European Parliamentary Week The European Semester Cycles 2014 and 2015 *** The Conference under Article 13 of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union List of Participants from national Parliaments 3-4 February 2015 European Parliament Brussels 02/02/2015 BELGIQUE/BELGIE (Belgium) CHAMBRE DES REPRESENTANTS/ KAMER VAN VOLKSVERTEGENWOORDIGERS Members: Mr Eric VAN ROMPUY Chair, Committee on Finance and Budget CD&V - EPP Ms Sophie WILMÈS Committee on Finance and Budget MR - ALDE Ms Evita WILLAERT Committee on Social Affairs Ecolo - Greens/EFA Mr Georges GILKINET Committee on Finance and Budget Ecolo - Greens/EFA Mr Roel DESEYN Committee on Finance and Budget CD&V - EPP Mr Stéphane CRUSNIERE Committee on European Affairs PS - S&D Page 2 of 32 Officials: Mr Tom DE GEETER Committee on Finance and Budget Mr Liêm DANG-DUY Committee on Finance and Budget Mr Daniel LUCION National Parliament Representative Mr Joris VAN DEN BOSSCHE Committee on Social Affairs Mr André GRENACS Committee on Social Affairs SENAT/SENAAT Members: Mr Philippe MAHOUX Chair , Federal Advisory Committee on EU Affairs of the Belgian Parliament PS - S&D Mr Karl-Heinz LAMBERTZ Speaker and Chair of the Parliament of the German-speaking Community Member of the Parliament of the German-speaking community PS - S&D Mr Rik DAEMS Chair, Committee on Foreign Policy, European Affairs and Cooperation Member of the Flemish Parliament Open-Vld - ALDE Mr Paul VAN MIERT Committee on Finance and Budget Member of the Flemish Parliament N-VA - ECR Page 3 of 32 Mr André ANTOINE Speaker of the Walloon Parliament Chair ,Committee on European Affairs cdH - EPP Officials: Mr Frédéric JANSSENS Secretary General of the Walloon parliament Mr Michäel VAN DEN KERKHOVE Expert leader of the Financial information Unit, Wallon Parliament Mr Ludwik KURZEJA Civil servant, Brussels Parliament Mr Patrick VANLEEMPUTTEN Director of the legal department, Brussels Parliament БЪЛГАРИЯ (Bulgaria) НАРОДНО СЪБРАНИЕ (National Assembly) Members: Ms Diana YORDANOVA Vice-Chair, Committee on Budget and Finance GERB– EPP Ms Svetlana ANGELOVA Vice-Chair, Committee on Labour, Social and Demographic GERB– EPP Ms Daniela SAVEKLIEVA Vice-Chair, Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism GERB– EPP Page 4 of 32 Mr Dimitar GLAVCHEV Committee on Budget and Finance GERB– EPP ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA (Czech Republic) POSLANECKA SNEMOVNA (Chamber of Deputies) Members: Mr Ondřej BENEŠÍK Chair, Committee on European Affairs Christian and Democratic Union – EPP Mr Jaroslav KLAŠKA Vice-Chair, Committee on Budget Christian and Democratic Union – EPP Mr Jan ZAHRADNÍK Committee on European Affairs Civic Democratic Party – ECR Mr Karel FIEDLER Committee on Budget Dawn of Direct Democracy of Tomio Okamura – No Group Affiliation in the EP Officials: Ms Lenka MOZGOVA Committee on European Affairs Ms Klara URBANOVA National Parliament Representative Mr Jan VLNA Committee on Budget Page 5 of 32 SENÁT (Senate) Members: Mr Zdeněk BESTA Committee on European Affairs Czech Social Democratic Party - S&D Officials: Ms Terezie PÍSAŘOVÁ National Parliament Representative Ms Dita VOLESKA Committee on European Affairs DANMARK (Denmark) FOLKETINGET Members: Mr Jacob LUND Committee on European Affairs The Social Democratic Party - S&D Officials: Mr Klaus ANDERSEN National Parliament Representative Mr Thomas JENSEN National Parliament Representative Mr Christian Anderen WILLER Consultant, Committee on European Affairs Page 6 of 32 DEUTSCHLAND (Germany) BUNDESTAG Members: Mr Norbert BARTHLE Head of the German delegation Committee on Budget CDU/CSU - EPP Mr Norbert BRACKMANN Committee on Budget CDU/CSU - EPP Mr Michael STÜBGEN Committee on EU Affairs CDU/CSU - EPP Mr Joachim POß Committee on EU Affairs SPD - S&D Mr Manuel SARRAZIN Committee on EU Affairs BÜNDNIS 90/GRÜNE - Greens/EFA Mr Andrej HUNKO Committee on EU Affairs DIE LINKE - GUE/NGL Page 7 of 32 Officials: Mr Jan Muck SCHLICHTING Secretary of the German delegation Mr Jan WEDER Economic Advisor to the German delegation Ms Vesna POPOVIC National Parliament Representative Political Group Officials: Ms Maarit VUORIMÄKI Political Group Official Mr Florian HEOPPNER Political Group Official, Advisor to the Head of delegation Ms Carolin HOLZHAEUSER Political Group Official Mr Sebastian WADLE Political Group Official BUNDESRAT Members: Mr Norbert WALTER-BORJANS Chair, Committee on Finance SPD - S&D Ms Lucia PUTTRICH Committee on European Affairs CDU - EPP Mr Helmuth MARKOV Committee on European Affairs Die Linke - GUE/NGL Page 8 of 32 Officials: Mr Michael HOESSL National Parliament Representative Mr Marcus WENIG Permanent Representation in Brussels Ms Nicole SPOERHASE-EISEL Permanent Representation in Brussels Ms Susanne METZLER Permanent Representation in Brussels EESTI (Estonia) RIIGIKOGU Members: Mr Kalev KALLEMETS Committee on European Union Affairs Estonian Reform Party - ALDE Officials: Ms Kristi SOBER National Parliament Representative Ms Teele TAKLAJA Committee on European Union Affairs EIRE-IRELAND DÁIL ÉIREANN (House of Representatives) Members: Mr Dominic HANNIGAN Chair, Joint Committee on European Affairs Labour Party – S&D Page 9 of 32 Mr Liam TWOMEY Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform Fine Gael – EPP Ms Regina DOHERTY Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform Fine Gael – EPP Mr Stephen DONNELLY Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform Independent – No group affiliation Officials: Ms Michelle GRANT Principal Committee Clerk, Committee Secretariat Ms Bríd DUNNE Joint Committee on European Affairs Mr Kieran LENIHAN Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform Mr Derek DIGNAM National Parliament Representative SEANAD ÉIREANN (Senate) Ms Aideen HAYDEN Vice-Chair, Committee on Finances Labour Party – S&D Page 10 of 32 ESPAÑA (Spain) SENADO Members: Ms Maria Del Mar ANGULO Spokesperson, Committee on Treasury and Public Administration Partido Popular - EPP Mr Felipe LOPEZ GARCIA Committee on Budget Socialist Party - S&D CONGRESO DE LOS DIPUTADOS Mr Vicente MARTÍNEZ-PUJALTE LÓPEZ Chair, Finance Committee Partido Popular - EPP Ms Ana Maria MADRAZO Committee on Treasury and Public Administration Partido Popular - EPP Mr Pedro SAURA GARCÍA Committee on Treasury and Public Administration Socialist Party - S&D Officials: Ms Monica MORENO Committee on Economy and Competitiveness Ms Carmen SÁNCHEZ-ABARCA GORNALS National Parliament Representative Page 11 of 32 FRANCE ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE Members: Ms Danielle AUROI Chair, Committee on European Affairs Écologiste - Greens/EFA Mr Christophe CARESCHE Vice-Chair, Committee on European Affairs Socialiste, républicain et citoyen - S&D Mr Pierre-Alain MUET Vice-Chair, Committee on Finances Socialiste, républicain et citoyen - S&D Ms Valérie RABAULT Rapporteure générale, Commission des finances Socialiste, républicain et citoyen - S&D Mr Philip CORDERY Committee on European Affairs Socialiste, républicain et citoyen - S&D Officials: Ms Marine HEILAUD Committee on Finances Ms Annabelle ARCHIEN Committee on European Affairs Mr Vincent VIVES National Parliament Representative Page 12 of 32 SÉNAT Members: Ms Fabienne KELLER Vice-Chair, Committee on Finances UMP - EPP Mr François MARC Committee on Finances Parti Socialiste - S&D Mr Richard YUNG Committee on Finances Parti Socialiste - S&D Mr Albéric de MONTGOLFIER Committee on Finances UMP - EPP Officials: Ms Nadia GANEM Political group official Ms Marie-Noëlle SAROCCHI GERONDEAU National Parliament Representative Mr Philippe MAZET National Parliament Representative Mr Mehdi BENHABRI Committee on Finances Mr Vincent TOINEL Personal assistant of Mr. Yung Page 13 of 32 HRVATSKA (Croatia) HRVATSKI SABOR Members: Mr Srđan GJURKOVIĆ Chair, Committe on Finance and Central Budget Croatian People's Party - Liberal Democrats - ALDE Mr Silvano HRELJA Chair, Committee on Labour, Retirement System & Social Partnership Croatian Party of Pensioners - S&D Officials: Ms Gordana GENC Department for European Affairs Ms Tatjana BRIŠKI Committee on European Union Affairs Ms Tanja BABIĆ National Parliament Representative ITALIA (Italy) CAMERA DEI DEPUTATI Officials: Mr Antonio ESPOSITO European Union Affairs Department Ms Maria SCHININÀ National Parliament Representative Ms Daniele BASSETTI Policy Department of the Italian Senate Mr Melisso BOSCHI Secretariat of the Budget Committee Page 14 of 32 SENATO DELLA REPUBBLICA Members: Mr Maurizio SACCONI Chair, Committee on Employment, Social Welfare AP NCD-UDC - EPP Mr Paolo GUERRIERI PALEOTTI Committee on Budget PD - S&D Officials: Ms Gloria ABAGNALE Committee on Employment, Social Welfare Beatrice GIANANI National Parliament Representative ΚΥΠΡΟΣ (Cyprus) ΒΟΥΛΗ ΤΩΝ ΑΝΤΙΠΡΟΣΩΠΩΝ (House of Representatives) Members: Mr Averof NEOFYTOU Chair, Committee on Foreign and European Affairs Democratic Rally Party - EPP Ms Skevi KOUTRA-KOUKOUMA Deputy-Chairperson, Committee on Labour and Social Insurance AKEL - Left New Forces - GUE/NGL Mr Giorgios PERDIKIS Committee on Financial and Budgetary Affairs The Cyprus Green Party - Greens/EFA Page 15 of 32 Officials: Ms Danae AGATHOCLEOUS International Relations Officer A’ Mr Constantinos PELIDES Secretary to the Committee on Financial and Budgetary Affairs Ms Elli GEORGIOU European Affairs Officer Ms Mary SAVVA National Parliament Representative LATVIJA (Latvia) SAEIMA Members: Ms Ināra MŪRNIECE Speaker of the Latvian Parliament National Alliance "All For Latvia!" – "For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK" parliamentary group – ECR Ms Lolita ČIGĀNE Chair, Committee on European Affairs Vienotiba – EPP Mr Kārlis ŠADURSKIS Chair, Committee on Budget and Finance (Taxation) Vienotiba – EPP Ms Aija BARČA Chair, Social and Employment Matters Committee Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība - No Group Affiliation in the EP Page 16 of 32 Mr Romāns NAUDIŅŠ Chair of the Economic, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Policy Committee "All For Latvia!" – "For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK" parliamentary group - ECR Mr Ints DĀLDERIS Committee on Budget and Finance (Taxation) Vienotiba – EPP Mr Edvards SMILTĒNS Committee on Economic, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Policy Vienotiba – EPP Ms Silvija SIMFA Committee Social and Employment Matters For Latvia from the heart - NI Officials: Mr Ģirts OSTROVSKIS Committee on European Affairs Ms Inta BARENITE Advisor to the Social and Employment Committee Ms Ieva DĒZE Committee on European Affairs Ms Solvita GAILIŠA Committee on European Affairs Ms Laine ŠKOBA Committee on European Affairs Ms Simona MEGNE National Parliament Representative Ms Dana ROŽLAPA National Parliament Representative Page 17 of 32 Ms Līga SAKALOVSKA Committee on Economic, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Policy Ms Sandra GRAVA Committee on Budget and Finance (Taxation) Ms Linda KALNINA Committee on European Affairs Ms Lelde RAFELDE Speaker's Office Ms Rita NASENIECE Spearker's office Ms Gita STRAUTINA Committee on Budget and Finance (Taxation) Ms Liga PUGOVICA Protocol Officer Mr Aivis KLAVINSKIS Speaker's Office Ms Juris VIGULIS Press Service of the Public Relations Department Ms Anželika BRUŽE Committee on Social and Employment Matters Ms Ieva UPMACE Interpretation office Mr Edmunds VITOLINS Security Office Page 18 of 32 LIETUVA (Lithuania) SEIMAS Members: Mr Remigijus ŽEMAITAITIS Chair, Committee on Economics Order and Justice Political Group - EFDD Ms Birutė VĖSAITĖ Committee on European Affairs Social Democrats - S&D Mr Povilas GYLYS Committee on Budget and Finance Non-attached - Non-attached Mr Mečislovas ZASČIURINSKAS Committee on Social Affairs and Labour Labour Party - ALDE Officials: Ms Danutė BUDREIKAITĖ Committee on European Affairs Ms Zivile PAVILONYTE National Parliament Representative Page 19 of 32 LUXEMBOURG CHAMBRE DES DEPUTES Members: Mr Eugène BERGER Chair, Delegation for the interparliamentary conference on the economic and financial governance of the EU DP - ALDE Mr Laurent MOSAR Delegation for the interparliamentary conference on the economic and financial governance of the EU CSV - EPP Mr Henri KOX Delegation for the interparliamentary conference on the economic and financial governance of the EU Déi gréng - Greens/EFA Mr Claude WISELER Delegation for the interparliamentary conference on the economic and financial governance of the EU CSV - EPP Mr Alex BODRY Delegation for the interparliamentary conference on the economic and financial governance of the EU LSAP - S&D Officials: Mr Yves CARL Delegation for the interparliamentary conference on the economic and financial governance of the EU Mr Laurent SCHEECK Delegation for the interparliamentary conference on the economic and financial governance of the EU Page 20 of 32 MAGYARORSZÁG (Hungary) ORSZÁGGYŰLÉS (National Assembly) Members: Mr Pál VÖLNER Vice-Chair, Committee on Economics FIDESZ - EPP Ms Katalin CSÖBÖR Committee on European Affairs FIDESZ - EPP Mr László SZAKÁCS Committee on Budget Hungarian Socialist Party - S&D Officials: Ms Éva SZEKRÉNYES National Parliament Representative Ms Kornélia PUNCSÁK Directorate for Foreign Relations, EU Department Mr Csaba TAMÁS Committee on European Affairs MALTA KAMRA TAD-DEPUTATI (House of Representatives) Members: Mr Antoine BORG Spokesperson for Tourism Nationalist Party - EPP Page 21 of 32 NEDERLAND (The Netherlands) TWEEDE KAMER (House of Representatives) Members: Mr Pieter OMTZIGT Finance Committee CDA - EPP Ms Helma NEPPÉRUS Finance Committee VVD - ALDE Officials: Mr Ruben DIJKSTRA Finance Committee Advisor Mr Jos VAN DE WIEL National Parliament Representative Mr Wytse WOUDA Committee on European Union Affairs Mr René BERCK Committee on Finance Page 22 of 32 ÖSTERREICH (Austria) NATIONALRAT Mr Reinhold LOPATKA Standing Sub-com mittee on European Union Affairs Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) - EPP Mr Kai Jan KRAINER Vice-Chair, Finance Committee SPÖ - S&D Mr Hubert FUCHS Vice-Chair, Finance Committee Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) - No Group Affiliation in the EP Mr Bruno ROSSMAN Budget Committee and the Standing Sub-committee on European Union affairs Green Party - Greens/EFA Mr Rainer HABLE Standing Subcommittee on European Union Affairs NEOS-New Austria - ALDE Officials: Mr Georg MAGERL EU and International Services Mr Christian HUETTERER National Parliament Representative Page 23 of 32 POLSKA (Poland) SEJM Members: Mr Andrzej GAŁAŻEWSKI Vice-Chair, Committee on European Union Affairs Civic Platform - EPP Mr Piotr NAIMSKI Economic Committee Law and Justice- ECR Officials: Mr Tomasz WOZNICKI Committee on European Union Affairs Ms Anna TREBACZKIEWICZ National Parliament Representative SENAT Members: Mr Kazimierz KLEINA Chair, Committee on Budget and Public Finance Platforma Obywatelska - EPP Mr Edmund WITTBRODT Chair, Committee on European Union Affairs Platforma Obywatelska - EPP Mr Marek ZIÓŁKOWSKI Chair, Committee on National Economy Platforma Obywatelska - EPP Officials: Mr Andrzej WÓJTOWICZ Committee on European Union Affairs Page 24 of 32 PORTUGAL ASSEMBLEIA DA REPÚBLICA Members: Mr Paulo MOTA PINTO Chair, Committee on European Affairs Social Democratic Party - EPP Mr Eduardo CABRITA Chair, Committee on Budget, Finance and Public Administration Socialist Party - S&D Mr Mário RUIVO Vice-Chair, Committee on Social Security and Labour Socialist Party - S&D Mr Ivo OLIVEIRA Committee on European Affairs Socialist Party - S&D Mr João FIGUEIREDO Committee on Social Security and Labour Social Democratic Party - EPP Mr Paulo SÁ Committee on Budget, Finance and Public Administration Communist Party - GUE/NGL Officials: Ms Alexandra GRAÇA Committee on European Affairs Ms Maria João COSTA National Parliament Representative Page 25 of 32 ROMÂNIA (Romania) CAMERA DEPUTATILOR (Chamber of Deputies) Members: Mr Valeriu Stefan ZGONEA Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Social Democratic Party - S&D Mr Florin IORDACHE Chair, Committee on Labour and Social Protection Social Democratic Party - S&D Mr Claudiu MANDA Vice-Chair, Committee on Budget, Finance and Banking Social Democratic Party - S&D Officials: Mr Ion-Tudor DOBRINESCU National Parliament Representative Ms Camelia NASTASE Directorate for cooperation with international organizations and EU Mr Andrei MOCEAROV Department for Parliamentary Studies and EU policies Mr Marius ASĂVOAIE Security office SENAT Members: Ms Gabriela CREŢU Committee on European Affairs Social Democratic Party - S&D Page 26 of 32 Mr Ştefan-Radu OPREA Committee on Economy, Industry and Services Social Democratic Party - S&D Officials: Ms Oana-Alina UJENIUC Committee on European Affairs Ms Izabella MOLDOVAN National Parliament Representative SLOVENIJA (Slovenia) DRŽAVNI ZBOR (National Assembly) Members: Ms Urška BAN Chair, Committee on Finance and Monetary Policy Party of Miro Cerar - ALDE Mr Uroš PRIKL Chair, Committee on Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Disability Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia - Non-Attached Ms Margareta GUČEK ZAKOŠEK Chair, Committee on the Economy Party of Miro Cerar - ALDE Officials: Ms Saša Aleksandra LAVRIČ Committee on EU Affairs Ms Romana NOVAK National Parliament Representative Page 27 of 32 SLOVENSKO (Slovakia) NÁRODNÁ RADA (National Council) Members: Mr Ľuboš BLAHA Chair, Committee on European Affairs SMER-SD - S&D Officials: Ms Barbora BRUTENIČOVA Committee on Finance and Budget SUOMI (Finland) EDUSKUNTA Members: Ms Riitta MYLLER Chair, Grand Committee The Social Democratic Parliamentary Group - S&D Mr Kimmo SASI Chair, Committee on Finance National Coalition Party Parliamentary Group - EPP Ms Anne LOUHELAINEN Grand Committee The Finns Party Parliamentary Group - ECR Ms Pirkko RUOHONEN-LERNER Grand Committee The Finns Party Parliamentary Group - ECR Page 28 of 32 Officials: Ms Satu TUOMIKORPI National Parliament Representative Ms Ekaterina VAAHTERA Assistant, National Parliament Representative Mr Henri JAAKKOLA Assistant, National Parliament Representative Ms Teija MILLER Committe on Commerce SVERIGE (Sweden) RIKSDAGEN Members: Mr Jörgen ANDERSSON Committee on Finance Moderate Party - EPP Mr Börje VESTLUND Committee on Finance Social Democrat - S&D Mr Emil KÄLLSTRÖM Committee on Finance Centre Party - ALDE Officials: Ms Karin BROMS National Parliament Representative Ms Camilla HOLMÉN Committee on Finances Page 29 of 32 UNITED KINGDOM HOUSE OF LORDS Members: Lord Lyndon Henry HARRISON Chair, Sub-Committee on EU Economic and Financial Affairs Labour - S&D Lord John Quentin DAVIES Sub-Committee on EU Economic and Financial Affairs Labour - S&D Officials: Ms Dominique GRACIA National Parliament Representative Ms Katie KOCHMANN Policy Analyst, Sub-Committee on EU Economic and Financial Affairs ======================================================= SWITZERLAND Members: Ms Kathy RIKLIN Chair, Committee on European Union Affairs Christian Democratic People’s Party of Switzerland (CVP) Officials: Mr. Cédric STUCKY Adviser, Committee on European Union Affairs Page 30 of 32 CANDIDATE COUNTRIES MONTENEGRO SKUPSTINA Members: Mr Rešid ADROVIĆ Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget Socijaldemokratska partija - S&D Mr Goran TUPONJA Committee for Tourism, Agriculture, Environment and Spatial Planning; Economy, Finance and Budget Positivna Crna Gora - Greens/EFA Officials: Ms Nadja VUKIĆEVIĆ Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget Officials (of Parliaments or Chambers not having a political delegation at the present meeting) ΕΛΛΑΔΑ (Greece), ΒΟΥΛΗ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ (VOULI TON ELLINON) Ms Evangelia SPANOUDAKI, Committe on European Affairs Ms Despina FOLA, National Parliament Representative NEDERLANDS, EERSTE KAMER (SENATE) Mr David RIJKS,Finance Committee Mrs Myrna PRENGER, Information Officier European Parliament Mr Stephan DE VOS, Official of Eerste Kamer UNITED KINGDOM, HOUSE OF COMMONS Ms Alison GROVES, National Parliament Representative Page 31 of 32 NORWAY STORTINGET Members: Ms Irene JOHANSEN Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs Labour - S&D Mr Tor Andre JOHNSEN Standing Committee on Labour and Social Affairs Progress Party - Non attached Officials: Mr Per S. NESTANDE National Parliament Representative _____________________________ Page 32 of 32
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