63rd Antitrust Law Spring Meeting April 15–17, 2015 Washington, DC JW Marriott Hotel & National Press Club daily events REGISTRATION (Attendees & Press) Capitol Foyer, Ballroom Level HOURS: Tuesday, April 14 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm Wednesday, April 15 7:30 am – 5:30 pm Thursday, April 16 7:30 am – 5:30 pm Friday, April 17 7:30 am – noon CLE INFORMATION DESK Capitol Foyer, Ballroom Level HOURS: Wednesday, April 15 7:30 am – 5:30 pm Thursday, April 16 7:30 am – 5:30 pm Friday, April 17 7:30 am – noon ANTITRUST BOOKSTORE Russell/Hart, Meeting Room Level HOURS: Tuesday, April 14 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm Wednesday, April 15 7:30 am – 5:30 pm Thursday, April 16 7:30 am – 5:30 pm Friday, April 17 7:30 am – noon CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Start your day with fresh juices, baked goods, and coffee. Continental breakfast will be available at the JW Marriott on the Ballroom Level and at the National Press Club until 9:30 am daily for all Spring Meeting participants. CLE DA I LY E V E N T S The ABA directly applies for and ordinarily receives CLE credit for ABA programs in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, GA, GU, HI, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MN, MS, MO, MT, NH, NM, NV, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WI, and WV. These states sometimes do not approve a program for credit before the program occurs. This transitional program is approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys in NY. Attorneys may be eligible to receive CLE credit through reciprocity or attorney selfsubmission in other states. For more information about CLE accreditation in your state, visit www.ambar.org/ATSpring. 2 • All attendees must sign in for CLE. Most attendees only need to do this once for the entire conference. Some states require attendees to follow different procedures, like DE, IL, NY and TX • DE, IL and NY attendees are required by their state to sign in (and NY also out) of each session. The forms for DE, IL and NY will be located in the back of each session room. At the conclusion of the conference, IL and NY attorneys should pick up their customized Certificate of Attendance at the CLE Information Desk during the conference hours. • Over 50 CLE events are scheduled for the Spring Meeting. The sessions are an educational presentation, usually in panel format, presented by one or more of the Section’s committees. Sessions where skills training, trial skills, and/or ethics credit has been applied for are indicated in the brochure. • Required sponsor documentation has been forwarded to and credit requested from MCLE states with general requirements for all lawyers. Lawyers seeking credit in PA must pay a fee of $1.50 per credit hour directly to the PA CLE Board. The ABA pays applicable fees in other states where the sponsor is required to do so. In states where a late fee may become applicable, the ABA pays this fee as well. • Please be aware that each state has its own rules and regulations, including its definition of “CLE” as well as “Ethics.” Therefore, certain sessions may not receive CLE credit in some states. Please check with your state provider for confirmation of general, as well as ethics, approval for any conference. The total number of credit hours that have been approved will be available one week prior to the Spring Meeting. A Uniform Certificate of Attendance will be available with your course materials. • Please check back for the total number of credit hours approved. table of contents 4 Welcome 5 Membership 6 Program At–A–Glance 9 Registration 11 Conference tips & tours 12 hotel information 13 travel information 14 section publications 15 schedule of events Schedule of events 15 15 25 31 Tuesday, April 14 Wednesday, April 15 Thursday, April 16 Friday, April 17 34 section calendar 35 Committee Directory 36 2014–2015 Section Officers & staff 37 Former Section Chairs 38 thank you ta bl e of c on t e n ts 3 chair’s welcome Dear Colleague: Welcome to the 63rd Annual Spring Meeting of the ABA Section of Antitrust Law, the premier event of the year for competition and consumer protection professionals worldwide. This year we expect nearly 3,000 people to attend, including over 600 government enforcers and practitioners from 60 countries outside the United States. The Spring Meeting is the world’s largest gathering of competition and consumer protection professionals. It brings together all segments of the competition and consumer protection community from around the world — enforcement officials, private attorneys, in-house corporate counsel, academics, judges, economists, and business people — to share knowledge about all aspects of competition and consumer protection law. Programming. Take a look through the pages that follow. There is no richer or more diverse array of antitrust and consumer protection programming at any conference in the world. In every time slot, there are multiple must-see programs with top quality speakers. To help reduce conflicts, we are once again offering separate program “tracks” in Litigation, Consumer Protection, and International. In addition, there are two items of plenary programming to highlight: • Thursday. The Chair’s Showcase program will be “Rethinking Antitrust Economics For The 21st Century,” which will explore what the goals of antitrust enforcement should be, the role of economics in setting evidentiary standards, and whether the battle of economic experts is out of control in antitrust litigation. • Friday. We are fortunate that the Enforcers’ Roundtable will include the distinguished heads of both U.S. agencies, the European Commission, NAAG’s Antitrust Task Force, and the Chairman of the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority. Informal Sessions With International Officials. We will also conduct a series of informal “Fireside Chats” with special guests, including senior competition law officials from abroad. (Details will be made available closer to conference time.) Networking Opportunities. One of the most valuable aspects of the Spring Meeting is the opportunity it provides to interact with a wide variety of antitrust and consumer protection practitioners – government officials, corporate counsel, plaintiffs’ lawyers, defense lawyers, judges, academics and economists. With plenty of opportunities to mingle, whether over coffee, hors d’oeuvres or cocktails, the Spring Meeting promotes connections and builds community among its members. I urge you to take full advantage of the Spring Meeting to forge new friendships and connections in your field of interest. Chair’s welcome No matter what programs and events you choose to attend, I am confident that you will be very pleased, thanks to the extraordinary efforts of Spring Meeting Co-Chairs Sharis Pozen and Hartmut Schneider, Program Officer Brian Henry, and our wonderful Section Staff—all of whom have gone above and beyond to put an together outstanding Spring Meeting. 4 I look forward to seeing you in Washington! Best regards, Howard Feller Chair, Section of Antitrust Law 2014-2015 membership ABA MEMBERSHIP Start maximizing your ABA membership today. Discover more ways to put our many services to work for you. Benefits • Enhance your expertise with authoritative information on your specialty or interest. • Take advantage of important networking opportunities with others who have similar interests. • Earn CLE credit through CLE conferences, monthly ABA Connection online, and teleconference seminars. • Receive hotel discounts using the ABA Preferred Hotel negotiated rates. • Receive discounts on travel with American Airlines, United Airlines, Virgin America and Hertz. SECTION OF ANTITRUST LAW MEMBERSHIP Enhance your ABA experience by joining the Section of Antitrust Law. Membership in the Section gives you access to colleagues and services that will expand your professional development. Visit www.ambar.org/antitrust to join the section or committee, register for a conference or to view the most current antitrust and consumer protection information. Benefits • Enhance your expertise and keep current on antitrust and consumer protection law. • Access to CONNECT – A collaboration portal for Section of Antitrust Law members, which includes industry news, updates, upcoming Section events, an enhanced member directory and much more! • Receive discounts on conference registration and Section publications. • Receive the Antitrust Law Journal, Antitrust Magazine, and Antitrust Source. • Access the Searchable Antitrust Library (SAL) of antitrust and consumer protection materials, which are useful for research and casework, as well as view links to current antitrust and consumer protection cases and sites. • The Antitrust Source, an online magazine produced six times a year. www.antitrustsource.com • Enjoy membership in a community of antitrust and consumer protection professionals with diverse interests and practices, including domestic and international government officials. • Free access to over 150 committee teleconferences/webinars. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Join a Section committee or all 28, and connect with like-minded members. Our committees are active groups of professionals who share an interest in a specialized area of the law. Section members can join committees for free. Benefits of Joining a Committee • Access the Section’s wealth of resources and become engaged personally and professionally with other antitrust and consumer protection specialists. • Stay informed with committee newsletters and papers providing in-depth analysis of specialized areas and current topics. • Engage in discussion lists for timely updates and discussion of major developments in antitrust law and consumer protection. • Enjoy career-advancing opportunities to volunteer for committee initiatives, write for committee publications and speak at events. questions • Visit www.ambar.org/antitrust • Visit the ABA staff in the Bookstore. • Email Deborah Morgan [email protected] regarding membership. • Email Diane Odom [email protected] regarding committees. membership 5 program-at-a-glance consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function TUESDAY APRIL 14, 2015 1:00 – 7:00 pm Bookstore & Registration Open 3:30 – 5:00 pm Pathways to Leadership 5:30 – 6:30 pm Young Lawyers & Law Student happy hour 6:00 – 7:00 pm Cocktails for Consumer Protection 6:00 – 7:00 pm Reception for International Enforcers ticketed event WEDNESDAY April 15, 2015 7:30 am – 5:30 pm BOOKSTORE & REGISTRATION OPEN 8:00 – 8:30 am FIRST TIMERS BREAKFAST 8:30 – 10:30 am DON’T GUESS AT THE ETHICS ethics 8:45 – 11:45 am FUNDAMENTALS – CONSUMER PROTECTION 9:00 – 10:30 am A TWO-SIDED STORY: ANTITRUST IN TWO-SIDED MARKETS 9:00 – 10:30 am AGENCY UPDATE WITH THE DEPUTY ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS GENERAL 9:00 – 10:30 am FOREIGN INVESTMENT & COMPETITION REVIEWS: INCREASING INTERFACE 9:00 – 10:30 am MARKET MANIPULATION: NOT YOUR COMMON CARTEL 9:00 – 10:30 am rise of PROFESSIONAL THIRD-PARTY ANTITRUST AND CONSUMER ADVOCACY 9:00 – 10:30 am SELF-REGULATION: WHERE WE ARE AND WHERE WE’RE HEADING 10:45 am – noon ANTITRUST & HEALTH CARE: SQUARE PEG IN A ROUND HOLE 10:45 am – noon p r o g r a m - a t- a - g l a n c e CROSS-NATIONAL MERGER REMEDIES: STILL SAFE IN ANTARCTICA 6 10:45 am – noon DATA LOCALIZATION 10:45 am – noon PARITY, PREFERENCE & PRICING: MANAGING GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION 10:45 am – noon THE GOVERNMENT ALWAYS RINGS TWICE 10:45 am – noon THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS: WHEN “DIRECT” MEANS “INDIRECT” debate 10:45 am – noon WALKING THE LINE BETWEEN WITNESS PREPARATION AND COACHING Noon – 1:30 pm SECTION LUNCHEON (TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE) program-at-a-glance 1:45 – 3:15 pm BEYOND REVERSE PAYMENTS: THE NEW FRONTIERS IN PHARMACEUTICAL ent 7:30 am – 5:30 pm BOOKSTORE & REGISTRATION OPEN 8:15 – 9:45 am ANTITRUST INVESTIGATIONS WORLDWIDE: WHAT PROCESS IS DUE? 8:15 – 9:45 am BENCH TRIALS: WHAT IS THE BEST PRESENTATION? 8:15 – 9:45 am BEYOND THE SMOKE-FILLED ROOM: COMPLIANCE IN E-COMMUNICATIONS 8:15 – 9:45 am BRIEFING WITH THE STATE ENFORCERS p r o g r a m - a t- a - g l a n c e THURSDAY April 16, 2015 7 program-at-a-glance 8:15 – 9:45 am DISCLOSURES IN A MOBILE & ONLINE WORLD 8:15 – 9:45 am GOvERNMENT ENFORCEMENT AGAINST MONOPOLIZATION: DEAD OR ALIvE? 8:15 – 9:45 am HOW TO SETTLE A PATENT CASE AFTER ACTAvIS 8:15 – 9:45 am INTERNATIONAL COLLECTIvE ACTIONS: WHAT IS AND ISN’T WORKING? 10:00 am – noon CHAIR’S SHOWCASE: RETHINKING ANTITRUST ECONOMICS FOR THE 21ST CENTURy 12:15 – 1:15 pm LUNCHEON RECEPTION FOR IN-HOUSE COUNSEL TICKETED EvENT 1:30 – 3:00 pm AROUND THE HORN: CONSUMER PROTECTION yEAR IN REvIEW 1:30 – 3:00 pm INNOvATION: CAN IT EvER BE ANTICOMPETITIvE? 1:30 – 3:00 pm INTERNATIONAL AGENCy COOPERATION: THE REAL STORy 1:30 – 3:00 pm PRACTICAL ISSUES FOR RETENTION OF COUNSEL 1:30 – 5:00 pm MOCK TRIAL MOCK TRIAL 3:15 – 5:00 pm ANTITRUST AND IP IN CHINA: qUI vADIS? 3:15 – 5:00 pm HOT TOPICS 3:15 – 5:00 pm LEGAL DEvELOPMENTS AND CHALLENGES IN CLAIM SUBSTANTIATION 3:15 – 5:00 pm SHIFTING SANDS: MERGERS IN CHANGING MARKETS 7:30 pm SECTION DINNER (TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE) FRIDAY april 17, 2015 7:30 am – noon BOOKSTORE & REGISTRATION OPEN 8:15 – 9:45 am AGENCY UPDATE WITH THE FTC BUREAU DIRECTORS 8:15 – 9:45 am p r o g r a m - a t- a - g l a n c e DOWNLOADING THE FUTURE: MEDIA MERGERS AND CONTENT DISTRIBUTION 8 8:15 – 9:45 am IS FALSE ADVERTISING ANTICOMPETITIVE? 8:15 – 9:45 am KEEPING ENEMIES CLOSE: RISKS OF CONTRACTS REFERENCING RIVALS 8:15 – 9:45 am THE ETHICS OF CARTEL INVESTIGATIONS 8:15 – 9:45 am THE FUTURE OF PATENT PRIVATEERING 10:00 am – noon ENFORCERS’ ROUNDTABLE Noon – 12:15 pm IL AND NY ATTORNEYS TO PICK UP CUSTOMIZED CLE CERTIFICATES registration REGISTER ONLINE TODAY @ www.ambar.org/ATSpring Discounted Registration Cut–off date: February 5, 2015 Various registration rates and discounts are available for your convenience. Those registered by April 13, 2015 will be listed on the online delegate roster and will have advance access to the course materials prior to the conference. The ABA automatically adjusts registrations submitted at the incorrect rate. Full payment at the correct rate must be received to process CLE and registration. The ABA does not accept wire transfers or purchase orders. Financial scholarship applications are available for this program. To request an application or receive additional information, contact: [email protected]. Antitrust Spring meeting 2015 Not an ABA Member? Join now! www.americanbar.org/join Registration Fees (Rates increase after February 5) ABA Section of Antitrust Law ABA Member* Member Non-Member List Rate $795 $995 $1,095 Academic $125 $200 $225 Government $125 $200 $225 Non-Profit $125 $200 $225 Paralegal $125 $200 $225 Luncheon Dinner Individual Dinner Table of 10 Social Event Tickets (Rates increase after February 5) (Wednesday, April 15) (Thursday, April 16) (Thursday, April 16) List Rate $40 $125 $1,250 Academic $40 $85 $850 Government $40 $85 $850 Non-Profit $40 $85 $850 Paralegal/Student $40 $85 $850 Main Registration Fee Includes: • Welcome Reception • CLE Sessions • CLE Credit • Continental Breakfast • Refreshments • Course Materials on USB Additional Events: • Wednesday Luncheon • Thursday Dinner TWO WAYS TO REGISTER: Online www.ambar.org/ATSpring Online registrants will receive an electronic confirmation within one day. Please bring your confirmation to the on-site ABA Registration Desk to pick up your name badge, materials and CLE information. On–site JW Marriott Capitol Foyer, Ballroom Level Tuesday, April 14 Wednesday, April 15 Thursday, April 16 Friday, April 17 1:00 pm–7:00 pm 7:30 am–5:30 pm 7:30 am–5:30 pm 7:30 am–noon Note: This conference has reached capacity in prior years; on-site registration is subject to availability. r egist r at ion Online registration closes April 13, 2015 at 10:00 am CST. 9 registration Discounts/REGISTRATION CATEGORIES Early Registration Registrations received by February 5, 2015 will be processed at the advance registration rate. ABA Antitrust Law Section Members The registration rate for Antitrust Law Section is reduced for this conference as a member benefit. The discount is reflected on the registration page online. ABA Members Become an Antitrust Law Section Member for $60 and save up to $300 on your conference registration as a member benefit. Join now and save. Not an ABA Member Join now and save by going to www.ambar.org/join Academics, Government, and Paralegals Available for those with a primary position at a government or academic institution (e.g., law firm lawyers who also are adjunct professors would pay the law firm rate). Non–profit Rate Available for those with a non-profit with no for-profit affiliation. Law Students (Limited) Complimentary registration for law students who have not passed a Bar or are licensed to practice. Availability is limited. Please email at– [email protected] for details. Cancellations In the event of cancellation, a refund of the registration fee, less a $50.00 administrative fee, will be granted only for written requests received by Patricia Harris (at–[email protected]) by 5:00 pm CST, April 1. There will be no refunds after this date. Please allow four to six weeks after the conference for the processing of any refunds. The ABA reserves the right to cancel any conference or portion thereof and assumes no responsibility for personal expenses. Confirmations Confirmations will be sent electronically within one day of online registration. Please bring the confirmation with you to the conference. Course Materials Course materials for each session will be compiled and distributed online prior to the conference. An email containing the link to the course materials will be sent out to all registered attendees one week prior to the conference. A copy of the course materials will also be distributed on a USB drive at the conference. RECORDING No audio recording, photography or videotaping of any part of the conference will be permitted. REGISTRANT/PARTICIPANT IMAGE AND VOICE AGREEMENT Registration for, attendance at, or participation in the 2015 Spring Meeting and other associated activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to permit the American Bar Association to use and distribute (both now and in the future) the registrant or participant’s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, audiotapes of such event and activities. ROSTER OF PARTICIPANTS/assistance A roster of conference participants is available on the conference website and updated on a weekly basis. Participants must be registered to be listed. Special Dietary Needs/assistance Confirmed registrants should notify at–[email protected] by April 1 if special assistance for access and/or dietary needs is required. When registering please update your ABA profile to reflect any special needs. r egist r at ion SUBSTITUTIONS 10 Written requests for substitutions will be permitted prior to the conference for requests received by April 1. After this date, substitutions will need to be made on-site. There is no additional cost for substitutions. Substitutions are not permitted once a registrant has registered on-site or after the conference has occurred. Please submit a request on firm letterhead to transfer the registration to another person. Only the substitute will be eligible for CLE credit. The substitute and original registrant must work out the payment between themselves. Questions? Email at–[email protected] or phone 312.988.5609 7:30 am – 3:30 pm (CST), Monday–Friday Please note registrations/cancellations are not taken over the phone. conference tips & tours Conference tips • Register early and save. • Separate registration is required for the Spring Lunch and Dinner. • Beat the rush and pick up your badge and conference materials on Tuesday between 1:00 and 7:00 pm. • Sign in for CLE upon arrival. NY attendees are also required by their state to sign in & out of every session. IL & DE attendees are required by their states to sign in for every session. • Sessions occur at both the JW Marriott Hotel and the National Press Club. The venues are located near each other on 14th Street. • CLE sessions seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. • Check online for updated session information and the roster of attendees online. The site is updated weekly. • Network with section leadership, members and colleagues at various functions during the conference. • Visit the Antitrust Bookstore to learn more about Section publications, Connect and committee activities. • Ask questions! Members and staff are ready and willing to help you get active in the Section of Antitrust Law. • Download the mobile app to receive important messages, access course materials, speaker bios, note taking slides and more! tours Experience the sights of DC with exclusive tours just for Spring Meeting attendees. Please visit www.ambar.org/ATSpring for additional tour information and pricing. Tuesday, April 14 7:30 – 11:30 am White House Tour Visit the most important house in the United States of America — The White House! During this exclusive guided tour, guests will be taken through the East Room, Green Room, Blue Room, Red Room and State Dining Room. In addition to these rooms, your White House guide MAY show you the library, Vermeil Room, China Room and Diplomatic Reception Room, if possible. *Tour subject to cancellation by the White House. 9:30 am – 3:30 pm Mount Vernon VIP Tour Tuesday, April 14 and Wednesday, April 15 7:00 – 9:00 pm Monuments by Moonlight Become a part of our nation’s most historic landscape and feel history come to life as you “visit” some of our country’s most beloved sites—lit up in all of their glory! Thursday, April 16 1:00 – 5:00 pm The Nation’s Documents This private tour of the Library of Congress will take you to the restored Great Hall with its fabulous murals, statuary and impressive collections. From the Great Hall, your guide will lead you to the Main Reading Room; which makes up part of the world’s largest research library. The National Archives is home to more of the Nation’s most important documents. Within the Archives, you will view the documents that our nation is based upon, The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Conference tips & Tours Guests will travel back in time to the eighteenth century and discover the life and times of George Washington! Travel across the Potomac River to the spectacular Mount Vernon Estate and be presented with an authentic look at the life of George and Martha Washington. Along the way, docents will describe the rich history and significant events that took place in each of the bright and colorful rooms in the mansion. 11 hotel information ACCOMMODATIONS Cut–off Date: March 17, 2015 A block of sleeping rooms has been reserved at a discounted rate for Spring Meeting attendees over the evenings of April 14-17, 2015. Those individuals booked in the ABA block of rooms for the conference will be eligible to be included in a surprise VIP upgrade or a complimentary room night. Make your reservations early as rooms often sell out prior to the cut-off date of March 17th. JW Marriott–Headquarter Hotel (www.marriott.com/wasjw) 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004 Phone: 202.393.2000 Fax: 202.626.6991 Single/Double Room @ $375.00 + tax Hay–Adams (www.hayadams.com) Sixteenth & H Streets NW, Washington, DC 20006 Phone: 202.638.6600 Fax: 202.638.2716 Single/Double Room @ $425.00 + tax Marriott Metro Center (www.marriott.com/wasmc) 775 12th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 202.737.2200 Fax: 202.347.5886 Single/Double Room @ $368.00 + tax Sofitel Lafayette Square (www.sofitel.com/Washington) 806 15th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 202.730.8800 Fax: 202.730.8500 Single/Double Room @ $355.00 + tax W Hotel (www.whotels.com/WashingtonDC) 515 15th (& Pennsylvania Ave), Washington, DC 20004 Phone: 202.661.2400 Single/Double Room @ $380.00 + tax Willard InterContinental (www.washington.intercontinental.com) 1401 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004 Phone: 202.628.9100 Fax: 202.637.7326 Single/Double Room @ $445.00 + tax Reservation Policies • Room reservations must be made directly with the Hotel. Rates do not apply if booked through travel agents or third parties. • Please indicate that you are attending the ABA Spring Meeting to receive the indicated conference rates and priority reservations so you don’t get walked in the event the Hotel is overbooked. • After the cut–off date or when the room block is sold out, guest rooms at the special hot e l i n for m at ion conference rate will be subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed at the special ABA rate. 12 • All reservations shall be guaranteed by credit card or deposit check. • The hotel shall email a written confirmation within five days from the date on which the reservation is made. • Cancellations are permitted up until 72 hours prior to the scheduled date of arrival. A one– night cancellation charge will apply within 72 hours. • Rooms shall be available for check–in no later than 4:00 pm with a noon check–out time. • Guests will be individually responsible for payment of their own rooms, taxes, and incidental charges. travel information TRAVEL INFORMATION Individuals are responsible for making their own travel arrangements. Air Travel The JW Marriott, National Press Club, and overflow hotels are conveniently located near three major area airports. All airlines offer a full range of domestic and international flights. Detailed information and travel tips can be located on the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority site at www.metwashairports.com. Reagan National (DCA) 4 miles/approximately 15 minutes away Dulles International (IAD) 27 miles/approximately 40 minutes away Baltimore–Washington Int’l (BWI) 40 miles/approximately 45 minutes away We encourage you to use the ABA Online Travel site to receive ABA airfare discounts and to view and purchase other low fare options including web fares. Visit www.americanbar.org/travel for more information. ABA discounts can also be obtained directly from the carrier: American ABA Discount only available at ABA Orbitz for Business Delta 800.328-1111 Meeting Code: Domestic NMKEJ Meeting Code: International NMJHL Discount available at www.delta.com United 800.426.1122 Agreement Code: 414489, Z Code: ZSZU Online Discount Code: ZSZU414489 Discount available at www.united.com Please check the TSA site for updates and travel tips on www.tsa.gov. The site also has information for travelers flying to the United States. International Travelers International travelers should check to ensure their passports and visas are current. Detailed information is available on the U.S. State Department site at www.state.gov/travel. The following sites are recommended for international attendees making travel arrangements to the United States. U.S. State Department www.state.gov/travel U.S. Customs and Border Patrol www.cbp.gov TSA What to Know Before You Go www.tsa.gov Visa Letters • • • t r av e l i n f o r m a t i o n • If traveling from outside the U.S., to attend an ABA conference, please verify the requirements to enter the U.S. We can provide a standard letter from the ABA Section of Antitrust Law confirming the reason you or your guests wish to enter the country and request that a visa be issued promptly. Visa letters will be provided for delegates whose conference registration fees have been paid in full and are not from countries embargoed by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Control. If we have already supplied you with a visa letter for your guest(s) and the name of that guest subsequently changes, we can only provide another visa letter upon receipt of the original letter. The ABA reserves the right to refuse to issue visa letters at its discretion. The ABA will provide a full refund of registration fees for delegates whose request for a visa was denied. To obtain a visa letter, please email [email protected] with Visa Request in the subject line. 13 travel information Local DC Travel • Metro The metro rail and metro bus provide safe, clean, and efficient public transportation when getting around Washington, DC and the metropolitan suburbs. • Rail Travel Union Station is 5–10 minutes from the JW Marriott, National Press Club and the overflow hotels. Train service is a convenient option if you reside in nearby states such as Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or New York. • Taxi Service Washington, DC, Virginia, and Maryland taxicabs are readily available throughout Washington, DC at the airport terminals, and Union Station. • Dispatchers are available at the terminal/station exits to assist passengers. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • Attire Dress at the Spring Meeting is traditional business attire. • Coat Check A complimentary coat check will be available at the JW Marriott on the Ballroom Level near the up escalator. • Credit Cards American Express, MasterCard, and Visa will be accepted at the Registration Desk. Most hotels, large restaurants, and shops will accept international credit cards, the most widely recognized being American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard, and Visa. • Automatic teller machines (ATM) are plentiful and situated throughout the city. One is located in the JW Marriott Hotel lobby near the Concierge Desk. • Dining Restaurant recommendations are available online at www.washingtonpost.com/gog/ dc–restaurants.html. Reservations can be made through your hotel concierge or online at www.opentable.com. • Electricity The electricity used in Washington, DC, is standard electricity, which is 110 volts. European appliances will require a voltage transformer. • Smoking For the comfort and health of all attendees, smoking is not permitted at any ABA Section of Antitrust Law functions. This includes educational sessions and all hospitality functions and/or areas. Please note that DC restaurants and the guest rooms at the JW Marriott are smoke free. • Tipping Tipping is voluntary; gratuities are not automatically added to the bill (unless specifically stated). Servers are usually given 18% of the bill. For outstanding service, tip 20%. Taxi drivers usually receive 15% of the fare, doormen, skycaps and porters are usually tipped $1-$2 per bag. section publications Section Publications/ANTITRUST Bookstore Receive a 20% discount on all books purchased on–site. The ABA Section of Antitrust Law has long been the most trusted name in legal publishing with respect to antitrust and consumer protection law, and its active committees and editorial boards produce multiple new titles each year. Recently Published t r av e l i n f o r m a t i o n Stop by the Antitrust Bookstore at the Spring Meeting to review and order the following: 14 • • • • • 2014 Review of Antitrust Law Developments Handbook on Scope of Antitrust Law State Antitrust Practice and Statutes, Fifth Edition Premerger Notification Practice Manual, Fifth Edition Mergers and Acquisitions: Understanding the Antitrust Issue, Fourth Edition The Section is committed to the highest standards of scholarship and continuing legal education. To that end, each work is drafted and edited by leading experts and rigorously peer-reviewed by the Section’s Books and Treatises Committee, at least two Council members, and other Officers and experts. antitrust bookstore (Meeting Room Level) • • • • • View the Section of Antitrust Law library of publications. Join the ABA, Section, and/or Section’s committees. View the various committee newsletters. Great place for a cup of coffee. Check your email at our computer kiosks. schedule of events-tuesday Tuesday, april 14, 2015 1:00 – 7:00 pm BOOKSTORE & REGISTRATION OPEN 3:30 – 5:00 pm PATHWAYS TO LEADERSHIP Presented by the Membership & Diversity Committee Learn from Section Leaders what your Section membership has to offer, including making the most of Section resources and opportunities, advancing in Section leadership, and forming professional relationships that will further your career. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Shimica D. GASKINS, Senior Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Legal Policy, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Eugene J. BENICK, Finkelstein Thompson LLP, Washington, DC • Meghan Edwards-Ford RISSMILLER, Hogan Lovells, Washington, DC • Rosanna G. LIPSCOMB, Competition Counsel, Google Inc, Mountain View, CA • Gerald A. STEIN, Attorney, Bureau of Competition, Northeast Region, Federal Trade Commission, New York, NY 5:30 – 6:30 pm Young Lawyers & Law Student HAPPY HOUR Have you been practicing for less than 10 years? Are you a law student? Then pick-up your Spring Meeting badge and join us as we kick off the start of the Spring Meeting. This is a great opportunity to meet other young lawyers, Section Officers, and the Leadership of the Membership & Diversity Committee. 6:00 – 7:00 pm COCKTAILS FOR CONSUMER PROTECTION Does your area of concentration include privacy law and/or consumer protection? Are you interested in learning more about this rising practice area? Or if you would just like to join us for a cocktail after you register, stop by the Bookstore. 6:00 – 7:00 pm RECEPTION FOR INTERNATIONAL ENFORCERS ticketed event International enforcement officials are invited to a pre-conference reception with the Section Officers and Council to mingle and learn more about the Section. A ticket to attend will be included in the registration materials for all international enforcers registered for the Spring Meeting. Wednesday, april 15, 2015 7:30 am – 5:30 pm BOOKSTORE & REGISTRATION OPEN 8:00 – 8:30 am FIRST TIMERS BREAKFAST First time attendees are invited to a breakfast with the Section Chair and the Spring Meeting Co-Chairs. Details will be emailed to first time attendees closer to the conference. 8:30 – 10:30 am DON’T GUESS AT THE ETHICS ethics CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Dorothy G. RAYMOND, Law Offices of Dorothy Gill Raymond, Loveland, CO PANELISTS: • Timothy J. BRIDGEFORD, Senior Corporate Counsel, Tyco International, Princeton, NJ • Kathryn M. FENTON, Jones Day, Washington, DC • Eli WALD, University of Denver Sturm College of Law, Denver, CO consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function Schedule of events Presented by the Business Torts & Civil RICO, Compliance & Ethics, and Corporate Counseling Committees Compliance lawyers must avoid ethical issues when advising clients, or they risk becoming part of the problem. Ethics have not changed, but changes in technology add new twists. Learn from ethics and compliance experts the right answers and questions to ask in this Jeopardy!™ gameshow-format panel. 15 schedule of events-wednesday 8:45 – 11:45 am FUNDAMENTALS - CONSUMER PROTECTION Presented by the Advertising Disputes & Litigation, Consumer Protection, and Privacy & Information Security Committees Learn the fundamentals of U.S. consumer protection law, including the basics of false and deceptive advertising law, claim substantiation, marketing law, and privacy and data security. This session will also provide an introduction to federal, state, and private enforcement of consumer protection statutes and rules. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • David D. CONWAY, Venable LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Lauren B. ARONSON, Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP, Washington, DC • Alysa Z. HUTNIK, Kelley Drye & Warren LLP, Washington, DC • Jeffrey D. KALIEL, Tycko & Zavareei LLP, Washington, DC • Robin L. MOORE, Staff Attorney, Division of Enforcement, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 9:00 – 10:30 am A TWO-SIDED STORY: ANTITRUST IN TWO-SIDED MARKETS Presented by the Insurance & Financial Services and Transportation & Energy Industries Committees Recent antitrust litigation highlights the issue of how to assess market power in two-sided markets. Participants on one side of the market may claim a platform is essential to their business, but the owner of the platform may point to competitive constraints on the other side as evidence of lack of market power. This panel will explore the workings of two-sided markets in multiple industries. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Eric J. STOCK, Chief, Antitrust Bureau, Office of the Attorney General, New York, NY PANELISTS: • Joseph FARRELL, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA • Thomas GRAF, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Brussels, Belgium • David C. KULLY, Chief, Litigation III Section, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC • Fiona SCOTT MORTON, Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT 9:00 – 10:30 am AGENCY UPDATE WITH THE DEPUTY ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS GENERAL Presented by the Federal Civil Enforcement Committee The Deputy Assistant Attorneys General of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division will discuss the latest in civil enforcement, cartel cases, and policy/initiatives. CHAIR: • Kenneth M. VORRASI, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, Washington, DC MODERATOR: • Roxann E. HENRY, Morrison & Foerster LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • David I. GELFAND, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Litigation, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC • Renata B. HESSE, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Criminal and Civil Operations, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC • Leslie C. OVERTON, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Civil Enforcement, U.S. Department of Schedule of events Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC 16 • Brent C. SNYDER, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Criminal Enforcement, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC Fireside Chats with Foreign Enforcers During selected time slots on Wednesday and Thursday we will be concluding individual 30-minute interviews with selected enforcement officials from competition agencies around the globe. These informal interviews will be held in the Penn Avenue Terrace and will be open on a drop-in basis for all Spring Meeting attendees. Fireside chat interview schedule will be posted online the week of Spring Meeting. consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function schedule of events-wednesday 9:00 – 10:30 am FOREIGN INVESTMENT & COMPETITION REVIEWS: INCREASING INTERFACE Presented by the Foreign Investment & Antitrust Interface Task Force and International Committee Foreign investment reviews are increasingly interfacing with competition reviews due to the growth of national interest and national security concerns, as reflected in cases such as GE/ Alstom and ADM/GrainCorp. This panel will provide guidance on planning and navigating the challenges arising from merger transactions where there may be concurrent foreign investment and competition reviews, both within and between jurisdictions. CHAIR: • Richard M. STEUER, Mayer Brown LLP, New York, NY MODERATOR: • Ilene K. GOTTS, Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz, New York, NY PANELISTS: • Shawn COOLEY, Director, Foreign Investment, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, DC • John G. DAVIES, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, London, United Kingdom • Calvin S. GOLDMAN, Goodmans LLP, Toronto, ON, Canada • Anne W. SALLADIN, Strook & Strook & Lavan LLP, Washington, DC 9:00 – 10:30 am MARKET MANIPULATION: NOT YOUR COMMON CARTEL Presented by the Cartel & Criminal Practice and Civil Practice & Procedure Committees Benchmarks and indices are common across many industries, such as financial, energy and commodities markets. Is antitrust the right tool to protect consumers from market manipulation? When is price transparency pro-competitive? When does conduct cross a line from active participation to manipulation? What intent is required? What frameworks are best for unilateral versus coordinated conduct? CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Amy B. MANNING, McGuireWoods LLP, Chicago, IL PANELISTS: • Eve GILES, Kingsley Napley LLP, London, United Kingdom • John H. LYONS, Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP, Washington, DC 9:00 – 10:30 am RISE OF PROFESSIONAL THIRD-PARTY ANTITRUST AND CONSUMER ADVOCACY Presented by the Consumer Protection, Legislation, and Mergers & Acquisitions Committees Beyond customers and competitors, more third party groups seek to influence the outcome of antitrust and consumer protection matters. Trade associations, advocacy and consumer groups, labor unions, industry experts, and law and economics professors. What is their impact on the agencies and courts? What are their incentives to get involved? What ethical considerations does this heightened activism raise? CHAIR: • Brian R. HENRY, Senior Managing Counsel, The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, GA MODERATOR: • Anna A. CHEHTOVA, Counsel, Tesoro Corporation, San Antonio, TX PANELISTS: • Sean HEATHER, Vice President, Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function Schedule of events • Tara I. KOSLOV, Deputy Director, Office of Policy Planning, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Diana MOSS, President, American Antitrust Institute, Washington, DC • Christopher L. SAGERS, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH 17 schedule of events-wednesday 9:00 – 10:30 am SELF-REGULATION: WHERE WE ARE AND WHERE WE’RE HEADING Presented by the Advertising Disputes & Litigation Committee Industry self-regulation has been lauded for promoting truthfulness and accuracy in advertising. How has the program weathered in its 43 years of existence? What are its strengths and weaknesses? In August 2014, a Section Working Group was formed to consider these issues. Its recommendations, intended to better promote competition and protect consumers, will be presented during this program. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • John E. VILLAFRANCO, Kelley Drye & Warren LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Kathryn L. FARRARA, Unilever USA Inc, Englewood Cliffs, NJ • Terri J. SELIGMAN, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein Selz PC, New York, NY • Norman C. SIMON, Kramer Levin Naftalis Frankel LLP, New York, NY 10:45 am – noon ANTITRUST & HEALTH CARE: SQUARE PEG IN A ROUND HOLE? Presented by the Health Care & Pharmaceuticals and State Enforcement Committees Are the antitrust laws adequately addressing concerns raised in healthcare transactions or is this akin to fitting a square peg in a round hole? Panelists will debate the concerns raised in healthcare transactions, how they are being addressed under the antitrust laws, and whether these concerns can better be addressed in a regulatory environment, through legislation, or a combination of the above. CHAIR: • Gwendolyn J. COOLEY, Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General, Madison, WI MODERATOR: • James A. DONAHUE III, Executive Deputy Attorney General, Public Protection Division, Office of the Attorney General, Harrisburg, PA PANELISTS: • Robert A. BERENSON, Fellow, The Urban Institute, Washington, DC • Alexis James GILMAN, Assistant Director, Mergers IV, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Melinda Reid HATTON, Senior Vice President & General Counsel, American Hospital Association, Washington, DC • Elinor R. HOFFMANN, Deputy Chief, Antitrust Bureau, Office of the Attorney General, New York, NY 10:45 am – noon CROSS-NATIONAL MERGER REMEDIES: STILL SAFE IN ANTARCTICA Presented by the Mergers & Acquisitions Committee Today’s global transactions are reviewed by antitrust authorities on almost every continent, complicating the coordination of merger remedies and increasing the risks of conflicting remedies. This program, designed as a frank exchange between agencies and counsel on remedy practice and process, will provide invaluable guidance for counsel running the merger remedy gauntlet. CHAIR: • A. Neil CAMPBELL, McMillan LLP, Toronto, ON, Canada MODERATOR: • John H. RATLIFF, WilmerHale, Brussels, Belgium PANELISTS: • Patricia BRINK, Director of Civil Enforcement, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Schedule of events Washington, DC 18 • Johannes LUEBKING, Head of Unit A2, DG Competition, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium • Susan NING, King & Wood Mallesons, Beijing, China • Christine A. VARNEY, Cravath Swaine & Moore LLP, New York, NY consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function schedule of events-wednesday 10:45 am – noon DATA LOCALIZATION Presented by the International and Privacy & Information Security Committees Countries in Asia, Latin America and even Europe (e.g. the German proposal for an intra-EU Internet) are increasingly considering and adopting laws that restrict or completely prohibit cross-border data transfers to protect their citizens’ privacy or security. But these laws also advantage local over global providers in critical data industries without recourse to competition or trade law. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Aryeh S. FRIEDMAN, Vice President, Associate General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer, Dun & Bradstreet, Short Hills, NJ PANELISTS: • Lisa SOTTO, Hunton & Williams LLP, New York, NY • Steve STEWART, Director, Market Access & Trade, IBM, Washington, DC • Yael WEINMAN, Vice President, Global Privacy Policy and General Counsel, Information Technology Industry Council, Washington, DC 10:45 am – noon PARITY, PREFERENCE & PRICING: MANAGING GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION Presented by the Distribution & Franchising Committee Global distribution strategies are facing new challenges in the age of online and mobile distribution. Actions in the US and EU have cast shadows on use of price parity (MFN) clauses, restrictions on online sales and auction markets, and other restraints designed to manage channel conflict. In an age of new technology and increased enforcement, how can manufacturers and distributors minimize risk? CHAIR: • Craig G. FALLS, Dechert LLP, Washington, DC MODERATOR: • Theodore VOORHEES JR, Covington & Burling LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Thomas G. FUNKE, Osborne Clarke, Cologne, Germany • José Carlos DA MATTA BERARDO Barbosa Müssnich & Aragão, São Paulo, Brazil • Julie SOLOWAY, Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP, Toronto, ON, Canada 10:45 am – noon THE GOVERNMENT ALWAYS RINGS TWICE Presented by the Civil Practice & Procedure and Federal Civil Enforcement Committees When the government is on the other side of the “v.”, it is a different type of litigation. The panel will discuss the unique aspects that set these cases apart from private litigations, including the effect of pre-complaint discovery on case management and judicial deference to government agencies. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Ian R. CONNER, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Richard G. PARKER, O’Melveny & Myers LLP, Washington, DC • J. Robert ROBERTSON, Hogan Lovells, Washington, DC • Mark W. RYAN, Director of Litigation, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC • Margaret M. ZWISLER, Latham & Watkins LLP, Washington, DC Schedule of events consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function 19 schedule of events-wednesday 10:45 am – noon THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS: WHEN “DIRECT” MEANS “INDIRECT” debate Presented by the Cartel & Criminal Practice and Civil Redress Committees and the International Cartel Task Force A “crossfire-style” debate on the reach of the U.S. antitrust laws, focusing on the FTAIA’s “direct” requirement in the context of “benchmark” cases and “input” markets. The debate will consider specifically how the “direct” standard has been defined and applied in U.S. v. Hui Hsiung; Motorola Mobility LLC v. AU Optronics Corp.; Lotes Co. v. Hon Hai Precision Indus.; and Minn-Chem, Inc. v. Agrium, Inc. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Mark ROSMAN, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati PC, Washington, DC DEBATERS: • Kenji ITO, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto, Tokyo, Japan • Kristen LIMARZI, Chief, Appellate Section, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC • Tiffany RIDER, Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP, Washington, DC • Hollis SALZMAN, Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi LLP, New York, NY 10:45 am – noon WALKING THE LINE BETWEEN WITNESS PREPARATION AND COACHING Presented by the Compliance & Ethics and Trial Practice Committees A lawyer may not improperly influence witness testimony, but where is the line between permissible witness preparation and unethical coaching? The answer is not always clear, and the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct frequently offer room for interpretation. This panel will offer practical advice for the challenging situations that lawyers face when they prepare witnesses to testify. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Douglas M. TWEEN, Baker & McKenzie LLP, New York, NY PANELISTS: • David MARTINEZ, Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi LLP, Los Angeles, CA • James H. MUTCHNIK, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Chicago, IL • Douglas C. ROSS, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, Seattle, WA • Mary N. STRIMEL, Chief, Washington Criminal II Section, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC Noon – 1:30 pm SECTION LUNCHEON (TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE) 1:45 – 3:15 pm BEYOND REVERSE PAYMENTS: THE NEW FRONTIERS IN PHARMACEUTICAL debate ANTITRUST Presented by the Health Care & Pharmaceuticals and Trial Practice Committees While the courts and the FTC are keenly focused on the size and form of consideration exchanged in reverse payment patent settlements and the resulting competitive effects, new waves of pharmaceutical antitrust investigations and litigations are underway into life cycle management, alleged abuse of REMS, and biologics/biosimilars. What are these new frontiers and how will they pan out? CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Kenneth R. O’ROURKE, O’Melveny & Myers LLP, Los Angeles, CA Schedule of events DEBATERS: • Markus H. MEIER, Assistant Director, Health Care Division, Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade 20 Commission, Washington, DC • Linda P. NUSSBAUM, Grant & Eisenhofer PA, New York, NY • J. Douglas RICHARDS, Cohen Milstein, New York, NY • Steven C. SUNSHINE, Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP, Washington, DC consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function schedule of events-wednesday 1:45 – 3:15 pm FUNDAMENTALS - ANTITRUST Presented by the Intellectual Property Committee Learn antitrust fundamentals from a panel of experienced practitioners with perspectives from academia, government and private practice. This session is essential for less-experienced competition lawyers and anyone else who might need a refresher. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Hill B. Wellford III, Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: Please check online for updated panelist listing. 1:45 – 3:15 pm MAVERICKS WRESTLING WITH REGULATION: TESLA, UBER, AND AIRBNB Presented by the Legislation, Pricing Conduct, and Transportation & Energy Industries Committees On the one hand, consumers benefit when mavericks disrupt stale and stodgy markets. On the other, government regulations protect consumers. What role, if any, should antitrust law play in establishing the proper balance? Tesla, Uber, and Airbnb have all been met with regulatory resistance as they innovatively approach established markets, and their examples may help us answer this question. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • David L. MEYER, Morrison & Foerster LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Daniel CRANE, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI • Andrew D. KOBLENZ, Executive Vice President, Legal and Regulatory Affairs, and General Counsel, National Automobile Dealers Association, McLean, VA • Marina LAO, Director, Office of Policy Planning, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 1:45 – 3:15 pm MOCK TRIAL MOCK CONTEMPT HEARING: FTC DATA SECURITy Presented by the Advertising Disputes & Litigation, Consumer Protection, and Privacy & Information Security Committees A company holding sensitive consumer data has been hacked, releasing millions of private records. The twist is that the company is already under FTC order stemming from a prior breach, and despite its claimed compliance, has been breached once more. In this mock argument, the FTC will seek a finding of contempt. Leading litigators will argue these cutting edge issues before a federal judge. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Christopher A. COLE, Crowell & Moring LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • The Honorable Rosemary M. COLLYER, Judge, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Washington, DC • Janis C. KESTENBAUM, Perkins Coie LLP, Washington, DC • Avi RUBIN, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC • David C. VLADECK, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC 1:45 – 3:15 pm NEXT GENERATION CARTELS: NEW TOOLS FOR ENFORCERS’ TOOLKITS? CHAIR: • Joyce CHOI, Linklaters LLP, Brussels, Belgium MODERATOR: • Kathleen BEASLEY, Haynes and Boone, Dallas, TX PANELISTS: • Matthew HALL, McGuireWoods LLP, Brussels, Belgium • Thomas MUELLER, WilmerHale, Washington, DC • Elizabeth PREWITT, Trial Attorney, New York Office, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, New York, NY consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function Schedule of events Presented by the Cartel & Criminal Practice and International Committees International enforcers appear to be looking outside of traditional “hard-core” price fixing or market allocation cartels and considering practices that may be less obvious antitrust violations. This panel will consider the challenges posed by this new “gray area” of antitrust enforcement, including most-favored nation, hub-and-spoke, information exchange and signaling conduct. 21 schedule of events-wednesday 1:45 – 3:15 pm SECURING NET NEUTRALITY: ANTITRUST, RULES, BOTH OR NEITHER? Presented by the Federal Civil Enforcement, Media & Technology and Unilateral Conduct Committees This program examines antitrust enforcement and regulation as a means to achieve net neutrality. What antitrust theories could be used, in what circumstances, and with what likelihood of success? Is antitrust enforcement a better, worse, or complementary approach to FCC enforcement of net neutrality rules? What benefits and drawbacks come with each approach? CHAIR: • Kim M. VAN WINKLE, Chief, Antitrust Section, Office of the Attorney General, Austin, TX MODERATOR: • David S. TURETSKY, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Jonathan SALLET, General Counsel, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC • Barbara VAN SCHEWICK, Stanford Law School, Palo Alto, CA • Christopher S. YOO, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Philadelphia, PA 1:45 – 3:15 pm TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE - CAN THE DEAL BEAT THE DEADLINE? Presented by the Mergers & Acquisitions Committee A major merger is pending before the FTC or DOJ. The clients need to have it closed by a date certain or serious adverse financial and other consequences will follow. How can the parties and the government work together to get both sides what they want? CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Ronan P. HARTY, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, New York, NY PANELISTS: • Sabina CHALMERS, Chief Legal & Corporate Affairs Officer, Anheuser-Busch InBev, New York, NY • Deborah A. GARZA, Covington & Burling LLP, Washington, DC • Michael R. MOISEYEV, Assistant Director, Mergers I, Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • William H. STALLINGS, Chief, Transportation, Energy and Agriculture Section, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC 3:30 – 5:00 pm ANTITRUST RISKS OF MINORITY ACQUISITIONS: U.S. AND WORLDWIDE Presented by the International and Mergers & Acquisitions Committees Minority interest acquisitions increasingly attract antitrust scrutiny worldwide. The legal standards for minority acquisitions and ensuing company operations vary across countries. Our panel will explore recent international developments and agency guidance, and discuss how best to identify and minimize risks in minority interests. CHAIR: • Krisztian KATONA, Counsel for International Antitrust, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC MODERATOR: • Fiona A. SCHAEFFER, Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy LLP, New York, NY PANELISTS: • Cerry DARBON, Senior Regulatory Counsel, Liberty Global, London, United Kingdom • James W. LOWE, WilmerHale, Washington, DC • Carles Esteva MOSSO, Acting Deputy Director General for Mergers, DG Competition, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium Schedule of events • Cristianne S. ZARZUR, Pinheiro Neto, São Paulo, Brazil 22 consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function schedule of events-wednesday 3:30 – 5:00 pm ARE ANTITRUST ATTACKS ON PATENTS HARMING INNOVATION? debate Presented by the Intellectual Property, International, and Unilateral Conduct Committees In recent years U.S. and foreign antitrust enforcement has taken a far more aggressive stance toward the exercise of market power by patent holders. Enforcers here and abroad have focused on pharmaceutical patent litigation settlements and patents involved in standard setting as key areas. Our panel of four experts will debate whether these trends threaten to undermine innovation. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Alden F. ABBOTT, Deputy Director of the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies and the John, Barbara, and Victoria Rumpel Senior Legal Fellow, Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC DEBATERS: • Jamillia P. FERRIS, Office of General Counsel, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC • Damien A. GERADIN, Founding Partner, EDGE Legal Thinking, Brussels, Belgium • Gail F. LEVINE, Vice President, Verizon Communications Inc, Washington, DC • Abbott B. LIPSKY JR, Latham & Watkins LLP, Washington, DC 3:30 – 5:00 pm COMPETITION LAW ISSUES AROUND BIG DATA Presented by the Consumer Protection, Joint Conduct, and Unilateral Conduct Committees Data is an increasingly important competitive asset for firms. This panel will discuss competition-law issues surrounding ownership of data and consumer-protection issues relating to data breaches in the United States and European Union. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Ryan W. MARTH, Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi LLP, Minneapolis, MN PANELISTS: • Mary Ellen CALLAHAN, Jenner & Block, Washington, DC • The Honorable Maureen K. OHLHAUSEN, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Sara WALSH, Counsel, Google Inc, Mountain View, CA • Peter WILLIS, Bird and Bird, London, United Kingdom 3:30 – 5:00 pm CUTTING-EDGE CONSIDERATIONS IN COMPLIANCE PROGRAM DESIGN Presented by the Compliance & Ethics and Corporate Counseling Committees Compliance programs can benefit from improvement or redesign to address new business practices and legal developments. Cutting-edge considerations in constructing and implementing state-of-the-art compliance programs include: global programs with local nuance, lessons from Apple’s monitor, using consultants, utilizing technology in document management and down raid and M&A issues. CHAIR: • Elai KATZ, Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP, New York, NY MODERATOR: • D. Daniel SOKOL, University of Florida, Levin College of Law, Gainesville, FL PANELISTS: • Roxane C. BUSEY, Baker & McKenzie LLP, Chicago, IL • Kyriakos FOUNTOUKAKOS, Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, Brussels, Belgium • Michele C. LEE, Counsel, Global Litigation and Competition, Visa, Foster City, CA • Lewis D. ZIROGIANNIS, Managing Director, Chief Compliance Officer & Supervisory Affairs, GE Energy Financial Services, Stamford, CT 3:30 – 5:00 pm Presented by the Economics Committee Understanding basic economic principles is critical to antitrust analysis. Four distinguished economists will teach basic economic principles related to antitrust analysis, including market definition, market power, competitive effects and econometrics. The session should provide an introduction to concepts and techniques that appear repeatedly in the economic analysis of antitrust issues. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Donald K. STOCKDALE, Bates White LLC, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • James LANGENFELD, Navigant Economics, Evanston, IL • Robert MAJURE, Economics Director of Enforcement, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC • Aileen THOMPSON, Assistant Director, Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Frederick WARREN-BOULTON, MiCRA, Washington, DC consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function Schedule of events FUNDAMENTALS - ECONOMICS 23 schedule of events-wednesday 3:30 – 5:00 pm INS AND OUTS OF GOVERNMENT CONDUCT INVESTIGATIONS Presented by the Federal Civil Enforcement Committee Learn how to navigate non-merger civil investigations, including strategies for getting the government to open (from the complainant’s perspective) or close (from the target’s perspective) an investigation, complying with government requests, voluntary submissions and expert contributions, and handling private follow-on litigation. CHAIR: • Rebecca VALENTINE, Latham & Watkins LLP, Washington, DC MODERATOR: • Owen KENDLER, Assistant Chief, Telecommunications and Media Enforcement Section, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Barbara BLANK, Deputy Assistant Director, Anticompetitive Practices Division, Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • M. Howard MORSE, Cooley LLP, Washington, DC • Kevin J. O’CONNOR, Godfrey & Kahn SC, Madison, WI • Gary P. ZANFAGNA, Chief Antitrust Counsel and Associate General Counsel, Honeywell International Inc, New York, NY 3:30 – 5:00 pm NC DENTAL: DOES FEDERALISM TRUMP COMPETITION POLICY? Presented by the Exemptions & Immunities, State Enforcement, and Trade, Sports & Professional Associations Committees The FTC’s action against the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners raises several important issues at the interface of antitrust and regulation, including when a state regulatory board is immune from the federal antitrust laws. If the Supreme Court has decided the case, we will examine the conceptual and practical implications of its decision. If not, we will analyze the issues raised by the case as a matter of law and policy. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • John ROBERTI, Allen & Overy LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Jack R. BIERIG, Sidley Austin LLP, Chicago, IL • Richard B. DAGEN, Axinn, Washington, DC • Rebecca HAW ALLENSWORTH, Vanderbilt Law School, Nashville, TN • Misha TSEYTLIN, Deputy Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General, Charleston, WV 3:30 – 5:00 pm THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE INDIVIDUAL CARTELIST Presented by the Cartel & Criminal Practice Committee An expert in criminal psychology, a government enforcement official, and defense practitioners from the U.S. and Japan will discuss the mentality of the individual cartel defendant, how culture and values play a role in collusive behavior, and how this impacts representation, interviews, and dealing with individual clients. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Adam C. HEMLOCK, Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP, New York, NY PANELISTS: • James J. MCNAMARA, Supervisory Special Agent (retired), Federal Bureau of Investigation, Behavioral Analysis Unit, Quentico, VA Schedule of events • Tsutomu NAKATO, Hibiya Sogo Law Office, Tokyo, Japan • Lisa PHELAN, Chief, Washington Criminal I Section, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, 24 Washington, DC • A. Paul VICTOR, Winston & Strawn, New York, NY consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function schedule of events-wednesday 3:30 – 5:00 pm WHAT THE HECK, WRITE A CHECK: MANAGING DISCOVERY COSTS Presented by the Agriculture & Food, Business Torts & Civil RICO, and Civil Practice & Procedure Committees Now that social media is ubiquitous and virtually every commercial transaction is recorded, the sheer volume of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) potentially subject to discovery requests can bust even the largest of litigation budgets. This panel will explore the latest tools and techniques available to manage costs while executing a defensible and effective discovery plan. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Danielle S. HAUGLAND, Thomson Reuters, Seattle, WA PANELISTS: • Melissa FRANK, Consulting Litigation Counsel, SunPower Corporation, San Jose, CA • Eric P. MANDEL, Zelle Hofman Voelbel & Mason LLP, Minneapolis, MN • Brooke OPPENHEIMER, Axinn Veltrop & Harkrider LLP, Hartford, CT • Michael G. VAN ARSDALL, Crowell & Moring LLP, Washington, DC 3:30 – 5:00 pm YOUR LOSS, MY GAIN? PROVING DAMAGES ACROSS JURISDICTIONS Presented by the Civil Redress and International Committees As the EU moves to promote antitrust damages actions, litigants need to understand how differences in proving antitrust damages affect their claims across jurisdictions. This panel will examine how issues such as causation, treatment of direct v. indirect purchasers, umbrella damages, admissibility of evidence, use of economic analysis and expertise of the court can affect damages outcomes. CHAIR: • Melissa H. MAXMAN, Cozen O’Connor, Washington, DC MODERATOR: • Alexander RINNE, Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy LLP, Munich, Germany PANELISTS: • Catherine M. BEAGAN FLOOD, Blake Casse & Graydon LLP, Toronto, ON, Canada • Stephen KON, King & Wood Mallesons SJ Berwin, London, United Kingdom • Martha S. SAMUELSON, Analysis Group, Boston, MA • Steven N. WILLIAMS, Cotchett Pitre & McCarthy LLP, San Francisco, CA 5:00 – 6:00 pm WELCOME RECEPTION Mix and mingle with the leadership of the Section of Antitrust Law. Representatives from each committee will be available at designated tables to answer your questions about the Section, committee activities and membership. Your badge is your ticket to attend. 5:30 – 6:30 pm Ticketed Event Registered attorneys from the plaintiffs’ bar are invited to join their peers and the Section Reach Task Force members for an opportunity to network and discuss issues of common interest. A ticket to attend will be included in the registration materials for plaintiffs’ counsel. Details will be emailed closer to the Spring Meeting. PLAINTIFFS’ RECEPTION Schedule of events consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function 25 schedule of events-thursday THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015 7:30 am – 5:30 pm BOOKSTORE & REGISTRATION OPEN 8:15 – 9:45 am ANTITRUST INVESTIGATIONS WORLDWIDE: WHAT PROCESS IS DUE? Presented by the International Task Force While it is understood that antitrust investigations are carried out by agencies that operate under different laws, regulations, legal systems, economic systems, and cultural traditions, are there or should there be procedural norms that transcend systems to ensure fairness and transparency? If so, what are the right standards and how can they best be shared and implemented? CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Randolph W. TRITELL, Director, Office of International Affairs, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Thomas O. BARNETT, Covington & Burling LLP, Washington, DC • Salvatore REBECCHINI, Commissioner, Italian Competition Authority, Rome, Italy • Sheridan E. SCOTT, Bennett Jones LLP, Ottawa, Canada • TOH Han Li, Chief Executive, Competition Commission of Singapore, Singapore 8:15 – 9:45 am BENCH TRIALS: WHAT IS THE BEST PRESENTATION? Presented by the Civil Redress and Trial Practice Committees The DOJ’s recent antitrust cases against American Express and Apple were tried to the court. The FTC brings proceedings before an ALJ, and for private litigation, bench trials and injunctions are before a single fact finder. What are the best methods of presentation? What are good examples from recent trials? We will hear advice and criticism from a federal district judge and leading practitioners. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Layne E. KRUSE, Norton Rose Fulbright, Houston, TX PANELISTS: • The Honorable Michael M. BAYLSON, Judge, U.S. District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA • Ted D. HASSI, O’Melveny & Myers LLP, Washington, DC • Melissa H. MAXMAN, Cozen O’Connor, Washington, DC • Robert C. WALTERS, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP, Dallas, TX 8:15 – 9:45 am BEYOND THE SMOKE-FILLED ROOM: COMPLIANCE IN E-COMMUNICATIONS Presented by the Cartel & Criminal Practice Committee With new e-communications platforms like chatrooms and social media, cartels have expanded into the electronic world, where written records may be preserved indefinitely. To design programs and training, companies must now consider how to effectively monitor exchanges of commercially sensitive information with competitors. This panel will discuss practical solutions for in-house counsel. Schedule of events CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • J. Anthony CHAVEZ, Counsel, Exxon Mobil Corporation, Spring, TX 26 PANELISTS: • Melanie L. AITKEN, Bennett Jones LLP, Washington, DC • D. Jarrett ARP, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP, Washington, DC • John TERZAKEN, Allen & Overy LLP, Washington, DC • Karen YEN, Executive Director and Counsel, UBS AG, New York, NY consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function schedule of events-thursday 8:15 – 9:45 am BRIEFING WITH THE STATE ENFORCERS Presented by the State Enforcement Committee State Enforcers have been making their mark, including in merger, civil enforcement and consumer protection matters. A panel of distinguished state enforcers will describe their recent accomplishments, current actions and enforcement priorities, focusing on individual state efforts as well as multi state matters such as American Express, Sysco-US Foods, St. Luke’s and the pay-television industry. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Victor J. DOMEN JR, Senior Antitrust Counsel, Office of the Attorney General, Nashville, TN PANELISTS: • Brett DELANGE, Deputy Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General, Boise, ID • Schonette JONES WALKER, Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General, Baltimore, MD • Anne E. SCHNEIDER, Assistant Attorney General Antitrust Counsel, Office of the Attorney General, Jefferson City, MO • Saami ZAIN, Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General, New York, NY 8:15 – 9:45 am DISCLOSURES IN A MOBILE & ONLINE WORLD Presented by the Advertising Disputes & Litigation, Consumer Protection, and Media & Technology Committees Engaging with consumers is the name of the game, not advertising that interrupts or interferes with interesting content. As advertisers try to create custom content or “native advertising,” as well as engage with customers via social media, do consumers understand when advertisers influence the message? CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Amy RALPH MUDGE, Venable LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Laura BRETT, Staff Attorney, National Advertising Division, New York, NY • Richard CLELAND, Assistant Director, Advertising Practices, FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Brian G. MURPHY, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz, New York, NY 8:15 – 9:45 am GOVERNMENT ENFORCEMENT AGAINST MONOPOLIZATION: DEAD OR ALIVE? Presented by the Federal Civil Enforcement, International, and Unilateral Conduct Committees The past decade has seen few government cases brought under Sherman Act § 2 and abuse of dominance statutes. A panel of government enforcers and private practitioners discuss the reasons for this phenomenon and look ahead to whether an uptick in single firm conduct matters can be expected and, if so, for which kinds of practices. CHAIR: • James B. MUSGROVE, McMillan LLP, Toronto, ON, Canada MODERATOR: • Timothy J. MURIS, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Washington, DC DEBATERS: • Cecilio MADERO VILLAREJO, Deputy Director-General Antitrust, DG Competition, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium • Joseph OSTOYICH, Baker Botts LLP, Washington, DC • Sonia K. PFAFFENROTH, Chief of Staff, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC • Stephen WEISSMAN, Deputy Director, Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC Schedule of events consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function 27 schedule of events-thursday 8:15 – 9:45 am HOW TO SETTLE A PATENT CASE AFTER ACTAVIS Presented by the Health Care & Pharmaceuticals Committee In the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2013 Actavis decision and other recent cases, pharmaceutical companies require practical guidance on whether and how to settle brandedgeneric patent disputes. Our panelists will provide such guidance as they discuss the antitrust ins and outs of settlement negotiations and the common issues that arise. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Michael H. KNIGHT, Jones Day, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Bradley S. ALBERT, Deputy Assistant Director, Health Care Division, Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Eric GRANNON, White & Case LLP, Washington, DC • Christopher T. HOLDING, Goodwin Procter LLP, Washington, DC • Amanda P. REEVES, Latham & Watkins LLP, Washington, DC 8:15 – 9:45 am INTERNATIONAL COLLECTIVE ACTIONS: WHAT IS AND ISN’T WORKING? Presented by the Civil Redress Committee Collective action regimes continue to develop around the world. International practitioners will discuss such regimes, identify concerns when no class mechanism exists, debate individual and collective private enforcement and defense issues across key jurisdictions (UK and other EU States, Canada and Australia), including contribution claims, consolidation, pass through and collective settlements. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Judith A. ZAHID, Zelle Hofmann Voelbel & Mason LLP, San Francisco, CA PANELISTS: • Brooke DELLAVEDOVA, Maurice Blackburn, Melbourne, Australia • Robert E. KWINTER, Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP, Toronto, ON, Canada • Jon LAWRENCE, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, London, United Kingdom • Frederieke LEEFLANG, Boekel De Nerée, Amsterdam, Netherlands 10:00 am – noon CHAIR’S SHOWCASE: RETHINKING ANTITRUST ECONOMICS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY This session will reexamine what the goals of antitrust enforcement should be for the 21st Century – consumer welfare, total welfare, or consumer choice? It also will examine the role of economics and its use in setting evidentiary standards in antitrust cases outside the U.S. In addition, the program will explore whether the battle of economic experts is out of control in antitrust litigation. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Howard FELLER, McGuireWoods LLP, Richmond, VA PANELISTS: • The Honorable Susan ILLSTON, U.S. District Judge, U.S. District Court Northern District California, • • • • • San Francisco, CA Jonathan M. JACOBSON, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati PC, New York, NY Megan JONES, Hausfeld LLP, San Francisco, CA Kai-Uwe KUHN, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Steven C. SALOP, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC The Honorable Joshua D. WRIGHT, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC Schedule of events 12:15 – 1:15 pm 28 LUNCHEON RECEPTION FOR IN-HOUSE COUNSEL ticketed event The Section Officers and Spring Meeting Co-chairs invite registered Spring Meeting in-house counsel to a luncheon reception. This is an opportunity to make connections and discuss issues of common interest with peers at other companies. A ticket to attend will be included in the registration materials for in-house counsel attending the Spring Meeting. Details will be emailed closer to the Spring Meeting. consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function schedule of events-thursday 1:30 – 3:00 pm AROUND THE HORN: CONSUMER PROTECTION YEAR IN REVIEW Presented by the Advertising Disputes & Litigation, Consumer Protection, and Privacy & Information Security Committees A fast-and-furious analysis of consumer protection highlights from the FTC, CFPB, State AGs, and National Advertising Division with an emphasis on headline-grabbing developments in advertising, mobile marketing, privacy, and financial practices. A bonus lightning round features previews from the pundits about horizon issues we’ll be talking about next year. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Thomas F. ZYCH, Thompson Hine, Cleveland, OH PANELISTS: • Lesley FAIR, Senior Attorney, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Richard P. LAWSON, Director, Consumer Protection Division, Florida Office of the Attorney General, Tallahassee, FL • Andrea LEVINE, Director, National Advertising Division, New York, NY 1:30 – 3:00 pm INNOVATION: CAN IT EVER BE ANTICOMPETITIVE? Presented by the Economics, International, and Unilateral Conduct Committees Innovation is the life blood of many industries and constant change is necessary to keep up with evolving customer demand. But can innovation ever be anticompetitive? By what standard should we judge whether a product change is innovation or a predatory attempt at foreclosing competition? Do enforcers around the world evaluate this consistently or do standards diverge? CHAIR: • Jessica M. HOKE, Squire Patton Boggs LLP, Washington, DC MODERATOR: • Joseph J. MATELIS, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Nicholas BANASEVIC, Head of Unit, Antitrust: IT, Internet & Consumer Electronics, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium • Susan A. CREIGHTON, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati PC, Washington, DC • Richard J. GILBERT, University of California Berkley, Berkley, CA 1:30 – 3:00 pm INTERNATIONAL AGENCY COOPERATION: THE REAL STORY Presented by the Mergers & Acquisitions and International Committees We all know that there are often degrees of cooperation between agencies in different jurisdictions. But what does this really mean in practice? How extensive is cooperation? Can it be outcome determinative? What should the parties know about this process, including before they embark on their merger journey? CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Elizabeth F. KRAUS, Deputy Director for International Antitrust, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • John PECMAN, Commissioner of Competition, Competition Bureau Canada, Gatineau, Canada • Vanessa TURNER, Allen & Overy LLP, Brussels, Belgium • Stanley WONG, Chief Executive Officer, Competition Commission of Hong Kong, Wanchai, Hong Kong Schedule of events consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function 29 schedule of events-thursday 1:30 – 3:00 pm PRACTICAL ISSUES FOR RETENTION OF COUNSEL Presented by the Corporate Counseling and Membership & Diversity Committees Faced with new litigation, investigation or an acquisition, where outside counsel must be retained, what are the issues and what is the process for retention of counsel for significant competition and consumer protection matters? These concerns may include, inter alia, cost, RFP process, specific experience with an issue or an agency, diversity, multi-jurisdictional cooperation and other issues. CHAIR: • Jerome A. SWINDELL, Assistant General Counsel, Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ MODERATOR: • Trey NICOUD, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP, San Francisco, CA PANELISTS: • Wolfgang HECKENBERGER, Chief Counsel Competition, Siemens, Munich, Germany • Erin MARIANI, Corporate Counsel, DuPont USA, Wilmington, DE • Paula C. MARTUCCI, Associate General Counsel, Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Fayetteville, AR 1:30 – 5:00 pm MOCK TRIAL MOCK TRIAL Presented by the Trade, Sports & Professional Associations and Trial Practice Committees Come watch jurors tackle the antitrust issues raised by a hypothetical college athletic association’s restrictions on amateur player compensation and decide whether the anticompetitive effects of those restraints, if any, are offset by the association’s procompetitive justifications for the restraints, and even if so, whether those procompetitive ends could be achieved by less restrictive means. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Brian K. GRUBE, Jones Day, Cleveland, OH PANELISTS: • Greg D. ANDRES, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, New York, NY • Vineet BHATIA, Susman Godfrey LLP, Houston, TX • Gil CALVILLO, FTI Consulting, Los Angeles, CA • The Honorable Joan N. ERICKSEN, Judge, U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN • Bryan KEATING, Compass Lexecon, Washington, DC • Julie MCEVOY, Deputy Associate Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC • Tara REINHART, Senior Trial Counsel, Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Bryan M. RICCHETTI, Cornerstone Research, Chicago, IL 3:15 – 5:00 pm ANTITRUST AND IP IN CHINA: QUI VADIS? Presented by the Intellectual Property Committee and International Task Force Chinese courts and regulators have been active in the IP space, including by bringing a number of investigations against Qualcomm, InterDigital, Microsoft, and others, and issuing a number of measures related to standard setting and patent-assertion entity activities. Panelists from China’s antitrust agencies and private practice will discuss these and related issues. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Koren W. WONG-ERVIN, Counsel for Intellectual Property & International Antitrust, Office of Schedule of events International Affairs, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 30 PANELISTS: • HUANG Yong, Chief Executive Officer, University of International Business & Economics, Beijing, China • Elizabeth WANG, Charles River Associates, Boston, MA • Mark WHITENER, Senior Counsel, Competition Law & Policy, General Electric Co, Washington, DC • XU Kunlin, Director General, National Development and Reform Commission, Beijing, China • Representative, State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Beijing, China 3:15 – 5:00 pm HOT TOPICS SPRING MEETING CO-CHAIRS AND MODERATORS: • Sharis A. POZEN, Vice President, Global Competition and Antitrust, General Electric Co, Washington, DC • Hartmut SCHNEIDER, WilmerHale, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Kevin ARQUIT, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP, New York, NY • The Honorable Julie BRILL, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Alexander ITALIANER, Director-General, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium • Carl SHAPIRO, University of California, Berkeley, CA consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function schedule of events-thursday 3:15 – 5:00 pm LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS AND CHALLENGES IN CLAIM SUBSTANTIATION Presented by the Advertising Disputes & Litigation, Consumer Protection, and Unilateral Conduct Committees What do recent enforcement activity by FTC and the latest decisions by NAD on claim substantiation mean for marketers? Industry leaders and regulators explore the impact of the most recent decision in POM Wonderful, enforcement activity in the areas of cosmetics and health claims, and the challenges of substantiating technical and sensory claims in advertising. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • David G. MALLEN, Loeb & Loeb LLP, New York, NY PANELISTS: • Mary K. ENGLE, Associate Director, Division of Advertising Practices, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Jennifer FRIED, Assistant Director, National Advertising Division, Council of Better Business Bureaus, New York, NY • Jeffrey E. SMITH, Senior Vice President & Deputy General Counsel, Comcast Cable Communications Management LLC, Philadelphia, PA 3:15 – 5:00 pm SHIFTING SANDS: MERGERS IN CHANGING MARKETS Presented by the Federal Civil Enforcement, Mergers & Acquisitions, and State Enforcement Committees Merger analysis has evolved from an emphasis on market structure to a more holistic approach. But what matters more: the analytical framework or the markets we are analyzing? Mergers such as Promedica/St. Luke’s, Ardagh/St. Gobain, Office Depot/Office Max and Comcast/ TimeWarner provide a focus as we explore answers and anticipate the future. CHAIR: • Randall M. WEINSTEN, Attorney, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC MODERATOR: • Peter BOBERG, Charles River Associates, Boston, MA PANELISTS: • Harry FIRST, New York University School of Law, New York, NY • Kevin HAHM, Deputy Assistant Director, Mergers IV, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Kristina NORDLANDER, Sidley Austin LLP, Brussels, Belgium • Matthew J. REILLY, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP, Washington, DC 7:30 pm SECTION DINNER (TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE) • Larry J. SABATO, Founder & Director, University of Virginia Center for Politics, Charlottesville, VA Schedule of events consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function 31 schedule of events-friday FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2015 7:30 am – noon BOOKSTORE & REGISTRATION OPEN 8:15 – 9:45 am AGENCY UPDATE WITH THE FTC BUREAU DIRECTORS Presented by the Federal Civil Enforcement Committee Hear directly from the Federal Trade Commission Directors of the Bureau of Competition, Bureau of Consumer Protection, and Bureau of Economics about the latest in antitrust and consumer protection enforcement and policy initiatives. CHAIR: • Jeffrey S. JACOBOVITZ, Arnall Golden Gregory LLP, Washington, DC MODERATOR: • William C. MACLEOD, Kelley Drye & Warren LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Deborah L. FEINSTEIN, Director, Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Francine LAFONTAINE, Director, Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Jessica L. RICH, Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 8:15 – 9:45 am DOWNLOADING THE FUTURE: MEDIA MERGERS AND CONTENT DISTRIBUTION Presented by the Distribution & Franchising, Media & Technology, and Mergers & Acquisitions Committees A wave of large and almost simultaneous mergers, including Comcast-TWC-Charter and AT&T-DirecTV, are among the factors changing media distribution. The combination of multiple transactions under review, convergence between industries, technological changes, and a regulatory environment in flux raises unique challenges for regulators, the merging parties, and other industry participants. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Celeste C. SARAVIA, Cornerstone Research, San Francisco, CA PANELISTS: • C. Scott HEMPHILL, Columbia Law School, New York, NY • William J. KOLASKY, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP, Washington, DC • Jeane A. THOMAS, Crowell & Moring LLP, Washington, DC • Michael L. WEINER, Dechert LLP, New York, NY 8:15 – 9:45 am IS FALSE ADVERTISING ANTICOMPETITIVE? Presented by the Consumer Protection Committee Should antitrust laws ever consider a firm’s deceptive practices towards consumers? This panel will discuss whether and when false advertising can be the basis of a Sherman Act §2 claim and how brand power plays into this consideration. Learn about recent litigation trends and the economics behind the potential anticompetitive effects of false advertising. CHAIR and MODERATOR: • Svetlana S. Gans, Staff Attorney, Division of Marketing Practices, Federal Trade Commmission, Schedule of events Washington, DC 32 PANELISTS: • Robert A. ATKINS, Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison LLP, New York, NY • Rebecca KIRK FAIR, Analysis Group, Boston, MA • Maurice E. STUCKE, University of Tennessee College of Law, Knoxville, TN • Spencer Weber WALLER, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Chicago, IL consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function schedule of events-friday 8:15 – 9:45 am KEEPING ENEMIES CLOSE: RISKS OF CONTRACTS REFERENCING RIVALS Presented by the Pricing Conduct Committee “Contracts referencing rivals” affect more than the terms of dealing between the contracting parties; they also affect the terms available to a contracting party’s competitors (e.g., MFNs, market share discounts, and exclusivity provisions). This panel will explore the law and economics of contracts referencing rivals. CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Leah O. BRANNON, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Renata B. HESSE, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Criminal and Civil Operations, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC • Irving SCHER, Greenberg Traurig LLP, New York, NY • Michael WHINSTON, MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge, MA 8:15 – 9:45 am THE ETHICS OF CARTEL INVESTIGATIONS Presented by the Compliance & Ethics and International Committees The first rule of antitrust is this: “If someone MUST go to jail, make sure it’s the client.” Avoid the common traps that can befall in-house and outside counsel in conducting antitrust investigations. CHAIR AND PANELIST: • Casey HALLADAY, McMillan, Toronto, ON, Canada MODERATOR: • Christopher MACAVOY, Baker Botts LLP, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Mark J. BOTTI, Squire Patton Boggs, Washington, DC • Jennifer M. Driscoll, Sheppard Mullin, Washington, DC • Jim R. WADE, General Attorney, Antitrust, AT&T Services Inc, Washington, DC 8:15 – 9:45 am THE FUTURE OF PATENT PRIVATEERING Presented by the Intellectual Property Committee Lots of ink has been spilled on whether ‘patent privateering’ is an antitrust problem, with little resolution to date. Will the FTC’s pending 6b study decide the issue? Will the antitrust agencies take any action before then? In the meantime, what strategies are companies employing to deal with privateers? CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Logan M. BREED, Hogan Lovells, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • Michael CARRIER, Rutgers Law School, Camden, NJ • Tero LOUKO, Senior Competition Counsel, Google Inc, Brussels, Belgium • Jenni LUKANDER, Director, Global Competition Law, Nokia, Helsinki, Finland • Adam MOSSOFF, George Mason University School of Law, Arlington, VA 10:00 am – noon ENFORCERS’ ROUNDTABLE Please join us for an in-depth conversation with leading competition authorities about their enforcement priorities and the transactions, investigations and cases that are making headlines. The Roundtable is always a concluding highlight of the Spring Meeting—don’t miss it! CHAIR AND MODERATOR: • Howard FELLER, McGuireWoods LLP, Richmond, VA Washington, DC • Hartmut SCHNEIDER, WilmerHale, Washington, DC PANELISTS: • The Honorable William J. BAER, Assistant Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, Antitrust Division, Washington, DC • Lord David CURRIE, (Invited), Chairman, Competition and Markets Authority, London, United Kingdom • Kathleen E. FOOTE, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General, San Francisco, CA • The Honorable Edith RAMIREZ, Chairwoman, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC • Margrethe VESTAGER, Commissioner, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium Noon – 12:15 pm IL AND NY ATTORNEYS TO PICK UP CUSTOMIZED CLE CERTIFICATES consumer protection track international track litigation track networking function Schedule of events QUESTIONERS: • Sharis A. POZEN, Vice President, Global Competition and Antitrust, General Electric Co, 33 conference calendar 2015 FEBRUARY 4-10 ABA Midyear Houston, TX 12Consumer Protection Conference George Washington University, Jack Morton Auditorium, Washington, DC 18Global Seminar Series Mexico City, Mexico April 15-17 6 3rd Spring Meeting JUNE 11-12 A ntitrust in the Americas Conference JUly/august 30-4 A ba Annual meeting OCTOBER JW Marriott & National Press Club, Washington, DC JW Marriott Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Chicago, IL 1Merger Workshop George Washington University, Jack Morton Auditorium, Washington, DC 8Antitrust Intellectual Property Conference Stanford Law School, Palo Alto, CA November Fall Forum National Press Club, Washington, DC 2016 January 27-29 International Cartel Workshop Tokyo, Japan April May C on f e r e n c e c a l e n da r JUNE 34 6-8 64rd Spring Meeting JW Marriott & National Press Club, Washington, DC 12-13 Antitrust in Healthcare Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City, Arlington, VA Antitrust in Asia Hong Kong GLOBAL SEMINAR SERIES Brussels Mexico City Beijing London New Dehli Seoul Join us around the globe. Please visit www.ambar.org/ATSeminarSeries for details. Additional information on these and other Section activities can be found online at www.americanbar.org/antitrust committee directory Committee Advertising Disputes & Litigation Agriculture and Food Wed Th AM & PM AM & PM 25 AM & PM Cartel & Criminal Practice AM & PM Civil Practice & Procedure AM & PM Civil Redress AM & PM Compliance & Ethics AM & PM Consumer Protection AM & PM AM & PM Corporate Counseling AM & PM PM Distribution & Franchising AM Economics PM Exemptions & Immunities PM Federal Civil Enforcement AM & PM 15, 25 AM 17, 20, 21, 26 17, 19, 20, 25 AM 20, 25, 26, 28 AM 15, 20, 23, 33 AM 16, 17, 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, 32 15, 23, 30 AM PM 24 AM & PM AM AM Insurance & Financial Services AM Intellectual Property PM PM AM AM & PM AM & PM AM AM AM AM 18, 20, 28 16 Media & Technology PM Mergers & Acquisitions 17, 21 AM AM & PM PM 22, 27, 32 15, 30 AM 17, 18, 22, 29, 31, 32 AM 21, 33 Privacy & Information Security AM & PM PM 16, 19, 21, 29 State Enforcement AM & PM AM & PM 18, 24, 27, 31 PM PM Trade, Sports & Professional Associations 24, 30 Transportation & Energy Industries AM & PM Trial Practice AM & PM AM & PM 20, 26, 30 PM AM & PM 22, 23, 27, 29, 31 Unilateral Conduct 16, 21 AM = Morning CLE Session PM = Afternoon CLE Session Learn more about the committees by e-mailing Diane Odom at [email protected]. Com m ittee di r ec tory PM Pricing Conduct AM PM Membership & Diversity 27, 29, 32 23 AM & PM Legislation 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 30 PM Joint Conduct 21, 23, 30, 33 20 AM & PM International Task Force 16, 19, 22, 24, 27, 31, 32 17 AM & PM International Cartel Task Force 19, 32 23, 29 Health Care & Pharmaceuticals International Page 16, 18, 21, 27, 29, 31 PM Business Torts & Civil RICO Foreign Investment & Antitrust Interface Task Force Fri 35 2014-2015 officers & staff 2014–2015 OFFICERS Section Chair • Howard Feller (2014-2015) Section Chair Elect • Roxann E. Henry (2014-2015) Section Vice Chair • William C. MacLeod (2014-2015) H. Feller R. Henry W. MacLeod J. Jacobson T. Zych K. O’Connor C. Hockett D. Garza B. Henry B. Nigro J. Chavez D. Ross G. Zanfagna M. Christian R. Nichols J. Travis D. Morgan D. Odom M. Stafford P. Harris L. Brown J. Pitts B. Altorfer K. Scherr T. Nguyen J. Wiley Committee Officer • Jonathan M. Jacobson (2012–2015) Consumer Protection Officer • Thomas F. Zych (2014-2016) Finance Officer • Kevin J. O’Connor (2014-2016) Immediate Past Chair • Christopher B. Hockett (2014-2015) International Officer • Deborah A. Garza (2013-2015) Program Officer • Brian R. Henry (2014-2015) Publications Officer • Bernard A. Nigro, Jr. (2014-2016) Secretary and Communications Officer • J. Anthony Chavez (2014-2016) Section Delegates • Douglas C. Ross (2013-2015) • Gary Zanfagna (2014-2017) Counsel to the Section Chair • Michelle Christian (2014-2015) Counsel to the Section Chair Elect • Robert M. Nichols (2014-2015) ABA SECTION OF ANTITRUST LAW STAFF Section Director Joanne Travis (since 2002) Assistant Director Deborah Morgan (since 2003) Committee Administrator Diane Odom (since 1998) 2 014 -2 015 o f f i c e r s & s ta f f Meetings Director 36 Margaret M. Stafford (since 1997) Meetings & Marketing Coordinator Patricia Harris (since 2006) Meeting Planner Laura Brown (since 2012) Office Administrator/Membership Assistant John Pitts (since 2014) program specialist Bill Altorfer (since 2014) Senior Meeting Planner Kimberly Scherr (since 2013) Special Projects Assistant Tony Nguyen (since 2014) Technology & Communications Specialist Julian–Robert Wiley (since 2008) former section chairs Edward R. Johnston, Chicago, IL David T. Searls, Houston, TX William Simon, Washington, DC Fred E. Fuller, Toledo, OH Thomas E. Sunderland, Chicago, IL Herbert A. Bergson, Washington, DC Hubert Hickam, Indianapolis, IN Jerrold G. Van Cise, New York, NY Francis R. Kirkham, San Francisco, CA S. Chesterfield Oppenheim, Ann Arbor, MI Hammond E. Chaffetz, Chicago, IL H. Thomas Austern, Washington, DC Cyrus V. Anderson, Pittsburgh, PA Marcus Mattson, Los Angeles, CA Edgar G. Barton, New York, NY Richard W. McLaren, Chicago, IL Miles M. Kirkpatrick, Philadelphia, PA Frederick M. Rowe, Washington, DC Leroy Jeffers, Houston, TX Richard K. Decker, Burr Ridge, IL Julian O. von Kalinowski, Los Angeles, CA Thomas M. Scanlon, Indianapolis, IN John Izard, Atlanta, GA C. Brien Dillon, Houston, TX Edwin S. Rockefeller, Washington, DC Ira M. Millstein, New York, NY Allen C. Holmes, Cleveland, OH Earl E. Pollock, Chicago, IL Harvey M. Applebaum, Washington, DC Edward William Barnett, Houston, TX Carla Anderson Hills, Washington, DC Richard W. Pogue, Cleveland, OH Richard A. Whiting, Washington, DC James T. Halverson, University Park, FL Mark Crane, Chicago, IL James F. Rill, Washington, DC Irving Scher, New York, NY Harry M. Reasoner, Houston, TX J. Thomas Rosch, Washington, DC Robert P. Taylor, Palo Alto, CA Michael L. Denger, Washington, DC Alan H. Silberman, Chicago, IL Caswell O. Hobbs, Alexandria, VA John DeQ. Briggs, Washington, DC James R. Loftis, III, McLean, VA Robert C. Weinbaum, Key West, FL Phillip A. Proger, Washington, DC Janet L. McDavid, Washington, DC Ky P. Ewing, Jr., Bethesda, MD Roxane C. Busey, Chicago, IL Robert T. Joseph, Washington, DC Kevin E. Grady, Atlanta, GA Richard J. Wallis, Redmond, WA Donald C. Klawiter, Washington, DC Joseph Angland, New York, NY Kathryn M. Fenton, Washington, DC James A. Wilson, Columbus, OH Ilene Knable Gotts, New York, NY Allan Van Fleet, Houston, TX Richard M. Steuer, New York, NY Theodore Voorhees, Jr, Washington, DC Christopher B. Hockett, Menlo Park, CA former section chairs 1952 – 1953 1953 – 1954 1954 – 1955 1955 – 1956 1956 – 1957 1957 – 1958 1958 – 1959 1959 – 1960 1960 – 1961 1961 – 1962 1962 – 1963 1963 – 1964 1964 – 1965 1965 – 1966 1966 – 1967 1967 – 1968 1968 – 1969 1969 – 1970 1970 – 1971 1971 – 1972 1972 – 1973 1973 – 1974 1974 – 1975 1975 – 1976 1976 – 1977 1977 – 1978 1978 – 1979 1979 – 1980 1980 – 1981 1981 – 1982 1982 – 1983 1983 – 1984 1984 – 1985 1985 – 1986 1986 – 1987 1987 – 1988 1988 – 1989 1989 – 1990 1990 – 1991 1991 – 1992 1992 – 1993 1993 – 1994 1994 – 1995 1995 – 1996 1996 – 1997 1997 – 1998 1998 – 1999 1999 – 2000 2000 – 2001 2001 – 2002 2002 – 2003 2003 – 2004 2004 – 2005 2005 – 2006 2006 – 2007 2007 – 2008 2008 – 2009 2009 – 2010 2010 – 2011 2011 – 2012 2012 – 2013 2013 – 2014 37 thank you Thank you t h a n k you to our Section Leadership, Session Chairs, Moderators, Speakers, and Staff for their many hours of hard work in presenting this 63rd Spring Meeting. 38 e x t r a Antitrust in the americas - Rio De janeiro, Brazil June 11-12, 2015 Join us for this exciting two-day conference that will bring together leading practitioners, enforcers, in-house counsel, economists and scholars from throughout the region to discuss developments in competition law enforcement, policy and compliance covering key antitrust jurisdictions in North and South America. For more information or to register for the conference visit www.ambar.org/ATAmericas. thank you Program Officer: Brian R. Henry The Coca-Cola Company Atlanta, GA Spring Meeting Co–chair: Sharis A. Pozen General Electric Washington, DC Spring Meeting Co–chair: Hartmut Schneider WilmerHale Washington, DC Antitrust Abroad • June 2016 – Hong Kong Antitrust in Asia www.ambar.org/ATAsia e x t r a t h a n k you Join the Section as we venture abroad. • 2015 – Mexico City, Beijing, London, New Delhi & Seoul Global Seminar Series www.ambar.org/ATSeminarSeries • June 11-12, 2015 – Brazil Antitrust in the Americas www.ambar.org/ATAmericas • January 27-29, 2016 – Japan International Cartel Workshop www.ambar.org/ATCartel 39 Important 2015 Deadlines Hotel Registration March 17, 2015 Online Registration April 13, 2015 Check online for instructions on downloading the Spring Meeting app. CONFERENCE APP National Press Club 202.662.7500 Conference Message Center at the JW Marriott 202.626.1351 ABA Section of Antitrust Law 312.988.5550 or 312.988.5609 IMPORTANT PHONE Numbers Stop by the Committee Corridor on the Ballroom Level of the JW Marriott to learn more about the Section and the Committees. COMMITTEE CORRIDOR Individuals are on their own to book travel and hotel. Book early to ensure discounted rates in the ABA block of rooms (availability is limited). Book in the ABA block of rooms to be eligible to win a complimentary room night or VIP upgrade. Hotel Reservations: march 17, 2015 Discounted Registration February 5, 2015 Online Registration & Reservations www.ambar.org/ATSpring JW Marriott Hotel & National Press Club, Washington, DC 63rd Antitrust Law Spring Meeting April 15-17, 2015 www.ambar.org/ATSpring aba Section of Antitrust Law 321 North Clark Street Chicago, IL 60654 Nonprofit American Bar Association PAID U.S. Postage Organization
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