The Visitor December 2014/January 2015 301 South Main Street Homer, Illinois 61849 (217) 896-2038 [email protected] Don’t Miss It “God had entered the world as a baby. Yet, were someone to chance upon the sheep stable on the outskirts of Bethlehem that morning, what a peculiar scene they would behold. The stable stinks like all stables do. The stench of urine, dung, and sheep reeks pungently in the air. The ground is hard, the hay scarce. Cobwebs cling to the ceiling and a mouse scurries across the dirt floor. A more lowly place of birth could not exist… He looks like anything but a king. His face is prunish and red. His cry, though strong and healthy, is still the helpless and piercing cry of a baby. And he is absolutely dependent upon Mary for his well-being. Majesty in the midst of the mundane. Holiness in the filth of sheep manure and sweat. Divinity entering the world on the floor of a stable, through the womb of a teenager and in the presence of a carpenter… Meanwhile, the city hums. The merchants are unaware that God has visited their planet. The innkeeper would never believe that he had just sent God into the cold. And the people would scoff at anyone who told them the Messiah lay in the arms of a teenager on the outskirts of their village. They were all too busy to consider the possibility. Those who missed His Majesty’s arrival that night missed it not because of evil acts or malice; no, they missed it because they simply weren’t looking. Little has changed in the last two thousand years, has it?” From “God Came Near” by Max Lucado In the midst of all the hubbub of the impending holiday season, can we sense the presence of the holy? Amid stressful schedules of programs, parties, decorating, and shopping is there something in the air that calls us to look up? Could it be that God will once again come near? Is it possible that this time we will stop long enough to recognize his presence? I believe that the holiness and mystery of this season is all around us and I pray that we can stop long enough to notice. Just as it happened on that night so many years ago, the holy comes to us in the midst of the ordinary and mundane. If we are waiting for some grand explosion of light or a mighty trumpet blast and a choir of 2 angels to begin singing the “Hallelujah Chorus,” then we just might miss it! God’s presence is in our midst. It’s there – it’s all around us. But do you see it? There is holiness in a group of teenagers shopping for gifts for kids whose lives are in turmoil and transition. There is joy in the air as children practice songs and skits for special programs at church and at school. There is expectation and mystery as we purchase or make the perfect gift for our loved ones. There is hopeful expectation in decorating the tree and hanging the lights. In the silence of the night, there are prayers being lifted – prayers for peace, prayers for healing, prayers for comfort. Oh, God’s presence is all around us, but all too often we miss it because we, too, are simply not looking! My prayer for all of us this season is that this time we won’t miss it! I pray that we will stop long enough to appreciate God’s holy presence among us. I am praying that every now and then something will catch us offguard and we will lift our eyes toward heaven to say, “I see you, Lord. Thank you for reminding me that you are always near!” With Great Expectation, Pastor Teri “How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given; So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of his heaven. No ear may hear his coming, but in this world of sin, Where meek souls will receive him, still the dear Christ enters in.” From “O Little Town of Bethlehem” 3 New Advent Study to Begin Beginning Monday, December 1, at 7:00 p.m., I will be leading a 5-week Advent Study based on the book “Not a Silent Night” by Rev. Adam Hamilton. Imagine Jesus from Mary’s point of view—proud of her son, in awe of his gifts and mission, guided by love for him as a person and so much more. In this book, Adam Hamilton begins at the end, with Mary at the crucifixion and resurrection; travels back in time as she witnesses his life and ministry; and ends at the beginning, with the Christ child born in a stable. This year, experience Advent and Christmas with Mary. The five sessions are: 1. Beginning with the End 2. The Piercing of Mary’s Soul 3. Amazed, Astounded, and Astonished 4. Mary, Full of Grace 5. It Was Not a Silent Night What a wonderful way to focus on the true meaning of Christmas! I hope that you will be a part of this wonderful Pastor Teri study. Holiday Community Dinner In celebration of Thanksgiving and Christmas, on Sunday, December 7, Homer UMC will host a FREE Holiday Community Dinner from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. The menu will be homemade beef and noodles, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, rolls, and brownies. So come in out of the cold and enjoy a delicious meal on us! 4 November 30 1st Sunday of Advent - Hanging of the Greens Have you ever wondered why we decorate the way we do and what all of the decorations represent? Well, you won’t want to miss this special worship service of decorating the church with lessons about the meaning behind the traditions. We will sing carols and welcome the season of Advent with the proper focus – Jesus Christ our Lord! December 7 - 2nd Sunday of Advent “That Strange Feeling” Mark 13:32-37 Do you ever wonder why you keep coming to church? Perhaps it’s because you sense that something is about to happen. As we begin this season of expectation and waiting, something is about to happen – Jesus is coming! December 14 - Third Sunday of Advent “The Forever Gift” Galatians 4:1-7 During this season we not only anticipate Christ’s return to us in glory but we celebrate what we have already been given – the forever gift. December 21 - Fourth Sunday of Advent “Listen to the Voices” Christmas Program December 24 - Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. “Do You See What They Saw?” Luke 2:8-14 The real joy of Christmas is not in material presents. No, it is receiving the only gift of Christmas that really matters, the Gift of God’s love in Jesus Christ. 5 The children of our church would love to invite you to join them for worship on Sunday, December 21, at 9:00 a.m. They will take you on a trip. No packing or travel plans will be necessary. All you need to bring is an active imagination! We will go back in time 2000 years to the little town of Bethlehem. You will enjoy meeting some of the people who lived there. To them, their hometown seemed small and unimportant. Nothing very exciting ever seemed to happen in Bethlehem. Nothing, that is, until the night which they will share with you. We love to receive gifts, but it is just as joyful to give a gift! Have you ever thought about the most wonderful gift of all? Hopefully, you know what that gift is, but if not, join us and listen closely. The Christmas Pageant “Listen to the Voices” will remind us all of the true meaning of Christmas and how to have real Christmas joy within our hearts. Christmas Pageant Practices ~ for all children through high school age~ * Sunday, December 7, during Sunday School * Sunday, December 14, during Sunday School * Saturday, December 20, 9:00-11:00 a.m. dress rehearsal at the church Treats Needed There will be a reception following the Christmas Program on December 21. We will need cookies, coffee cake, Christmas goodies, etc. If you are able to provide something for the reception, please sign up on the bulletin board. 6 The next meeting of the HUMC His & Hers Fellowship, will be on Monday December 8, at 6PM. We take this opportunity to extend an invitation to ALL men and women of the church to join us in our monthly dinner meeting. The goal of the group is to provide a fellowship meal and to continue the projects we do for the church each year, while exploring new ways to serve. Mark your calendar for December 8, for our monthly dinner meeting, and join us for food, fun, and fellowship. It’s Not Too Late! If you were unable to have your portrait taken, it’s not too late to be included in our new Church Directory. Just submit a photo to the church office by December 12. If you are submitting a professional photo, you will need a copyright release from the photographer. So give us your best shot – and we will make sure that you are included in our family album! Christian Education will be sponsoring a mitten tree that will be placed on the chancel throughout Advent. During the children's message each week children are invited to bring mittens, hats, gloves, scarves, and socks to hang on the tree. The donations will go to local charities for families in need. The children’s Sunday School classes would like you to save empty wrapping paper tubes for them. 7 Community Blood Services of Illinois will be holding a blood drive in Homer on Friday, December 26, receiving donations from 4 - 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Walk-ins are welcome, and you need not make an appointment. It is recommended that donors eat within four hours prior to giving blood, drink extra water the day before and the day of donating, and be sure to bring an ID with you. Remember, if you take just a few moments out of your day to give blood, it means that someone else will survive to see another day. Give blood December 26! Kum Joy Nus Christmas Party On Saturday, December 13, at 9:00 a.m. the Kum Joy Nus group will gather for their Christmas celebration. All women in the church are invited! Everyone is asked to bring a breakfast item or baked goodies to share. There will also be a “white elephant” gift exchange. So wrap something from your home that is gently used – do NOT buy anything new! These will be exchanged in a fun way. So ladies, plan on enjoying a fun morning of good food, fellowship, and fun as we celebrate the Christmas season together. Kum Joy Nus would like to thank everyone for their donations at the baked steak dinner. We will use the $868 for our commitments to Cunningham Children’s Home, Mumar Pingay – the international child we sponsor, and anything local that arises. 8 Christmas Food Vouchers The Kum Joy Nus women’s group is taking monetary donations for the holiday food vouchers for local families in need. The vouchers are from the Homer Country Market and cannot be used for alcohol or tobacco. Donations can be made to Kum Joy Nus and sent to the church by December 7. We thank you in advance for supporting this ministry. Thank You The Junior High group would like to thank all of you for your donations toward the Cunningham Children's Home Christmas. Your donations allowed us to go shopping with $1233.00. It was a great experience for the kids to provide gifts for other kids as well as feel the support of their church family. Everyone was in awe of your great generosity. Thanks to all of you from all of us! Jordyn Carter Kayla Carter Megan Meister Rianna Rothermel Lynnae Struck Noelle Woodmansee Char Meister Deanne Rothermel Lisa Woodmansee We extend Christian Sympathy to the family of Mary Lareau who passed away November 22, and to Julie Katterhenry whose father passed away November 24. 9 Aluminum Can Cart Remember to recycle after your holiday gatherings with family and friends! Twenty-five percent of all proceeds are shared quarterly with Homer Churches Cooperating to help fund the much needed milk money program at the Heritage Elementary School. The balance is used locally, regionally, and occasionally globally for ministries including local food vouchers for families, emergency aid, and funds to both the Ogden and Broadlands food pantries. When you stop by to recycle you will notice the aluminum can recycling bin at the city building has recently received a face lift with some paint and a new sign. It was acquired by HUMC a number of years ago, after it was built as an Eagle Scout project, and continues to be a blessing of revenue for local ministries through the HUMC Missions committee. It is also a gift to the earth as we recycle our aluminum and scrap metals, reducing waste that would otherwise end up in landfills, stashed in a corner of our garage or shed, or as trash along the roadside. If you would like to help us with this quiet but important outreach ministry of HUMC, please contact Sue Smith (896-2698) or the church office. And thank you for all your aluminum and scrap metal donations! Please continue to remember this ministry as you recycle cans, aluminum siding, or other scrap metals. As we look to the future, it is the desire of the Missions Committee to keep the aluminum can funds in the community so all your donations will stay in Homer and the surrounding area in 2015. 10 2014 Christmas Giving and Volunteer Opportunities As you reflect back on the prosperity and blessings from God in 2014, perhaps you are wondering what you can do to share your abundance with others. The HUMC missions committee has compiled a short list of local, regional, and global organizations that would welcome a gift of support this holiday season. May God bless you as you share what you have with others. LOCAL: Food Vouchers The Kum Joy Nus women's group is collecting funds for food vouchers from Homer Country Market to help families in the Homer area. Donations (cash/check only) should be made out to Kum Joy Nus. Deadline for donations – December 7 Food Pantries A canvas bin is in the foyer of HUMC for donations through Wednesday, December 10. Pick up a shopping list by the bin for suggested items. Broadlands Christmas Food Pantry – December date TBA (Usually meets the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month) Ogden Food Pantry – December 20 (Usually meets the 3rd Saturday of the month) HUMC Mitten Tree Hats, gloves, scarves, and mittens will be going to the Broadlands and Ogden Food Pantries. Donations may be placed on the Mitten Tree in the sanctuary through New Year's Day. Items will be distributed in January. 11 REGIONAL: Cunningham Children's Home – Urbana, IL The mission of Cunningham Children's Home is to offer emotional, social, educational, and spiritual support to children, youth, and families by providing a safe, nuturing, therapeutic environment in which individuals may experience personal growth and blessing. The Salvation Army – Kettle Bell ringing, Angel Tree at Marketplace Mall, toy shop helpers, and more. GLOBAL: Midwest Distribution Center Compassionately helping God's people in need with supplies locally, nationally, and around the world. Ebola Aid: UMCOR – United Methodist Committee on Relief Administrative costs are covered by the annual One Great Hour of Sharing special offering so every dollar donated goes to projects. Liberia Partnership (pastor support, scholarships, reconstruction, ebola) – An ongoing project of the Great Rivers Conference of The United Methodist Church. Please check the church website for more mission information. 12 Missionary Pledges Being Accepted During January and February HUMC has a long history with Margaret Farnsworth (from Paris and later Ogden, IL) as a missionary to people around the world. We have enjoyed walking beside her in ministry to Kenya, then Kazakhstan, and now again in Kenya where she has joyfully returned. As in the past, we are looking for families or individuals who would like to partner with Margaret by helping with her living expenses as she works and ministers to the people of Kenya. Our goal is to provide $120 per month to the Missions Society to support her ministry. You are welcome to pledge a whole month and pay in full or in installments throughout the year, or pledge whatever you are able. One-time donations or additional support are also welcome. The missions committee will be set up in the foyer after worship during January. Please stop by, learn more about Margaret and her work in Kenya, and prayerfully consider joining with her to bring the love of Christ to the world. If you have questions or would like to know more, contact Sue Smith, missions chair, at 896-2698 or stop by the church office. 13 Budget Comparison 2014 and 2015 BUDGET PART ONE, Beyond Our Walls 2014 2015 APPORTIONED FUND 501 Clergy Support/Administration $10,788 $ 10,272 502 World Service/Conference Benevolence And Connectional Ministries 6,444 6,012 SUBTOTAL $17,232 $ 16,284 TOTAL BUDGET PART ONE $ 17,232 $ 16,284 BUDGET PART TWO, Our Mission in Our Local Church LINE ITEM 2014 2015 600 General Program Supplies $ 1,200 $ 1,800 601 Confirmation 50 200 602 Minister Travel @ .55/mile 1,000 1,000 603 Minister’s Continuing Education 250 250 606 Outreach & Missions 500 700 607 Annual Conference Delegate/Spouse 400 400 608 Homer Churches Cooperating 240 240 609 Annual Conference Pastor Expense 600 400 611 Parish Nurse 100 100 SUBTOTAL $ 4,590 $ 5,090 AGE LEVEL MINISTRIES 620 Senior High 621 Junior High 622 Camp Tuition 623 Vacation Bible School SUBTOTAL 2014 450 450 1,000 1,500 $ 2,900 2015 450 450 0 1,500 $ 2,400 $ 7,490 $ 7,490 $ TOTAL BUDGET PART TWO BUDGET PART THREE, Operating Our Local Church SALARIES 2014 2015 700 Puzey & Wright $ 300 $ 300 701 Pastor Salary 44,400 46,600 702 Pastoral Pension—Church Share 9116 10,193 703 Pastor’s Health Insurance Allowance 17,520 12,000 704 Parsonage Lights 1,200 1,200 14 705 Parsonage Water 250 706 Parsonage Sewer 650 710 Secretary (Max. 15 hrs. – $15.00 hr) 5,500 711 Choir Director 0 712 Nursery Attendant ($10.25 hr) 1,500 715 Janitor 6,650 726 Guest Speakers (@$100 per) 400 727 Church Portion of Social Security 1,000 SUBTOTAL $ 88,486 TRUSTEE/BUILDINGS 740 Insurance (Buildings) 742 Workman’s Compensation 745 Building Maintenance Fund 747 Moving Expense Fund 748 Grounds Maintenance SUBTOTAL UTILITIES 750 AMEREN 751 Water 752 Sewage 753 Hauling 755 Cable/Telephone/Internet SUBTOTAL OFFICE 760 Postage 761 Copier—Copies 762 Copier—Lease 763 Paper and Envelopes 765 Office Miscellaneous SUBTOTAL TOTAL BUDGET PART THREE 15 250 650 6,500 0 1,000 6,650 400 1,000 $ 86,743 2014 $ 4,750 800 3,000 100 400 $ 9,050 2015 4,750 800 3,000 100 0 $ 8,650 2014 $ 10,000 200 500 500 1,600 $ 12,800 2015 $ 10,000 200 500 500 2,000 $ 13,200 2014 $ 600 540 660 250 100 $ 2,150 2015 $ 700 700 660 250 200 $ 2,510 $ 112,486 $ 111,103 TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL BUDGET PART ONE $ 17,232 $ 16,284 TOTAL BUDGET PART TWO $ 7,490 $ 7,490 TOTAL BUDGET PART THREE BUDGET TOTAL $ 112,197 $ 111,103 $ 137,208 $ 134,877 Balanced Budget … $ 2593.79 per week Balanced Budget … $ 11,239.75 per month 1.46% percent decrease Administrative Council Minutes November 13, 2014 Attending: Jeane Taylor, Pastor Teri Shane, Mary Kay Anderson, Bruce Bryan, Rene Hudson, Kent Krukewitt, Susie Mohr, Mary Preston, Tom Smith, Sue Smith, Pat Varvel, and Dave Wingate Call to Order: Jeane Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Devotions were read from the September Our Faith Today about lessons learned from a garbage dump. Minutes: October Minutes were read and reviewed. A correction was made in the Pastor’s Report where it stated that Dave Wingate has brought a 5-minute DVD from the 16 Voice of the Martyrs to Pastor Teri for review and possible use. Instead it should read that Dave Wingate sent a link for the 5-minute DVD from the Voice of the Martyrs to Pastor Teri. Pastor Teri did obtain the link (it was free of charge) and she shared it with the small groups one Sunday. Tom Smith motioned to accept the correction to the October minutes, and Dave Wingate seconded it. The motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: Copies of the Church Treasurer’s Report for September and October were presented. We have reached a shortfall period meaning that our expenses are more now than the income being received. However, we did receive a Certificate from our Charge Conference that all of our church apportionments have been met for the year. Kent Krukewitt motioned that we accept the reports as presented; Bruce Bryan seconded it. The motion carried. Dave Wingate said that Kristie Wright has been approached to take over part of the church treasurer’s duties for next year. She already does the church’s tax reports now and knows the tax laws. She will balance the books each month and do a computerized report. Susie Mohr will continue to write the checks and sign them. We will pay Kristie $100 a month for her bookkeeping. Kristie is willing to do this. We have reached the point where our financial records need to be done professionally. Discussion then followed that the 2015 Church Budget had already been accepted at our recent Charge Conference in October. Dave Wingate said that a Finance Committee meeting needed to be held before December 11, 2014, to discuss and recommend the hiring of a church treasurer. At that meeting it will be recommended to add another line item of $1200 per year and to amend the 2015 church budget 17 to reflect it. It will then be sent to the district office. Trustees Treasurer’s Report: The report was presented and reviewed. It was decided to drop the wording Designated Memorials and just list them as Memorials in the report. The Trustees Secretary will keep track of the designated memorials and the undesignated ones. Mary Kay Anderson motioned to accept the Trustees Treasurer’s Report; Bruce Bryan seconded the motion. Motion carried. Trustees’ Report: Bruce Bryan reported that the Trustees did not meet in October. Necessary reports and forms have been filled out with the Secretary of State so that our Church is incorporated. This is a protection for our church and its members. Bruce also stated that the back parking light had been replaced and was now working. Pastor/Parish: Kent Krukewitt said that the committee met with our new District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Rose Booker Jones after our Charge Conference to get acquainted with her. The Pastor/Parish Committee will be meeting November 18, to fill out information that our new District Superintendent has asked from us so that she can get to know us better. She has asked some subjective questions and wants to know what we think our strengths and weaknesses are. Christian Education: Mary Kay Anderson reported that she was unable to obtain any curriculum for the Blast Kids that we had not already used. She did have some that Suzy Burwell had left with the church that was new for the kids and could be used now. 18 Beginning in January, a sign-up sheet for Coffee Hour will be posted so that those who do not attend the small study groups on Sunday morning may want to provide a coffee hour sometimes, and therefore, it does not always fall on the small group members. There will be a Mitten Tree this year. Laura and Mary Jenkins are in charge of the Christmas Program and will be working with the children to help them prepare their parts. Outreach, Church and Society: Pat Varvel reported that the committee is providing 26 children with milk at our elementary school. They also have paid one Ameren utility bill. The committee is very low on funds right now but did receive $36 from the recycling of aluminum cans. They will also receive the offering from the Community Thanksgiving Service to be held at the Congregational Church on November 23. Kum Joy Nus: Jeane said they will be hosting a baked steak dinner Saturday, November 15. They will be accepting a free will offering. This is the only fundraiser they plan to have. Mary Kay Anderson sent out 49 letters to local businesses asking for donations (as of yet not many responses back). The Kum Joy Nus group uses the donations to provide food vouchers for those in need. Missions: Sue Smith reported the following: A canned food drive will be going on during the church directory photo shoot. The canned goods will be going to support the food pantry. Cindy Hubert is working on the Holiday food pantry collection schedules for the Ogden and Broadlands Churches. The aluminum can cart and sign have been repaired and 19 painted. The cart will soon be moved to the side of the garage at the city building. We will be participating in the Homer Community Festival of Trees at the City Building. The tree will be going up during Thanksgiving weekend. Nativities will be accepted for display. Please see Sue if you have something you would like to share. The 2015 Voice of the Martyr prayer calendars have been ordered and will be available on the bench near the map wall. The Missions Committee met with the Community Dinner committee in October to discuss this ministry of our church. The 2015 CommYOUnity dinner schedule was set, and the calendar will be shared with other small groups in the church. The Missions Committee in the past has printed out a Christmas Giving and Volunteer Opportunities Brochure during the Holiday Season. Sue was wondering if this should once again be printed and included in the church bulletins and December newsletter and passed out to the small groups. The Council agreed that this was a very good idea and that it should be continued. Sue reported that the Junior High Youth Fundraiser for Cunningham was very nice and that the youth group will be going shopping soon for gifts for the Cunningham youth. Lay Leader update: The 2014 Annual Conference report is on CD for anyone who might want to review it. Pastor’s Report: Pastor Teri gave an update on her activities over the past month. Looking ahead: 1. She and Pastor Don will be doing a pulpit exchange on November 16. 20 2. November 20, Pastor Teri will lead vespers at the Pleasant Meadows Nursing Home in Chrisman. 3. November 23, Community Thanksgiving Worship Service at 5 p.m. at the United Congregational Church. 4. November 24 & 25, Photo Shoot days for our Church Directory. 5. November 30, Pastor Teri will be doing a Hanging of the Greens Service during Worship. 6. December 7, Free Community Holiday Dinner – 4:30-6:30 p.m. 7. December 21, Christmas Program during worship. 8. December 24, Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship 7 & 11 p.m. Pastor Teri asked that volunteers help bring up the church Christmas decorations from the basement after church services on Sunday, November 23, so that some of the prep work can be done before the Hanging of the Greens Worship service on December 30. Volunteers are needed to help out during Photo shoot days November 24 and 25. They are needed to host and to help with check-in. She reported that there are not enough showing up for choir practice to probably be able to continue. Pastor Teri said that Chris and Chantelle Thompson have redone our Church Web site, and it is very nice. Please check it out. Thank you, Chris and Chantelle! Susie Mohr has donated linens for our communion services at the church. Thank you, Susie! Jeane Taylor adjourned the Council meeting at 8:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Mary Preston 21 Ushers: December 7 and 14 Kent Krukewitt and Larry Frick December 21 and 28 Bruce and Bailey Bryan January 4 and 11 January 18 and 25 Jim and Tom Smith Bill and Mary Davis Greeters: December 7 December 14 December 21 December 28 Mary Kay Anderson Helen Bear Bob and Jody Bryan Tom and Sue Smith January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 Virgil and Margaret Carrington Katie Woodmansee Adora Strohl Doug Driscoll Acolytes: Volunteers 22 Altar flowers are a great way of remembering or honoring a loved one. Please consider providing fresh flowers one week. The 2015 sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board. Our ancestors gave us a gift of a church more than 100 years ago! Because of their generosity, that gift is still alive, vital, and functioning. Do you want to pass that same gift on to your children and grandchildren? One of the best things any of us can do is to remember our church when we write our wills. It can mean everything to a future generation. Please remember your church in your will! Please consider receiving the newsletter electronically. The electronic version has colorful pictures, searchable text, and a full index. By switching to the electronic version of the newsletter, you can save the church postage and copier costs each month. Please contact the office to make the change. The newsletter deadline for the February edition will be January 26. Send articles to Becci Powers at [email protected]. 23 December 2014 Events Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Bible Study, 7:00 2 Cub Scouts, 6:30 Boy Scouts, 7:00 3 Choir Practice, 7:00 4 4H, 6:00 Finance, 7:00 5 6 7 commYOUnity dinner, 4:30-6:30 8 His & Hers, 6:00 Bible Study, 7:00 9 Cub Scouts, 6:30 Boy Scouts, 7:00 10 Choir Practice, 7:00 11 Ad Council, 7:00 12 Junior High Youth, 6:00-8:00 13 Kum Joy Nus, 9:00 Fellowship Hall Reserved 14 15 Bible Study, 7:00 16 Cub Scouts, 6:30 Girl Scouts, 6:30 Boy Scouts, 7:00 17 Choir Practice, 7:00 18 Trustees, 7:00 19 20 Play Practice, 9:00-11:00 Fellowship Hall Reserved 21 Christmas Program 22 Bible Study, 7:00 23 24 Candlelight Service, 7:00 & 11:00 25 26 Blood Drive, 4:00-7:00 27 Winter Begins 28 Christmas 29 Bible Study, 7:00 30 31 January 2015 Events Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cub Scouts, 6:30 Boy Scouts, 7:00 7 8 Homer Churches Cooperating, 9:00 Ad Council, 7:00 9 10 11 12 His & Hers, 6:00 13 Cub Scouts, 6:30 Boy Scouts, 7:00 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Girl Scouts, 6:30 Cub Scouts, 6:30 Boy Scouts, 7:00 21 22 23 24 25 commYOUnity dinner, 4:30-6:30 26 27 Cub Scouts, 6:30 Boy Scouts, 7:00 28 29 Trustees, 7:00 30 31 Newsletter deadline December 2014 Celebrations Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Keith Kilian 2 Dick & Diane Freeman Jack & Bobbie Newlin Sean Taylor 3 Jody Bryan 4 Carolyn Cole Noelle Woodmansee 5 6 7 8 Judy Frick 9 Deb Buchanan Cindy Hubert 10 Kenneth Umbarger Bill & Mary Davis 11 Char Meister 12 13 14 15 Roy Woodmansee 16 17 Harold Kilian 18 Kelly Hubert 19 Lisa Woodmansee Adrien Wilson 20 Mary Davis 21 Becci Powers 22 Ben George 23 Jami Bryan Joan Tate Virgil & Margaret Carrington Darrin & Pam Tate 24 Dale Katterhenry Jazzmyn Mills 25 26 Margaret Carrington 28 29 30 Ted & Becci Powers Jeff Taylor 31 27 Sandi Hire January 2015 Celebrations Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Bev Umbarger Kent & Marilyn Lee 2 3 Jerry Berbaum Ginger Laws 4 Virgil Carrington Dick Freeman 5 Corinne George 6 Terry Pruitt 7 8 Mary Kay Anderson 9 Bruce Bryan 10 Bruce Barnes Jaime Phillips 11 Julie Katterhenry 12 Lori Rushing 13 Bobbie Newlin Finn Spaith 14 15 Rylan White 16 17 18 Heath Preston 19 20 Kenneth Jones 21 Bob & Jody Bryan George Meister 22 23 Joan Lane 24 25 Lex Lane Linda Mayes George & Cindy Hubert 26 Adam Bear 27 Bruce & Jami Bryan 28 Dorothy Brown 29 Anna Brieden 30 31 Diane Freeman Address Service Requested December/January at a Glance Advent Bible Study pg 4 Holiday Dinner pg 4 Advent Schedule pg 5 Children’s Program pg 6 Blood Drive pg 8 Missions pg 10 2015 Budget pg 14 Ad Council Minutes pg 16 Ushers & Greeters pg 22 2015 Ad Council insert Homer United Methodist Church 301 South Main Street Homer, IL 61849
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