Fade In. Overview of Lovat é , Night The city is blooming with lights. Skyscrapers a plenty, the darkness is casted away by the city’s lights. Pencil scribbles can be heard in the background. Leon [V.O] Dear Natalie, how are you? It’s been a while since we’ve actually talked face to face. I miss you...wait. A squeaky eraser can be heard rubbing on the paper. Leon [CONT’D, V.O] That’s going to sound weird. Um...how’re youwait, I already said that. Hmm. Oh! The writing continues. Leon [V.O] Uh, I know you’re wondering why I’m sending you a message via old fashion letters. There’s a reason for that, and the reason is, well, I don’t currently have internet in my apartment. Or a phone. So I can’t email, or text you. I guess it is a little weird to receive actual, physical letters in this day and age but trust me, it’s not as weird as the week I’ve had. Ent. Int. Leon’s Apartment, Night. Leon is sitting by his desk with a lamp shining down the piece of paper he’s writing on. Boxes are sloppily scattered around the room, along with various clothes, knick knacks, and several other pieces of items. The room is a complete mess. Leon [V.O] I know you wanted me to contact you as soon as I’ve settled down. Well, I can’t really say I have settled down. I’ve just sort of, heh, “accepted” my current position. Leon smiles as he continues to write. He takes the time to look at his room and contently sighs. Leon [V.O] Don’t get me wrong, I really like it here! And I’m not unhappy, just a little confused. I suppose you don’t know what I’m talking about, huh? Well, I’ll tell you. It all started five days ago, on the first day I moved in here. Flashback, Int. 3rd Floor, Apartment Hallway, Day. Footsteps can be heard coming up the stairs. The footsteps get louder and louder as it approaches the camera. Cauli [O.S] And make sure to use the elevator sparingly. It’s not really optimal for going up and down. Leon [O.S] Um, ook… An old lady is walking up the stairs, followed by Leon who is struggling to keep up with his various boxes in hand. Cauli Any questions, Mr. Gallagher? Leon NNo ma’am. Well, actually, could you tell me where my apartment is, please? Cauli points to the door next to her. Cauli Right here, pumpkin. Leon Oh, uh, well, thank you! Cauli Here are the keys. Cauli hands Leon the keys to his new apartment. Leon attempts to grab them but drops it in a struggle to keep in balance with the boxes. Leon Oh… Cauli Are you sure you don’t need any help? Leon II’m fine miss, thank you! Cauli Well OK, but if you do need any assistance, don’t hesitate to ask Esther for help. Leon Esther? Cauli Your neighbor. Cauli points down the hall. Cauli She lives just down there. She’s a little timid around people, but I’m sure if you coerce her enough she’ll lend a hand. Leon Oh, uh, I’ll keep that in mind! Cauli Please do. Cauli is heading down the stairs. Leon kneels down and gently places the boxes down on the floor and picks up his key. Cauli stops in her tracks and turns around. Cauli Oh, and Mr. Gallagher? Leon looks back at her. Leon Yes, ma’am? Cauli Welcome to Lovat é. Cauli continues to walk down the stairs. Leon looks at his key and subtly smiles. He unlocks his door, opens it slightly, grabs his boxes of clothes and enters his room. Cut to. INT. Leon’s Apartment, Day. Leon places his boxes on the floor and looks at his new abode. His grin widens and he begins to chuckle slightly. EXT. Apartment Sidewalk, Day Credits sequence begins. Montage of Leon traveling back and forth between his apartment and outside to his car, where most of his other furniture and various other items are. Leon [V.O] Like I told you before, the reason I wanted to come to L ovat é in the first place was to start a new life. Be somewhere new. It was nice living upstate for a while, but I eventually got, well, bored of it. Don’t get me wrong, we had a lot of fun there as kids! But when you left, well, it just didn’t feel like home anymore. I wanted a change in scenery, so when I Leon [V.O] found out that bar was still open I sort of saw it as a sign that I should move on. A few hours pass by, it’s almost evening. Leon has a few more items to bring in, and that would be his mattress and his desk. Leon frowns and sighs. Leon I’m going to need some help on this one… Cut to Apartment Hallway. Leon is in front of Esther’s door. Classical music is audible through the door. Not too loud, but also not very subtle. Leon hesitates to knock on the door as his hand hovers over it. Leon Man...get it together Leon, you’re in a new town, a new place! Maybe Esther is friendly!...or, maybe she’s not. Hmm...oh man… Leon looks down the hall. Leon MMaybe I don’t need someone to help me. Cut to. Outside, Apartment Leon is outside in front of his car, struggling to get the mattress out of the car. He tries getting the desk out, but it proves to be too heavy. Leon tries desperately, but to no avail does it move. Back to. Apartment Hallway Leon is, again, in front of Esther’s door. The classical song that was playing before is no longer audible, and instead there is another classical piece playing. Leon I guess I have no choice… Leon takes in a deep breath, hovers his hand over the door, and knocks twice. The volume on the song is clearly lowered. Footsteps can be heard approaching the door. Leon’s heart races as the door is unlocked and it is opened slightly. A face can be seen through the crack of the door. Esther What do you want? Leon UUh...are you Esther? Esther ...Yes? Can I help you? Leon Well, funny you should mention that, because I actually did come by to ask for your help! YYou see, I’m your neighbor and Esther Neighbor? Really? Leon Yes...II just moved here. Esther Where? Leon Um...ddown there. Esther opens the door and looks down the hall, seeing a few boxes beside a door. Esther scowls and looks at Leon. Leon IIs something wrong? Esther sighs. Esther No. I just thought I would enjoy peace and quiet for another couple of years. Guess that’s not possible anymore. Leon Oh, have you had trouble with neighbors before? Esther No, I haven’t. And I sure hope I won’t have trouble in the future. Esther glares at Leon. Leon avoids eye contact and his face becomes red. Leon I’ll try to keep out of your way… Esther Not doing a very good job right now. Esther leans on her door frame and folds her arms. Esther [CONT’D] So, what is that you need? Leon Oh, uh Esther Because I really hope you didn’t just knock on my door for a simple howdoyoudo. I’m very busy right now. Esther’s glare continues, Leon tries to avoid looking at her eyes, but at the same time, Leon does not want to back down. He takes one big gulp and continues. Leon LLike I said, I need your help. Esther With what? Leon I uh, I have a few things that I can’t quite bring upstairs by myself. Esther So? Use the elevator. Leon The elevator is too small. It can’t fit what I’m trying to bring in. Besides, I can’t even get what I need OUT of the car, let alone into an elevator. Esther sighs and frowns as she rubs her forehead with her index finger and thumb. Leon I’m sorry...if you can’t help, then I’ll just...well, actually I can’t do much without somebody’s help. Esther How many things do you need help with? Leon Uh, just a desk and a mattress. Esther takes another deep sigh. Esther Alright, fine. I’ll help. But I don’t want to hear from you for the rest of this week. Scratch that, for the rest of your days living here. Got it? Leon YYeah… Esther Let me just put some shoes on first. As Esther goes to find some shoes, Leon looks inside her apartment and sees what looks like a cauldron in her fireplace. Leon is visibly befuddled. OUT. Apartment Sidewalk, Day Leon and Esther are both outside in front of Leon’s car, a shabbily old green car with a stripe wood finish. Esther Guessing this poor excuse of a car is yours? Leon No need to be so mean about it, this car was able to take me all the way down here… Esther Doesn’t seem to have much left in it. But enough chit chat, let’s just get this over with. Leon opens his trunk and the mattress springs out and hits his stomach. He groans in pain. Esther Huh… Leon I’m...I’m OK. Esther shrugs Esther I didn’t ask. Leon gets back up. The two of them attempt to get the mattress out of the car. Leon OK, on the count of three. One. Two. THREE! Both of them attempt to pull the mattress out. As much as they try, they can’t seem to get it out. Leon It’s stuck… Esther Yeah, I noticed. Esther said sarcastically. Leon walks around the car and opens his door. He doesn’t notice anything visibly tangled onto the mattress. Leon I just don’t get it… The mattress is caught on a piece of metal sticking out of the car. Oblivious of this, Leon goes back to Esther. Esther Not sure, huh? Leon No… Esther Let’s just try harder this time. Brute force it. Leon grabs a corner of the bed, Esther grabs another corner. Esther On three? Leon Mhm. Esther + Leon One, two, THREE! The two of them pull harder this time. The mattress begins to come out of the car, but the metal is tearing the side of the mattress apart. They pull harder and harder and, in the end, they were successful in pulling the mattress out of the car. Leon Alright, we did it! Esther Hmm...was that cut always there? Leon Cut? What cut? Esther points at the huge gash across the side of the mattress. Leon’s smile quickly turns into a frown. Leon Oh...no...it wasn’t always there… Leon puts his hand on his face and groans. INT. Apartment Stairway, Evening Leon and Esther ascend the stairs with the mattress in hand. Leon has the front end walking backwards up the stairs, while Esther holds the back walking forwards. Esther This is such a pain...why did I agree to this? Leon Sorry, what was that? Esther I said this is a pain in the ass! Leon OOh...oh OK… An awkward silence befalls the two as they continue to go up the stairs. The silence continues until they reach the 3rd floor. Leon and Esther make it upstairs and Esther drops the mattress. Unprepared, Leon fumbles backwards. Esther Alright, now let’s get your stupid desk. Leon looks blankly at Esther, a bit confused and also a little intimidated. They both descend down the stairs. The awkward silence between the two continues. Leon SSo, um, Esther Esther What’s your name? Leon What? Esther Your name. You keep calling me by my name, yet I don’t know yours. It’s a little rude, don’t you think? Leon Oh! I’m sorry! I’m Leon, Leon Gallagher. Um, I don’t actually know your full name… Esther You don’t need to know my full name. Esther’s plenty enough information. Leon I see… The silence continues. Esther Sighs Esther But seeing as how you gave me your full name...my name is Esther Strange. Leon Esther Strange...it’s a nice name. Esther Yeah whatever. EXT. Apartment Sidewalk, Evening The duo stands beside the car. Leon OK, time to get the desk out. Esther Whoopdy doo. The two get the desk out. While easier to remove from the car than the bed, it proved to be much heavier. Esther Good grief! What is this thing made of!? Leon Wood. Esther Whoever made this was a sociopath! This is way too heavy! Leon Um...II made this. Esther Oh… Leon and Esther make their way up the stairs in the same formation as the bed. However, the two struggle to get up the stairs this time. Esther and Leon are at an impasse and can’t seem climb up any further. Leon Ugh...wanna take a break? Esther Yes! The two put down the desk. Esther sits down on the step of the stairs leading down, while Leon sits on the desk itself. Leon I’m sorry, Esther… Esther As long as you keep your promise, I won’t have a problem with this. Leon What promise? Esther glares at Leon Leon OOh! Right! II remember… A few moments of silence passes by. Esther So. Leon, was it? Leon is startled by Esther’s sudden talking. Leon Um, yes? Esther How long are you planning on living here? Leon Like, here in this apartment, or here in this town? Esther Apartment. I couldn’t care less what town you live in. Leon I’m not sure. I thought maybe a couple of years or so. Esther Hmm. Leon I don’t even have a job yet, so I can’t really determine if I can afford someplace nicer. Though there is one place I had in mind, that is, a place to work I mean. Esther Well, whenever you do decide to move out, make sure you don’t ask any favors from me again. Esther stands up and stretches. Esther [CONT’D] I’d hate to bring this hunk of wood back down. Esther places her hands on her end of the desk Leon I’m guessing break time is over? Esther I’d rather be done now than to come to my senses and give up halfway. Leon stands up and grabs a hold onto his side. The two ascend the stairs, again struggling to get up each step. They reach the third floor, and Esther promptly drops it. She begins to walk down the hall. Leon EEsther! Can we at least take it to my room?! Esther stops midway. She looks back at Leon. Esther You asked if I could help you bring a few things upstairs. I did. Now you need to keep up with your end of the bargain. Don’t bug me again. Esther enters her apartment and shuts the door. Leon looks down the hall, baffled. He sighs, and after a moment of silence, Leon drags the heavy desk inside his apartment. He is clearly struggling to drag it inside. Cut to. INT. Leon’s Apartment, Night Leon is seen scribbling down on his piece of paper. Leon [V.O] And, well, that’s how the encounter with one of my neighbors went...I’m still not very good at talking to girls, hehe. Well, that was what happened on my first day, I’ll write about my second day tomorrow. Right now, I’m exhausted. Leon momentarily pauses. Leon Wait, why did I write that? He flips his pencil and begins to scrub away the the last sentence. As he erases his words, the paper begins to shake by itself. Leon notices and is startled. The piece of paper then rises up by itself and moves from left to right. Then it suddenly begins to tear itself down the middle. Leon’s eyes widen and he grabs the paper out of the air. Leon No! You can’t expect me to write that much again! Leon is essentially talking to the air. He looks at his paper and sees a rather big tear, luckily the tear stops a quarter of the way down the paper. Leon puts down the piece of paper on his desk. Leon I guess that’s a sign that I should probably stop writing… Leon wearily heads to his bed and lays down on the mattress face first. INT. Leon’s Apartment, Day Leon is seen sitting by his desk, writing more. Leon [V.O] The second day here in L ovat é was when things started to get a bit, um, strange. Well, strange isn’t really the word I’m looking for. More like...odd. Leon momentarily stops writing. Leon [V.O] Look, I’m not good with words, just read the rest, OK? EXT. City Sidewalk, Day Leon is walking with a smile on his face. The current coldfront makes his breath visible. Everyone on the street is wearing warm clothing, but nothing too excessively warm. Leon [V.O] Do you remember that bar we found at L ovat é? Probably not, you have terrible memory. It was that bar we went to as kids when we got lost during that field trip. Leon looks at a small business card that has “Saint Dame” written on it, along with directions. A random person walks by him. Leon Um, excuse me sir? Can you tell me where this street is? The passerby stops and instructs Leon where to go Leon [V.O] I don’t know what it is about that bar, but that place really stuck an impression on me. Almost as if I just, I dunno, belonged there. That’s...weird, isn’t it? Leon Thank you sir! The passerby walks away and Leon heads towards the direction that man pointed him at. Leon [V.O] Either way, I was really interested in going back. I heard they’re currently hiring, so I wanted to check it out. Leon stops in front of Saint Dame. Leon’s grin widens. He walks up the steps leading to the front door. Leon [V.O] Little did I know that my life was going to change the very moment I opened that door. Leon opens the door. As soon as he does, Ducky springs out from the other side of the door. Ducky YOU’RE FINALLY HERE!! Leon GAH! Leon is caught off guard and nearly falls down the steps. Ducky immediately grabs his arm and prevents him from falling. Ducky Welcome, welcome, welcome!! It’s so nice to finally meet you, Leon! Ducky is fiercely shaking Leon’s hand. Her fierce handshake makes Leon’s body shake a bit. Leon WWhat!? HHow do you Ducky Oh wow, you’re much more handsome in person! Leon DDo I know you?! Ducky You’re looking for Judy, right? Leon Who!? Ducky You know~! Leon No! I don’t, actually! Frankie [O.S] Ducky? Who are you talking to? A voice from inside the bar; a young man with several scars appears from behind Ducky. Ducky Frankie! Look, this is the guy I was talking about! Frankie (chuckles) Yes, I can see that. Ducky He’s just like I told you! Frankie Yes, so it would seem. Leon Excuse me! Leon manages to escape Ducky’s gripping handshake Leon What is going on?! How do you know me!? Frankie Oh dear. Ducky, I don’t think you took into consideration that Leon might not know you. Ducky Of course he knows me! Leon No! II’m sorry, but I don’t know you! Ducky ...Oh. Ducky’s face turns bright red. Ducky [CONT’D] Oh no! I did that thing again! I got too excited! I’m sorry, Leon! Oh! II mean...Mister...person I totally don’t know! Ducky walks away with her hands on her face. Ducky [O.S] Oh I am such an idiot! What a terrible first impression! He probably thinks I’m a total weirdo! Leon’s face shows just how befuddled he is. Frankie, smiling, stands right beside him looking at Ducky walk away. Frankie I’m sorry about that. I hope she didn’t intimidate you. Leon Um, intimidated doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel about what just happened. Frankie chuckles Frankie You’ll get used to her. That is, if you decide to stay a little while longer. Leon I’m sorry, you guys have me at a disadvantage. Leon stands tall next to Frankie, feeling much more at ease next to him, despite Frankie’s terrible scars. Frankie I apologize on Ducky’s behalf. She knows a bit about you, but it’s just her. The rest of us know very little of you. My name is Frankie. Just Frankie. Frankie extends his hand accompanied with a heart warming smile. Leon smiles back and shakes Frankie’s hand. Leon Leon Gallagher. Leon [V.O] Frankie has this thing about him that just makes you feel all fuzzy and welcomed inside. I’m not sure how to explain it. Just everything about him is so kind; his manner of speech, his voice, the way he treats everyone. The only thing that’s off putting is his unfortunate scarred face. Frankie Gallagher. What a lovely last name! Well then, Mr. Gallagher, I welcome you to Saint Dame! INT. Saint Dame, Day Camera pans out and shows the bar in all it’s glory. A few customers are sitting down, enjoying their drinks. Others are enjoying a bit of social conversation. Ducky is seen in the background walking back to the stage and sitting down next to the grand piano that’s placed there. Her face is still red, and she seems to be mumbling something to herself. Leon Thank you for the warm welcome, Frankie. But um, how does she know who I? Frankie Hmm. I can’t quite say, but things will be explained in time. I apologize, it’s probably not what you want to hear Mr. Gallagher. I hope you understand that there are just some things that are meant to spoken about at a very particular date and time. Ducky’s knowledge of you happens to be one of those things. Leon gives a worried frown to Frankie. Leon I’m sorry, I just feel uncomfortable knowing that someone I’ve never met before in my entire life knows who I am. Frankie I understand, but I assure you, Ducky wouldn’t harm a fly. Leon Is that her name? Ducky? Frankie chuckles Frankie Well, it’s her stage name. Her real name is Joanna Warren. She’s the bar’s entertainer. Leon blushes. Leon OOh, I had no idea this was that kind of bar. Frankie Oh dear me, no, we aren’t that kind of bar! Entertainer is just a general term, as Ducky is a very talented young lady! She can sing, dance, and plays a multitude of instruments. As soon as Frankie says that, Ducky plays her grand piano. A mellow tune is being played, they both look her way. Ducky’s face is still a bit red, embarrassed of her encounter with Leon. Leon subtly smiles. Leon [V.O] My first encounter with Ducky was...well, strange. I had no clue who she was, yet, somehow, she knew who I was. The way she acted when I first opened that door, I knew instantly what kind of lady she was. Energetic, full of life, positive. While she isn’t great when it comes to greetings, she does seem like the kind of girl to never let you down. Though, she is a little ditzy. Frankie Yes, Ducky adds quite a bit of life to the bar. I really can’t help but respect her for that. Oh! But that reminds me, Mr. Gallagher, you’re here looking for a job, is that correct? Leon UUh, yes! How did you Frankie In due time, all your answers will come to fruition. Sorry. Leon Um...it’s fine, Frankie. Leon [V.O] Guess I’ll have to get used to being in the dark for a while then. Frankie Well if you’re looking for a job I suggest talking to the owner of this fine establishment! Frankie looks around and smiles. Frankie Over there by the bar. The woman talking to the rather large fellow? She’s would be the owner, Judith Warren. Leon looks and sees her talking to a very tall and muscular man. Leon [V.O] One of the few things I remember clearly about the bar was that young lady we saw when we first entered the bar. It was just her. No customers, no coworkers, nothing. Alone in that bar, with her head on the table. Now here she is, fourteen years later. I’m glad she never gave up. Leon Judith Warren...wait, Warren? Frankie Mhm. I’m sure you’ve guessed it by now; yes, Judith and Joanna are related. Leon RReally? Frankie Yes. Judith is Ducky’s mother. Leon W...What!? Leon looks at Judy and at Ducky, and does this a couple of times. Leon But...they look nothing alike. Frankie Joanna is adopted. Leon OOh… Frankie chuckles. Frankie Shall we introduce you to Saint Dame’s first lady? Leon Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Leon follows Frankie who is walking towards Judy. We catch her in the middle of her talking to the large muscular man. Judy So we have enough glassware then? Tez It seems that way. Judy let’s out a relieved sigh Judy Thank God. I can’t believe we had to buy a new set of cups. Of course we wouldn’t have had to buy anything if SOMEONE behaved themselves. Judy glares behind her shoulder, yet no one seems to be there. Leon looks confused. Judy Oh don’t give me that! You two were the only ones here last night andHEY! Quit arguing and listen to me! Leon UUhm… As Judy continues to argue with the air, Frankie clears his throat to make his presence known. Frankie Excuse me, Judith? Judy Just a second, Frankie. If this is the way you guys are going to act, then I have no choice but to call Frankie SOMEBODY Frankie makes his voice more clear in order to catch Judy’s attention Frankie [CONT’D] is here to see you! Judy stops her argument with the air and turns around to see Frankie next to Leon. Judy then slowly composes herself, turns her body to face them. She clears her throat and smiles Judy So then! Who might you be? Leon Leon Gallagher, ma’am. Judy Ah, so you’re Leon. Leon YYes ma’am. Leon [V.O] So she knows about me too… Judy Oh! I’m sorry, I know your name but you probably don’t know mine. My name is Judith Warren, but everyone around here knows me simply as Judy. Well, except for Frankie, but that’s only because he’s a gentleman; unlike some of the regulars we get at the bar. Judy then gives a sincere laugh, and Leon nervously smiles. The tall, muscular man is standing beside Leon, and he doesn’t realize it. Leon is startled by the strong man’s presence. Leon Ah! Judy Hmm? What’s wrong? Leon Nothing! Leon turns to the tall man Leon I’m sorry, sir! I didn’t see you there, I didn’t mean to be rude! Tez Hmm. Judy snickers Judy Leon, this is Tez. Tez works in the kitchen, although you’ll see him out here making drinks for people sometimes. Tez I’d rather go back in the kitchen, but in it’s current state, I’m afraid that won’t be possible. Judy We had a bit of a…”break in”, last night. Judy’s eyes quickly gazes up to her left, then quickly looks back at Leon. Leon I see… Frankie Ms. Judith, I’m sure you know why Mr. Gallagher is here. Judy Yes, I do believe I know. Frankie In that case, please excuse me, I must get back to work. Judy Thank you, Frankie. I’ll take care of our friend from here on out. Frankie smiles and heads back to serve people. Judy smirks as Frankie walks away, and looks at Leon. Judy You’re here for a job, correct? Leon Yes ma’am. How did you know? Judy We’ve been looking for a sixth man to help us around the bar for a while now. I’ve come to assume anyone Frankie introduces me to is someone who’s looking for a job. How about you step into my office so we may discuss this a bit further. Leon That would great, ma’am. Judy So polite! I like that! Glad to know we might be employing another gent. The two of them walk into the back of the bar. Leon looks back and sees Frankie in front of the door. The front door opens Frankie Welcome to SaiOh! I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was you Leon couldn’t make out what Frankie says. INT. Saint Dame Office, Day Both Judy and Leon enter a rather small office. Judy sits down behind her desk. Judy Sorry, I know there’s little to no possibility for your legs to stretch out, but ya just gotta find your own comfort zone. It’s how I was able to do business in this office for fifteen years! Judy laughs at her own joke and Leon laughs a bit with her. Leon looks around for a chair. Judy Outside. Leon II’m sorry? Judy There’s a chair right outside the office. Leon opens the door and looks out to check. Just as Judy said, there is a folding chair right next to the door. Though, the chair is incredibly small. Leon takes it back inside. Judy I know, it’s small. Probably shouldn’t even be outside. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost tripped on that thing. But hey, there’s just not enough room for everything in here! Leon Yeah, I understand. Leon unfolds the chair; surprisingly, the chair is much smaller when unfolded. Leon attempts to sit down on the chair, but the chair somehow moves by itself, out of the way of Leon’s sitting trajectory. Leon then falls on his butt, Judy jolts out of her chair. Leon Ouch... Judy HEY! Leon Ah! DDid I do something wrong? Judy covers her mouth with her hand Judy Uh, no! I was just...yelling at the chair! For sliding out of your way like that! Bad chair, bad! Leon Oooohhh kaaaay…? Judy gives a nervous smile to Leon, and Leon puts the seat down, this time with his hand on the chair, making sure he was going to sit on it. Judy composes herself. Judy Now then, let’s get to know a bit about you, Leon. What experience do you have in the bar business? Leon Well… Cut to. Camera is focused on the clock hanging on the wall. Nearly half an hour passes by. Judy Well that’s really interesting, Leon! You’re a real handyman, huh? A plumber, a construction worker, a baker, electrician, busboy, waiter, even a bartender! Ha! Only thing you haven’t been is a priest! Judy laughs at her own joke and Leon smirks. Judy Well Leon, your repertoire is quite amazing. You could get a job anywhere in this city. Why did you seek Saint Dame for employment? Leon Well Ms. Warren, I just felt compelled to come back to Saint Dame ever since I first visited this bar. Judy Ah, so you’ve been here before? Let me guess, spring break? Leon Actually...it happened fourteen years ago. Judy Hmm…? Fourteen years...how old are you? Leon TwentyFive. Judy looks incredibly confused. Judy Heh, I know I was desperate for business back then, but I didn’t know I was serving kids… Leon Oh, I wasn’t there for a drink. I was there because I was lost. And it wasn’t just me, I was with another eleven year old, my friend Natalie. She and I were lost and we ended up in your bar. Flashback. INT Saint Dame, Day Leon and Natalie both enter Saint Dame together and see a young Judy, with her face on the table, sleeping. Leon [V.O] We thought we would ask for directions after wandering off from the group. Instead we found you. Judy groggily lifts her head and drool trails off from the desk. Cut to. Leon, and Natalie are both talking to Judy, and the three seem to be having a great time. Leon [V.O] I remember having a great time talking about your job, about what you do, who you serve, what you serve. Young Leon is seen pointing at various bottles of alcohol with awe, along with Natalie, while Judy seems to be explaining to them what exactly she does. Leon [V.O] It was really great! As they finish talking about the bottles, the glasses begin to shake. They all look surprised and one of the bottles falls down. Leon [V.O] Unfortunately the uh, “ghost”, kinda cut our conversation short. Cut to. Present. INT. Saint Dame Office, Day Judy Ah yes, I remember you two! What a small small world! Speaking of ghosts, how is your current “ghost” problem? I remember you mentioning it being a problem to you before. Leon Ah, Ms. Warren, I’d rather not entertain the idea that what had happened was a ghost. I’m sure it was just an odd coincidence. Judy ...so, it hasn’t bothered you lately? Leon Like I said, everything that had happened to me was probably just something else, not a ghost. Though I will say that those odd things did eventually subside. Probably because I grew older and understood that there was no such thing as ghosts. Judy I see. So that’s what you believe. Cold air blasts by Leon Leon Burr...has it gotten colder in here? Judy PProbably just a draft! Don’t think too much about it! Leon Ms. Warren? Is something wrong? Judy Haha, it’s nothing! Honest! Leon [V.O] She acted strange when I mentioned the ghost thing. It’s silly to think that we used to believe I was being haunted back then. We should’ve known that wasn’t the case at all...I learned it was something much different. Judy So I take it that encounter really influenced you, huh? Leon It did, but I only just recently figured out that I wanted to be a bartender. I was lost before, I had no idea what I wanted to be, but then I saw your business card and it all came back to me. Judy Well you told me that you’ve worked at a bar before, why didn’t you just stick to that? Leon It just didn’t feel right. Judy Oh? Leon Don’t get me wrong! The people were nice, and I enjoyed my job, but...I was seeing the same faces enter the bar every now and again. I’ve lived in that town for so long that I had already registered everyone’s names and faces into my mind, and the frequent interaction with them day in and day out began to engrave their identities within my mind. I was getting tired of the repetition. I needed to be somewhere else. Judy So your precipitancy brought you here, all the way down south to Lovat é, huh? Leon I felt like this would be a good place to begin a new life. Judy And I hope you’ll enjoy your new job with your new life. Silence between the two. Judy smiles at Leon and Leon smiles back. Leon SSo, does that mean!? Judy When can ya start, champ? Leon TTomorrow would be fine with me! Judy Got any clothes that matches the attire we have? Leon YYes! I have clothes that look exactly like what Frankie is wearing! Judy Convenient! Leon [V.O] And before you ask; yes, I am talking about the suit I used on prom night. Yes it does still fit me. Shut up, Natalie. Judy So, Leon Judy stands up from her chair and extends her hand with a smile on her face. Judy [CONT’D] Welcome to the Saint Dame family. Leon smiles and leaps from his chair to shake Jude’s hand Leon Thank you, Ms. Warren! I won’t disappoint you! Judy I’m sure you won’t! And please, call me Judy. Leon attempts to shake Judy’s hand but is mysteriously shocked. Leon OOw… Judy Oh! AAre you ok? Leon Yeah, just got shocked is all. Judy Yeah, funny how that works… Leon This room probably has high conductivity considering how close it is to the stage and how much electricty that stage must be using. Judy YYeah! That’s what probably happened! Try and shake my hand heard and you’ll get shocked! Haha...ha.. Judy clears her throat while Leon is still rubbing his hands from the shock. Leon I’ll try to remember that the next time I enter. Judy sighs and sits back down. Judy Well then, unless you have any further questions, we’ll be expecting you tomorrow, Leon. Leon Thank you again, Ms. WaI mean, Judy! Leon begins to walk away and puts his hand on the door knob. He stops, and looks back at Judy. Leon Actually, I do have one question. Judy Hmm? What is it, Leon? Judy gives Leon a gentle smile. Leon I just wanted to ask you about, um, Ducky. Judy Our entertainer? Sure, what about her? Leon How does she know who I am? Judy is silent. Leon For that matter, how do any of you know who I am? I don’t recall ever telling you my name fourteen years ago, and I don’t remember ever calling the bar in advance. How could she have known my name? Judy Hmm...seems like something you’ll have to ask Ducky. Leon But Frankie seemed to know a bit about me too, in fact he mentioned something about certain things having to be answered at a specific date and time…? What exactly does that mean? Judy You’re asking me as if I know something, Leon. Leon Well...I was hoping you could clear this up is all. It’s just a little strange to open the door on someone you’re not familiar with at all talking to you as if you’ve been friends for years. Judy Listen, I would just go with Frankie’s words if I were you. Things will be explained shortly. Leon SSo you do know something! Judy Give it time. Leon frowns, while Judy looks at him with a warm motherly smile. Leon [V.O] I had so many other questions to ask her, but I felt that if I asked any further I’d just end up at a brick wall again. “Give it time? What does that mean”, I thought. Well, if I had known just how soon I would’ve gotten my answers, I wouldn’t have worried so much. If only I had known what was behind that door. Leon opens the door. As soon as he does, he sees Esther serving drinks to people. As soon as she gave her last drink to the customer, she looks at the door leading into the office and sees Leon. Esther and Leon look shocked to see each other. Esther ...Crap. The room goes silent, time seems to have stopped. Pencil scribbles heard in the background. Leon [V.O] It’s a small and Strange world indeed. The cups and chairs surrounding Leon begin to rattle uncontrollably, then, in a matter of seconds, they stop. Fade Out. END
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