AMUDHA Assistant Personnel Officer/Electrical for Chief Engineer/ Personnel Copy to all the Superintending Engineers / TANGEDCO & TANTRANSCO. Copy to the Personnel Officer/Panel/Adm.Branch. Copy to G.1, G.11(2), G.13 and G.18 Sections in Adm. Branch / Chennai-2. Copy to Stock File. ane www.t ef.org ANNEXURE TO Lr.No.095087/G.11/G.111/2014-63, dated 31.01.2015. Sl.No. Name DOB Design Present Circle AE/Elecl Chennai EDC/North Allotted Circle 251 Nandhakumar.V 4/16/1968 252 Jayaraman.KR 2/7/1959 253 Raj.S 6/18/1967 AE/Elecl Tuticorin EDC NCTPS Stage-II 254 Sunderasan.R 3/7/1965 AE/Elecl Kuttalam GTPS Kuttalam GTPS 255 Thirumalai.S 5/24/1967 AE/Elecl Thiruvannamalai EDC Thiruvannamalai EDC (230 KV SS/Arani) 256 Gurusamy.V 4/3/1958 257 Muthukumar.G 5/20/1967 258 Janarthanan.T.K 4/9/1969 259 Kumarakrishnan.K 9/10/1965 260 Subramanian.R 2/12/1958 261 Chandran.V 4/29/1966 AE/Elecl Chennai Dev. Circle-II 262 Loganathan.M 7/30/1965 AE/Elecl Thiruvannamalai EDC Kallakurichi EDC (C&I/Ulundurpet) 263 Raja.G 7/1/1969 AE/Elecl NCTPS NCTPS Stage-I 264 Prathabsingh.J.C 7/15/1958 265 Murugesan.S 10/17/1963 AE/Elecl Thanjavur EDC Thanjavur EDC 266 Ravichandran.S 6/4/1968 AE/Elecl Salem EDC Krishnagiri EDC (O&M/Uthangarai) JE/Elecl. I.Gr Sivaganga EDC JE/Elecl. I.Gr Madurai EDC AE/Elecl w.tane wwAE/Elecl AE/Elecl Thiruvannamalai EDC rg ef.oChennai EDC/West Cuddalore EDC JE/Elecl. I.Gr Chengalpattu EDC JE/Elecl. I.Gr Dindigul EDC Chennai EDC/North (AEE/Enforcement) SE/LD&GO/Chennai Thirupathur EDC (230 KV SS/Singarapet) Thiruvannamalai EDC (110 KV Grid SS/ Pachal) CE/MM/HQ/Chennai Villupuram EDC (C&I/VPM) Chengalpattu EDC (230 KV SS/Sipcot/ Mambakkam) CE/IT/HQRS P&C/Coimbatore 267 Jayavel.R 6/13/1965 268 Murugesan.B 1/21/1957 AE/Elecl TKGTPS/ Thirumakottai JE/Elecl. I.Gr Madurai EDC/Metro NCTPS Stage-II Ramnad EDC (MRT/Paramakudi) Sd..31.01.2015 S.AMUDHA APO/ELECTRICAL ane www.t ef.org
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