Clubs and Organizations Directory of Camrose and District by CDSS FAITH BASHAW MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Rte. 1, Bashaw, T0B 0H0, AB Phone: David Panton 780-372-2402 Membership Fee: Voluntary Association of Bashaw and area clergy. BASHAW UNITED CHURCH General Delivery, Bashaw, T0B 0H0, AB Phone: Rev. Robin King 780-372-3891 Bashaw United Church is one of the two congregations that make up Bashaw-Mirror Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada. This is an active congregation which meets Sundays at 11am (with a program for children) and has a variety of other programs running year round. Our vision statement is "Living God's love, sharing God's love." BAWLF EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN WOMEN General Delivery, Bawlf, T0B 0J0, AB Phone: 780-373-3929 BAWLF LUTHERAN CHURCH Box 26 , Bawlf, T0B 0J0, AB Phone: Bill Harder 780-373-3929 Fax: 780 672-3929 Meeting Dates: Sundays 9:30 am. Phone: Cynthia Baptist 780-672-5838 Meeting Place: Norsemen Inn Membership Fee: None Meeting Dates: Second Tuesday of every month, except July Monthly events with delicious food, a fun feature, great music and a special inspirational speaker. Complimentary childcare. Affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries Canada. CANADIAN INLAND MISSION INC. Box 975 , Rocky Mountain House, T4T 1A7, AB Phone: Rodger Rinker 403-989-3715 Also known as Arctic Outreach A mission for working on native reserves. CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE CAMROSE 5010 - 48 A ave, Camrose, T4V 0K8, AB Phone: 780-672-1131 (Church) Meeting Place: St. Francis Xavier Church Membership Fee: $22.00 Meeting Dates: First Monday each month. No meeting during July & August Fundraising body that provides support to community and charitable causes. CHURCHES OF CAMROSE Services are every Sunday at 9:30 am with Sunday School to follow. We have three Ladies' Circles (ELW) that meet monthly in morning, afternoon or evening time frames. There is also a confirmation program for instruction for younger people. Bible Studies and discussions happen at various times in the year, call (or come to a church service) for more information Camrose Churches are listed on the City of Camrose website at Camrose and area churches are listed on the Community Home Directory website at BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH Box 279 , New Norway, T0B 3L0, AB Phone: 780-678-5330 EAGLE'S WINGS MINISTRIES OF CANADA Box 1508 , Camrose, T4V 1X4, AB Phone: 780-679-0405 Fax: 780-672-1044 Meeting Place: public meeting place Norseman; otherwise in homes CAMROSE GIDEONS RR1, Bawlf, T0B 0J0, AB Phone: Harvey Benke 780-373-2572 Meeting Dates: 2nd Thurs each Sept through April, 2nd Wednesday of Nov annually, presentation of New Testaments to Grade 5 students Placement of bibles in all doctor's offices, hospital rooms, hotels, large print bibles in nursing homes. CAMROSE WOMEN'S CONNECTION Camrose, AB We conduct "Christ Centered" home gatherings in the comfort of your home! We teach and impart how to enter into His Presence. Hear His voice with music, scripture and prayer. See our website for youth media. EDBERG LUTHERAN CHURCH Box 86 , Edberg, T0B 1J0, AB Phone: Pastor Jeff Decelle 780-678-5330 Fax: 780-877-0141 EDBERG LUTHERAN WOMEN Created on 02/06/2015 08:02:51 page 1 / 4 Clubs and Organizations Directory of Camrose and District by CDSS Box 148, Edberg, T0B 1J0, AB Phone: Sharon Anderson (780) 855-2295 ELLICE FREE METHODIST CHURCH R.R. #1 , Bashaw, T0B 0H0, AB Phone: David Panton 780-372-2402 Fax: 780-372-2402 Meeting Place: 14 kms west of Bashaw on PH #605 Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship: 11:00 a.m. FERINTOSH UNITED CHURCH 179 Johnstone Street, Ferintosh, T0B 1M0, AB Phone: Rhonda Biggott 1-587-877-3697 The Ferintosh United Church holds Sunday services at 11:15 a.m. All are welcome. Tea time is 10:50 a.m. FULL GOSPEL BUSINESSMEN'S FELLOWSHIP Box 120, Heisler, T0B 2A0, AB Phone: Brian Wolbeck 780-889-2143 Meeting Place: Norsemen Inn - supper meeting 7 pm Membership Fee: $20 for monthly banquet meeting, $60 membership fee Meeting Dates: 2nd. Friday of each month HIGHLAND PARK EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH Box 99 , New Norway, T0B 3L0, AB Phone: 780-855-2555 (church) Sunday School- 9:30am Sundays Morning Worship Service11:00am Sundays JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 5201-46 St., Camrose, T4V 1H2, AB Phone: 780-672-4223 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Box 1328, Camrose, T4V 1X3, AB Phone: Bernie Boser 780-672-4932 Meeting Place: Knights of Columbus Hall Membership Fee: $35.00 Meeting Dates: 2nd. Wed. of every month except July & August Catholic Men's service organization MEETING CREEK EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH Box 61 , Meeting Creek, T0B 2Z0, AB Phone: Kelly Carlson 780-877-2182 We are a non-denominational group whose purpose is to proclaim the Word of the Lord. We do not function as a church but instead as a fellowship to draw people to Christ. Our motto: the happiest people on Earth. MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH CHOIR 4810 - 50 St., Camrose, T4V 2J7, AB Phone: Tova Olson 780-672-3444 GRACE LUTHERAN WOMEN'S AID 5306-50 Ave., Camrose, T4V 0T3, AB Phone: Letha Bertschi (780) 672-2092 Fax: (780) 672-3580 Meeting Place: Grace Lutheran Church Ladies Chorus - For women who prefer a daytime rehearsal, this group rehearses Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. They contribute to events in the community. Messiah Choristers - a choir of mixed voices that enjoys singing on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. For age 18 and up. Bible Study & Sunday School 9:15 AM Sunday Worship 10:30 AM MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN 4810-50 St., Camrose, T4V 1P5, AB Phone: Mary Broen 780-672-3442 Fax: (780-672-3716 Meeting Place: Messiah Lutheran Church GWYNNE COMMUNITY CHURCH R.R. #1 , Bittern Lake, T0C 0L0, AB Phone: Ronald Sherman 780-361-2362 Our Core Values reflect our reliance on the Word of God. HAY LAKES ST. JOSEPH LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN 21343 Secondary Hwy 623, Hay Lakes, T0B 1W0, AB Phone: Barb Bolton 780-467-0582 Meeting Place: Varies Membership Fee: Free will offering OUR LADY OF THE TRINITY Box 129, Bawlf, T0B 0J0, AB Phone: Lisa Decap-Dawson (780) 374-3943 Membership Fee: $16.00 Meeting Dates: 2nd Mondays- Sept to May To support the needs of St. Joseph Lutheran Church, our congregational family in our daily living, and reach out to those in the community in whatever way we can. Mailing Address: PO Box 27 Armena, AB T0B 0G0 Living Gospel values for God and Canada. OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN CHURCH Box 179 , Hay Lakes, T0B 1W0, AB Created on 02/06/2015 08:02:52 page 2 / 4 Clubs and Organizations Directory of Camrose and District by CDSS Phone: 780-878-3878 Fax: 780-878-3889 PARKLAND EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CONGREGATION OF OHATON R.R. #1 , Ohaton, T0B 3P0, AB Phone: Donald Olson 780-672-6043 ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 4 miles north, 6 miles west of Bashaw, on Hwy 53., Bashaw, T0B 0H0, AB Phone: Pastor Jeff Decelle 780-678-5330 Join us for worship on the first and third Sundays of the month at 11 a.m. Alberta Historical Site. ROSALIND UNITED CHURCH Box 49 , Rosalind, T0B 3Y0, AB Phone: Teresa Friend 780-375-2350 Meeting Place: Rosalind United Church ROUND HILL CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE General Delivery, Round Hill, T0B 3Z0, AB Phone: Linda Tomaszewski (780) 672-6104 RUTHENIAN GREEK CATHOLIC PARISH OF THE HOLY CROSS Box 111 , Hay Lakes, T0B 1W0, AB Phone: 780-672-7249 SALEM LUTHERAN CHURCH P.O. Box 87 , Kingman, T0B 2M0, AB Phone: 780-672-6102 (Church) Meeting Place: Salem Lutheran Church SCANDIA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN WOMEN Phone: Wendy Wenig (780) 672-2958 SCANDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH Box 27, Armena, T0B 0G0, AB Phone: Laura Mooney (780) 672-5159 Meeting Place: Scandia Lutheran Church SKUDESNESS EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN WOMEN RR 1, Bawlf, T0B 0J0, AB Phone: Delores Bruce 780-672-6714 SKUDESNESS LUTHERAN CHURCH R.R. #1 , Bawlf, T0B 0J0, AB Phone: Pastor Bill Harder 780-373-3929 Bill Harder is Pastors the: Bawlf Lutheran Church, Skudesness Lutheran Church, Zion Lutheran Church. THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY P.O. Box 87 , Bashaw, T0B 0H0, AB Phone: Father Eduardo Escober 780-372-3645 Fax: 780-372-3645 UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC PARISH OF TRANSFIGURATION OF ROUND HILL R.R. #1 , Ohaton, T0B 3P0, AB Phone: Tom Strilchuk 780-672-6682 Services provided on the 1st Sunday of every month. UNITED CHURCH WOMEN 4829-50 St., Camrose, T4V 1P6, AB Phone: Gloria Wimmer 780-672-2695 Fax: (780) 672-9189 Meeting Place: Camrose United Church Meeting Dates: First Monday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Our membership of 40 women meets in two groups once a month. We also have a general group which meets monthly to distribute information, plan activities, fund raisers and enjoy programs. Meetings consist of devotion and program (planned and led by different persons each month), business and fellowship. WILHELMINA LUTHERAN CHURCH Box 148 , Hay Lakes, T0B 1W0, AB Phone: 780 878-3878 WORLD MISSION PRAYER LEAGUE 5408-49 Ave., Camrose, T4V 0N7, AB Phone: 780-672-0464 We are a Lutheran missionary sending agency, with aproximately 120 cross-cultural workers in 18 countries. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Box 450 , Bashaw, T0B 0H0, AB Created on 02/06/2015 08:02:53 page 3 / 4 Clubs and Organizations Directory of Camrose and District by CDSS Phone: Pastor Jeff Decelle 780-372-3550 Join us for worship Sundays at 9:30 a.m. ZION UNITED CHURCH (NEW NORWAY) Phone: Rhonda Biggott 1-587-877-3697
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