MOST HOLY TRINITY PARISH Parish Office: 236 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326 Worship Site: Msgr. McHugh Auditorium, 212 Route 390, Cresco 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Parish Office Parish Office (570) 595-3100 (570) 595-3100 Faith Formation Faith Formation (570) 595-3111 (570) 595-3111 Fax Fax (570) 595-3200 (570) 595-3200 Website Website Email Email [email protected] [email protected] Sunday Mass Schedule Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00pm Saturday6:00pm 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am 6:00pm Sunday 10:45am 8:00am 12:30pm 10:45am- Spanish 12:30pm - Spanish Reconciliation Reconciliation Monday 5:30-7:00pm - Parish Center First Saturday5:30-7:00pm of the month-12:00-1:00pm Monday Parish Center First Saturday of the month 12:00Other times by appointment. 1:00pm Other times byofappointment. Sacrament Baptism The sacrament is generally celebrated during the 10:45 am Mass on the second Sunday of Sacrament of Baptism the month. Parents/legal guardians are to The sacrament is generally celebrated at contact the office early to arrange sacramen12noon at each worship site. Parents/ talguardians instruction a date. areand to schedule contact the office early to Jesus rebuked them and said, “Quiet! Come out of him!”The unclean spirit convulsed him and with a loud cry came out of him. Mark 1: 25-26 MISSION STATEMENT We, the Catholic community of Most Holy Trinity Parish, rich in diversity, strive to achieve the unity that is the essence of God and the heart of the Church. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to be faithful stewards of the apostolic tradition, to stir into flame the gifts of God the Father, and to evangelize through our action as witnesses to our Lord, Jesus Christ. arrange Sacrament sacramental of instruction and schedMarriage a date. Aule couple contemplating marriage must meet Sacrament ofmonths Marriage with a priest at least six prior to the A couple marriage desired date contemplating of the celebration. Whenmust the meet with a priest at least six months prior standard pre-nuptial investigation has been to the desired datebe of the celebration. completed, a date can arranged. When the pre-nuptial investigation has Anointing of can thebe Sick been completed, a date arranged. As an aid to comfort and strengthen the sick, Anointing of the Sick to those the sacrament is administered As an aid to comfort and preparing strengthen for the advanced in years, those sick, the sacrament is administered to those surgery and those in danger of death. advanced years, those preparing for Contact the in parish office to make arrangesurgery and those in danger of death. ments. Contact the office to make arrangements. Sacrament of Holy Orders An Catholic male who feels that God maybe calling him to serve His people as a deacon or priest, should talk to the pastor. MHT PARISH MASS INTENTIONS Pastor: Rev. Paul Fontanella Parochial Vicar: Rev. Gregory Loughney Deacon: Ron Verkon 2/2 Email Addresses 2/3 Pastor: [email protected] Assistant Pastor: [email protected] Main Office: [email protected] Faith & Family Life Coordinator: [email protected] Weekday Masses MHT Parish Center Mon-Thurs: 7:00am and 8:15am Fri: 7:00am All regular weekday Masses are celebrated at the Parish Center, 236 Route 390 in Cresco. Please call the office to confirm the time of your weekday Mass intentions. Parish Office Hours Monday 9:00am - 8:00pm Tuesday-Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm Friday 9:00am-12noon 7:00am MHT-PC No Mass 8:15am MHT-PC Steve Zimowski 7:00am MHT-PC No Mass 8:15am MHT-PC Jason Mathew Murray 7:00am MHT-PC No Mass 8:15am MHT-PC John Abuiso 7:00am MHT-PC No Mass 8:15am MHT-PC Robert Kecth Mary Wishnefsky & Family 2/6 7:00am MHT-PC Lise Francois Marie Francois 2/7 4:00pm MMS Rudolph Schultz Lynn & Theresa Hill 6:00pm MMS John O’Donnell Jerry & Anne Magnuson 8:00am MMS Joan Marlucci MHT Bingo Staff Richard McLaughlin Denis & Patricia Maria Juarez Benito & Flor 2/4 2/5 2/8 10:45am MMS Kate Woehrle The Ladies Guild Wife & Family Bulletin Announcements Please submit bulletin announcements as soon as possible, but no later than noon on Friday one week before you want the announcement to run. Make announcements brief and submit by email if possible. Thank you. Introduction to the Liturgy of the Word First Reading Deuteronomy 18:15–20 I will raise up a prophet and I will put my words into his mouth. Psalm 95 “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” Second Reading 1 Corinthians 7:32–35 A virgin is anxious about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy. Gospel Mark 1:21–28 He taught them as one having authority. After last week’s call of the disciples, our Gospel from Mark takes us on the road with Jesus in his ministry of teaching and healing. As we listen to these stories of Jesus teaching with authority, what authority does Jesus have in our own lives? How does God amaze us with movements of grace within us, and how do we respond? 12:30pm MMS Most Holy Trinity Parish Stewardship January 17/18 Sunday Collection $ 6970.00 Human Development $ 1081.00 Thank you for your generosity to our parish. Parish Activities Calendar for 2015 We are asking all the ministries to call the office 570595-3100 or come into the office and fill out a form so that we have all the information needed to schedule your meetings for the coming year. Contribution Statements Please call the Parish Office if you would like a statement of Contributions for 2014 for tax purposes. PASTOR’S CORNER Dear Brothers and Sisters, Regarding the challenges of new parking and the walking distance between our cars and the entrance, a number of people have raised concerns about the elderly and others who have difficulty with mobility. Please keep in the mind the following (which some people mentioned they were not yet aware of!): 1. There is reserved handicapped parking in the rear of the building, near the kitchen entrance complete with a ramp and very little walking distance at all between your car and the door. If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. I suppose the place for all of us to start is with this question: “Are we listening?” So often in our prayer life we want to accuse God of ignoring us, even abandoning us. And yet, the truth of who God is, he who sent his Son into the world to save us and set us free is always listening and always responding to us – heart speaking to heart – through the Spirit of that same beloved Son. His way of doing that however, may well be mysterious and unexpected. Let us simply commit to open our ears this week, spiritually speaking. Where do we recognize the presence of God? He is all around! And when we discover that beautiful and abiding presence, let us be attentive, and harden not our hearts, but respond in joy the One who reaches out to us with marvelous kindness and compassion! 2. Those who have difficulty walking, including the length of the aisle to receive Holy Communion are kindly encouraged to sit in the front on the right Fr. Paul hand side of the worship space. There are even a few chairs with arms to help with the ‘ups and downs’ of the Mass! 3. In general, with respect to winter weather, PLEASE: whenever you or your family are uncertain about travel conditions and general safety, be assured that your obligation to attend Mass is always second to the obligation we have to keep ourselves safe and healthy. In other words, if you feel that travel is dangerous, you are free to stay home without any moral implication. (Side note: this is very different from simply ‘skipping Mass.’!) Word of Life “It is not only a personal but a social concern which We must all foster: a concern to make unconditional respect for human life the foundation of a renewed society.” -Pope Saint John Paul II The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae, no. 77) Inclement Weather Daily Mass: When Msgr. McHugh/Pocono Mountain is delayed or closed there will be one daily Mass at 9:00am at the parish center. Adoration: When Msgr. McHugh/Pocono Mountain dismisses early or is closed Adoration will be cancelled. Monday evening Confessions: When Msgr. McHugh/Pocono Mountain dismisses early or is closed Confessions will be cancelled. Parish Office: When Msgr. McHugh/Pocono Mountain is delayed or closed the Parish Office will open at 10:30am. Prayer Intentions: The Decease: Desiderio S. Arbiol, Joseph E. Mahon Jr. and Julius Kollar Sr. For those Serving: Please remember the thousands of men and women serving over seas, daily risking their lives. FEBRUARY PARISH CALENDAR Sunday February 1 9:00-10:15 am Religious Formation 4:00-7:00pm 5:30-7:00pm 6:00-7:00pm 6:00-7:00pm Monday, February 2 Eucharistic Adoration - MHT Parish Center Confessions - MHT Parish Center Legion of Mary - MHT Parish Center Respect for Life - MHT Parish Center Tuesday, February 3 Knights of Columbus Social 7:00-9:00pm Wednesday, February 4 Prayer Group - MHT Parish Center PARISH ACTIVITIES Save the Date February 28, 2015 Time 11:00am - 3:00pm Chili and Salsa from across the County. Vote for your favorite If you would like to be a contestant or become part of the committee call the Parish office 570-595-3100 or Chuck Daniels 570-242-2431 for entry information. Come out and support this All members of Council 4159 and 12447 are consolidating into one council to serve our parish. Meetings are held at the Parish Center 1st Tuesday of each month - Officers 2nd Tuesday of each month - General Council 4th Tuesday of each month- Social (Pour House) YOUTH MINISTRY I.S.L.I. International Student Leadership Institute Sponsored by the Diocese of Scranton, Office for Parish Life Registration is now open for the International Student Leadership Institute, February 20-22, 2015 at Camp Ladore in Waymart. ISLI is our diocesan leadership experience for high school students. It is a peer led and facilitated retreat that focuses on five leadership pillars of support, awareness, self confidence, positive thinking and values. For information and to register, visit or call Tommy McGrady at 570-207-2213. Shepherd’s Maternity Home Of Monroe County A Program of Catholic Social Service 13th Annual Benefit - Saint Valentine’s Celebration Sunday, February 8, 2015 2:00-6:00 PM This Year’s Honorees: Senator and Mrs. Mario Scavello n ratio eleb C A “ e” of Lif Ridgecrest at Stroudsmoor County Inn Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania Cost: $60.00 per person RSVP by February 4th at 570-822-7118 ext.305 D IOCESAN N EWS Most Holy Trinity Pledge Goal 2014 - $85,000 Percentage of Goal Pledges as of 1/26/2015 70% If you have not already done so, please make your pledge to help the thousands of people who will directly benefit from your caring support. Each day, with your gift to the Appeal you join in “Transforming Lives Together” by enhancing the programs offered in each of our 120 parishes; by educating our most precious resources: the approximately 6,000 students in our 20 Diocesan schools and those children in parish religious education programs; by responding to the poorest, the weakest and those most in need through the good works of Catholic Social Services; and by supporting our retired and aging priests as well as our seminarians currently studying for the priesthood. Wedding Anniversary Celebration His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Scranton, and the Office for Parish Life wish to invite couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2015 to a diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 7. The event includes a 2:30 pm mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral followed by a reception. Requests for an invitation, with a mailing address, should be made through your parish office before March 16. C OMMUNITY O UTREACH Home Sharing Program Starting Up in Monroe County Integra Home Counseling is sponsoring a Shared Housing Program in Monroe Count. Home Sharers and Home Seekers mutually benefit from this program which provides a viable, affordable housing option for those individuals and families in transition. Integra matches home sharers with home seekers. Background checks are performed on all parties. For more information, and to register for the program, call 570-620-2438 or [email protected]. Local Food Pantries Donations for Pocono Mountain Ecumenical Hunger Ministry and Christian Awareness Ministries Ecumenical are accepted at the Parish Office during office hours. Catholic School Education That’s Meaningful to You Faith. Academics. Values. Service. The 3 Monroe County Catholic schools prepare students for meaningful lives inside and outside the classroom. Our principals, faculty and staff are dedicated to encouraging each student from Pre-K to grade 12 to reach their own academic and spiritual potential. Call this week to learn more about us! Notre Dame Elementary School (Pre-K to Grade 6) East Stroudsburg: 570-421-3651 Msgr. McHugh School (Pre-K to Grade 8), Cresco: 570-595-7463 Notre Dame Jr./Sr. High School (Grades 7 to 12), East Stroudsburg: 570-421-0466 Most Holy Trinity Parish Is Hosting Weekly A Meal for the Community Wednesdays, Noon to 1:00pm St Bernadette’s Church Hall, Route 390 Canadensis, Pa Questions? Call Madeleine Forssell 570-595-6491 Volunteer Coordinator Nancy Santi 570-595-5063 The purveyor for January 21 Mountainhome Diner in Mountainhome. Their rice pudding dessert was the best way to end the meal. Family Promise, Family Promise provides shelter and support services for up to 4 families at a time. It also provides furniture, emergency housing assistance, and other such services to the community. MHT supports Family Promise by serving as a support church. We provide volunteers to prepare meals for, and stay overnight with the guests during one week each quarter. We also collect items needed by the families. BAILE DE SAN VALENTIN (DIA DEL AMOR Y LA AMISTAD) Sábado, 14 de Febrero 2015 Salón de la Iglesia Santa Ana, Tobyhana Hora: 6:00pm a 12:00 am V/entrada: Adultos $ 10.00 y Niños $ 5.00 Comida: $ 5.00 Música Variada Para información llamar a Benito Juárez 570 269-0807 Anímate y colabora! Invita a familias y amigos a celebrar el día del Amor y la Amistad. Todos estos fondos son para Noticias de la Diócesis Celebración de Bodas de Oro y Plata El Obispo Bambera hace una invitación a todas las parejas que cumplan 25 o 50 años de Matrimonio, a una Misa Especial a celebrarse, Junio 21 a las 2:30pm que tendrá lugar en la Catedral de San Pedro en Scranton, luego de la Misa habrá una recepción. Los interesados solicitaran una invitación por medio de un correo eléctrico con dirección a través de su Parroquia antes del 16 de Marzo. Santoral y Calendario Mes de Febrero 2015 Presentación del Señor Jornada mundial de la Vida Consagrada Nuestra señora de San José de los Lagos ( Texas Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria (Bolivia y Puerto Rico) 3 Martes Memoria de san Blas Bendición de las gargantas Nuestra Señora de Suyapa (Honduras) 5 Jueves Memoria de santa Águeda. Los Santos fueron personas que siguieron las huellas de Cristo, viven gozosos en el cielo. Derramaron su sangre por su amor; y por eso se alegran con Cristo para siempre. Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas, Si hoy escuchan su voz, no endurezcan el corazón. Supongo que todos debemos empezar con la siguiente pregunta: “¿Estamos escuchando?” A menudo en nuestra vida de oración queremos acusar a Dios por ignorarnos, aún más, por abandonarnos. Sin embargo, la verdad sobre quién es Dios, aquel que envió a Su Hijo al mundo para salvarnos y liberarnos, siempre nos escucha y siempre nos responde – hablándonos de corazón a corazón – a través del Espíritu del mismo Hijo amado. Su estilo de hacerlo, sin embargo, puede muy bien ser misterioso e inesperado. Comprometámonos simplemente a abrir nuestros oídos esta semana, espiritualmente hablando. ¿En dónde reconocemos la presencia de Dios? ¡El está en todas partes! Y cuando descubramos su presencia bella y permanente, estemos atentos, y no endurezcamos nuestro corazón, ¡mas bien respondamos con gozo a Aquel que se nos acerca con bondad y compasión maravillosas? Padre Paul 2 Lunes NO OLVIDES La Oración es el cerrojo de la tarde y la llave de la mañana. Documentos para la declaración de Ingresos Si te gustaría tener un estado de cuenta por el año 2014 sobre contribuciones a la Parroquia La Santísima Trinidad, lo puede solicitar llamando por teléfono 570 595-3100 ACTIVIDADES PARROQUIA SAN MATEO Virgen de la Altagracia: Gracias a todas las personas que apoyaron en el compartir de Nuestra Virgen de la Altagracia. Muchas bendiciones y Ruega por nosotros! BAILE DE SAN VALENTIN: Sábado, 14 de Febrero, Anímate y ven a festejar el día del Amor y la Amistad, con tu familias y amigos. Lugar: Salón de la Iglesia San Lucas, Strousdburg Hora: 7:00pm a 12:00am V/entrada : Adultos $ 20.00 por adelantado y $25.00 (puerta) V/entrada: Niños $ 10.00 por adelantado y $ 15.00 en la puerta El ticket incluye: comida, soda y rifa. Anímate y colabora! Todo es pro-fondo para la Parroquia. Más información llamar a Larry 570 242-4494 CLASES DE LITURGIA: Estas invitados a participar de talleres sobre como trabajar en la misa-liturgia dirigido por el Prof. Nector García por 12 semanas, nos reuniremos cada Jueves a las 7:00pm Comenzó el 27 de Enero hasta el 16 de Abril. Más información llamar a Nector telf. 646 221-6021 PARROQUIA LA SANTISIMA TRINIDAD LISTO PARA NUESTRO PRIMER ANNUAL Chilli cook-off and Salsa Competition, Febrero 28/2015 Necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar a organizar la competencia y, personas que cocinen chili y salsa, Si esta disponible por favor llamar a la Parroquia y/o Chuck Daniel (570 242-2431) Todo esto es para recaudar fondos para nuestra Parroquia. Parroquia la Santísima Trinidad Calendarios de Misas y Actividades Auditorio, Colegio Msgr. McHugh, Cresco Misa cada Sábado: Hora 4:00pm y 6:00pm (Ingles) Misa cada Domingo: 8:00am, 10:45am (Ingles) y 12:30pm (Español) Catequesis Familiar, Colegio Msgr. McHugh 10:45am cada Domingo Capilla Centro Parroquial, Cresco Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Cada lunes de 4:00 a 7:00pm Sacramento de Reconciliación: Habrá confesiones cada Lunes 5:30pm a 7:00pm y cada primer sábado de cada mes 12:15am a 1:00pm Legión de María, Cada Lunes 6:00pm a 7:45pm Baile de San Valentín: Sábado, 14 de Febrero, ven a festejar con tu familia el día del Amor y la Amistad. Grupos de Oración y Estudio de Biblia Los invitamos a participar en los diferentes grupos Viernes: 7pm Iglesia Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz, Brodheadsville. Viernes: 7pm Iglesia san Mateo, East Stroudsburg. Estudio de la Biblia en Ingles : Iglesia San Lucas, cada Jueves hora 10am y será Repetido a las 7:00pm. Todos son bienvenidos Anuncios Llamar a la Oficina de la Parroquia La Santísima Trinidad hasta el día Lunes de 9:00am a 4:00pm Telf. # (570) 595-3100 o escribir al correo Electrónico: [email protected]
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