The Wenatchee Kennel Club, Inc. (WKC) is a non-profit organization. Its purpose is to advance and protect the purebred dog by providing education for its members and the public, and to hold competitive events under the rules of the American Kennel Club. Those interested in becoming members are invited to contact WKC at (509) 886-DOGS (3647). January 2015 [email protected] Wenatchee . Kennel Club, Inc. P. O. Box 805 Wenatchee, WA 98807 886-DOGS (3647) TRAINING CENTER 966 Valley Mall Parkway East Wenatchee, WA 98802 President: Vice-President: Treasurer: Secretary: Chuck St. John Sue Severson Louise Day Vicky Anderson Willard Fields Marshall Brown Directors: Vicki Hobbs Carla Slabaugh COMMITTEES Membership: PawPrint Newsletter: Website: Trophies/Awards: Programs: Class Coordinator: Carol Sunada Jan Flatten Jeff Koski Alicia Sehorn Karen Hall Eileen Pearl WHERE CAN I FIND? Editor’s Column………………….……. Louise’s Corner…………………..……. AKC’s 10 Winter Safety Tips…………. Upcoming Events……………………… Agility FUNday………………………… 2015 Program Highlights……………… Member Brags and Announcements…..... Membership……………………………. November Meeting Minutes.……………. Next Membership Meeting: Annual Awards Dinner January 31 Red Lion Inn Social: 6PM Dinner: 6:30PM 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 Come Celebrate All Our Accomplishments at the WKC Annual Banquet tonight at 6PM at the Red Lion Inn! (just a couple samples!) 1 Editor's Column Be sure and let Louise know if you plan to attend the Annual Awards Dinner on January 31st (Red Lion Inn). It’s always a fun time to visit with other club members, and a wonderful time for all of us to recognize each other’s achievements. We are still looking for someone to take over the Editor’s job on the PawPrint. If you are interested please let Louise know. I apologize for the tardiness of this PawPrint. I have been dealing with elder care issues for 2 months and just didn’t find the time along with everything else in my life. I’m hoping people will get a chance to review this prior to the meeting tonight! Jan Flatten, Editor Louise’s Corner Happy New Year everyone! Hope this year turns out to be one of your best. We have a lot going on in our Kennel Club this year and it will take each and every member’s help to make it a great year. Our annual dinner will be January 31, 2015 at the Red Lion. The meeting will start with a social hour at 6:00PM and dinner at 6:30. If you plan on bringing a guest who is not a member, you will need to pay $25.00 for your guest. Please let me know if you are planning on attending right away, as my time to get a meal count in to Red Lion is running out. My email is [email protected]. The nominating Committee has put together the following slate for 2015 officers: President: Louise Day; Vice President: Sue Severson; Secretary: Marshall Brown; and Board member: (Gail Roberts and John Njus have offered their names for the board position). The other positions not up for election have multi-year terms. We are still in need of a member to step up and take over the Paw Print. Jan Flatten has done a great job and would like to turn this over to someone else. I have been asking for several months for a volunteer with no response. It would really be terrible to lose this great communication tool. Please consider taking over this project for the club. Jan has offered to help the new person get through the first couple of newsletters so she can take a well-deserved break. I also wanted to let the members know that we have given up our house land line, so you will need to call my cell phone number (509) 669-6435. And one last thing, 2015 dues are due at this time. Only members who have their dues paid are eligible to vote. If you are coming to the dinner Willard will take them then also. Louise Day, President 2 Ten Winter Safety Tips from AKC (Control Click for links) A few simple measures can keep your dog safe and happy through the winter. Avoid Thin Ice Too often we hear stories of dogs that had to be rescued from icy waters (and those are the lucky ones). It might look like fun to slide across that frozen pond, but ice can easily crack and your dog, and you, could fall in. Slipping on ice can also lead to muscle strains and other injuries. Protect Those Paws Look at the Iditarod sled-dog teams and you’ll notice that their paws are covered by booties. Mushers know that the race may be lost because of injuries and abrasions from running on ice. Even if your dog isn’t dashing through 1,000 miles of frozen Alaskan wilderness, winter conditions can still do damage. Pet stores offer dog boots or paw protectors that work well to keep your pup's feet safe. Bust Fuzz Hair on the feet of long-haired dogs can form ice balls between pads and toes. Keep them welltrimmed, cutting the hair so that it is even with the surface of the foot. Clean Feet City streets are coated with such de-icing substances as sodium chloride (rock salt) and calcium chloride, which make sidewalks safe for pedestrians, but can damage paw pads. Make sure you wash them off. Some people keep a bucket next to the door to rinse their dog’s feet as soon as they come in from the cold. Use warm water and make sure to reach spots between the toes and pads. Some dogs will also need a moisturizer for dry skin. Break Out the Boots For dogs who will wear them, booties may be the best solution for winter foot protection. For dogs who won’t wear shoes, some people use paw wax, such as Musher’s Secret. Don't Let Jack Frost Nip Dogs can suffer from frostbite, especially on delicate earflaps and tail tips. In extreme cold, it’s a good idea to keep dogs inside, with the exception of the heavy-coated northern breeds that thrive in low temperatures. If it’s not possible to keep the dogs indoors, be aware of the major signs of frostbite, which include skin that appears white or blue. Stay In Even a big fuzzy dog who lives indoors will need some time to acclimate to freezing temperatures. Short romps outside will help your dog’s body get used to the change in the weather. Bundle Up Sure, most dogs have their own coat, but you wouldn’t want to go out in a blizzard in a light spring jacket. Make sure small, delicate, and short-haired dogs, even large ones like Greyhounds, have an appropriate winter wardrobe. Bonus: You can have fun dressing them up. 3 Consider Your Pet's Age Where climate is concerned, age is more than a number. Like humans, very young and very old dogs have a hard time regulating body temperature, so they have more extreme reactions to changes in weather. Romps in the snow may be too much for their more delicate constitutions. Keep the oldsters and the puppies indoors as much as possible. Beware of Antifreeze As little as a teaspoon of antifreeze can cause kidney failure. Be alert to the signs that your dog has swallowed some of it, which include drooling, vomiting, seizures, excessive thirst, and a drunken appearance. If you think your dog has ingested antifreeze, it’s important to get to a vet as soon as possible. Even if you keep your antifreeze safely tucked away, there is still a danger from residue in the streets. Most antifreeze is green ethylene glycol, but it comes in several different colors. So watch where your dog is sniffing. Upcoming Events Date January 31 February 7-8 March (TBA) March 8 March 20-22 Event Annual Dinner Meeting Gillian Crawford Agility Seminar Conformation Seminar WKC Tracking Test Ephrata-Moses Lake Agility Trial March 22 April (TBA) April 11-12 OFA Eye and Canine Cardiology Health Clinic GSDCA Temperament Test and CGC Test Ephrata-Moses Lake Dog Show April 26 May 2-3 (tentative) May 23 October 9-11 October 17-18 Apple Blossom Kids Day WKC Hunt Test Agility Fun Day WKC Agility Trial WKC Dog Show, Rally and Obedience Trials Location Red Lion Inn Club Club Palisades Grant County Fairgrounds Yakima, WA (YKC) TBA Grant County Fairgrounds Memorial Park TBA Walla Walla Park Confluence Park Chelan County Fairgrounds 2015 Agility FUNday The 2015 Agility FUNday will be held at Walla Walla Park - Saturday May 23rd. We'll have 2 courses: one will challenge your weaves, and one will challenge your distance/discrimination skills. You'll have 2 opportunities to run each course. On the second run you can aim for a better run, you can try different strategy, or you can increase the complexity to open or excellent. More details to come. 4 2014-2015 Meeting Program Highlights from Karen Hall Last Monday each month at 7PM (except January awards dinner or as noted) January 31, 2015 – WKC annual awards dinner 6PM; Wenatchee Red Lion, 1225 N. Wenatchee Ave. February 23, 2015 – Dogwise, enjoy treats and discounts; at Dogwise, 403 S. Mission Street Refreshments provided by Dogwise March 30, 2015 – Fitness for the canine athlete. Bring your dog to learn some dog exercises. Refreshments: Volunteers needed! Got a good idea for a program (vets, activities, interesting things)? Call Karen Hall and let her know! Member Brags and Announcements "RIKER" and Carla Slabaugh traveled to Orlando, FL in December to compete in not only the AKC's National all breed Conformation Championships but also the INVITATIONAL ONLY event of the National Owner Handler Series finals. On the cover is Riker winning the best Vizsla for the AKC's National Owner Handler Series Championship and also another photo of him winning Best of Breed in one of the 3 shows leading up to the championships . Many of the nation's top campaigned dogs were there competing and this year the show had their largest entry ever with over 4,100 dogs entered in conformation alone. Riker did well the whole time he was there taking a couple Best of Breeds, a Select Dog, and a couple Group Placements in the National Owner Handler Series competitions PLUS…he also earned his Silver level of his Grandchampionship on his first day there. We barely needed a plane to get home… we could have just floated!!! Vicky Anderson shares that Hotshot (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever) went BOB in Puyallup, WA show January 10-11. He followed it up with two selects. Go Hotshot! Tsillan Tollers then had a great weekend in Portland, OR January 16-18 where Hotshot got two BOB, a Group 4, and a Select!! Locket (NSDTR) got a BOS and two Selects!!! Thanks to all competitors, breeders, co-owners, judges and Camp Sage!! Hey I heard my daddy, Hotshot, got a Group 4 at the big Portland show today! Yah he's my dad too dummy! (Two Hotshot x Margo babies proud of their daddy ). Sara Wickline shares that Stormy Q’d in novice rally for a new RN = rally Novice title in Puyallup! Yeah!! 5 Norm and Louise Day’s “Hayden” Set-Point Dreaming in Chocolate (their liver English Setter) took winners dog for 2 points at Puyallup. Debbie Tedrow shares that Gracie "Delyteful Vision Of Grace" (Papillion) got WB at Puyallup for her first major. And finally, Suzanne Metcalf’s ARR Jua Dansi Q’d in Novice Obedience for a new title: companion dog (CD). Big weekend at Puallup for our club! Membership NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP Carol Sunada, Membership Chairman (509) 665-9987 The following application for membership has been received and reviewed by the Board of Directors: Abby Black - Maltese Upon her attendance at the next general membership meeting, her application will be presented for final vote. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Membership Chairman. We love new members! If you have a friend or family member who is interested in joining or learning more about our Club, please call Carol at (509) 665-9987 for further information. Wenatchee Kennel Club, Inc. Club Meeting November 24, 2014 (Reprint from December 2014 PawPrint) President Louise Day called the meeting to order at the training center at 7:00 pm. Program – Two owner-handlers and their dogs from the Steven’s Pass Avalanche Rescue Dog program talked about the program and the certification process for their avalanche rescue dogs. Minutes – Judy Paris moved to approve the October minutes as published in the PawPrint. Suzanne Metcalf seconded and the motion passed. Treasurer’s Report – Willard Fields reported the Club’s account balances. President’s Report – Louise Day reported that she has renewed the lease on our building for three (3) years with a monthly rent increase. 6 Membership – Carol moved to elect Carrie Coleman, Karlyle Cummings, and Paige Fink to membership. Vicki Hobbs seconded and the motion passed. Abby Black was present as a guest but has not yet submitted her membership application. Training Center & Classes – Eileen Pearl requested that instructors e-mail her the classes that instructors plan to teach next session. Louise said there will be no conformation show handling classes on the days before the holidays for the remainder of the current class schedule. Website – There is nothing new regarding the website. Jeff Koski and some others are administrators for the WKC Facebook account and can add members to the members’ only part of the Facebook account. Newsletter – Jan Flatten has requested an article explaining agility for the December newsletter by December 15. Louise is looking for a member to replace Jan as PawPrint editor in 2015. Tracking Test – Suzanne Metcalf has contacted the landowner for the Palisades property and the judges have been selected. The test is March 8, 2015. Hunt Tests – The hunt test dates may change. Another club is trying to move their test to the weekend before the WKC test. Louise will sort this out. Temperament Test – Carol Sunada mentioned that the WKC, in conjunction with the German Shepherd Dog Club, will hold a temperament test in April. There will be forty (40) slots available for dogs and a Canine Good Citizen test may also be held concurrently. New Business – Upcoming Seminars: 1. The February Agility seminar is full but people can still audit the seminar. Any no shows will be filled at the seminar. 2. Conformation seminar will be over two (2) days: the first day is show handling, the second day is grooming. The date is in March but is not exact yet. Annual Meeting and Dinner is on January 31, 2015 at the Red Lion. The election for officers and a director will be held then. Vicki Hobbs is collecting information on what titles and recognition members and their dogs have earned for 2014. Send her complete and accurate information if you want a title bar or certificate awarded to you at the annual dinner. The nominating committee (Chuck St. John-chair, Suzanne Metcalf, and Jan Flatten) is accepting nominations and looking for candidates for the 2015 election, which will be held at the annual meeting. The posts up for election this year are: president, vice-president, secretary, and one director. The director serves a three (3) year term and the officers a one (1) year term. If you are interested in running for office or know of someone who is, please contact the committee members. Nominations from the floor are allowed at the annual meeting prior to the election, but only nominated candidates can be elected to office. Brags offered by people that had brags. The meeting adjourned. The next membership meeting is January 31st, 2015. Respectively submitted: Marshall Brown, Secretary 7 P. O. Box 805 Wenatchee, WA 98807 Mailing Label CALENDAR Board Meeting, 2nd Monday of each month, 7 PM at the Club. All members are welcome to attend Membership Meeting, January 31st, Annual Awards Dinner, Red Lion Inn, 6PM Current class schedules and more info at DISCLAIMER: The PawPrint may include articles submitted by others that may or may not reflect the views or position of the Wenatchee Kennel Club’s Board of Directors or membership as a whole. These articles are intended to stimulate discussion and further research by our readers to better understand the breadth and complexity of information about our dogs. We encourage input from our readers and members to help us all become wellinformed. If you have questions or comments about the newsletter or content, feel free to contact the newsletter editor or one of the WKC officers or board members. The PawPrint is sent to WKC members, prospective members, and Wenatchee-area veterinarians. We also exchange newsletters with other dog clubs. Contact Jan Flatten, the newsletter editor for more information at [email protected]. Advertising: The PawPrint does not accept advertising. 8
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