Availability for week of: 2/5/2015 Saxifraga 'Touran Neon Rose' Pulmonaria 'Raspberry Splash' In a hurry? Fax/call/email/online your order to us, pick up the next day! Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Size Price Your Order Heather Calluna v. 'Schurig's Sensation' Calluna v. 'Schurig's Sensation' Calluna vulgaris 'Alicia' Calluna vulgaris 'Allegro' Calluna vulgaris 'Allegro' Calluna vulgaris 'Allegro' Calluna vulgaris 'Annemarie' Calluna vulgaris 'Annemarie' Calluna vulgaris 'Anouk' Calluna vulgaris 'Arina' Calluna vulgaris 'Arina' Calluna vulgaris 'Athene' Calluna vulgaris 'Blazeaway' Calluna vulgaris 'Bonita' Calluna vulgaris 'Dark Beauty' Dbl Dark Pink Dbl Dark Pink Gardengirls - Bud-Bloomer White Crimson Crimson Crimson Dbl Pink Dbl Pink Beauty Ladies - Bud-Bloomer White Lilac Pink Lilac Pink Gardengirls - Bud-Bloomer Red Lavender Gardengirls - Bud-Bloomer Lilac Purple Semi-Dbl Bright Red 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in Quart 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in $4.34 5000 $2.30 25130 $4.34 5005 $4.34 5010 $2.30 25140 $3.10 2621 $2.30 25155 $4.34 5025 $2.80 25156 $4.34 5035 $2.30 25170 $4.34 5040 $4.34 5045 $4.34 5050 $2.30 25220 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 1 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Calluna vulgaris 'Dark Beauty' Calluna vulgaris 'Firefly' Calluna vulgaris 'Flamingo' Calluna vulgaris 'Fritz Kirchner' Calluna vulgaris 'Fritz Kirchner' Calluna vulgaris Garden Girls Calluna vulgaris 'H.E. Beale' Calluna vulgaris 'H.E. Beale' Calluna vulgaris 'Kerstin' Calluna vulgaris 'Kerstin' Calluna vulgaris 'Kinlochruel' Calluna vulgaris 'Kinlochruel' Calluna vulgaris 'Multicolor' Calluna vulgaris 'Red Star' Calluna vulgaris 'Red Star' Calluna vulgaris 'Roter Oktober' Calluna vulgaris 'Sandy' Calluna vulgaris 'Spring Torch' Calluna vulgaris 'Spring Torch' Calluna vulgaris 'Theresa' Calluna vulgaris 'Tib' Calluna vulgaris 'Tib' Calluna vulgaris 'Valentina' Calluna vulgaris 'Wickwar Flame' Calluna vulgaris 'Wickwar Flame' Calluna vulgaris 'Winter Chocolate' Calluna vulgaris 'Winter Chocolate' Calluna vulgaris 'Yellow Beauty' Erica arborea 'Estrella Gold' Erica arborea 'Spring Smile' Erica 'Bi-Color' Erica 'Bi-Color' Erica canaliculata Erica carnea 'December Red' Erica carnea 'Isabell' Erica carnea 'March Seedling' Erica carnea 'Myretoun Ruby' Erica carnea 'Myretoun Ruby' Erica carnea 'Nathalie' Erica carnea 'Nathalie' Erica carnea 'Pink Cloud' Erica carnea 'Rosalie' Erica carnea 'Rosalie' Erica carnea 'Schneekuppe' Erica carnea 'Schneekuppe' Erica carnea 'Springwood Pink' Semi-Dbl Bright Red Deep Mauve Lavender Pink-Purple Pink-Purple Mix of 3 Varieties Dbl Pale Pink Dbl Pale Pink Mauve Mauve Dbl White Dbl White Pale Mauve Dbl Dark Pink Dbl Dark Pink Crimson Gardengirls - Bud-Bloomer White Lavender Lavender Gardengirls - Bud-Bloomer Pink Dbl Heliotrope Dbl Heliotrope Beauty Ladies - Bud-Bloomer White Lavender Lavender Lavender Lavender Dbl Rose-Red Tree Heath - White Tree Heath - White Pink and White Pink and White Tree Heath - Pink Magenta White Pink Magenta Magenta Dp Purple-Red Dp Purple-Red Pink Bright Pink Bright Pink White White Lt Pink Size Price 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in Quart 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in Quart 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal Your Order $4.34 5075 $4.34 5095 $4.34 5100 $2.30 25260 $4.34 5105 $2.80 25476 $2.30 25275 $4.34 5120 $4.34 5130 $2.30 25305 $3.10 2623 $2.30 25310 $4.34 5141 $2.30 25370 $4.34 5180 $2.30 25385 $4.80 5211 $4.34 5230 $2.30 25415 $4.34 5242 $2.30 25440 $3.10 2589 $2.80 40039 $4.34 5250 $2.80 25460 $4.34 5255 $2.80 25465 $2.30 25475 $7.40 5315 $7.40 5330 $2.80 25177 $4.80 5333 $7.40 5331 $4.34 5350 $2.30 25565 $4.55 5370 $3.10 42072 $4.55 5375 $2.30 25590 $4.55 5380 $4.55 5385 $2.30 25610 $4.55 5405 $2.30 25615 $4.55 5410 $4.34 5415 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 2 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Erica carnea 'Springwood Pink' Erica carnea 'Springwood White' Erica carnea 'Springwood White' Erica carnea 'Tanja' Erica carnea 'Tatjana' Erica carnea 'Vivellii' Erica carnea 'Vivellii' Erica carnea 'Wintersonne' Erica cinerea 'Red/Gold' Erica cinerea 'Red/White' Erica 'Shell Pink' Erica vagans 'Miss Waterer' Erica x darley. 'White Perfection' Erica x darley. 'White Perfection' Erica x darley. 'Winter Surprise' Erica x darleyensis 'Alba' Erica x darleyensis 'Darley Dale' Erica x darleyensis 'Darley Dale' Erica x darleyensis f.a. 'EvaGold Erica x darleyensis 'Furzey' Erica x darleyensis 'Furzey' Erica x darleyensis 'Ghost Hill' Erica x darleyensis 'Goldrush' Erica x darleyensis 'Goldrush' Erica x darleyensis 'J.W. Porter' Erica x darleyensis 'J.W. Porter' Erica x darleyensis 'Jenny Porter' Erica x darleyensis 'Katia' Erica x darleyensis 'Katia' Erica x darleyensis 'Kramers Rote' Erica x darleyensis 'Kramers Rote' Erica x darleyensis 'Lena' Erica x darleyensis 'Lena' Erica x darleyensis 'Lucie' Erica x darleyensis 'Lucie' Erica x darleyensis 'Marg. Porter' Erica x darleyensis 'Mary Helen' Erica x darleyensis 'Silberschmelze Erica x darleyensis 'Spring Surpris Heather assorted Heather assorted Size Price Your Order Lt Pink White White Dark Red Dark Red Rose Pink Rose Pink Magenta Bell Heather - Purple Bell Heather Lt Pink Pink White White Rosy-Pink White Pink Pink Magneta w/ Yellow-Green Foliage Lilac-Pink Lilac-Pink Pink Pink Pink Red-Purple Red-Purple Pale Pink White White Magenta Magenta Pink Pink Pink Pink Lilac Lt Pink White Dark Rose Assorted Heathers Assorted Heathers 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in $2.30 25620 $4.34 5420 $2.30 25625 $2.30 25626 $4.55 5347 $4.55 5425 $2.30 25630 $4.55 5445 $4.80 5008 $4.80 5007 $4.55 5391 $4.34 5595 $2.30 25725 $4.34 5680 $4.34 5681 $4.34 5610 $2.30 25740 $4.34 5615 $2.80 40062 $2.30 25745 $4.34 5620 $4.34 5621 $4.34 5625 $2.30 25750 $4.34 5630 $2.30 25755 $4.34 5635 $2.30 25761 $4.80 5636 $4.34 5640 $2.30 25765 $4.80 5637 $2.30 25762 $2.30 25763 $4.80 5638 $4.34 5645 $4.34 5650 $4.34 5665 $4.34 5670 $4.55 5685 $2.30 25800 Himalayan Maidenhair Fern Himalayan Maidenhair Fern Indian Holly Fern 1 Gal 4 in 4 in $4.80 76516 $3.10 23026 $3.10 23024 Ferns Adiantum venustum Adiantum venustum Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata' Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 3 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata' Asplenium ebenoides Asplenium scolop. 'Angustatum' Asplenium scolopendrium Asplenium scolopendrium Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Red' Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Red' Athyrium 'Ghost' Athyrium niponicum 'Pictum' Athyrium niponicum 'Pictum' Blechnum penna-marina Blechnum spicant Blechnum spicant Blechnum spicant Dryopteris aff. 'Cristata the King Dryopteris aff. 'Cristata the King' Dryopteris affinis crispa gracilis Dryopteris erythrosora Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance' Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance' Dryopteris filix-mas 'Parsley' Dryopteris koidzumiana Dryopteris koidzumiana Ferns assorted Matteuccia struthiopteris 'The King Osmunda regalis Polypodium glycyrrhiza Polypodium scouleri Polystichum munitum Polystichum munitum Polystichum munitum Polystichum polyblepharum Polystichum polyblepharum Polystichum polyblepharum Polystichum setiferum (P. angulare) Polystichum setiferum (P. angulare) Size Price Your Order Indian Holly Fern Dragon Tail Fern Ruffled Hart's Tongue Fern Hart's Tongue Fern Hart's Tongue Fern Red-Stemmed Lady Fern Red-Stemmed Lady Fern Ghost Fern Japanese Painted Fern Japanese Painted Fern Alpine Water Fern Deer Fern Deer Fern Deer Fern Golden Scale Fern Golden Scale Fern Dwarf Golden Scale Male Fern Autumn Fern Autumn Fern Autumn Fern Male Fern Koidzuma Wood Fern Koidzuma Wood Fern 2 or 3 varieties per flat Jumbo Ostrich Fern Royal Fern Licorice Fern Leatherleaf Fern Western Sword Fern Western Sword Fern Western Sword Fern Tassel Fern Tassel Fern Tassel Fern Alaskan Fern Alaskan Fern 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 2 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 4 in Quart 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in $5.60 76706 $2.55 23080 $2.55 24137 $2.55 23085 $4.80 76755 $2.55 23086 $5.60 76864 $2.55 23087 $2.55 23090 $4.80 76865 $5.15 81062 $4.80 76930 $2.55 23145 $9.50 2976 $4.80 81317 $2.55 23266 $2.55 23297 $2.55 23270 $4.80 77583 $2.55 23293 $2.55 23663 $3.10 23288 $3.68 2243 $2.55 23380 $3.10 23846 $2.55 23865 $2.55 40048 $3.10 23927 $2.55 23930 $5.15 80290 $9.50 3300 $4.80 80295 $9.50 3305 $2.55 23935 $4.80 80300 $2.55 23940 Bishop's Weed Bugleweed Bugleweed Bugleweed Bugleweed Bugleweed Pink Pussy-Toes Kinnikinnick 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 1 Gal $1.52 22925 $1.98 22970 $1.52 23526 $1.52 22985 $1.52 22990 $1.52 22960 $2.55 23011 $3.89 76710 Ground Covers Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatus' Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' Ajuga reptans 'Mahogany' Ajuga x tenorii 'Chocolate Chip' Antennaria dioica 'Rubra' Arctostaphylos u.u. 'Massachusetts' Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 4 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Arctostaphylos u.u. 'Massachusetts' Arctostaphylos u.u. 'Vancouver Jade Arctostaphylos u.u. 'Vancouver Jade Arenaria balearica Arenaria montana 'Avalanche' Asarum canadense Bellium minutum Cardamine trifolia Ceanothus gloriosus Ceanothus gris. 'Diamond Heights' Ceanothus gris. 'Diamond Heights' Cornus canadensis Cornus canadensis Cotoneaster dammeri Cotoneaster dammeri Cotoneaster dammeri 'StreibsFindlin Cymbalaria aequitriloba Delosperma Bowl 10in Delosperma congesta Delosperma cooperi Delosperma FIRE SPINNER Delosperma 'WheelsofWonder Fire' Delosperma 'WheelsofWonder GoldenYe Delosperma 'WheelsofWonder Hot Pink Delosperma 'WheelsofWonder Orange' Epimedium acuminatum Epimedium alpinum Epimedium assorted Epimedium davidii Epimedium grand v. higoense 'Bandit Epimedium grand. 'Bronze Maiden' Epimedium grand. 'Lavender Lady' Epimedium grand. 'Lilafee' Epimedium grand. 'Pseudo-Larchmont' Epimedium grand. 'Red Queen' Epimedium grand. 'Rose Queen' Epimedium kor. 'Harold Epstein' Epimedium leptorrhizum Epimedium perralchicum 'Frohnleiten Epimedium perralchicum 'Frohnleiten Epimedium pinnatum 'Thunderbolt' Epimedium rubrum Epimedium sutchuenense Epimedium versi. 'Sulphureum' Epimedium x 'Black Sea' Epimedium x versicolor 'Cherry Tart Kinnikinnick Kinnikinnick Kinnikinnick Corsican Sandwort Mountain Sandwort Canadian Wild Ginger Miniature Daisy Trifoliate Bittercress Point Reyes Ceanothus Carmel Creeper Carmel Creeper Bunchberry Bunchberry Bearberry Bearberry Bearberry - Streibs Findling Dwarf Kenilworth Ivy Delosperma Bowl 10in Ice Plant - Yellow Ice Plant - Purple Ice Plant - Orange/Pink Ice Plant - Red/Orange Ice Plant - Yellow Ice Plant - Pink Ice Plant - Orange Barrenwort - White Barrenwort - Pink Barrenwort Bishop's Hat Barrenwort - White Barrenwort - Lavender Barrenwort Barrenwort - Lavender-Violet Barrenwort - Lavender Barrenwort Barrenwort - deep pink Barrenwort - Yellow Barrenwort - Rose Pink Barrenwort - Deep Yellow Barrenwort - Deep Yellow Barrenwort - White Barrenwort - Red Barrenwort - Rose Barrenwort - Yellow Barrenwort - Yellow Barrenwort - Pink Size Price Your Order $1.55 4 in $3.89 1 Gal $1.55 4 in $1.52 4 in $2.55 Quart $4.55 Quart $1.80 4 in $2.55 4 in $1.98 4 in $5.15 1 Gal $3.10 Quart $5.60 1 Gal $3.10 4 in $1.98 4 in $3.89 1 Gal $1.98 4 in $1.80 4 in $16.00 Speciality $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $2.08 4 in $4.80 1 Gal $4.80 1 Gal $4.80 1 Gal $4.80 1 Gal $3.96 4 in $3.96 4 in $3.96 4 in $3.96 4 in $3.96 4 in $3.96 4 in $3.96 4 in $6.85 1 Gal $3.96 4 in $3.96 4 in $6.85 1 Gal $3.96 4 in $3.96 4 in $6.85 1 Gal $3.96 4 in $3.96 4 in $6.85 1 Gal $3.96 4 in $6.85 1 Gal $3.96 4 in $3.96 4 in 23050 76715 23055 23060 42052 1825 23135 23506 23155 77140 60656 77320 23195 23210 77340 23205 23240 80531 23245 23250 23244 77544 77546 77547 77548 23307 23308 7176 23309 23317 23311 23313 77740 23314 23316 77741 23449 23318 77735 23319 23327 77745 23329 77750 23332 23333 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 5 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Epimedium x young. 'Beni Kajaku' Epimedium x young. 'Purple Heart' Epimedium young. 'Niveum' Epimedium young. 'Roseum' Erodium x 'Album' Erodium x 'Bishop's Form' Erodium x 'Flore Pleno' Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald 'n Gold' Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald 'n Gold' Fragaria chiloensis Fragaria 'Lila Diamond' Fragaria 'Lila Diamond' Galium odoratum Gaultheria procumbens Gaultheria procumbens Gaultheria shallon Gaultheria shallon Hedera can. 'Gloire de Marengo' Hedera canariensis 'Algerian' Hedera colchica 'Sulphur Heart' Hedera colchica 'Sulphur Heart' 6in Hedera helix assorted Hedera helix 'Glacier' Hedera helix 'Golden Child Hedera helix 'Golden Child round Hedera helix 'Golden Jitta' Hedera helix 'Golden Kolibri' Hedera helix 'Hahn's Ivy' Hedera helix 'Ingelise' Hedera helix 'Ingelise' round pot Hedera helix 'Mint Kolibri' Hedera helix 'Needlepoint' Hedera helix 'WhitMeinHerz Hedera helix 'WhitMeinHerz round Herniaria glabra Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon' Hypericum calycinum Lamium mac. 'Aureum' Lamium mac. 'White Nancy' Leptinella gruveri Leptinella squalida Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black' Lysimachia nummularia Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea' Barrenwort - Pink Barrenwort - Purple and White Barrenwort - White Barrenwort - Lavender-Pink White Heron's Bill Heron's Bill Heron's Bill Silver Variegated Winter Creeper Silver Variegated Winter Creeper Gold Variegated Winter Creeper Gold Variegated Winter Creeper Beach or Sand Strawberry Lila Diamond Strawberry Lila Diamond Strawberry Sweet Woodruff Wintergreen Wintergreen Salal Salal Variegated Algerian Ivy Algerian Ivy Sulfur Heart Ivy Sulfur Heart Ivy 3 varieties per flat Glacier Ivy Golden Child Ivy Golden Child Ivy Variegated English Ivy Golden Kolibri Ivy Hahn's Ivy Ingelise Ivy Ingelise Ivy Mint Kolibri Ivy Needlepoint Ivy Variegated English Ivy Variegated English Ivy Green Carpet Chameleon Plant St. John's Wort Dead Nettle Dead Nettle Dwarf Brass Buttons Brass Buttons Platt's Black Brass Buttons Creeping Jenny Yellow Creeping Jenny Size Price 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 6 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in Your Order $3.96 23334 $3.96 23336 $6.85 77755 $6.85 77760 $1.52 23310 $1.52 23315 $1.52 23320 $1.80 23360 $4.55 77870 $4.55 77865 $1.80 23355 $1.52 23390 $4.80 78043 $1.98 24700 $1.80 23400 $5.15 78115 $3.10 23405 $3.95 78120 $1.98 23410 $1.98 23580 $1.98 23575 $1.98 23578 $6.85 4091 $1.98 23590 $1.98 23600 $1.98 23605 $1.98 23611 $1.98 23608 $1.98 23606 $1.80 23610 $1.98 23661 $1.98 23662 $1.98 40007 $1.98 23620 $1.98 23629 $1.98 23633 $1.80 23680 $1.52 23700 $1.80 23705 $1.52 23735 $1.52 23740 $1.52 23780 $1.52 23785 $1.52 23790 $1.52 23825 $1.52 23830 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 6 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Mahonia nervosa Mahonia nervosa Mahonia repens Mentha requienii Oxalis magellanica Pachysandra 'Silveredge' variegata Pachysandra terminalis 'GreenCarpet Pachysandra terminalis 'GreenSheen' Parahebe cat. 'Delight' Parahebe cat. 'Miss Wilmot' Parahebe olsenii Pratia angulata Pratia ped. 'County Park' Pratia pedunculata Pratia pub. 'Little Whitestar' Ranunculus a. 'Magic Series Yellow' Raoulia australis Rubus calycinoides 'Emerald Carpet' Sagina subulata Sagina subulata 'Aurea' Santa Fe Garden Scleranthus biflorus Sedum acre 'Aureum' Sedum acre 'Golden Carpet' Sedum album 'Baby Tears' Sedum album 'Murale' Sedum assorted Sedum assorted Sedum 'Button' Sedum divergens Sedum hakonense 'Chocolate Ball' Sedum hispanicum Sedum hispanicum minus aureum Sedum 'Immergrunchen' Sedum kamtschaticum 'The Edge' Sedum kamtschaticum 'Variegatum' Sedum lydium Sedum makinoi 'Ogon' Sedum oreganum Sedum pach. 'White Diamond' Sedum rupestre Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' Sedum rupestre 'Blue Spruce' Sedum spath. 'Cape Blanco' Sedum spathulifolium 'Carnea' Cascade Oregon Grape Cascade Oregon Grape Creeping Oregon Grape Corsican Mint Australia Sorrel Variegated Japanese Spurge Japanese Spurge Japanese Spurge Parahebe - lilac blue Parahebe - white Parahebe - pale blue White Star Creeper Dark Blue Star Creeper Blue Star Creeper White Alpine Creeper Dwarf Persian Buttercup Raoulia australis Ground Cover Bramble Irish Moss Scotch Moss Santa Fe Garden - Succulent Mix Australian Astroturf Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Assorted Stonecrops 3 varieties per flat (depending on avail Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Fine Gold Leaf Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Japanese Gold Sedum Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Size Price Your Order $3.10 4 in $7.05 1 Gal $2.55 4 in $1.52 4 in $3.10 4 in $1.80 4 in $1.80 4 in $1.80 4 in $1.98 4 in $1.98 4 in $1.98 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $3.10 4 in $1.80 4 in $1.98 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in Speciality $16.00 $1.98 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $4.34 1 Gal $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.80 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.80 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.80 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.52 4 in $1.80 4 in $4.55 1 Gal $1.80 4 in $1.80 4 in $1.80 4 in 23840 79750 23845 23850 23867 23880 23877 23876 23888 23886 23887 23945 23955 23950 23960 23988 23975 23990 23995 24000 80530 24065 24110 24111 24115 24120 80525 24105 24080 24131 24081 24083 24084 24085 24082 24135 24140 24145 24155 24160 24165 24170 80540 24171 24185 24190 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 7 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood' Sedum spurium 'Red Carpet' Sedum spurium 'Tricolor' Sedum spurium 'Voodoo' Selaginella krauss. 'Aurea' Selaginella krauss. 'Brownii' Selaginella krauss. 'Variegatus' Sempervivum tectorum assorted Soleirolia soleirolii Soleirolia soleirolii 'Aurea' Thymus pseudolanuginosus Thymus serp. 'Pink Chintz' Thymus serpyllum Thymus serpyllum 'Alba' Thymus serpyllum 'Coccineus' Thymus serpyllum 'Elfin' Thymus vulgaris 'Argenteus' Thymus vulgaris 'Silver Posie' Thymus x citriodorus Thymus x citriodorus 'Archer's Gold Thymus x citriodorus 'Silver Lemon' Trifolium 'Dark Dancer' Vinca major 'Maculata' Vinca major 'Variegata' Vinca major 'Wojo's Gem' Vinca major 'Wojo's Gem' Vinca minor 'Alba' Vinca minor 'Bowles' Vinca minor 'Bowles' Vinca minor 'Burgundy' Vinca minor 'Double Blue' Vinca minor 'Illumination' Vinca minor 'Miss Jekyll' Vinca minor 'Ralph Shugart' Size Price Your Order Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Golden Spikemoss Emerald Isle Spikemoss Frosty Fern Hens & Chicks Baby Tears Golden Baby Tears Woolly Thyme Pink Chintz Thyme Mother of Thyme White Thyme Red Thyme Elfin Thyme Silver Thyme Silver Posie Thyme Lemon Thyme Archer's Gold Thyme Silver Variegated Lemon Thyme Dark Dancer Clover Big leaf Periwinkle Variegated Big Leaf Periwinkle Big Leaf Variegated Periwinkle Big Leaf Variegated Periwinkle White Periwinkle Periwinkle Periwinkle Burgundy Periwinkle Double Blue Periwinkle Illumination Periwinkle Miss Jekyll Periwinkle Variegated Periwinkle 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in $1.52 24220 $1.52 24225 $1.52 24230 $1.52 40004 $1.52 24245 $1.80 24250 $2.55 40029 $1.80 24255 $1.52 24270 $1.98 24275 $1.52 24290 $1.52 24325 $1.52 24300 $1.52 24305 $1.52 24315 $1.52 24320 $1.52 24330 $1.52 24335 $1.52 24340 $1.52 40033 $1.52 24345 $1.52 24350 $1.52 24375 $1.52 24380 $1.80 24385 $4.80 80745 $1.52 24390 $4.55 80750 $1.52 24395 $1.52 24400 $1.52 24410 $2.55 25000 $1.52 24415 $1.52 24416 Golden Variegated Sweet Flag Golden Variegated Sweet Flag Miniature Golden Sweet Flag Japanese Sweet Flag Japanese Sweet Flag Pheasant Tail Grass Pheasant Tail Grass Avalanche Reed Grass Avalanche Reed Grass Eldorado Reed Grass 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal $2.08 7080 $4.55 68000 $2.08 7085 $2.08 7090 $4.55 68010 $4.80 68020 $2.08 7100 $2.08 7110 $4.55 68040 $4.80 68050 Ornamental Grasses Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' Acorus gramineus 'Pusillus Aurea' Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus' Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus' Anemanthele lessoniana Anemanthele lessoniana Calamagrostis acuti. 'Avalanche' Calamagrostis acuti. 'Avalanche' Calamagrostis acuti. 'Eldorado' Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 8 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Calamagrostis acuti. 'Karl Foerster Calamagrostis acuti. 'Overdam' Calamagrostis acuti. 'Overdam' Carex buchananii Carex buchananii Carex comans 'Frosty Curls' Carex comans 'Frosty Curls' Carex dipsacea Carex dipsacea Carex elata 'Bowles Golden' Carex flagellifera Carex flagellifera Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' Carex muskingumensis 'Little Midge' Carex obnupta Carex oshimensis 'EverColorEverest Carex oshimensis 'EverColorEverest Carex oshimensis 'EverColorEverillo Carex oshimensis 'EverColorEverillo Carex oshimensis 'EverColorEverillo Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' Carex siderosticha 'Banana Boat' Carex tenuiculmis 'Cappuccino' Carex tenuiculmis 'Cappuccino' Carex testacea Carex testacea Carex trifida 'Rekohu Sunrise' Carex trifida 'Rekohu Sunrise' Chasmanthium latifolium 'River Mist Cortaderia selloana 'Pink Feather' Cortaderia selloana 'Pumila' Cortaderia selloana 'Silver Feather Deschampsia c. 'Northern Lights' Deschampsia c. 'Northern Lights' Elymus magellanicus Elymus magellanicus Festuca glauca 'Beyond Blue' Festuca glauca 'Beyond Blue' Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' Hakonechloa macra 'Albo-Striata' Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' Feather Reed Grass Variegated Reed Grass Variegated Reed Grass Leatherleaf Sedge Leatherleaf Sedge New Zealand Hair Sedge New Zealand Hair Sedge Autumn Sedge Autumn Sedge Golden Sedge Brown Sedge Brown Sedge Japanese Sedge Japanese Sedge Miniature Palm Sedge Slough Sedge EverColor Everest Sedge EverColor Everest Sedge EverColor Everillo Sedge EverColor Everillo Sedge EverColor Everillo Sedge Variegated Japanese Sedge Variegated Japanese Sedge Variegated Sedge Cappuccino Sedge Cappuccino Sedge Orange Sedge Orange Sedge Rekohu Sunrise Sedge Rekohu Sunrise Sedge Variegated Sea Oats Pampas Grass Dwarf Pampas Grass Pampas Grass Hairgrass Hairgrass Magellan Wheatgrass Magellan Wheatgrass Fescue Grass Fescue Grass Elijah Blue Fescue Elijah Blue Fescue Variegated Japanese Forest Grass Japanese Forest Grass Japanese Forest Grass Japanese Forest Grass Size Price 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in Quart 1 Gal 4 in Quart 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart Your Order $4.55 68070 $4.55 68060 $2.08 7115 $4.55 68090 $2.08 7120 $2.08 7125 $4.55 68100 $2.08 7135 $4.55 68120 $6.10 68130 $2.08 7140 $4.55 68140 $4.55 68170 $2.08 7155 $4.55 68180 $5.15 68182 $2.08 7156 $4.55 68181 $5.15 68183 $3.10 7158 $3.68 72516 $4.55 68160 $2.08 7150 $4.15 72517 $4.55 68190 $2.08 7160 $4.55 68200 $2.08 7165 $6.10 68080 $3.96 72507 $6.10 68210 $4.55 68240 $6.10 68950 $4.55 68250 $4.55 68260 $2.08 7170 $2.80 7175 $4.55 68270 $4.55 68311 $2.55 7186 $2.08 7185 $4.34 68310 $6.10 68330 $6.10 68320 $4.15 72504 $4.15 72563 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 9 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' Hakonechloa macra 'Beni-Kaze' Hakonechloa macra 'Fubuki' Hakonechloa macra 'Sunny Delight' Helictotrichon sempervirens Helictotrichon sempervirens Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron' Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron' Juncus effusus 'Lemon Swirl' Juncus effusus 'Quartz Creek' Juncus effusus 'Twister' Juncus inflexus 'Blue Arrows' Juncus inflexus 'Blue Arrows' Juncus patens 'Elk Blue' Milium effusum 'Aureum' Milium effusum 'Aureum' Miscanthus sinensis 'Arabesque' Miscanthus sinensis 'Cabaret' Miscanthus sinensis 'Gold Bar' Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Kitten' Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' Miscanthus sinensis 'Purpurascens' Miscanthus sinensis 'Rotsilber' Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus' Miscanthus sinensis 'Yaku Jima' Molinia caerulea arund. 'Skyracer' Molinia caerulea 'Variegata' Molinia caerulea 'Variegata' Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nanus' Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nanus' Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens' Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens' Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens' Ornamental Grasses assorted Oryza sativa 'Marsala' Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal' Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Pennisetum alop. 'Burgundy Bunny' Pennisetum alop. 'Hameln' Pennisetum alop. 'Little Bunny' Pennisetum alop. 'Moudry' Uncinia rubra 'Belinda's Find' Uncinia rubra 'Belinda's Find' Uncinia rubra 'Belinda's Find' Japanese Forest Grass Japanese Forest Grass Beni-Kaze Forest Grass Fubuki Forest Grass Sunny Delight Forest Grass Blue Oat Grass Blue Oat Grass Japanese Blood Grass Japanese Blood Grass Variegated Corkscrew Rush Soft Rush Corkscrew Rush Blue Arrows Rush Blue Arrows Rush Elk Blue Rush Golden Wood Millet Golden Wood Millet Maiden Hair Grass Variegated Maiden Grass Compact Variegated Maiden Grass Maiden Hair Grass Miniature Maiden Hair Grass Morning Light Maiden Grass Purple Maiden Hair Grass Maiden Hair Grass Porcupine Grass Dwarf Maiden Grass Tall Moor Grass Variegated Moor Grass Variegated Moor Grass Dwarf Mondo Grass Dwarf Mondo Grass Black Mondo Grass Black Mondo Grass Black Mondo Grass flats of 3 varieties Ornamental Rice Switch Grass Switch Grass Burgundy Bunny Fountain Grass Dwarf Fountain Grass Little Bunny Fountain Grass Late Blooming Fountain Grass Red Hook Sedge Red Hook Sedge Red Hook Sedge Size Price 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in Quart Your Order $3.10 7227 $6.10 68340 $6.10 68350 $4.15 72564 $6.10 68380 $4.34 68390 $2.08 7190 $2.55 7195 $4.80 68400 $2.08 7205 $4.55 68440 $2.08 7215 $4.55 68410 $2.08 7200 $2.08 7225 $2.55 2350 $4.34 68490 $4.55 68510 $4.55 68520 $4.55 68530 $4.55 68540 $4.55 68550 $4.55 68560 $4.55 68570 $4.55 68580 $4.55 68590 $4.55 68610 $4.55 68640 $4.55 68630 $2.08 7240 $2.55 7250 $4.80 68660 $6.10 72581 $8.50 68670 $5.15 7255 $2.08 7260 $4.34 68681 $4.55 68710 $4.55 68740 $4.80 68741 $4.34 68750 $4.55 68760 $4.55 68780 $7.05 44058 $3.10 7276 $3.10 72508 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 10 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Size Price Your Order Perennials Acanthus mollis 'Carol Alexander' Acanthus 'Whitewater' Acanthus x 'Summer Beauty' Achillea m. 'Moonshine' Achillea m. 'Moonshine' Achillea m. 'Strawberry Seduction' Actaea sim. 'Brunette' Actaea sim. 'Chocoholic' Actaea sim. 'Hillside Black Beauty' Agapanthus africanus 'Charlotte' Agapanthus assorted Agapanthus 'Barley Blue' Agapanthus 'Brilliant Blue' Agapanthus 'Gold Strike' Agapanthus 'Jonie' Agapanthus 'Sarah' Agapanthus 'Tinkerbell' Alchemilla mollis Alchemilla mollis 'Thriller' Allium christophii Allium 'Globemaster' Allium multibulbosum Allium 'Purple Sensation' Allium schoenoprasum Anemone cor. 'Harmony Blue' Anemone cor. 'Harmony Orchid' Anemone cor. 'Harmony Pearl' Anemone cor. 'Harmony Scarlet' Anemone cor. 'Marianne Series' Anemone hupe. 'Pretty Lady Diana' Anemone hupe. 'Pretty Lady Emily' Anemone hupe. 'Pretty Lady Susan' Anemone hupe. 'Prince Heinrich' Anemone leveillei Anemone sylvestris Anemone sylvestris Anemone x hybrida 'FantCinderella' Anemone x hybrida 'FantPocahontas' Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' Anemone x hybrida 'Lucky Charm' Anemone x hybrida 'Whirlwind' Anemone x hybrida 'Wild Swan' Aquilegia can. 'Little Lanterns' Aquilegia can. 'Little Lanterns' Bear's Breeches Variegated Bear's Breeches Bear's Breeches Yarrow - Yellow Yarrow - Yellow Yarrow - Red Bugbane - White Bugbane - White Bugbane - White African Lily African Lily African Lily African Lily African Lily - Variegated African Lily African Lily African Lily - Variegated Lady's Mantle Lady's Mantle Ornamental Onion Ornamental Onion Ornamental Onion Ornamental Onion Chives Windflower Windflower Windflower Windflower Windflower Dwarf Anemone - Pink Dwarf Anemone - Double Pink Dwarf Anemone - Dark Pink Windflower - Double Pink Windflower-White Windflower Windflower Windflower - Pink Windflower - Double Pink Windflower - White Windflower Windflower - Double White Windflower - White Wild Columbine Wild Columbine 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in Quart Quart Quart Quart Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart Quart Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal $5.60 76462 $10.90 76461 $5.60 32757 $4.34 76475 $2.55 32755 $4.34 76483 $7.40 81145 $8.50 81146 $8.50 76501 $6.85 76538 $13.60 46000 $6.85 76528 $6.85 76539 $9.50 76526 $6.85 76529 $13.60 76546 $5.60 76560 $4.55 76585 $4.55 76586 $4.80 76596 $7.90 76587 $4.80 76589 $4.80 76591 $1.52 40005 $3.10 2381 $3.10 42026 $3.10 42025 $3.10 2380 $3.10 2581 $5.60 76641 $5.60 76642 $5.60 76643 $5.15 76615 $6.85 76635 $4.55 76650 $2.55 1862 $2.55 42001 $2.55 42002 $3.10 2330 $5.60 76608 $5.15 76645 $7.40 76609 $2.55 2310 $4.34 26518 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 11 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Aquilegia canadensis Aquilegia chrysantha Aquilegia 'Crimson Star' Aquilegia 'Crimson Star' Aquilegia 'Dragonfly Mix' Aquilegia flab. 'Cameo Mix' Aquilegia flab. 'Cameo Mix' Aquilegia flab. 'Cameo Mix' Aquilegia 'Leprechaun Gold' Aquilegia 'Origami Blue/White' Aquilegia 'Origami Red/White' Aquilegia 'Origami Series Mix' Aquilegia 'Spring Magic Blue/White' Aquilegia 'Spring Magic Blue/White' Aquilegia 'Spring Magic Rose/White' Aquilegia 'Spring Magic Rose/White' Aquilegia 'Spring Magic Yellow' Aquilegia 'Spring Magic Yellow' Aquilegia 'Swan Violet/White' Aquilegia vulgaris 'Black Barlow' Aquilegia vulgaris 'Nora Barlow' Aquilegia 'Winky Dbl Dk Blue/White' Aquilegia 'Winky Dbl Dk Blue/White' Aquilegia 'Winky Dbl Red/White' Aquilegia 'Winky Dbl Red/White' Aquilegia 'Winky Rose/Rose' Arabis blepharophylla 'RedSensation Arabis caucasica 'Snowcap' Arabis 'Little Treasure' Aralia cordata 'Sun King' Arisarum proboscideum Armeria juniperifolia Armeria juniperifolia Armeria maritima 'Alba' Armeria maritima 'Alba' Armeria maritima 'Dusseldorf' Armeria maritima 'Dusseldorf' Armeria maritima 'Rubrifolia' Armeria maritima 'Rubrifolia' Aster dumosus 'Wood's Pink' Aster dumosus 'Wood's Pink' Aster novae-angliae 'Alma Potschke' Aster novae-angliae 'Alma Potschke' Aster x frikartii 'Monch' Aster x frikartii 'Monch' Astilbe arendsii 'Astary Rose' Canadian Columbine Golden Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine Dwarf Columbine Dwarf Columbine Dwarf Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine - Red and White Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine Columbine Alpine Wall Cress - Pink Alpine Wall Cress Alpine Wall Cress Golden Japanese Spikenard Mouse Tail Plant Spanish Thrift - Light Pink Spanish Thrift - Light Pink Sea Thrift - White Sea Thrift - White Sea Thrift - Deep Pink Sea Thrift - Deep Pink Sea Thrift - Ruby Pink Sea Thrift - Ruby Pink Michaelmas Daisy Michaelmas Daisy New England Aster New England Aster Michealmas Aster Michealmas Aster False Spirea - Pink Size Price Quart 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart Quart 2 Gal Quart 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal Your Order $2.55 42019 $4.34 76662 $2.55 42020 $4.34 76683 $4.34 76664 $1.80 23015 $4.34 76655 $2.55 1822 $2.55 1821 $4.34 76666 $4.34 76677 $1.80 40006 $1.80 23516 $4.34 76674 $4.34 76676 $2.55 42000 $4.34 76668 $1.80 23035 $4.34 76682 $2.55 42030 $4.34 76663 $4.34 76669 $2.55 1831 $2.55 1858 $4.34 76671 $4.34 76684 $2.55 2566 $2.55 1834 $2.55 1833 $10.90 2953 $3.96 1837 $4.34 76721 $1.80 40024 $4.34 76717 $1.80 23062 $1.80 23065 $4.34 76720 $1.80 23070 $4.34 76725 $1.80 23088 $4.55 76758 $1.80 23658 $4.55 76762 $4.34 76760 $1.80 23122 $4.55 76817 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 12 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Astilbe arendsii 'Bonn' Astilbe arendsii 'Rheinland' Astilbe ch. Little Vision in Purple Astilbe chinensis 'Amber Moon' Astilbe chinensis 'Visions in Pink' Astilbe chinensis 'Visions in Pink' Astilbe chinensis 'Visions in Red' Astilbe 'Younique Cerise' Astilboides tabularis Astrantia major 'Moulin Rouge' Astrantia major 'Ruby Cloud' Astrantia major 'Ruby Wedding' Astrantia major 'Star of Beauty' Astrantia major 'Star of Fire' Astrantia major 'Star of Royals' Astrantia major 'Venice' Aubrieta 'Audrey' Aubrieta 'Axcent Blue w/ Eye' Aubrieta 'Axcent Deep Purple' Aubrieta 'Axcent Deep Purple' Basket - Hedera Beesia deltophylla Bellis perennis 'Bellissima Mix' Bellis perennis 'Galaxy Red' Bellis perennis 'Galaxy Rose' Bellis perennis 'Galaxy White' Bellis perennis 'Habanera Mix' Bellis perennis 'Super Enorma' Bergenia 'Bressingham Ruby' Bergenia 'Bressingham White' Bergenia 'Dragonfly Angel Kiss' Bergenia 'Dragonfly Sakura' Bergenia 'Spring Fling' Bergenia 'Winter Glow' Bergenia 'Winter Glow' Brunnera macrophylla Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' Brunnera macrophylla 'Silver Heart' Brunnera macrophylla 'Silver Heart' Campanula carpatica 'Blue Clips' Campanula carpatica 'Dp Blue Clips' Campanula garganica Dickson's Gold' Cardiocrinum giganteum Chiastophyllum oppositifolium Convallaria majalis False Spirea - Dark Carmine Pink False Spirea - Pink Dwarf False Spirea - Purple False Spirea False Spirea - Pink False Spirea - Pink False Spirea - Red False Spirea - Pink Astilboides Masterwort Masterwort - Ruby Red Masterwort Masterwort Masterwort Masterwort Masterwort Rock Cress Blue w/ Eye Aubrieta Deep Purple Aubrieta Deep Purple Aubrieta Ivy Hanging Basket Beesia English Daisy - Pink, White, and Red English Daisy - Red English Daisy - Pink English Dasiy - White English Daisy - White/Red English Daisy - Red, Pink and White Elephant Ears Elephant Ears Elephant Ears Elephant Ears Elephant Ears Elephant Ears Elephant Ears Siberian Bugloss Siberian Bugloss Siberian Bugloss Siberian Bugloss Siberian Bugloss Bellflower Bellflower Bellflower Giant Lily Cotyledon Size Price 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 4 in Quart Basket 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in Your Order $4.55 76816 $4.55 76805 $5.15 44002 $7.05 76807 $5.15 76815 $7.90 2955 $5.15 76820 $5.15 76806 $7.90 80365 $7.05 76811 $7.05 76855 $8.50 76860 $7.05 76861 $7.05 76871 $7.05 76868 $8.50 76863 $1.80 23091 $1.80 23105 $1.80 23110 $2.55 2558 $5.00 4121 $7.40 76886 $1.23 23542 $1.23 23543 $1.23 77187 $1.23 23544 $1.23 23136 $1.23 23137 $5.15 76905 $2.08 40001 $7.40 76926 $7.40 76906 $7.40 76908 $1.80 23140 $4.34 76925 $5.15 76960 $9.50 76965 $6.10 2315 $9.50 77004 $6.10 2435 $4.34 77045 $1.80 23234 $4.34 77030 $12.25 77132 $4.55 77157 $3.96 23186 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 13 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Cordyline aus. 'Cherry Sensation' Cordyline aus. 'Cherry Sensation' Cordyline australis 'Can Can' Cordyline australis 'Can Can' Cordyline australis 'Cha Cha' Cordyline australis 'Cha Cha' Cordyline australis 'Jive' Cordyline australis 'Jive' Cordyline australis 'Red Sensation' Cordyline australis 'Red Star' Cordyline australis 'Red Star' Cordyline australis 'Red Star' Cordyline australis 'Renegade' Cordyline australis 'Renegade' Cordyline australis 'Sundance Cordyline australis 'Sundance' Cordyline australis 'Torbay Dazzler Cordyline australis 'Torbay Sparklr Cordyline banksii 'Electric Pink' Coreopsis 'Jethro Tull' Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' Coreopsis verticillata 'Route 66' Coreopsis verticillata 'Route 66' Coreopsis verticillata 'Route 66' Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb' Corydalis 'Blue Heron' Corydalis shih. 'Berry Exciting' Crocosmia 'Babylon' Crocosmia 'Emily McKenzie' Crocosmia 'Emily McKenzie' Crocosmia 'Fire King' Crocosmia 'Lucifer' Crocosmia 'Lucifer' Crocosmia 'Red King' Crocosmia 'Twilight Fairy Crimson' Crocosmia 'Walberton Yellow' Crocosmia x croco. 'George Davidson Crocosmia x croco. 'Limpopo' Cyclamen coum Cyclamen coum 'Silver Form' Delphinium 'Astolat' Delphinium elatum 'Aurora Blue' Delphinium elatum 'Aurora Blue' Delphinium elatum 'Aurora Dp Purple Delphinium elatum 'Aurora Dp Purple False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena False Dracaena Tickseed - Solid Golden Yellow Tickseed - Pale Yellow Tickseed - Pale Yellow Tickseed - Yellow w/ Red Eye Tickseed - Yellow w/ Red Eye Tickseed - Yellow w/ Red Eye Tickseed - Bright Golden Yellow Blue Corydalis Golden Corydalis Montbretia - Orange Red Montbretia - Orange Montbretia - Orange Montbretia - Dark Orange Montbretia - Red Montbretia - Red Montbretia - Reddish orange Montbretia - Crimson Red Montbretia - Yellow Montbretia - Yellow Montbretia - Pinkish-Orange Hardy Cyclamen Hardy Cyclamen Larkspur - Pink Larkspur - Blue Larkspur - Blue Larkspur - Deep Purple Larkspur - Deep Purple Size Price Quart 2 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal 2 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 4 in 1 Gal 4 in Quart 1 Gal 4 in Quart Quart 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in Quart 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in Your Order $6.10 1861 $13.60 3006 $8.50 77236 $6.10 1883 $8.50 77232 $6.10 2247 $8.50 77273 $6.10 1886 $3.68 1876 $7.05 77255 $10.90 3010 $3.68 1880 $6.10 1884 $8.50 77256 $7.05 77260 $10.90 3015 $6.10 1888 $8.50 77262 $12.25 77265 $2.55 1909 $1.80 23207 $4.34 77310 $1.80 23208 $2.55 1899 $4.34 77272 $1.80 23209 $4.15 1915 $5.15 2314 $5.15 77348 $7.90 3395 $5.15 77360 $5.15 77365 $7.90 3025 $4.55 77375 $5.15 77390 $6.85 77377 $6.85 77395 $5.15 77410 $6.85 77407 $3.96 23230 $4.15 1926 $1.80 23262 $4.55 77456 $1.80 23258 $4.55 77457 $1.80 23259 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 14 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Delphinium elatum 'Aurora Lavender' Delphinium elatum 'Aurora White' Delphinium elatum 'Black Knight' Delphinium 'King Arthur' Delphinium 'MagF Dk Blue White Bee' Dicentra spectabilis Dicentra spectabilis Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart' Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart' Dicentra spectabilis 'Valentine' Dicentra spectabilis 'Valentine' Dierama pulcherrimum 'Merlin' Digitalis 'Polkadot Pippa' Digitalis 'Polkadot Princess' Doronicum orientale 'Little Leo' Doronicum orientale 'Little Leo' Doronicum orientale 'Little Leo' Echibeckia 'Summerina Yellow Patio' Echinacea assorted Echinacea 'Big Sky Harvest Moon' Echinacea 'Big Sky Solar Flare' Echinacea 'Big Sky Solar Flare' Echinacea 'Big Sky Sunrise' Echinacea 'Big Sky Sunrise' Echinacea hybrida 'Cheyenne Spirit' Echinacea hybrida 'Cheyenne Spirit' Echinacea hybrida 'Cheyenne Spirit' Echinacea hybrida 'Cheyenne Spirit' Echinacea p. 'Butterfly Kisses' Echinacea p. 'Dbl Scoop Bubble Gum' Echinacea p. 'Dbl Scoop Bubble Gum' Echinacea p. 'Dbl Scoop Cranberry' Echinacea P. 'Dbl Scoop Mandarin' Echinacea p. 'Dbl Scoop Orangeberry Echinacea p. 'Dbl Scoop Raspberry' Echinacea p. 'Green Jewel' Echinacea p. 'Hot Papaya' Echinacea p. 'Magnus' Echinacea p. 'Magnus' Echinacea p. 'Pow Wow White' Echinacea p. 'Pow Wow White' Echinacea p. 'Pow Wow White' Echinacea p. 'Pow Wow Wild Berry' Echinacea p. 'Pow Wow Wild Berry' Larkspur - Lavender Larkspur - White Larkspur - Deep Blue Larkspur - Deep Violet Larkspur - Dark Blue w/ White Center Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart White Bleeding Heart White Bleeding Heart Golden Bleeding Heart Golden Bleeding Heart Bleeding Heart Bleeding Heart Angel's Fishing Rod Foxglove - Deep Pink/Orange Foxglove - Bright Pink Leopard's Bane Leopard's Bane Leopard's Bane Echibeckia Coneflower Coneflower - Golden Yellow Coneflower - Dark Pink-Red Coneflower - Dark Pink-Red Coneflower - Lemon Yellow Coneflower - Lemon Yellow Coneflower - Mix Coneflower - Mix Coneflower - Mix Coneflower - Mix Coneflower - Double Light Pink Coneflower - Double Pink Coneflower - Double Pink Coneflower - Double Deep Pink/Red Coneflower - Double Orange Coneflower - Double Orange/Red Coneflower - Double Pink Coneflower - Green Coneflower - Double Orange-Red Coneflower - Pink Coneflower - Pink Coneflower - White Coneflower - White Coneflower - White Coneflower - Rose/Purple Coneflower - Rose/Purple Size Price 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 4 in 1 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal 2 Gal 4 in Quart 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 4 in 1 Gal 4 in Your Order $4.55 77458 $4.55 77459 $1.80 23263 $1.80 23264 $1.80 23563 $5.15 77560 $2.80 1914 $2.80 1913 $5.15 77565 $6.85 77530 $4.55 77434 $4.55 2576 $6.85 77568 $6.85 44108 $5.15 77589 $5.15 77594 $2.55 1917 $1.80 23276 $4.34 81315 $6.85 80448 $7.90 3138 $7.40 77660 $7.90 77609 $3.96 18274 $7.40 77710 $4.15 18280 $2.80 18275 $5.15 77627 $7.90 3108 $1.98 23409 $6.10 18276 $7.05 77623 $10.90 3127 $7.05 77628 $7.05 77633 $7.05 77624 $7.05 77622 $7.90 77651 $7.90 77665 $1.80 23338 $4.55 77675 $4.55 77688 $2.55 2241 $1.80 23341 $4.55 77686 $1.80 23339 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 15 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Echinacea p. 'Pow Wow Wild Berry' Echinacea p. 'Ruby Star' Echinacea p. 'Sombrero Adobe Orange Echinacea p. 'Sombrero FlamencoOran Echinacea p. 'Sombrero Hot Coral' Echinacea p. 'Sombrero Hot Coral' Echinacea p. 'Sombrero Lemon Yellow Echinacea p. 'Sombrero Salsa Red' Echinacea p. 'Sombrero Sandy Yellow Echinacea p. 'Sombrero Sandy Yellow Echinacea p. 'White Swan' Echinacea 'Piccolino' Echinacea 'Piccolino' Echinacea 'Tangerine Dream' Eryngium planum 'Jade Frost' Eryngium planum 'Jade Frost' Erysimum 'Apricot Twist' Erysimum 'Apricot Twist' Erysimum 'Bowles Mauve' Erysimum 'Constant Cheer' Erysimum 'Fragrant Sunshine' Erysimum 'Glow Coral' Erysimum 'Glow Golden' Erysimum 'Glow Orange' Erysimum 'Honeyberry' Erysimum 'Honeyberry' Erysimum 'Poem Lavender' Erysimum 'Rysi Gold' Erysimum 'Rysi Moon' Erysimum 'Variegata' Erysimum 'Variegata' Erysimum 'Winter Orchid' Erysimum 'Winter Orchid' Erysimum 'Winter Passion' Eucomis 'Aloha Lily Leia' Eucomis 'Aloha Lily Tiki' Eucomis 'Aloha Lily Tiki' Eucomis 'Dark Star' Euphorbia amyg. 'Purpurea' Euphorbia amyg. 'Purpurea' Euphorbia amyg. 'Purpurea' Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow' Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow' Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow' Euphorbia char. 'Black Pearl' Euphorbia char. 'Black Pearl' Coneflower - Rose/Purple Coneflower - Purple-Pink Coneflower - Bright Orange Coneflower - Orange Coneflower - Orange/Red Coneflower - Orange/Red Coneflower - Bright Yellow Coneflower - Red Coneflower - Bright Yellow Coneflower - Bright Yellow Coneflower - White Dwarf Coneflower - Double Pink Dwarf Coneflower - Double Pink Coneflower - Orange Variegated Sea Holly Variegated Sea Holly Wallflower - Soft Orange Wallflower - Soft Orange Wallflower - purple Wallflower - Orange/Red Wallflower - Yellow Wallflower - Orange Wallflower - Yellow Wallflower - Orange Wallflower - Magenta Pink w/ Variegated Wallflower - Magenta Pink w/ Variegated Wallflower - Light Purple Wallflower - Yellow Wallflower - Rysi Series Pale Yellow Wallflower - Purple Wallflower - Purple Wallflower Wallflower Wallflower - Winter Series Red Pineapple Lily - Dark Pink Pineapple Lily - Burgundy Pineapple Lily - Burgundy Dwarf Pineapple Lily Purple Wood Spurge Purple Wood Spurge Purple Wood Spurge Ascot Rainbow Spurge Ascot Rainbow Spurge Ascot Rainbow Spurge Spurge Spurge Size Price Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal Quart 4 in Quart 4 in Quart Quart Quart Quart Quart 4 in 4 in 4 in Quart Quart 4 in Quart 4 in Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in Quart 4 in 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal Quart Your Order $2.55 1935 $4.55 77695 $7.05 77634 $7.05 77632 $3.96 1931 $7.05 77631 $3.96 2393 $7.05 77626 $7.05 77621 $3.96 1930 $4.55 77725 $3.96 18277 $6.85 77608 $7.90 77611 $3.10 1936 $7.40 77790 $2.55 1986 $1.98 23321 $2.55 1937 $1.98 1949 $2.55 1938 $2.55 42042 $2.55 42043 $2.55 42044 $2.80 42034 $2.55 23652 $2.55 23325 $2.55 23340 $2.80 2601 $2.55 1939 $1.98 23326 $2.55 42053 $2.55 23351 $2.55 42054 $7.05 77861 $7.05 77863 $3.96 2359 $12.95 77864 $4.80 77935 $2.08 23365 $2.80 2138 $2.08 23361 $4.80 77875 $2.80 1943 $5.15 77945 $2.80 1947 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 16 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Euphorbia char. 'Glacier Blue' Euphorbia char. 'Silver Swan' Euphorbia char. 'Silver Swan' Euphorbia char. 'Silver Swan' Euphorbia characias wulfenii Shorty Euphorbia characias wulfenii Shorty Euphorbia 'Excalibur' Euphorbia martinii Euphorbia myrsinites Euphorbia robbiae Euphorbia robbiae Euphorbia 'Ruby Glow' Fuchsia 'Fuchsiade 88' Fuchsia 'Tangerine' Gaura lindh. 'Belleza Dark Pink' Gaura 'Passionate Rainbow Petite' Gentiana 'True Blue' Geranium 'Blue Sunrise' Geranium 'Crystal Rose' Geranium 'Crystal Rose' Geranium mac. 'Bevans Variety' Geranium 'Midnight Clouds' Geranium 'Pink Penny' Geranium pratense 'Hocus Pocus' Geranium 'Rozanne' Geranium 'Rozanne' Geranium sang. 'Alba' Geranium sang. 'Max Frei' Geranium wallichianum 'Havana Blues Geranium x cant. 'Biokovo' Geranium x cant. 'Biokovo Karmina' Geranium x magnificum Geum chiloense 'Lady Stratheden' Geum chiloense 'Mrs. Bradshaw' Geum chiloense 'Mrs. Bradshaw' Geum chiloense 'Mrs. Bradshaw' Geum coccineum 'Eos' Geum coccineum 'Koi' Geum 'Cocktails Alabama Slammer' Geum 'Cocktails Banana Daiquiri' Geum 'Cocktails Cosmopolitan' Geum 'Cocktails Mai Tai' Geum 'Cocktails Sangria' Geum 'Cocktails Tequila Sunrise' Geum 'Flames of Passion' Geum 'Flames of Passion' Glacier Blue Spurge Silver Swan Spurge Silver Swan Spurge Silver Swan Spurge Evergreen Spurge Evergreen Spurge Excalibur Spurge Martin's Spurge Donkey-tail Spurge Mrs. Robb's Bonnet Spurge Mrs. Robb's Bonnet Spurge Ruby Glow Spurge Hardy Fuchsia Hardy Fuchsia Wand Flower Wand Flower Gentian - Deep Blue Cranesbill Cranesbill-Fuschia Cranesbill-Fuschia Hardy Geranium Cranesbill-White Cransbill - Magenta Pink Cranesbill Cranesbill - Blue Cranesbill - Blue Cranesbill Cranesbill Cransbill - Blue Hardy Geranium Cranesbill Hardy Geranium - Dark Purple Geum - Double Yellow Avens - Red Avens - Red Avens - Red Avens - Bright Orange Avens - Orange Avens Avens - Light Yellow Avens Avens Avens Avens Geum - Ruby Red Geum - Ruby Red Size Price 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart Quart 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal Your Order $5.60 77950 $2.08 23366 $5.15 77960 $2.80 2137 $4.80 77961 $2.80 2149 $2.80 1940 $5.15 77965 $5.15 77980 $2.08 23375 $4.80 77990 $5.15 77920 $4.80 78054 $4.80 78048 $2.55 2361 $2.55 1990 $4.55 2571 $8.50 78145 $2.80 2458 $4.80 78151 $5.15 81530 $10.90 78166 $7.90 78142 $9.50 78245 $10.90 3094 $6.85 78170 $5.15 78257 $7.05 78260 $6.85 44035 $5.15 78190 $5.15 78195 $6.85 78141 $4.34 44003 $4.34 78285 $2.80 42010 $1.80 23422 $5.60 78294 $4.34 78287 $7.90 3112 $1.80 23589 $7.40 78291 $4.55 78284 $7.40 78292 $4.55 78289 $1.80 23424 $4.55 78282 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 17 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Geum 'Flames of Passion' Geum flora plena 'Blazing Sunset' Geum 'Mango Lassi' Geum 'Sunkissed Lime' Geum 'Totally Tangerine' Geum 'Totally Tangerine' Gunnera manicata Gypsophila pan. 'Festival Pink' Gypsophila pan. 'Festival Star' Gypsophila pan. 'Snow White' Hebe anomala purpurea nana Hebe assorted Hebe assorted Hebe buxifolia Hebe buxifolia Hebe glaucophylla Hebe 'Hinerua' Hebe 'Hinerua' Hebe mckeanii Hebe mckeanii Hebe 'New Zealand' Hebe ochracea 'James Stirling' Hebe ochracea 'James Stirling' Hebe 'Patty's Purple' Hebe 'Patty's Purple' Hebe 'Pinocchio' Hebe 'Silver Dollar' Hebe 'Tricolor' Hebe 'Tricolor' Hebe 'Variegata' Hebe 'Variegata' Helleborus 'Angel Glow' Helleborus 'Apple Blossom' Helleborus argutifolius Helleborus 'Baton Rouge' Helleborus 'Black Magic' Helleborus 'Cinnamon Snow' Helleborus 'Cinnamon Snow' Helleborus foetidus Helleborus foetidus 'Wester Flisk' Helleborus 'Klondike Gold' Helleborus lividus 'Pink Marble' Helleborus 'Love Bug' Helleborus 'Love Bug' Helleborus 'Mardi Gras Double Mix' Helleborus 'Mardi Gras Mix' Geum - Ruby Red Geum - Double Red Avens Avens - Orange Avens - Orange Avens - Orange Dinosaur Food Plant Hardy's Baby Breath - Light Pink Hardy's Baby Breath - White Hardy's Baby Breath Hebe 3 varieties of Hebes 2 varieties of Hebes Boxwood Hebe Boxwood Hebe Hebe Hebe Hebe Hebe Hebe Hebe Hebe Hebe Hebe Hebe Hebe Hebe Tricolor Hebe Tricolor Hebe Variegated Hebe Variegated Hebe Winter Royalty Collection - Light Pink Mardi Gras Series - Light Pink Corsican Hellebore - Pale Green Mardi Gras Series - Red Shades Mardi Gras Series - Dark Purple/Black Gold Collection - Pink Gold Collection - Pink Bear Paw Hellebore Bear Paw Hellebore Mardi Gras Series - Yellow Lenten Rose - Light Green Gold Collection - Cream White/Pink Gold Collection - Cream White/Pink Mardi Gras Series - Double Mix Mardi Gras Series - Mix Size Price Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 5 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Your Order $2.80 2346 $4.55 78281 $7.40 78293 $7.40 44025 $4.55 78286 $1.80 44071 $16.30 26395 $4.34 44027 $4.34 44030 $4.34 44031 $2.55 23505 $2.55 23510 $5.15 78405 $5.15 78410 $2.55 23515 $5.15 78435 $2.55 23451 $5.15 78325 $2.55 23545 $5.15 78440 $5.15 78350 $5.15 44032 $2.55 23546 $2.55 23470 $5.15 78360 $5.15 78365 $5.15 78375 $2.55 23490 $5.15 78380 $5.15 78390 $2.55 23495 $8.50 78607 $8.50 78588 $6.85 78585 $6.85 78566 $8.50 78564 $8.50 78530 $13.60 3116 $6.85 78590 $6.85 78595 $8.50 78563 $5.15 78596 $5.15 2587 $8.50 78606 $8.50 78562 $6.85 78560 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 18 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Helleborus 'Merlin' Helleborus niger 'Jacob' 6in Helleborus niger 'Jonas' Helleborus niger 'Josef Lemper' Helleborus niger 'Josef Lemper' Helleborus orientalis Helleborus orientalis 'Bridget' Helleborus orientalis 'Charlotte' Helleborus orientalis 'Conny' Helleborus orientalis 'Elly' Helleborus orientalis 'Frilly Kitty Helleborus orientalis 'Mary Lou' Helleborus orientalis 'Mary Lou' Helleborus orientalis 'Tiffany' Helleborus orientalis 'Tutu' Helleborus 'Peach Blush' Helleborus 'Penny's Pink' Helleborus 'Pink Frost' Helleborus 'Pink Frost' Helleborus 'Snow Fever' Helleborus 'Snow Frills' Helleborus x eric. 'Champion' Helleborus x ericsm. 'Pirouette' Helleborus x ericsm. 'WinterMonbeam Helleborus x nigersm. 'Ivory Prince Helleborus x nigersm. 'Ivory Prince Helleborus x sternii Hemerocallis 'Frans Hals' Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns' Hemerocallis 'Hyperion' Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie' Heuchera 'Carnival Limeade' Heuchera 'Carnival Peach Parfait' Heuchera 'Carnival Rose Granita' Heuchera 'Carnival Watermelon' Heuchera 'Crimson Curls' Heuchera 'Crimson Curls' Heuchera 'Delta Dawn' Heuchera 'Dolce Cinnamon Curls' Heuchera 'Dolce Cinnamon Curls' Heuchera 'Fire Alarm' Heuchera 'Fire Alarm' Heuchera 'Fire Chief' Heuchera 'Fire Chief' Heuchera 'Forever Purple' Gold Collection - Deep Burgundy Gold Collection - White Gold Collection - Cream White Gold Collection - White Gold Collection - White Lenten Rose Spring Promise Series - Pink Spring Promise Series - White/Red Spring Promise Series - White Spring Promise Series - Soft Pink Spring Promise Series - Dbl. Light Pink Spring Promise Series - Lt Pink/Burgundy Spring Promise Series - Lt Pink/Burgundy Spring Promise Series - White/Red Winter Royalty Collection - Pink Mardi Gras Series - Light Pink Winter Royalty Collection - Pink Gold Collection - Pink Gold Collection - Pink Gold Collection - Pale Green Gold Collection - Double White Gold Collection - White/Light Pink Winter Royalty Collection - White/Pink Lenten Rose - White Winter Royalty Collection - Cream White Winter Royalty Collection - Cream White Lenten Rose - Red/Green Daylily - yellow-orange Daylily - lemon yellow Daylily - yellow Daylily - yellow Coral Bells - Rosy-pink Coral Bells - Chartreuse Coral Bells - Peachy Pink Coral Bells - Silvery Rose Coral Bells - Orange/Pink/Bronze Coral Bells - Burgundy Coral Bells - Burgundy Coral Bells - Golden Yellow-Green w/ Re Coral Bells - Coppery Orange-Red Coral Bells - Coppery Orange-Red Coral Bells - Red Coral Bells - Red Coral Bells - Wine Red Coral Bells - Wine Red Coral Bells - Purple Size Price 1 Gal 6 in Quart 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Your Order $8.50 78548 $8.50 4062 $5.15 2479 $8.50 78555 $5.15 78597 $5.15 78605 $9.69 78521 $9.69 78522 $9.69 78523 $13.60 3167 $9.69 78531 $13.60 3166 $9.69 78561 $9.69 78577 $8.50 78608 $8.50 78567 $8.50 78549 $5.15 2496 $8.50 78570 $8.50 78581 $8.50 78611 $5.15 2278 $8.50 78609 $8.50 78612 $5.15 1973 $8.50 78545 $8.50 81675 $5.60 78690 $5.60 78705 $4.55 78715 $4.34 78810 $8.50 78855 $5.15 78863 $5.15 78861 $5.15 78862 $5.15 78859 $2.55 1964 $5.15 78865 $8.50 78866 $7.40 81722 $3.96 78642 $4.15 2410 $8.50 78876 $4.15 2617 $8.50 78877 $8.50 44017 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 19 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Heuchera 'Georgia Peach' Heuchera 'Kassandra' Heuchera 'Kassandra' Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade' Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade' Heuchera 'LittleCutie Coco' Heuchera 'LittleCutie Frost' Heuchera 'LittleCutie Peppermint' Heuchera 'LittleCutie Sweet Tart' Heuchera 'Marmalade' Heuchera 'Melting Fire' Heuchera 'Melting Fire' Heuchera 'Melting Fire' Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' Heuchera 'Obsidian' Heuchera 'Obsidian' Heuchera 'Paprika' Heuchera 'Paris' Heuchera 'Peach Flambe' Heuchera 'Plum Pudding' Heuchera 'Rio' Heuchera sanguinea 'Snow Angel' Heuchera 'Silver Scrolls' Heuchera 'Spellbound' Heuchera 'Stormy Seas' Heuchera villosa 'Caramel' Heuchera villosa 'Caramel' Heucherella 'Copper Cascade' Heucherella 'Dayglow Pink' Heucherella 'Gold Cascade' Heucherella 'Gold Zebra' Heucherella 'Goldstrike' Heucherella 'Mojito' Heucherella 'Redstone Falls' Heucherella 'Solar Eclipse' Heucherella 'Sweet Tea' Heucherella 'Yellowstone Falls' Hosta Assorted Hosta Assorted Hosta 'Blue Angel' Hosta 'Brim Cup' Hosta 'Christmas Tree' Hosta 'Christmas Tree' Hosta 'City Lights' Hosta 'Fire and Ice' Coral Bells - Peachy/Orange/Pink Coral Bells - Caramel-Orange/Red Coral Bells - Caramel-Orange/Red Coral Bells - Bright Lime Green Coral Bells - Bright Lime Green Coral Bells - Deep Purple-Black Coral Bells - Burgundy-Purple w/ Silver Coral Bells - Green w/ White Veil Coral Bells - Lime Green Coral Bells - Amber-Orange Coral Bells - Bronzy-Red Coral Bells - Bronzy-Red Coral Bells - Bronzy-Red Coral Bells - Bronzy-Green/Purple-Red Coral Bells - Bronzy-Green/Purple-Red Coral Bells - Black Foliage Coral Bells - Black Foliage Coral Bells - Glowing Cherry-Coral Coral Bells - City Series Green w/ Silver Coral Bells - Peachy-Orange Coral Bells - Plum Purple w/ Silver Highli Coral Bells - City Series Peach/Amber/Ta Coral Bells - Green w/ White Splashes Coral Bells - Burgundy Purple w/ Silver Coral Bells - Rosy Purple w/ Silver Overla Coral Bells - Dark Purple w/ Silver Coral Bells - Caramel-Orange Coral Bells - Caramel-Orange Foamy Bells - Cascade Series Foamy Bells - Green Foamy Bells - Yellow w/ Center Markings Foamy Bells - Golden Yellow w/ Red Foamy Bells - Golden Yellow w/ Red Vei Foamy Bells - Golden Lime w/ Red Veins Foamy Bells - Copper-Orange Foamy Bells - Russet Red w/ Lime Margi Foamy Bells - Orange w/ Burgundy Foamy Bells - Chartreuse w/ Crimson Hosta Assorted Hosta Assorted Blue deep green center with cream white edge Dk Green w/ White Edge Dk Green w/ White Edge golden yellow Green w/white center Size Price 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal Quart Quart Quart Quart 1 Gal Quart 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Your Order $7.40 78885 $5.15 78891 $2.55 2001 $4.15 2578 $7.40 78896 $4.15 78639 $4.15 23707 $4.15 23709 $4.15 23711 $7.40 78910 $2.55 1975 $2.08 23698 $5.15 78915 $1.80 23695 $5.15 79000 $4.15 2192 $7.40 78930 $8.50 78932 $7.40 78931 $7.40 78935 $5.15 78955 $4.15 42032 $5.15 79005 $5.15 78960 $8.50 78961 $5.15 78970 $7.40 79010 $3.10 23702 $8.50 78848 $8.50 78858 $8.50 44018 $8.50 44063 $8.50 44019 $4.15 42033 $8.50 79012 $8.50 79016 $8.50 78980 $8.50 78981 $4.80 79170 $3.10 1977 $4.80 79035 $4.80 79047 $3.10 2519 $4.80 79045 $4.80 79046 $4.80 79060 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 20 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Hosta 'Fire and Ice' Hosta 'Fire Island' Hosta fortunei 'Francee' Hosta 'Great Expectations' Hosta 'Guacamole' Hosta 'Halycon' Hosta 'June' Hosta 'Krossa Regal' Hosta lancifolia 'Royal Standard' Hosta 'Lemontini' Hosta 'Love Pat' Hosta 'Moonstruck' Hosta 'Patriot' Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' Hosta 'Sum and Substance' Iberis sempervirens 'Masterpiece' Iberis sempervirens 'Masterpiece' Iberis sempervirens 'Purity' Iberis sempervirens 'Purity' Iberis sempervirens 'Snow Cone' Iberis sempervirens 'Snow Cone' Iberis sempervirens 'Whiteout' Iberis 'Snow Surfer' Iberis 'Snow Surfer' Iberis 'White Heat' Iris pumila 'Blue Denim' Iris pumila 'Brassie' Iris pumila 'Cherry Garden' Iris sibirica 'Blue King' Iris sibirica 'Butter and Sugar' Iris sibirica 'Silver Edge' Iris sibirica 'Snow Queen' Iris x louisiana 'Black Gamecock' Knautia 'Thunder and Lightning' Kniphofia 'Shining Sceptre' Kniphofia uvaria 'Echo Mango' Kniphofia uvaria 'Echo Rojo' Lavandula ang. 'Big Time Blue' Lavandula ang. 'Hidcote' Lavandula ang. 'Hidcote' Lavandula ang. 'Munstead Strain' Lavandula ang. 'Platinum Blonde' Lavandula ang. 'Platinum Blonde' Lavandula ang. 'Silver Mist' Lavandula ang. 'Silver Mist' Green w/ White Center Bright Golden Yellow Olive Green w/ White Edge grn-blue w/ cream Green w/ dark green margins Blue-green blue w/ creamy center Blue-Green Light Green Dark Blue White w/ blue-green margin Dk. Green w/Pure White Margin Blue-Grey Blue-Grey large lime-green Candytuft Candytuft Evergreen Candytuft Evergreen Candytuft Candytuft Candytuft Candytuft Candytuft Candytuft Evergreen Candytuft Dwarf Bearded Iris Dwarf Bearded Iris Dwarf Bearded Iris Siberian Iris (light blue) Siberian Iris (yellow/white) Siberian Iris (purple) Siberian Iris (white) Dark Blue Louisiana Iris Variegated Knautia Torch Lily Red Hot Poker Red Hot Poker English Lavender English Lavender English Lavender English Lavender English Lavender English Lavender English Lavender English Lavender Size Price Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in Quart 1 Gal Your Order $3.10 2348 $4.80 79062 $4.80 79190 $4.80 79085 $4.80 44109 $4.80 79100 $4.80 79105 $4.80 79110 $4.80 79200 $3.96 23701 $4.80 79120 $4.80 79121 $4.80 79135 $3.10 2544 $4.80 79205 $4.80 79150 $5.15 79256 $3.10 1994 $1.80 23710 $4.55 79260 $4.55 79261 $1.98 23713 $1.98 24222 $1.98 24221 $5.15 79253 $4.55 44062 $5.15 79295 $5.15 79300 $5.15 79305 $4.80 79320 $4.80 79325 $4.55 79346 $4.80 79350 $5.15 80153 $3.10 2259 $5.60 79390 $5.60 79392 $5.60 79394 $2.55 40030 $2.08 23745 $4.80 79400 $4.80 79405 $5.60 79418 $3.10 23818 $2.55 79413 $5.15 79423 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 21 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Lavandula st. 'Anouk Silver' Lavandula st. 'Anouk Silver' Lavandula st. 'Blue Star' Lavandula st. 'Otto Quast' Lavandula st. 'Otto Quast' Lavandula x intermedia 'Fred Boutin Lavandula x intermedia 'Fred Boutin Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso' Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso' Lavandula x intermedia 'Phenomenal' Lavandula x intermedia 'Provence' Lavatera clementii 'Barnsley Baby' Lavatera clementii 'Burgundy Wine' Lavatera clementii 'Red Rum' Leucanthemum sup. 'Alaska' Leucanthemum sup. 'Banana Cream' Leucanthemum sup. 'Becky' Leucanthemum sup. 'Becky' Leucanthemum sup. 'Gold Rush' Leucanthemum sup. 'Real Dream' Leucanthemum sup. 'Real Galaxy' Leucanthemum sup. 'Real Glory' Leucanthemum sup. 'Real Neat' Lewisia cotyledon 'Sunset Series' Lewisia cotyledon 'Sunset Series' Liatris spicata 'Kobold' Libertia ixioides 'Goldfinger' Ligularia przewalskii Lilium assorted deco pot Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple' Liriope muscari 'Silvery Sunproof' Liriope muscari 'Variegata' Liriope spicata Liriope spicata Lithodora diffusa 'Grace Ward' Lithodora diffusa 'Grace Ward' Lithodora diffusa 'White Star' Lupinus regalis 'Gallery Blue' Lupinus regalis 'Gallery Pink' Lupinus regalis 'Gallery Red' Lupinus regalis 'Gallery Yellow' Monarda didyma 'Cranberry Lace' Monarda didyma 'Grand Parade' Monarda didyma 'Pink Lace' Monarda didyma 'Purple Lace' Spanish Lavender Spanish Lavender - Purple Spanish Lavender Spanish Lavender Spanish Lavender Lavender Lavender Fat Spike Lavender Fat Spike Lavender Lavender Lavender Tree Mallow Tree Mallow Tree Mallow Shasta Daisy Shasta Daisy- Lemon Yellow Shasta Daisy Shasta Daisy Shasta Daisy Shasta Daisy - clear yellow Shasta Daisy - Pure White Shasta Daisy - White Shasta Daisy- White fluted petals Lewisia Lewisia Gayfeather - Purple New Zealand Iris Golden Ray Assorted Lilies Big Blue Lily Turf Royal Purple Lily Turf Silvery Sunproof Lily Turf Variegated Lily Turf Lily Turf Lily Turf Blue Rock Seed Blue Rock Seed White Star Rock Seed Lupine - Blue Lupine - Pink Lupine - Red Lupine - Yellow Bee Balm Bee Balm Bee Balm Bee Balm Size Price 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in Quart 1 Gal Quart 2 Gal 3 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal Quart 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Your Order $4.80 79412 $2.08 23759 $4.80 79435 $2.08 23760 $4.80 79470 $2.08 23765 $4.80 79510 $2.08 23770 $4.80 79515 $5.15 79516 $4.80 79520 $5.15 79530 $5.15 79541 $5.15 79550 $1.80 23791 $7.40 79566 $1.80 23817 $4.55 79551 $4.80 79560 $4.80 79563 $4.80 79573 $4.80 79574 $4.80 79564 $1.98 23795 $2.55 2022 $6.85 79590 $3.96 2008 $7.90 3230 $16.30 56208 $4.55 79660 $4.55 82115 $4.55 79670 $4.55 79675 $1.98 23800 $4.55 79680 $1.98 23805 $5.15 79690 $3.10 2020 $1.80 23822 $1.80 23823 $1.80 23824 $1.80 23828 $4.55 79764 $4.55 79767 $4.55 79770 $2.80 42022 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 22 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Monarda 'Fireball' Monarda 'Marshall's Delight' Mukdenia rossii 'Crimson Fans' Mukdenia rossii 'Crimson Fans' Myosotis sylvatica ‘Bluesylva’ Narcissus 'Tete-a-Tete' Nepeta mussinii ‘Six Hills Gold’ Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low' Origanum vulgare' Aureum' Paeonia lact. 'Bowl of Beauty' Paeonia lact. 'Celebrity' Paeonia lact. 'Coral Sunset' Paeonia lact. 'Doreen' Paeonia lact. 'Dr. AlexanderFleming Paeonia lact. 'Edulis Superba' Paeonia lact. 'Monsieur Jules Elie' Paeonia lactiflora 'Felix Crouse' Paeonia lactiflora 'Festiva Maxima' Paeonia lactiflora hybrid - White Paeonia lactiflora 'Kansas' Paeonia lactiflora 'Karl Rosenfeld' Paeonia lactiflora 'Karl Rosenfeld' Paeonia lactiflora 'Sarah Bernhart' Paeonia lactiflora 'Sarah Bernhart' Paeonia lactiflora 'Sebastian Maas' Paeonia lactiflora 'Sebastian Maas' Paeonia lactiflora 'Shirley Temple' Paeonia lactiflora 'Shirley Temple' Paeonia mlokosewitschii Paeonia mlokosewitschii Paeonia x 'Paula Fay' Papaver nud. 'Champagne Bubbles' Papaver or. 'Beauty of Livermore' Papaver or. 'Beauty of Livermore' Papaver or. 'Prin. Victoria Louise' Penstemon b. 'Delft Blue RidingHood Penstemon b. 'Red Riding Hood' Penstemon het. 'Electric Blue' Penstemon mex. 'Carillo Purple' Penstemon mex. 'Carillo Red' Penstemon mex. PIKE'S PEAK PURPLE Penstemon mex. RED ROCKS Perovskia atri. 'Little Spires' Perovskia atriplicifolia Persicaria micro. 'Red Dragon' Persicaria microephala 'NightDragon Bee Balm Bee Balm - Pink Mukdenia Mukdenia Forget-me-not Daffodil - yellow Catmint Walker's Low Catmint Golden Oregano Pink Raspberry Pink Coral-Pink Fuchsia Pink Double Pink Double Pink Double Dark Pink Double Red Double White Double White Double Red Double Red Double Red Double Pink Double Pink Double Pink Double Pink Double White Double White Golden Yellow Golden Yellow Semi Double Bright Pink Iceland Poppy Oriental Poppy - Red Oriental Poppy - Red Oriental Poppy - Light Pink Beardtongue - Blue Beardtongue - Red Beardtongue - Bright Blue Beardtongue - Light Purple Beardtongue - Red Beardtongue - Purple Beardtongue - Rose Red Dwarf Russian Sage Russian Sage Fleece Flower Fleece Flower Size Price 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart Quart 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Your Order $4.55 79765 $4.55 79773 $7.40 79771 $3.96 2021 $2.55 42046 $1.98 23872 $4.80 44021 $4.55 82185 $3.10 72585 $7.40 79811 $9.69 79804 $7.40 79841 $7.40 79818 $7.40 79821 $9.69 79803 $7.40 79831 $7.40 79802 $7.40 79805 $7.40 79840 $7.40 79810 $7.40 79815 $10.90 3551 $7.40 79820 $10.90 3265 $10.90 3555 $7.40 79825 $10.90 3260 $7.40 79801 $12.95 46038 $9.69 79809 $7.40 79828 $4.34 79845 $1.80 23896 $4.34 79855 $1.80 23893 $4.55 79939 $4.55 79973 $2.55 2114 $2.55 2605 $2.55 2619 $4.55 80001 $2.55 2115 $5.15 80036 $4.55 80035 $5.15 80039 $5.15 80041 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 23 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Persicaria microephala 'SilverDragn Phlox pan. 'Coral Red Flame' Phlox pan. 'Pink Flame' Phlox pan. 'Purple Flame' Phlox sub. 'Candystripe' Phlox sub. 'Candystripe' Phlox sub. 'Emerald Blue' Phlox sub. 'Emerald Blue' Phlox sub. 'Purple Beauty' Phlox sub. 'Red Wings' Phlox sub. 'Scarlet Flame' Phormium 'Apricot Queen' Phormium 'Apricot Queen' Phormium 'Evening Glow' Phormium 'Jack Spratt' Phormium 'Jester' Phormium 'Jester' Phormium 'Pink Panther' Phormium 'Pink Stripe' Phormium 'Rainbow Queen' Phormium 'Rainbow Sunrise' Phormium 'Rosie Chameleon' Phormium 'Shiraz' Phormium 'Shiraz' Phormium 'Sundowner' Phormium 'Sundowner' Phormium tenax 'Rubrum' Phormium tenax 'Rubrum' Phormium 'Tom Thumb' Phormium 'Tom Thumb' Phormium 'Wings of Gold' Phormium 'Wings of Gold' Phormium 'Yellow Wave' Phygelius 'Devil's Tears' Phygelius 'Passionate' Phygelius 'Yellow Trumpet' Polygonatum odoratum 'Variegatum' Primula 'Belarina Amethyst Ice' Primula 'Belarina Buttercup' Primula 'Belarina Cobalt Blue' Primula 'Belarina Pink Champagne' Primula 'Belarina Valentine' Primula 'Belarina Yellow Ruffle' Primula capitata 'Noverna Dp Blue' Primula denticulata Ronsdorf Strain Primula denticulata Rubin Selection Fleece Flower Garden Phlox - Bright Coral Garden Phlox - Bright Pink Garden Phlox - Purple Creeping Phlox Creeping Phlox Creeping Phlox Creeping Phlox Creeping Phlox - purple Creeping Phlox Creeping Phlox - Red New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax New Zealand Flax Cape Fuchsia Cape Fuchsia Cape Fuchsia Variegated Solomon's Seal Primrose Double Primrose - Yellow Double Primrose - Blue Double Primrose - Light Pink Double Primrose - Deep Red Primrose Capitata Asiatic Primrose Drumstick Primrose Drumstick Primrose - Red Size Price 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart Quart Quart Quart Quart 4 in 4 in 4 in Your Order $5.15 80042 $4.80 80065 $4.80 80090 $4.80 80095 $4.80 80130 $2.08 23910 $4.80 80125 $2.08 23905 $2.08 23913 $2.08 23920 $2.08 23921 $8.50 80150 $6.10 2027 $8.50 80160 $8.50 80170 $6.10 2029 $8.50 80175 $8.50 80180 $8.50 44004 $8.50 80195 $6.10 2033 $8.50 80201 $8.50 80202 $6.10 2035 $6.10 2201 $8.50 80205 $7.40 80235 $5.15 2040 $6.10 2036 $8.50 80210 $8.50 80220 $6.10 2205 $8.50 80225 $4.55 80240 $5.15 80245 $4.55 80250 $9.50 80281 $3.96 2550 $3.96 2049 $3.96 2050 $3.96 2285 $3.96 2286 $3.96 2551 $2.55 24129 $2.55 24217 $2.08 24149 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 24 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Primula vialii Pulmonaria long. 'Diana Clare' Pulmonaria 'Majeste' Pulmonaria 'Raspberry Splash' Pulsatilla vulg. 'Bells Series' Pulsatilla vulg. 'Papageno' Pulsatilla vulg. 'Papageno' Pulsatilla vulg. 'Pinwheel Blue' Rodgersia pinnata 'Chocolate Wings' Rodgersia pinnata 'Chocolate Wings' Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba' Rodgersia podophylla 'Bloody Mary' Rodgersia podophylla 'Bronze Form' Rosmarinus off. 'Arp' Rosmarinus off. 'Hill Hardy' Rosmarinus off. 'Speedy' cone Rosmarinus off. 'Wilma's Gold' Rosmarinus off. 'Wilma's Gold' Rosmarinus officinalis Rosmarinus officinalis tree Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'HenryEilers Salvia argentea Salvia nemorosa 'New Dimension Blue Salvia nemorosa 'New Dimension Rose Saxifraga 'Alpino Lime' Saxifraga 'Alpino Pink' Saxifraga 'Alpino Pink Heart' Saxifraga 'Alpino Pink Heart' Saxifraga 'Alpino White' Saxifraga 'Alpino White' Saxifraga crustata Saxifraga 'Peter Pan' Saxifraga 'Touran Deep Red' Saxifraga 'Touran Neon Rose' Saxifraga 'Touran Neon Rose' Saxifraga 'Touran White' Sedum 'Autumn Charm' Sedum 'Bertram Anderson' Sedum 'Purple Emperor' Sedum sieboldii Sedum sieboldii Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Joy' Lungwort Lungwort Lungwort Pasque Flower Pasque Flower Pasque Flower Pasque Flower Rodger's Flower Rodger's Flower Rodger's Flower Rodger's Flower Rodger's Flower Rosemary Hill Hardy Rosemary Rosmary - 2gal cone Wilma's Golden Rosemary Wilma's Golden Rosemary Shrub Rosemary Shrub Rosemary - Tree Form Black-eyed Susan Black-eyed Susan Black-eyed Susan Black-eyed Susan Black-eyed Susan Silver Sage Garden Sage Garden Sage Mossy Saxifrage - Lime Green Mossy Saxifrage - Pink Mossy Saxifrage - Light Pink Mossy Saxifrage - Light Pink Mossy Saxifrage Mossy Saxifrage Silver Saxifrage Saxifrage Mossy Saxifrage Saxifrage Variegated Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop October Plant October Plant Stonecrop Size Price 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 2 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 3 Gal 4 in Quart 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in Quart 4 in Quart 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in Quart 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in Your Order $1.80 23971 $5.60 44060 $5.60 80310 $5.60 44061 $2.55 42017 $4.55 80337 $2.55 2301 $4.55 80332 $8.50 82425 $4.15 2313 $7.40 82435 $12.25 80366 $7.40 80367 $2.55 25050 $2.55 25052 $2.00 46021 $6.10 80377 $2.55 2582 $5.60 80380 $39.00 46039 $1.80 23992 $2.55 2047 $4.34 80400 $7.90 3330 $4.80 80264 $1.80 24005 $1.80 24007 $1.80 24009 $1.80 24032 $1.80 24033 $2.55 2533 $1.80 24034 $2.55 2526 $1.80 24037 $2.55 24058 $1.80 24045 $1.80 24053 $2.55 2347 $1.80 24054 $1.80 24060 $5.60 80495 $1.80 24075 $4.34 80510 $4.34 80550 $1.80 24180 $1.80 24195 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 25 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Joy' Sedum spectabile 'Elsie's Gold' Sedum spectabile 'Elsie's Gold' Sedum spectabile 'Matrona' Sedum spectabile 'Matrona' Sedum spectabile 'Neon' Sedum spectabile 'Neon' Sedum telephium 'Red Cauli' Sedum telephium 'Red Cauli' Sedum 'Thundercloud' Sedum 'Thundercloud' Sedum 'Vera Jameson' Sedum 'Xenox' Silene dioica 'Clifford Moor' Sisyrinchium angust. 'Lucerne' Stachys byzantina 'Silver Carpet' Tiarella 'Pink Skyrocket' Uvularia grandiflora Veronica 'Georgia Blue' Veronica 'Georgia Blue' Viola cornuta 'Etain' Viola cornuta 'Etain' Viola labradorica Yucca dismetiana 'Blue Boy' Yucca filamentosa 'Bright Star' Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' Size Price Your Order Stonecrop Showy Stonecrop Showy Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Stonecrop Variegated Catchfly Blue-Eyed Grass Silver Carpet Lamb's Ear Foamflower - Light Pink Largeflower Bellwort Georgia Blue Speedwell Georgia Blue Speedwell Etain Violet Etain Violet Labrador Alpine Violet Yucca Yucca Yucca 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal Quart 4 in 1 Gal Quart 4 in 4 in Quart Quart Quart $4.34 80560 $5.60 80498 $2.55 24196 $1.80 24205 $4.34 80570 $4.34 80575 $1.80 24210 $4.34 80585 $1.80 24240 $1.80 80512 $4.80 80513 $1.80 24100 $5.60 80522 $4.80 80597 $2.55 24268 $1.80 24279 $8.50 82662 $5.15 2083 $1.52 24360 $4.34 80730 $2.55 2134 $1.52 24421 $1.80 24430 $3.96 2524 $3.96 2495 $3.96 2112 Monkey Puzzle Tree Caryopteris Caryopteris Lawson False Cypress Snow White Port Orford Cedar - The Guar Hinoki False Cypress Twig Dogwood - Yellow Twig Dogwood - Red Twig Dogwood - Black Twig Dogwood - Red Twig Dogwood - Red Twig Dogwood - Red Kelsey's Dwarf Red-Osier Dogwood Lemon Cypress Lemon Cypress Lemon Cypress Variegated Daphne Winter Daphne Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 5 Gal 6 in Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal $12.95 76705 $5.15 77131 $5.15 77136 $3.89 23353 $3.89 40101 $8.50 44054 $5.15 77319 $5.15 77322 $5.15 77316 $6.85 77327 $12.25 3020 $5.15 77323 $5.15 77328 $23.50 26365 $7.90 4060 $5.15 1895 $6.85 77411 $10.90 77412 Shrubs Araucaria araucana Caryopteris x clan. 'Hint of Gold' Caryopteris x clan. 'White Surprise Chamaecyparis l. 'Ellwoodii' Chamaecyparis l. 'Snow White' Chamaecyparis ob. 'Fernspray Gold Cornus alba 'Bud's Yellow' Cornus alba 'Cream Edge' Cornus alba 'Kesselringii' Cornus sanguinea 'Midwinter Fire' Cornus sanguinea 'Midwinter Fire' Cornus sericea 'Cardinal' Cornus sericea 'Kelseyi' Cupressus 'Wilma Goldcrest' 5g Cupressus 'Wilma Goldcrest' 6in Cupressus 'Wilma Goldcrest' qt Daphne odora 'Aureo-marginata' Daphne odora 'Maejima' Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 26 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Daphne trans. 'Eternal Fragrance' Fatshedera lizei 'Aureo Maculata' Fatsia japonica Fatsia japonica Fatsia japonica 'Variegata' Ficus carica 'Black Mission' Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey' Ficus carica 'Desert King' Ficus carica 'Olympian' Ficus carica 'Violette de Bordeaux' Gardenia jasminoides 'Kleim's Hardy Gardenia jasminoides 'Kleim's Hardy Gardenia jasminoides 'Summer Snow' Gardenia jasminoides 'Summer Snow' Hydrangea m. 'DblDelightsStarGazer' Hydrangea m. 'Everlasting Harmony' Hydrangea m. 'Everlasting Jade' Hydrangea m. 'Pistachio' Hydrangea querci. 'Munchkin' Hydrangea querci. 'Ruby Slippers' Hydrangea querci. 'Ruby Slippers' Hydrangea ser. 'O-amacha Nishiki' Hypericum 'Harvest Festival Coral' Hypericum 'Harvest Festival Red' Hypericum 'Hypearls Olivia' Hypericum 'Ignite Scarlet Red' Hypericum 'Ignite Scarlet Red' Hypericum moseranum 'Tricolor' Hypericum patulum 'Sungold' Hypericum patulum 'Sungold' Ilex aquifolium 'Emerald Leprechaun Ilex aquifolium 'Emerald Leprechaun Ilex aquifolium 'Northern Lights' Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Ilex meserveae 'Casanova' Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone' Laurus nobilis Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Rainbow' Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Rainbow' Lonicera nitida 'Baggesen's Gold' Lonicera nitida 'Baggesen's Gold' Lonicera nitida 'Lemon Beauty' Lonicera nitida 'Lemon Beauty' Lonicera nitida 'Ophelia' Lonicera nitida 'Silver Beauty' Lonicera nitida 'Silver Beauty' Daphne Variegated Tree Ivy Japanese Aralia Japanese Aralia Variegated Japanese Aralia Black Mission Fig Brown Turkey Fig Hardy Fig Olympian Fig Violette de Bordeaux Fig Gardenia Gardenia Gardenia Gardenia Mophead Hydrangea Hydrangea - Light Pink Hydrangea - Cream Mophead Hydrangea Dwarf Oakleaf Hydrangea Dwarf Oakleaf Hydrangea Dwarf Oakleaf Hydrangea Variegated Lacecap Hydrangea Coral Berry St. John's Wort Red Berry St. John's Wort Coral Berry St. John's Wort Red Berry St. John's Wort Red Berry St. John's Wort Tricolor St. John's Wort St. John's Wort St. John's Wort Holly Holly English Holly Holly Meserve Blue Holly Juniper Bay Laurel Rainbow Leucothoe Rainbow Leucothoe Golden Box Honeysuckle Golden Box Honeysuckle Box Honeysuckle Box Honeysuckle Boxleaf Honeysuckle Box Honeysuckle Silver Beauty Shrub Honeysuckle Size Price 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 5 Gal 5 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal Quart 4 in 1 Gal Quart 2 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 4 in Your Order $7.90 77413 $9.69 80757 $6.85 78015 $27.00 26385 $39.00 26386 $6.85 78036 $6.85 78037 $6.85 78040 $8.50 78042 $6.85 44007 $5.15 2546 $8.50 78110 $13.60 46001 $9.69 78077 $7.40 79224 $9.50 79233 $9.50 79234 $7.40 79222 $7.40 79223 $10.90 3662 $7.40 79242 $7.40 79244 $7.05 44008 $7.05 79251 $3.10 2307 $7.05 79255 $3.10 2498 $1.98 24805 $7.05 79252 $3.10 2308 $12.95 3143 $7.40 79262 $12.95 3144 $7.05 44050 $12.95 3146 $7.05 44051 $3.96 2297 $5.15 2007 $5.60 79570 $5.15 79720 $1.98 23810 $1.98 23815 $5.15 79725 $5.15 79753 $5.15 79730 $1.98 23816 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 27 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Lonicera pileata Lonicera pileata Mahonia aquifolium Mahonia aquifolium 'Apollo' Malus pumila 'Golden Sentinel' Nandina domestica Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' Olea europaea Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki' Paeonia suff. 'Yachiyotsubaki' tree Phylliopsis 'Sugar Plum' Pyracantha x 'Mohave' Rubus idaeus 'Meeker' Rubus idaeus 'Willamette' Rubus ursinus 'Black Satin' Rubus x 'Marionberry' Salix caprea 'Pendula' Sambucus nigra 'Black Lace' Sambucus racemosa 'Sutherland Gold' Sarcococca hum. 'Fragrant Valley' Sarcococca hum. 'Fragrant Valley' Sarcococca ruscifolia Schefflera delavayi Schefflera delavayi Senecio greyii Senecio greyii Sorbaria sorbifolia 'Sem' Thuja occidentalis 'Jantar' Thuja occidentalis 'Jantar' Thuja plicata '4ever Goldy' Thuja plicata 'Golden Spire' Vaccinium 'Bluecrop' Vaccinium 'Chandler' Vaccinium corym. 'Patriot' Vaccinium corym. 'Pink Lemonade' Vaccinium ovatum Vaccinium ovatum Vaccinium ovatum Vaccinium ovatum 'Scarlet Ovation' Vaccinium 'Sunshine Blue' Vaccinium 'Top Hat' Privet Honeysuckle Privet Honeysuckle Oregon Grape Apollo Mahonia Golden Columnar Apple Heavenly Bamboo Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo Arbequina Olive Size Price Weeping Pussywillow Black Lace Elderberry Sutherland Gold Elderberry Sweet Box Sweet Box Sweetbox Schefflera Schefflera Senecio Senecio False Spiraea Arborvitae Arborvitae Golden Cedar Arborvitae Blueberry Blueberry Blueberry Pink Lemonade Blueberry Evergreen Huckleberry Evergreen Huckleberry Evergreen Huckleberry Evergreen Huckleberry Evergreen Blueberry Blueberry 4 in 1 Gal 4 in 2 Liter 5 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart Quart Quart 5 Gal 2 Gal 2 Gal Quart 1 Gal 4 in 2 Gal 5 Gal 1 Gal Quart 1 Gal Quart 4 in 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Quart Quart Quart 1 Gal Quart 2 Gal 2 Gal Quart Quart Little River Wattle Silver Spear Silver Red Mountain Astelia 1 Gal 1 Gal Quart Tree Peony - Pink Phylliopsis - Pink Mohave Pyracantha Meeker Raspberry Willamette Raspberry Your Order $1.98 23820 $4.55 79735 $3.10 23835 $7.05 6965 $23.50 26405 $6.10 44033 $6.10 79793 $12.25 79800 $3.96 2166 $39.00 3284 $5.15 80257 $6.85 80266 $3.68 2045 $3.68 2046 $3.96 2157 $3.68 2158 $24.00 26506 $12.95 3333 $10.90 3334 $3.96 2167 $7.05 80461 $2.08 40103 $39.00 3342 $74.00 48000 $5.15 80595 $2.80 2103 $7.90 80615 $2.80 2603 $2.55 24281 $7.05 82909 $7.05 44041 $4.15 2092 $4.15 2422 $4.15 2104 $4.15 2105 $5.15 80644 $4.15 2094 $12.25 46036 $19.50 46035 $4.15 2108 $4.15 2089 $10.90 32774 $6.85 76756 $5.15 1882 Temperennials/Tropicals Acacia cognata 'Cousin Itt' Astelia ch x nervosa 'SilverShadow' Astelia nervosa 'Westland' Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 28 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Astelia nervosa 'Westland' Begonia 'Cool Breeze Glacier' Begonia 'Fireworks' Citrus limon 'Dwarf Lisbon' Citrus limon 'Meyer Improved' Citrus limon 'Meyer Improved' Citrus limon 'Meyer Improved' Coprosma assorted Coprosma 'Copper Shine' Coprosma 'Evening Glow' Coprosma 'Evening Glow' Coprosma 'Inferno' Coprosma 'Inferno' Coprosma 'Karo's Red' Coprosma 'Karo's Red' Coprosma 'Pina Colada' Coprosma 'Pina Colada' Coprosma 'Rainbow Surprise' Coprosma 'Scarlett O'Hara' Coprosma 'Tequila Sunrise' Corokia cotoneaster Corokia 'Tutti Frutti' Cosmos atrosanguineus 'Choca Mocha' Cosmos atrosanguineus 'Chocolate' Cyclamen Florist - Pink Cyclamen Florist - Purple Cyclamen Florist - Red Cyclamen Florist - White Dahlia assorted Hyacinth bulb pack Narcissus bulb pack Pansy assorted Primula 'Danova Blue' Primula 'Danova Burgundy Bicolor' Primula 'Danova Cherry w/ Edge' Primula 'Danova Cream Yellow' Primula 'Danova Light Violet' Primula 'Danova Pink Improved' Primula 'Danova Red w/ Yellow Edge' Primula 'Danova Salmon Orange' Primula 'Danova Sky Blue' Primula 'Danova Velvet Red' Primula 'Danova White' Primula 'Primlet Lavender' Primula 'Primlet Pink' Primula 'Primlet Red' Size Price Silver Red Mountain Astelia 1 Gal Rex Begonia Quart Rex Begonia Quart Dwarf Lisbon Lemon Tree 1 Gal Improved Meyer Lemon 1 Gal Improved Meyer Lemon 2 Gal Improved Meyer Lemon 5 Gal Coprosma assorted 4 in Mirror Plant - Green w/ Copper Shades 4 in Mirror Plant - Green w/ Golden Varigatio 1 Gal Mirror Plant - Green w/ Golden Varigatio 4 in Mirror Plant - Green w/ Lime Varigation a 1 Gal Mirror Plant - Green w/ Lime Varigation a 4 in Mirror Plant - Purple Red 1 Gal Mirror Plant - Purple Red 4 in Mirror Plant - Golden Yellow w/ Dp Red- Quart Mirror Plant - Golden Yellow w/ Dp Red- 1 Gal Mirror Plant - Rainbow of Colors 1 Gal Mirror Plant - Dark Red 1 Gal Mirror Plant - Green and Gold w/ Orange 1 Gal Corokia Quart Corokia 1 Gal Chocolate Cosmos 4 in Chocolate Cosmos 1 Gal Florist Cyclamen - Pink Shades 4 in Florist Cyclamen - Purple 4 in Florist Cyclamen - Red Shades 4 in Florist Cyclamen - White 4 in Dinnerplate Dahlia - Assorted 3 Gal Assorted Speciality Assorted Speciality Pansy 4 in Primrose 4 in Primrose - Burgundy w/ Yellow center 4 in Primrose - Dark Pink w/ Yellow Edge 4 in Primrose - Light Yellow 4 in Primrose 4 in Primrose 4 in Primrose 4 in Primrose 4 in Primrose - Light Blue 4 in Primrose 4 in Primrose 4 in Primlet Series - Light Purple 4 in Primlet Series - Pink 4 in Primlet Series - Dark Red 4 in Your Order $6.85 76757 $4.15 42028 $4.15 42027 $12.25 77179 $12.25 77170 $23.50 3008 $39.00 26085 $2.55 23224 $2.55 40023 $4.80 77205 $2.55 23175 $5.60 77207 $3.10 23659 $4.80 77206 $2.55 23176 $3.96 2513 $5.60 77208 $4.80 77215 $5.60 77209 $4.80 77230 $4.55 1894 $7.05 77325 $2.55 23218 $4.80 77335 $3.68 23236 $3.68 40071 $3.68 23237 $3.68 23238 $12.95 3040 $2.55 23703 $2.55 23704 $0.95 23885 $1.05 24157 $1.05 40032 $1.05 24168 $1.05 24167 $1.05 24159 $1.05 24166 $1.05 24164 $1.05 24169 $1.05 24162 $1.05 24158 $1.05 23966 $1.05 24172 $1.05 24173 $1.05 24174 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 29 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Primula 'Primlet Rose Edge' Primula 'Primlet Sunrise' Primula 'Primlet White' Primula 'Sensation Blue Stripe' Primula 'SuperNova Mix' Primula 'SuperNova Red' Primula 'SuperNova Yellow' Ranunculus a. 'Mache Rose' Ranunculus a. 'Mache Yellow' Salvia gaur. 'Black and Blue' Tulip bulb pack Viola assorted Primlet Series - Pink with White Edge Primlet Series - Orange/Yelow Primlet Series - White Primrose Primrose Primrose Primrose Persian Buttercup Persian Buttercup Anise Sage Assorted Assorted Violas Size Price Your Order 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 4 in 1 Gal Speciality 4 in $1.05 24176 $1.05 24177 $1.05 40031 $1.05 40045 $1.05 40040 $1.05 40043 $1.05 40044 $3.10 24182 $3.10 40047 $4.55 80425 $2.55 23706 $0.95 24425 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 5 Gal 1 Gal 5 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 5 Gal $8.50 10587 $8.50 12911 $8.50 10588 $13.60 3657 $8.50 10600 $8.50 10605 $10.90 10606 $7.40 10610 $6.85 10625 $7.40 10640 $7.40 10645 $7.40 10650 $7.40 10655 $9.69 10641 Vines Actinidia arguta (M) Actinidia arguta 'Ananasnaya' (F) Actinidia arguta 'Ken's Red' (F) Actinidia arguta 'Party in a Pot' Actinidia deliciosa 'Saanichton' F Actinidia kolomikta 'Arctic Beauty' Actinidia tetramera var. maloides Akebia quinata Ampelopsis brevipedun. 'Elegans' Campsis radicans Campsis radicans 'Flamenco' Campsis radicans 'Flava' Campsis radicans 'Madame Galen' Campsis 'Summer Jazz Fire' Campsis 'Summer Jazz Sunrise Gold' Campsis x tag. 'Indian Summer' Campsis x tag. 'Indian Summer' Clematis 'Alionushka' Clematis 'Allanah' Clematis alpina 'Blue Dancer' Clematis alpina 'Constance' Clematis alpina 'Pamela Jackman' Clematis alpina 'Pink Flamingo' Clematis alpina 'Willy' Clematis 'Arabella' Clematis armandii 'Apple Blossom' Clematis armandii 'Apple Blossom' Clematis armandii 'Snowdrift' Clematis armandii 'Snowdrift' Clematis 'Asao' Clematis assorted Clematis assorted Hardy Male Kiwi Hardy Female Kiwi Hardy Female Kiwi Kiwi - Male and Female in pot Fuzzy Female Kiwi Ornamental Male Kiwi Variegated Kiwi Vine Five Leaf Akebia - Deep Purple Porcelain Vine Trumpet Vine - Red/Orange Trumpet Vine - Red Trumpet Vine - Yellow Trumpet Vine - Orange Trumpet Vine Trumpet Vine Trumpet Vine - Coral Trumpet Vine - Coral pink bright red silver-blue Purple blue pale pink Soft Pink violet-blue Evergreen Clematis Evergreen Clematis Evergreen Clematis Evergreen Clematis deep pink Assorted Clematis Assorted Clematis $9.69 10642 $13.60 3001 $9.69 10660 $7.40 10680 $7.40 10685 $8.50 11650 $7.40 11660 $7.40 11690 $7.40 11695 $7.40 11705 $7.40 10710 $10.90 11715 $30.00 26280 $9.69 11720 $30.00 26285 $7.40 10720 $7.40 11635 $23.50 26260 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 30 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Clematis 'Bees Jubilee' Clematis 'Belle of Woking' Clematis 'Blue Angel' Clematis 'Blue Light' Clematis 'Bourbon' Clematis 'CapitaineThuilleaux' Clematis 'Carnaby' Clematis 'Caroline' Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud' Clematis 'Daniel Deronda' Clematis 'Dawn' Clematis 'Dr. Ruppel' Clematis 'Duchess of Edinburgh' Clematis 'Early Sensation' Clematis 'Early Sensation' Clematis 'Elsa Spath' Clematis 'Ernest Markham' Clematis 'Fireworks' Clematis 'Fleuri' Clematis 'Fujimusume' Clematis 'General Sikorski' Clematis 'Gillian Blades' Clematis 'Gipsy Queen' Clematis 'Guernsey Cream' Clematis 'H.F. Young' Clematis 'Hagley Hybrid' Clematis 'Haku Ookan' Clematis 'Henryi' Clematis 'Honora' Clematis 'Horn of Plenty' Clematis integrifolia 'Blue Ribbon' Clematis integrifolia 'Durandii' Clematis 'Jackmanii' Clematis 'Kardynal Wyszynski' Clematis 'Kiri Te Kanawa' Clematis languinosa 'Candida' Clematis 'Lincoln Star' Clematis macropetala 'Blue Bird' Clematis macropetala 'Maidwell Hall Clematis macropetala 'Markhams Pink Clematis macropetala 'White Swan' Clematis montana 'Elizabeth' Clematis montana 'Fragrant Spring' Clematis montana 'Freda' Clematis montana 'Grandiflora' Clematis montana 'Mayleen' mauve pink dbl silver mauve sky blue double lavender blue Magenta Red pink-white deep pink with white edge pale pink mauve pink deep purple Pearly White/Pink deep rose pink double white Evergreen Clematis - White Evergreen Clematis - White violet purple magenta purple blue w/ red bar scarlet bright blue medium blue white deep purple white w/ creamy yellow stripe wedgewood blue rosy pink violet blue creamy white purple w/ burgundy stripe reddish-mauve Deep Blue dark blue dark velvety purple Red double dark blue pure white raspberry pink Blue blue Pink to Reddish-Purple Creamy-white pale pink light pink pink white pink Size Price 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Liter 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Your Order $7.40 10765 $7.40 10770 $7.40 10780 $8.50 10790 $9.69 10801 $7.40 10810 $7.40 10815 $7.40 10820 $7.40 10835 $7.40 10845 $7.40 10860 $7.40 10890 $7.40 10895 $9.69 10900 $9.69 6535 $7.40 10915 $7.40 10920 $7.40 10940 $9.69 10941 $7.40 10955 $7.40 10960 $7.40 10965 $7.40 10970 $7.40 10990 $7.40 10995 $7.40 11000 $7.40 11005 $7.40 11015 $7.40 11020 $7.40 11025 $7.40 11796 $7.40 11795 $7.40 11080 $7.40 11130 $7.40 11145 $7.40 11840 $7.40 12670 $7.40 11850 $7.40 11870 $7.40 11875 $7.40 11895 $7.40 11905 $7.40 11910 $7.40 11915 $7.40 11920 $7.40 11930 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 31 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Clematis montana 'Pink Perfection' Clematis montana 'Rubens' Clematis montana 'Tetrarose' Clematis montana 'Warwick Rose' Clematis 'Moonlight' Clematis 'Mrs. Cholmondeley' Clematis 'Mrs. N.Thompson' Clematis 'Multi Blue' Clematis 'My Angel' Clematis 'Nelly Moser' Clematis 'Niobe' Clematis paniculata Clematis 'Piilu' Clematis 'Pink Champagne' Clematis 'Pink Fantasy' Clematis 'Pixie' Clematis 'Pixie' Clematis 'Proteus' Clematis recta purpurea Clematis 'Romantika' Clematis 'Rooguchi' Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal' Clematis 'Saphyra Indigo' Clematis 'Snow Queen' Clematis 'Star of India' Clematis 'Sunset' Clematis tangutica Clematis texensis 'Gravetye Beauty' Clematis texensis 'Princess Diana' Clematis 'The First Lady' Clematis 'The President' Clematis 'The Vagabond' Clematis 'Toki' Clematis 'Vancouver Danielle' Clematis 'Vancouver Fragrant Star' Clematis 'Vancouver Morning Mist' Clematis 'Vancouver Mystic Gem' Clematis 'Ville de Lyon' Clematis vit. 'Purp. Plena Elegans' Clematis viticella 'Etoile Violette Clematis viticella 'Little Nell' Clematis viticella 'Margaret Hunt' Clematis viticella 'Minuet' Clematis viticella 'Negritjanka' Clematis viticella 'Polish Spirit Clematis viticella 'Royal Velours' pink pink deep pink pink creamy yellow lavender blue bluish purple double blue Pink mauve-pink with carmine deep velvety red Sweet Autumn Clematis light pink w/dark pink bar purplish pink pale pink evergreen pale yellow evergreen pale yellow mauve pink double cream deep purple purple-blue glowing crimson Indigo Blue white deep purple blue deep red Golden Clematis red bright pink silvery-lavender blue deep purple-blue purple w/magenta bar white purple-blue White Soft Pink Pink on White carmine-red double violet-purple deep purple creamy blue-white dusky mauve-pink cream w/ rosy tips deep purple rich purple blue Purple Size Price 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Patio Pot 2 Liter 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Your Order $7.40 11940 $7.40 11945 $7.40 11950 $7.40 11955 $7.40 11250 $7.40 11260 $7.40 11270 $7.40 11280 $8.50 10711 $7.40 11300 $7.40 11305 $7.40 11975 $8.50 11325 $7.40 11330 $7.40 11335 $12.25 44039 $9.69 6680 $7.40 11355 $7.40 11980 $7.40 11385 $7.40 11395 $7.40 11390 $8.50 10712 $7.40 11450 $7.40 11460 $7.40 11475 $7.40 11990 $8.50 12025 $8.50 12040 $7.40 11515 $7.40 11520 $7.40 11525 $7.40 11530 $8.50 11550 $8.50 11551 $8.50 11555 $8.50 10681 $7.40 11575 $7.40 12060 $7.40 12100 $7.40 12120 $7.40 11200 $7.40 12135 $7.40 11295 $7.40 12140 $7.40 12155 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 32 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Clematis 'Vyvyan Pennell' Clematis 'Warsaw Nike' Clematis 'Westerplatte' Clematis x cartmanii 'Avalanche' Hedera can. 'Gloire de Marengo' Hedera canariensis 'Algerian' Hedera colchica 'Dentata Variegata' Hedera colchica 'Sulphur Heart' Humulus lupulus 'Aureus' Humulus lupulus 'Cascade' Humulus lupulus 'Centennial' Humulus lupulus 'Nugget' Humulus lupulus 'Willamette' Hydrangea anomala petiolaris Hydrangea anomala petiolaris Hydrangea integrifolia Hydrangea seemanii Jasminum off. 'Fiona Sunrise' Jasminum polyanthum pink Jasminum polyanthum white Jasminum x stephanense Lonicera henryi Lonicera japonica 'Aureoreticulata' Lonicera japonica 'Halliana' Lonicera japonica 'Mint Crisp' Lonicera japonica 'Purpurea' Lonicera 'Mandarin' Lonicera per. 'Harlequin' Lonicera per. 'Peaches and Cream' Lonicera per. 'Serotina' Lonicera per. 'Sweet Tea' Lonicera semp. 'Major Wheeler' Lonicera x brownii Dropmore Scarlet Lonicera x heck. 'Goldflame' Parthenocissus henryana Parthenocissus quinque. engelmannii Parthenocissus quinquefolia Parthenocissus tricuspidata Passiflora caerulea 'Blue Crown' Passiflora x 'Star of Bristol' Polygonum aubertii Schizophragma hydrang. 'Rosea' Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin' Trachelospermum jasminoides Vitis 'Black Monukka' - table Vitis 'Canadice' - table double deep violet-blue Dark Purple Red Evergreen Clematis - White Variegated Algerian Ivy Algerian Ivy Variegated Persian Ivy Sulfur Heart Ivy Golden Hops Cascade Hops Centennial Hops Nugget Hops Willamette Hops Climbing Hydrangea Climbing Hydrangea Evergreen Climbing Hydrangea Evergreen Climbing Hydrangea Fiona Sunrise Jasmine Rose Jasmine - Pink Rose Jasmine - White Pink Jasmine Honeysuckle - Yellow Honeysuckle - White Honeysuckle - White-Yellow Varigated Honeysuckle Honeysuckle - Purple Honeysuckle - Orange Variegated Honeysuckle - White-Pink Honeysuckle - Pink and White Honeysuckle - Red-Purple Honeysuckle - Yellow-Pink Honeysuckle - Bright Red Honeysuckle - Scarlet Red Honeysuckle - Pink w/ Yellow Center Silver-Vein Creeper Virginia Creeper Virginia Creeper Boston Ivy Blue Crown Passion Flower Star of Bristol Passion Flower Silver-Lace Vine/Fleece Vine Japanese Hydrangea Vine Blue Potato Vine Star Jasmine Table Grape Table Grape Size Price 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 2 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Your Order $8.50 11595 $7.40 11605 $7.40 11610 $9.69 12172 $6.85 12180 $6.85 12185 $7.40 12195 $7.40 12190 $7.40 12205 $7.40 12207 $7.40 12209 $7.40 12208 $7.40 12206 $13.60 3655 $6.85 12210 $9.69 12215 $9.69 12220 $8.50 12255 $6.85 12260 $6.85 12265 $7.05 12270 $7.05 12285 $7.05 12290 $7.05 12295 $6.85 12296 $7.05 12300 $7.05 12275 $7.05 12310 $6.85 12301 $7.05 12315 $6.85 12302 $6.85 12321 $7.05 12330 $7.05 12340 $6.85 12345 $8.50 12351 $6.85 12350 $6.85 12355 $6.85 12360 $6.85 12380 $6.85 12390 $9.69 12410 $7.05 12415 $8.50 12430 $8.50 12440 $8.50 12445 Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 33 of 34 Landscaper Availability Online Ordering / Availability www.TandLnursery.com Name Common Name Vitis 'Flame Seedless' - table Vitis labrusca 'Himrod' - table Vitis 'Suffolk Red' - table Vitis vinifera 'Purpurea' Vitis 'White Riesling' - wine Wisteria flori. 'Longissima Alba' Wisteria floribunda 'Alba' Wisteria floribunda 'Caroline' Wisteria floribunda 'Lawrence' Wisteria floribunda 'Macrobotrys' Wisteria formosa 'Issai' Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls Wisteria macrostachya 'Aunt Dee' Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon' Wisteria sinensis 'Prolific' Wisteria sinensis 'Rosea' grafted Size Price Table Grape Table Grape Table Grape Purple Leaf Grape Wine Grape Japanese Wisteria - White grafted Japanese Wisteria - White grafted Japanese Wisteria - Lilac Purple grafted Japanese Wisteria - Lavender grafted Japanese Wisteria - Purple Wisteria - Violet Blue American Wisteria - Purple Kentucky Wisteria - Lilac Blue Blue Moon Wisteria Chinese Wisteria - Lilac Blue grafted Chinese Wisteria - Rose Pink grafted Winter Hours: November - March Monday - Friday 8am to 4:00pm 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 5 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal 1 Gal Your Order $8.50 12451 $8.50 12495 $8.50 12475 $8.50 12535 $23.50 26519 $9.69 12562 $9.69 12545 $9.69 12555 $9.69 12560 $9.69 12561 $9.69 12563 $9.69 12565 $9.69 12570 $9.69 12575 $9.69 12585 $9.69 12580 Online Ordering/Availability www.TandLnursery.com 24 hours / 7 days Call for Quantity Discount!!! We Deliver!!! Thursday, February 5, 2015 www.TandLnursery.com (425)885 5050 Fax 425-861 5412 Page 34 of 34
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