Caribbean Telecommunications Union 25th Anniversary ICT Week Celebrating our Past; Committing to our Future 2nd to 6thFebruary 2015 Hyatt Regency Trinidad, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Provisional Agenda DAY 1: Monday 2nd February 2015 07:15 08.00 08:05 08:10 Registration Opening Ceremony National Anthem and Invocation Welcome Remarks 08:20 Congratulatory Greetings 08:25 Congratulatory Greetings 08:30 Congratulatory Greetings 08:35 Congratulatory Greetings 08:40 Congratulatory Greetings 08:45 Address: CTU: Celebrating the Journey to ICT-Enabled Development 09:05 09.10 Visual History of the CTU Feature Address 09.40 09:45 Vote of Thanks 10:15 11:00 12:30 Master of Ceremonies (TBD) Ms. Bernadette Lewis Secretary General, Caribbean Telecommunications Union Ms. Cathy Handley Executive Director Govt. Affairs and Public Policy American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) Mr. Ernest King Global Director - Global Leadership Interlink Sector Congress WBN Ambassador Irwin LaRocque Secretary General, CARICOM Mr. Brahima Sanou Director Telecommunication Development Bureau International Telecommunication Union Dr. Hon. Rupert Griffith Minister of Science and Technology, Trinidad and Tobago Hon. Phillip Paulwell Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining Jamaica President, Caribbean Telecommunications Union Dr. Hon. Keith Mitchell Prime Minister Grenada CARICOM Head of Government for the Regional Portfolio of Science and Technology (including Information and Communications) OFFICIAL OPENING OF EXHIBITION AND COFFEE BREAK Session 1: Thriving in the storm of the technological revolution: Understanding the realities of our radically changing world and identifying imperatives and opportunities for the Caribbean to Succeed Keynote Address: Convergence and the Representative Eye of the technological storm Title, Organisation Panel Discussion: Crafting an Panelists: Appropriate Regional Response to the Government – Hon. …, Minister in …, Country Converged world Regulator – Mr. Cris Seecheran Chief Executive Officer Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago Civil Society – Ms. Deidre Williams Consultant, St. Lucia Business – Representative, Organisation, Country Q&A LUNCHEON Page 1 of 10 Caribbean Telecommunications Union 25th Anniversary ICT Week Celebrating our Past; Committing to our Future 2nd to 6thFebruary 2015 Provisional Agenda DAY 1: Monday 2nd February 2015 (Continued) 13:45 14:30 Session 2: Caribbean Development in the technological Storm – Developing a 21st century concept for Caribbean Development Keynote Address: Critical Perspectives on ICT Professor Tim Unwin and Development Secretary General Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation Panel Discussion: Are we realising the Moderator: Representative benefits of investments in ICT? Title, Organisation 15:30 15:45 Brainstorming discussion: Priorities and Opportunities for Caribbean ICT-enabled Development Panelists: Government – Minister Melford Nicholas Minister of Information Technology, Broadcasting & Telecommunication Information Antigua and Barbuda Civil Society – Dr. Krishendaye (Kris) Rampersad Media Cultural & Literary Consultant Trinidad and Tobago Business – Mr. Simon Aqui General Manager IBM, Trinidad and Tobago COFFEE BREAK Ms. Linda Wellstein Partner and Chair, Global Technology, Telecommunications & Media Practice, Wellstein Mora Rodriguez International, PC, USA Seed presentations: Government – Mr. Bennette Thomas Ministry of Information, Telecommunications and Constituency Empowerment, Dominica Regulator – Representative Title, Organisation, Country Business – Representative Title, Organisation, Country 16:30 Audience input END OF SESSIONS Page 2 of 10 Caribbean Telecommunications Union 25th Anniversary ICT Week Celebrating our Past; Committing to our Future 2nd to 6thFebruary 2015 Provisional Agenda DAY 2: Tuesday 3rd February 2015 08:00 08:30 09:00 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 12:20 12:30 Celebrating CTU Achievements: Country Member Focus – Country Member Focus – Session 3: A Single ICT Space - Considerations for Developing a Caribbean Single ICT Space Keynote Address: Elements of a Single ICT Mr. Bevil Wooding Space Chief Knowledge Officer Congress WBN Panel Discussion: Considerations for crafting Moderator: Mr. Selby Wilson a definition of the Single ICT Space for the Telecommunications Strategist, CTU Caribbean Panelists: Government – Hon. … Minister of …, Country Civil Society – Ms. Sunity Maharaj Journalist, Trinidad and Tobago Business – Mr. Devindra Ramnarine Executive Director & Lead, Govt. and Public Sector Ernst & Young (EY) Caribbean Limited Q&A COFFEE BREAK A roadmap to the Single Caribbean ICT Ms. Bernadette Lewis Space: From Concept to Reality Secretary General, CTU Panel Critique: Will the Roadmap take us to Moderator: Professor Hopeton Dunn the Destination? Chairman, Caribbean Media Association, Jamaica Panelists: Government – Government – Hon. Alvin Dabreo Minister of Communication, Works, Physical Development, Public Utilities and ICT, Grenada Regulator – Representative Title, Organisation, Country Civil Society – Mr. Roosevelt King Barbados Association of NGOs Business – Representative Title, Organisation, Country Signing of Memorandum of Understanding Ms. Bernadette Lewis Secretary General, CTU between the CTU and the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization Mr. Jose Toscano Director General, ITSO (ITSO) LUNCHEON Page 3 of 10 Caribbean Telecommunications Union 25th Anniversary ICT Week Celebrating our Past; Committing to our Future 2nd to 6thFebruary 2015 Provisional Agenda DAY 2: Tuesday 3rd February 2015 (Continued) 13:30 Panel Discussion: Stakeholder Roles and Leveraging Current Initiatives for the Single ICT Space Moderator: Mr. Carlton Samuels Consultant Chairman, National ICT Advisory Council, Jamaica Panelists: Regional Organisations: Ms. Jennifer Astaphan Executive Director, CARICAD Mr. Ken Sylvester CEO, Caribbean Knowledge and Learning Network Representative Title, Organisation Regional Business: Representative Title, Organisation Representative Title, Organisation Donor Agency: Mr. Doyle Gallegos Lead ICT Policy Specialist & ICT Regional Coordinator, Latin America & Caribbean Region, The World Bank END OF SESSIONS 15:30 DAY 2: Tuesday 3rd February 2015 Inauguration of the CTU Headquarters 17:00 Opening Remarks 17:05 17:10 National Anthem and Invocation Welcome 17:15 Greetings 17:25 17:30 17:40 Greetings Cultural Interlude Feature Address 18:10 Vote of Thanks 18:15 Photographic Session Reception Master of Ceremonies: Mr. Anthony Harford Ms. Bernadette Lewis Secretary General, Caribbean Telecommunications Union Hon. Phillip Paulwell Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Jamaica President, CTU Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Hon. Kamla Persad-Bissessar (TBC) Prime Minister, Trinidad and Tobago Page 4 of 10 Caribbean Telecommunications Union 25th Anniversary ICT Week Celebrating our Past; Committing to our Future 2nd to 6thFebruary 2015 Provisional Agenda DAY 3: Wednesday 4th February 2015 08:00 08:30 09:15 09:40 10:30 Celebrating CTU Achievements: Country Member Focus – Country Member Focus – SESSION 4: Internet Governance – The Importance of Internet Governance to the Single ICT Space Keynote Address: Leveraging the Internet for Ms. Cathy Handley National Development Executive Director Govt. Affairs and Public Policy American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) Caribbean Internet Governance Ms. Bernadette Lewis Secretary General, CTU Establishing National Internet Fora Mr. Albert Daniel Global Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Caribbean Title, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) COFFEE BREAK Session 5: Infrastructure, Access and Net neutrality – Considering new opportunities for universal Access and Infrastructure in the Caribbean 10:45 Keynote Address: A New Approach to Government Led Infrastructure Development 11:15 Panel Discussion: The mechanics of a Government led approach to ICT Infrastructure 12:30 Mr. Owen DeLong Consultant USA Moderator: Name Panelists: Government: Hon. … Minister of …, Country Hon. … Minister of …, Country Regulators: Mr. Javier Rua Jovet President Puerto Rico Telecommunications Regulatory Board Representative Title, Organisation LUNCHEON Page 5 of 10 Caribbean Telecommunications Union DAY 3: Wednesday 4th February 2015 (Continued) 13:30 Session 6: Essential Initiatives for leveraging the power of ICT Panel Discussion: Touch points for Leveraging L. Anthony Watkins the Investment in ICT Principal Consultant/CEO ODYSSEYinc Limited, Trinidad and Tobago Panelists: Representative Title, Organisation Mr. Warren Cassel Jr. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Executive Chairman, The Abella Group LLC, Montserrat Values Dr. Marlon Jameson Global Director - Global Communications & Tech. Sector Congress WBN COFFEE BREAK Session 7: Brainstorming – Funding ICT Infrastructure Caribbean Crowd Funding Representative Title, Organisation Developing a Regional Sou-Sou Mr. Cleveland Thomas Caribbean Representative International Telecommunication Union Joint Procurement/Public Private Mr. Rodney Taylor Partnerships Former Business Development and Operations Manager, CTU Panel Discussion: Why Not? Let’s do it! Moderator: Mr. Bevil Wooding Chief Knowledge Officer, Congress WBN Topics: An enabling environment 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 16:45 17:30 Brainstorming Discussion Panelists: Government – Hon. … Minister of …, Country Business – Senator Dr. Rolph Balgobin President and Group CEO, Electrical Industries Group Trinidad and Tobago Donor Agencies: Mr. Antonio Garcia-Zaballos (Virtual) Telecommunications Lead Specialist – Leader of the Broadband Program Inter-American Development Bank Representative Title, Regional organisation Moderator: Mr. Bevil Wooding END OF SESSIONS Page 6 of 10 Caribbean Telecommunications Union 25th Anniversary ICT Week Celebrating our Past; Committing to our Future 2nd to 6thFebruary 2015 Provisional Agenda DAY 4: Thursday 5th February 2015 08:00 Plenary Session – Celebrating CTU Achievements: Country Member Focus – Country Member Focus – DAY 4: Thursday 5th February 2015 08:30 16:00 Parallel Working Group Session: The Single Caribbean ICT Space – 1st Meeting of ICT Clusters and Stakeholders Working Group: The meeting will be led by the Moderator: Mr. Carlton Samuels CTU in order to agree on the definition of The Consultant Single Caribbean ICT Space and to develop a Chairman, National ICT Advisory Council, Jamaica roadmap of activities to achieve that goal Government – Representative, Trinidad and Tobago Private Sector – Representative, Service Provider Civil Society – Deirdre Williams, Consultant, St. Lucia ICT Clusters: Ms. Sonia Gill (TBC) Secretary General, Caribbean Broadcasting Union Ms. Jennifer Astaphan Executive Director, CARICAD Mr. Ken Sylvester CEO, Caribbean Knowledge and Learning Network Mr. Francis Forbes (TBC) Director, CARICOM IMPACS Mr. Neville Bissember (TBC) Advisor Office of the Secretary-General, CARICOM BREAKS: 10:30 12:30 14:30 16:00 COFFEE BREAK LUNCHEON COFFEE BREAK END OF SESSIONS Page 7 of 10 Caribbean Telecommunications Union 25th Anniversary ICT Week Celebrating our Past; Committing to our Future Provisional Agenda DAY 4: Thursday 5th February 2015 (Cont’d.) 08:00 Plenary Session – Celebrating CTU Achievements: Country Member Focus – Country Member Focus – DAY 4: Thursday 5th February 2015 08:30 09:15 16:00 Parallel Working Group Session: Expanding the Caribbean Cyber-Security Framework (2012) Address: Security – an imperative consideration Mr. Anthony Ming (Virtual Presentation) ICT Advisor, Commonwealth Secretariat Working Group: Led by representatives from the Ms. Kerry Ann Barrett Commonwealth Secretariat, the OAS, CARICOM Cyber Security Policy Specialist, Inter-American IMPACS, CCI and the CTU, multi-stakeholder groups Committee against Terrorism, Organization of American will review and update as needed the Caribbean States Representative TBC, Commonwealth Cybercrime Cyber-Security Framework (2012) and expand the Initiative (CCI), Commonwealth Secretariat Framework to provide more practical details of Representative TBC, Title, CTU how a country could proceed in implementing Representative TBC, Title, CARICOM IMPACS the recommendations in a step-by-step format. BREAKS: 10:30 12:30 14:30 16:00 COFFEE BREAK LUNCHEON COFFEE BREAK END OF SESSION DAY 4: Thursday 5th February 2015 08:30 16:00 Parallel Session: Developing the Caribbean (DevCA) 2015 Open Data Conference and Code Sprint - Day 1 DevCA is a regional technology for development conference and code sprint. The main goals of DevCA are to highlight both the current and potential impact of open data and software innovation on addressing social challenges globally and particularly in the Caribbean. Held simultaneously across multiple islands, the event combines conference sessions with a 24-hour competition called a code sprint, in which teams of designers, developers and domain experts work together to build solutions to pressing problems using open data. Developing The Caribbean (DevCA) Hosted by the Caribbean Open Institute and The University of the West Indies BREAKS: 10:30 12:30 14:30 16:00 COFFEE BREAK LUNCHEON COFFEE BREAK END OF SESSION Page 8 of 10 Caribbean Telecommunications Union 25th Anniversary ICT Week Celebrating our Past; Committing to our Future Provisional Agenda DAY 4: Thursday 5th February 2015 (Cont’d.) 08:00 Plenary Session – Celebrating CTU Achievements: Country Member Focus – Country Member Focus – DAY 4: Thursday 5th February 2015 08:30 12:30 10:30 12:30 12:30 Parallel Working Group Session: Establishing National and Regional Internet Governance Fora Working Group: Led by representatives from three Mr. Albert Daniels International ICT organisations, multi-stakeholder Global Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Caribbean groups will develop objectives and the steps Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers required to establish an Internet Governance (ICANN) Forum at the national level, which will be Mr. Shernon Osepa, Manager, Regional Affairs for Latin presented to the plenary session on Friday 6th America & The Caribbean Bureau February 2015 Internet Society (ISOC) Mr. Kevon Swift External Relations Officer for the Caribbean Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Centre (LACNIC) BREAKS: COFFEE BREAK END OF SESSION LUNCHEON Parallel Session: ION Trinidad and Tobago The session will discuss emerging technologies including IPv6, DNSSEC, and Routing Security. Early adopters will share their deployment experiences and bring participants up to speed on new standards Time 01:30 16:00 Presenter ION Trinidad and Tobago Hosted by the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme BREAKS: 14:30 16:00 COFFEE BREAK END OF SESSION Page 9 of 10 Caribbean Telecommunications Union 25th Anniversary ICT Week Celebrating our Past; Committing to our Future 2nd to 6thFebruary 2015 Provisional Agenda DAY 5: Friday 6th February, 2014 Time Presenter 08:00 Open Data and the Caribbean Single ICT Space 09:30 Presentations of Working Group Reports: The Single Caribbean ICT Space – 1st Meeting of ICT Clusters and Stakeholders 10:15 10.30 Establishing National and Regional Internet Governance Fora 11:00 Expanding the Caribbean Cyber-Security Framework (2012) 11:45 12:15 Partner Session Closing Remarks 12:30 13:30 Hosted by the Caribbean Open Data Institute Mr. Carlton Samuels Consultant Chairman, National ICT Advisory Council, Jamaica COFFEE BREAK Mr. Albert Daniel Global Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Caribbean ICANN Representative, Title Organisation Ms. Bernadette Lewis Secretary General Caribbean Telecommunications Union LUNCHEON END OF SESSIONS DAY 5: Friday 6th February 2015 08:00 16:00 Parallel Session: Developing the Caribbean (DevCA) 2015 Open Data Conference and Code Sprint - Day 2 Developing The Caribbean (DevCA) Hosted by the Caribbean Open Institute and The University of the West Indies BREAKS: 10:30 12:30 14:30 16:00 COFFEE BREAK LUNCHEON COFFEE BREAK END OF SESSION Page 10 of 10
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