Call for Papers for Communication Theory Symposium Scope and Motivation: The mission of the Communication Theory Symposium is to explore the technical fundamentals of communication systems. The symposium features original and innovative research in technical areas focusing on the physical layer and its interactions with higher layers. Sample topics are listed below. Main Topics of Interest: The Communication Theory Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Adaptive Modulation and Coding CDMA and Spread Spectrum Channel Estimation and Synchronization Coding Theory and Practice Communication Theory Aspects of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Compressed Sensing Theoretical Aspects of Cognitive Radio Cooperative Communications Theoretical Aspects of Cross Layer Design Detection and Estimation Theory Distributed Coding and Processing Diversity and Fading Countermeasures Dynamic Spectrum Management Feedback in Communication Systems Fundamentals of Femtocell and Picocell-Enhanced Cellular Networks Fiber Optical Communications and Free-Space Optical Communications Heterogeneous Networks Information Theory and Channel Capacity Interference Management, Cancellation, Alignment, and Avoidance Iterative Techniques, Detection and Decoding Joint Source/Channel Coding Multiple Access Techniques Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Systems Design and Analysis Multiuser Diversity Network Coding • • • • • • • Network and Multiuser Information Theory Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and Multi-Carrier Systems Powerline Communications Radio Resource Management and Scheduling Source Coding and Data Compression Space-time Coding and Processing Ultra-Wideband, 60 GHz, and Sub-Terahertz Communication Theory Sponsoring Technical Committees: • • • Communication Theory Signal Processing and Communications Electronics Vehicular Networks and Telematics Applications (sub-committee) How to Submit a Paper: The IEEE Globecom 2015 website provides full instructions on how to submit papers. You will select the desired symposium when submitting. The paper submission deadline is April 1, 2015. Unlike recent ICC’s and Globecom’s, this is a hard deadline that will not be extended. Symposium Co-Chairs: • • Octavia Dobre, Memorial University, Canada, [email protected] Xiang Cheng, Peking University, China, [email protected] • Kaushik Chakraborty, Qualcomm Inc., [email protected] Biographies: Octavia A. Dobre is an Associate Professor with Memorial University (MUN), Canada, which she joined in 2005. Previously she was with New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, and Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania. She received the Dipl. Ing. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest in 1991 and 2000, respectively. In 2000 she was the recipient of a Royal Society scholarship at Westminster University, UK, and in 2001 she held a Fulbright fellowship at Stevens Institute of Technology, USA. In 2013, she was a Visiting Professor with University of Brest, France, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Also in 2013, she received the first award for excellence in research from the Faculty of Engineering at Memorial University. Dr. Dobre’s research interests include cognitive radio systems, spectrum sensing techniques, blind signal recognition and parameter estimation techniques, transceiver optimization algorithms, dynamic spectrum access, cooperative wireless communications, resource allocation, and optical communications. She published over 100 referred journal and conference papers in these areas. Dr. Dobre is a senior editor for the IEEE Communications Letters, as well as an editor for the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials and ELSEVIER PHYCOM. She served as an editor for the IEEE Communications Letters, guest editor for the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics on Signal Processing and IEEE Communications Magazine, and lead guest editor of the ELSEVIER PHYCOM ”Cognitive Radio: The Road for its Second Decade” special issue. She has been the General Chair of the IEEE CWIT 2015, Co-Chair for the IEEE CrownCom 2015 (Emerging Applications for Cognitive Networks Track), IEEE WCNC (PHY and Fundamentals Track), IEEE VTC Fall 2014 (Spectrum Sensing and Cognitive Radio Track), IEEE ICC 2013 and IEEE GLOBECOM 2013 (Signal Processing for Communications Symposium), IEEE VTC Spring 2013 (Multiple Antenna Systems and Services Track), ICNC 2012 (Signal Processing for Communications Symposium), and IEEE CCECE 2009 (Signal and Multimedia Processing Track). She currently serves as the Chair of the IEEE Communications Society’s Women in Communications Engineering Committee. She is a registered Professional Engineer in Newfoundland. Xiang Cheng received the Ph.D. degree from Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K., in 2009, where he received the Postgraduate Research Thesis Prize. He has been with Peking University, Bejing, China, since 2010, first as a Lecturer, and then as an Associate Professor since 2012. His current research interests include mobile propagation channel modeling and simulation, next generation mobile cellular systems, intelligent transportation systems, and hardware prototype development. He has published more than 100 research papers in journals and conference proceedings. He received the best paper award from the IEEE International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST 2012) and the IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC 2013). Dr. Cheng received the ”2009 Chinese National Award for Outstanding Overseas PhD Student” for his academic excellence and outstanding performance. He has served as Symposium Leading-Chair, Co-Chair, and a Member of the Technical Program Committee for several international conferences. He is now an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Kaushik Chakraborty received the B.Tech. degree in electronics and electrical communication engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park. Since 2008, Kaushik has been working at Qualcomm Inc., where he is currently a Staff Systems Engineer at the Office of the Chief Scientist. Prior to joining Qualcomm, he was a Postdoctoral Scholar at the California Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology (CalIT2), University of California, San Diego. His research interests are in the areas of cooperative and intelligent communication systems for next generation mobile communication networks. He has authored several journal and conference papers and patents in these areas. TPC Members (Tentative) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Marco Chadi Giuseppe Fumiyuki Koichi Raviraj Sofiene George Mohamed-Slim Osama Jeffrey Marc Nallanathan Tor Salman Amir Dror Gerhard Norman Ebrahim Randall Antoine Matthieu Steven Deva Viveck Kui Giuseppe Xiang Chao Marco Jinho Wan Jo Woon Bruno Giulio Andrea Daniel Shuguang Lin Davide Marouane Natasha Marco Alexandros Zhiguo Tolga Trung Q. Chiani Abou-Rjeily Abreu Adachi Adachi Adve Affes Alexandropoulos Alouini Amin Andrews Armand Arumugam Aulin Avestimehr Banihashemi Baron Bauch Beaulieu Bedeer Berry Berthet Bloch Blostein Borah Cadambe Cai Caire Chen Chen Chiani Choi Choi Chong Clerckx Colavolpe Conti Costello Cui Dai Dardari Debbah Devroye Di Renzo Dimakis Ding Duman Duong University of Bologna Lebanese American University Jacobs University Bremen Tohoku University Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) University of Toronto INRS-EMT Athens Information Technology KAUST KAUST The University of Texas at Austin National University of Singapore King's College London Chalmers University of Technology University of Southern California Carleton University North Carolina State University Hamburg University of Technology University of Alberta University of British Columbia Northwestern University Supélec Georgia Institute of Technology Queen's University New Mexico State University MIT Data Storage Institute University of Southern California Tsinghua University Qualcomm University of Bologna GIST KAIST MIT Imperial College London University of Parma ENDIF University of Ferrara University of Notre Dame Texas A&M University City University of Hong Kong University of Bologna Supelec University of Illinois at Chicago CNRS University of Texas at Austin Lancaster University Bilkent University Queen's University Belfast Italy Lebanon Germany Japan Singapore Canada Canada Greece Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia USA Singapore UK Sweden USA Canada Israel Germany Canada Canada USA France France Canada USA USA Singapore USA P. R. China USA Italy Korea Korea USA UK Italy Italy USA USA Hong Kong Italy France USA France USA UK Turkey UK 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Salman Thomas Elza Jamie Gianluigi Mark Massimo Hua Thomas Radha Krishna Roland Costas Wolfgang David Sinan Dennis Alexandre T. Aaron Deniz Dongning M. Cenk Mohan Harald Martin Stephen Robert Paul Anders Rose Qingyang Chuan Kaibin Yongming Brian Dayoub Syed Hamid Bingli Shi Eduard Markku Pooi-Yuen Wei Magnus Onur Ashish Dong In Il-Min Taejoon Joerg Marios Gerhard Witold Lutz Durrani Eriksson Erkip Evans Ferrari Flanagan Franceschetti Fu Fuja Ganti Gautier Georghiades Gerstacker Gesbert Gezici Goeckel Graell i Amat Gulliver Gündüz Guo Gursoy Gurusamy Haas Haenggi Hanly Heath Ho Høst-Madsen Hu Huang Huang Huang Hughes Iyad Jafar Jafarkhani Jiao Jin Jorswieck Juntti Kam Kang Karlsson Kaya Khisti Kim Kim Kim Kliewer Kountouris Kramer Krzymień Lampe The Australian National University Chalmers University of Technology NYU Monash University University of Parma University College Dublin University of California at San Diego National University of Singapore University of Notre Dame IIT Madras UBO Texas A&M University University of Erlangen-Nuernberg Eurecom Institute Bilkent University University of Massachusetts Chalmers University of Technology University of Victoria Imperial College London Northwestern University Syracuse University National University of Singapore The University of Edinburgh University of Notre Dame Macquarie University The University of Texas at Austin Simon Fraser University University of Hawaii Utah State University Arizona State University The University of Hong Kong Southeast University North Carolina State University UVHC/IEMN-DOAE University of California Irvine University of California, Irvine Peking University Southeast University TU Dresden University of Oulu National University of Singapore Southeast University Chalmers University of Technology Isik University University of Toronto Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Queen's University City University of Hong Kong New Jersey Institute of Technology Supélec Technische Universität München University of Alberta / TRLabs University of British Columbia Australia Sweden USA Australia Italy Ireland USA Singapore USA India France USA Germany France Turkey USA Sweden Canada UK USA USA Singapore UK USA Australia USA Canada USA USA USA Hong Kong P. R. China USA France USA USA P. R. China P. R. China Germany Finland Singapore P. R. China Sweden Turkey Canada Korea Canada Hong Kong USA France Germany Canada Canada 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 148 150 151 152 153 J. Nicholas Kwang Bok Jungwon Jie Kwok Tiffany Jing Ying-Chang Yingbin Hai Kai Lingjia Nan Ruoheng Tie David Angel Changqing Shaodan Mohammad Ali Ranjan Philippa Rudolf Michail Santiago Matthew Muriel Geoffrey Scott Paolo Hlaing Patrick Mehul Ralf Mohammad Krishna Bobak Rohit Telex Aria Ozgur Ayfer Erik Henry Petar Tony Q. S. Alberto Emanuel Vasanthan Riccardo B. Sundar Sundeep Lars K. Adeel Laneman Lee Lee Li Li Li Liang Liang Lin Lin Liu Liu Liu Liu Love Lozano Luo Ma Maddah-Ali Mallik Martin Mathar Matthaiou Mazuelas McKay Medard Messier Miller Minero Minn Mitran Motani Müller Nakhai Narayanan Nazer Negi Ngatched Nosratinia Oyman Özgür Perrins Pfister Popovski Quek Rabbachin Radoi Raghavan Raheli Rajan Rangan Rasmussen Razi University of Notre Dame Seoul National University Samsung US R&D Center University of Tsukuba Nanyang Technological University Lehigh University Institute for Infocomm Research Syracuse University Osaka Prefecture University Dalian University of Technology University of Kansas Southeast University Alcatel-Lucent USA Texas A&M University Purdue University Universitat Pompeu Fabra Mississippi State University University of Macau Bell Labs, Alcatel Lucent Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi University of Canterbury RWTH Aachen University Queen's University Belfast Qualcomm HKUST MIT University of Calgary Texas A&M University University of Notre Dame University of Texas at Dallas University of Waterloo National University of Singapore University of Erlangen-Nuremberg King's College London Texas A&M University Boston University Carnegie Mellon University Memorial University University of Texas, Dallas Intel Corporation Stanford University University of Kansas Duke University Aalborg University SUTD MIT University of Brest Qualcomm, Inc. University of Parma Indian Institute of Science New York University KTH Royal Institute of Technology University College London USA Korea USA Japan Singapore USA Singapore USA Japan P.R. China USA P.R. China USA USA USA Spain USA P.R. China USA India New Zealand Germany UK USA Hong Kong USA Canada USA USA USA Canada Singapore Germany UK USA USA USA Canada USA USA USA USA USA Denmark Singapore USA France USA Italy India USA Sweden UK 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 Michael Philippe Luca Seb Jossy Christian Robert Erchin Aydin Mohammad Osvaldo Mikael Daniel K. C. Lingyang Alkan Alex Kostas Hongjian Sumei Himal Watcharapan Leszek Chee Wei Vincent Ravi Alberto Wee Peng Kah Chan Chintha Olav Dimitris Nghi Daniela Sennur Murat Matthew Adriaan Luc Roberto Emanuele Giorgio M. Pascal Mai Fanggang Li-Chun Xianbin Xiaodong Fanggang Steven Ruey-Yi Moe Armin Kai Kit Rice Rostaing Sanguinetti Savory Sayir Schlegel Schober Serpedin Sezgin Shikh-Bahaei Simeone Skoglund So Song Soysal Sprintson Stamatiou Sun Sun Suraweera Suwansantisuk Szczecinski Tan Tan Tandon Tarable Tay Teh Tellambura Tirkkonen Toumpakaris Tran Tuninetti Ulukus Uysal Valenti van Wijngaarden Vandendorpe Verdone Viterbo Vitetta Vontobel Vu Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Weber Wei Win Wittneben Wong Brigham Young University Universite de Bretagne Occidentale University of Pisa University College London University of Cambridge Dalhousie University University of British Columbia Texas A&M University RUB Kings College London New Jersey Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology University of Manchester Peking University Bahcesehir University Texas A&M University CTTC Durham University Institute for Infocomm Research University of Peradeniya KMUTT INRS-EMT City University of Hong Kong National University of Singapore Virginia Tech Politecnico di Torino Nanyang Technological University Nanyang Technological University University of Alberta Aalto University University of Patras University of Akron University of Illinois at Chicago University of Maryland Ozyegin University West Virginia University Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent University of Louvain University of Bologna Monash University UNIMORE Stanford University Tufts University Beijing Jiaotong University National Chiao Tung University The University of Western Ontario Columbia University Beijing Jiaotong University Drexel University National Central University Massachusetts Institute of Technology ETH Zurich University College London USA France Italy UK UK Canada Canada USA Germany UK USA Sweden UK P. R. China Turkey USA Spain UK Singapore Sri Lanka Thailand Canada Hong Kong Singapore USA Italy Singapore Singapore Canada Finland Greece USA USA USA Turkey USA USA Belgium Italy Australia Italy USA USA P. R. China Taiwan Canada USA China USA Taiwan USA Switzerland UK 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 Hsiao-Chun Ming-Wei Yik-Chung Xiang-Gen Jing Roy Edmund Aylin Wei Haifeng Jinhong Guosen Chau Melda Jun Rui Shenqiu Wei Sheng Xu Weihua Wu Wu Wu Xia Yang Yates Yeh Yener Yu Yuan Yuan Yue Yuen Yuksel Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhou Zhu Zhuang Louisiana State University ZUST The University of Hong Kong University of Delaware University of Arkansas Rutgers University Northeastern University Pennsylvania State University University of Toronto National University of Singapore University of New South Wales NEC Laboratories America, Inc. SUTD TOBB UET HKUST National University of Singapore Qualcomm The University of New South Wales Tsinghua University University of Liverpool University of Waterloo USA P. R. China Hong Kong USA USA USA USA USA Canada Singapore Australia USA Singapore Turkey Hong Kong Singapore USA Australia P. R. China UK Canada
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