The Cathedral Parish of Our Lady, Saint Peter of Alcantara & Saint Winefride Incorporating the communities of The Cathedral, Our Lady of Pity, Harlescott and Saint Winefride, Monkmoor. Cathedral House, 11 Belmont, Shrewsbury, SY1 1TE. Tel: 01743 362366 Information Line: 01743 364256 Fax: 01743 341326 [email protected] [email protected] Very Reverend Canon Jonathan Mitchell & Reverend Father Sebastian Fonsah; Revv Mr Fred Beddow, Mr Ron Ball, Mr Ben Tomnay; Associated Priest: Reverend Father David Mawson (Priest of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham) Sunday 1st February 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Education Sunday Sat 31 Sun 1 Feb Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time Mon 2 The Presentation of the Lord Tue 3 St Werburgh Wed 4 Ferial Thu 5 St Agatha Fri 6 St. Paul Miki & Companions Ferial Sat 7 Sun 8 Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time Our Lady of Pity Cathedral Cathedral St Winefride’s Cathedral Cathedral St Winefride’s Cathedral Cathedral Convent Cathedral Cathedral Our Lady of Pity Cathedral St Winefride’s Our Lady of Pity Cathedral Our Lady of Pity Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral St Winefride’s Cathedral Cathedral Our Lady of Pity Cathedral Cathedral St Winefride’s Cathedral Cathedral St Winefride’s Cathedral Cathedral 6pm 7.45am 8.30am 9.30am 10.15am 10.45am 12.15pm 4.30pm 6pm 7.30am 12.15pm 5.30pm 9.30am 12.15pm 9.30am 12noon 12.15pm 9.30am 12.15pm 5.30pm 12.15pm 7pm 9.30am After Mass 6pm 7.45am 8.30am 9.30am 10.15am 10.45am 12.15pm 4.30pm 6pm Parishioners Morning Prayer For the Sick Private Intentions of the late Anne Percy Prayer During the Day Friends of the Cathedral Mass in the Extraordinary Form Holy Hour, Vespers and Benediction Ken Edwards (RIP) Celia and Mark Wiggitt Eileen Fenwick (100th Birthday) Holy Hour for Peace in the Middle East Marina Tsujino (Thanksgiving & Birthday Intention) Anne Percy (1st RIP Anniversary) Rosemarie Perry (RIP) (V.T.) Funeral Service Sister Dorothy’s 90th Birthday Henry & Mary Holles (RIP Anniversary) Pat Jubb (80th Birthday) Holy Hour for Priests and Vocations Sheila Anderson (Died Peacefully Recently) Raymond Loughlin (RIP Anniversary) Intentions of Nigel Marian Devotions Frank and Nancy Kearney (RIP Anniversary) Morning Prayer Alice Josephine Hough (RIP) Parishioners Prayer During the Day James Phillips (RIP) Mass in the Extraordinary Form Holy Hour, Vespers and Benediction Private Intentions of the Late Anne Percy The Cathedral ~Town Walls, Shrewsbury SY1 1TE Our Lady of Pity ~ Meadow Farm Drive, Harlescott SY1 4JY Saint Winefride’s ~ Crowmere Road, Monkmoor SY2 5RA The Cathedral Primary School ~ New Park Road SY1 2SP Sacrament of Reconciliation Cathedral St Winefride’s Our Lady of Pity Saturday 10 – 11am Friday 6.15 – 6.45pm Saturday 5.15 – 5.45pm The Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity, Number 234025 Please remember Shrewsbury Cathedral in your will. From the Dean’s desk… In both the Gospels of Matthew and Luke both emphasize Jesus’ teaching in the first part of their gospels (Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ first sermon in the synagogue respectively). Mark’s gospel does not first of all, talk about the content of Jesus’ preaching, or the teaching that he proclaims. Mark emphasizes the effect that Jesus has. Right from the beginning, it is the person of Jesus that has centre stage: he himself is the message. He is the new thing that has arrived; he is the beginning and the origin of the Kingdom. We too need to remind ourselves of the necessity of a real, living and personal relationship with the person of Jesus. We may know our Catechism, we may attend courses, read many books, and be active in terms of justice and peace but without friendship with Jesus, and the discipleship that relationship brings all our efforts are external to who we are at our core, our hearts have to be transformed first of all and then we do these things. This friendship with Jesus begins in openness, vulnerability and honesty with him. He needs to see our wounds, before he heals them. As Pope Francis puts it “Being upfront and honest about one's sinful nature actually helps create a more authentic encounter with God. There are people who believe they are righteous, follow the catechism well enough and abide by the Christian faith, but they don't have the experience of having been saved.” Let us experience the power of Jesus’ friendship and come to know that we ourselves are known and loved by God. Money Matters: Offertory Collections: 25 Jan Cathedral: £1211.08 Retired Priests Fund £306.90 Crib Offerings £110.50 Pax Christi £10.00 Thank you for your consistent generosity. Our Lady of Pity: £377.96 £40.00 St Winefride’s: £405.89 £133.00 The Holy Father’s Mission Intention for February 2015 That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. Prayers, congratulations and best Happy Birthday wishes to one of our parishioners Eileen Fenwick who was a 100 last Friday. Parishioners and friends of Maureen and Tom McConnell will recall many years of their attendance at the Cathedral, usually at Sunday early morning Mass. Maureen sadly died in May last year. Their daughter Christina has informed us that Tom has died recently. They supported many activities at our Church; Tom a Reader of the Liturgy amongst other duties. They had moved to Surrey to be cared for by Christina, who says "they are together again". The 8.30am Mass on Sunday 15th February at the Cathedral will be celebrated for Maureen and Tom. May they rest in peace. The CAFOD 20-week draw starts this week, Week 1 prize winner to be announced next weekend. There are still a few numbers left; please phone Margaret on 01743 350208 by midday tomorrow, Monday 2nd February if you want one of them. Circle of Friends. Our belated Christmas Meal will be held this Wednesday 4th February, at 6.45pm for 7pm at The Olive Tree in Frankwell. For more information please ring Peter and Bernadette on 241250. Everyone welcome. 8th FEBRUARY - YOUTH MASS and MUSIC PLANNING Our next Youth Mass will be held on 8th February at 6pm in the Cathedral, and there will be a music session beforehand in the Chapter House (12 Belmont) from 5pm until the Youth Mass starts for anyone who is interested in contributing to, or influencing, the music at Youth Masses. We need volunteers! If you can help with music, or with reading or taking the collection, please email [email protected] or text on 07815 714518. Thanks. Stewards’ Meeting – The next meeting for Stewards of Shrewsbury Cathedral will be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 11th February in Chapter House. Anyone interested in becoming a steward, please do come along. The Cathedral Readers’ Rota for January and February is on the cathedral narthex notice board and copies are in the box for those who have not been given their dates by email. This year the Mass for Marriage and Family Life with Bishop Mark will be celebrated at noon on Saturday 14th February at St Columba’s, Chester (Newhall Road, Plas Newton, Chester CH2 1SA). All married couples and families are welcome but if you are a couple celebrating a significant wedding anniversary (silver, pearl, ruby, golden or platinum) and you wish to attend, then please let your Parish Priest know by the 2nd of February and he will arrange for a special invitation to be sent to you on behalf of the Bishop. Prayer Vigil for Religious Freedom (Saturday 21st February): Please join Bishop Mark, the clergy of Shrewsbury Cathedral and the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) in a Prayer Vigil for Religious Freedom at the Cathedral on Saturday 21st February at 3.00pm. The vigil will last no more than ninety minutes and will give us all the chance to learn about, reflect on and pray for all of those Christians around the world who are currently suffering terrible hardships because of their Faith. Please note there will be no parking at the Cathedral during the weekend of 21st / 22nd February because of a Marquee being erected for the Rite of Election. Churches Together in Shrewsbury are again organising Ecumenical Lent Groups with this year’s theme Praise Him (Songs of Praise in the New Testament). Contributors include Archbishop Justin Welby and Sister Wendy Beckett. The five week course will begin w/c 23rd February on various afternoons and evenings in someone’s home. The cost is £5 to include the course booklet. This is a great preparation for Lent and an opportunity to make new friends. Booking Forms are at the back of the Church and must be completed by tomorrow, 2nd February. Contact Sue and Hugh 01743 244083 MEDITATION – a 5 week introductory course 25th Feb – 25th March at St Winefride's Convent on Wednesday evenings only from 6pm – 7.30pm. To reserve a place on a first come basis, contact: Margaret tel: 01743 – 240401 or Linda tel: 01743 – 243132 email: [email protected] Flame2 in Wembley is just short of two months away on Saturday 7th March 2015. As you know the Diocese has booked one hundred tickets for our young people, joining over ten thousand other young Catholics from across the country. Last month Bishop Mark invited you to contact Pauline McCulloch if you were interested. Our tickets have arrived and the coaches have been booked! The event is open to those in Year 10 to young adult (age 14 to 21) and will cost £36 per person (which included return transport and entrance to the Flame2 event). Please contact Pauline McCulloch at the Curial Offices on 0151 652 9855 or email [email protected] by Friday 30th January to book your tickets or if you have any queries. Revd C Matthews Commission for the New Evangelisation of Youth The Ark AGM will be on Thursday 19th March at 7pm at The Ark. Marriage Preparation: The next classes will be held on Saturday 21st March and Saturday 27th June 2015 at the Cathedral. For more information/to book a place, please email Jayne Mott at [email protected] or contact the Cathedral Office on 01743 362366 or email [email protected] Shrewsbury Cathedral Catholic Primary School has vacancies for two Teachers for Key Stage 2, from Easter 2015 or earlier. The closing date for applications is noon on Thursday 5th February 2015. See poster at the back of church. Shrewsbury Cathedral Catholic Primary School Fair Trade Committee is pleased to announce that orders are now being taken for fairly traded brown or white Kilombero Rice. Each fairly traded 1kg pack costs £2.95 and helps farmers in Malawi to provide an education for their children. We have ordered 25 bags to help us complete the 90kg Rice Challenge that we committed to just one year ago. If you would like to order one or more bags of rice from our school, please put £2.95 per 1kg bag (stating brown and/or white) in an envelope – together with your name and contact details – marked for the attention of Angela Pym and place it in the collection plate or hand it to a member of the clergy who will forward it to school. Thanks on behalf of the Fair Trade Committee. SVP Has anyone got an electric sewing machine they no longer use who would be willing to pass it on where there is need for one? Many thanks for three offers of settees. Ring Caitriona on 01743 271395 Thanks to the Whist Drive Group for their generous donations of £708 (for the use of St Winefride’s Parish Centre towards heating and lighting) and £300 towards St Winefride’s Car Park Fund. The Cathedral Lamps: The Cathedral Marian Lamp burns this week for the Deceased Members of the Sidoli Family and the Cathedral Saint Winefride’s Lamp burns for The Sick and those who Care for them. If you would like either of the lamps to burn for a particular intention, please contact The Cathedral Office. A £5 donation is suggested. Cathedral Coffee: Cathedral coffee will be served in the Chapter House after 10.45am Mass this week by the Choir and next week by the Window Restoration Group. All are welcome. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) First Reading: Deuteronomy (18:15-20) I will raise up a prophet and I will put my words into his mouth. Response to the psalm: (Psalm 94:1-2.6-9) O that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your hearts. Second Reading: 1 Cor. 7:32-35 An unmarried woman can devote herself to the Lord’s affairs; all she need worry about is being holy. Gospel acclamation: Gospel: Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children. Alleluia. Mark (1:21-28) He taught them with authority. What’s On this week and coming soon Mon 2 Feb CAFOD Group meeting, Pullen Room, Chapter House at 7.30pm RCIA meeting, Chapter House Wed 11 Stewards’ meeting, Chapter House, 7.30pm Sat 14 Mass for Marriage and Family Life, Chester – see n/letter item ...... and What’s On every week Monday Monday Tuesday Meditation Group meets 10.45am, Convent, College Hill. Term-time only. Tel: 240401 Rosary Group meets at 2.30pm at St Winefride’s Parish Centre SVP meets in Chapter House 8 – 9pm. We have been contacted by Shropshire Council regarding the parking on Town Walls. They notified us that their gritter crews have noted that on occasions, usually Sunday evenings, cars parked along Town Walls adjacent to the Cathedral have been left partially obstructing the roadway and have made it extremely difficult for these large vehicles to pass. They believe the cars may have been parked by those attending an evening service. The Council is asking the congregation to park as carefully as possible or find an alternative location so as to prevent any difficulties arising. They realise that those parking along the Town Walls may be elderly or infirm and have good reasons to do so but if more care could be taken the difficulties could be avoided. Parking at the Cathedral I know that parking is difficult at the cathedral but when parking in the lay-by at the Cathedral (which has double yellow lines) please do not park in front of the disabled access via the lichgate. [We have had an incident where one lady had to be carried in her wheelchair into Church as somebody had blocked the gate!] Canon Jonathan “We must never undervalue any person. The workman loves not that his work should be despised in his presence. Now God is present everywhere, and every person is His work.” St Francis de Sales Have you picked up Wednesday Word?
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