N A T I V I T Y O F C H R I S T The Word “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.” ~John 1:14 A Monthly Newsletter Notes From the Parish Council Learn where Nativity parish council members will be leading and representing the many areas of life at the Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church. Page 3 February 2015 Religious Education The Saint john Chrysostom Oratorical Festival is just around the corner… see how you can be a part of this incredible ministry. Page 4 Philoptochos January was membership month, but you still have time to join yourself to this vibrant ministry. Page 6 FDF 2015 FDF takes place this month, and Nativity’s Minoans will participate once again. Learn about the true spirit of FDF. Page 7 Stewardship of Talent Time, Talent & Treasure! Read about the stewardship of talent, as you are called to continually contemplate how you will offer back to God from all that He has already given to you. Page 12 not ever end — Christians find meaning in Jesus Christ! A Life With Meaning by Father Luke “We waited, and at last our expectations were fulfilled. When the Patriarch sang, ‘Christ is Risen,’ a heavy burden fell from our souls. We felt as if we also had been raised from the dead. All at once, from all around, the same cry resounded like noise of many waters. ‘Christ is risen’ sang by the Greeks, the Russians, the Arabs, the Serbs, the Copts, the Armenians, the Ethiopians — one after another, each in his own tongue, in his own melody… Coming out from the service at dawn, we began to regard everything in the light of the glory of Christ’s Resurrection, and all appeared different from what it had yesterday; everything seemed better, more expressive, more glorious. Only in the light of the Resurrection does life receive meaning.” ~ taken from the missionary letters of Saint Nikolai Velimirovich The perception of validation is often had once completion of a journey has produced a desired result. Seldom do we find meaning or worth until the desired result is at hand — The Word 2.0 Sunday of Orthodoxy Pray together with your greater Orthodox family at Saint Seraphim Orthodox Church this year! Page 14 until that moment which comes after days, months and years of planning, hard work, and sacrifice. The Olympian is rarely celebrated as a champion until they step foot upon the medal platform. Recognition for a moment after a lifetime of dedication. Can it be that we only find meaning in our lives when we stand upon the platforms of recognition, validation and achievement? If we are intent only to find meaning in this life — in things that will end — then the answer is yes. The plaques, trophies and pats on the back have provided response to the search, and a life may or may not have had meaning to a group of our peers. Christians base faith upon the hope and reality that we find meaning in something beyond this life — it is in something that will Recognition is not a goal of Christians until we are in a position to be eternally recognized by our Father in Heaven. For those who seek recognition in this life, from peers and the greater society, a reward can be received, yet it is temporary. Jesus Christ warned against this motivation, as articulated in the Evangelist Matthew’s Gospel Account, “Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by them; for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 6:1). Jesus continues in stating that the same process applies to how we give financially, how we pray and even how we fast (Matthew 6:1-18). A Christian, although he may be recognized by peers, is not motivated to act by those adulations of praise, but rather by the assurance that when a life is lived well, God the Father will provide recognition through provided entrance into His eternal Kingdom (Matthew 6:4,6,15,18). Furthermore, Christians are assured not to be anxious about the process because God will validate all things through His generosity and grace (Matthew 6:25-34). This is a large leap of faith! Could you imagine the athlete at peace when he runs his first practice mile, with no assurance of ever stepping foot on the medal platform? * continued on page 2 "1 F R O M F A T H E R L U K E “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” ~ Proverbs 3:5,6 This is the ultimate beauty of the Christian pilgrimage — the reward has already been given! There is no competition, or confusion as to whether or not reward will be received, because It has already been offered! It is just waiting for us to choose to receive It! A place on the ‘heavenly medal platform’ has already been reserved for each and every individual on the face of the earth — waiting for every individual to choose a lifestyle that will bring them to that place of recognition, validation and reward. The reward is eternal life. It has already been given to us through the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through His Resurrection all of mankind has the gift of eternal life awaiting. Unlike any other experience, the process of salvation is built upon the promise that the desired result is already actualized and available — there is no doubt for a believer that the Benevolent Lord recognizes all things, validates and rewards all those who faithfully live life with the trust that Our Heavenly Father loves them. Trust in the Love of God is necessary to dedicate one’s life to things that are eternal. That trust must be profound in order to fend off the temptation to live seeking the recognition and praise of men, which can be " 2 easily had and can provide immediate gratification. It is not a bad thing to experience or even enjoy the accolades of others, yet those rewards must not serve as the motivations by which we make choices in our lives. If we begin that experience, it is far too easy to become addicted to that attention and seek it even through pathways and lifestyle choices that are unhealthy for our soul and unpleasing to God. Trust that every moment, every thought, every action is recognized by God, and when those experiences are virtuous in response to the teachings of Christ, our Father will reward us accordingly with the gift that He has already extended to us — the Resurrection of His Son! The experience of Great Lent provides a tremendous opportunity to choose what motivates us. Are you motivated by the recognition and reward of others — things that are temporary and may or may not come? Or are you motivated by the recognition and reward of the Lord — which has already been given and is eternal? The sixth chapter of the Gospel Account of Saint Matthew is a tremendous teaching from God Himself, intended to guide all people toward a healthy response to the questions posed above. All Christians and inquirers alike are encouraged to ready Matthew 6 as we enter the liturgical seasons of Triodion and Great Lent. In these seasons the Church shepherds us through the experience described by Saint Nikolai, “We waited, and at last our expectations were fulfilled.” All expectations of the faithful are fulfilled in the celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection at Great and Holy Pascha, yet we too must wait through a process of preparation to adequately experience the reward given to us by God. Our waiting takes place through our commitment to the Church’s shepherding during these sacred times. As we navigate these periods of waiting over the next several weeks, do not be anxious — our Father in Heaven sees everything! If we live, give, fast and pray in ways that are pleasing to Him (as the Church guides us to do), He will reward us! Rest assured, the Gift is real, It is present and It is good! Want meaning in your life? Trust and seek the Lord! A blessed Triodion and Great Lent to all the faithful, and may we always be motivated by the reality that the great gift of salvation is near! The Word 2.0 P A R I S H C O U N C I L Notes from the Parish Council Change - the Most Constant Occurrence in Life While it does make many people anxious, change is a natural part of everyday life, as well as parish council life. This year the parish council is gaining six new members, some with prior service (Ed Keller and George Tacticos) and some fresh faces (Leo Haginicols, Tiffany Haginicols, Patricia Kamages, and Cathy Selmi). It feels like just the right mix. As in prior years, each parish council member will have an adjunct area(s) of responsibility in addition to the common duties required of all members. Reflecting changes needed for the administration of our community and concerns expressed in our November survey, parish council assignments have been adjusted. John Stockton (President) Community Plan & Communications George Georgeson (Vice President) Operations / Facility Usage & Rentals Kimon Daifotis (Treasurer) Budget & Finance Rose Hunter (Secretary) Calendar, Events & Communications George Kokalis Buildings & Grounds Ed Keller Buildings & Grounds / Marin Festival Patricia Kamages Fundraising George Tacticos Missions, Evangelism & Philanthropy Tiffany Haginicols Religious Education Leo Haginicols Youth Ministries Tony Kosmas Stewardship Cathy Selmi Technology other funding source to fall back on except ourselves. Since the Parish Assembly in early November, more parishioners than usual stepped forward to either fulfill their pledge commitment or increase their commitment. As the 2014 financials are closing out, our community will not incur as significant a level of deficit spending as it was trending to reach. However, any level of deficit spending must be offset by program reductions. As a community, we must face the following pressing fiscal issues: • In order to open our facility for a year of sacramental celebration, a base cost of operation of approximately $350,000 must be met. This does not include the cost of any ministry or special activity. • 27% of the 200+ families or individuals who made a pledge of fiscal support gave at a level of $200 or less for 2014. • The cost to maintain our charter at the national and Metropolis level is over $40,000 a year, which equates to approximately $200 per donor during 2014. While your financial pledge is a subset of a complete stewardship commitment, it remains a key element in the funding of the sacramental component of your life at the Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church. An increase in the number of pledges and the dollar amount received is essential for the development of a truly vibrant community. Formulating the Future isn’t that Easy on Facebook While social media has some benefits for resolving a few of the demands of a fast-paced life style, it does not provide a platform for the depth of dialogue needed for establishing a community plan. The parish council is highly appreciative to the parishioners who were present at the first two planning sessions. In February, we hope to solidify a concise slate of short-term goals and begin the implementation of action plans to promote their fulfillment. Should you have a comment or concern regarding a specific adjunct duty area, all parish council members contact information is listed in the community directory. Please be a part of the process. Ownership of our desired goals will go a long way towards their achievement. No, This isn’t PBS! Not the Publishers’ Clearing House, It’s the Calendar Clearing House While we do request monetary pledges of support like public broadcasting, we have no The Word 2.0 One of the projects being undertaken by the parish council is the establishment of a community calendar that can be easily updated and readily available to members wishing to make plans for future events. Rose Hunter is in charge of our calendar and is available at [email protected]. If you feel more comfortable dealing with a voice, please leave a message at the church office (415-883-1998) and Rose will get in touch with you. The Real World Requires Many Eyes Although the pastoral setting of our campus provides us a tranquil feeling, we must face the fact that there are a few people with less than honorable social intentions. Recently, six of our deck picnic tables were tossed over the hillside, with a seventh one left hanging on the deck railing. Fortunately, our railing is quite stable and withstood the weight of the suspended table. The two parish council members of senior status did not find the weight of tables to be so easy to withstand as they were carried up the hillside in sections and repaired. Additionally, several alcoholic beverage bottles and cans have recently been tossed about our campus. Some people have chosen to use our hillside as a dumping ground for their trash. Within the next few weeks, several actions will be taken to secure our facility. Security equipment will be mounted and our sanctuary will be monitored to protect our irreplaceable sacramental space. Also, renters and workers who frequent our campus will receive clear instructions regarding the need to secure our campus prior to their departure. While these changes are necessary for securing our beloved campus, we should not let them impact our positive outlook for the future of our community. These are enhancements designed to insure our beautiful sacred grounds. We are blessed that a parishioner, who wishes to remain anonymous, recently made a substantial donation directed to the maintenance and improvement of our campus. Generosity such as this will be used to repair and improve the religious and social experiences on our campus. "3 R E L I ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM ORATORICAL FESTIVAL Nativity’s Local Festival: Sunday, March 29, 2015 The Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, started by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Department of Religious Education in 1983, is an incredible opportunity for our Greek Orthodox children and teenagers to think about, research, write and speak publicly about their faith. Through this Festival, the Church provides a supportive and nurturing environment for our young people to become confident public speakers, and simultaneously be given the opportunity to learn about their faith! This year, the Festival will offer poetry and essay divisions. This means that Junior and Senior Division participants will be able to prepare a poem or write an essay on one of the topics. If you are a student in Grades 7-12, you have a wonderful opportunity to participate in this year’s Oratorical Festival. Our Parish Festival will take place on March 29, 2015 . We encourage all students to participate. Please let your teacher know by Sunday, February 8, if you are interested. Visit the following link for 2015 info: http://www.goarch.org/ archdiocese/ departments/ religioused/sjcof G I O U S E D U C A Bible Study: A Way to Prepare for Sunday’s Divine Liturgy Each Tuesday morning (10am) Bible Study is taught to all Nativity Stewards & friends who wish to grow in their understanding of God’s Word and the Orthodox Church. Visitors are always welcomed! In the Divine Liturgy, two distinct New Testament Scriptural Readings are read aloud to the congregation. These readings are not chosen at random; they have been prayerfully and purposefully prescribed by the Church for all Orthodox faithful to hear on that specific Sunday! Did you ever stop to think… why those readings? Beginning this January, through the Bible Study we will examine the Epistle & Gospel readings prescribed by the Church for the upcoming Sunday. Not only will this exercise help participants grow in their knowledge of God’s Word, but it will provide insight into the wisdom of the Church, and prepare those involved for a more in-depth participation in Sunday’s Divine Liturgy. All are welcome to join us Tuesday mornings! Feel free to bring a snack, bring a friend, and bring your Bible! Adult Education: A New Series for the Faithful Nativity Adult Education classes take place each Wednesday evening (6pm), preceded by a short prayer service, Akathist to the Nativity of Christ (5:30pm). It is not too late! If you have missed January’s classes, feel free to join the adult education class this February as we offer a 7-week introductory series on the Orthodox Church. Classes will focus on the following: January 7: T I O N January 21: Biblical Foundations of Orthodoxy January 28: Prayer: Individual & Communal February 4: Ecclesiastical Roles February 11: Ecclesiastical Structures February 18: What’s Modern About Church? This 7-week series continues to run up to the beginning of Great Lent. Please join your brothers and sisters in Christ to learn more about the Church, and in turn, your relationship with God. All are invited to participate in the Adult Education experience at Nativity — bring questions, bring a snack, bring a friend! Interested in a Book Club at Nativity? Book clubs are popular forums to grow in knowledge while growing the experience of fellowship. What greater arena to grow in knowledge than Spirituality, and what better group to grow fellowship than with your brothers and sisters in Christ? If you are interested in participating in a book club at Nativity, please contact Cathy Selmi who is exploring this experience for our Nativity family. Orthodoxy IQ Quiz 1. What is the time period called that takes place immediately before Great Lent? 2. How many Saturday of Souls Liturgies are traditionally celebrated as we approach and enter Great Lent? 3. What is the main ingredient in koliva? 4. Whenever possible, Orthodox Churches are supposed to face which direction? 5. What date is Pascha this year? * answers on page 13 Who is God? January 14: What is Church? " 4 The Word 2.0 P Coffee Hour Thanks to all who brought in items in Jan. to share it is greatly appreciated by all. February 15th is available for you to host a coffee hour if you have some special occasion to celebrate: a birthday, name day, memorial or just to be supportive. If you are unable to host a coffee hour then please bring something to share! • Coffee will be made for you, the table set and juices for the children provided • It doesn’t need to be elaborate; in fact we prefer to keep it simple • So make 2015 the year you help your parish Philoptochos by hosting a coffee hour. • Contact Debbie Kokalis at 415-367-5252 February 1st Go Red Sunday H I L O P T O C H O S Becoming a member of Philoptochos is an excellent opportunity to become involved with our community. With the coffee hour proceeds and Vasilopeta sales, $1200 will be sent to benefit St. Basil Academy. February General Meeting Our first General meeting of 2015 will be on TUESDAY, Feb. 3rd, in our small hall at 6:30. We invite all members of Philoptochos, new for 2015 and existing from 2014, to come and help us plan an exciting 2015! The meeting will be finished by 7:30. We look forward to seeing you ! Cheese Fare Sunday In anticipation of the beginning of Lent, Philoptochos will host Cheese Fare Sunday serving Tiropita on Feb. 22nd immediately following Divine Liturgy and prayer. Every year heart disease claims the lives of 460,000 women in our country; one of those women could be sitting in the pew beside you. In fact, it’s the No. 1 killer of American women, and that means that someone’s mom, aunt, sister or dear friend will lose her life this year. Dates to Remember February 1 February 3 February 22 Go Red Sunday General Meeting Cheese Fare Sunday Happy Birthday!!! Stacey Weeks Rose Giannis Bruce Corcoran Fran Corcoran Katina Pantazes Sharon Perivolaris Marilyn Hendrickson Elaine Passaris 2/1 2/9 2/10 2/11 2/12 2/13 2/21 2/23 Fun Times Philoptochos Membership Our membership drive began on January 4, 2015 and will continue throughout the month of January. It isn’t just about meetings, fundraising and writing checks to charities, it’s about using your Godgiven talents to enrich the lives of those less fortunate. The Word 2.0 In January we enjoyed each other’s company over brunch. In February an outing to see the play The Bat, a murder mystery on Feb. 22nd at 2:00. More information will follow. We hope you can join us!. Vasilopita Service This year’s Vasilopita Service took place January 5th. Congratulations go out to Susan Stockton, Vickie Gikkas, Soteria Mestakidis, Debbie Kokalis, Floretta Burrows, Dina Camamis and Irene Meehan for making 50 loaves...a job well done. Saints Cosmas & Damian Patron Saints of Philoptochos "5 " 6 CC HH OD SI O C E S My 2015 Stewardship offering is $______ OR Special gifts and interests to share (i.e., event planning, fundraising, publicity, baking/cooking, decorating, visitations, leadership skills): __________________________________________________________________________ A T Telephone: ___________________________ Email: ______________________________ P __________________________________________________________________________ OE Address: __________________________________________________________________ LH Name: _____________________________________________Birthday(Mo/day) ________ IT ______ Gift Membership Please complete a Gift Card. H ______ Associate Member Non-Orthodox Christian man or woman, married to an Orthodox Christian spouse, or an Orthodox Christian man. An Associate Member enjoys all privileges of membership except the right to vote or hold office. PD ______ Full Member Women of the Orthodox Christian Faith, at least 18 years of age. Although we welcome all to the General Meetings, attendance is not required for Membership. N Membership Form U In addition to our philanthropic endeavors, we are committed to the preservation of the sacredness of the Orthodox Family and promotion of the Orthodox Christian Faith. O The Philoptochos Society is the only official philanthropic organization of the Greek Orthodox Church in America. We are also the largest women’s Christian Philanthropic Organization in America. The name Philoptochos literally means friend of the poor. We help those who are poor in financial and material resources, in spirit, in health, in companionship, in emotional stability, and in whatever is needed to lead a fulfilling life. R “Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8) Philoptochos supports many charities while spiritually enriching its members through their participation in its work. Philoptochos Stewardship Form PARTNERSHIP FOR SUCCESS A E Yes, the membership drive for Nativity’s Philoptochos was in January… But you are not too late! Complete the form below and return it to a Nativity Philoptochos member or the church office to become a part of this beautiful ministry in the Lord’s Vineyard! The Word 2.0 C U L T U R A L & N A F T E I L V L I O T WY S HN IE PW S M I N I S T R I E S NATIVITY’S MINOANS Faith + Dance + Fellowship Vision Minoan Dancers FDF Preview Afternoon and Dinner Please join the Minoan Dancers and their families on Sunday February 8th, after church, to preview the dances they will be presenting at the upcoming Greek Orthodox Folk Dance Festival Feb.12-16 in Anaheim. You will see dances and costumes and hear the music of Thrace and Crete. Early dinner will be provided. Please contact Effie at [email protected] for more information. The Greek Orthodox Folk Dance & Choral Festival Ministry is dedicated, through Orthodox Christian Fellowship and committed leadership, to promoting, encouraging and perpetuating the Orthodox faith, Greek heritage and culture among individuals, families and communities by expressing it through folk dance, folk art, music and language. Goals To bring people together in Orthodox Christian Fellowship and love, creating greater communion and stronger ties through interaction with fellow Orthodox Christians. Provide leadership skills to perpetuate the Ministry through the practice of acquired leadership skills in the administration of this organization. Promote ethical and moral standards befitting the life of an Orthodox Christian. Promote, encourage and perpetuate Greek heritage and culture through outreach activities that inform others of the Ministry's events, opportunities and commitment to its purposes and goals. Establish and maintain an administrative body to achieve the purposes outlined in the mission statement. It's Not About Us, It's About You! It’s about you, the dancers who practice feverishly to make sure that every dance step is in sync. It’s about you, the directors who volunteer their time to make sure their young dancers understand the balance of friendly competition and importance of their faith. It’s about you, the singers and choral directors who express our Greek heritage and faith through beautiful song. It’s about you, the young and seasoned volunteers who have passion for the Orthodox faith and passion for their Greek heritage. But there is one instance where it is “about us”; when we join together to create and sustain the most vibrant Greek Orthodox Youth Program in the country. Everyone Takes Gold Even though FDF contains an element of competition, it should never be the highlight or become the sole purpose for coming together to participate. Medals and awards should always be viewed and used as an expression of appreciation from one dancer to another in honor of the recipient's determination, dedication and accomplishment. The Real Prize The ultimate achievement to be gained is the element of sharing, teaching and love. At FDF, we never promote the idea or thought that one's good fortune is another's misfortune, but strive to see that all of us grow together in spirit and strength. Always seek to bring out the best of each Participant in terms of ethics, morality and character, holding high the banner of Christianity. * taken from www.yourfdf.org The Word 2.0 "7 F R O M N A T T H I E V I A T R Y C N H E D I W O S C E S E “Lord, Lord look down from heaven, and see what Your Right Hand has planted!” " 8 The Word 2.0 N The Word 2.0 S A E T Q I U V O I I T A Y C N L E U W B S "9 S T ES E W QA UR OD Will you answer God’s IS AH I CP L U2 B0 1 5 The Magi were deemed wise by God because they recognized the star as their guide to God, they committed to following the star, and they made offering to God when they arrived! call to follow the Star and walk in the Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church is our star! footsteps of the Magi? Be Wise As Magi Begin or continue your Christian journey to the experience of Jesus Christ! Complete the Magi Commitment Card below, and return it to the church office as soon as possible to walk in the footsteps of the Magi, and move that much closer to salvation! Be Wise as Magi God’s House to your house In the tradition of the Magi, who faithfully made offerings to the infant Lord, I/we pledge faithful pilgrimage to God as a parishioner of the Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Christian Church, through the offering of... " 10 Time and Talents Treasure Talents that I pledge to offer to Nativity life… Total annual financial offering that I pledge to Nativity for the year 2015 ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Please write in specific talents that you are willing to offer in support of Nativity community life $ _____________________ I am interested in including Nativity of Christ in my estate planning. Check box if interested. Names:____________________________________ __________________________________________ Address:___________________________________ __________________________________________ E-mail:_____________________________________ Phone:________________Cell:__________________ Signature:________________________Date:_____________ The Word 2.0 S Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church T E S W T A E RW D A S R H D I S P H Kalabokes, Chris & Vicki Kalabokes, Matthew Kamages, Christ & Pat 2015 List of Stewards as of January 23rd Kanas, Nick & Carolynn Kavantjas, Diane Palumbis, Fr Luke & Pres Eleni Kokalis, George & Debbie Efstathiou, Fr Constantine & Pres Kay Kozas, Anna Anderson, Frances Kuvelis, Dean & Denise Angelonides, Peter & Arlene Lagios, Michael & Sheila Arango, Pat Manesis, Alexandra Argyres, Andreas & Joanne Mardakis, John & Helen Balopoulos, Michael & Anna Marsala, Joan Banks, Charles & Cathy Marshall, Phil & Kathy Bechaka, Sonia Martin, Jason & Mia Bekris Fr. Niko & Presb. Stella Mavrantonis, Antoni Booras, Pauline Medan, Dushan & Gigi Boosalis, Gus & Kari Meehan, Tom & Irene Burrows, Bill & Floretta Niemcewicz, Roland & Bess Camamis, Constantine Orologas, Alexandra Camamis, Dina Orologas, Katerina Capetanos, John & Aglaia Panagotacos, Dr. James & Diane Corcoran, Bruce & Fran Pantazes, Katherine Cordellos, Dennis & Anna Papadopoulos, John & Stella Degaitis, Julia Papanikolaou, George & Soula Delis, Nicholas & Stephanie Papanikolaou, Marina Della Cella, Joseph & Kathryn Pappas, Angelo & Meria Demiris, George & Ray Ann Pappas, Art Destein, Pat Passaris, Michael & Meredith Diamantopoulos, George & Anna Passaris, Theodore & Elaine Economy, Carol Patrinellis, Antiopi Edrich, Alexandra Petrakis, Steve & Martha Ferber, John & Pamela Rehn, Diane & Allen Williams Foster, Margarete Rey, Patricia Fotinos, Vivian Rouman, Steve & Liz Fourakis, Andreas & Argyro Roland, George & Doris Fourakis, Vasilis & Effie Russell, Chuck & Daphne Frudakis, George & Darlene Sarantakis, George & Susan Gagas, Charles & Claire Scanagatta, Roman & Eleni Garofalos, John Selmi, Cathy Garton, Elena Sideris, Milton & Stassie George, Pete & Ann Sklavos, Vasiliki Giannis, Demetrios & Rose Slenkin, Alex & Nancy Gigounas, Ann Smernes, Kalliope Gikkas, Peter & Vickie Smith, Robert & Evi Giusti, Bob & Nonie Soter, Sam & Stella Grey, Richard & Connie Sotiras, Maria Haginicols, Charles & Amalia Spyridis, Maryanne Hajopoulos, Kathy Stathis, Gus & Sophia Hanis, Stella Stenros, Stuart & Stella Hundley, Courtney & Marilyn Stockton, John & Susan Hunter, John & Rose Stratigos, George Iannios, Demetrios & Manulani Stratigos, Spiro & Mary Kay Jacoby, Nick & Eileen Tacticos, George The Word 2.0 I 2 P 0 1 5 Taft, Kiki Thomatos, Dennis & Christina Touras, Antonios & Antonia Trapalis, Arthur & Niovi Triantafyllos, John & Laura Trimble, Paul Tzafopoulos, John & Erica Tzafopoulos, Nick & Vasiliki Vallis, James & Judith Vassiliou, Maggie Wildermuth, Anna Yiakis, Joe Zaferiou, Paul & Phyllis 113 Participating Stewards $105,986 Pledged 11 S T E W A SR T D E S WH AI RP D OS FH I TP A L E N T STEWARDSHIP OF TALENT OUR RESPONSE TO GOD’S GENEROSITY Christian Stewardship is a way of life based on the understanding that everything we are and everything we have belongs to God – we are stewards not owners of God’s bounty – and we will be held accountable for how we used the many gifts entrusted to our care. We respond to God’s generosity with love and gratitude by developing our gifts to their full potential, sharing them generously with others and using them wisely to serve one another. STEWARDING THE GIFT OF TALENT A “talent” is not necessarily something at which we are very skilled. Being a good steward of our talents means using whatever God gave us to the best of our ability to build up His kingdom. When we name our talents we are not bragging because we know that each trait is a gift from God. And we needn’t feel that we don’t have enough talents to make a difference. God will make whatever he gave us “enough” to fulfill His plan if we generously share the gifts we do have with others. What are my Talents? God made each of us in His own image and likeness, and yet unique in all the world! We each have a special combination of aptitudes and abilities, interests and passions, skills and experiences that make us who we are and equip us to do what God needs us to do. Whether you are a good listener, a computer programmer, a good cook, a concert pianist, a warm hugger or a motivational speaker – God gave you a valuable talent to be cultivated and shared. How do I/can I use my Talents? Opportunities arise in our day-to-day lives to use our talents to serve others. We use them to take care of our families, help our friends and neighbors, contribute to society through our work and civic activities, assist at the school, participate in parish life and do community service. Monthly Reflection Take this opportunity to identify the particular gifts with which God has blessed you. If you do this with your family or friends, you can share your insights and also identify some of the gifts you see in them that they may not notice in themselves – and they in you! Monthly Plan As a good steward of your gifts, make a conscious decision to develop one of your gifts (take a class?) and to purposefully use some of your gifts to serve others. If you are already involved in a parish ministry, this may be the time to try a new ministry – to use some of your other gifts and give others the opportunity to develop theirs. Your stewardship plan may include not only one or two ministries in the parish, but also giving your time and using your talents in the school, neighborhood, a civic group or local charity. “There are different gifts but the same Spirit, there are different ministries but the same Lord, there are different works but the same God who accomplished all of them in everyone.” - 1Cor 12:4-5 " 12 The Word 2.0 NS AE T Q I UV OI I T AY CN L E U W B S Nativity Altar Fund Ecclesiastical items are sacred tools that assist us in our journey to experience God through the Liturgical Services of the Church. The Chalice houses the Body & Blood of Jesus Christ! The icons teach and serve as windows into heaven! The incense brings us to an experience of veneration and reminds us that our prayers do go to heaven! Through your donations to the Nativity Altar Fund, maintenance and enhancements are able to be made to the ecclesiastical items at Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church! Thank you to those who have donated, and to those who are prayerfully considering supporting this most blessed experience at Nativity. Sacraments & Blessing Services 40-day Blessing January 4 Zoe Efthimia daughter of Michael & Meredith Passaris Memorials November 30 December 28 January 4 Emmanuel Mike Orologas George Pantazes Peri Sarganis May their memories be eternal! Orthodoxy IQ Answers 1. Triodion 4. East 2. Three 5. April 12th Nativity Crab Feed Many thanks to our Pan-Cretan Association, and all those who worked at or supported this year’s Community Crab Feed! Due to your support, we may continue to enhance the ecclesiastical items within the church, and scholarships will continue to be offered to our youth! Well done good & faithful servants! 3. Boiled Wheat February Liturgical Services & Readings Date/Time Feb 1 9:30 am Feb 2 9:30 am Feb 7 9:30 am Feb 8 9:30 am Feb 14 9:30 am Feb 15 9:30 am Feb 21 9:30 am Feb 22 9:30 am Feb 28 9:30 am The Word 2.0 Service 16th Sunday of Luke Presentation of the Lord St Luke the Righteous 17th Sunday of Luke 1st Saturday of Souls Judgement Sunday 2nd Saturday of Souls Forgiveness Sunday 3rd Saturday of Souls Epistle Romans 8:28-39 Hebrews 7:7-17 1Timothy 6:11-16 1Corinthians 6:12-20 1Thessalonians 4:13-17 1Corinthians8:8-9:2 Galatians 5:22-6:2 Romans 13:11-14:4 2Timothy 2:1-10 Gospel Luke 18:10-14 Luke 2:22-40 Luke 20:46-21:4 Luke 15:11-32 Luke 21:8-9,25-27,33-36 Matthew 25:31-46 Matthew 6:1-13 Matthew 6:14-21 Mark 2:23-3:5 "13 F " 14 R O M A R A O R U O N U D N D T H T E H E N O A R R T C H H D B I A O Y C E S E The Word 2.0 The Word 2.0 "15 MONDAY Orthodoxy Vespers St. Seraphim Santa Rosa •6:00 pm Sunday of Sunday School follows Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Sunday of Orthodoxy March 1 Tyropita Luncheon Great Compline 6:00 pm •Greek School 4:15-5:45 •Akathist Hymn to the 4 WEDNESDAY 5 •Akathist Hymn to the •Greek School 4:15-5:45 11 12 •Bible Study 10:00 a.m. 17 19 25 Presanctified Liturgy 6:00 pm Potluck Following •Adult Ed:What’s Modern about Church? 6:00 pm 26 Nativity of Christ 5:30 pm •Akathist Hymn to the 18 Nativity of Christ 5:30 pm •Parish Council Meeting •Adult Ed: Ecclesiastical 7:00 pm Structures 6:00 pm •No Bible Study 10 •Philoptochos General Nativity of Christ 5:30 pm Meeting •Adult Ed:Ecclesiastical 6:30 p.m. Roles 6:00 pm Forgiveness23 Great Lent Begins 24 Sunday Clean Monday •Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Cheesefare Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Sunday School follows 22 Annual Folk Dance & Choral Festival February 12-16, 2015 Anaheim, CA Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Sunday School follows Meatfare Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Lord in the Temple •Bible Study 10:00 a.m. 15 Judgement Sunday16 Sunday School follows Minoans FDF Preview Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Prodigal Son 8 17th Sunday of Luke 9 Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Sunday School follows Go Red Sunday Coffee Hour Sunday of the Publican & Pharisee TUESDAY C A L E N D A R 1 16th Sunday of Luke 2 Presentation of Our 3 SUNDAY C H U R C H NATIVITY OF CHRIST THURSDAY 1st Saturday of Souls Divine Liturgy 9:30 am 14 V 2nd Saturday of Souls •Baptism 11:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy 9:30 am 3rd Saturday of Souls •Baptism 1:30 p.m. •Baptism 11:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy 9:30 am 21 Presanctified 28 Liturgy 9:30 am 1st Salutations to the Theotokos 6:00 pm 27 20 St. Luke, the Righteous 5 Divine Liturgy 9:30 am 7 1 SATURDAY 0 Annual Folk Dance & Choral Festival February 12-16, 2015 Anaheim, CA 13 6 FRIDAY 2 FEBRUARY N A T I V I T Y O F C H R I S T Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Church 1110 Highland Drive Novato, California 94949 www.nativityofchrist.org Change Service Requested The Word 2.0 February 2015
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