february 2015 Ardrossan & Saltcoats kirkgate messenger PARISH CHURCH www.kirkgatechurch.org.uk Registered Scottish Charity SC023003 From the Manse . . . In our Sunday services, we are exploring the concept of pilgrimage. Pilgrimage is traditionally a journey from home to a holy place, from everyday things to spiritual ones. Pilgrimage is a time when we cut loose from our daily routine, making time and space to be with God and to celebrate our faith. Pilgrimage is a journey from the ordinary to the extraordinary, and people down through the ages have journeyed with God on pilgrimage - seeking healing, inspiration and redirection. But as pilgrims, we don’t need to go to a recognised holy place like Iona or Lourdes, we can go to any spot where we feel close to God. Pilgrimage can be from home to garden sanctuary, or to the beach, or up the nearest hill, or along a favourite footpath, or to any place where we find space away from the demands of our lives. Pilgrim people are never static, because faith, like life, is not a static experience. It cannot and should not remain the same, because we do not remain the same. We change with the seasons of our lives and our needs and responses in faith change too. What doesn’t change is the relentlessness of the journey. Even when we are reluctant, even when we are tired - we are on the road. Even on the days when it is a struggle to put one foot in front of another - we are on the road. What helps us on the way is knowing we are not alone. When we journey in faith, we have the comfort and reassurance of knowing that God is with us and that he will always be with us – no matter where we are or what we are going through in life. God is our constant in a changing world and in our ever-changing lives. So in 2015 – May you enjoy time alone beside the wide sea beneath the far stars in the sun’s warm rays in the gentle rain. And may God who is in the spaces bless your walking on this good earth Dorothy 2 Church Diary FEBRUARY Pleased be assured of a warm welcome at all our services. Tea & coffee served in hall afterwards Sunday 22nd 10.45 a.m. Morning Worship The Guild - Magic Hands - Wesley Hands Sunday 1st 10.45 a.m. Morning Worship ‘Messenger’ & Life & Work available for uplifting Monday 23rd 7.30 p.m. Monday 2nd 7.30 p.m. The Guild - Familiar Places - Anne Hynd Tuesday 3rd 7.30 p.m. Thursday 26th 10.30 a.m. ‘30 Minute’ Service 2.30 p.m. Country Dance Club Presbytery meets in the Church Friday 27th Thursday 5th 10.30 a.m. 7.30 p.m. ‘30 Minute’ Service Country Dance Club MARCH Saturday 7th 9.00am Sunday 8th 10.45 a.m. Presbytery Safeguarding Training Sunday 1st 10.45 a.m. Morning Worship ‘Messenger’ & Life & Work Available for uplifting Morning Worship Monday 2nd 7.30 p.m. The Guild - Fire & Ice - Vivienne Macdonald Tuesday 3rd 7.30 p.m. Presbytery meets in the Church Thursday 5th 10.30 a.m. 7.30 p.m. ‘30 Minute’ Service Country Dance Club Friday 6th TBC World Day of Prayer Saltcoats: St Cuthberts Monday 9th 7.30 p.m. The Guild - Glesca Patter - Alan Morrison Wednesday 11th 7.30 a.m Bible Study Group - see further article for more info Thursday 12th 10.30 a.m. 11.30 a.m. 2.30 p.m. 7.30pm ‘30 Minute’ Service Bible Study Group - see further article for more info Country Dance Club Kirk Session meeting Sunday 15th 10.45 a.m. Morning Worship Monday 16th 7.30 p.m. The Guild - Fashion Show - Bonmarché Tuesday 17th 7.00 p.m. Presbytery - Attestation of Church Records Wednesday 18th 3.00 p.m. Presbytery Business Committee Thursday 19th 10.30 a.m. ‘30 Minute’ Service 7.30 p.m. Country Dance Club - Live Music with Billy Gray Friday 20th 7.15 p.m. Material required for ‘Messenger’ THE FOLLOWING ORGANISATIONS WHO MEET REGULARLY EVERY WEEK WILL TAKE A BREAK OVER THE FESTIVE SEASON Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 10.45 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 7.30 p.m. 2.00 p.m. 4.00 – 8.00 p.m. 6.15 – 8.30 p.m. Creche & Sunday School Keep Fit Group The Guild KA Leisure Aerobics The Craft Team *Senior Guides * External Groups who use our premises *Cunninghame Flower Club The Church at Christmas Kirkgate always has a lovely, relaxed, warm and welcoming atmosphere. We were blessed during the Christmas period that the ambience was enhanced by the tastefully decorated sanctuary. It is with grateful thanks to all who contributed, in any way, to the visual appearance and to the uplifting worship that was so very special during our Christmas celebrations. Many favourable comments were received both from members and visitors and it is nice to know that all who worshipped at Kirkgate over this period appreciate all aspects of the festive church. 3 Prayer Diary The two prayers below were written by Very Rev. Albert Bogle Lord, memory is such a wonderful gift To remember a face, a person, a time, a place – can be such a blessing Thank you for all the people and places That have helped to shape me for the good Those who have shown me your love and those who have made me feel less afraid Those who make me feel ‘all is well’ When I forget them by name, help them not to feel disappointed Remind us all of your goodness and mercy, through the touch of a hand The warmth of a smile, the aroma of a coffee pot, the words of a song The memory of a Bible text that says “I will never leave you or forsake you” Thank you Lord that I know and remember this fact You will never forget me My name is written on the palm of your hands It’s wonderful to know your memory never fades. Lord everyone is searching for peace Yet no one seems to find it There is trouble in the world,trouble at work and trouble in my family Lord we find it hard to live in harmony We struggle to love each other And we find it well-nigh impossible to trust each other Yet we know we need to trust in order to live Lord come and be our counsellor Open our eyes that we might see ourselves as others see us Open our hearts that we might find compassion for those we least admire or like Give us grace to live out our lives in service to each other. Pastoral Care in Kirkgate Church Hospital Visiting Visiting clergy no longer have access to in-patient lists at local hospitals, so the only way for the Minister to find out if you are in hospital is if a relative, friend or neighbour lets us know. The Minister’s details are below. You can also contact Miss Alison Buick (01294 464531) or Mrs Morag Forsyth (01294 463762) and visits will be organised. 4 Recruitment of Pastoral Visitors We only have one pastoral visitor working alongside our visiting elders, so we are always looking for additional pastoral visitors. If this is a way you could serve the church, please speak to the Minister. Most visitors only visit two or three people, so it is not an onerous commitment. If you are interested in becoming a pastoral visitor, you will have to join the PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) Scheme. This scheme has replaced the former disclosure system for those working with vulnerable groups and we have coordinators who will guide you through the process. Rev Dorothy Granger (01294 463571) Church Register Letters of Appreciation NEW MEMBER: “We are members one of another” Very many thanks to everyone for the concern shown, good wishes given and especially the lovely flowers I received after my recent health hiccup. I am very well and the results and prospects are very positive. Very Best Wishes for 2015 to everyone at Kirkgate. Mae Harvey 21.12.14 By Transfer Certificate Miss Anna Donnan 9 Birch Terrace Ardrossan FUNERALS: “In my Father’s house are many mansions” Congregation 17.12.14 Mrs Catherine Hastings 10 Barnett Court, Saltcoats 31.12.14 Mrs Margaret (Greta) Sinclair 12 Afton Road, Stevenston Parish 10th November 2014 Mr Duncan MacKenzie 32 Harvey Gardens, Ardrossan 12.1.15 Mrs Agnes Martin Caledonia Care Home, Saltcoats I was delighted to receive beautiful flowers from Kirkgate recently - perfect blooms and lovely colours were the perfect pick-me-up to the winter virus which has grounded me for two weeks. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. Noreena Elwell A most warm thank you to all at Kirkgate for the lovely flowers. They brighten up the room on some of these dark, dull days. It is good to be remembered. I appreciate your kindness. Best wishes to all in 2015. Mrs Jean Grant Thank you all for the lovely flowers given to me on the occasion of my 80th Birthday. They were most appreciated. Evelyn Lockie To all at Kirkgate. Thank you very much for the lovely flowers received, their beauty cheered us up and were very much appreciated. Aileen & Robert Aitken Thank you so much for the lovely church flowers sent to me during my recent illness and a nice visit from Willie Stark with all good wishes. Thanks also to Dorothy for her lovely visit - it was very uplifting and meant so much to me. Celia Meney Thank you so much for remembering my 91st Birthday with the gift of lovely flowers from the Church and Session. This kind gesture is much appreciated. Bill Watson Very many thanks for the lovely flowers received on my birthday. They were much appreciated. Margaret McAllister Mary Skelton would like to express her thanks for having received flowers form the church. They were very much appreciated. 5 Kirkgate Bible Studies in 2015 Lenten Bible Study: “The Way to Freedom” (created by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland). Last year, I intimated that a Bible Study Group would start up this year. If you are interested in being part of this group, then please come along to an initial meeting on Wednesday 11th February at 7.30pm. If you cannot make it to that meeting, there will be a second meeting on Thursday 12th February at 11.30am. Both meetings will be held in the church hall. At these meetings, the format of the group(s) will be decided and material issued. If you can’t make it along to either of these meeting but want to be part of the group, then please give me a ring on 01294 463571. “The Way to Freedom” Few words seem to matter more to us today than ‘Freedom’, but what it means can be far from clear and it often sparks controversy. It’s a big word in the New Testament and in the Christian story down the ages. During the weeks of the study, we will be reflecting on the quest for freedom - in our own experience, in the life of our churches. We will also look at what freedom means in our society and the world today – and all in the light of our reading of the Bible. The course comprises five weekly sessions - and the main themes will be: Freedom; Discipline; Action; Community; Suffering and Death. Each week contains a mixture of materials for reflection, Bible passages and commentary for study and discussion, poetry, questions and ideas for discussion, and sometimes suggestions of things to do. I am anticipating that two Bible Study Groups will run for five weeks during Lent - one on Wednesday evenings (25th February, 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th March) from 7.30pm-9pm, and one on Thursday mornings (26th February; 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th March) from 11.30am-1pm. However, this will depend on the numbers who wish to sign up. The aim of the course is to help build up both our personal discipleship and our common life in Christ, as we study at home and as we share together as a group. After Easter, I plan to start an eight week New Testament Reading course which will take us up to the Summer recess. This is called the Community Bible Experience and will use material provided by Biblica. So watch the magazine for more information on this. Blessings, Dorothy 6 Local Church Review: January 2015 On 13th January 2015, Kirkgate had its first Local Church Review when the Minister and Office Bearers met with the visiting team from the Presbytery of Ardrossan, led by Rev Elizabeth Watson. In preparation for this meeting, Stuart McMahon, Mima McSwan and I met to discuss our first year together as Kirkgate Church and I thought I would share the report I prepared for that meeting, which looks at how far we have travelled together as a united congregation. restoration, much of which is around the window areas. It is our hope that the first phase of this work will include the relocation of three war memorial windows from the former Barony St John’s building, along with two windows of artistic and historical value. This work is dependent on our securing the necessary Listed Building Consent from the local authority and on the cost implications of any conditions, which may be attached to such consent. “THE STATE OF THE UNION” Not long after the union, the General Assembly designated the parish of Ardrossan & Saltcoats Kirkgate as a Priority Area. We are still getting to grips with what this means for us as a congregation and as a parish. We are however aiming to be the best we can be - for our members, for the parish community we serve and for God. Our buildings are already well used, providing accommodation for a wide variety of activities such as Keep Fit, Chair Aerobics, Guides, McGavin Drama, Country Dancing, Flower Club, Presbytery meetings. That said, there is still potential to expand community usage of our building and in the future, we may consider more extensive work to create more flexible space within the church and halls. IMPROVING AND USING OUR BUILDINGS Serving the community in which we are based is our main priority as a church and it is important that our buildings are fit for purpose. We are currently getting advice from stonemasons and costing a phased programme of repairs to the stonework. In addition, the majority of the windows in Kirkgate are in need of repair or replacement and a phased programme is also being prepared to run concurrently with the required stonework WORSHIP Now to us - the people of Kirkgate Church. What are we doing to glorify God and to serve our parish? Well worship is at the heart of what we do. Sunday morning worship at 10.45 is a traditional service, but with a modern twist. We are blessed with having two very talented organists, who provide a variety of music before, during and after worship. We have four Sunday communion services (usually held on the third Sunday in March; June and September and on the first Sunday in Advent). Our Mid Week Service is on a Thursday at 10.30. This 30 minute service is led by a small team, including the minister and elders, working on a rota basis. The service is open to all and people attend from various churches, with the majority being from the Kirkgate congregation. There are four Thursday communion services held during the year, usually the week following the Sunday Communion. Kirkgate also worships ecumenically, as part of the Ardrossan Churches Group and the Saltcoats Ecumenical Group. We participate in daily services during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and for Holy Week. Remembrance Sunday services and parades are also organised ecumenically in both Ardrossan and Saltcoats, as are special services during Advent and Christmas. We worship in local nursing homes. The Minister is Chaplain to South Beach House and conducts the bi annual communion services with elders and organists supporting. The Minister organises the rota for the monthly services in Abbotsford, which she shares with Rev James McNay, Rev Tanya Webster and Canon Matt McManus. A group of members and one of our organists still participate in worship services in Seabank (which was in the former New Trinity Parish) providing support to Rev Marion Howie who is chaplain. 7 Local Church Review: January 2015 FELLOWSHIP Fellowship is an important aspect of our life as a worshipping community - especially as our union is only just over a year old. People are still getting to know one another and time spent in fellowship is of immense benefit. Tea and coffee is available after Sunday and Thursday services. Congregational lunches, open days at the manse and social events are organised throughout the year to give members opportunities to get together. Fundraising events also take place during the year – the main event being the Christmas Fair. Kirkgate Guild is strong and enthusiastic, meeting on a Monday night, with a variety of speakers and activities. Fellowship plays an important part in the weekly meetings and regular social outings are organised to various events in the area and are open to non Guild members. Kirkgate also has a dedicated team of Crafters, who meet weekly. They work hard, producing cards and crafts (which are sold on Sunday mornings and during fundraising events) and in the process a strong supportive fellowship has formed between the members. A regular Bible Study will get underway this year and there is a separate feature on this in this month’s magazine.. Watch out for further intimations on this, and on our social and fundraising events. 8 continued... COMMUNICATION Our church magazine is delivered to all members. Its new design and layout and informative content is greatly appreciated. In addition, our website is regularly updated and covers a wide range of events within the church and the national church. It also has recordings of Sunday services and a PDF of the Church Magazine. Tapes/ Discs of services are made available for any housebound member or member who may wish to keep in touch via this method. We also produce a comprehensive weekly intimations sheet, and the Minister provides large print copies of the Sunday service (on request). PASTORAL CARE After the union, we had 12 districts with no allocated elder and no prospect of being able to fill the gaps. The Kirk Session agreed to replace the district system with an enhanced scheme of pastoral visiting overseen by a Pastoral Care Committee. This process of change took 8 months, starting with an Elder’s Conference on 1st February 2014. The Pastoral Care Committee is convened by the Minister and comprises 12 visiting elders; one pastoral visitor and one telephone contact elder. The Committee currently visits 87 members (77 households) just under one third of the current roll of 277 (as at 31st December 2014). In addition, those who are sick (at home or in hospital) are also visited by the Minister and by designated members of the Committee. The Minister also visits on request. MISSION & OUTREACH Mission & Outreach falls under the remit of our new Church & Community Committee which will review the engagement of the congregation with the local community. Much of our current outreach work is done ecumenically via the Churches Together groups in Ardrossan and Saltcoats. The Minister is an active member of both, as is Mr Andrew Bruce – Reader attached to the Presbytery of Ardrossan and a member of Kirkgate. These ecumenical groups have helped create strong and supportive interpersonal relationships between local clergy and between clergy and community. Kirkgate regularly and actively supports a number of local and national charities, such as the Foodbank, Blythswood Care, Christian Aid, Poppyscotland, Al Shurooq School for the Blind, Ayrshire Hospice; Friends of South Beach House, the Harbour Centre, the Women’s Refuge and the Homeless Hostel. KIRK SESSION COMMITTEES At this stage in our still relatively new union and with the unexpected recognition of being a priority area parish, conversations are just beginning in respect of reshaping the ways we express our faith in action. The Kirk Session is about to finalise a new committee structure, which we hope will Local Church Review: January 2015 move the conversation on in a number of different ways. The committees, which will operate from February 2015, are: Pastoral Care; Property; Communication; Church & Community; Fundraising & Social; Stewardship. As we have a Unitary Constitution, membership of committees is shared between elders and co-opted members. A report on Committees will appear in next month’s magazine. AND FINALLY As a congregation, we are in decline numerically. We do not have many children in the life of the congregation and we run an occasional crèche rather than an active Sunday School. However, it is our aim to be the best we can be continued... - with and for those who are a part of what is still a strong and productive fellowship. As your minister, I am very optimistic about the future and what it holds for us as a united congregation and as a community of God’s people in Ardrossan and Saltcoats. I hope you are too. Rev Dorothy Granger (January 2015) From the Editor Kirkgate News from the Editor Please note that material for the March edition of the ‘Kirkgate Messenger’ should be handed in by Friday 27th February at the latest. Spare copies are available for visitors to take away or give to friends. Please remember that should you still come across any discrepancies with the names or addresses in your district please let me know so that I can keep the records up-to-date. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] with any interesting news or events but a written copy will be fine. Please also remember that if you would like a printing job done whether private or church then please do speak to me or Stuart and we will do our best to accommodate your requirements. LIFE & WORK Your subscription to Life & Work has been increased this year to £22 and it woud be appreciatd if you could have your payment made before the end of February. The church pays this on a yearly basis therefore allowing us to pass on a small discount to you. Cash or a cheque payable to ‘Kirkgate Church’ will be acceptable. Many thanks for your continuing support. Elizabeth McMahon, Editor & Life & Work Convenor Christmas Blessings to all from Bobby & Mildred Campbell Recipe for a House of Love A home made from love Is what God intends Filled with all of our family Love is not blind nor pretends. The recipe is simple The ingredients are clear Keeping God close is essential For love to be near. Start with some laughter, Don’t forget to pray, Mix in a few smiles And God will make clear the way. 9 The Guild We all enjoyed our last meeting of the sessison on Monday15th December, this was a candlelit evening of Readings and Carols followed by mince pies and the exchanging of our Santa Parcels. Our first meeting for the New Year was on Monday 19th January, Solveig McCulloch our Norwegian member and elder took us back to her chilhood memories with slides and her story about her family’s escape from the Germans during the war. By the time you read this the Ceilidh held on Monday 26th January will be well past. The Largs Accordion Band played for us, our thanks to Jack Halliday who entertained us with a rendition of ‘Holy Willie’s Prayer’. Thanks also to Elizabeth Howie and her Kirkgate Country Dance Team for the demonstration dances all beautifully performed and finally thanks to PJ Buttercup of Ardrossan and the committee for providing and serving the finger buffet. I think it is safe to say a good night was had by all. Tickets priced £3 are now on sale for our Fashion Show on Monday 16th February at 7.30 p.m. Bon Marche from Irvine are providing the garments and some of our own ladies have been coaxed into modelling for the night. Refreshments are being served on arrival. We look forward as ever to your support. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Mon 2 Feb 7.30 p.m. Mon 9 Feb 7.30 p.m. Mon 16 Feb 7.30 p.m. Mon 23 Feb 7.30 p.m. Familiar Places - Mrs Anne Hynd Glesca Patter - Alan Morrison FASHION SHOW BY BONMARCHÉ OF IRVINE TICKETS £3 - Refreshments served on arrival Magic Hands - Wesley Hands Mon 2 March Friday 6 March Mon 9 March Mon 16 March Fire & Ice - Vivienne Macdonald World Day of Prayer - Saltcoats: St Cuthberts Hesssilhead Wildlife Centre - David O’Reilly BEETLE DRIVE - Tickets £2 7.30 p.m. time tbc 7.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. As you can read we have a varied programme ahead of us and we look forward to welcoming you to any of our meetings. Elizabeth McMahon, Secretary 10 Guild Ceilidh Night A wonderful evening of entertainment and dancing was enjoyed at the Guild Ceilidh, with music provided by Largs Accordion Band. It was also John Barbour’s 87th birthday (seated beside Mattie Fleming - who used to dance!) with everyone singing “Happy Birthday” to him. 11 WORLD MISSION This month Marjorie Clark brings us up to date with the HIV and AIDS pandemic. There are still 35 million people around the world living with HIV, 2.1 million new infections and 1.5 million deaths resulting from AIDSrelated illnesses but the tide may be turning in some parts of the world. New medication is available and domestic spending on HIV has increased. Significant challenges remain, not least of which is the stigma which still prevails and prevents so many people from facing up to HIV issues. Since 2002 the Church of Scotland has been committed to supporting partner churches overseas and local congregations have raised £1.25m and this has helped to support a number of projects in Ghana and in Sri Lanka. THE SANGLABURI COMMUNITY AIDS PROJECT Sanglaburi is an isolated district on Thailand’s western border very close to Myanmar. Here HIV/AIDS is an ever–increasing problem and here we find an inspirational project supported by the Church’s HIV programme. The project employs 3 full-time workers and 9 volunteers, 7 of whom are themselves HIV positive.They work with vulnerable people and their families who are living with HIV. They visit regularly and give advice, support and encouragement. The support helps families to get small income-generation projections and also with children’s education. There are many harrowing stories - widows who have lost their husbands to AIDS are living with HIV themselves, children who have lost their parents and are now living with HIV.There is DODO who cares for 6 children in her own home. Extracted from Dec/Jan 2014/15 of World Mission Alison Buick Blythswood Care 2015 Blythswood welcomes donations of goods from both individuals and from businesses. They ask that goods are undamaged and of good quality. Donating your goods will directly help them care for the needy. Suitable goods to donate include: • Furniture (Please note that mattresses, chairs and sofas should all have a fire label attached with the British Standards code - BS 7177) • Clothing and footwear • Bric a Brac • Books • Bicycles • Soft furnishings (bedding, curtains etc) 12 • Food (tins and packets with use by date of at least six months) • CDs, DVD’s and Mobile Phones • Toys • Tools At this present time they do not accept any electrical goods. A review of the organisation’s Round Southern Scotland and Round Northern England monthly goods collections has led to the decision to reduce the number of locations from which Blythswood will collect secondhand goods from January 2015. However donations can be made at Blythswood shops, the closest of which is in Main Street, Prestwick. The new pickup schedule is as follows: Beith Trinity Church, 10.0010.15am; Largs Clark Memorial Church, 11.0011.30am and Kilmarnock Pizza Hut, 1.00-1.30pm on Fridays 6th February, 6th March, 10th April, 8th May and 5th June. Textiles can also be deposited in a textile bank located within St Cuthbert’s Church grounds. Contact 0141 882 0585 for more details. Life & Work: in February’s edition . . . The Challenge of our Age: Dementia and the Church The number of people with dementia in Scotland is set to rise by 75% in the next 25 years. Jackie Macadam discovers some of the Church of Scotland projects trying to help. Reforming the Kirk The Rev Dr Doug Gay considers the challenges of church growth and says lessons can be learned from the Church of England. ‘He Went About, Doing Good’ W Ross Napier describes the short life of Donald Mitchell, the first Church of Scotland missionary in India. Faith Rewarded Jackie Macadam meets the author of a new book about St Andrew’s Scots Memorial Church in Jerusalem. A Rainbow of Hope The Moderator calls for the Church to create transformative change. The Spirit of Generosity The Rev Alan W Gibson emphasises the importance of the offering during worship and explains how the money given is spent. Atheism and the Church The Rev Russel Moffat considers the impact of a decade of ‘new atheism’. Closing the Digital Divide Alan Rodden describes how a partnership project involving the Church of Scotland is opening the online world to all. Our One Foundation The Rev Professor David Fergusson emphasises that we can only know God through the Jesus of the gospels. Plus all the regular columnists, news, reviews, letters, registers and crosswords – all for just £2.20 Online visit us at www.lifeandwork.org, or find us on Facebook and Twitter. North Ayrshire Foodbank North Ayrshire Foodbank is grateful for all the donations it receives from us. Donations can be placed in the box in the hallway or additionally can be handed in to the Salvation Army Hall on Tuesdays between 1200 and 1400. Current food required include - sugar, long-life fruit juice, cereal & UHT Milk. Beyond Foodbanks Growing a Food Justice Movement in Scotland The Church of Scotland’s Church and Society Council, Faith in Community Scotland, and The Centre for Human Ecology invite you to a free one-day conference on Saturday 28th February in The Pearce Institute, Govan, Glasgow exploring food poverty and how we can work together to grow a movement to eliminate it. Contributors include: Rachel Gray (Executive Director, Stop Community Food Centre, Canada), Linda de Caestecker (Director of Public Health, NHS Glasgow) and Pete Ritchie (Nourish Scotland). More information and ticket ordering details online at: www.facebook.com/events/361178907388057. 13 IS IT BETTER TO BE SINGLE OR MARRIED? It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them. Anita, age 9 14 Property Committee Report GENERAL Considering the strength of the wind and rain during the recent heavy gale we are thankful to report that only two of our buildings appear to have received storm damage. Unfortunately, one building is Dorothy’s Manse and the other is the church. Trades have been to look at the damage at the Manse and have taken action to stop the water ingression. Further work will be required to complete repairs and that will take place as soon as their workload allows. The church building has lost a couple of slates, and due to the height of the building, it is not a simple matter of putting up a ladder and replacing the lost slates. We do have another problem on the building, which is also at roof level, and will require specialist equipment to ensure safe working. Hopefully, both problems can be resolved at the same time. CHURCH I accept that the work connected with the removal of the pews and all the ‘tidying up process’ that followed on took a little longer than anticipated. It is not always possible to arrange tradesmen at times to suit our work in progress and we are obliged to await their availability. I hope you agree, with the general opinion, that it has enhanced the appearance of the sanctuary and released some valuable space to allow us to make greater use of it for all concerned. As I said in the last Property Report , our next sizeable piece of work is the removal of the 3 war memorial windows from Barony St John’s along with two stained glass windows of high artistic and historic value and their reinstatement into Kirkgate Church. Work of this nature takes considerable time as planning authority permission is required along with many other bodies who need to be consulted before we can move ahead. Be assured you will be kept up to-date on progress. Our thanks to all involved in the upgrading of the kitchen drawers. The old units were a safety issue and the new set-up is far superior and so easy to access for all concerned. COTTAGE The problem that had arisen at the cottage is not an insignificant one. Sadly, it is taking longer to resolve due to the time it has taken tradesmen to visit and deliver quotations. I hope that by the time the next Property Report is issued, in the Messenger, that we can report some positive activity for our tenants. TENANT OCCUPIED PROPERTIES The annual visits to the Montgomerie Manse and the Cottage by the members of the Property Committee recently highlighted some building / structural issues that will be discussed at our next Property meeting. The buildings on the whole are well cared for and our aim will be to ensure that any issues that arise are dealt with thoroughly and speedily. of property concern within the church, halls and corridors in the Property Book. Some but not all of the faults will be attended to towards the end of the first week in February. Unless the fault is urgent or an emergency we try to wait until we have several small problems for the one tradesman before we going down that road. CAR ACCIDENT – DAMAGE TO THE EXTERNAL WALL AND RAILINGS. On Thursday, 22 January 2015, a car coming along Vernon Street ended up on its roof after driving into the front church wall and gates. Damage is fairly substantial to the gates, right hand stone pillar, church wall and railings. Contractors have moved the stone blocks, gates and railings on to the grass area behind the front wall and fenced off the open area. Our Treasurer, Mr Angus Dodds will be in contact with the appropriate personnel and the damage will be rectified in time. It does not bear thinking about what could have happened had pedestrians been in the vicinity at the time of the accident. SMALL PIECES OF WORK WITHIN THE CHURCH/HALLS A big thank you to the members who have registered small areas 15 Friends of South Beach House The House has 34 permanent residents and 3 respite clients at present. The Care Inspectorate carried out an inspection over three days in December and generally everything went well. Overall they generally awarded grades 4 and 5, which are decent / high standards to achieve and the management team have an action plan already started to improve on these standards. All aspects relating to health and safety continue to be good. Various activities took place during November and December. On Dec 5 there was the annual buffet with entertainment afterwards and the Christmas Dinner for the residents and staff was held on Dec 12 while ‘Castaway’ provided the music. On December 14 the place was jam-packed with residents and vistors to see the staff panto. Everyone had a great laugh when they saw the male members of staff performing as the ugly sisters. Mr Fallon, as well as Mr & Mrs Mackie, played a few times during December - they always go down well with the residents. Stanley Primary School pupils also came and sang some Carols. I think it is fair to say that everyone enjoyed a lovely Christmas and New Year. At present the home has staff vacancies for a 35-hour care worker and also a 28-hour care worker. It is good to know that House Manager Mrs Margaret Cassidy, who has recently been seconded elsewhere, is to return back to South Beach House on 2 February 2015. Margaret is pleased to be returning as she wanted to celebrate her 40 years of service at South Beach House where she started work. We send best wishes to Margaret for her dedication and commitment to South Beach House. Martin Lightbody, who has been acting manager, is counting down the days until Margaret returns!! William C Stark Humourous quips There was a congregation that decided to have four worship services each Sunday. There was one for those new to the faith. Another for those who liked traditional worship. One for those who had lost their faith and would like to get it back. And yet another for those who had a bad experience with church and were complaining about it. They have names for each of the services too: FINDERS, KEEPERS, LOSERS, WEEPERS. Two keys hang in an undertaker’s office - one for the organ in the chapel; the other for one of the cars in the garage. Two small signs above the keys read “Hymn” and “Hearse.” 16 Sunday Church Door Duty Rota TEAM A TEAM B TEAM C TEAM D TEAM E Mrs P Martin Miss A Buick Mrs E Green Miss E Howie Mrs E McCracken Miss E Breakenridge Mrs J Hay Mrs M Hunter Mrs L Clark Mrs F Liddell Mr G Campbell Mrs B McWilliam Mrs V Bruce Miss M Paterson Mrs M Cooper Mrs E Murchie Mrs E Gaw Mrs S McCulloch Mrs M Cassidy Mrs A O’Hanlon Mr G Armstrong Mrs P Armstrong DATE TEAM COORDINATOR DATE TEAM COORDINATOR Feb 1st Team A Mrs Doris Kirkhope Mar 22nd Team C Mr A Dodds Feb 8th Team B Mr A Dodds Mar 29th Team D Mr A Mcdonald Feb 15th Team C Mr A Mcdonald April 5th Team E Mrs E McInnes Feb 22nd Team D Mrs E McInnes April12th Team A Mr A Colquhoun Mar 1st Team E Mr A Colquhoun April 19th Team B Mrs J Rainey Mar 8th Team A Mrs J Rainey April 26th Team C Mrs C Gilmour Mar 15th Team B Mrs C Gilmour May 3rd Team D Mr A Dodds Feb 1st FLOWER ROTA Mrs Clark FLOWER DISTRIBUTION Mr I Martin Feb 8th Mrs Harvey Mrs M Cooper Feb 15th Mrs J Rainey Mrs S McCulloch Feb 22nd Mrs Kirkhope Mrs M Darroch Mar 1st Mrs M Cannon Mrs E McCracken Mar 8th Mrs Flynn Mrs P Armstrong Mar 15th Mrs R & E Lee Mrs K Hyslop Mar 22nd Mr A Mcdonald Miss C Ewing Mar 29th Miss Hunter Mrs J Rainey 17 For Your Amusement: Books of the New Testament Maths in the Bible - Crossword Puzzle Across 1 Israelites spent ______ years in the wilderness 3 Jesus feeds the ______ thousands (John 6:10) 4 The length of Noah’s ark was 300 ______ or 450 ft (Genesis 6:15) 6 Ten percent of earnings 8 Oldest man in the Bible (Genesis 5: 27) 10 Days of Creation (Genesis 1: 3 - 26) 11 How many chapters in Proverbs? 13 Number of Beatitudes (Matthew 5 : 3 - 12) 15 Man’s days shall be a hundred and _____ years. (Genesis 6:3) 16 “... where two or ______ gather in my name, there am I ...” (Matt. 18:20) 17 ...if a house be _____ against itself....cannot stand (Mark 3:25) Down 1 Which commandment says “Honor your father & mother” 2 Number of disciples (Matthew 10: 2 -4) 5 Shape of the altar (Exodus 27:1) 6 The animals entered the ark by _______. 7 ..be fruitful and _______ (Genesis 1:22) 9 How many books in the New Testament? KJV 12 Name of Old Testament book 14 One of the ten plagues (Exodus 7 - 12) 16 Number of commandments (Exodus 20: 2 - 17) 18 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Ask your local pharmacist: You'll be taking good advice David Robb Plumbing All plumbing work undertaken Disabled Shower Specialist Gallagher Pharmacy 6 Central Ave, Ardrossan 01294 464044 41 Glasgow St, Ardrossan 01294 601761 1 New Street, Dalry 01294 833644 19 Dockhead St, Saltcoats 01294 463342 41 Hamilton St, Saltcoats 01294 463524 Saltcoats Health Centre 01294 602134 13 New Street, Stevenston 01294 6464259 Tel: 01294 463060 Mob: 07810 566480 DEE DEES CUTZ Gents’ Barber 3 Young Street, Ardrossan Tel: Donna Dunlop 07874 365415 www.deedeescutz.co.uk D&L Motor Co. 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