Forrester Research : Analyst : Craig Le Clair

Craig Le Clair
Craig serves Enterprise Architecture Professionals. He is an internationally recognized expert in business process management
and initiated Forrester's series on untamed business processes, including customer on-boarding, invoice management, medical
health records, financial compliance, and customer communications management. He specializes in helping companies transform
from manual and paper-based processes to the mobile and digital world, as well as in information management, dynamic case
management, enterprise content management, electronic signature; document imaging and capture; and document output for
customer communications management. Craig is the leading analyst on the outsourcing of document processing services,
including managed print services.
Craig brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to Forrester through his 20 years' experience in IT and business process
transformation. Prior to joining Forrester, Craig was a vice president at ADP, focusing on next-generation solutions for its
document management business. Craig was also a cofounder of docHarbor and has held senior positions with several document
management providers during the past 15 years. Craig has both a strong business and technology background, including time at
MITRE and BBN. He is deeply experienced in the software industry, having authored How To Succeed In The Enterprise
Software Market (2005).
Craig earned a B.S. in economics from Georgetown University and an M.B.A from George Washington University.
Business Process Management (BPM), Case Management, Document Management Services , Electronic Invoice Presentation & Payment (EIPP),
Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Hewlett-Packard (HP), IT Services , Information Management, Outsourcing, Packaged Solutions,
Sourcing & Procurement, Sourcing & Procurement Applications
REPORT: How Forward-Thinking Insurers Modernize Systems To Win,
Serve, And Retain Customers
January 29, 2015 Craig Le Clair
New distribution models and accelerated product innovation are the primary disruptive elements facing insurers today. These directly pressure
core business systems. Insurers that can modernize t...
REPORT: E-Signatures — A Few Simple Best Practices Drive Adoption
December 2, 2014 Craig Le Clair
Digitizing your business requires eliminating paper. A good start is to remove any requirements for "wet signatures" from your processes — and
many organizations are. Electronic signatures...
REPORT: Choosing Between Specialist Solutions And Dynamic Case Management Platforms
November 6, 2014 Craig Le Clair
Case management deployment options confuse enterprise architects that struggle to compare the value of a "fit to purpose" solution versus a
dynamic case management (DCM) platform capability. We ...
REPORT: Predictions 2015: The Age Of The Customer Is Set To Disrupt The BPM Market
November 6, 2014 Clay Richardson, Craig Le Clair
The age of the customer is disrupting a business process management (BPM) discipline that started in the 1990s to drive costs from production
and operations. Over the next two years, new alterna...
REPORT: Re-Architect Your Business Capabilities To Win In The Age Of The Customer
October 28, 2014 Craig Le Clair, Alex Cullen
The age of the customer means new power for customers. They expect to interact easily with customer service agents, pass information
electronically, and complete business transactions on the run...
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