ON BINOMIAL ON BINOMIAL MODELS OF THE TERM STRUCTURE MODELS OF THE TERM INTEREST RATES OF ... STRUCTURE 833 OF WERNERHURLIMANN WINTERTHUR-LEBEN ALLCEMEINE MATHEMATIK .PAULSTRASSE 9 CH-8401 WINTERTHLJR - SWITZERLAND TELEPHONE: 41-52-261 58 61 AND SCH~NI~OLZWEG 24 CH-8409 WINTERTIXJR- SWITZERLAND ABSTRACT A general analysis of arbitrage-free binomial models of the term structure of interest rates is given. Several of the previous modelsencounteredin the financial economicsliterature are included in the discussion.The proposedapproach allows the construction of models which satisfy the following property. At each discrete time the current market forecast of the one-period bond price implied by the initial term structure is equal to the expected value of the one-period bond prices with respect to the risk-neutral probabilities. As a special case one obtains a simple (degenerate)diatomic binomial model with only two different bond price values at each time and for each maturity of the bond. Several properties of this new classof binomial models are discussed. It is possible to get a term structure with no negative and no arbitrarily large interest rates. This class of models is useful in modelling the bond price uncertainty in the immediate future and near bond maturity. Furthermore the relation between conditional yields of the bonds and conditional variances of the bond prices is analyzed and lower and upper boundsfor these quantities are derived. Keywords : term structure of interest rates, bond price modelling, arbitrage-free pricing, binomial model, discrete time model 834 5TH AFIR INTERNATIONAL SUR LES MODELES TERME BINOMES DES TAUX COLLOQUIUM DE LA STRUCTURE D’INTERET A WIZRKER HURLIMANN WI~Tl:l~~~ll~:l~-~~l~I:r ALLGEMEISI; MA’~‘IIE~A’I’IK PAULSTRhSSE 9 CH-8401 WIN’I‘ERTIKX - SWITZERLAND T~?LEPIIONE : 41-52-261 58 61 ASI) S~FK~~~L%WI~ 24 CH-8409 WINTERTII~JR - SWITZERLAND RESUME Uric analysegemkaledesmodclesbinome et librc d’arbitragc dc la structure a terme des taux d’interet est presentee. Plusieurs des modclcs precedents de la literature Cconomiquefinanciere sont inclus dansla discussion.L’approcheproposdc permet la construction de modeles qui satisfont la proprick? suivante. A chaque instant l’estimation actuelle de marche du prix des obligations z&o-coupon impliquee par la structure a terme initiale est Cgalea l’esptrancemathematiquedcs prix zero-coupon prise par rapport aux probabilites d’arbitragc. Comme cas particulier on obtient un modele binome diatomique (degendre) simple ayant seulement deux valeurs distinctes de prix zero-coupon h chaque instant et pour chaque echeance.Plusieursproprietes de la nouvelle classede modelcsbinbme sent discuttes. I1 est possibled’obtenir une structure a terme dont les taux d’inttrets sont ni negatifs ni arbitrairement larges. Cette classe de modelcs est utile pour la modelisation de l’incertitude des prix zero-coupon dans le futur immediat et a l’tchtance. DC plus la relation entre rcndcments conditionnels et variances conditionnelles des prix zero-coupon est analysde, et dcs bornes inferieures et suptrieures dc ces quantites sont d&i&es. ON BINOMIAL MODELS OF THE TERM STRUCTURE OF .. . 835 The most widely used common language in tam slruclun: modclling is that of continuous-lime stochastic Calculus. Arbilrngc-ftcc consistent models i\rc usually constmctcd starting frr)m Markov dif’fusions, that It2pltZSClll thC current tarn slructule in il linitc-<iimcnsional SliilC SpXC (SCC Duflic imti Kan(l994)). The most gcncntl m cth~d~l~gy, ol‘whi~h alI cxisling ilrbitr:tgc pricing models arc special GISCS, has been dcvclopcd by Heath, JiIrrow imd Morton( 1992). Practitioners, which arc ol’tcn not ;~warc ol’ the higher mathematics underlying this ilbstmct structutc, need simple models whose conslmclion is b;tscd on lirst principles. Some classes of discrctc-time models share this tcquilcmcnt, cspccially binomial models. Among the single-factor models, the lirst arbitrage-flee binomial model of the tcnn structutc, which makes lull USC of’ iill inlbnnalion aviGlitblc ~~UITI the CUITCIU tc~m st~uctun: obscrvcd in the market, W~IS dcvclopcd by 110 and Lcc( 1986). Howcvcr this model sull‘crcd lir)m scvcral shortcomings as IlCgiiliVC inlcmst ralcs, arbitrarily large inlclcst WCS iIIld constant volatility of intclcst wtcs. In the subscqucnl analysis Pcdci?;cn and ill .(1989) ;~7d Morgan iuld Ncilvc(l991/93) have COIISLI~CLC~ models wilhoul WSC dritwbaCks. Howcvcr the gcncral CliiSs of alI arbitrrtgc-l’lcc binomial models hits not yet been dclcnnincd. The scicnlilic intacst in a description of the full class lies in a bctler understanding oI’ the fcasiblc movcmcnts of intcrcst WCS in im arbitrage-Ircc economic cnvimnmcnt. This knowlcdgc WOUI~ cniiblc 10 1~~1 the range of ‘~7 cxhaustivc CILSS of models :md LhC empirical validity agi~inst iIltcmiltivc arbitragefree models. As mcntioncd by Pcdcrscn and al.(l989), p.28, their class of models cannot satisfy the prr~pcrty, dcnotcd (P) in the following, that the Current market L‘orccast or‘ the one-period bond price implied by the initial tam sttuclun: is cqual to the cxpcctcd value ol’ the one-period bond prices wilh rcspcct to the risk-neutral pn)babilitics. The main purpose of’ the prcscnl paper consists to dcvclop a method, which overcomes this pmblcm, and to show that Insulting L‘casiblc models may Ibllow intcrcst rate bchaviour obscrvcd in the modcm economic world. A molt dctailcd outline of the study Ibllows. In Section 1 the fntmcwork pn)poscd by Pcdcrscn iuld :I.(1 989) is dcvclopcd in its full generality. A product rcpresentalion of the fcasiblc bond prices is display& in Pmposition 1.I, and a simpler stalcmcnt for lhc oncperiod bond prices is found under l’ormula (I .lO). The models obtitincd 5TH AFIR INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM 836 previously by Ho and Lec(1986), Pedcrsen and al.(l989), and Morgan and Neave(1991/93) are recovered as special cases. In Section 2 a sufficient condition, which implies the validity of property (P), is derived. It is obtained by induction from the particular case of a three-period bond. The main result is the product representation Thcotem 2.1. The existence of arbitrage-free binomial models with the property (P) is settled in Proposition 3.1. The proposed special class of models do possessstate independent nskneutral pmbabilities, and contains even a very simple (degcncrate) diatomic model with only two distinct bond price values at each time and for each maturity of the bond. It is also shown how a subclass,whose interest rates fluctuate within a reasonable range, can be obtained by imposing quite simple parameter constraints. The final Section 4 is devoted to elementary properties of the new alternative binomial model. In particular the problem of “hetetoskedasticity” (proper English spelling in McCulloch(l985)!), that is the variability of the interest rate volatility, can be solved as illustrated in Example 4.1. 1. -acre-free binmels of the te I of merest rti . In the arbitrage-free theory of pricing interest rate contingent claims one postulates according to the path-breaking paper by Ho and Lee(1986) that the term structure of interest rates at the initial time is exogeneously given, that is the present values Pt(O,O) of default-free discount bonds maturing for the value of one unit at time t are those currently observed in the market. It follows that for each stream of fixed and certain cash flows, the price obtained from a model coincides with the market price. A considerable amount of additional tefetences on the subsequent development of the subject is found in Sercu(l991), Heath, Jarrow and Morton( 1992), Duffie( 1992) and Vetzal( 1994). In this paper we follow the approach proposed by Pcdersen, Shiu and Thorlacius(l989) to construct arbitrage-free binomial models of the term structure of interest rates. In a discrete-time and discrete-space setting the basic model assumptions are the perfect capital market assumptions : (Al) The market is frictionless. This means that there are no taxes, no transaction costs, and all securities are perfectly divisible. Information is available to all investors simultaneously and each investor acts rationally. (A2) The market clears at discrete points in time, which are separated in ON BINOMIAL MODELS OF THE TERM STRUCTURE 831 OF ... regular intervals. For simplicity one uses each period as unit of time. (A3) The bond market is complete. Then= exist default-fee discount bonds for all maturities t=1,2,... . (A4) At each time n, there are finitely many states of nature. The equilibrium price of the discount bond of maturity t at time n and in state i is denoted by P,(n,i). One requites that for all non-negative integers t,n,i: 0 I P,(n,i) I 1, P,(n,i)=l, lim P,(n,i)=O. t-+@ To describe the evolution of the tetm structure of interest rates, one considers the following binomial lattice. At the initial time 0 one has, by convention, the state 0 and the bond price Pt(O,O)for a discount bond of maturity t. At time 1 there are only two states of natute, denoted by 0 and 1, and the bond prices are P,(l ,O), P,(l ,l). Proceeding by induction one assumes that at time n-l there are n states, denoted 0, 1, .... n-l, and the bond prices are P,(n - 1, i), i = 0, 1, .... n-l. Passing from time n-l to time n, each state i gives rise either to an upward movement to state i+l or to a horizontal movement to state i. Thus at time n there am n+l states i=O,1,...,n, and the bond prices are P,(n,i), i=O,l,...,n. This construction defines a binomial lattice labelled by vertices (nj). Following Pedersen et al.(1989), to define a binomial lattice model, one needs to prescribe at each vertex (m,k) of the binomial lattice : POnk) : a risk-neutral probability Pm+,CmJO : a one-period bond price (at time m in state k) Arbitrages are eliminated (1.1) if and only if (cf. (3.2) in Pedersen et aL(1989)) P&k)= 1, k=O,...,t, P,(m,k)=P,+,(m,k) -(p(m,k) -P,(m+lb+l)+[l-p(mk)l 0 I m 5 t-l, k=O,...,m. -P,(m+lk)), We use the following notation (1.2) c(mC) = P,+l(m ,k+l)P,+,(mk), k=O,...,m-1. Earlier authors make one of the following simplifying assumptions : (A5) p(m,k)=p, c(m,k)=c, for all m,k (Ho and Lee(1986)) 83X (A6) 5TH AFIR INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM p(m k)=p(m), c(m,k)=c(m), for all m, k (Pcdcrscn et af.(1989)) In the gcncral cast it follows that k-i-l P,+l(m ,k) = P,+,(m ,i) n c(m ,i+j), k=i,i+l,..., m. (1.3) j=O As suggested by Pedersen et al.(1989), section IV, the idea is to dcrivc a formula for P,(n,i), n < t, in terms of the one-period bond prims P,+,(i,i), j=n, n+l, .... t-l. 1J. For all n=O,l ,...,t-l , k=i,i+l,..., II, one has t-1 k-i-l P,(nk) = G(n,t-lC) n ]Pj+~(i,i) n c(jj+01, (1.4) j=n Q=O whcm the function G is defined recursively as follows : on (1.5) (1.6) G(s,s,k) = 1, k=O,...,s G(i,s,k) =[I-p&k)] -G(j+l,sk) + p(i,k) -[ A c(0)] t=j+ 1 j < s, k=O,l,...,j. -G(j+l,s,k+l), Proof. This is shown by backward induction. For n=t-1 this is (1.3) above. By induction assumption assume (1.4) tme for n=m+l ,m+2,...,t-1 and show it for n=m. Consider (1.1) for k=i,i+l ,...,m. From (1.3) and (1.4) one has the relations k-i-l P,+l(m kk) = P,+l(m ,i> II c(m ,i+j) j=O t-l k-i P,(m+l,k+l) = G(m+l,t-l,k+l) n Ip,+,(‘j,i) n c(j,i+B)] j=m+l P=O k-i-l t-1 P,(m+lk) = G(m+l,t-lk) II [P,+,(j,i) II c(j,i+I)] j=m+l &O Inserting these exptcssions in (1.1) one obtains ON BINOMIAL MODELS OF THE TERM STRUCTURE k-i-l P,(mk) = { l-l [Pj+l(j,i) l7 cCj,i+4)]} -([l-p(mk)] j=m Q=O OF ... 839 t-1 -G(m+l,t-1Jc) + t-l n c&k)), j=m+ 1 which is (1.4) for n=m by taking (1.6) into account. + p(m,k) ii(m+l,t-lk+l) The special case of the structure (1.4) in Pedersen et aL(1989) is recovered as follows. Assume that the recursively defined function r” c(Pk), j < s, g(s,s)=l, L!=j+l is independent of k, then one has the nested product representation (1.7) g&s) = 1 - p(W) + p&Q GCj,sk) = r; g(b). kj (1.8) It follows that t-l (1.9) P,(n,i) = ll l$(jJ-l)Pj+,(ji)l, j=n which is relation (4.5) in Pedersen et aL(1989). To express the one-period bond prices in terms of market forecasts of one-period bond prices, let us apply (1.4) twice to get P,+,(O,O)/P,(O,O) = [G(O,WG(O,t-1 ,O)l -P,+l(LO). On the other side rewrite (1.3) as i-l P,+l(n,i) = P,+l(n,O) II c&i>. j=O By comparison one obtains the formula i-l (1.lO) r,,P,+,W = IGKh-l,O)/G(Osl,O)l n chj), j=O where r,=P,(O,O)/P,+,(O,O) is the market forecast of the one-period accumulated rate of interest at time n. In other words the r,‘s are the one- 840 5TH AFIR INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM period forward interest rate factors, which describe the initial term sttuctun: of interest rates (each factor equals one plus the forward rate of interest). Ezar.ttt. In the case considetcd by Pedcrsen et al.( 1989) one has c(n,i)=c(n), hence (1.7) and (1.8) hold. One gets the formula (see (4.7) in Pcdcrsen ct al(1989)) : n-2 n-l (1.11) rnPn+l(n,i)= c(n)’ I7 g&n-l)/ II g&n) j=O j=O phi>=p(n>, &uuQU.J. The model of Ho and Lcc(1986) is obtained sclting p(n)=p, c(n)=c. One shows that gCj,s)=l - p + p -I? and (1.1 1) mads (1.12) r,P,+,(n,i) = ?/(I - p + p -c”). To determine now the risk-neutral probabilities p(n,i) consistent with the bond prices n+ 1 Pn+2(0rO)= [ II r, .I-‘, n=O,1,2,..., k=O data which is known at time 0, consider again the formula (1.4) : n+l (1.13) P”+z(O,O) = G(On+ltO) lI cj+1Q,O>. j=O By comparison ‘and using that r,P,(O,O)=l one gets immediately conditions n+l (1.14) G(O,n+l,O) n r,P,+,(j,O)= 1, n=O,1,2,... j=l the Exam&AA. In the case p(n,i)=p(n), c(n,i)=c(n), one obtains using the multiplicative representation (1.8) the relation n+l (1.15) I n” g(k,n+l)l -[ n rkPk+,O(,O)] = 1, n=0,1,2 ,..., where k=O k=l n+l (1.16) .uw+l) = 1 - p(k) + P(k) -[ l-l ml. j=k+ 1 It is possible to solve for p(n), n=0,1,2,..., using a backward induction ON BINOMIAL MODELS OF THE TERM STRUCTURE procedure. One gets the recursive formula n-l n+l (1.17) OF .. . 841 n+l n-l p(~)=(l-~g(ksl+l)~~,P,+,o<,O))/(c(n+1)-1)~go<sl+~)~~,~,+,~c,O) k=O k=l k=O k=l This formula determines the risk-neutral probabilities p(n) provided c(k) and rkP,+,(k,O)are known, k=1,2 ,... mole 1.4. Morgan and Neave(1991) proposes to model the TSIR by considering a discrete time multiplicative binomial model of the futute forward interest rate factor, which moves stochastically around the initial TSIR described by r,, n=0,1,2 ,... If R,,(i) is the random value the future forward factors may take at time n in state i, then they assume that (1.18) R,,(i) = ud(“‘) -r,, i=O,.,.,n, with d(n,i) = (2 -i/n - 1) -S(n), where S(n) may formally be any sequence. One has P,+,(n,i)=R,(i)-’ and (1 .19) c(k) = u~(‘“~(~), k=l,2 ,..., rkPk+l(k,O)= uSCk),k=0,1,2 ,..., One obtains (1.20) p(0) = u”“‘/(l + US(‘)), p(1) = us(‘)+s@)/(l+ us(‘)+s(2)), (1.21) n-l p(n)={ l-u ~~~~+...+~~n+~~~g(kJ+~)}/{(U-2S~”+l~/~”+l~~~)US~1~+...+S~n+l~ k=O whem (1.22) g(ks7+1)=l - p(k) + P(k) _U-2(S(k+lX(k+l)+...+S(n+l)/(n+l)), n-l n g(ka+l)j k=O k=O ,.“, n-l. To imply reversion to the mean of both the future forward factor and the underlying term structure, Morgan and Neave(1991) assume that the series C S(k) is a convergent one, for example S(k)=2‘k. In Morgan and Neave(1993) the divergent case S(k)=k is considered. In this quite simple situation one gets c(~)=c=u-~,p(k)=~~~+‘/(l+u~~+‘),k=0,1,2,... 842 5TH AFIR INTERNATIONAL 2. Svfficient . . concl&ons for a new c& of bin& *, COLLOQUlUM mod&. In their general analysis of binomial models, Pcdcrscn ct a1.(1989), p. 28, have considered the condition that the cuncnt market forecast r”-‘=P,+,(O,O)/P,(O,O)of the one-period bond price at time n is equal to the expected value of the bond prices P,+,(n,i), O<iln, with respect to the riskneutral pmbabilitics p(n,i). This condition is exptcsscd by the equation n P,+,(O,O)/P,(O,O)= C P,+,(n,i)Pr(n,i), n=1,2 ,..., (2.1) i=O when: Pr(n,i) is the probability to bc in state (n,i). As shown by Pedcrscn ct al.(1989), provided that p(n,i)=p(n) and c(n,i)=c(n) are independent of i, the condition (2.1) cannot be fulfilled if n=2, except for the trivial dcgencrate case c(n,i)=l . However if the restriction on c(n,i) is relaxed, it is possible to fulfill the desirable property (2.1). In particular we construct in Section 3 a binomial model for which p(n,i)=p(n) and (2.1) holds. Using (1.10) the condition (2.1) is equivalent to the formula n i-l G(O,n,O) = G(O,n-l,O) C lJ’r(n,i) n c(nj)], n=1,2 ,... (2.2) i=O j=O To motivate the sufficient conditions given below in (2.4) under which the condition (2.2) is always fulfilled, let us first analyze the non-trivial case n=2 of a three-period bond, and then pass to the general case n22. Observe that for a two-period bond n=l the condition (2.2) reads G(O,l ,O)=l -p(O)+p(O)c(l ,O) and is always satisfied by definition of G. 2.1 Particular case n=2. By the dclinition of G in Proposition 1.1 the Icft-hand side of (2.2) equals G(0,2,0) = (1-p(O))G(1,2,0) + p(O)c(l ,O)c(2,O)G(1,2,1).For the righthand side one gets G(O,l,O) -IO-p@M-pU,W+ t~l-p~O~~p~~,~~+(~-p~~,l~~p~~~~~~~,~~ + PKuP(l ~~w,ok(2,1)1 kOJ,O) W-p(O)){ l+p(l,O)(c(2,0)-1)) + ~~~~~~P~~~I~+P~~,~~~c~~~~~-~~ll &J,O) -[Cl-p(O))G(1,2,0) + c(2,0)p(O)GU,2,1)1. ON BINOMIAL MODELS OF THE TERM STRUCTURE OF .. . 843 It follows that (2.2) is equivalent with the condition (l-p(O))G(1,2,0)(G(O,l,O)-1) + c(2,0)p(O)G(1,2,1){G(O,1,0)-c(l,O)]=O. But one has G(O,l ,O)-l=p(O)(c(l,O)-l), G(0,l ,O)-c(1,O)=-(l-p(O))(c(l,O)-I). Therefore (2.2) is equivalent with the condition p@)U -p(ON{c(l,O)-1) {GU ,2,0) - c(2,O)G(1,2,1)) = 0. In the following let us assume that p(O)(l-p(O))(c(l,O)-1) f 0. Then (2.2) is equivalent with the condition G(1,2,0) = c(2,O)G(1,2,1), which is the inductive step n=2 of the sufficient conditions (2.4) given in the general analysis of Subsection 2.2. Using that G(lA0) = 1 + p(l,O)(c(2,0)-l), G(1,2,1) = 1 + p(l,l)(c(2,1)-l), this condition is further equivalent to the relation (1-p(1m(cw)-1) = - p(1,1M2,0)(c(2,1)-1). Let us illustrate its resolution for two special cases. Case 1 : c(2,O)=c(2,1)=c(2) f 1 The derived condition implies that 1-p( 1,O)=-p( 1,l)c(2)<0, which is impossible. In the special case p(l,O)=p(l,l)=p(l) this fact has already been shown by Pedersen et al.(1989), p.28. Case 2 : c(2,O) f c(2,l) If one assumesthat p(l,O)=p(l,l)=p(l), then this risk-neutral probability is given by l/p(l) = 1 - c(2,O) +(2,1)-l]/[c(2,0)-11. If p(l,O)#p(l,l), then one has the relation l-p(1,O) = -p(l,l)c(2,0) <c(2,1)-l]/[c(2,0)-11. In both subcasesone has necessarily [c(2,1)-l]/[c(2,0)-13 < 0. Note that the present relatively simple analysis is the basic inductive step for the construction of our new class of binomial models in Section 3 (see the relations (3.2) and (3.3)). 844 5TH AFIR 2.2. Qgeral INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM w. Under appropriate assumptions (2.2) simplilics considerably. For each n=l,2 ,..., one has the identity n i-l n-l i-l C [Pr(n,i) I-I c(nj)l = C lPr(n-1 ,i) -G(n-1 ,n,i) n c(nj)] i=O j=O i=O j=O Lemma. (2.3) Proof. Start with the right-hand side and reorder it using that G(n-l,n,i) = 1 - p(n-l,i) + p(n-1,i) -c(n,i). One has n-l i-l n-l C Pr(n-1 ,i)[l -p(n-1 ,i)] l-l c(n,j) + C Pr(n-1 ,i)p(n-1 ,i) ;I c(n,j) i=O i=O j=O j=O i-l n-l = Pr(n-l,O)]l-p(n-l,O)] + C Pr(n-l,i)[l-p(n-l,i)] IJ c(nj) i=l j=O n-2 i n-l + 1 Pr(n-1 ,i)p(n-1 ,i) n c(nj) + Pr(n-1 n-l)p(n-ln-1) TI c(nj) i=O j=O j=O Change the index of summation in the second sum to get i-l n-l Pr(n,O) + 1 [Pr(n-l,i)[l-p(n-l,i)] + Pr(n-l,i-l)p(n-l,i-I)] l-l c(nj) i=l j=O n-l + Wwn) I7 chj> j=O Observing that the state probabilities satisfy the recursive relations Pr(n-l,i)[l-p(n-l,i)] + Pr(n-l,i-l)p(n-l,i-1) = Pr(n,i), i=l,...,n-1, the result follows immediately. In the subsequent discussion assume the following (2.4) G(n-l,n,i-1) = c(n,i-1) -G(n-l,n,i), i=l,...,n-1, relations hold : or equivalently ON BINOMIAL MODELS OF THE TERM STRUCTURE OF . .. (2.5) i-l G(n-1 ,n,O) = G(n-1 ,n,i) n c(nj>, i=l,...,n-1. j=O 845 Inserted in (2.2) using (2.3) the equation to solve is G(O,n,O)= G(O,n-1,O) -G(n-1 sl,O>. (2.6) WC show below that under the assumption (2.4) the equation (2.6) is always fuhilled. For this one needs the following intermediate result. Lemma. (2.7) For each n=2,3,... assume that G(k,k+l,i-I) = c(k+l,i-1) -G(k,k+l,i), i=l,,.., k, k=O,l,...,n. Then one has (2.8) n+l G(i,n+l,k-1) = G(ip+l,k) n c(j,k-1), i=l,..., n-l, k=l,..,, i. j=i+l Proof. This is shown using induction on the indices n and i. As induction step let n=2. In this case (2.8) reads (2.9) G(1,3,0) = c(2,O) ~(370) -G(l,3,1). Using the recursive definition (1.6) of G the formula (2.9) is equivalent to (2.10) (l-p(l,O)) -G(2,3,0) + P(l,O)c(2~O)c(3~0) -G(2*3,l) :(2,O)c(3,0) -{(l-P(M)) *(2,311) + p(l,l)c(2,1)c(3,1) *(2,3,2)1. From the assumption (2.7) one has (2.11) (2.12) ~(2,3,0) = ~(30 +(2,3,1), ~(2,3,1) = ~(3~1) %(2,312). Inserting in (2.10) using again (1.6) one gets 5TH AFIR 846 (2.13) G(1,2,0) -G(2,3,0) Using (2.11) this is cquivalcnl (2.14) INTERNATIONAL = c(2,O) -G(1,2,1) COLLOQUIUM -c(3,0) -G(2,3,1). to G(1,2,0) = c(2,O) -G(l,2,1), which is satisfied by the assumption (2.7). Hcncc (2.8) is shown for n=2. By induction assumption assume now the lcsult is tme for the indices 2,3,...,n-1, and show it for the index n. This is shown by backward induction OI I the index i. Ster, 1 : i=n-1. Using (1.6) the formula (2.8) for i=n-1 is cquivalcnt to (I-p(n-l,k-1)) (2.15) -G(n,n+l,k-1) + p(n-l,k-l)c(n,k-l)c(n+l,k-I) = c(n,k-l)c(n+l,k-1) -((l-p(n-1,k)) -G(n,n+l,k) + p(nl,k)c(n,k)c(n+l,k) -G(n,n+l,k+l)] Using assumption (2.16) (2.7) and (1.6) this is equivalent G(n-l,n,k-1) -G(n,n+l k-l) = c(n,k-1) -G(n-l,n,k) -c(n+l,k-1) Using again (2.7) this is equivalent (2.17) G(n-1 ,n,k) = c(n,k-1) -G(n,n+ lJ<) to -G(nn+l,k). to -G(n-lp,k). But this relation is fulfilled by assumption (2.7). Step 2. Assume the relation (2.8) is valid for the indices i=r+l,...,n-1, k=l,...,i, and show it for the index i=r. This is similar to step 1. One has n+l G(r,n+l,k-1) = G(r,n+l,k) n c(j,k-1) j=r+ 1 n+l <=> (l-p(r,k-I)) -G(r+l,n+l,k-1) + p(r,k-I) -G(r+l,n+l,k) n c(j,k-1) j=r+ 1 n+l n+l =[ n c(j,k-l)] -{[l-p(r,k)] -G(r+l,n+l,k) + p(r,k) -G(r+l,n+l,k) n c(j,k)) j=r+ 1 j=r+ 1 ON BINOMIAL MODELS <=> G(r,r+l,k-1) -G(r+ln+I,k-1) = c(r+lk-1) -G(r,r+lJ<) -G(r+ln+lk) <=> OF THE TERM STRUCTURE OF .. . 847 n+l II c&k-l) j=r+2 G(r,r+l,k-1) = c(r+l,k-1) -G(r,r+lk). Since the last relation is fulfilled by assumption (2.7) the result follows. Let us show that under the validity of (2.4) for all n=2,3,..., the relation (2.6) is always satisfied. This follows immediately from the special case k=i=O of the following main result. 2.1. (product representation of the function G) For all n=2,3,... assume that the tclations (2.4) are satisfied. Then one has n-l G(k,n,i) = n G(i,j+l,i), k=O,...,n-2, i=O,...,k. (2.18) j=k Proaf. For n=2, k=i=O, one has Theorem G(0,2,0) = (l-p(O,O)) -G(1,2,0) + p(O,O)c(l ,O)c(ZO) +(1,2,1). Since c(2,O)G(1,2,1)=G(1,2,0) by (2.4) one gets G(0,2,0) = [l - p(O,O)+ p(O,O)c(l,O)l -G(1,2,0) = G(O,l,O)G(l,2,0). Let now n 2 3. By assumption the formulas (2.7) are fulfilled. From Lemma 2.2 one has (2.19) G(s,n,i) = G(ssl,i+l) i c&i), s=l,...,n-2, i=l,..., s-l. We show by induction on I?~~ r-l (2.20) G(k,n,i) = G(r,n,i) fl G(jj+l,i), j=k First of all one has G(k,n,i) = [l-p&i)] Using (2.19) one gets t=k+l,..., n. -G(k+l,n,i) + p&i) n -G(k+l,n,i+l) n c&i>. j=k+l 5TH AFIR INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM 848 Gg<,n,i)=[l-p(k,i)+p(k,i)c(k+l,i)] -G(k+l,n,i)=G(kk+l,i) -Go<+ln3i)7 which is (2.20) for t=k+l. By induction assumption assumenow that (2.20) is true for r and show it for r+l. One has n G(r,n,i) = [I-p(r,i)] -G(r+l,n,i) + p(r,i) -G(r+l,n,i+l) l-I c(i,i). j=r+ 1 Using (2.19) it follows that G(r,n,i) = [I -p(r,i) + p(r,i)c(r+l,i)] S(r+l n,i) = G(r,r+l ,i) -G(r+l ,n,i). From the induction assumption one obtains now r G(k,n,i) = G(r+l,n,i) n G(j,j+l,i). j=k Hence (2.20) is shown and (2.18) follows setting t=n. We have shown that binomial models satisfying the property (2.1) are obtained if one solves the relations (2.4). Let us construct such models for which additionally the risk-neutral probabilities p(n,i)=p(n) are indepcndcnt of the state i. Written out the relations (2.4) are equal to the system of equations (3.1) 1 + p(n-1) -@(n,i-1)-l> = c(n,i-1) -{l + p(n-l)(c(n,i)-I)}, n=2,3 ,..., i=l,..., n-l. Let us starch for nondegenerate binomial models, that is assume that c(n,i)#l, i=O,...,n-l. Then one has (3.2) l/P(n-1)=1 - c&i-l) -[c(n,i) - l]/[c(n,i-1) - l], i=l,...,n-1. To obtain a value 0 < p(n-1) < 1, let us choose (3.3) u(n,O) = -[c(n,l) - l]/[c(n,O) - 11 > 0. Defining further (3.4) u(nk) = -[c(nk+l) - l]/[c(n,k) - 11, k=l,...,n-2, ON BINOMIAL MODELS OF THE TERM STRUCTURE OF .. . 849 one seesthat (3.2) is fulfilled if (3.5) c(n,k)u(n,k) = c(n,k-l)u(n,k-1), k=l,...,n-2. Combining (3.4) and (3.5) one sees that c(n,k), k=2,...,n-1, can be evaluated by mcursion. The obtained result is summarized as follows. on 3.1. Given is a nondegcnerate binomial model such that p(n,i)=p(n), i=O,...,n. Then for all n=2,3 ,... there exists c(n,O)#l and u(n,O>>O such that (3.6) (3.7) (3.8) p(n-1) = l/U + c(n,O)u(n,O)), c(n,i> = 1 - (c(n,i-1) - 1) -u(n,i-l), i=l,..., n-l, u(nd) = u(n,i-1) -c(n,i-l)/c(n,i), i=l,..., n-l. Having shown the existence of binomial models satisfying (2.1), let us derive some consequences following from such a model. Given is a nondegenerate binomial model as in the pmceding result. From the product representation (2.18), (2.5) and (1.10) one has the formula i-l r,,P,+,(n,i) = l/G(n-l,n,i) = [ n c(nj)YG(n-ln,O), (3.9) j=O n=l,2 ,..., i=O,...,n. In particular for i=O one has (3.10) r,P,+,(n,O) = l/(1 - p(n-1) + p(n-1) -c(n,O)), n=1,2 ,... Using (3.6) this implies that (3.11) r,P,+,(n,O)= (1 + c(n,O)u(n,O))/c(n,O) -(l + u(n,O)), n=2,3 ,... From (1.4) and (3.8) one gets the bond price formula : t-1 t-l P,(n,i) = G(n,t-1,i) n Pj+l(i,i) = P,+,(n,i)[ n G(i-l,j,i)P,+,(j,i)l. j=n+ 1 Using (3.9) one obtains he-!!“with 850 5TH AFIR INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM t-1 (3.12) P,(G) = P,+,(n,i)[ I-l rile’. j=n+ 1. Applying (3.9) and (3.11) this expression transforms to i-l t-l (3.13) P,(n,i) =[ l-l r,]-l -l-I c(nj> -[ 1 + c(n,O>u(n,O)]/[c(n,O)ll + u(n,O>l), j=O j=n n=2,3,... This formula means that the bond prices of arbitrary maturity date at time n dcpcnd only on the one-period bond prices at time IL that is on c(n,O), u(n,O), and on the market forecast of future intemst rates. Using the relations (3.7) and (3.8) it is possible to cxpmss P,(n,i) cxplicitcly as a function of the pammeters c,,:=c(n,O)and u,,:=u(n,O).Setting futther x,:=u,c, one observes that (3.14) c(n,m)c(nm-1) = (1 - x,)c(nm-1) + x,,, n=2,3 ,..., m=l,..., n. This follows fmm the following calculation : c(nm)c(nm-1) = (1 - u(nm-l)[c(nsn-1) = 11 - u(n,O)c(n,O) + u(nm-l))c(nm-1) = { 1 - x,}c(nJn-1) + x,,. - l])c(nm-1) Lemma 3.1. For all n=2,3 ,..., m=l,..., n, one has (3.15) G c(nj) = (c, + x”y; (-1 ,‘x,J + (-1)“~~ j=O j=O = (c, + X”) -(l + (-1)“.‘x,,“‘)/(l + x,,) + (-l)mC,,X,“. This is shown by induction on m. If m=l one has from (3.14) c(n,l)c(n,O)=(c,+x,,)-c,x,, which is (3.15) for m=l. Assume the result true for m=l2, ,...,r, r 2 1, and show it for m=r+l. From (3.14) one has c(n,r+l)c(n,r) = (1 - x,)c(n,r) + x,. Multiplying this relation with r- 1 II ch.j> j=O and using twice the induction assumption the result follows by straightfonvard algebra. The details of the verification are left to the madcr. Proof. With the formula (3.15) the bond prices at time n=2,3,... mad ON BINOMIAL MODELS OF THE TERM STRUCTURE OF ... 851 t-1 P,(n,O) = [ TI ‘jl-l -0 + X,)/(C, + X,>, j=n t-1 (3.16) P,(n,l) = [ ll rjl-l -C,(l + XJKC, + %I, j=n t-1 P,(n,i) = [ n rj]-l -{ 1+(-1)‘~2x,i~‘+(-1)i~1c~x~i~1(1 +x,)/(C,+x,)}. j=n Simplifying further one sees that t-1 (3.17) P,(n,i) = [ l-I rj]-l 31 + (-l)?Xnxni], j=n n=2,3,..., i=O,...,n, with a, = (1 - c,)/(c, + x,). The class of alternative binomial models contains a degenerate diatomic model of the term structure of interest rates obtained by setting x,=1, or p(n-l)=%, for n=2,3,... From (3.15) one derives immediately that (3.18) c(n,2k)=c,, c(n,2k+l)=l/c,, k=0,1,2 ,... (degenerate binomial lattice) Furthermom for n=2,3,... one has t-1 P,(n,i) = [ lJ 41-l -241 + c,), if i is even, j=n (3.19) t-1 P&i) = [ n rj]-’ -2c,/(l + c,), if i is odd. j=n If one puts further p(O)=%, then (3.19) is also valid for n=l. In this special case the bond prices of a given maturity date t take only two different values at time n. It is natural to put further restrictions on the bond prices. One usually tequites at least the following fundamental properties : (3.20) no negative interest rates, and no arbitrarily large interest rates. As pointed out by Pedersen et al.( 1989), the first binomial model by Ho and Lee(1986) does not fulfill this condition. On the other side the multiplicative 852 5TH AFIR INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM binomial model by Morgan and Neavc(l991) satisfies this property. However in the litcratute on binomial models it is not clarified if there exist models satisfying additionally the condition (2.1). To satisfy (3.20) with formula (3.17), one has to choose the model numbers (y.,and x, such that (3.21) r,,/rmax I rJ,+,(n,i)=l + (-l)‘o,,x,’ I r,, i=O,...,n. With the upper bound one avoids negative interest rates and with the lower bound one avoids accumulated interest rates higher than r,,. Assume that &,=r,/rm,<l. It is easy to check that (3.21) is fullilled if one assumesthat (3.22) 0 < cx,I i,=r, - 1, 0 < x, I min{(l-E,,)/i,,,l]. If one assumesfurther that rmax1 (l+i,)/(l -i,) for all n, then (3.22) simplifies to the quite simple parameter constraints O<cr,,li,,,O<x,ll, tctaincd in the next Section. 4. Some elementarv oroDerw of the new altermlve . . bin& . modfl. Consider the constructed alternative binomial bond price model (4.1) r,P,+,(n,i) = 1 + (-l)jclnxni, n=l,2 ,..., i=O,...,n, with 0 I cr, I i,, 0 5 x,, 5 1. First of all note that the mean and the variance of the random variable P,+l(n, -), rcptcsenting the one-year bond prices at time n, can be obtained in an elementary way. One needs the following identity. Lemma. Assume a binomial lattice such that p(n-l)=p(n-1 ,i), n=1,2,..., i=O,...,n-l, is independent of i. Then one has n C (-l)‘[(l-p(n-l))/p(n-l)]‘Pr(n,i) = 0, n=1,2,... (4.2) i=O Proof. This is shown immediately using the recursive relations for the transition probabilities Pr(n,i), namely (4.3) Pr(O,O)=1, Pr(n,O)=Pr(n-1 ,O)(l -p(n-I)), Pr(nn)=Pr(n-1 n-l)p(n-1), Pr(n,i)=Pr(n-l,i)(l-p(n-1)) + Pr(n-l,i-l)p(n-l), i=l,...,n-1. ON BINOMIAL MODELS OF THE TERM STRUCTURE OF .. . 853 on 4.1. For the binomial bond price model (4.1) one has (4.4) (4.5) EkP,+,(n, -)I = 1, VarkR+,h ->I = ~~[(l -p(n-l)Yp(n-1 )I n-2 - l3 11 - p&<>+ po<)[(l-p(n-l))/p(n-1)12j, n=l,Z... . k=O Let p(k)=p for k=O,...,n-1, then one has the simpler formula (4.6) Var[r,P,+,(n, ->I = a,2[(1 -p>/p12. Observing that x,=(1-p(n-l))/p(n-1) by (3.6), the property (4.4) which is nothing else than the condition (2.1), follows directly fmm the identity (4.2). Using the same result one obtains the formula Proof. Var[r,P,+,(n, -)] = q2 i [(1-p(n-l))/p(n-l)]” -Pr(n,i>. i=O Let us denote by S, the sum on the right-hand side of (4.7). One has (4.7) (4.8) s, = Pr(l,O) + [(l-p(O>>/p(O>l2Pr(l,l) = (I-P(ON/P(O). Assume nil and let us compute Sn+lusing the recursion (4.3). One has n+l %+, = C [(I -p(nN/p(n>12’Pr(n+l ,i> i=O n = PrhOXl-p(n)) + C [(l-p(n>)/p(n>l”(1-p(n))Pr(n,i) i=l n-l + C [(I -p(n>>/p(n)l*‘+‘(1-p(n>>Pr(n,i) + [(l -p(n))/p(n)l*“+‘(l -p(n)>Pr(nd i=O = PrhOW -p(nNV + (I -p(n>>/p(n>l + i Pr(n,iN(l -p(n>>/p(n>l*‘(1-p(n))U + (1-p(n))/p(n)l i=l = (I-p(nN/p(n) ITZ[(I -p(n>>/p(n>l*‘Pr(n,i>. i=O Pmcceding similarly using (4.3) and induction one gets 854 5TH AFIR INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM %+l = [U-p(n)Yp(n)l n-l -I 1 - p(n-1) + p(n-1X(1-p(n))/p(n)12) C Kl-p(n))/p(n)12’Pr(n-1 ,i). i=O n-2 = [Wp(n>>/p(n>l II t 1 - PO<) + p(k)[(l-p(n))/p(n)12}, k=O which shows (4.5). The formula (4.6) follows immediately finm (4.5). mle 4.1. This result is useful in modelling the bond price uncertainty. A first desirable property of bond pricing can already been fulfilled for the simple case (4.6). As pointed out by Ho and Lee(l986), p. 1016, the bond price uncertainty should be small at the two extmme points, namely for the time horizon in the immediate future and near bond maturity. If the implied term structure of interest rates is such that r, first increases and then decreases this desirable property (with the variance as measure of uncertainty) can be fulfilled setting a,,=i,, in (4.6). . As next step we analyze how conditional variances and yields of the bonds are tclatcd and in which bounds they can actually move. Relatively simple bounds are obtained in the conditional case.The one-year yield of the bond . at time n is described by the random variable R, : (4.9) R,,(i) = l/P,+,(n,i) = t-,/(1 + (-l)%x,,xni), i=O,...,n. Consider the conditional means and variances of the accumulated yield at time n+l (4.10) (4.11) P,,+,~= E[R,+,/R,=R,(i)l, i=O,....n, (<T~,+,J~= Var@,+,/R,=R,(i)], i=O,...,n, and the conditional variances of the bond prices (4.12) (opll+li)2 = VarP,,(n+l, -)/P,,+,(n,i)], i=O,...,n+l. In the following let us use the abbreviations (4.13) Since p(n)=l/(l +x) one gets from (4.9) that ON BINOMIAL MODELS OF THE TERM STRUCTURE OF ... 855 (4.14) P”+l,/m+l= (x/[l + (-l)‘crx’] + l/[l + (-l>i+laxi+ll)/( 1 + x) = (1 + (-l)‘crx’(l-x))/([l + (-l)‘ax’][l + (-l>i+‘cxxi+‘]} A further calculation shows that (4.15) 1 + (- 1)‘ax’( 1-x)1. @n+lj - rn+Jh+,j = cr;?xzi+l/[ On the other side one gets similarly (4.16) c2,+lj = [[l+(-l)‘ax’]2x + [l+(-l)i+‘oxi+~]2}/{ 1+x) - 1 = &x2’+’ In this simple conditional situation let us now apply the mean/variance criterion of portfolio theory. For a given fixed conditional variance c2,,+, j=c2 try to maximiTe the conditional accumulated yield un+lj of the bond. Equivalently one can maximize the relative conditional excessyield given by (4.15). Making the change of variable /3=crx’ one has to solve the optimization problem (4.17) (P”+,~- rn+,)/)ln+lj= C*/U + (-1)‘@-C2/P>l= mad under the constraints xp2=c2, 0 < p I in+l, 0 < x 5 1. For this it suffices to minimiz the function f(p) = 1 + (-l)@ - c2/p). Since the derivative f(p) = 1 + (-l)‘[l + (c/p)]2 is either positive or negative, two casesmust be considered. Case : i even Since f(p)=2+(~/p)~>O the function f(p) is monotone increasing. From the constraint x=(~/p)~<l one deduces that c21p2. It follows that f@)=min! if p=c, whem O<cli,+,. Hence x=1, thus p(n)=%, which leads to the degenerate diatomic binomial model. Case : i odd Since ~(P)=-(c/P)~<Othe function f(p) is monotone decreasing. Hence f(p) takes its minimum when p is the maximum possible value. Since x=(c/~)~ one gets c~=p/x~=p~~+~/c~~. From c&in+l one sees that p is maximum if p2i+l=c2iin+l.It follows that x=(c/in+1)2’@i+1), where O<cG,+,. To summariz the discussion we have shown the following result. . . s. At time n+l the conditional accumulated yields of the bonds and the conditional variances of the bond prices satisfy the relations: 5TH AFIR 856 INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM Case 1 : i even One has the inequalities (4.18) (4.19) 1 + in+l 5 pn+lj 5 Ml - in+J, QL+,~- rn+lYh+lj 5 k+l~pn+lj)2 5 i2,+,. Furtherm om one has equalities in (4.19) only in the dcgcncmtc case p(n)=%, x=1, CI=((~,,+~~-r,+,)/p.+,j}“,and then one has (4.20) (ORrl+lj)2= L+~~(P,,+~, - r,+J Case : i odd Define the function of two variables (4.21) F(a,x) = c~~x~‘+‘/[l+ (-l)‘ax’(l-x)]. Let OSc,+,li,+, and set eY1l+l=F(in+l ,(c/i,,+,)2’(2’+‘)).Assume that Olali,,, , 05x51, arc such that F(a,x)Q19,+, and ~2x2i+11c2.Then one has the inequalities (4.22) (4.23) 0 2 Pn+li = r,,+,/[l -F(a,x>l 5 r,+,/[l -tin+,1 5 141 -in+Jr 0 5 (t-,+,0’,+,J2 = a2x2i+15 c2 I iz,+,. Furthermore one has equalities of the middle terms only if a = in+l, x = (c/in+l)2’(2i+‘), (4.24) Equalities of the three upper terms hold only in the degenerate case p(n)=%, x= 1, cx=c=in+l,and then one has (4.25) (OR,+1 j12 = Ml -i+J12. Up to the computation of the conditional variance (o~,+~~)~,this follows fmm the discussion preceding Proposition 4.2. The fotm ula (4.20) is verified as follows : Proaf. (OR .+1j)2 = Wrn+l)2W(l+a>2 = (rn+1)2(1+a2)/(1 = (Iln+~j)*(l+~*) + -a2>2 - 1/(l-a)2l - (P,+I~>~ - (pn+l (pn+lj)2 j>2 = CaPn+l j>* = Pn+lj(lJn+lj-rn+l). ON BINOMIAL MODELS OF THE TERM STRUCTURE OF 1.. 857 The formula (4.25) follows from (4.20) setting un+lj=l/(l-i,+,). Further steps towards the determination of the complete class of all exogenously given arbitrage-free binomial models of the term structure of interest rates have been undertaken. A new parametric binomial model with the following properties has been constructed : property (P) (condition (2.1), or (2.2), or (4.4)) no negative interest rates and no arbitrarily high interest rates flexible volatility structure of interest rates : long term volatility smaller than short term one, high volatility by high interest rates, etc. flexible yield curve by given initial tetm stmctute : variety of realistic shapesincluding flat, upward and downward sloped and humped shaped simple parametrization (end of Section 3) simple understanding from first principles (follows from (4.4)) A remaining drawback is the fact that short and long term interest rates are perfectly correlated while in the real world they are not, but often mover together. Since this property is shared by all single-factor models, only the mom general framework of multi-factor models can resolve this inconvenience (consult e.g. Duffie and Kan(1994)). Finally let us mention another more methodological problem, but quite important from the point of view of the interaction between academics and practitioners, which concerns the proper passage from discrete-time to continuous-time models and vice-versa. Early in Theoretical Physics one has shown that a discrete random walk converges to Brownian motion and that an Ehrenfest urn model converges to the Omstein-Uhlenbeck process, as sketched among others by Kac(l947). To which continuous-m ode1 does the new parametric binomial model converge ? Does the most important limit theorem in the theory of stochastic processes by Donsker(l951) and Prohorov(l956) (see also Glynn(1990)) help solve this question ? l l l l l l 858 5TH AFIR INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM Donskcr, M.D. (1951). An invariance principle for certain probability limit theorems. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 6. DufIie, D. (1992). Dynamic Asset Pricing Theory. Princeton Univ. Press. DufIie, D., Kan, R. (1994). Multi-factor tctm structure models. Phil. Transactions Royal Society of London, Series A, 577-86. Glynn, P.W. (1990). Diffusion appmximations. In Heyman, D.P., Sobel, M.J. (cds.) Stochastic Models, Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, vol. 2, chap. 4, 145-98. Heath, D., Jarrow, R., Morton, A. (1992). Bond pricing and the tctm structure of interest rates : a new methodology for contingent claims valuation. Econometrica 60, 77-105. Ho, T.S.Y., Lee, S. (1986). Term structure movements ‘and pricing intetcst rate contingent claims. Journal of Finance 41, 1011-1029. Kac, M. (1947). Random walk and the theory of Btownian motion. American Mathematical Monthly 54, 369-9 1. McCulloch, J.H. (1985). On hetetoscedasticity. Economctrica 53, 483. Morgan, LG., Neave, E. (1991). A mean reverting process for pricing treasury bills and futures contracts. Proceedings of the 2nd AFIR Colloquium, Brighton, vol. 1, 237-266. Morgan, LG., Neave, E. (1993). A discrete time model for pricing treasury bills, forward, and futures contracts. ASTIN Bulletin 23, 3-22. Pedersen, H.W., Shiu, E.W.S., Thorlacius, A.E. (1989). Arbitrage-free pricing of interest-rate contingent claims. Transactions of the Society of Actuaries 41, 231-65. Discussion, 267-79. Ptohorov, Y. (1956). Convergence of random pmcesscsand limit theorems in probability theory. Theory of Prob. and Applications 1, 157-214. Semu, P. (1991). Bond options and bond portfolio insurance. Insurance : Mathematics and Economics 10, 203-30. Vetzal, K.R. (1994). A survey of stochastic continuous time models of the term structure of interest rates. Insurance : Mathematics and Economics 14, 139-61.
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