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C O M 65 2 Spring 2015 Cataloging and Classification 2–7 Reference Services 36–37 38–39 Acquisitions and Collection Management 8–10 Reference Tools—Adult Information Systems and Technology 11–13 Children’s and Young Adult Services 40–41 Digital Librarianship 14–15 Children’s and Young Adult Reference Tools 42–44 Management and Administration 16-19 Children’s and Young Adult Collections 45-46 Assessment and Evaluation of Services 20-21 Children’s and Young Adult Programs 47–51 Professional Learning Network 22 Inquiry and Information Literacy 52–54 Leadership and Advocacy 23 Reading Promotion and Literacy 55–57 58–60 LIS Profession 24–26 Storytelling and Folklore Adult Services and Programs 27–31 ABC-CLIO Solutions Readers’ Advisory Services 32–35 61 Prepare for take-off . . . Setting your course for growth is vital to the success of your program. Where do you turn for new opportunities to grow? You turn to your community, you seek advice from your peers, and you trust the experts. For more than 50 years, Libraries Unlimited has been committed to building that community of experts. We recently reached out to our community of experts and asked them to share with you practical and simple strategies that allow you to work towards your overall vision while remaining productive on the frontlines. From inside tips on online searching, to creating content schedules for social media marketing, we hope these “TIPS FROM AN EXPERT” features will foster new ideas for growth and help prepare you for take-off. Kathryn C. Suárez Publisher, Libraries Unlimited Stay Connected with Libraries Unlimited Sign up at librariesunlimited.com/stayconnected for e-news alerts: Insider Discounts and Specials, Monthly New Releases, New Book Reviews, Libraries Unlimited Events O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 1 Cataloging and Classification FORTHCOMING Metadata Standards and Web Services in Libraries, Archives, and Museums NEW Unlocking the Mysteries of Cataloging A Workbook of Examples Second Edition | Elizabeth Haynes, Joanna F. Fountain, and Michele Zwierski Ideal for students and both beginning and practicing catalogers in public, school, and academic libraries, this updated workbook offers targeted, hands-on exercises that enhance understanding of description, classification, subject analysis, subject heading application, and MARC 21 subject analysis. An Active Learning Resource Erik Mitchell • Provides more than 100 examples that together encompass virtually all types of materials libraries collect and catalog, with MARC “answer” records ELIZABETH HAYNES, MLS, PhD, is associate professor at the University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg. JOANNA F. FOUNTAIN, MLS, PhD, teaches online at San Jose State University, CA, and Sam Houston State University, TX. Academic Librarian Erik Mitchell provides readers with a set of tools for designing, developing, and implementing metadata-rich information systems while also examining the challenges and opportunities in this field. MICHELE ZWIERSKI, MLS, is the head of cataloging for the Nassau Library System, a 54-member public library consortium on Long Island, NY. January 2015, 270pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-569-5 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-570-1 TIP FROM THE EXPERTS ELIZABETH HAYNES, JOANNA F. FOUNTAIN, AND MICHELE ZWIERSKI This book is intended for library and information science students taking information organization, metadata, or other core “digital cataloging” classes, but will also be highly useful for professionals seeking to learn the details of metadata systems and theory using a hands-on approach. • Takes a cross-disciplinary approach to the issues, trends, and technologies relevant in information communities such as libraries, archives, and museums “When trying to teach your students how to catalog materials, use real life examples (photos of real materials) to model NOT PICTURED: Elizabeth Haynes ERIK MITCHELL, PhD, is associate university librarian at the University of California, Berkeley. August 2015, 130pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-449-0 $75.00, £47.00, €59.00, A$81.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-450-6 2 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 how to classify the book and construct the record.” Cataloging and Classification FORTHCOMING Introduction to Cataloging and Classification Eleventh Edition | Daniel N. Joudrey, Arlene G. Taylor, and David P. Miller “An invaluable resource for cataloging students and beginning catalogers as well as a handy reference for more experienced catalogers.” —BOOKLIST READING PROFESSIONAL (from previous edition) Not many books merit an eleventh edition, but this popular text does. Newly updated, Introduction to Cataloging and Classification provides an introduction to descriptive cataloging based on contemporary standards, explaining the basic tenets to readers without previous experience, as well as to those who merely want a better understanding of the process as it exists today. The text opens with the foundations of cataloging, then moves to specific details and subject matter such as Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD), the International Cataloging Principles (ICP), and RDA. Unlike other texts, the book doesn’t presume a close familiarity with the MARC bibliographic or authorities formats; ALA’s AngloAmerican Cataloging Rules, 2nd Edition, revised (AACR2R); or the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD). Subject access to library materials is covered in sufficient depth to make the reader comfortable with the principles and practices of subject cataloging and classification. In addition, the book introduces MARC, BIBFRAME, and other approaches used to communicate and display bibliographic data. • Covers new cataloging rules and RDA • Delineates the new cataloging landscape DANIEL N. JOUDREY, MLIS, PhD, is associate professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, Boston, MA. ARLENE G. TAYLOR, MSLS, PhD, is professor emerita, School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, and distinguished adjunct professor, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The Organization of Information Third Edition | Arlene G. Taylor, Daniel N. Joudrey “This work is highly recommended for anyone seeking to know more about the organization of information.” — ARBA This third edition of Taylor’s modern classic continues to articulate the theory, principles, standards, and tools behind information organization. As with previous editions, it begins with strong justification for the continued importance of organizing principles and practice. Following a broad overview of the concept and its role in human endeavors, Taylor and Joudrey provide a detailed and insightful discussion of such basic retrieval tools as inventories, bibliographies, catalogs, indexes, finding aids, registers, databases, major bibliographic utilities, and other organizing entities; and subsequently trace the development of the organization of recorded information in Western civilization from 2000 B.C.E. to the present. Standards of codification (MARC, SGML, and various DTDs), controlled vocabularies and ontologies, and Web 2.0 technologies are but a sample of its extensive topical coverage. • Expanded coverage of archives and archival finding aids, museums and galleries, and digital libraries • Restructured and expanded sections on metadata (description, access, and access control) and subject analysis and aboutness • Significant revisions to sections dealing with indexing and abstracting, systems and system design, and authority control (especially FRAR) ARLENE G. TAYLOR is professor emerita, School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, and author of several works on cataloging and classification and authority control. DANIEL N. JOUDREY is assistant professor in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts, where he teaches information organization and cataloging. December 2008, 512pp, 7x10, Hardcover: 978-1-59158-700-2 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-812-0 Paperback: 978-1-59884-858-8, $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00 DAVID P. MILLER, MA, MSLIS, is professor and head of technical services at the Levin Library, Curry College, Milton, MA. July 2015, 608pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Hardcover: 978-1-59884-857-1 $80.00, £50.00, €63.00, A$87.00, eBook: 978-1-4408-3745-6 Paperback: 978-1-59884-856-4, $65.00, £41.00, €51.00, A$70.00 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 3 Cataloging and Classification NEW NEW An Interdisciplinary Approach Standard Cataloging for School and Public Libraries Koraljka Golub Fifth Edition | Sheila S. Intner and Jean Weihs Subject Access to Information International scholars and practitioners bring together two often-disparate worlds to show you how you can improve information access through nontraditional approaches. Drawing on the research of experts from the fields of computing and library science, this groundbreaking work will show you how to combine two very different approaches to classification to create more effective, user-friendly information-retrieval systems. • Provides an interdisciplinary overview of current and potential approaches to organizing information by subject • Covers both pure computer science and pure library science topics in easy-to-understand language accessible to audiences from both disciplines • Reviews technological standards for representation, storage, and retrieval of varied knowledge-organization systems and their constituent elements • Suggests a collaborative approach that will reduce duplicate efforts and make it easier to find solutions to practical problems KORALJKA GOLUB, PhD, is associate professor in the Department of Library and Information Science, School of Cultural Sciences, Linnaeus University, Sweden. November 2014, 180pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-61069-577-0 $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-578-7 “This guide keeps getting better and better as a concise guide to the process of cataloging, from description to classification to subject headings of print and multimedia materials. It is useful as a text for beginning cataloging classes and as one for personal study.” —TEACHER LIBRARIAN (from previous edition) A proven resource for librarians and students, this updated classic opens the door to understanding current library cataloging processes, shows you how to use them to create standard catalog records, and provides guidance in managing the cataloging workflow. • Describes today’s new cataloging tools and shows how they are applied to real resources in various media, sharing numerous examples that illustrate the points raised • Explains the way library catalog records are produced for online catalogs • Describes MARC formats and explains how they relate to new metadata schemas such as MARC XML, the Dublin Core, and BIBFRAME SHEILA S. INTNER is professor emeritus of library and information science at Simmons College, Boston, MA, and was the founding director of its MLIS program at Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA. JEAN WEIHS was director of the Library Techniques Program at Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, Toronto, Canada, until her retirement. December 2014, 295pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-114-7 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-981-5 4 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Cataloging and Classification NEW The RDA Workbook Learning the Basics of Resource Description and Access NEW RDA Made Simple A Practical Guide to the New Cataloging Rules Amy Hart Margaret Mering, Editor “If you are new to the cataloging field or just beginning to implement RDA into your catalog records, this book is for you. . . . A useful, engaging, and wellwritten book that is recommended to catalogers and staff in all libraries and cataloging instructors and their students.” —LIBRARY JOURNAL STARRED REVIEW Unlike the RDA training materials prepared for seasoned catalogers by the Library of Congress and others, the The RDA Workbook: Learning the Basics of Resource Description and Access uses tried-and-true methods to make RDA clear even to those who have little or no previous cataloging knowledge. The workbook can be used by an individual or to teach others in staff training sessions, presentations, or LIS courses. It discusses the theoretical framework of the cataloging code; details the steps necessary to create a bibliographic for books, videos, and other formats; and shows librarians how to read and interrupt authority records for persons, families, corporate bodies, works, and expressions. Finally, the workbook suggests strategies for implementing RDA. • Focuses on the new RDA rules and conventions and their implementation, particularly in smaller libraries where there are no professional catalogers • Presents FRBR and other aspects of RDA’s theoretical framework in understandable terms • Features a step-by-step guide to creating bibliographic records for print and electronic books, videos, and other formats • Includes quick guides, exercises, a glossary of terms, and a list of additional resources The new cataloging standard, Resource Description and Access (RDA), will have far-reaching impacts on your library in terms of how it approaches resource description and access. RDA has been in use at the U.S. Library of Congress since early 2013 and is being widely adopted in the international library community. Today’s catalogers need to understand RDA’s basic concepts and principles as well as how to apply its rules in order to provide relevant information services in the 21st century. This book helps you tackle the challenges of implementing the new cataloging code (RDA/Resource Description and Access) in the MARC environment, providing emphasis on practical, straightforward RDA advice for today’s busy cataloger. • Supplies an accessible, up-to-date guide to RDA in a single resource • Covers history and development of the new cataloging code, including the results of the U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee Report • Presents the latest information on RDA cataloging for multiple material formats, including print, audiovisual, and digital resources • Explains how RDA’s concepts, structure, and vocabulary are based on FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) and FRAD (Functional Requirements for Authority Data), both of which are reviewed in the book AMY HART has been a technical services/systems librarian for more than 20 years, most recently serving as head of bibliographic services at Minuteman Library Network in Natick, MA. October 2014, 120pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-61069-485-8 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-486-5 MARGARET MERING, MLS, is the coordinator of cataloging and professor of libraries at the University of Nebraska. January 2014, 190pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-489-6 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-490-2 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 5 Cataloging and Classification Demystifying Serials Cataloging Demystifying FRAD Fang Huang Gao, Heather Tennison, and Janet A. Weber Qiang Jin A Book of Examples “This book can be an effective training tool for both students and novice catalogers. . . . I highly recommend this publication for your collection.” —TECHNICAL SERVICES QUARTERLY This essential reference teaches library staff how to handle the most common and confusing problems in serials cataloging by providing clear examples, practice exercises, and helpful advice based on experience. FANG HUANG GAO is supervisory librarian at the United States Government Printing Office and is a trainer for several professional development workshops. HEATHER TENNISON holds a certificate in special collections Functional Requirements for Authority Data “[A]n excellent, all-in-one resource for understanding the FRAD model and its relationship to authority work under RDA.” —LIBRARY RESOURCES AND TECHNICAL SERVICES “A clearly written, copiously illustrated, and well-organized book that truly does ‘demystify’ FRAD.” —COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES Improve your understanding of the basics of Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD): A Conceptual Model with this text and help readers create RDA authority records. librarianship from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. QIANG JIN is senior coordinating cataloger, NACO coordinator, and JANET A. WEBER is manager of cataloging services at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. associate professor of library administration at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Library. October 2012, 345pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59884-596-9 $65.00, £41.00, €51.00, A$70.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-281-6 June 2012, 134pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-59884-496-2 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-260-1 FRSAD Conceptual Modeling of Aboutness Maja Zumer, Marcia Lei Zeng, and Athena Salaba XML for Catalogers and Metadata Librarians Timothy W. Cole and Myung-Ja K. Han The first comprehensive exploration of the development and use of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions’ (IFLA) newly released model for subject authority data, covering everything from the rationale for creating the model to practical steps for implementing it. MAJA ZUMER is professor in the Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. MARCIA LEI ZENG is professor in the School of Library and Information Science, Kent State University, Kent, OH. ATHENA SALABA is associate professor at the School of Library and Information Science, Kent State University, Kent, OH. September 2012, 121pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-59884-794-9 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-795-6 “A good foundation for implementing XML technologies. . . . Readers may also use the text for personal study to gain a working knowledge of XML technologies.” —ARBA This book provides a foundation of knowledge for catalogers, metadata librarians, and library school students on the Extensible Markup Language (XML)—one of the most commonly listed qualifications in today’s cataloger and metadata librarian job postings. TIMOTHY W. COLE is mathematics and digital content access librarian; professor of library and information science; and professor, university library, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. MYUNG-JA K. HAN is metadata librarian and assistant professor, university library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She has published papers on metadata quality and bibliographic control in various journals. May 2013, 385pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-59884-519-8 $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-291-5 6 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Cataloging and Classification FAST: Faceted Application of Subject Terminology The Library Catalogue as Social Space Principles and Application Lois Mai Chan and Edward T. O’Neill While The Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) is perhaps the best known bibliographic control system in existence, it is cumbersome and not always user friendly. Faceted Application of Subject Terminology (or FAST) is designed to rework LCSH’s authority rules, so that they are easier to use, understand, and apply. Promoting Patron Driven Collections, Online Communities, and Enhanced Reference and Readers’ Services Laurel Tarulli “With the growing use of Web 2.0 by library patrons, integrating this technology into the catalog is the best way to reach patrons, and Tarulli helps both novice and seasoned librarians to achieve success in any library setting.” LOIS MAI CHAN is professor of library and information science at the University of Kentucky. —BOOKLIST ONLINE EDWARD T. O’NEILL is a consulting research scientist at OCLC. Emphasizing the advantages of working together and exploring the future of library services in an online, socially connected world, this exciting book shows how all public library professionals can take advantage of our strongest community and information tool—the library catalogue. July 2010, 354pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-59158-722-4 $65.00, £41.00, €51.00, A$70.00 Introduction to Indexing and Abstracting Fourth Edition | Donald Cleveland and Ana Cleveland “The book, as stated by its authors, no doubt can serve as a guide for the neophyte indexer and practitioner to the fundamentals of indexing and abstracting. It would also be an excellent textbook for the subject.” —ARBA “Authoritative and academic, Introduction to Indexing and Abstracting is a valuable reference tool.” — VOYA Successful information access in the digital information age requires robust systems of indexing and abstracting. This book provides a complete introduction to the subject that covers the many recent changes in the field. DONALD CLEVELAND, PhD, is professor emeritus of library and information science at the University of North Texas. ANA CLEVELAND, PhD, is Regents Professor of library and information science and director of the Health Informatics Program at the University of North Texas. July 2013, 384pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59884-976-9 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-476-6 LAUREL TARULLI is collection access librarian at Halifax Public Libraries, Nova Scotia, Canada; a consultant for NoveList; and recipient of ALA’s Esther J. Piercy Award. January 2012, 122pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59884-629-4 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-630-0 Subject Headings for School and Public Libraries Bilingual Fourth Edition Joanna F. Fountain For public and school libraries, this resource reflects recent changes in Library of Congress subject headings and authority files, and provides bilingual information essential to reference librarians and catalogers serving Spanish speakers. • Presents reliable translations by native Spanish-speaking librarians of thousands of subject terms JOANNA F. FOUNTAIN is library science professor, San José State University, San José, CA; and consultant, Bibliotechnics, Austin, TX; specializing in cataloging for young and bilingual populations (Spanish and English). January 2012, 414pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59158-638-8 $85.00, £54.00, €67.00, A$92.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-231-1 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 7 Acquisitions and Collection Management The Complete Guide to Acquisitions Management FORTHCOMING Second Edition | Frances C. Wilkinson, Linda K. Lewis, and Rebecca L. Lubas Collection Management Basics Sixth Edition | G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro H AWARD WINNER “An enlightening resource full of insightful information, this guide fills an important gap in acquisition management studies.” Best Professional Book of the Year, 2012—Teacher Librarian “[R]ecommended as an up-todate textbook for library and information science courses in both graduate and undergraduate programs as well as for training purposes within libraries.” —BOOKLIST (from previous edition) Updated and enhanced, the second edition of this text provides both library students and practitioners with a thorough understanding of procedural and philosophical approaches in acquisitions management. FRANCES C. WILKINSON, EdD, MLS, is senior associate dean of the College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences and professor at the University of New Mexico. LINDA K. LEWIS, MLS, is professor emerita of the University of New Mexico Libraries. REBECCA L. LUBAS, MLIS, is associate dean of The Claremont Colleges Library. September 2015, 285pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-713-2 $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-714-9 NEW Floating Collections A Collection Development Model for Long-Term Success —ARBA Now thoroughly revised for today’s 21st-century library environment, this title provides a complete update of the classic Developing Library and Information Center Collections—the standard text and authority on collection development for all types of libraries and library school students since 1979. G. EDWARD EVANS is an administrator, researcher, teacher, and writer. MARGARET ZARNOSKY SAPONARO is librarian at the University Libraries, University of Maryland. May 2012, 343pp, 7x10, Hardcover: 978-1-59884-863-2 $65.00, £41.00, €51.00, A$70.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-259-5 Paperback: 978-1-59884-864-9, $48.00, £30.00, €38.00, A$52.00 Digitizing Audiovisual and Non-Print Materials FORTHCOMING Wendy K. Bartlett “[H]elps librarians and administrators in the decisionmaking process and the managing of a floating collection.” The Innovative Librarian’s Guide Scott Piepenburg AV collections in libraries are disintegrating, and their playback equipment is soon to be obsolete. Digitizing can be the solution to decay and for continued access. —BOOKLIST ONLINE This easy-to-use, comprehensive guide shows how to establish a floating collection in any library—regardless of type or size. • Contains chapters on conquering major stumbling blocks, predicting success with concrete numbers and other simple-touse methods WENDY K. BARTLETT, MLIS, is collection development manager for the Cuyahoga County Public Library, Parma, OH. January 2014, 128pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59884-743-7 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-744-4 8 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 • Offers easy-to-understand guidance on how to use digitizing to enable your library to recoup its investment in outdated but often-expensive AV collections • Discusses use of off-the-shelf and shareware technology SCOTT PIEPENBURG is head of cataloging at Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. May 2015, 136pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-4408-3780-7 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00, eBook: 978-1-4408-3781-4 Acquisitions and Collection Management ALSO OF INTEREST Find the entire Crash Course series on pages 30–31. FORTHCOMING Crash Course in Collection Development NEW Crash Course in Weeding Francisca Goldsmith Second Edition | Wayne Disher Weeding is a perennial challenge for librarians. This book will help you rise to the task by offering you basic instructions, including information on new formats and digital collections. • Includes worksheets that provide documentation to use as guides in policy, procedure, and communication planning FRANCISCA GOLDSMITH, MLIS, has worked as a librarian and library staff educator for more than 30 years. June 2015, 116pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-4408-3688-6 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-4408-3689-3 “Short on theory but long on practicality, the book provides the reader with basic definitions and step-by-step outlines.” —BOOKLIST (from previous edition) This indispensable resource provides tools for collection management in public libraries, featuring essential strategies for inventory assessment, market analysis, budgeting, marketing, and customer service. This book is a must-have for those just entering the field or professionals in need of a refresher in effective library operations. WAYNE DISHER is professor of library and information science at Rethinking Collection Development and Management NEW Becky Albitz, Christine Avery, and Diane Zabel, Editors “Highly recommended. It is slightly less costly than most alternatives. . . . provides challenging questions about current practices, and explores new trends in the profession.” San Jose State University. He is a former president of the California Library Association. September 2014, 180pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-813-9 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-814-6 NEW Foundations of Museum Studies Evolving Systems of Knowledge Kiersten F. Latham and John E. Simmons —JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP “A perfect fit for both public and academic librarians.” —SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL This collection of thought-provoking essays by visionary and innovative library practitioners covers theory, research, and best practices in collection development, examining how it has evolved, identifying how some librarians are creatively responding to these changes, and predicting what is coming next. BECKY ALBITZ, MLS, EdD, is associate college librarian for collection management at Bates College, Lewiston, ME. CHRISTINE AVERY is visiting collection development program officer for the Association of Research Libraries. “This is a terrific work and I’m so impressed with the amount of thought and hard work that is evidenced here. There is absolutely nothing else like this and it fills a real need for those of us who teach museum studies.” —BRAD TAYLOR, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR MUSEUM STUDIES PROGRAM UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN This broad introduction to museums benefits all educators who teach introductory museum studies, addressing the discipline from a holistic, dynamic, and document-centered perspective. KIERSTEN F. LATHAM is assistant professor at Kent State DIANE ZABEL is the Louis and Virginia Benzak Business Librarian at Pennsylvania State University. University, Kent, OH, where she has developed the museum studies specialization within the MLIS program. February 2014, 394pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-61069-305-9 $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-306-6 JOHN E. SIMMONS is an international museum consultant and lecturer who has worked in museums for more than 40 years. September 2014, 155pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-282-3 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-952-5 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 9 Acquisitions and Collection Management Currents of Archival Thinking Handbook for Asian Studies Specialists Rare Book Librarianship Terry Eastwood and Heather MacNeil, Editors A Guide to Research Materials and Collection Building Tools Steven K. Galbraith and Geoffrey D. Smith Foreword by Joel B. Silver An Introduction and Guide Noriko Asato, Editor “This book is definitely a worthwhile addition to the archival bookshelf, and contains much of interest and value to archival academics and students.” —THE AUSTRALIAN LIBRARY JOURNAL Currents of Archival Thinking explores key topics in the theory and practice of archival studies within three frameworks: (1) the foundational concepts of the discipline, (2) the main components of the archival mission, and (3) the metaphors that shape how we think about archives and archival institutions. Each essay will explore a given topic from both a historical and contemporary perspective, with contributors drawn from Europe, Australia, Canada, and the United States, and featuring a mix of academics and practitioners. TERRY EASTWOOD is professor emeritus of the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia. HEATHER MACNEIL is associate professor in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. December 2009, 254pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-59158-656-2 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-0-313-39121-7 “As an example of the comprehensiveness of this work, if a librarian should be asked for facsimiles of real-size signatures or seals of major Japanese historical figures, a dictionary of North Korean artists, or an online database of Korean movies, they can be found in this reference.” —ARBA An indispensable tool for librarians who do reference or collection management, this work is a pioneering offering of expertly selected print and electronic reference tools for East Asian Studies (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean). • Represents the first work to include Chinese, Japanese, and Korean materials in one volume • Incorporates critical information on subscription-based and open-source electronic reference tools • Written by noted leading experts in Asian Studies librarianship NORIKO ASATO, PhD, is associate professor of library and information science at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. October 2013, 466pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-842-7 $105.00, £66.00, €83.00, A$113.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-843-4 10 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 “This handbook is recommended for any rare book and special collections librarian, teachers and students in library science, or anyone charged with the care of rare books.” —COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES “Special collections librarians and practitioners overseeing rare book collections may find this work useful. The novice and those who supervise professionals that manage rare book collections will benefit most.” —LIBRARY RESOURCES AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Successfully managing rare book collections requires very specific knowledge and skills. This handbook provides that essential information in a single volume. STEVEN K. GALBRAITH, PhD, is curator of the Cary Graphic Arts Collection at Rochester Institute of Technology and former Andrew W. Mellon Curator of Books at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC. GEOFFREY D. SMITH, PhD, is head of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Library at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. June 2012, 185pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-59158-881-8 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-59158-882-5 Information Systems and Technology FORTHCOMING FORTHCOMING Protecting Patron Privacy Safe Practices for Public Computers Matthew Beckstrom In a world where almost anyone with computer savvy can hack, track, and record the online activities of others, your library can serve as a protected haven for your visitors who rely on the Internet to conduct research—if you take the necessary steps to safeguard their privacy. This book shows you how to protect patrons’ privacy while using the technology that your library provides, including public computers, Internet access, wireless networks, and other devices. Logically organized into two major sections, the first part of the book discusses why the privacy of your users is of paramount importance, explains the applicable laws and regulations related to patron privacy, and delves into the mechanics of security breaches on public computers. The second half outlines the practical steps you can take to preserve the rights of library visitors by working with computer and mobile device configurations, network security settings, and special applications. • Offers clear, practical instructions on how to better ensure privacy in the library • Traces the history of libraries providing privacy to their patrons • Includes simple examples of programs, browser changes, and procedural changes that libraries can use MATTHEW BECKSTROM is a systems manager at Lewis & Clark Library, Helena, MT, and a frequent presenter at conferences on library technology and privacy. June 2015, 140pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-61069-996-9 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-997-6 TIP FROM AN EXPERT | MATTHEW BECKSTROM “There are many simple ways to promote privacy to your users: Try suggesting alternative search engines that do not track usage like Startpage or DuckDuckGo.” Open Source System Options for Librarians and Archivists Christinger Tomer The importance of open source systems in the context of libraries and archives is perhaps greater now than ever before. This book explains the essentials of open source systems to benefit academic and public librarians and archivists who have a vested interest in the future of integrated online library systems. Author Christinger Tomer, who has studied open source systems for more than two decades and used them extensively in both teaching and consulting, provides brief histories of both library automation and open source software, in the latter instance focusing on aspects that have more directly influenced library and archival computing. He then describes and analyzes key open source systems and critically compares them to commercial systems in terms of design, functionality, and ease of administration. The book concludes with an in-depth description of how these systems are currently being employed as well as insightful predictions about how this segment of the software environment is likely to evolve. CHRISTINGER TOMER, PhD, is associate professor of library and information science at the School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh. July 2015, 138pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-61069-462-9 $75.00, £47.00, €59.00, A$81.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-463-6 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 11 Information Systems and Technology NEW Internet Technologies and Information Services Second Edition | Joseph B. Miller NEW Library Automation Core Concepts and Practical Systems Analysis Introduction to Technical Services Eighth Edition | G. Edward Evans, Sheila S. Intner, and Jean Weihs Third Edition | Dania Bilal Foreword by Marshall Breeding “Recommended. All levels of undergraduate and graduate students.” —CHOICE (from previous edition) “As comprehensive as it is ‘user friendly,’ making it ideal as a course textbook and for on-site librarians seeking to accommodate their own community or school library to the age of the computer.” —MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW (from previous edition) The Internet has transformed society and the LIS professions. This book helps readers understand how Internet technologies work and are applied to offering new services—knowledge that is critical to their professional success. • Covers a broad spectrum of Internet technologies within the context of knowledge and skills needed by LIS students and professionals in related fields JOSEPH B. MILLER, MSLS, is associate professor emeritus at the University of Kentucky School of Library and Information Science, Lexington, KY. August 2014, 496pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-473-5 $65.00, £41.00, €51.00, A$70.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-886-3 12 Recent advances in technology such as cloud computing, recent industry standards such as RFID, bibliographic standards like RDA and BIBFRAME, the increased adoption of open source integrated library systems (ILS), and continued shift in users’ expectations have increased the complexity of the decision regarding ILS for all types of libraries. • Addresses a key question: Should media centers and small libraries focus only on commercially available software, or would it be advantageous to choose open source software? • Provides an in-depth treatment of the systems development lifecycle (SDLC) and a six-phase systems analysis and design approach • Covers a wide range of topics, including open source software selection and evaluation, joining consortia, designing and developing in-house integrated automated library systems (ILS), usability principles and assessment methods, and project management DANIA BILAL is professor of information sciences at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. March 2014, 279pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59158-922-8 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-59158-923-5 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 “This substantial volume is the standard textbook for courses on technical services in library and information science (LIS) programs, and with good reason.” —LIBRARY RESOURCES AND TECHNICAL SERVICES This is the classic text for gaining a thorough understanding of library technical services. Used in library schools worldwide, this standard text provides students with a thorough understanding of technical services. Updated and expanded, the eighth edition further emphasizes the rapidly changing environment in which technical services are conducted. The book covers all aspects of the field—from acquisitions to managing the cataloging department—with five new chapters. G. EDWARD EVANS is a Fulbright scholar, former university librarian, author, consultant, and supervisor of the Harold S. Colton Memorial Library and Archives, Flagstaff, AZ. SHEILA S. INTNER is professor emeritus at Simmons College, Boston, MA. JEAN WEIHS is a consultant at Technical Services Group in Toronto, Ontario. November 2010, 484pp, 7x10 Hardcover: 978-1-59158-889-4 $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00 eBook: 978-1-59158-890-0 Paperback: 978-1-59158-888-7 $75.00, £47.00, €59.00, A$81.00 Information Systems and Technology NEW Web Design for Libraries Charles P. Rubenstein Strategies for Building a Web 2.0 Learning Environment Chih-Hsiung Tu Having a clear, attractive, and easy-tonavigate website that allows users to quickly find what they want is essential for any organization—including a library. This workbook makes website creation easy—no HTML required. • Offers a basic textbook for short courses or workshops, or a segment of a longer course that would cover advanced tools to create websites CHARLES P. RUBENSTEIN, MLS, PhD, is professor of information science and engineering at the graduate School of Information and Library Science at Pratt Institute and visiting professor of engineering at the Institute for Research and Technology Transfer, Farmingdale State College (SUNY). August 2014, 309pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-343-1 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-344-8 Powerful PowerPoint for Educators Using Visual Basic for Applications to Make PowerPoint Interactive Second Edition | David M. Marcovitz “It will be useful to library professionals beginning the process of integrating an open network learning environment.” —ARBA Imagine replacing your current online Learning Management System (LMS) with social media and Web 2.0 tools! This book provides a comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide for making the most of the online learning environment. CHIH-HSIUNG TU, PhD, is professor of educational technology at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ. November 2013, 169pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59884-686-7 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-687-4 Designing Online Learning A Primer for Librarians Sue Alman, Christinger Tomer, and Margaret L. Lincoln, Editors This book provides an introduction and helpful guide to online education for librarians and educators in the K–12, public, and academic library settings. “Directions are straightforward, easy-to-follow, and include screen shots.” —ARBA This timely book helps educators unleash the interactive potential of PowerPoint to build their own multimedia material that perfectly matches the needs of their students. • Contains multiple examples which can be used immediately • Includes tricks for advanced scripting and tips for debugging scripts • Reveals little-known features of PowerPoint • Presents screenshots for visual clarity DAVID M. MARCOVITZ, PhD, is associate professor in the School of Education and director of the graduate program in educational technology at Loyola University Maryland, Baltimore, MD. May 2012, 270pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-61069-136-9 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-137-6 • Reviews key technologies and technical standards for online education • Presents best practices for instructional design, faculty development, and student assessment • Provides case studies for academic librarians and K–12 librarians SUE ALMAN is lecturer at San Jose State University and former director of online education in the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Information Sciences. CHRISTINGER TOMER, PhD, is associate professor in the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Information Sciences. MARGARET L. LINCOLN, PhD, is district librarian for Lakeview Schools, Battle Creek, MI. July 2012, 100pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-59884-637-9 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-638-6 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 13 Digital Librarianship NEW Apps for Librarians Using the Best Mobile Technology to Educate, Create, and Engage Beyond the Browser eBooked! Web 2.0 and Librarianship Integrating Free Online Book Sites into Your Library Collection Karl Bridges H. Anthony Bandy Nicole Hennig How can your library—and your patrons— benefit from mobile apps? This guidebook offers a solid foundation in “app-literacy,” supplying librarians with the knowledge to review and recommend apps, offer workshops, and become the app expert for their communities. • Describes the most important, highquality mobile apps in specific topic areas of interest to librarians • Provides examples of how these apps are useful for education, creativity, and productivity for all types of users, including those with special needs • Supplies a detailed checklist of what information to include when reviewing apps • Includes an extensive resource guide to books, blogs, websites, courses, and other sources for keeping up with mobile apps NICOLE HENNIG is an independent user experience professional who helps librarians and educators effectively use mobile technologies. September 2014, 197pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-61069-530-5 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-531-2 14 “This book could be a useful reference for academic library administrators to employ in crafting collection, privacy, and hiring policies for their institutions.” —JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC RESOURCES IN MEDICAL LIBRARIES How do libraries stay relevant in light of widespread Internet access, eBooks, and mobile technologies? What steps must today’s librarians take to address copyright, privacy, and intellectual property, and security issues? And how are these tasks to be accomplished in the face of the current library funding crisis? These are all valid and complicated concerns for today’s librarians. • Investigates the evolutionary impact of open access, scholarly inquiry, and second-generation web technologies on library organization and services KARL BRIDGES is librarian and associate professor at the University of Vermont in the Information and Instruction Department where he manages digital resources. March 2012, 89pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-59158-816-0 $35.00, £22.00, €28.00, A$38.00 eBook: 978-1-59158-817-7 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 “The information provided offers a viable ebook solution for cashstrapped libraries.” —SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL Want to quickly expand your collection, influence library decision-makers, and make your library a more valuable asset to your community? Making good use of online eBook resources can help you achieve all of these objectives. Digital books and related online sources are here to stay, and all libraries—particularly small and mid-size ones—must be up to speed with these sources and integrate them into their everyday library work. • Presents practical, clear, and accessible information accompanied by examples and explanations to help any reader to quickly understand online digital sites • Addresses aspects of the mobile revolution that are rarely covered, such as the use of tablet computers in archives and the mHealth information services movement H. ANTHONY BANDY works with libraries on training and technology issues via his company, Library Knowledge. October 2013, 209pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-59884-890-8 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-891-5 Digital Librarianship The eBook Revolution The Handheld Library A Primer for Librarians on the Front Lines Mobile Technology and the Librarian Kate Sheehan Thomas A. Peters and Lori Bell, Editors Electronic Resources Management in the Academic Library A Professional Guide Karin Wikoff “This short book provides an exhaustive overview of the current eBook environment. . . . A mustread for public librarians tossed into the digital fray.” —LIBRARY RESOURCES AND TECHNICAL SERVICES The book ecosystem is radically changing, and libraries must change with it. This book tackles the controversial discussion about eBooks and explores librarian-driven solutions and visions for the future of libraries in the 21st century. • Examines eBooks from perspectives of libraries and publishers • Offers library-driven solutions for the eBook puzzle • Presents potential scenarios for what may be a mostly eBook future • Provides relevant information for public librarians as well as those in school and academic library environments KATE SHEEHAN, MSLIS, is special projects coordinator for Bibliomation, a consortium of public and school libraries in Connecticut. January 2013, 146pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-61069-183-3 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-184-0 “Charts, graphs, references, and a thorough index help illuminate the way forward for librarians.” —BOOKLIST ONLINE Covering topics such as mobile reference, eBooks, mobile websites, and QR codes, this book examines the effects of the global mobile revolution on libraries and library users—critical information all librarians need. • Contains contributed chapters from active, innovative, respected librarians in the mobile library movement on ideas and trends for mobile libraries • Addresses aspects of the mobile revolution that are rarely covered, such as the use of tablet computers in archives and the mHealth information services movement THOMAS A. PETERS is dean of library services at Missouri State University, Springfield, MO. For academic libraries, this highly readable book provides the practical information needed to get started managing electronic resources throughout their life cycle. • Covers all the basics of electronic resources management • Supplies useful tips for job seekers • Includes appendices with sample forms, spreadsheets, and more • Provides selected readings for further study • Written in an accessible, easy-to-read style KARIN WIKOFF is electronic and technical services librarian at Ithaca College Library, Ithaca, NY, where she has managed electronic resources since 2004. November 2011, 137pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-005-8 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-006-5 LORI BELL is in instructional technology support at Graham Hospital School of Nursing Library and part-time lecturer at San Jose State University. April 2013, 218pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-300-4 $65.00,£41.00, €51.00, A$70.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-301-1 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 15 Management and Administration NEW Crash Course in Marketing for Libraries FORTHCOMING Second Edition | Susan W. Alman and Sara Gillespie Swanson Explains effective marketing strategies and identifies the tools needed to boost the visibility and increase the use of your library in the community. SUSAN W. ALMAN is a lecturer at San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, and she has held teaching posts at the University of Michigan and University of Pittsburgh. SARA GILLESPIE SWANSON is assistant director for information literacy at Davidson College, Davidson, NC. November 2014, 177pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-870-2 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-871-9 Crash Course in Strategic Planning Stephen A. Matthews and Kimberly D. Matthews “The work is a great review as well as introduction to the life of a librarian, illustrating both the positive and the challenging situations.” —ARBA Marketing Moxie for Librarians Fresh Ideas, Proven Techniques, and Innovative Approaches Paula Watson-Lakamp Fun and easy to read, this marketing and promotion guide offers you the “big picture” of how best to spend your limited funds and energy to create a successful marketing strategy—from traditional promotions such as advertising and posters to social media marketing. • Offers chapter-by-chapter “Moxie Tips and Tricks” to help you get started and succeed in marketing your library • Presents ways to bolster your creativity toolkit when the ideas just won’t come PAULA WATSON-LAKAMP is communications manager at Poudre River Public Library District, Fort Collins, CO. July 2015, 150pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-893-1 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-894-8 TIP FROM AN EXPERT PAULA WATSON-LAKAMP For practitioners, this text provides an easy-tounderstand approach to strategic planning and execution. STEPHEN A. MATTHEWS, PhD, MLS, is rural library consultant at the Utah State Library, where he consults with 12 small and rural library staff and boards. KIMBERLY D. MATTHEWS, MLS, MBA, is executive director of the Trenton Free Public Library, which she led through two recent downsizings due to budget cuts of nearly 50 percent. August 2013, 101pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59884-482-5 $35.00 £22.00, €28.00, A$38.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-059-1 ALSO OF INTEREST Read more about the Crash Course series on pages pages 30–31. 16 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 “Use an annual content calendar to ramp up your social media marketing moxie by creating content that can be reused, repurposed and refreshed to save you time, keep your campaigns focused and help you retrieve relevant measurement metrics. Get the scheduling done early, then put your feet up and relax!” Management and Administration Handbook for Community College Librarians Michael A. Crumpton and Nora J. Bird “This work will serve as a very useful introduction for either new or aspiring community college librarians or as a text for an LIS course. The concise chapters, filled with both scholarship and practical advice, will help librarians better understand their environment.” —LIBRARY JOURNAL ONLINE An in-depth understanding of the complexities, dynamics, and emerging trends in community college libraries today. MICHAEL A. CRUMPTON, MLS, SPHR, is assistant dean for administrative services at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. NORA J. BIRD, MLS, PhD, is assistant professor in the department of Library and Information Science at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. October 2013, 172pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-345-5 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-346-2 Librarian’s Handbook for Seeking, Writing, and Managing Grants Sylvia D. Hall-Ellis, Stacey L. Bowers, Christopher Hudson, Claire Williamson, and Joanne Patrick Learn the dynamics of the grantseeking process, including proposal writing and grant management, for public, school, and academic librarians. • Provides the only grant-management handbook designed specifically for the library community Embedded Librarianship What Every Academic Librarian Should Know Alice L. Daugherty and Michael F. Russo, Editors “[A] text that could supplement a survey course on issues in academic librarianship.” —VOYA In the ongoing evolution of the academic library, embedded librarianship has become an important topic of debate across levels and departments. This book delves into the concept, examining everything from theory to best practices. ALICE L. DAUGHERTY, MLIS, is assessment librarian at Louisiana State University (LSU). Daugherty serves on the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Value of Academic Libraries Committee. MICHAEL F. RUSSO, MLIS, is associate librarian at Louisiana State University (LSU). September 2013, 201pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-61069-413-1 $65.00, £41.00, €51.00, A$70.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-414-8 What You Need to Know about Privacy Law A Guide for Librarians and Educators Gretchen McCord “Accessibly formatted with meaningful headings, a good index, and authoritative citations, McCord’s book efficiently leads readers to their applicable concern when faced with ambiguous situations. Strongly recommended.” —LIBRARY JOURNAL SYLVIA D. HALL-ELLIS is associate professor in the Morgridge College of Education at the University of Denver. STACEY L. BOWERS is Outreach and Access Services librarian for the Westminster Law Library at the University of Denver. CHRISTOPHER HUDSON is the project coordinator for the Law Librarianship Fellows Program at the University of Denver. CLAIRE WILLIAMSON is Outreach Center coordinator for the Law Librarianship Fellows Program at the University of Denver. U.S. privacy laws are confusing and hard to interpret. This book provides clear, substantive guidance to educators who work with minors in these rapidly changing, technological times. GRETCHEN MCCORD, MSIS, JD, has been a licensed attorney since 2001, specializing in copyright and privacy law, and is currently a legal consultant and trainer in these areas. September 2013, 134pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-081-2 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-082-9 JOANNE PATRICK is the administrator for the Westminster Law Library at the University of Denver. May 2011, 313pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59158-870-2 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00, eBook: 978-1-59158-872-6 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 17 Management and Administration Balancing the Books Accounting for Librarians Rachel A. Kirk Any competent librarian can have good accounting skills—after all, attention to detail, correct classification, and effective documentation are essential to both kinds of tasks. This book covers accounting concepts, budgeting, and government regulations that pertain to libraries. • Provides library-specific accounting information highly beneficial to librarians who are largely lacking formal training in accounting • Written by a professional librarian and former certified public accountant • Enables librarians to develop their “inner accountant” by capitalizing on the professional abilities they have acquired through their careers • Includes an appendix that refers librarians to government resources and explains techniques used in Excel spreadsheets Library and Information Center Management Eighth Edition Barbara B. Moran, Robert D. Stueart, and Claudia J. Morner “This textbook remains the best introductory source on library management, and this revision is welcome.” —ARBA This updated edition of the renowned library management textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the techniques needed to effectively manage a contemporary library or information center. • Supplies a comprehensive overview of all essential managerial functions BARBARA B. MORAN, PhD, is Louis Round Wilson Distinguished Professor at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she served as dean from 1990 to 1998. RACHEL A. KIRK, PhD, is associate professor and collection management and acquisitions librarian at Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN. ROBERT D. STUEART, PhD, is professor December 2012, 134pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-61069-111-6 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-112-3 CLAUDIA J. MORNER, PhD, is dean and 18 and dean emeritus of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College in Boston, MA. professor emerita of the University Library at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. November 2012, 470pp, 7x10 Hardcover: 978-1-59884-988-2 $70.00, £44.00, €55.00, A$76.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-326-4 Paperback: 978-1-59884-989-9 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Success with Library Volunteers Leslie E. Holt and Glen E. Holt “This well-organized, clearly written, cogent work will help practitioners plan and implement volunteer services in a wide range of libraries and fills an important niche. . . . Libraries seeking to begin or strengthen volunteer services will find this book valuable.” —BOOKLIST ONLINE “Readers can take advantage of all or part of this book, based on individual needs and existing policies regarding volunteer practices, and can use the material to open conversations regarding future volunteer use.” —LIBRARY JOURNAL ONLINE With today’s slashed budgets and reduced staff, all types of libraries should apply the principles and methods in this guidebook to harness the tremendous power of volunteerism. LESLIE E. HOLT, MLS, PhD, is president and CEO of Holt Consulting and associate editor of Public Library Quarterly. GLEN E. HOLT, PhD, is editor of Public Library Quarterly. December 2013, 156pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-048-5 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-049-2 Management and Administration LIBRARIES UNLIMITED RECOMMENDS MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP RESOURCES FROM PRAEGER NEW NEW Effective Financial Management of Public and Nonprofit Agencies Inspiring Trust Strategies for Effective Leadership Clinton W. McLemore Fourth Edition | Jerome B. McKinney “A remarkable book. Whether a seasoned leader or just starting on the leadership journey, Inspiring Trust provides the insights and fundamentals you’ll need to be successful.” This analytical volume looks at emerging fiscal trends and introduces the tools for effective financial management to American business professionals in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. • Provides step-by-step procedures for developing critical measurement indicators JEROME B. MCKINNEY, PhD, is professor of public policy and management at the University of Pittsburgh, director of research in all tax areas for the State of Missouri Department of Revenue, director of financial management interns for the U.S. Department of Health and Education, and assistant professor at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Praeger, February 2015, 640pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-4408-3122-5, $78.00, £49.00, €61.00, A$84.00 eBook: 978-1-4408-3123-2 Cutting Costs Successful Strategies for Improving Productivity Fred H. Neu —RICHARD B. MYERS, GENERAL USAF, RET., 15TH CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF What are the secrets of all great leaders—the individuals who effortlessly persuade and gain the confidence of others? This book offers actionable, practical advice, explaining ten pivotal ways for leaders to foster and engender trust. CLINTON W. MCLEMORE, PhD, is president of Relational Dynamics, Inc., a management consulting firm, and an organizational psychologist for 30 years. Praeger, September 2014, 220pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-4408-3357-1, $37.00, £24.00, €29.00, A$40.00 eBook: 978-1-4408-3358-8 Managing Volunteers How to Maximize Your Most Valuable Resource “A clear and direct guide to find and eliminate excess costs. The most comprehensive approach I have seen. This should be required reading for every manager.” Nancy Sakaduski Volunteers are the backbone of many an organization. This practical guide, filled with useful tips and everyday examples, will help those responsible for volunteers successfully recruit and manage this invaluable resource. —DONALD J. KING, SVP, CFO MASTER HALCO, INC. Addressing a topic of critical importance to every business, this book provides managers at all levels the tools to conduct a successful cost-cutting and productivity-improvement program. FRED H. NEU is a certified management consultant with over 35 years of experience in consulting and executive management. Praeger, February 2013, 239pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-4408-2923-9, $48.00, £30.00, €38.00, A$52.00 eBook: 978-1-4408-2924-6 • Eschews theory and jargon in favor of practical advice that is neither complicated nor intimidating NANCY SAKADUSKI, MBA, is owner of Sakaduski Marketing Solutions. Praeger, March 2013, 198pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-4408-0364-2 $37.00, £24.00, €29.00, A$40.00 eBook: 978-1-4408-0365-9 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 19 Assessment and Evaluation of Services Research-Based Planning for Public Libraries Increasing Relevance in the Digital Age Joseph R. Matthews Higher Education Outcomes Assessment for the Twenty-First Century Peter Hernon, Robert E. Dugan, and Candy Schwartz, Editors “Public library administrators and leaders of access services will benefit from this volume, as will students of access services. Those working in access services in other types of libraries may also benefit from this volume.” —ARBA Research-Based Planning for Public Libraries: Increasing Relevance in the Digital Age takes readers through a logical and effective process for developing a plan and implementing it within the various functions of the library. Grounded in research and best practices, the book offers practical, easy-to-implement advice and direction for today’s public library administrators, managers, and board members. Covering everything from goal-setting, policy-making, and budgeting, to collections, promotions, and access and evaluation, the book details how to better provide and promote access, convey its value to customers, and make the library a more integral part of the community. The author inspires library staff and administrators to reinvent themselves to meet—and overcome—the current challenges they face. The information is specifically tailored towards public librarians, particularly those in management or administration, as well as to LIS faculty and students of public librarianship and library management. • Presents a game plan to help public libraries become dynamic, pro-active institutions through well-researched and optimized planning and strategizing • Offers practical, easy-to-implement advice • Provides information grounded in current research JOSEPH R. MATTHEWS is a consultant who has assisted numerous academic, public, and special libraries in a wide variety of projects. October 2013, 207pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-61069-007-2 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-008-9 Higher Education Outcomes Assessment for the Twentyfirst Century focuses on recent developments in outcomes assessment, especially from the perspectives of the federal government and state governments, as well as foundations concerned about the state of higher education. The authors identify the significant changes that these stakeholders call for— information that academic librarians and anyone following outcomes assessment need to be aware of—and interpret the discussions to identify implications for libraries. Building upon the foundation of knowledge presented in the previous two Libraries Unlimited Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education titles, this book provides readers with up-to-date coverage of topics such as the emerging metrics used to define student and institutional success; the increased importance of accountability and the need to compare and assess the performance of programs and institutions rather than individual courses; and the shift in prioritizing student outcomes over student learning outcomes. The authors also spotlight the critical need for libraries to fit their role within the national discussion and suggest ways in which library managers and directors can play a role in redirecting the discussion to their benefit. • Provides current, informed coverage of outcomes assessment in higher education, the shift away from student retention, and the role of the library in these new directions • Includes an appendix that supplies the most complete list of higher education stakeholders and individuals with whom library directors need to interact PETER HERNON, PhD, is professor in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College, Boston, MA. ROBERT E. DUGAN is dean of libraries at University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL. CANDY SCHWARTZ, PhD, is professor at Simmons College, Boston, MA, in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science. May 2013, 258pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-274-8 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-275-5 20 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Assessment and Evaluation of Services NEW Library Assessment in Higher Education Second Edition | Joseph R. Matthews Assessing Information Needs Managing Transformative Library Services Practical Evaluation Techniques for Librarians Rachel Applegate Robert J. Grover, Roger C. Greer, and John Agada “Clarifies the practice of assessment at academic institutions so librarians can evaluate the impact of library services on student learning outcomes and research productivity.” —BOOKLIST (from previous edition) Written specifically to address the library’s role in education, this book provides guidance on performing assessment at academic institutions that will serve to improve teaching effectiveness and prove your library’s impact on student learning outcomes—and thereby demonstrate your library’s value. • Demonstrates the critical nature of assessment in academic libraries in the 21st century • Identifies and discusses in detail effective assessment practices in higher education • Explains why and how specific methods have been useful in determining the library’s impact JOSEPH R. MATTHEWS is a consultant who has assisted numerous academic, public, and special libraries in a wide variety of projects. December 2014, 175pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-61069-817-7 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-818-4 “A how-to manual suitable for library managers.” —BOOKLIST ONLINE “This insightful manual discusses how to evaluate and assess information using different techniques such as surveys and focus groups. . . . A useful guide for gathering practical information.” —SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL Based on a tested model for community analysis, this book offers a guide to the management of client-centered transformative information services that can be applied in any type of library or information agency. • Presents a method of community analysis that has been implemented in more than 100 communities of various sizes and types and is proven to work ROBERT J. GROVER, PhD, is retired associate vice president for academic affairs at Emporia State University, Emporia, KS, and former dean and professor in the School of Library and Information Management. ROGER C. GREER, PhD, is dean emeritus of the School of Library and Information Management, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, and professor emeritus at Emporia State University, Emporia, KS. JOHN AGADA, PhD, is director of Library, Information, and Media Studies at Chicago State University, Chicago, IL. Evaluation is essential to library management: it provides the data that underlies informed and effective decisionmaking. This book is a one-volume, how-to guide to library evaluation techniques, planning, and reporting. • Lays out a clear methodology for quantifying and demonstrating progress towards an objective: measure, analyze, and report • Provides specific directions for writing surveys, conducting interviews, and performing a wide range of evaluation techniques, accompanied by examples to follow RACHEL APPLEGATE, MLS, PhD, is associate professor of library and information science at Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN. August 2013, 232pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-61069-159-8, $50.00 £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-160-4 June 2010, 212pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-59158-797-2 $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00 eBook: 978-1-59158-798-9 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 21 COMING SPRING 2015 A New, Online Professional Development Resource for Librarians at Every Stage of Their Career TOPIC CENTERS INCLUDE Leadership & Management Programs & Services Collection Management Career Building This Dynamic New Subscription-based Online Resource Will Feature: • A variety of multi media learning modules that meet the needs of diverse learning styles • User-friendly subscription-based pricing gives all staff members in your district or institution online access to the full collection of materials—with no per-person charge • All content is created by fellow library colleagues, and completely vetted by experts you know and trust • Self-paced, online learning accommodates your busy schedule, giving you access to professional development content whenever and wherever you want it • A broad range of learning modules have been created for both new and seasoned professionals, and new modules are being added on a regular basis To Learn More about the Professional Learning Network Contact Libraries Unlimited: [email protected] 22 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Leadership and Advocacy Transforming Our Image, Building Our Brand Library Leadership in the United States and Europe The Education Advantage A Comparative Study of Academic and Public Libraries Valerie J. Gross Public Libraries in the 21st Century Ann E. Prentice Peter Hernon and Niels Ole Pors, Editors “[A] 21st-century library model, with a position, doctrine, purpose, and curriculum worthy of study and consideration by every other library in America, if not the world.” —LIBRARY JOURNAL This book describes a groundbreaking concept that enables public libraries—and librarians—to become indispensable by following a “Three Pillars” educational approach, and by replacing traditional terms with powerful, intuitive, value-enhanced terminology that everyone understands. • Demonstrates how to heighten any library’s visibility and stature • Redefines libraries in a new, innovative way that conveys their true worth • Aligns the library with what the community values most: education • Teaches how to incorporate valueenhancing words into everyday lexicon • Presents marketing strategies that can immediately be integrated into your work VALERIE J. GROSS, MM, MLS, JD, has served as president and CEO of Howard County Library System (HCLS) in Maryland since 2001. November 2012, 169pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-770-3 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-771-0 This book helps readers explore how public librarians have reinvented the ways they bring people and information together to meet 21st-century challenges. “Interesting and informative. . . . Highly recommended for everyone.” —THE JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP This book is the first to examine library and information science leadership in the United States and throughout Europe, providing a critical analysis and comparison of leadership in America versus in Europe and the United Kingdom. • Examines and compares leadership across Europe and extends that analysis to the United States • Identifies areas where research is needed • Explains why effective library leadership has been lacking in some European countries PETER HERNON, PhD, is professor in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College, Boston, MA. • Shows how public librarians have taken advantage of research, information technology, and new approaches to service to reposition itself as a true center of the community • Tells the story of the public library and how it continues to be the place where everyone can learn something new that will improve their lives • Shows that the public library is a leader in innovative ways of bringing people and information together ANN E. PRENTICE is professor emerita and former dean of the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD. November 2010, 222pp, 7x10 Hardcover: 978-1-59158-854-2 $70.00, £44.00, €55.00, A$76.00 eBook: 978-1-59158-855-9 Paperback: 978-1-59158-853-5 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 NIELS OLE PORS is professor at the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, where he has previously been dean with responsibilities for both research and education. January 2013, 231pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-126-0 $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-127-7 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 23 LIS Profession FORTHCOMING FORTHCOMING A History of Modern Librarianship Rethinking Information Work Constructing the Heritage of Western Cultures A Career Guide for Librarians and Other Information Professionals Pamela Spence Richards, Wayne A. Wiegand, Marija Dalbello, Editors Second Edition | G. Kim Dority Previous histories of libraries in the Western world—the last of which was published nearly 20 years ago— concentrate on libraries and librarians. This book takes a different approach. It focuses on the practice of librarianship, showing you how that practice has contributed to constructing the heritage of cultures. To do so, this groundbreaking collection of essays presents the history of modern librarianship in the context of recent developments of the library institution, professionalization of librarianship, and innovation through information technology. Organized by region, the book addresses the widely recognized, international impact of Anglo-American librarianship and its continuing influence over the past century, combining critical analysis with chronological histories of modern librarianship in Europe, North America, Australia/New Zealand, and Africa. An introductory chapter explains the origins of the project, and a concluding chapter examines the effects of digitization on modern librarianship in the 21st century. • Discusses the cultural role of libraries and the role of information in shaping modern society • Deepens readers’ understanding of the history of the 20th century and modern librarianship • Analyzes the cycles of “information explosion” and multiple information eras over more than a century The late PAMELA SPENCE RICHARDS, PhD, wrote more than 20 journal articles, including some in Russian, French, Hungarian, and German, and authored or coauthored book chapters and three books. WAYNE A. WIEGAND, PhD, is F. William Summers Professor of As the field of information science continues to evolve, professional-level opportunities in traditional librarianship—especially in school and public libraries—have stalled and contracted, while at the same time information-related opportunities in non-library settings continue to expand. These two coinciding trends are opening up many new job opportunities for LIS professionals, but the challenge lies in helping them (and LIS students) understand how to align their skills and mindsets with these new opportunities. The new edition of G. Kim Dority’s Rethinking Information Work: A Career Guide for Librarians and Other Information Professionals gives readers helpful information on self-development, including learning to thrive on change, using key career skills like professional networking and brand-building, and how to make wise professional choices. Taking readers through a planning process that starts with self-examination and ends in creating an actionable career path, the book presents an expansive approach that considers all LIS career possibilities and introduces readers to new opportunities. This guide is appropriate for those embarking on careers in library and information science as well as those looking to make a change, providing career design strategies that can be used to build a lifetime of career opportunity. • Identifies a broad range of Library and Information Science (LIS) career options • Helps LIS students and practitioners perform a self-assessment to determine their “best fit” job preferences • Examines the pros and cons of traditional, nontraditional, and independent LIS career paths Library and Information Studies Emeritus at Florida State University, Tallahassee. G. KIM DORITY is chief content officer for WebPsychology.com MARIJA DALBELLO, PhD, is associate professor of information September 2015, 250pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-959-4 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-960-0 science in the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. June 2015, 256pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-099-7 $60.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00, eBook: 978-1-4408-3473-8 24 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 as well as founder and president of Dority & Associates, Inc. LIS Profession Introduction to the Library and Information Professions Second Edition | Roger C. Greer, Robert J. Grover, and Susan G. Fowler “This volume is wellwritten and delivers a compelling story.” —ARBA This comprehensive book prepares readers for a changing profession in the library and information field, presenting a holistic approach that examines theories and models and utilizes creative problem-solving strategies. ROGER C. GREER, MLS, PhD, is dean emeritus of the School of Library and Information Management at University of Southern California. ROBERT J. GROVER, MLS, PhD, was associate vice president for academic affairs and dean of graduate studies at Emporia State University. SUSAN G. FOWLER, MLS, teaches at Flint Hills Technical College in Emporia, KS. June 2013, 197pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-157-4 $65.00, £41.00, €51.00, A$70.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-158-1 What Do Employers Want? A Guide for Library Science Students Priscilla K. Shontz and Richard A. Murray “[S]hould be an obligatory purchase for all library school students and new graduates trying to find their first professional job.” —AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION A candid, comprehensive, and insightful explanation of what library school students need to do in order to maximize their chances of getting a professional position immediately after graduation. PRISCILLA K. SHONTZ is editor of the library career site LIScareer.com. RICHARD A. MURRAY is metadata librarian in the digital collections program at the Duke University Libraries in Durham, NC. LIS Career Sourcebook Managing and Maximizing Every Step of Your Career G. Kim Dority “[A]n excellent balance of theoretical outline and practical tips for LIS career planning and job hunting. . . . I am recommending this book to anyone in the LIS world. It is smartly organized with extensive details and resources for developing a successful career working with information.” —AMAZON.COM CUSTOMER A must-have guide of professional development resources for library staff at every phase of their career—from those just entering the field, to paraprofessionals building a career trajectory, to seasoned librarians looking to explore additional career options. G. KIM DORITY is chief content officer for WebPsychology.com as well as founder and president of Dority & Associates, Inc. October 2012, 246pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-59884-931-8 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-932-5 TIP FROM AN EXPERT | G. KIM DORITY “One of the coolest things about taking a wide-open approach to LIS career options is that you can always make it up as you go along—which often gives you an opportunity to create your own job description and salary range. Go for it!” June 2012, 118pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59884-828-1 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-829-8 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 25 LIS Profession Critical Theory for Library and Information Science Special Libraries Exploring the Social from Across the Disciplines James M. Matarazzo and Toby Pearlstein With the assistance of Sylvia James Introduction by Barbara Quint Gloria J. Leckie, Lisa M. Given, and John E. Buschman, Editors The practical application of library and information science is based upon 75 years of critical theory and thought. Therefore, it is essential for students and faculty in LIS to be familiar with the work of a wide range of critical theorists. The aim of Critical Theory for Library and Information Science: Exploring the Social from Across the Disciplines is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the critical theorists important to the LIS audience, and to give insights into how such theory can be incorporated into actual LIS research and practice. This book consists of chapters on individual critical theorists ranging from Aglietta to Habermas to Spivak, written by an international group of library and information science scholars. Each chapter provides an overview of the theoretical stance and contributions of the theorist, as well as relevant critical commentary. This book will be particularly valuable as a reference text of core readings for those pursuing doctoral or masters level degrees in LIS. • Brings together a wide range of critical theorists never previously combined for the LIS audience • Provides a basic overview of each theorist’s key writings in a manner accessible both to students and faculty • Includes an introductory presentation of the development of critical theory over the past 75 years GLORIA J. LECKIE is associate professor and LIS program coordinator in the faculty of Information and Media Studies, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. LISA M. GIVEN is professor in the School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. A Survival Guide “[A] master class in planning for specialized information services. It is a must-read for special librarians concerned about their professional futures and is equally relevant for educators charged with developing competencies in library students.” —INFORMATION OUTLOOK Special Libraries: A Survival Guide analyzes what has happened— and is still continuing to happen—to corporate libraries in order to identify the strategies that must be taken to protect their staff’s survival. Through a careful examination of a series of case studies of corporate library reductions and closures, authors James M. Matarazzo and Toby Pearlstein suggest key strategies, tactics, and survival tools that all types of special library managers can use to minimize their chances of becoming a victim. The book underscores the importance of collecting data as a survival tool. Additionally, it identifies what needs to be taught to students currently enrolled in library and information science (LIS) programs to give them a leg up in careers. This advocacy book is essential reading for staff at special/ corporate libraries in the English-speaking world who wish to retain their positions, but it also contains information applicable to today’s academic, public, and even school libraries. It is appropriate for students in the field of library and information science, LIS faculty, and corporate executives responsible for the management of the information function. JAMES M. MATARAZZO, PhD, is dean and professor emeritus at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College, Boston, MA. JOHN E. BUSCHMAN is associate university librarian for collections TOBY PEARLSTEIN, PhD, is retired director of global information services for Bain & Company, Inc., a management consulting firm. development, preservation, and scholarly communication at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. April 2013, 167pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-267-0 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-268-7 July 2010, 326pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-59158-938-9 $70.00, £44.00, €55.00, A$76.00, eBook: 978-1-59158-940-2 26 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Adult Services and Programs FORTHCOMING NEW NextGen Genealogy The DNA Connection David Dowell Now that DNA testing for genealogical purposes has existed for nearly a decade and a half—and been refined and improved during that time—it has established its value among family history researchers. It is now becoming accepted as another tool in the kit of well-rounded genealogists. This book covers this fast-growing application of genetics, empowering genealogists to apply this information to further their research. It will also enable general readers to understand how genetic information can be applied to verify or refute documentary research—and to break down frustrating walls that block the discovery of ancestors. The book describes the three major categories of DNA testing for family history research: Y-chromosome tests for investigating paternal (surname) lines, mitochondrial tests for investigating maternal (umbilical) lines, and autosomal tests for exploring close relationships. Expert genealogist David Dowell provides guidance on deciding which test to take and identifying which members of your family should be tested to answer your most important genealogical questions. Readers will also learn how to interpret the results of tests and methods for further analysis to get additional value from them. DAVID DOWELL, PhD, is an author and genealogist who has been researching his Librarians’ Guide to Working With Military and Veteran Communities Kristen J. Mulvihill Practical advice on how best to serve veterans and military families in your community, including effective ways to develop new outreach partnerships and collaborations. add information coded within our • Written by a military veteran and professional librarian with extensive experience working with these communities, this is the first guidebook of its kind • Recommends how libraries can coordinate their efforts with existing veterans’ agencies to provide the best, most efficient community services to veterans and their families • Explains how to estimate the number of veterans and their families in your library community and provides a solid overview of the range of issues and questions they face cells. By increasing your information KRISTEN J. MULVIHILL, MLIS, is a family history since the 1960s. He is the manager of two surname DNA projects and was an academic librarian for 35 years. November 2014, 136pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-727-9 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-728-6 ALSO OF INTEREST Serving Those Who Served Crash Course in Genealogy, page 31. TIP FROM AN EXPERT | DAVID DOWELL “DNA testing allows us to confirm, refute or take family history research in entirely new directions as we literacy about the power and librarian at the San Diego Public Library. limitations of current DNA testing June 2015, 200pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-4408-3432-5 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-4408-3433-2 tools you can advance your patrons’ research.” O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 27 Adult Services and Programs NEW NEW Teaching Internet Basics Teaching Social Media The Can-Do Guide The Can-Do Guide Joel A. Nichols Foreword by Jessamyn West Liz Kirchhoff Perfect for public librarians, instructional librarians, technology and digital resource specialists, and library training specialists, this book is an essential resource for digital literacy instruction. • Frames instruction of Internet basics in an economical and highly relevant manner for public librarians and their users • Provides complete training scripts with step-by-step instructions and sample screen shots • Suggests hands-on activities that apply skills taught and provide opportunity for independent practice • Contains an annotated appendix of free online courseware that supplements and enhances Internet basics instruction JOEL A. NICHOLS, MA, MSLIS, is branch manager and children’s librarian at the Free Library of Philadelphia. October 2014, 140pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-61069-741-5 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-742-2 28 Librarians who want to begin, expand, or improve their programs on teaching social media to adults and teens will find this guide invaluable. • Shows librarians how to get started with a social media program and enlist support from administration and other staff • Offers step-by-step instructions for planning and teaching a program built around seven specific, popular social media applications—Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Yelp, Google+, Foursquare, and Pinterest—as well as tips for teaching other programs, such as Instagram and Tumblr • Provides guidelines on customizing class topics and format to meet community needs • Shows how to avoid pitfalls and how to deal with problems when they do arise • Includes easily adaptable, time-saving handouts for each class LIZ KIRCHHOFF, MLIS, is adult services librarian at the Barrington Area Library in Barrington, IL. August 2014, 121pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-61069-556-5 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-557-2 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Library Services for Adults in the 21st Century Elsie A. Rogers Halliday Okobi “[T]his book will help the 21stcentury public librarian in developing and implementing adult services that address the composition, diversity, and needs of today’s adults.” —ARBA Develop the competencies needed to provide effective adult services in modern public libraries with this comprehensive guidebook. • Gathers the history and development of adult services in public libraries, training techniques for adult services, and descriptions of best practices into one indispensable book ELSIE A. ROGERS HALLIDAY OKOBI, MLS, MSIS, EdD, is associate professor of library and information science at the Department of Information and Library Sciences, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven. December 2013, 242pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-59158-705-7 $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-618-0 Adult Services and Programs Librarian’s Guide to Passive Programming Easy and Affordable Activities for All Ages Blueprint for a Job Center at Your Library Ready-Made Book Displays This unique book covers the who, what, when, where, why, and, most important, the HOW of creating a career center or job seeker program in a public library. Providing more than 50 fiction display descriptions, this book identifies themes for the entire year and includes titles for signage, annotated book lists, prop and material ideas, as well as photographs that show how to pull it all together. Bernice Kao and Megan Pittsley-Fox Nancy M. Henkel Emily T. Wichman “Stuck in a programming rut? If you’re looking for ideas and inspiration to reinvigorate your programming, this volume is a great place to start. . . . Recommended for public librarians serving all ages.” —BOOKLIST ONLINE “Public libraries and school libraries will benefit from all the ideas included and, as many of these are intergenerational, college libraries might also benefit from some of these activities as outreach techniques.” —ARBA • Explains the need for job centers and showcases an expanding role for librarians in staffing them • Reviews various types of programs and services that can help meet the needs of job seekers • Shows how to research community needs and publicize services • Provides samples of forms and marketing materials from which libraries can draw BERNICE KAO, MLS, is a recently retired job service librarian who worked in university, corporate, and public libraries in 6 different states over a span of 39 years. MEGAN PITTSLEY-FOX worked with Learn the concept of passive programming and get started easily with plans for implementing a wide array of intergenerational programs in libraries with this professional primer. • Includes activities for promoting patrons’ interest in—and use of—the library Livermore Public Library to create the Free2Succeed Job Center, which was founded in 2008. December 2013, 142pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-61069-152-9 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-153-6 • Provides ready-to-go display idea descriptions, each accompanied by a photo as well as a booklist that serves as a jumpstart for the display’s inventory • Covers a wide variety of themes well beyond simple genres, including displays united by setting, title words, and even cover art • Discusses the philosophy of displays and examines the critical connection between displays and readers’ advisory NANCY M. HENKEL, MLS, is managing librarian for the King County Library System, Renton, WA. Her published works include several articles about serving on book award committees. July 2011, 182pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-59884-862-5 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-123-9 EMILY T. WICHMAN is branch supervisor and adult services librarian at the MilfordMiami Township Branch of Clermont County Public Library, Milford, OH. March 2012, 152pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-59884-895-3 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-896-0 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 29 Adult Services and Programs Crash Course Series The Crash Course series was created for library staff who need basic information on various service-specific topics. The titles in this series take a simple, “how-to” approach that focuses on providing all the fundamental knowledge needed for day-today library services. The books can serve as handy references, practical workshop guides, or effective training manuals, and will be useful to new librarians as well as staff who may need refresher information for new areas of responsibility. FORTHCOMING NEW Crash Course in Weeding Crash Course in Marketing for Libraries Francisca Goldsmith Second Edition | Susan W. Alman and Sara Gillespie Swanson June 2015, 116pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-4408-3688-6 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-4408-3689-3 December 2014, 177pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-870-2 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-871-9 NEW NEW Crash Course in Storytime Fundamentals Crash Course in Children’s Services Second Edition | Penny Peck Second Edition | Penny Peck January 2015, 168pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-783-5 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-784-2 September 2014, 139pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-781-1 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-782-8 NEW NEW Crash Course in Readers’ Advisory Crash Course in Collection Development Cynthia Orr Second Edition | Wayne Disher December 2014, 125pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-825-2 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-826-9 September 2014, 139pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-813-9 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-814-6 30 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Adult Services and Programs Crash Course Series Crash Course in Dealing with Difficult Library Customers Shelley E. Mosley, Dennis C. Tucker, and Sandra Van Winkle December 2013, 173pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-283-0 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-284-7 Crash Course in Gaming Suellen S. Adams “A balanced reading list of professional materials and a short list of picture books are appended. The book is comprehensive, yet centered on the essential elements of this aspect of the profession.” —SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL November 2013, 125pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-046-1 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-047-8 Crash Course in Public Library Administration Crash Course in Strategic Planning Stephen A. Matthews and Kimberly D. Matthews Wayne Disher “The work is a great review as well as introduction to the life of a librarian, illustrating both the positive and the challenging situations.” “An ideal instructional reference . . . strongly recommended.” —MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW —ARBA August 2013, 101pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59884-482-5 $35.00, £22.00, €28.00, A$38.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-059-1 Crash Course in Library Services for Seniors Ann Roberts and Stephanie G. Bauman September 2010, 163pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59884-465-8 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-058-4 Crash Course in Library Services to Preschool Children Betsy Diamant-Cohen May 2012, 154pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-079-9 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-080-5 “All librarians who deal with preschoolers will benefit from the ideas, concepts, and guidance provided here.” —BOOKLIST ONLINE Crash Course in Genealogy August 2010, 137pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59884-688-1 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-057-7 David Dowell “[This] book can be profitably enjoyed by anyone wanting to learn about a rapidly expanding hobby.” —LIBRARY JOURNAL June 2011, 220pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59884-939-4 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-940-0 Crash Course in Library Services to People with Disabilities Ann Roberts and Richard J. Smith “Recommended for all libraries exploring their service to the disabled.” —LIBRARY JOURNAL March 2010, 158pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59158-767-5 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-056-0 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 31 Readers’ Advisory Services NEW The Pleasures of Reading A Booklover’s Alphabet NEW The Slow Book Revolution Creating a New Culture of Reading on College Campuses and Beyond Catherine Sheldrick Ross Meagan Lacy, Editor “Whether a librarian or educator, these ideas and inspirations will offer ideas for encouraging a love of reading in all patrons, students, and others who need encouragement to see reading as a fun event.” —ARBA ONLINE Following up on her critically acclaimed Reading Matters: What the Research Reveals about Reading, Libraries, and Community, Catherine Sheldrick Ross takes a new look at pleasure reading through 30 thought-provoking essays based on themes arranged from A to Z. In short lively chapters, she discusses topics ranging from “Alexia,” “Bad Reading,” and “Changing Lives” to “Romance Fiction,” “Self-help,” “Titles,” “Vampires,” and “Year of Reading.” Drawing on her own research as well as other published sources, Ross comments on the significance of each theme, provides examples of the phenomenon, and develops the topic chronologically, through further examples, or through reversals. • Supplies succinct, authoritative, and readable accounts on a wide range of genre literature and explains why these types of books appeal to readers • Promotes the librarian’s role with readers and helps librarians design readers’ advisory services to better serve readers • Offers valuable insights into readers and reading based on reading research • Includes an extensive bibliography and list of relevant titles for further reading • Provides a fascinating read for librarians, educators, and avid readers In a world of constant Facebook posts and Tweets, digital distractions and online reading habits are wearing at students’ ability to focus, reflect, synthesize, and think deeply. This professional text, based on a concept introduced by Maura Kelly in the online edition of The Atlantic, delves into the trend toward contemplative reading—otherwise known as the Slow Book movement—explaining what it is, why it’s important, and how you can implement it in various ways and in multiple settings. Author and librarian Meagan Lacy, along with contributions from others in the field, offers insights, advice, and practical tools to help you foster an appreciation of reading in students both during and after college. The first part of the book establishes the importance of the Slow Book movement, while the second and third sections combine case studies and guidance for employing the principles of this method across multiple genres, including fiction, nonfiction, classics, and contemporary works. Chapters build a rationale for the approach, describe its underlying philosophy, and articulate concrete ways to apply the methodology in different venues. • Explains how you can address your users’ growing needs for sustained reflection and authentic connection • Shows how leading and promoting the Slow Book movement adds new value to your library • Presents examples and advice that you can use and adapt to lead the Slow Book movement at your library • Shows ways in which academic, public, and school librarians can form partnerships for literacy outreach programs CATHERINE SHELDRICK ROSS, PhD, is professor emeritus of Library and Information Science at Western University, Ontario, Canada. MEAGAN LACY is the information literacy librarian at Guttman June 2014, 270pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59158-695-1 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-433-9 September 2014, 160pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-61069-715-6 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-716-3 32 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Community College at The City University of New York. Readers’ Advisory Services NEW Crash Course in Readers’ Advisory Cynthia Orr One of the key services librarians provide is helping readers find books they’ll enjoy. This “crash course” will furnish you with the basic, practical information you need to excel at readers’ advisory (RA) for adults and teens. • Serves as a practical, down-to-earth, all-in-one introduction to a subject that is essential for librarians working in the field • Summarizes the best practices of readers’ advisory service and the best tools for readers’ advisors • Introduces tools for identifying read-alikes and discusses new trends and approaches in readers’ advisory • Includes lists of the best sources for further reading for those who wish to delve more deeply into a subject • Can serve as a text or manual for in-service training or be used as supplementary reading in LIS courses CYNTHIA ORR is digital collection advisor for OverDrive, Inc. She speaks and writes on the topics of readers’ advisory service, technical services, and collection management. December 2014, 125pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-61069-825-2 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-826-9 ALSO OF INTEREST Read more about the Crash Course series on pages 30–31. Food Lit Going Places A Reader’s Guide to Epicurean Nonfiction A Reader’s Guide to Travel Narrative Melissa Brackney Stoeger Robert Burgin “Check out this jam-packed readers’ advisory gem for further reading suggestions when you’re feeling hungry for the written word. . . . A scrumptious buy for public libraries.” —LIBRARY JOURNAL “The hundreds of annotations alone make any librarian’s job much, much easier, but Stoeger’s inclusion of appendix materials . . . makes this an outstanding reference tool for any public library collection.” —BOOKLIST An essential tool for assisting leisure readers interested in topics surrounding food, this unique book contains annotations and readalikes for hundreds of nonfiction titles about the joys of comestibles and cooking. • Provides an unprecedented readers’ advisory guide dedicated to food literature • Contains annotations of hundreds of nonfiction titles about food MELISSA BRACKNEY STOEGER, MLIS, is readers’ advisory librarian at Deerfield Public Library, IL. “Another must-have for readers’ advisors. . . . The excellent definitions and annotations will help librarians and readers understand and find books on this popular subject.” —BOOKLIST Successfully navigate the rich world of travel narratives and identify fiction and nonfiction read-alikes with this detailed and expertly constructed guide. • Lists, describes, and tags more than 500 popular travel narratives • Maps titles according to genre and appeal, grouping titles according to areas of reading interest • Detailed indexes provide access by destination or setting, as well as by author, title, and subject ROBERT BURGIN, PhD, is a consultant to libraries and a former professor at North Carolina Central University’s School of Library and Information Sciences. January 2013, 572pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-972-1 $70.00, £44.00, €55.00, A$76.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-385-1 January 2013, 350pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-706-2 $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-376-9 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 33 Readers’ Advisory Services Genreflecting Advisory Series Series Editor: Diana Tixier Herald Significantly expanded and updated, the titles in this highly acclaimed series are designed to help you quickly locate the kind of fiction your library patrons are looking for. FORTHCOMING FORTHCOMING Encountering Enchantment Perfectly Paranormal A Guide to Speculative Fiction for Teens A Guide to Adult and Teen Reading Interests Second Edition | Susan Fichtelberg Nanci Milone Hill The most current and complete guide to a favorite teen genre, this book maps current releases along with perennial favorites, describing and categorizing fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction titles published since 2006. This is an indispensable resource for librarians and library school students looking for a better understanding of the paranormal genre—or for fans seeking to expand their exposure to it. NANCI MILONE HILL is director of the M.G. Parker Memorial Library in Dracut, MA. SUSAN FICHTELBERG has been a children’s librarian for 27 years. September 2015, 300pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-322-6 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-323-3 September 2015, 280pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-113-0 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-4408-3451-6 Reality Rules II A Guide to Teen Nonfiction Reading Interests Genreflecting A Guide to Popular Reading Interests Mostly Manga A Genre Guide to Popular Manga, Manhwa, Manhua, and Anime Elizabeth Fraser Seventh Edition | Cynthia Orr and Diana Tixier Herald, Editors Elizabeth F. S. Kalen H AWARD WINNER Best Book for Kids and Teens Selection —The Canadian Children’s Book Centre “Current library workers in RA as well as today’s library students will benefit from all that this book provides.” —LIBRARY JOURNAL “[I]ncludes quick picks for reluctant readers as well as popular paperbacks. . . . Overall coverage is good.” —BOOKLIST ONLINE October 2012, 230pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-790-1 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-292-2 April 2013, 622pp, 7x10 Hardcover: 978-1-59884-840-3 $75.00, £47.00, €59.00, A$81.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-461-2 Paperback: 978-1-59884-841-0 $65.00, £41.00, €51.00, A$70.00 Women’s Fiction A Guide to Popular Reading Interests Rebecca Vnuk and Nanette Donohue September 2013, 233pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-920-2 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-538-1 “[W]ill be equally helpful for collection development and readers’ advisory, both for libraries just starting out and those with established graphic-novel collections.” —BOOKLIST ONLINE January 2012, 164pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-938-7 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-234-2 Romance Fiction A Guide to the Genre Second Edition | Kristin Ramsdell “This revision of a classic readers’ advisory resource is an essential purchase for public and academic library readers’ services collections.” —BOOKLIST, STARRED REVIEW March 2012, 719pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59158-177-2 $75.00, £47.00, €59.00, A$81.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-235-9 34 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Readers’ Advisory Services Read On Series Series Editor: Barry Trott The Read On series offers readers and readers’ advisors an alternative approach for finding and recommending books. NEW Read On...Romance Reading Lists for Every Taste C. L. Quillen and Ilene N. Lefkowitz This well-organized reference guide offers scores of appeals-based read-alike lists for some of the most popular, contemporary romance fiction. C. L. QUILLEN is the supervising librarian at the West Caldwell Library, NJ. ILENE N. LEFKOWITZ is the supervising librarian of adult services at the Denville Public Library, NJ. June 2014, 136pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-61069-400-1, $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-401-8 Read On...Sports Reading Lists for Every Taste Craig A. Clark and Richard T. Fox “[U]seful for readers’ advisory in libraries and will appeal to sports fans, so consider a copy in your circulating collection as well.” —BOOKLIST December 2013, 167pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-61069-357-8 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-358-5 Read On...History Reading Lists for Every Taste Tina Frolund “Frolund provides the reader with a lifetime’s worth of recommendations for reading pleasure, based on appeal factors such as story, character, setting, language, and mood/tone.” —BOOKLIST ONLINE October 2013, 195pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-61069-034-8 $30.00, £19.00, €24.00, A$33.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-432-2 Read On...Speculative Fiction for Teens Reading Lists for Every Taste Jamie Kallio “Young adult libraries providing readers’ advisory services to teens will enjoy this book and will find many other books to recommend.” —ARBA August 2012, 126pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-59884-653-9 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-278-6 Read On...Biography Reading Lists for Every Taste Rick Roche “Another winner in the excellent Read On Series, this volume is the perfect complement to Rosalind Reisner’s Read On . . . Life Stories and is an essential purchase for public libraries.” —BOOKLIST, STARRED REVIEW March 2012, 163pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-59884-701-7 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-179-6 Read On...Graphic Novels Reading Lists for Every Taste Abby Alpert “This accessible guide is equally effective for collection building, readers’ advisory, or individual perusal, and most public collections will find it perceptive and helpful. Recommended.” —BOOKLIST ONLINE February 2012, 177pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-59158-825-2 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-155-0 Read On...Audiobooks Reading Lists for Every Taste Joyce G. Saricks “All libraries that circulate audiobooks should shelve this guide alongside.” —BOOKLIST March 2011, 145pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-59158-804-7 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00 eBook: 978-1-59158-807-8 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 35 Reference Services NEW Health Librarianship An Introduction NEW Jeffrey T. Huber and Feili Tu-Keefner, Editors Foreword by Fred W. Roper Intended for students interested in careers as health sciences librarians, this insightful book presents a current view of trends and issues in the field of health librarianship from leading scholars and practitioners. • Presents current information on key issues and trends in health librarianship from contributors with many decades of combined experience JEFFREY T. HUBER, PhD, is director and professor in the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Kentucky. FEILI TU-KEEFNER, PhD, is associate professor in the School of Library and Information Science at the University of South Carolina. August 2014, 295pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-321-9 $75.00, £47.00, €59.00, A$81.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-887-0 Knowledge into Action Research and Evaluation in Library and Information Science Danny P. Wallace and Connie Van Fleet “[I]nformation professionals in all types of libraries can benefit from incorporating research and evaluation into their regular planning activities.” —ENDNOTES: THE JOURNAL OF THE NEW MEMBERS ROUND TABLE The only book currently available that comprehensively integrates research and evaluation for evidence-based library and information science practice. DANNY P. WALLACE is professor and EBSCO Chair of Library Service in the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alabama. The late CONNIE VAN FLEET was professor in the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Oklahoma. June 2012, 388pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-59884-975-2 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-266-3 36 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Librarian’s Guide to Online Searching Cultivating Database Skills for Research and Instruction Fourth Edition | Suzanne S. Bell Experienced librarian and instructor Suzanne S. Bell presents methods for effectively searching across disciplines and interfaces in this updated guide, the first edition of which was a pioneer in the field of online research and methodology. Extensively revised and updated throughout with additional features, fresh content, and the latest in web-based resources, the book focuses on two broad themes: effective searching of library databases and mentoring your library patrons to do the same. • Companion website with additional information and exercises • New “Additional Resources” sections for each database chapter, providing exposure to more database names and vendors, as well as a new section on discovery services S UZANNE S. BELL is the business librarian at the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. January 2015, 310pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-998-3 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-999-0 TIP FROM AN EXPERT SUZANNE S. BELL “The search you start with is seldom the search you end up with. For example, it’s perfectly ok to start a search by simply throwing keywords into a library database. But then use your eyes and engage your brain too. Look at the results and reconstruct your search, using what you’ve learned.” Reference Services NEW Demystifying eResearch A Primer for Librarians Victoria Martin eResearch presents new challenges in managing data. This book explains to librarians and other information specialists what eResearch is, how it impacts library services and collections, and how to contribute to eResearch activities at their parent institutions. • Provides librarians and other information professionals with a clear understanding of what eResearch is, how it impacts library mission, services and collections • Defines and explains key eResearch terms and concepts • Describes eResearch library initiatives and identifies best practices VICTORIA MARTIN is the life sciences librarian at the University Libraries of George Mason University, a position she has held since 2001. October 2014, 190pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-61069-520-6 $75.00, £47.00, €59.00, A$81.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-521-3 ALSO OF INTEREST Reference Reborn: Breathing New Life into Public Services Librarianship at www.librariesunlimited.com Reference and Information Services An Introduction Fourth Edition | Richard E. Bopp and Linda C. Smith, Editors Reflecting the dramatic changes shaped by rapidly developing technologies over the past six years, this new fourth edition of Reference and Information Services takes the introduction to reference sources and services significantly beyond the content of the first three editions. The Reference Interview Today Susan Knoer Learn and perfect the skills needed to conduct satisfying reference interviews in the modern technological environment with this easy-to-use guide. • Provides an essential how-to guide for acquiring and honing the interviewing skills all reference librarians need • Presents practical information without confusing jargon SUSAN KNOER teaches a reference class online for the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. June 2011, 138pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59884-822-9 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-823-6 Basic Research Methods for Librarians Fifth Edition | Lynn Silipigni Connaway and Ronald R. Powell “Highly recommended for all librarians and library and information science students who contemplate research projects.” —AMAZON.COM CUSTOMER Thoroughly updated, this book introduces the major issues involved in designing and conducting original research relevant to the fields of library and information science. • Addresses the role of research in librarianship with supporting examples and discussions of studies within the library and information science field • Outlines the major steps in the development of a research study LYNN SILIPIGNI CONNAWAY, PhD, is senior research scientist at OCLC Research. Her research has been funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and JISC in the United Kingdom. RONALD R. POWELL, PhD, is professor emeritus of the School of Library and Information Science at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. The late RICHARD E. BOPP was emeritus associate professor of library administration at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. LINDA C. SMITH is professor and associate dean, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign. September 2010, 370pp, 7x10, Hardcover: 978-1-59158-863-4 $70.00, £44.00, €55.00, A$76.00, eBook: 978-1-59158-868-9 Paperback: 978-1-59158-865-8, $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 May 2011, 743pp, 7x10, Hardcover: 978-1-59158-365-3 $70.00, £44.00, €55.00, A$76.00, Paperback: 978-1-59158-374-5 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-817-5 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 37 Reference Tools—Adult FORTHCOMING Recommended Reference Books for Small and MediumSized Libraries and Media Centers NEW American Reference Books Annual 2015 Edition, Volume 46 Shannon Graff Hysell, Associate Editor NEW Index to American Reference Books Annual 2010–2014 A Cumulative Index to Subjects, Authors, and Titles Shannon Graff Hysell, Associate Editor 2015 Edition, Volume 35 Shannon Graff Hysell, Associate Editor “A gold mine of reference materials for not-so-large libraries.” “The reviews detail the strengths and weaknesses of each reference work in areas such as usefulness, organization, relevance, writing style, availability of supplementary materials, and similarity to other works and previous editions.” —BOOK NEWS —VOYA (from previous editions) An essential resource for collection development specialists in small and medium-sized libraries, this guide identifies the highest quality, most affordable, and most appropriate new reference materials in any field. SHANNON GRAFF HYSELL has been editor of ARBA for the past 15 years. April 2015, 300pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-4408-3757-9 $75.00 £47.00, €59.00, A$81.00 Comprising professional reviews of the latest reference resources written by practicing academic, public, and school librarians, ARBA will help all types of librarians build a strong reference collection for their library, no matter the size of their budget. SHANNON GRAFF HYSELL has been editor This index is more than a location device on reference materials; it is a critical collection development tool for the scholar, librarian, and reader seeking to tap ARBA’s wealth of information. • Provides access to the more than 7,500 reviews written for the past five years of American Reference Books Annual (ARBA) SHANNON GRAFF HYSELL has been editor of ARBA for the past 15 years. May 2014, 291pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-547-3 $85.00, £54.00, €67.00, A$92.00 of ARBA for the past 15 years. March 2015, 600pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-4408-3756-2 $155.00, £97.00, €122.00, A$167.00 American Reference Books Annual Online For more than 30 years, American Reference Books Annual has been a trusted resource to which library and informational science professionals have turned for the most authoritative and reliable reviews of reference materials. Over the years, ARBA has evolved along with the ever-changing library profession by providing reviews of electronic products and serving as a source of information on professional products for librarians and information specialists. To sign up for a FREE 30-day preview, visit arbaonline.com 38 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Reference Tools—Adult Information Resources in the Humanities and the Arts Science and Technology Resources Sixth Edition | Anna H. Perrault and Elizabeth S. Aversa, with contributing authors, Cynthia Miller and Sonia Ramírez Wohlmuth H AWARD WINNER Best Professional Book of the Year, 2012 —Teacher Librarian “[A]dditional sections and the fact that the majority of the book contains completely new material enhance the usefulness of this edition.” —ARBA This familiar guide to information resources in the humanities and the arts, organized by subjects and emphasizing electronic resources, enables librarians, teachers, and students to quickly find the best resources for their diverse needs. ANNA H. PERRAULT, PhD, is professor emerita in the School of Information at the University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. ELIZABETH S. AVERSA, PhD, is professor at The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. December 2012, 461pp, 7x10, Hardcover: 978-1-59884-832-8 $80.00, £50.00, €63.00, A$87.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-327-1 Paperback: 978-1-59884-833-5, $65.00, £41.00, €51.00, A$70.00 Strauss’s Handbook of Business Information A Guide for Information Professionals and Researchers James E. Bobick and G. Lynn Berard “Two experienced librarians and authors have written a guide to the literature of science and technology. . . . A timely resource to add to reference collections and to the library science curriculum.” —BOOKLIST ONLINE An indispensable resource for anyone wanting to create, maintain, improve, understand, or use the diverse information resources within a sci-tech library. • The first comprehensive text in 15 years to cover the literature of science and technology, including basic resources JAMES E. BOBICK is former head of the Science and Technology department at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. G. LYNN BERARD is principal librarian in the science libraries at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. April 2011, 285pp, 7x10, Hardcover: 978-1-59158-793-4 $75.00, £47.00, €59.00, A$81.00, eBook: 978-1-59158-794-1 Paperback: 978-1-59158-801-6, $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00 The Entrepreneur’s Information Sourcebook A Guide for Librarians, Students, and Researchers Charting the Path to Small Business Success Third Edition | Rita W. Moss and David G. Ernsthausen H AWARD WINNER Significant New Edition Business Reference Source, 2013—RUSA/BRASS Strauss’s latest edition is an essential text for library students; an indispensable guide for practitioners in public, academic, and special libraries who deal with business inquiries; and a resource for entrepreneurs and business professionals. RITA W. MOSS is business/economics librarian at the University of Second Edition | Susan C. Awe “This book is recommended for public and academic library collections with clientele who are small business owners, future entrepreneurs, and business students.” —ARBA For 21st-century entrepreneurs, this book provides the practical guidance they need to overcome the often intimidating challenges of starting, organizing, and running a new business effectively and efficiently. North Carolina, Chapel Hill. SUSAN C. AWE is full professor of librarianship for the University DAVID G. ERNSTHAUSEN, MBA, MLS, is librarian at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Kenan-Flagler Business School. Libraries at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. Awe has been a business librarian for 30 years. February 2012, 399pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-59884-807-6 $100.00, £63.00, €79.00, A$108.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-236-6 January 2012, 285pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59884-786-4 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-787-1 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 39 Children’s and Young Adult Services NEW Crash Course in Children’s Services Second Edition | Penny Peck Crash Course in Gaming Suellen S. Adams Better Serving Teens through School Library–Public Library Collaborations Cherie P. Pandora and Stacey Hayman Useful for newcomers to the children’s library staff as well as longtime children’s librarians, the second edition of this popular handbook provides easy-tofollow instructions to make innovations in children’s library materials work for you. • Covers new technologies and Common Core standards in addition to traditional areas of children’s services • Allows any library staff to comfortably assist children searching for reference and homework help, offer effective readers’ advisory assistance, and perform basic promotion of books to children • Supplies information that is useful for newcomers to the children’s library staff and those who substitute at the children’s desk as well as longtime children’s librarians or experienced staff taking on new responsibilities PENNY PECK is a part-time instructor at the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State University, CA. September 2014, 139pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-61069-781-1 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-782-8 ALSO OF INTEREST “Libraries looking for guidance on building, maintaining, and growing a successful circulating collection for gamers will find this book invaluable, as will libraries with a need to overhaul their collections.” —SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL Video games aren’t just for kids anymore. This book will describe the “why” and “how” to start or expand a video gaming program in the library, including some specific examples of how to target adult and female gamer patrons. • Includes general information and tips for programs as well as specific examples of programs that have worked • Discusses both programming and collection development SUELLEN S. ADAMS, PhD, is an independent researcher and adjunct professor. November 2013, 125pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-61069-046-1 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-047-8 Read more about the Crash Course series on pages 30–31. “School librarians and teen librarians in public libraries will find practical ideas for working together to better serve their common patrons and communities in this title. . . . Ideas for programs, using social networks, and grant writing will be useful not only for those looking to collaborate, but for individual librarians as well. This is a well-written, practical guide that should be in most school and public libraries.” —VOYA In this practical guidebook, experienced librarians—a public librarian and a school librarian—share advice and ideas for extending resources, containing costs, and leveraging capabilities between school and public libraries, offering insights and strategies to overcome today’s economic challenges. • Explains how to navigate tricky political situations that can arise when trying to please two distinct administrative boards CHERIE P. PANDORA is instructor at Bryant and Stratton College, Akron, OH. STACEY HAYMAN is reference desk librarian at Rocky River Public Library in Ohio. August 2013, 253pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-59884-970-7 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-971-4 40 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Children’s and Young Adult Services Managing Children’s Services in Libraries MLA Made Easy Fourth Edition | Adele M. Fasick and Leslie Edmonds Holt Marilyn Heath Citation Basics for Beginners From Boardbook to Facebook Children’s Services in an Interactive Age Adele M. Fasick “An excellent resource for any library that serves children. . . . Whether for a small library or part of a larger library system, this is a must-have resource.” —VOYA Providing guidelines for designing collections and services that best serve 21st-century needs in school and public libraries, this book helps librarians to understand today’s children and the ways they interact with information and recreational materials. • Serves as a textbook for courses in services to children and young adults that is also appropriate for short workshops and in-service training for library staff • Provides guidance on hiring, training, and retaining suitable staff members and developing staff communication channels ADELE M. FASICK, PhD, specializes in public library service to children and young adults. “For those who dread teaching the proper way to cite sources, or feel inadequate doing so and send students to an online source, this book is for you. . . . This would be useful to librarians in any type of school—from middle school to college. Recommended.” “This is an essential read for anyone in our profession, and lucky for us Fasick has an inviting, smooth writing style.” —BAYVIEWS —LIBRARY MEDIA CONNECTION A concise, handy guidebook for teaching correct MLA-style citation to middle and high school researchers. • Helps those doing research understand the importance of creating accurate, complete citations for every source used in the research • Provides practical guidelines for teachers training their junior high and high school students in the MLA citation style • Includes citation examples and instructions for all common reference sources in print and online • Covers the creation of citations on the works cited page, parenthetical documentation, and research paper formatting LESLIE EDMONDS HOLT, PhD, consults with libraries, schools, and child-serving agencies. MARILYN HEATH is a media specialist and National Board Certified Teacher. December 2012, 225pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-100-0 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-373-8 December 2009, 212pp, 6x9 Print: 978-1-58683-343-5 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-58683-409-8 Discover new approaches for extending children’s library services beyond the library building and learn how to utilize technology to bring learning to children wherever they may be. • Provides constructive suggestions for integrating books and library services into the lives of today’s media-saturated children • Illustrates practical ways to give a children’s department a vital online presence • Offers pointers on the skills librarians need in today’s integrated environment ADELE M. FASICK is professor emerita of the faculty of information studies at University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and teaches at San José State University, CA. July 2011, 157pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-468-9 $48.00, £30.00, €38.00, A$52.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-469-6 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 41 Children’s and Young Adult Reference Tools NEW Build It, Make It, Do It, Play It! Best STEM Resources for NextGen Scientists NEW Subject Access to the Best How-To Guides for Children and Teens Catharine Bomhold and Terri Elder The Essential Selection and User’s Guide Jennifer L. Hopwood Intended to support the national initiative to strengthen learning in areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, this book helps librarians who work with youth in school and public libraries to build better collections and more effectively use these collections through readers’ advisory and programming. “[A] comprehensive catalog of project or how-to books for children and teenagers published from 2007 to the present.” —PROTOVIEW A valuable, one-stop guide to collection development and finding ideal subject-specific activities and projects for children and teens. CATHARINE BOMHOLD, PhD, is assistant professor in the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Southern Mississippi. TERRI ELDER, MLIS, is media specialist in the Birmingham City Schools System, AL. JENNIFER L. HOPWOOD is the training coordinator for the Southern Maryland Regional Library Association as well as an online adjunct professor for Rasmussen College. March 2015, 275pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-721-7 $65.00, £41.00, €51.00, A$70.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-722-4 June 2014, 354pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-59884-391-0 $65.00, £41.00, €51.00, A$70.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-392-7 Diversity Programming for Digital Youth NEW TIP FROM AN EXPERT JENNIFER L. HOPWOOD “Pair STEM nonfiction Promoting Cultural Competence in the Children’s Library titles with fiction titles Jamie Campbell Naidoo topic. This will help Combining information about outreach to diverse populations, selection of culturally diverse children’s print and digital media, and library programming, this book is the tool librarians need to promote cultural understanding through engaging children’s programs designed for today’s culturally diverse youth. JAMIE CAMPBELL NAIDOO is associate professor at the University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies. June 2014, 187pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-61069-487-2 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-488-9 42 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 related to the same to enforce the STEM concepts through realworld understanding by connecting the relevancy of the content to the readers’ own lives which also increases comprehension. Plus, by pairing the literature, this connects many of the Common Core State Standards for Literacy.” Children’s and Young Adult Reference Tools NEW Best Books for Children, Preschool through Grade 6 Tenth Edition | Catherine Barr and Jamie Campbell Naidoo “This book is a major reference source, and school and public libraries should own it.” —BOOKLIST (from previous edition) Now in its tenth edition and with annual updates posted online, this comprehensive and trusted professional resource helps librarians—and patrons and teachers— identify and use the best fiction and nonfiction books published for children grades pre-K to six. • Contains some 30,000 annotated entries on recommended children’s books • Provides helpful indexes for easy and quick access, including author/illustrator, title, and subject/grade level • Offers annual updates online to keep librarians abreast of current releases CATHERINE BARR is editor of the Libraries Unlimited Children’s and Young Adult Literature Reference series and author or coauthor of several other Libraries Unlimited titles. JAMIE CAMPBELL NAIDOO is endowed assistant professor at the University of Alabama’s School of Library and Information Studies in Tuscaloosa, AL. December 2014, 1,900pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-781-9 $195.00, £122.00, €153.00, A$210.00 eBook: 978-1-4408-3744-9 Best Books for Middle School and Junior High Readers, Grades 6–9 Third Edition | Catherine Barr “Not only is the scope of this work comprehensive, but its information is also easily accessible. Comprehensive indexes allow readers to locate books by subject, title, and subject/grade level. The subject/grade level index is an especially helpful feature, allowing both librarians and young adult readers to find books on a particular subject and grade level at one glance. Because of these strengths, Best Books for Middle School and Junior High Readers is an invaluable resource for all those who make purchasing decisions or compile reading lists in the area of young adult books.” —ARBA Identifying outstanding fiction and nonfiction titles, this practical book allows educators to find engaging books for students in grades 6–9 that will help turn them into lifelong readers and learners. CATHERINE BARR is editor of the Libraries Unlimited Children’s and Young Adult Literature Reference series and author or coauthor of several other Libraries Unlimited titles. Best Books for High School Readers, Grades 9–12 Third Edition | Catherine Barr “The information provided in Best Books for High School Readers would greatly assist a young adult librarian or media specialist build or refine their collection as well as help them provide reading suggestions to their users.” —ARBA A must-have resource for finding great books, both fiction and nonfiction. This invaluable guide enables librarians as well as patrons and teachers to identify the best books for high school readers out of the thousands published each year. • Indicates which books are also available in audio format and in eBook format— valuable information for collection development and reading specialists • Identifies award-winning and series titles CATHERINE BARR is editor of the Libraries Unlimited Children’s and Young Adult Literature Reference series and author or coauthor of several other Libraries Unlimited titles. October 2013, 1,102pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-784-0 $90.00, £57.00, €71.00, A$97.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-518-3 October 2013, 1,188pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-782-6 $90.00, £57.00, €71.00, A$97.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-519-0 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 43 Children’s and Young Adult Reference Tools FORTHCOMING Popular Series Fiction for K–6 Readers A Reading and Selection Guide Third Edition | Rebecca L. Thomas and Catherine Barr “These companion volumes are examples of titles that make our work so much easier . . . essential as reference and selection tools in all school, public, and academic libraries.” —BOOKLIST (from previous edition) Ideal for youth librarians at public libraries, school librarians, and elementary school teachers, this book enables you to direct young readers toward series titles that will help establish a lifelong love of reading. REBECCA L. THOMAS, PhD, is a retired elementary school librarian for the Shaker Heights City School District. CATHERINE BARR is editor of the Libraries Unlimited Children’s and Young Adult Literature Reference series and author or coauthor of several other Libraries Unlimited titles. June 2015, 1,200pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-335-6 $85.00, £54.00, €67.00, A$92.00 eBook: 978-1-4408-3452-3 FORTHCOMING Popular Series Fiction for Middle School and Teen Readers 44 A to Zoo Subject Access to Children’s Picture Books Ninth Edition | Rebecca L. Thomas A Reading and Selection Guide Third Edition | Rebecca L. Thomas and Catherine Barr “The book that many of us have been waiting for... an excellent tool for school and public librarians who work with teen and tween readers.” —BOOKLIST (from previous edition) A valuable resource for collection development, reader guidance, or classroom reading, this book is your guide for helping ’tween and teen students find all the volumes in a series they love and identify similar series to enjoy. REBECCA L. THOMAS, PhD, is a retired elementary school librarian for the Shaker Heights City School District. “Continues to be the single best source for locating children’s picture books by subject, both for personal use and for supporting programming and curricular needs.” —ARBAONLINE The beloved favorite of children’s librarians everywhere, A to Zoo provides easy subject access that helps librarians build, enhance, and organize storytime programs and reading lists, as well as to help them develop their collections and support curricular needs. • Arranges 17,025 picture books for children preschool–grade 2 under a vast range of subjects to meet librarians’, teachers’, and parents’ needs REBECCA L. THOMAS, PhD, was formerly Unlimited Children’s and Young Adult Literature Reference series and author or coauthor of several other Libraries Unlimited titles. an elementary school librarian for the Shaker Heights City School, OH; and has taught college courses on literature for children and adolescents, most recently at Baldwin-Wallace College in Berea, OH. June 2015, 900pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-336-3 $80.00, £50.00, €63.00, A$87.00 eBook: 978-1-4408-3453-0 June 2014, 1,411pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-353-0 $95.00, £60.00, €75.00, A$103.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-354-7 CATHERINE BARR is editor of the Libraries ALSO OF INTEREST 101 Great, Ready-to-Use Book Lists for Children online at librariesunlimited.com NEW ALSO OF INTEREST 101 Great Ready-to-Use Book Lists for Teens online at librariesunlimited.com LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Children’s and Young Adult Collections NEW The Collection’s at the Core Revitalize Your Library with Innovative Resources for the Common Core and STEM Marcia A. Mardis Pop-Up Books Rainbow Family Collections Selecting and Using Children’s Books with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Content A Guide for Teachers and Librarians Nancy Larson Bluemel and Rhonda Harris Taylor Jamie Campbell Naidoo Common Core standards, OER, STEM, and collection development—where to begin? This book investigates these critical topics together to give you the power to transform your collection and practice and put your school library at the center of STEM. • Authored by a former school administrator and school librarian with 15 years’ experience working on K–12 STEM initiatives • Enables school librarians to understand the nature and importance of STEM as well as the value of including high-quality, free STEM digital multimedia in library collections • Presents effective strategies for promoting collections to ultimate beneficiaries including learners, educators, parents, community members, and, importantly, other school librarians MARCIA A. MARDIS, EdD, is associate professor at Florida State University’s School of Information in Tallahassee, FL. December 2014, 110pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-61069-504-6 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-505-3 “This is a wonderful resource for librarians or teachers looking for a new hook for their lessons.” “This volume gives librarians plenty of information about developing an inclusive collection and should be at the ready at any public library seeking to reach ‘rainbow’ families.” —BOOKLIST “What a treasure trove of information! This is an essential purchase for elementary and middle school library professional collections, public libraries, and academic libraries that support teacher education of information science programs.” —ARBA As one of the only highly praised resources on this important topic, this thoughtfully compiled book examines and suggests picture books and chapter books presenting LGBTQ content to children under the age of 12. JAMIE CAMPBELL NAIDOO, PhD, is professor at the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alabama. April 2012, 260pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-59884-960-8 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-961-5 —SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL Based on their direct experience and many presentations to teachers and librarians, the authors have provided template lesson plans with curriculum and standards links for using the best pop-up books currently available in the instructional program of the school. The book also includes profiles of the most notable authors, a history of the format, definitions of terms such as “flap book” and “paper engineer,” and information on how to create movable books. Librarians will find the section regarding collection development with the format—how and where to acquire them, proper storage methods—and the annotated listing of the authors’ 50 favorite pop-ups extremely helpful. NANCY LARSON BLUEMEL, PhD, is a retired school library media specialist and former school library district coordinator from Denton, TX. RHONDA HARRIS TAYLOR, PhD, is associate professor in the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Oklahoma. February 2012, 324pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-59158-398-1 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-154-3 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 45 Children’s and Young Adult Collections NEW NEW Young Adult Literature in Action Children’s Literature in Action A Librarian’s Guide A Librarian’s Guide Second Edition | Rosemary Chance Second Edition | Sylvia M. Vardell “[A] great text for courses in young adult literature at the undergraduate and graduate levels. It also is suitable for inclusion in professional collections for public librarians and school librarians serving the young adult. Librarians looking for a collection development tool can put this title to work for them. This book is filled with information about the young adult, literacy issues of the young adult, awards presented in the young adult field, organizations dedicated to young adult literature, resources for further study, and much more. . . . This is an outstanding title. . .” —CATHOLIC WORLD (from previous edition) This revised edition of Young Adult Literature in Action gives librarians an easy-to-use guide for organizing selection criteria and finding the best titles for their specific usage. An ideal resource for teaching young adult literature courses, each chapter includes revised and updated information on collaborative activities, featured books, special topics and programs, selected awards and celebrations, historical connections, recommended resources, issues for discussion, author comments, and assignment suggestions. • Provides unbiased, authoritative guidance for finding recommended classic and recent titles by genre • Presents an excellent introduction to the field of young adult literature for undergraduate and graduate students who intend to be public or school librarians, students who are new to the study of young adult literature, or librarians who are new to working with young adults • Includes a new section consisting of fascinating answers from 14 authors explaining their motivations and inspirations for writing for young adult readers ROSEMARY CHANCE, PhD, is associate professor of library science at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX. January 2014, 204pp, 7x10, Hardcover: 978-1-61069-243-4 $75.00, £47.00, €59.00, A$81.00, eBook: 978-1-4408-3543-8 Paperback: 978-1-61069-244-1, $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00 46 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 “This excellent introduction to children’s literature and its various genres and forms offers many activities and practical applications.” —SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL (from previous edition) Author Sylvia M. Vardell draws on her 30 years of university teaching and extensive familiarity with the major textbooks in the area of children’s literature to deliver something different: a book that focuses specifically on the perspective and needs of the librarian, with emphasis on practical action and library applications. The contents address seven major genres: picture books, traditional tales, poetry, contemporary realistic fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, and informational books. This invaluable book addresses such questions as “How should a librarian select and share books in each genre?” and “How do I generate interest in reading with today’s students?” as well as “What are the best promotion and collaboration activities associated with each genre?” Although the work is specifically written to help new librarians get up to speed in the field of children’s literature, it will benefit everyone from experienced, practicing librarians and children’s services paraprofessionals to elementary level educators and parents who homeschool their children. • Includes recommendations and evaluations of digital eBooks, apps, and audiobooks as well as print titles, providing full coverage of the range of materials for children today • Features short essays by top authors and practitioners in the field to give readers expert opinions and guidance • Provides author comments, collaborative activities, featured books, special topics and programs, selected awards and celebrations, historical connections, recommended resources, issues for discussion, relevant professional standards, and assignment suggestions within each chapter SYLVIA M. VARDELL is professor in the School of Library and Information Studies at Texas Woman’s University. July 2014, 343pp, 7x10, Hardcover: 978-1-61069-560-2 $75.00, £47.00, €59.00, A$81.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-561-9 Paperback: 978-1-61069-562-6 , $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 Children’s and Young Adult Programs FORTHCOMING NEW Library Robotics Make It Here Inciting Creativity and Innovation in Your Library Matthew Hamilton and Dara Hanke Schmidt Libraries of all sizes and resource levels are finding ways to support community innovation and creativity through maker programming—and successful programs don’t require dedicating an entire area of the library to makerspace activities or sophisticated technologies such as 3D printers. Make It Here: Inciting Creativity and Innovation in Your Library provides a complete, step-by-step guide for starting a makerspace program at your library and follows through with instructions for operation and building on your success. This book takes you through starting your maker program—from finding the right “makerspace mix,” making a plan, and working with staff to establishing funding and support, launching your makerspace, and evaluating and refining your programs. The authors provide guidance based on their personal experiences in creating and developing maker programs in their libraries as well as feedback and lessons learned from library makers across the country. You’ll see how easy it can be to bring their ideas to life in ways that will empower your community, and be encouraged to be bold and think outside of the box when imagining the possibilities. • Explains why the maker movement and libraries are a perfect match • Includes makerspace ideas and programs for all ages, not just teens MATTHEW HAMILTON is senior IT manager for the Denver Public Library, Denver, CO. DARA HANKE SCHMIDT, MLIS, MPW, is library director for the Cedar Rapids Public Library, Cedar Rapids, IA. November 2014, 130pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-554-1 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-555-8 TIP FROM THE EXPERTS MATTHEW HAMILTON AND DARA HANKE SCHMIDT “The most important thing to remember when creating your makerspace is that it’s yours. Do what works for you, and don’t be afraid that it isn’t quite like anyone else’s. That’s what will make it awesome!” Library Programs to Teach Technology Literacy and Reading, Ages 8 through 24 Sarah Kepple A dive-right-in, quick-start guide for busy library professionals who want to build literacy, STEAM, and other 21stcentury skills using simple robots in a fun, collaborative environment. • Provides the only guidebook currently available about robotics written by a librarian, for librarians—a simple, practical guide that virtually any librarian can use, no prior tech experience necessary • Guides librarians in using their knowledge of literacy, youth development, and guided-inquiry methodology to gain an accessible entry point to grow their technological skills alongside the youth they serve • Discusses funding ideas and sample budgets SARAH KEPPLE, MLIS, founded the Robotix Blox program at Cuyahoga County Public Library where she was information and technology literacy specialist after more than a decade working with youth in school and public libraries. August 2015, 140pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-4408-3558-2 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-4408-3559-9 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 47 Children’s and Young Adult Programs FORTHCOMING Cooking Up NEW Crash Course in Storytime Fundamentals Library Programs Teens Second Edition | Penny Peck and ‘Tweens Will Love Promoting Great Reads to Improve Teen Reading Recipes for Success Core Connections with Booktalks and More Megan Emery Schadlich Foreword by Justin Hoenke Engage teens and ‘tweens with library programs that nurture developmental and social needs—and keep young patrons entertained. • Includes complete plans for more than a dozen educational and entertaining programs • Makes connections to STEAM and maker programming • Provides library programming guidance from the perspective of a library play specialist with nearly a decade’s experience MEGAN EMERY SCHADLICH works at Chattanooga Public Library in Chattanooga, TN. June 2015, 140pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-61069-961-7 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-962-4 Lucy Schall “A valuable resource for librarians, teachers, or others working with children at preschool age or younger.” —BOOKLIST (from previous edition) This manual is a “one-stop shop” on how to present storytimes to suit different audiences including bilingual learners, special needs children, and those in a variety of settings such as Head Start, preschools, and day care situations. Support current educational initiatives with a ready-to-use tool that will help you with selection, motivation, and skill-building relative to titles published within the last five years. • Features strategies for using sign language and adapting storytime for special needs children • Includes ideas for expanding storytimes using hands-on learning, crafts, toys, and play • Helps librarians promote new fiction and nonfiction to teens and to build literacy • Supports the new national and state standards through learning extensions • Offers read-alikes for titles popular with teens • Features skill-building exercises • Includes selection criteria that speak to appropriateness and appeal PENNY PECK is a part-time instructor at LUCY SCHALL is a retired middle and high San Jose State University, specializing in classes on youth services and programming. She was a children’s librarian for more than 25 years. January 2015, 168pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-61069-783-5 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-784-2 ALSO OF INTEREST Read more about the Crash Course series on pages 30–31. 48 NEW LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 school teacher and a book reviewer for VOYA. February 2015, 250pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-4408-3492-9 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-4408-3493-6 Children’s and Young Adult Programs NEW NEW The BIG Book of Glues, Brews, and Goos The Maker Cookbook 500+ Kid-Tested Recipes and Formulas for Hands-On Learning Recipes for Children’s and ‘Tween Library Programs Diana F. Marks Illustrated by Donna L. Farrell This compilation is a must-have for every library, providing a multitude of methods for developing easy, interesting activities for children. Projects across cultures, recipes for healthy snacks, and intriguing science experiments are among the hundreds of ideas connecting learning and creativity for students of all ages. • Offers detailed instructions for making fun projects like simple telephones, face paint, a homemade compass, and snow globes • Features projects from other cultures and other periods • Provides step-by-step instructions, along with tips for easier project implementation • Contains recipes for snacks from across the globe, including Indian chapatis, corn tortillas, Navajo fry bread, and Welsh griddle cakes DIANA F. MARKS consults with teachers, parents, children, and school districts to help enhance learning and develop curricula. Previously, she was a teacher for gifted students. Cindy R. Wall and Lynn M. Pawloski Foreword by Bill Derry The Maker Movement is hot, and librarians are eager to participate. Even if you feel restricted by budget, staff, or space, this step-by-step guide will help you turn your library into a creativity center. • Makes it easy for you to host Maker programs for children and ‘tweens—with “No Makerspace Required!” • Offers alternatives that allow you to customize programs according to the resources available • Suggests curricular tie-ins so the programs can be used in a school setting • Includes appendices chock full of supplemental materials such as bookdiscussion questions, checklists, and other reproducible participant handouts CINDY R. WALL, MLS, has been head of Children’s Services at the Southington Library and Museum in Connecticut for 10 years. LYNN M. PAWLOSKI, MLS, is a children’s librarian at the Southington Library and Museum. Big Book of Seasons, Holidays, and Weather Rhymes, Fingerplays, and Songs for Children Elizabeth Cothen Low This one-stop source for children’s programs offers thematic rhymes, fingerplays, and songs about seasons, weather, and holidays. • Provides users with hundreds of thematic, seasonal rhymes, fingerplays, and songs to use in children’s programs • Focuses on seasons, weather, and holidays, topics of perennial interest to educators • Includes musical notation for songs and directions for performing fingerplays and action rhymes • Can be used in daycare and after-school programs, as well as public library storytime planning ELIZABETH COTHEN LOW, a former children’s librarian, is the author of Libraries Unlimited’s Big Book of Animal Rhymes, Fingerplays, and Songs. September 2011, 156pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-59884-623-2 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-624-9 August 2014, 237pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-61069-661-6 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-662-3 November 2014, 380pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-61069-771-2 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-772-9 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 49 Children’s and Young Adult Programs Streamlined Library Programming Community Library Programs That Work Daisy Porter-Reynolds Beth Maddigan and Susan Bloos NEW Building Youth and Family Literacy How to Improve Services and Cut Costs Is it possible to both cut costs and improve public library programming for all ages? Yes, it is; this book demonstrates how. “[T]here are ideas worth considering and replicating. Public libraries will welcome this as a springboard for activities that have already been successful elsewhere.” • Discusses centralized programming, explaining what it is, how it works, and how librarians can select and apply techniques to their libraries • Offers useful sample documents and forms, such as program description templates, surveys, and storytime box logistics DAISY PORTER-REYNOLDS is deputy director at Arlington Heights Memorial Library in Illinois, where she oversees library public services. March 2014, 128pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-61069-408-7 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-409-4 —BOOKLIST ONLINE A collection of versatile best practices for promoting literacy development by utilizing local community connections in school and public libraries. BETH MADDIGAN, MLIS, is education librarian at Memorial University Libraries of Newfoundland, Canada. SUSAN BLOOS, MLIS, is manager of the Forest Heights Community Library in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Recharge Your Library Programs with Pop Culture and Technology Connect with Today’s Teens November 2013, 215pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-263-2 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-264-9 iPads® in the Library Linda D. Behen “This book is highly recommended for school library media specialists who wish to make their programs more relevant to today’s teens. It is full of useful and detailed suggestions.” —ARBA Learn how to integrate pop culture and technology into school library programs and classrooms, and make today’s digital content, mobile devices, and students’ changing interests work to the educator’s advantage. LINDA D. BEHEN, MLS, has been a school librarian for 17 years, most currently at Mother of Mercy High School in Cincinnati, OH. June 2013, 179pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-369-1 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-370-7 Using Tablet Technology to Enhance Programs for All Ages Joel A. Nichols “Written for librarians and other library staff, this title provides a wide variety of iPad-based program ideas . . . [a] useful and well-organized text.” —SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL Looking for a programming guide for computer tablet use in the library setting? This book provides detailed plans and instructions with specific literacy goals for child, teen, and adult audiences— exactly what librarians seeking to integrate iPad and other tablet use into their programs need. JOEL A. NICHOLS, MSLIS, manages the Free Library Techmobile, a digital literacy outreach vehicle at the Free Library of Philadelphia. June 2013, 136pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-347-9 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-348-6 50 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Children’s and Young Adult Programs Teen Games Rule! A Librarian’s Guide to Platforms and Programs Julie Scordato and Ellen Forsyth, Editors NEW Dragons in the Stacks A Teen Librarian’s Guide to Tabletop Role-Playing Steven A. Torres-Roman and Cason E. Snow A one-stop, complete guide to tabletop role-playing games for novice librarians as well as seasoned players. “Recommended for public and school librarians looking to begin teen programming or to find additional ideas for an existing program.” • D iscusses collection development, cataloging, and programs for teens • S upplies detailed reviews of scores of popular and less well-known role-playing games —BOOKLIST ONLINE Gaming offers a great way to reach teens. This book gives library staff the tools to deliver game programming that goes beyond the basic video and board game format. JULIE SCORDATO, MLIS, is manager at the Columbus Metropolitan Library in Columbus, OH. ELLEN FORSYTH is a consultant with State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. STEVEN A. TORRES-ROMAN, MLIS, is teen librarian at DeKalb Public Library, DeKalb, IL. CASON E. SNOW, MLIS, is metadata librarian/cataloger at University of Maine, Orono. October 2014, 212pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-61069-261-8 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-262-5 November 2013, 144pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59884-704-8 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-705-5 Teens Have Style! Travel the Globe Story Times, Activities, and Crafts for Children Fashion Programs for Young Adults at the Library Sharon Snow and Yvonne Reed Second Edition | Desiree Webber, Dee Ann Corn Elaine Harrod, Sandy Shropshire, Shereen Rasor, and Donna Norvell (in memoriam) Authors Sharon Snow and Yvonne Reed present fashion as a way to offer a fun and interesting program for teens in the library—and not just for girls. Today’s fashion-savvy teenaged guys are just as likely to be eager participants. “This text could be a worthwhile find for librarians and other professionals who want ready-to-use resources or an introduction to global storytimes and activities.” —BOOKLIST ONLINE This book assists the busy professional with ready-to-use materials to present entertaining, educational, and age-appropriate programs that introduce young learners to countries and cultures around the world. DESIREE WEBBER is director of Mustang Public Library in Mustang, OK. DEE ANN CORN is public services assistant at the Moore Public Library in Norman, OK. ELAINE HARROD is children’s library assistant with the Moore Public Library, Moore, OK. SANDY SHROPSHIRE is materials selection specialist with the • Includes easy-to-follow guidelines for different types of programs • Contains craft programs complete with lists of supplies and instructions • Provides an appendix with a trivia contest, games, and glossaries as well as bibliographies for each chapter that list the most current books on the subject SHARON SNOW is librarian at Riverside County Library System, La Quinta Library, La Quinta, CA. YVONNE REED, MLIS, is librarian at Rancho Mirage Public Library, Rancho Mirage, CA. March 2013, 161pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59884-892-2 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-893-9 Pioneer Library System, Norman, OK. SHEREEN RASOR, MLIS, is library media director at Mustang Creek Elementary School, Mustang, OK. December 2012, 265pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-124-6 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-125-3 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 51 Inquiry and Information Literacy FORTHCOMING The Evolution of Inquiry Controlled, Guided, Modeled, and Free Daniel Callison Defining the progression toward inquiry learning, this book provides an extensive overview of the past five decades and the evolution of inquiry in science, history, language arts, and information literacy studies. • Helps readers gain an understanding of the historical development of inquiry learning in formal and informal settings DANIEL CALLISON, EdD, is professor emeritus at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. March 2015, 180pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-386-8 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-387-5 Graphic Inquiry Annette Lamb and Daniel Callison “This is an amazing book! . . . a well deserved must read, must own, must use recommendation.” —TEACHER LIBRARIAN It’s new. It’s graphic. And it is the first of its kind. Designed to bridge theory and actual practice, Graphic Inquiry contains applications for new and practicing educators and librarians that can truly bring classroom learning into the 21st century. Teaching the Scientific Literature Review NEW Collaborative Lessons for Guided Inquiry Second Edition | Randell K. Schmidt, Maureen M. Smyth, and Virginia K. Kowalski “[A]n invaluable resource for any librarian, teacher, or those in educational leadership who prepare Grade 11–12 students for the research demands and literature review work expected in college.” —CENTER ON TEACHING AND LEARNING This thoroughly updated and revised follow-up to the popular text Lessons for a Scientific Literature Review: Guiding the Inquiry is designed for pre-collegiate and early collegiate educators in the sciences, high school and college librarians, curriculum directors and common core supervisors, school district leaders, and principals. The book provides step-by-step guidance on instructing students how to perform the necessary research and successfully integrate newly acquired information into a high-quality final product. RANDELL K. SCHMIDT is head librarian of Gill St. Bernard’s School in Gladstone, NJ. MAUREEN M. SMYTH is school library media specialist at South Hunterdon Regional High School in Lambertville, NJ. VIRGINIA K. KOWALSKI, MLS, was formerly teaching librarian at Gill St. Bernard’s School, Gladstone, NJ. April 2014, 174pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-739-2 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-740-8 TIP FROM AN EXPERT RANDELL K. SCHMIDT “Teach a student how to read a scientific study and she will enter the sphere of world class ANNETTE LAMB has been a school library media specialist, computer teacher, and professor of education and library science. scientists, experiencing DANIEL CALLISON, EdD, is professor emeritus at Indiana University, reviewed scientific Bloomington, IN. May 2012, 270pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59158-745-3 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-362-2 for herself how a peerjournal study is written, read, and interpreted to create new knowledge.” 52 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Inquiry and Information Literacy Student Engagement and Concise Guide to the Academic Library Information Literacy Loanne Snavely, Editor Scott Lanning Informed Transitions Libraries Supporting the High School to College Transition Kenneth J. Burhanna, Editor “This is a great resource for academic librarians, a wellwritten, timely discussion of the purpose of a library campus.” —LIBRARY JOURNAL “Overall this is an excellent resource for students embarking on research. It covers all the main points, and the content and writing style are engaging, as are the activities.” —AUSTRALIAN LIBRARY JOURNAL “This small (but packed with information) book presents new and exciting possibilities for ways to interact with and instruct students while engaging them in research in new and exciting ways.” —BOOKLIST ONLINE At a time when students are bombarded with a seemingly infinite variety of information sources, this invaluable guide helps them build the skills they need to distinguish good sources from those that are less reliable. • Explains how librarians can effectively engage in high impact educational practices such as disciplinary internships and service learning • Addresses a core problem of the information age—how to determine which information sources are reliable • Gets high school and college students thinking about the validity of their information gathering early • Provides specific steps for putting the ACRL’s standards for information literacy into action • Emphasizes the ethical use of information in school assignments and projects LOANNE SNAVELY, MLn, MST, is head SCOTT LANNING teaches reference Explore exciting programs and initiatives that can both engage undergraduate students with academic libraries and assist academic librarians in creating a vibrant library atmosphere. of Library Learning Services at Penn State University Libraries. Previously she was head of the Arts & Architecture Libraries at Penn State, and a reference and instruction librarian at Bucknell University and Bloomsburg University. How can libraries and librarians across the educational continuum work together to support student transitions from high school to college, utilizing free or low-cost resources? This book supplies the answers. • Examines the role of libraries in preparing students for college success • Suggests low-cost strategies to provide transition support • Models library outreach programs for high school students • Discusses approaches to library and teacher professional development • Identifies free tools for information literacy assessment • Addresses college professor expectations for incoming students KENNETH J. BURHANNA is associate professor and head of instructional services at Kent State University Libraries, Kent, OH. February 2013, 238pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-61069-128-4 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-129-1 services and information literacy courses at Southern Utah University, Cedar City. April 2012, 99pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-59884-949-3 $35.00, £22.00, €28.00, A$38.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-191-8 July 2012, 139pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-983-7 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-984-4 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 53 Inquiry and Information Literacy Information Basics for College Students Humor and Information Literacy Karen Sobel Practical Techniques for Library Instruction Joshua Vossler and Scott Sheidlower Information Literacy as a Student Learning Outcome The Perspective of Institutional Accreditation Laura Saunders with Foreword by Peter Hernon “New or experienced librarians, library school students, and academic faculty who teach research skills or information literacy to college students will benefit from reading chapters of this volume. It is highly recommended for academic libraries.” —ARBA Librarians have long looked for a single, comprehensive text to provide a solid introduction to the art and craft of instruction. With this book, now they have it. • Provides a truly comprehensive resource for new library instructors • Develops confidence and practice for new teachers, and serves to refine skills for experienced instructors • Focuses on continual development rather than attainment of a certain set of goals • Teaches how to work effectively with diverse groups of students and handle their various needs KAREN SOBEL, MLS, serves as a research and instruction librarian at the University of Colorado Denver. April 2012, 148pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-958-5 $50.00, £32.00, €40.00, A$54.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-959-2 54 Learn how to successfully employ practical techniques that infuse information literacy instruction with humor. • Provides an unprecedented discussion of humor and information literacy instruction in the field of library science • Showcases nearly 50 techniques used by an international group of practicing librarians for incorporating humor into information literacy instruction at a college level • Brings together the fields of library science, education, psychology, communication theory, and performance theory within a single multi-disciplinary volume • Presents information that can make teaching more effective and more enjoyable JOSHUA VOSSLER is information literacy and reference librarian at Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC. SCOTT SHEIDLOWER is assistant professor in the library at The City University of New York, York College. August 2011, 145pp, 7x10 Print: 978-1-59884-532-7 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-533-4 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 This nationwide analysis documents how institutions of higher education are responding to demands for accountability and transparency by implementing and assessing learning goals for information literacy. • Provides stakeholders with critical insight into how institutions are holding themselves accountable in the area of information literacy • Includes case studies that offer an indepth analysis of the major themes and forces impacting learning outcomes for information literacy • Presents the only nationwide study of information literacy as a student learning outcome • Contains information relevant to library directors, librarians, and higher education administrators • Examines guidelines from all six regional accrediting institutions LAURA SAUNDERS is assistant professor in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College, Boston, MA. June 2011, 294pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-59884-852-6 $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-853-3 Reading Promotion and Literacy The Common Core Approach to Building Literacy in Boys NEW For the Love of Reading Guide to K–8 Reading Promotions Liz Knowles, EdD, and Martha Smith Nancy L. Baumann | Foreword by Richard Allington Written with a focus on the English Language Arts Common Core Standards, this book provides a complete plan for developing a literacy program that focuses on boys pre-K through grade 12. “This book is clearly written and meant to be a do-it-yourself manual for K–8 school librarians or reading teachers hoping to promote reading in their institution. As such it is strongly recommended.” • Examines and evaluates the most recent research about boys and nonfiction reading • Addresses the intersections of Common Core Standards and literacy for boys —ARBA Research indicates that children need more than classroom instruction to become proficient readers. Unfortunately, few parents realize how simple, everyday practices can build a lifelong love of reading. Educators, diligent with employing mandatory literacy standards, may overlook families and support systems as tools for improving student performance. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the various methods of reading instruction, analyzing the pedagogy behind Sustained Silent Reading (SSR), the importance of reading aloud to children, and the necessity of working the home-school connection. NANCY L. BAUMANN, MLS, is instructor at the University of Missouri School of Information Science and Learning Technology, Columbia. October 2013, 161pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-61069-189-5 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-190-1 TIP FROM AN EXPERT NANCY L. BAUMANN LIZ KNOWLES, EdD, is owner of Cognitive Advantage, a one-onone cognitive coaching business. MARTHA SMITH has been a media specialist for more than 30 years in the pre-K through 8th grade setting. May 2014, 285pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-635-7 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-636-4 Read It Forward Linda Kay “This how-to guide presents practical, no-frills advice. . . . This is a suitable resource for school librarians to use in brainstorming their own RIF experiences.” —BOOKLIST ONLINE “Recycle and promote summer reading by holding a ‘Book Swap’! A fun and free way for students to trade ‘gently-read’ books they have outgrown for ones they want to read.” With this practical guide, it’s easy to implement the proven fun—and learning—of a read-it-forward program in your middle school library. Teens recommend books to other teens, offering a surefire way to promote books and reading. • An easy-to-follow process for creating an RIF program in any middle school • Testimonials from those who have initiated and run RIF projects LINDA KAY is a middle school librarian at Ridgeview Middle School, Round Rock, TX. September 2013, 120pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59884-808-3 $35.00, £22.00, €28.00, A$38.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-809-0 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 55 Reading Promotion and Literacy Getting Beyond “Interesting” Teaching Students the Vocabulary of Appeal to Discuss Their Reading Gateway to Reading 250+ Author Games and Booktalks to Motivate Middle Readers Teen Talkback with Interactive Booktalks! Lucy Schall Nancy Polette Olga M. Nesi “A useful guide for even experienced YA librarians and booktalkers.” “Nesi details a plan for teaching students and teachers to use expressive appeal terms when describing books. . . . detail[s] the process of teaching appeal terms and Book Hook writing, and includes all tools needed. . . . Highly recommended.” —LIBRARY MEDIA CONNECTION Make use of a detailed plan and ready-touse lessons for teaching appeal terms and Book Hook writing to students. • Contains useful resources such as a Book Hook template, a reading survey based on appeal, and materials to make a proposal to administration for implementing the teaching of appeal terms and Book Hook writing through the English Department OLGA M. NESI, MLS, is library coordinator for the Office of Library Services in the New York City Department of Education. July 2012, 183pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-59884-935-6 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-225-0 56 Getting students to want to read is one of the greatest challenges facing middle school teachers and librarians. Determining which are the “right books” that can spark a child’s mental awakening is also difficult. This book, from prolific author Nancy Polette, furnishes interesting and fun games to pique students’ interest in junior novels that are worth reading—carefully selected titles that will contribute to their educational and emotional growth. Gateway to Reading: 250+ Author Games and Booktalks to Motivate Middle Readers is a powerful tool for luring middle-school students away from the distractions of 21st-century media and introducing them to junior or ‘tween novels that they won’t be able to put down. • Focuses on the middle grades, an age when reading tends to falter • Features 40 of the best children’s authors • Supplies reproducible games and usable booktalks • Applicable for school and public library programming NANCY POLETTE is professor emeritus at Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO. April 2013, 261pp, 8 1/2x11 Print: 978-1-61069-423-0 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-424-7 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 —BOOKLIST ONLINE “Written in a clear and effective manner and organized for easy use. . . . This booktalk guide should prove invaluable to the audience for which it was designed.” —ARBA Covering the genres popular with today’s teens—fiction and nonfiction, including poetry and graphic novels—this resource provides 110 great book choices for young adult reading, interactive booktalks, and individual writing activities. • Provides complete bibliographical information, literary designations, and age and gender suggestions • Offers tools for custom-designing booktalks, noting passages for readalouds with talkback questions and prominent themes • Identifies related works and supplementary Internet sources LUCY SCHALL is a retired high school and middle school teacher, a book reviewer for VOYA, and author of numerous Libraries Unlimited booktalking guides. May 2013, 305pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Print: 978-1-61069-289-2 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-290-8 Reading Promotion and Literacy Get Those Guys Reading! Fiction and Series Books that Boys Will Love Kathleen A. Baxter and Marcia Agness Kochel Read, Rhyme, and Romp Early Literacy Skills and Activities for Librarians, Teachers, and Parents Heather McNeil “Every once in a while a book comes along that makes you wonder how you ever did your job without it. . . . [T]his resource is highly recommended for public and school libraries—parents of boys may also be interested—so a copy for circulation should be considered.” “This book stands out for its excellent book lists, plus the added benefit of reaching parents, teachers, and librarians all in one volume. A worthy resource.” —SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL KATHLEEN A. BAXTER is a children’s literature consultant, longtime School Library Journal columnist, and nationally known presenter. Designed to promote literacy in young children and to empower parents, educators, and librarians, this guide is filled with simple strategies, creative activities, and detailed instructions that help make reading fun. • An overview of basic strategies and components of an early literacy program • Helpful outline of pre-literacy skills required for reading success • Detailed instructions for early literacy activities MARCIA AGNESS KOCHEL is head librarian at The Galloway HEATHER MCNEIL is youth services manager for Deschutes Public —BOOKLIST, STARRED REVIEW Want to identify fiction books that boys in grades three through nine will find irresistible? This guide reveals dozens of worthwhile recommendations in categories ranging from adventure stories and sports novels to horror, humorous, and science fiction books. School, Atlanta, GA, and previously worked as a middle school library media specialist in Bloomington, MN. May 2012, 220pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59884-846-5 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-847-2 Library, Bend, OR. June 2012, 226pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59884-956-1 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-957-8 Free Voluntary Reading Celebrating Cuentos Promoting Latino Children’s Literature and Literacy in Classrooms and Libraries Stephen Krashen “In this must-read book, Krashen has assembled a collection of his recent journal articles about FVR from a variety of journals teacher librarians would not normally see crossing their desks.” Jamie Campbell Naidoo, Editor More effectively meet the diverse literacy needs of the growing Latino population by learning how to evaluate and select quality Latino children’s literature. • Details specific practical strategies for incorporating Latino children’s literature into literacy and library programs • Contains interviews with notable award-winning Latino authors and illustrators JAMIE CAMPBELL NAIDOO is Associate and Foster-EBSCO- —TEACHER LIBRARIAN An eye-opening look at the latest research findings about the success of free voluntary reading in developing high levels of literacy. • Comprises a decade’s worth of study and analysis on free voluntary reading • Presents findings that point to the success of FVR in other cultures, and exposes the lack of evidence for the effectiveness of Accelerated Reader Endowed Professor in the School of Library and Information at The University of Alabama. in schools. November 2010, 381pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59158-904-4 $55.00, £35.00, €43.00, A$60.00, eBook: 978-1-59158-905-1 May 2011, 90pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59884-844-1 $30.00, £19.00, €24.00, A$33.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-845-8 STEPHEN KRASHEN, PhD, is an advocate for free voluntary reading O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 57 Storytelling and Folklore FORTHCOMING Storyteller’s Sampler Tales to Tell from around the World Margaret Read MacDonald, Editor Looking for fresh ideas to liven up your storytimes? Here you’ll find a wonderfully diverse collection of easyto-tell tales from around the world, along with tips and profiles of the storytellers featured in the book. NEW Story Smart Using the Science of Story to Persuade, Influence, Inspire, and Teach Kendall Haven Storytelling has been used for centuries as a means to sway public opinion, influence behavior, and inspire change. Yet according to recent research, 98 percent of stories shared are ineffective, and one-third of all narratives are actually counterproductive to delivering the meaning intended by the teller. Author Kendall Haven contends that you can craft messages that will resonate effectively with your audience by learning and utilizing the science of story. • Represents more than 25 cultures from around the world • Includes practical storytelling tips to add polish to your presentation MARGARET READ MACDONALD, PhD, is a former children’s librarian and the author of more than 65 books on folklore and storytelling topics. August 2015, 200pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-4408-3527-8 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00 eBook: 978-1-4408-3528-5 KENDALL HAVEN is the only internationally recognized expert in the science of story structure. October 2014, 168pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-811-5 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00 eBook: 978-1-61069-812-2 NEW From Bunker Hill to Baghdad True Stories of America’s Veterans Patrick Mendoza These compelling, enlightening, and often highly personal experiences tell stories of average citizens as well as historical figures who made huge sacrifices by serving in the military, giving the reader new perspectives on war, and its real costs. • Provides stories from male and female veterans, family and friends, and others involved in the wartime experience throughout U.S. history The late PATRICK MENDOZA was an accomplished storyteller, author, and musician. February 2014, 176pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59884-466-5 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00 eBook: 978-1-59884-467-2 ALSO OF INTEREST Story Proof online at librariesunlimited.com TIP FROM AN EXPERT KENDALL HAVEN “Eight simple informational elements control how every reader/listener makes sense out of your material. Control these eight essential elements and you control how your presentations are received. These powerpacking eight are: your characters and traits that make them of interest; their goals and motives; the problems/conflicts that block them and the risk and danger those create; how those characters struggle to overcome obstacles; and the sensory details that make the story seem real.” 58 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Storytelling and Folklore NEW Tibetan Folktales NEW Haiwang Yuan, Awang Kunga, and Bo Li This collection of folktales provides readers with an extensive overview of the breadth of Tibetan culture, revealing the character of the region and its people as well as their traditional customs and values. • Offers more than 30 folktales—some of which have never before been published in English—that introduce readers to Tibetan cultural traditions and represent a full array of different folktale types • Supplies craft and game instructions that will enliven a grade school classroom and entertain young audiences as they learn about Tibetan culture and folklore HAIWANG YUAN is professor of Library Public Services at Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY. AWANG KUNGA is a Tibetan storyteller and assistant to the Lama at the Yonge Tibetan Buddhist Temple in Beijing, China. BO LI is with the North China Electric Power University in Beijing, China. November 2014, 185pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-61069-470-4 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-471-1 Handmade Tales 2 More Stories to Make and Take Dianne de Las Casas, Illustrated by Stefan Jolet Children love seeing ordinary objects such as paper and string transformed into extraordinary things. This book provides a collection of fun makeand-take tales that enable educators and librarians to take storytelling to a higher level. • Demonstrates the use of inexpensive, easily accessible materials within simple “performances” that are guaranteed to enthrall and appeal to kids • Teaches the use of hands to a wide range of educators, regardless of experience or level of expertise Pachamama Tales Folklore from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay Retold and Translated by Paula Martín Edited by Margaret Read MacDonald Illustrations by Luna Núñez A bilingual (Spanish and English) collection of enchanting folk tales from the peoples of Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay, and Paraguay, accompanied by historical and geographical background as well as color photographs. • Stories are presented in both English and Spanish • An ideal resource for storytellers, folklorists, parents, librarians, Spanish instructors, and other educators who conduct storytime programs PAULA MARTÍN is a teacher, storyteller, and writer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. MARGARET READ MACDONALD is a folklorist, master storyteller, and a prolific author. July 2014, 242pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-59158-299-1 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00, eBook: 978-1-61069-853-5 Tales from the 7,000 Isles Filipino Folk Stories Dianne de Las Casas and Zarah C. Gagatiga Celebrate the unique diversity and vibrancy of the Philippines through an in-depth exploration of the stories, traditions, songs, crafts, and recipes of the many different regions of the country. • Provides an in-depth exploration of Filipino folk culture and stories • Offers a great storytime resource for librarians and storytellers DIANNE DE LAS CASAS is an award-winning author and storyteller who tours internationally presenting programs, educator/librarian training, workshops, and artist residencies. DIANNE DE LAS CASAS is an award-winning author and storyteller who tours internationally presenting programs, educator/librarian training, workshops, and artist residencies. ZARAH C. GAGATIGA is a nationally-acclaimed storyteller, librarian, and writer in the Philippines. March 2013, 104pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59884-973-8 $35.00, £22.00, €28.00, A$38.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-974-5 September 2011, 165pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-59884-698-0 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-699-7 ALSO OF INTEREST Handmade Tales 1 online at librariesunlimited.com O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 59 Storytelling and Folklore What Happens Next? A is for Alligator Gail de Vos Dianne de Las Casas and Marita Gentry Contemporary Urban Legends and Popular Culture Draw and Tell Tales from A–Z Using a can’t-miss formula, these 26 original stories and accompanying illustrations connect kids’ love of animals and drawing with early literacy skills. H AWARD WINNER Special Storytelling Resources Award Winner, 2013—Storytelling World “[A] unique and explorative book tracing the evolution of contemporary (or urban) legends from their oral storytelling roots through today’s immersion in media and technology. . . . An excellent book with creative ideas in an area lacking in research resources.” —ARBA This fascinating book uncovers the history behind urban legends and explains how the contemporary iterations of familiar fictional tales provide a window into the modern concerns—and digital advancements—of our society. GAIL DE VOS is adjunct professor at the School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton. June 2012, 242pp, 7x10, Print: 978-1-59884-633-1 $45.00, £29.00, €36.00, A$49.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-634-8 The Kamishibai Classroom Engaging Multiple Literacies Through the Art of “Paper Theater” • Teaches by connecting learning with kids’ love of animals and drawing • Drawings and tales work together to allow students to draw their own stories DIANNE DE LAS CASAS is an award-winning author, storyteller, and recording artist. MARITA GENTRY is a professional artist and has her own painting and teaching studio, Studio Marita, in southern Louisiana. May 2011, 95pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59884-929-5 $35.00, £22.00, €28.00, A$38.00, eBook: 978-1-59884-930-1 Storytelling Art and Technique Fourth Edition | Ellin Greene and Janice M. Del Negro H AWARD WINNER Special Storytelling Resources Award Winner, 2011—Storytelling World Tara M. McGowan Written by a professional storyteller and artist who has studied with kamishibai artists and practitioners in Japan, this book is a practical “how-to” for creating and performing original kamishibai stories with students of all ages and across disciplines. • Offers educators a concrete, handson approach for developing narratives through multiple literacies in a way that will appeal to even the most reluctant learners TARA M. MCGOWAN is a doctoral candidate at the University of Pennsylvania in the Language and Literacy in Education division of the Graduate School of Education. January 2010, 99pp, 8 1/2x11, Print: 978-1-59158-873-3 $40.00, £25.00, €32.00, A$44.00, eBook: 978-1-59158-874-0 60 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 “Whether absorbing the information cover to cover or looking for specific storytelling topics and aids, the reader will find this title a useful one to own.” —BOOKLIST Thoroughly revised and updated, the fourth edition of the classic Storytelling: Art and Technique is an essential guide for beginning and experienced storytellers alike. ELLIN GREENE, EdD, is an internationally known storyteller, lecturer, workshop leader, and conference director. JANICE M. DEL NEGRO, PhD, is assistant professor at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Dominican University, River Forest, IL. January 2010, 455pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4, Print: 978-1-59158-600-5 $60.00, £38.00, €47.00, A$65.00, eBook: 978-1-4408-3446-2 You’ve Got Needs. ABC-CLIO Has Solutions. Every ABC-CLIO Solution Contains: A COURSE COMPANION Updated daily and always current, the course companion reinforces the core concepts presented in textbooks, lectures, and discussion sections. A REFERENCE LIBRARY There are 14 Subject-Specific ABC-CLIO Solutions: African American Experience**** American Government ** Modern Genocide *††† Pop Culture Universe World at War: American History Conflict and Society*** American Indian Experience † World Geography Daily Life through History World History: Ancient Issues: Controversy and Society †† World History: Latino American Experience and Medieval Eras A comprehensive, fully integrated, topic-specific reference library offers authoritative, award-winning content that supports authentic research and scholarship, and academic achievement. SCHOLARLY PERSPECTIVES This collection of expert commentaries is unique to ABC-CLIO. They expose students to scholarly argument, persuasive writing, and primary source analysis. The Idea Exchange presents original, peer-reviewed scholarship and debate in a format accessible to undergraduates, and also serves as a model for students as they undertake their own research and writing activities. The Modern Era • NEW: Video learning modules and text-to-speech World Religions * • Updated daily by dedicated, topic-specific editorial teams * 2013 EDDIE Award Winner—Best Social Studies Website ** 2013 CODiE Award Winner—Best Social Sciences Instructional Solution ** *2014 EDDIE Award Winner—Best Social Studies Website ** * * 2014 EDDIE Award Winner—Best African-American Studies Website † 2013 BESSIES Award Winner—Best History Website †† 2013 BESSIES Award Winner—Best Social Studies Website ††† 2014 Tech & Learning Award of Excellence Winner—Best New Product • More than 1 million primary sources • Multiple points of view on essential questions • Argumentative, explanatory, and research-writing wizards For a free 30-day trial visit abc-clio.com/previews or call 800-368-6868 O R D E R T H RO U G H YO U R D I S T R I B U TO R O R AT L I B R A R I E S U N L I M I T E D. C O M 61 Index A A History of Modern Librarianship: Constructing the Heritage of Western Cultures������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24 A is for Alligator: Draw and Tell Tales from A–Z��������������������������������������������������� 60 NEW! A to Zoo: Subject Access to Children’s Picture Books, Ninth Edition��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������44 NEW! American Reference Books Annual: 2015 Edition, Volume 46��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38 NEW! Apps for Librarians: Using the Best Mobile Technology to Educate, Create, and Engage��������������������������������������������������������� 14 Assessing Information Needs: Managing Transformative Library Services���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21 B Balancing the Books: Accounting for Librarians���������������������������������������������������18 Basic Research Methods for Librarians, Fifth Edition������������������������������������������37 NEW! Best Books for Children, Preschool through Grade 6: Tenth Edition��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Best Books for High School Readers, Grades 9–12: Third Edition������������������43 Best Books for Middle School and Junior High Readers, Grades 6–9: Third Edition ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 NEW! Best STEM Resources for NextGen Scientists: The Essential Selection and User’s Guide������������������������������������������������������������42 Better Serving Teens through School Library–Public Library Collaborations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40 Beyond the Browser: Web 2.0 and Librarianship ������������������������������������������������� 14 NEW! BIG Book of Glues, Brews, and Goos, The: 500+ Kid-Tested Recipes and Formulas for Hands-On Learning����������������49 Big Book of Seasons, Holidays, and Weather: Rhymes, Fingerplays, and Songs for Children����������������������������������������������������������������������49 Blueprint for a Job Center at Your Library������������������������������������������������������������� 29 NEW! Build It, Make It, Do It, Play It! Subject Access to the Best How-To Guides for Children and Teens������������������������������������������42 C Celebrating Cuentos: Promoting Latino Children’s Literature and Literacy in Classrooms and Libraries������������������������������������������������������������57 NEW! Children’s Literature in Action: A Librarian’s Guide, Second Edition������������������������������������������������������������������������46 Collection Management Basics: Sixth Edition���������������������������������������������������������� 8 NEW! Collection’s at the Core, The: Revitalize Your Library with Innovative Resources for the Common Core and STEM����������������������45 NEW! Common Core Approach to Building Literacy in Boys, The������������55 Community Library Programs That Work: Building Youth and Family Literacy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50 Complete Guide to Acquisitions Management, The: Second Edition�������������� 8 Concise Guide to Information Literacy ��������������������������������������������������������������������53 Cooking Up Library Programs Teens and ‘Tweens Will Love: Recipes for Success������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48 NEW! Crash Course in Children’s Services: Second Edition���������������� 30, 40 NEW! Crash Course in Collection Development: Second Edition�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9, 30 Crash Course in Dealing with Difficult Library Customers���������������������������������31 Crash Course in Gaming������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31, 40 62 LI B RA R I E S U N L I M I T E D | S P R I N G 2 015 Crash Course in Genealogy �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31 Crash Course in Library Services for Seniors���������������������������������������������������������31 Crash Course in Library Services to Preschool Children�������������������������������������31 Crash Course in Library Services to People with Disabilities�����������������������������31 Crash Course in Marketing for Libraries: Second Edition��������������������������� 16, 30 Crash Course in Public Library Administration������������������������������������������������������31 NEW! Crash Course in Readers’ Advisory���������������������������������������������������� 30, 33 NEW! Crash Course in Storytime Fundamentals: Second Edition�������� 30, 48 Crash Course in Strategic Planning�����������������������������������������������������������������������16, 31 Crash Course in Weeding�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9, 30 Critical Theory for Library and Information Science: Exploring the Social from Across the Disciplines��������������������������������������������� 26 Currents of Archival Thinking���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Cutting Costs: Successful Strategies for Improving Productivity�������������������19 D NEW! Demystifying eResearch: A Primer for Librarians������������������������������37 Demystifying FRAD: Functional Requirements for Authority Data������������������6 Demystifying Serials Cataloging: A Book of Examples ����������������������������������������6 Designing Online Learning: A Primer for Librarians���������������������������������������������13 Digitizing Audiovisual and Nonprint Materials: The Innovative Librarian’s Guide�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 NEW! Diversity Programming for Digital Youth: Promoting Cultural Competence in the Children’s Library��������������������������������������������������������������������42 NEW! Dragons in the Stacks: A Teen Librarian’s Guide to Tabletop Role-Playing �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������51 E eBook Revolution, The: A Primer for Librarians on the Front Lines���������������15 eBooked! Integrating Free Online Book Sites into Your Library Collection ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 NEW! Effective Financial Management of Public and Nonprofit Agencies, Fourth Edition�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19 Electronic Resources Management in the Academic Library: A Professional Guide�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Embedded Librarianship: What Every Academic Librarian Should Know��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Encountering Enchantment: A Guide to Speculative Fiction for Teens, Second Edition��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34 Entrepreneur’s Information Sourcebook, The: Charting the Path to Small Business Success, Second Edition��������������������������������������������� 39 NEW! Evolution of Inquiry, The: Controlled, Guided, Modeled, and Free ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������52 F FAST: Faceted Application of Subject Terminology: Principles and Application�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 NEW! Floating Collections: A Collection Development Model for Long-Term Success�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Food Lit: A Reader’s Guide to Epicurean Nonfiction��������������������������������������������33 For the Love of Reading: Guide to K–8 Reading Promotions����������������������������55 NEW! Foundations of Museum Studies: Evolving Systems of Knowledge��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 Free Voluntary Reading��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57 Index From Boardbook to Facebook: Children’s Services in an Interactive Age����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41 NEW! From Bunker Hill to Baghdad: True Stories of America’s Veterans��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������58 FRSAD: Conceptual Modeling of Aboutness������������������������������������������������������������6 G Gateway to Reading: 250+ Author Games and Booktalks to Motivate Middle Readers��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56 Genreflecting: A Guide to Popular Reading Interests, Seventh Edition��������34 Get Those Guys Reading! Fiction and Series Books that Boys Will Love������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57 Getting Beyond “Interesting”: Teaching Students the Vocabulary of Appeal to Discuss Their Reading����������������������������������������������������������������������� 56 Going Places: A Reader’s Guide to Travel Narrative���������������������������������������������33 Graphic Inquiry������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������52 H Handbook for Asian Studies Specialists: A Guide to Research Materials and Collection Building Tools �����������������������������������������������������������������10 Handbook for Community College Librarians ������������������������������������������������������� 17 Handheld Library, The: Mobile Technology and the Librarian���������������������������15 Handmade Tales 2: More Stories to Make and Take������������������������������������������� 59 NEW! Health Librarianship: An Introduction����������������������������������������������������� 36 Higher Education Outcomes Assessment for the Twenty-First Century ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20 Humor and Information Literacy: Practical Techniques for Library Instruction��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54 I NEW! Index to American Reference Books Annual 2010–2014: A Cumulative Index to Subjects, Authors, and Titles��������������������������������������� 38 Information Basics for College Students ����������������������������������������������������������������54 Information Literacy as a Student Learning Outcome: The Perspective of Institutional Accreditation����������������������������������������������������54 Information Resources in the Humanities and the Arts: Sixth Edition������� 39 Informed Transitions: Libraries Supporting the High School to College Transition������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������53 NEW! Inspiring Trust: Strategies for Effective Leadership ���������������������������19 NEW! 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