Saugatuck Township Board Regular Meeting Wednesday, February 4, 2015 6:00 p.m. 3461 Blue Star Hwy, Saugatuck, Michigan 49453 AGENDA 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Public Comments. The Board requests that speakers respect the three-minute time limit for individual comments and the five-minute time limit for an individual speaking on behalf of a group. This is not a question and answer session, it is an opportunity to voice your thoughts with the Township Board. Public comments using video equipment must be approved by the Clerk at least two days prior to the meeting. 4. Approval of Agenda. (additions, deletions, removal of items) 5. Consent Agenda. A. Accounts Payable Invoices to be paid. i. 1st Impressions Printing through Something Different Signs. Total to be paid $115,115.09. B. A/P check register to be post-audited. C. Payroll (check register attached). D. December 31, 2014 Financials. E. Approval of Minutes. i. January 7, 2015 Regular Meeting 6. Correspondence. A. Mark LaChey. B. Jon Helmrich. C. Jane Dickie. 7. Unfinished Business. A. Board Appointment Discussion. B. Board of Review Alternate. 8. New Business. A. Emergency Services Committee Bylaws and Draft Request for Proposal. B. Resolution In Opposition of SB No.4 (Michigan Religious Freedom Act). C. Cemetery RFP. D. Road Work Orders 2015. 9. Committee Reports. A. Planning Commission. B. Road Commission. C. Interurban. D. Fire Board. E. Ambulance Committee. F. Harbor Authority Liaison. G. Open Board Report. H. County Commissioner Dean Kapinga. 10. Public Comments. Previous guidelines apply. 11. Adjourn Next Scheduled Meeting: March 4, 2015 Township Hall – 6 p.m. 01/30/2015 01:52 PM User: BRAD DB: Saugatuck INVOICE APPROVAL BY INVOICE REPORT FOR SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP POST DATES 01/01/2015 - 02/04/2015 BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED OPEN BANK CODE: CHEM Vendor Code Vendor Name Invoice 112 CONSUMERS ENERGY 201270465374 TWP HALL ELECT 201270465375 TWP HALL STREET LIGHT 202872294777 DOG PARK ELECT 206609947012 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY Description TOTAL FOR: CONSUMERS ENERGY 236 DELLAVECCHIA DENTAL RUDICH-20150126 DENTAL FRONTIER STMT 1/20/15 TELEPHONE, INTERNET TOTAL FOR: FRONTIER 763 I.T. RIGHT 20413772 SETUP A BACKUP ON OLD SERVER INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL 2015 DUES ICC INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL -DUES K.L.S.W.A. MMBJ586014 STMT 1/15/15 WATER OPERATION CONTRACT TWP HALL WATER SEWER TOTAL FOR: K.L.S.W.A. 146 MIKA, MEYERS, BECKETT & JONES 586532 ATTORNEY FEES -REVIEW SEWER BONDS TOTAL FOR: MIKA, MEYERS, BECKETT & JONES 190 PREIN & NEWHOF 28721 KINGFISHER COVE ENGINEERING TOTAL FOR: PREIN & NEWHOF 156 PRIORITY HEALTH 150150000868 HEALTH INSURANCE- FEB 2015 TOTAL FOR: PRIORITY HEALTH 107 SCHOLTEN & FANT 244132 ATTORNEY FEES TOTAL FOR: SCHOLTEN & FANT 675 128.00 128.00 248.14 371.25 371.25 TOTAL FOR: INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL 120 284.70 38.68 22.61 25.62 248.14 TOTAL FOR: I.T. RIGHT 526 Amount 371.61 TOTAL FOR: DELLAVECCHIA DENTAL 125 Page : STANDARD INSURANCE CO. STMT 01/15/15 2015 FEB AD & D LIFE TOTAL FOR: STANDARD INSURANCE CO. 125.00 125.00 943.10 54.69 997.79 88.50 88.50 165.00 165.00 4,173.71 4,173.71 2,054.00 2,054.00 48.40 48.40 TOTAL - ALL VENDORS 8,771.40 FUND Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 6,509.18 25.62 471.55 773.50 991.55 TOTALS: 101 - GENERAL FUND 209 - CEMETERY FUND 365 - WATER DEBT FUND 390 - SEWER DEBT FUND 465 - WATER PROJECT FUND 1/1 01/30/2015 01:53 PM User: BRAD DB: Saugatuck Check Date Check CHECK REGISTER FOR SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP CHECK DATE FROM 01/01/2015 - 01/30/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Description Page: 1/4 Amount Bank CHEM CHEMICAL BANK GENERAL 01/08/2015 01/30/2015 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 01/29/2015 01/08/2015 151(E) 152(E) 153(E) 154(E) 155(E) 40334 2942 124 124 124 213 759 FINONA CUMMINGS MERS OF MICHIGAN MERS OF MICHIGAN MERS OF MICHIGAN MICHIGAN DEPT. OF TREASURY 1ST IMPRESSIONS PRINTING WATER REFUND 01/08/2015 40335 137 ALLEGAN CO ROAD COMMISSION 134TH AVE PAVING ROADSIDE MOWING 2ND CREDIT 2012 GRAVEL 01/08/2015 40336 134 E.I.S LLC DECEMBER 2014 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS 01/08/2015 40337 112 CONSUMERS ENERGY DOG PARK ELECT DOUGLAS CEMETERY ELECT TWP HALL ELECT SAUGATUCK CEMET ELECT STREETLIGHTS TWP HALL STREET LIGHT 01/08/2015 40338 594 FLAMETAMER FIRE PROTECTION FIRE EXTINGUISHER MAINT 2014 01/08/2015 40339 132 FRIS OFFICE OUTFITTERS PLANNER, CALENDAR KITCHEN SUPPLIES, CALENDAR PAPER COPY 20.78 40.36 66.98 128.12 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 40340 40341 40342 125 2367 303 FRONTIER GENZINK PLUMBING GMS, LLC PHONE, INTERNET REFUND PERMIT 3422 RIVERSIDE DR OCT 14 MOWING 248.14 100.00 35.00 01/08/2015 40343 418 HEAVENER PROPERTY SERVICES CEMETERY REPAIRS, CLEAN UP TWP NON-MOTORIZED TRAIL CLEANUP 96.25 175.00 271.25 01/08/2015 40344 326 J'S DISPOSAL DUMPSTER CEMETERY DOG PARK TRASH BIN 75.00 45.00 120.00 01/08/2015 40345 120 K.L.S.W.A. KLSWA -CONFLICT RESOLUTION GASLIGHT ESTA WATER TWP HALL 180.37 56.02 236.39 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 40346 40347 40348 40349 40350 40351 772 773 213 156 608 706 KATHLEEN MILLER COOK MARK SCHROCK MICHIGAN DEPT. OF TREASURY PRIORITY HEALTH GARY RAAK SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP FIRE DISTRICT CONFERENCE REPAYMENT -FRACKING KARUAS DANGEROUS BUILDING HEARING DEC STATE WITHHOLDING HEALTH INSURANCE DECEMBER 2014 PLUMBING INSPECTIONS RENTAL INSPECTION 6455 LILY PAD LN 01/08/2015 40352 107 SCHOLTEN & FANT J NASS APPEAL OF MTT ATTORNEY FEES AUDIT PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS PAYABLE DEF CONTRIB ST OF MI WITHHOLD INSPECTION NOTICES 115.70 4,472.92 225.00 59.08 1,342.53 24.25 103,999.76 1,402.53 (607.73) 104,794.56 675.00 45.69 24.90 250.23 35.13 1,154.60 22.03 1,532.58 65.00 45.00 50.00 858.99 4,173.71 675.00 30.00 180.00 160.00 01/30/2015 01:53 PM User: BRAD DB: Saugatuck Check Date 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 01/16/2015 01/21/2015 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 Check 40353 40354 40355 40356 40357 40358 40361 40362 40363 40364 40365 40366 40367 40368 40369 40370 40371 40372 40373 40374 40375 40376 CHECK REGISTER FOR SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP CHECK DATE FROM 01/01/2015 - 01/30/2015 Vendor 285 428 705 154 712 675 482 127 236 303 418 722 119 128 528 335 593 126 236 418 443 633 Vendor Name SOMETHING DIFFERENT SIGNS SCOTT VANDERLIP WEST KALAMAZOO DENTAL CARE WEST SHORE INSPECTIONS, LLC OBSERVER NEWSPAPERS STANDARD INSURANCE CO. PAM AALDERINK AMR AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE DELLAVECCHIA DENTAL GMS, LLC HEAVENER PROPERTY SERVICES HOLLAND SENTINEL KAECHELE PUBLICATIONS SEMCO ENERGY COUNTRYSIDE HEATING AND COOLING ALLEGAN CO REGISTER OF DEEDS LORI BABINSKI CARDMEMBER SERVICE DELLAVECCHIA DENTAL HEAVENER PROPERTY SERVICES BRAD RUDICH AARON SHERIDAN Description Page: 2/4 Amount ATTORNEY FEES 2,886.00 3,226.00 NAME CHANGE- DOUGLAS LANE L. DALE WINTER - WEEKEND BURIAL KENNETH MASON 01/01/2015 DECEMBER 2014 MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS DEC 2014 - RFP CEMETERY MAINT JAN 2015 AD&d JPC MINUTES JAN 2015 AMBULANCE BRUDICH DENTAL JAN15 CEMETERY CONTRACT PLOWING DOG PARK & RIVERBLUFF PARK CEMETERY MAINT ADVERT ADVERT CEMETERY & CONTRACT TWP HALL GAS BD Payment Refund GASLIGHT DEED TREAS MEETING MILEAGE JAN 15 CREDIT CARD CHARGES- SUPPLIES, BOR TRAIN SHERIDAN DENTAL CREM BURIAL DANA CHRISTENSEN PARKS GRANT ROAD COMMISSION RE-SURFACE 10.00 600.00 114.00 945.00 167.04 48.40 100.00 623.77 238.00 2,416.67 300.00 261.60 284.05 296.73 100.00 26.00 23.00 369.50 2.30 100.00 65.55 26.45 CHEM TOTALS: Total of 46 Checks: Less 0 Void Checks: 130,622.28 0.00 Total of 46 Disbursements: 130,622.28 Bank TAXCH TAX CHEMICAL 01/02/2015 01/02/2015 01/02/2015 01/02/2015 01/02/2015 01/02/2015 01/02/2015 01/02/2015 01/02/2015 01/05/2015 01/14/2015 01/14/2015 01/14/2015 01/14/2015 01/14/2015 01/14/2015 01/14/2015 01/14/2015 01/14/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 7077 739 241 736 737 284 716 165 706 738 740 739 241 736 737 284 716 165 706 738 739 241 736 737 284 716 ALLEGAN CO INTERMEDIATE DISTRICT ALLEGAN COUNTY TREASURER FENNVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL HAMILTON PUBLIC SCHOOL INTERURBAN TRANSIT AUTH OTTAWA AREA INTERMEDIATE SAUGATUCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP FIRE DISTRICT SAUGATUCK-DOUGLAS DISTRICT LIBRARY CORELOGIC REAL ESTATE TAX SERVICES ALLEGAN CO INTERMEDIATE DISTRICT ALLEGAN COUNTY TREASURER FENNVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL HAMILTON PUBLIC SCHOOL INTERURBAN TRANSIT AUTH OTTAWA AREA INTERMEDIATE SAUGATUCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP FIRE DISTRICT SAUGATUCK-DOUGLAS DISTRICT LIBRARY ALLEGAN CO INTERMEDIATE DISTRICT ALLEGAN COUNTY TREASURER FENNVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL HAMILTON PUBLIC SCHOOL INTERURBAN TRANSIT AUTH OTTAWA AREA INTERMEDIATE PAYOUT #02 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #02 WINTER 2014 & #12 SUMMER 2014 PAYOUT #02 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #02 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #02 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #02 WINTER 2014 & #12 SUMMER 2014 PAYOUT #02 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #02 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #02 WINTER 2014 TITLE COMPANY PAID WINTER TAXES PAYOUT #03 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #03 WINTER 2014 & #12 & #13 SUMME PAYOUT #03 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #03 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #03 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #03 WINTER 2014 & #13 SUMMER 2014 PAYOUT #03 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #03 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #03 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #04 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #04 WINTER & #14 SUMMER 2014 PAYOUT #04 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #04 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #04 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #04 WINTER & #14 SUMMER 2014 42,488.19 67,260.76 123,896.65 4,568.64 18,721.47 8,097.54 152,912.58 56,015.92 19,366.03 1,323.11 69,953.20 101,902.10 174,055.89 9,050.63 28,678.69 6,150.03 222,401.68 85,822.50 29,666.21 18,361.14 27,422.01 60,924.79 566.66 7,767.08 294.07 01/30/2015 01:53 PM User: BRAD DB: Saugatuck Page: CHECK REGISTER FOR SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP CHECK DATE FROM 01/01/2015 - 01/30/2015 Check Date Check Vendor Vendor Name Description 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 01/28/2015 7078 7079 7080 165 706 738 SAUGATUCK PUBLIC SCHOOLS SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP FIRE DISTRICT SAUGATUCK-DOUGLAS DISTRICT LIBRARY PAYOUT #04 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #04 WINTER 2014 PAYOUT #04 WINTER 2014 01/14/2015 703527(E) 439 SAUGATUCK TWP TREASURER ADMINISTRATION FEE SUMMER LIGHT DISTRICT LIGHT DISTRICT INTEREST SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP GENERAL OPERATING SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP ROADS SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP CEMETERY SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP AMBULANCE ADMINISTRATION FEE WINTER SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP RESOURCE RECOVERY SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP WATER 97 DIST #1 SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP SEWER DIST 02-#1 OVERPAYMENT INTEREST EARNED 01/28/2015 710007(E) 439 SAUGATUCK TWP TREASURER ADMINISTRATION FEE LIGHT DISTRICT SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATION FEE SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP 01/02/2015 20141231(E) 439 SAUGATUCK TWP TREASURER 3/4 Amount SUMMER GENERAL OPERATING ROADS CEMETERY AMBULANCE WINTER RESOURCE RECOVERY WATER 97 DIST #1 SEWER DIST 02-#1 ADMINISTRATION FEE SUMMER LIGHT DISTRICT LIGHT DISTRICT INTEREST SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP GENERAL OPERATING SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP ROADS SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP CEMETERY SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP AMBULANCE ADMINISTRATION FEE WINTER SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP RESOURCE RECOVERY SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP WATER 97 DIST #1 SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP CONT DIST 97-1 SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP SEWER DIST 02-#1 OVERPAYMENT 76,656.50 22,239.88 8,034.29 74.60 46.82 2.12 24,684.61 113,867.10 12,845.76 1,662.78 8,738.56 12,883.91 1,030.05 2,080.77 2.00 82.99 178,002.07 32.96 0.24 6,685.40 30,839.34 3,478.96 417.42 2,671.37 4,232.74 1,779.85 4,516.03 54,654.31 157.22 27.55 0.31 16,114.12 74,332.63 8,385.63 1,139.09 5,931.36 5,323.91 1,612.70 142.24 4,070.38 4.20 117,241.34 TAXCH TOTALS: Total of 31 Checks: Less 0 Void Checks: 1,794,495.96 0.00 Total of 31 Disbursements: 1,794,495.96 Bank TRUST TRUST & AGENCY CHEMICAL 01/06/2015 3002 241 ALLEGAN COUNTY TREASURER OCT-NOV TRAILER TAX 795.00 01/30/2015 01:53 PM User: BRAD DB: Saugatuck CHECK REGISTER FOR SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP CHECK DATE FROM 01/01/2015 - 01/30/2015 Check Date Check Vendor Vendor Name Description 01/06/2015 20150106(E) 439 SAUGATUCK TWP TREASURER INTEREST EARNED SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP TRAILER TAX Page: 4/4 Amount 1.50 159.00 160.50 TRUST TOTALS: Total of 2 Checks: Less 0 Void Checks: 955.50 0.00 Total of 2 Disbursements: 955.50 REPORT TOTALS: Total of 79 Checks: Less 0 Void Checks: 1,926,073.74 0.00 Total of 79 Disbursements: 1,926,073.74 01/30/2015 01:55 PM Page 1 of 2 Check Register Report For Saugatuck Township For Check Dates 01/01/2015 to 01/31/2015 Check Gross Physical Check Amount Direct Deposit MCILWAINE, ROY 200.00 184.70 0.00 Open 40316 PHILLIPS, JONATHAN 150.00 132.14 0.00 Open CHEM 40317 CONKLIN, MARGARET B 275.00 242.27 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40318 ELLINGSEN, ALFRED J 1,720.00 1,400.82 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40319 MILAUCKAS, JOSEPH 200.00 176.20 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40320 MILLER-COOK, KATHLEEN 100.00 88.10 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40321 POWERS, SHAWN 50.00 46.17 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40322 PRIETZ, ANDREW 100.00 86.68 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40323 PUTNAM, MARK W 50.00 44.04 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40324 ROWE, WILLIAM J 175.00 161.61 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40325 TUCKER, MARCIA 50.00 46.17 0.00 Void 01/02/2015 CHEM 40326 WELK, EDWARD 50.00 44.04 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40327 BAARMAN, ERICA 70.00 61.66 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40328 BECKMAN, AMY L 105.00 96.97 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40329 BURD, DANA 35.00 32.32 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40330 LANE, DOUGLAS M 25.00 23.09 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40331 SEARING, PRESTON J 105.00 96.97 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40332 SMITH, ANDREA 70.00 64.64 0.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM 40333 HELMRICH, JON 210.00 193.93 0.00 Open 01/16/2015 CHEM 40359 BAUMBACH, CAROLE E 512.00 75.29 225.00 Open 01/16/2015 CHEM 40360 TUCKER, MARCIA 25.00 23.09 0.00 Open 01/30/2015 CHEM 40377 BAUMBACH, CAROLE E 512.00 75.27 225.00 Open 01/02/2015 CHEM DD299 SHERIDAN, AARON J 1,769.23 0.00 1,244.34 Cleared 01/02/2015 CHEM DD300 WESTER, WILLIAM W 677.08 0.00 461.29 Cleared 01/02/2015 CHEM DD301 MASON, SHERYL A 2,111.46 0.00 1,633.86 Cleared 01/02/2015 CHEM DD302 RUDICH, BRADLEY 1,935.85 0.00 1,559.10 Cleared 01/02/2015 CHEM DD303 BABINSKI, LORI F 1,827.57 0.00 1,419.61 Cleared 01/02/2015 CHEM DD304 BAUMBACH, CAROLE E 504.00 0.00 293.85 Cleared 01/02/2015 CHEM DD305 KUSHION, STEVE B 1,538.46 0.00 1,185.19 Cleared 01/16/2015 CHEM DD306 SHERIDAN, AARON J 2,000.00 0.00 1,392.83 Cleared Check Date Bank Check Number 01/02/2015 CHEM 40315 01/02/2015 CHEM 01/02/2015 Name Status 01/30/2015 01:55 PM Page 2 of 2 Check Register Report For Saugatuck Township For Check Dates 01/01/2015 to 01/31/2015 Check Gross Physical Check Amount Direct Deposit 677.08 0.00 461.87 Cleared MASON, SHERYL A 1,986.46 0.00 1,543.93 Cleared DD309 RUDICH, BRADLEY 1,985.85 0.00 1,623.99 Cleared CHEM DD310 BABINSKI, LORI F 1,777.57 0.00 1,384.50 Cleared 01/16/2015 CHEM DD311 KUSHION, STEVE B 1,538.46 0.00 1,186.63 Cleared 01/30/2015 CHEM DD312 SHERIDAN, AARON J 2,000.00 0.00 1,392.83 Cleared 01/30/2015 CHEM DD313 WESTER, WILLIAM W 677.08 0.00 461.88 Cleared 01/30/2015 CHEM DD314 MASON, SHERYL A 1,986.46 0.00 1,543.92 Cleared 01/30/2015 CHEM DD315 RUDICH, BRADLEY 1,985.85 0.00 1,695.04 Cleared 01/30/2015 CHEM DD316 BABINSKI, LORI F 1,777.57 0.00 1,384.49 Cleared 01/30/2015 CHEM DD317 KUSHION, STEVE B 1,538.46 0.00 1,186.65 Cleared 35,083.49 3,396.17 23,505.80 Check Date Bank Check Number 01/16/2015 CHEM DD307 WESTER, WILLIAM W 01/16/2015 CHEM DD308 01/16/2015 CHEM 01/16/2015 Totals: Name Number of Checks: Total Physical Checks: Total Check Stubs: 22 19 041 Status 01/30/2015 02:02 PM User: BRAD DB: Saugatuck GL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Fund 101 - GENERAL Revenues Dept 000 101-000-401.000 101-000-410.000 101-000-420.000 101-000-429.000 101-000-430.000 101-000-440.000 101-000-445.000 101-000-447.000 101-000-451.000 101-000-452.000 101-000-454.000 101-000-460.000 101-000-476.000 101-000-480.000 101-000-481.000 101-000-482.000 101-000-483.000 101-000-484.000 101-000-489.000 101-000-490.000 101-000-566.000 101-000-575.000 101-000-607.000 101-000-608.000 101-000-615.000 101-000-620.000 101-000-625.000 101-000-655.000 101-000-665.000 101-000-667.000 101-000-668.000 101-000-671.000 101-000-675.000 101-000-676.000 101-000-680.000 101-000-692.000 101-000-698.000 101-000-699.000 Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP PERIOD ENDING 12/31/2014 2014-15 ORIGINAL BUDGET 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE ACTIVITY FOR 12/31/2014 MONTH 12/31/2014 NORM (ABNORM) INCR (DECR) 1/5 AVAILABLE BALANCE NORM (ABNORM) % BDGT USED FUND 106,500.00 39,500.00 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 7,000.00 2,000.00 88,000.00 100.00 2,400.00 500.00 28,000.00 150.00 200.00 32,000.00 9,200.00 7,500.00 9,000.00 3,000.00 300.00 0.00 215,000.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 300.00 8,700.00 3,000.00 0.00 200.00 12,000.00 7,164.00 100.00 0.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 113,040.00 106,500.00 39,500.00 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 7,000.00 2,000.00 88,000.00 100.00 2,400.00 500.00 28,000.00 150.00 200.00 32,000.00 9,200.00 7,500.00 9,000.00 3,000.00 300.00 0.00 215,000.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 300.00 8,700.00 3,000.00 0.00 200.00 12,000.00 7,164.00 100.00 0.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 26,369.00 113,040.00 10,371.89 3,684.66 0.00 0.00 7,962.30 270.08 524.64 52,930.09 25.00 2,506.90 159.00 17,344.99 50.00 1,100.00 27,553.50 7,500.00 5,250.00 8,400.00 2,335.00 5,130.00 0.00 154,743.00 550.00 1,600.00 0.00 8,820.82 0.00 16.00 1,542.99 100.00 0.00 1.41 0.00 566.25 295.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,371.89 3,684.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.02 3,960.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 1,160.50 300.00 1,000.00 1,400.00 150.00 50.00 0.00 40,440.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,458.32 0.00 16.00 203.53 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 96,128.11 9.74 35,815.34 9.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.70 99.53 6,729.92 3.86 1,475.36 26.23 35,069.91 60.15 75.00 25.00 (106.90) 104.45 341.00 31.80 10,655.01 61.95 100.00 33.33 (900.00) 550.00 4,446.50 86.10 1,700.00 81.52 2,250.00 70.00 600.00 93.33 665.00 77.83 (4,830.00) 1,710.00 0.00 0.00 60,257.00 71.97 950.00 36.67 (400.00) 133.33 300.00 0.00 (120.82) 101.39 3,000.00 0.00 (16.00) 100.00 (1,342.99) 771.50 11,900.00 0.83 7,164.00 0.00 98.59 1.41 0.00 0.00 (416.25) 377.50 (145.00) 196.67 0.00 0.00 26,369.00 0.00 113,040.00 0.00 Total Dept 000 705,854.00 732,223.00 321,333.52 69,307.53 410,889.48 43.88 TOTAL Revenues 705,854.00 732,223.00 321,333.52 69,307.53 410,889.48 43.88 Expenditures Dept 101-TOWNSHIP BOARD 101-101-701.000 ELECTED OFFICIAL SALARIES 101-101-704.000 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 101-101-960.000 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 101-101-961.000 TRAINING & SEMINARS 1,685.00 700.00 50.00 0.00 1,685.00 700.00 50.00 0.00 350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,335.00 700.00 50.00 0.00 20.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Dept 101-TOWNSHIP BOARD 2,435.00 2,435.00 350.00 0.00 2,085.00 14.37 Dept 171-SUPERVISOR CURRENT PROP TAX RECYCLING SURCHARGE DELINQUENT TAX PILT TAXES STREET LIGHT DISTRICT TAX HOMESTEAD DENIALS PENALTIES & INTEREST ON TAXES TAX ADMINISTRATIVE FEE BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS LIQUOR LICENSE TRAILER TAX CABLE TV FEE SIGN PERMITS RENTAL DWELLING PERMITS BUILDING PERMITS ELECTRICAL PERMITS PLUMBING PERMITS MECHANICAL PERMITS ZONING PERMITS OTHER PERMITS STATE GRANTS: CULTURE & REC SALES & INCOME TAX PLANNING COMM FEES ZBA FEES PROPERTY/BOUNDARY SPLIT FEE SUMMER SCHOOL TAX COLLECTION METRO ACT, RIGHT OF WAYS FINES & FEES INTEREST EARNED RENTS LEASES MISCELLANEOUS DONATIONS DOG PK CONTRIBUTIONS EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENTS TRANSFER IN - INSPECTIONS TRANSFER FROM FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS IN 01/30/2015 02:02 PM User: BRAD DB: Saugatuck GL NUMBER Fund 101 - GENERAL Expenditures 101-171-701.000 101-171-703.000 101-171-705.000 101-171-726.000 101-171-734.000 101-171-960.000 101-171-961.000 DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP PERIOD ENDING 12/31/2014 2014-15 ORIGINAL BUDGET 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE ACTIVITY FOR 12/31/2014 MONTH 12/31/2014 NORM (ABNORM) INCR (DECR) 2/5 AVAILABLE BALANCE NORM (ABNORM) % BDGT USED FUND ELECTED OFFICIAL SALARIES ADMINISTRATIVE SALARY DEPUTY SALARY SUPPLIES TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & SEMINARS 17,604.00 46,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 17,604.00 46,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 8,332.04 21,759.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,354.16 3,538.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,271.96 24,240.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 47.33 47.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 63,754.00 63,754.00 30,092.03 4,892.62 33,661.97 47.20 800.00 800.00 500.00 300.00 800.00 800.00 500.00 300.00 1,444.00 912.87 163.75 386.20 0.00 0.00 65.75 0.00 (644.00) (112.87) 336.25 (86.20) 180.50 114.11 32.75 128.73 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,906.82 65.75 (506.82) 121.12 51,648.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,900.00 500.00 1,000.00 0.00 500.00 250.00 51,648.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,900.00 500.00 1,000.00 0.00 500.00 250.00 24,503.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 784.90 250.00 355.00 0.00 0.00 405.00 3,972.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,144.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,115.10 250.00 645.00 0.00 500.00 (155.00) 47.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.07 50.00 35.50 0.00 0.00 162.00 Total Dept 209-ASSESSOR 56,798.00 56,798.00 26,298.88 3,978.71 30,499.12 Dept 215-CLERK 101-215-701.000 101-215-703.000 101-215-704.000 101-215-705.000 101-215-706.000 101-215-726.000 101-215-802.000 101-215-803.000 101-215-851.000 101-215-901.000 101-215-955.000 101-215-960.000 101-215-961.000 101-215-963.000 10,428.00 39,904.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,500.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 400.00 0.00 100.00 2,500.00 0.00 10,428.00 39,904.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 100.00 2,500.00 0.00 4,290.63 19,605.64 100.00 0.00 0.00 2,435.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 666.08 0.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 739.80 3,131.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.49 0.00 0.00 (1,520.61) 17.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,832.00 54,432.00 27,148.30 2,396.16 27,283.70 49.88 2,900.00 2,900.00 300.00 150.00 2,600.00 10.34 Total Dept 171-SUPERVISOR Dept 191-ELECTIONS 101-191-702.000 101-191-726.000 101-191-901.000 101-191-961.000 APPOINTED OFFICIAL SALARIES SUPPLIES PRINTING & PUBLISHING TRAINING & SEMINARS Total Dept 191-ELECTIONS Dept 209-ASSESSOR 101-209-702.000 101-209-704.000 101-209-705.000 101-209-709.000 101-209-726.000 101-209-734.000 101-209-805.000 101-209-901.000 101-209-960.000 101-209-961.000 APPOINTED OFFICIAL SALARIES ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DEPUTY SALARY SUBCONTRACTED LABOR SUPPLIES TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCE PROPERTY RECORDS PRINTING & PUBLISHING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & SEMINARS ELECTED OFFICIAL SALARIES ADMINISTRATIVE SALARY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DEPUTY SALARY HOURLY WAGES SUPPLIES ATTORNEY FEES AUDITOR COMMUNICATIONS PRINTING & PUBLISHING MISCELLANEOUS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & SEMINARS CONTINGENCY Total Dept 215-CLERK Dept 247-BOARD OF REVIEW 101-247-702.000 APPOINTED OFFICIAL SALARIES 6,137.37 20,298.36 (100.00) 0.00 0.00 (1,335.95) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (266.08) 0.00 50.00 2,500.00 0.00 46.30 41.15 49.13 100.00 0.00 0.00 221.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 166.52 0.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 01/30/2015 02:02 PM User: BRAD DB: Saugatuck Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP PERIOD ENDING 12/31/2014 2014-15 ORIGINAL BUDGET 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET 0.00 50.00 500.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 50.00 500.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 35.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.50 500.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 71.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,050.00 4,050.00 335.50 150.00 3,714.50 8.28 10,937.00 35,280.00 400.00 1,500.00 2,600.00 0.00 500.00 10,937.00 35,280.00 400.00 1,500.00 2,600.00 0.00 500.00 5,178.45 16,689.96 0.00 2,078.42 1,188.45 0.00 306.84 841.30 2,713.84 0.00 1,208.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,758.55 18,590.04 400.00 (578.42) 1,411.55 0.00 193.16 Total Dept 253-TREASURER 51,217.00 51,217.00 25,442.12 4,764.06 25,774.88 Dept 260-TECHNOLOGY 101-260-726.000 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 101-260-801.000 NETWORK SYSTEMS LICENSE FEES 101-260-969.000 SUBCONTRACT LABOR 250.00 12,500.00 2,500.00 250.00 12,500.00 3,500.00 329.34 11,034.00 2,698.73 120.37 3,970.00 0.00 (79.34) 1,466.00 801.27 Total Dept 260-TECHNOLOGY 15,250.00 16,250.00 14,062.07 4,090.37 2,187.93 86.54 250.00 7,500.00 5,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 1,650.00 10,500.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 19,000.00 848.41 4,457.85 797.09 0.00 450.00 123.63 2,097.03 65.00 0.00 0.00 801.59 6,042.15 4,202.91 2,000.00 18,550.00 51.42 42.46 15.94 0.00 2.37 Total Dept 265-BUILDING & GROUNDS 16,750.00 38,150.00 6,553.35 2,285.66 31,596.65 17.18 Dept 266-PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101-266-802.000 ATTORNEY FEES GENERAL 101-266-803.000 AUDITOR 12,000.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 1,855.50 9,000.00 160.00 0.00 10,144.50 1,000.00 15.46 90.00 Total Dept 266-PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 22,000.00 22,000.00 10,855.50 160.00 11,144.50 49.34 Dept 301-CONSTABLE 101-301-702.000 APPOINTED OFFICIAL SALARIES 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.00 Total Dept 301-CONSTABLE 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.00 Dept 371-INSPECTIONS 101-371-704.000 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 101-371-710.000 BUILDING INSPECTOR 101-371-711.000 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 14,500.00 16,000.00 8,500.00 14,500.00 16,000.00 8,500.00 8,768.00 11,240.00 7,290.00 1,280.00 1,340.00 675.00 5,732.00 4,760.00 1,210.00 60.47 70.25 85.76 GL NUMBER Fund 101 - GENERAL Expenditures 101-247-704.000 101-247-726.000 101-247-901.000 101-247-960.000 101-247-961.000 DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE BALANCE NORM (ABNORM) % BDGT USED FUND ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT SUPPLIES PRINTING & PUBLISHING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & SEMINARS Total Dept 247-BOARD OF REVIEW Dept 253-TREASURER 101-253-701.000 101-253-704.000 101-253-705.000 101-253-726.000 101-253-806.000 101-253-960.000 101-253-961.000 YTD BALANCE ACTIVITY FOR 12/31/2014 MONTH 12/31/2014 NORM (ABNORM) INCR (DECR) 3/5 ELECTED OFFICIAL SALARIES ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DEPUTY SALARY SUPPLIES TAX ROLL DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING & SEMINARS Dept 265-BUILDING & GROUNDS 101-265-726.000 SUPPLIES 101-265-920.000 GAS & ELECTRIC & INTERNET 101-265-930.000 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 101-265-935.000 EQUIPMENT SERVICES 101-265-970.000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 47.35 47.31 0.00 138.56 45.71 0.00 61.37 49.68 131.74 88.27 77.11 01/30/2015 02:02 PM User: BRAD DB: Saugatuck GL NUMBER Fund 101 - GENERAL Expenditures 101-371-712.000 101-371-713.000 101-371-714.000 101-371-726.000 101-371-961.000 DESCRIPTION Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP PERIOD ENDING 12/31/2014 2014-15 ORIGINAL BUDGET 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET YTD BALANCE ACTIVITY FOR 12/31/2014 MONTH 12/31/2014 NORM (ABNORM) INCR (DECR) 4/5 AVAILABLE BALANCE NORM (ABNORM) % BDGT USED FUND PLUMBING INSPECTOR MECHANICAL INSPECTOR FIRE INSPECTOR SUPPLIES TRAINING & SEMINARS 6,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 300.00 6,000.00 8,000.00 600.00 6,000.00 300.00 5,580.00 7,020.00 300.00 2,005.57 169.91 1,170.00 945.00 30.00 91.23 0.00 420.00 980.00 300.00 3,994.43 130.09 93.00 87.75 50.00 33.43 56.64 Total Dept 371-INSPECTIONS 59,300.00 59,900.00 42,373.48 5,531.23 17,526.52 70.74 Dept 420-PLANNING & ZONING 101-420-702.000 APPOINTED OFFICIAL SALARIES 101-420-703.000 ADMINISTRATIVE SALARY 101-420-704.000 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 101-420-714.000 FIRE INSPECTOR 101-420-726.000 SUPPLIES 101-420-750.000 REIMBURSED EXPENSES 101-420-802.000 ATTORNEY FEES PLAN & ZON 101-420-804.000 PLANNER FEES 101-420-901.000 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 101-420-960.000 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 101-420-961.000 TRAINING & SEMINARS 5,500.00 40,000.00 800.00 120.00 700.00 0.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 2,550.00 800.00 5,500.00 43,600.00 800.00 0.00 700.00 0.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 2,550.00 800.00 1,230.00 21,695.17 650.00 0.00 297.27 0.00 4,082.23 0.00 0.00 400.00 930.00 175.00 3,376.92 75.00 0.00 13.30 0.00 1,144.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 4,270.00 21,904.83 150.00 0.00 402.73 0.00 10,917.77 10,000.00 1,000.00 2,150.00 (130.00) Total Dept 420-PLANNING & ZONING 76,470.00 79,950.00 29,284.67 4,829.22 50,665.33 36.63 Dept 440-PUBLIC WORKS 101-440-801.000 ENGINEERING 101-440-925.000 STREET LIGHTS 101-440-958.000 DRAINS AT LARGE 0.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 10,340.00 0.00 7,960.32 0.00 0.00 1,142.39 0.00 0.00 7,039.68 10,340.00 0.00 53.07 0.00 Total Dept 440-PUBLIC WORKS 25,000.00 25,340.00 7,960.32 1,142.39 17,379.68 31.41 Dept 530-RECYCLING 101-530-709.000 SUBCONTRACTED LABOR 101-530-800.000 SERVICE FEES 101-530-901.000 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 1,500.00 43,000.00 200.00 1,500.00 43,000.00 200.00 2,977.26 0.00 180.81 35.00 0.00 0.00 (1,477.26) 43,000.00 19.19 198.48 0.00 90.41 Total Dept 530-RECYCLING 44,700.00 44,700.00 3,158.07 35.00 41,541.93 7.07 Dept 751-PARKS 101-751-701.000 101-751-709.000 101-751-801.000 101-751-930.000 101-751-955.000 101-751-970.000 101-751-974.000 1,200.00 11,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.00 4,000.00 1,700.00 1,200.00 11,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.00 4,000.00 1,700.00 0.00 4,416.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,520.98 0.00 175.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57.90 1,200.00 6,583.75 0.00 1,000.00 100.00 4,000.00 179.02 0.00 40.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 89.47 19,000.00 19,000.00 5,937.23 232.90 13,062.77 31.25 455.00 455.00 0.00 0.00 455.00 0.00 ELECTED OFFICIAL SALARIES SUBCONTRACTED LABOR ENGINEERING REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE MISCELLANEOUS CAPITAL OUTLAY DOG PARK LAND IMPROVEMENTS Total Dept 751-PARKS Dept 760-HARBOR COMMISSION 101-760-880.000 COMMUNITY PROMOTION 22.36 49.76 81.25 0.00 42.47 0.00 27.21 0.00 0.00 15.69 116.25 01/30/2015 02:02 PM User: BRAD DB: Saugatuck PERIOD ENDING 12/31/2014 2014-15 ORIGINAL BUDGET 2014-15 AMENDED BUDGET 455.00 455.00 0.00 750.00 3,000.00 43,206.00 4,592.00 20,694.00 350.00 45,500.00 0.00 14,000.00 2,600.00 0.00 0.00 2,800.00 451.00 0.00 750.00 3,000.00 43,206.00 4,592.00 20,694.00 350.00 48,900.00 0.00 14,000.00 2,600.00 0.00 0.00 2,800.00 0.00 0.00 338.80 609.56 26,455.32 3,443.85 10,797.39 74.27 24,876.65 0.00 12,091.00 2,496.00 0.00 0.00 117.53 0.00 0.00 137,943.00 140,892.00 Dept 900-CAPITAL OUTLAY 101-900-980.000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 101-900-981.000 TECHNOLOGY 2,500.00 18,000.00 Total Dept 900-CAPITAL OUTLAY GL NUMBER Page : REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP DESCRIPTION YTD BALANCE ACTIVITY FOR 12/31/2014 MONTH 12/31/2014 NORM (ABNORM) INCR (DECR) 5/5 AVAILABLE BALANCE NORM (ABNORM) % BDGT USED Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Expenditures Total Dept 760-HARBOR COMMISSION 455.00 0.00 48.40 158.80 3,025.76 382.65 1,612.42 (4.30) 4,407.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 411.20 2,390.44 16,750.68 1,148.15 9,896.61 275.73 24,023.35 0.00 1,909.00 104.00 0.00 0.00 2,682.47 0.00 0.00 45.17 20.32 61.23 75.00 52.18 21.22 50.87 0.00 86.36 96.00 0.00 0.00 4.20 0.00 0.00 81,300.37 9,631.52 59,591.63 57.70 2,500.00 21,000.00 2,269.93 20,883.17 0.00 0.00 230.07 116.83 90.80 99.44 20,500.00 23,500.00 23,153.10 0.00 346.90 98.52 Dept 906-DEBT SERVICE 101-906-990.000 CITY OF DOUGLAS SETTLEMENT 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 Total Dept 906-DEBT SERVICE 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 TOTAL Expenditures 705,854.00 732,223.00 337,211.81 44,185.59 395,011.19 46.05 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND: TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 705,854.00 705,854.00 0.00 732,223.00 732,223.00 0.00 321,333.52 337,211.81 (15,878.29) 69,307.53 44,185.59 25,121.94 410,889.48 395,011.19 15,878.29 43.88 46.05 100.00 Dept 850-OTHER FUNCTIONS 101-850-717.000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, LIFE INS 101-850-718.000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, DENTAL 101-850-719.000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, HEALTH 101-850-721.000 RETIREE BENEFITS, HEALTH 101-850-723.000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, FICA 101-850-724.000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, MESC 101-850-725.000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, MERS (RET) 101-850-880.000 COMMUNITY PROMOTION 101-850-915.000 TOWNSHIP INSURANCE 101-850-916.000 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 101-850-960.000 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 101-850-963.000 CONTINGENCY 101-850-964.000 TAX CHARGE BACK 101-850-998.000 TRANSFER TO FUND BALANCE 101-850-999.000 APPROPRIATION TRANSFER OUT Total Dept 850-OTHER FUNCTIONS 0.00 01/30/2015 02:03 PM User: BRAD DB: Saugatuck Pag e: BALANCE SHEET FOR SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP Period Ending 12/31/2014 Fund 101 GENERAL FUND GL Number Description Balance *** Assets *** Unclassified 101-000-001.100 101-000-002.000 101-000-004.000 101-000-040.000 101-000-125.000 CHEMICAL GENERAL CLASS POOL SAVINGS PETTY CASH ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED Unclassified 207,326.50 294,075.48 100.00 82,780.86 60,000.00 644,282.84 ASSET ASSET 0.00 Total Assets 644,282.84 *** Liabilities *** Unclassified 101-000-202.000 101-000-266.000 101-000-283.001 101-000-283.002 101-000-283.003 101-000-283.009 101-000-283.010 101-000-339.000 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF DOUGLAS SETTLEMENT DEV ESC - SINGAPORE DUNES LLC DEV ESCR - TOP GRADE INC DEV ESCR - MEADOW ARGUS /SPEERY DEV ESCR - OX BOW DEV ESCR- SINGAPORE DUNES LLC ROAD ONLY DEFERRED REVENUE 17,514.34 60,000.00 5,380.13 535.00 (1,111.00) 213.69 5,000.00 28,000.00 Unclassified 115,532.16 Total Liabilities 115,532.16 *** Fund Balance *** Unclassified 101-000-390.000 101-000-392.000 Fund Balance F/B - DESIGNATED, DOG PARK 544,069.16 559.81 Unclassified 544,628.97 Total Fund Balance 544,628.97 Beginning Fund Balance 544,628.97 Net of Revenues VS Expenditures Ending Fund Balance Total Liabilities And Fund Balance (15,878.29) 528,750.68 644,282.84 1/1 Saugatuck Township Board Draft MINUTES SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP BOARD Wednesday January 7, 2015, 6:00 p.m. Saugatuck Township Hall 3461 Blue Star Hwy, Saugatuck, MI 49453 MINUTES Supervisor Bill Wester called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., with the pledge of allegiance. Members Present: Bill Wester, Lori Babinski, Brad Rudich, Roy McIlwaine, Jonathon Phillips. Also Present: Manager Aaron Sheridan. Public Comment: Wester asked for public comments. Jon Helmrich commented on the proposed Michigan Religious Freedom Act, and asked the Township to adopt a resolution against act. No further comment. Approval of Agenda: Wester asked for changes to the agenda. Wester asked to add an item for naming a Deputy Supervisor. Rudich asked to add the MRFA discussion. McIlwaine asked to move the Laketown closed session to the final item. Agenda approved. Consent Agenda: Wester asked for questions regarding the consent agenda. No comments on consent agenda. McIlwaine made the motion to approve the consent agenda, Rudich seconded. Consent Agenda passes 5-0. Correspondence: Jim Hanson, Wester explained that the correspondence asked the Township to oppose the MRFA. Saugatuck Douglas Business Association asked the Township to join in opposition to the MRFA. Unfinished Business: A. Board Appointment Discussion. Wester asked Sheridan to explain the memo he wrote describing the procedure for appointments. A committee of consisting of the Manager, Supervisor or his designee and the Chair of the Board needing appointment, would be put together ad hoc. Board agreed to write a more formal procedure concerning deadlines and reviewing procedures. Sheridan would revise the procedures for discussion in February. Wester asked to table, second by Phillips. Motion passes 5-0. New Business: A. Outdoor Discovery Center, Pottawatomie Marsh Prescribed Burn. Dougg Wright explained that the Fragmites invasive species would need to be burned to control in the Pottawatomie Marsh. Outdoor Discovery Center works on the Kalamazoo River all the way to Plainwell. Wester asked if the burns were advertised. Wright explained there were advertisements and fliers mailed to nearby homes, as well as notifying the Fire Department. ODC was working with the DNR and Fire Departments on getting the public informed of the problem and solution. Wester thanked Wright for the presentation. B. Appointments to the Board of Review. Wester asked for clarification. Rudich stated that the Assessor Sherry Mason had asked the BOR members to serve another 2 year term and all members had agreed. Mason stated there was no need for an alternate, as none had been used in the last 10 years. Two members would still be a quorum to conduct business. Babinski stated she was an alternate for several years and was never used. McIlwaine stated an alternate would be good. Phillips asked to appoint the current three members and wait to hear from Dorothy Hanson as alternate. Wester made the motion to appoint Don Maeder, Chris Lozano and Jan Shashaguay to the Board of Review, and wait on possible 1 Saugatuck Township Board Draft MINUTES Alternate until next month. Motion seconded by Phillips. Motion passes 4-1 with McIlwaine dissenting. C. Hazard Mitigation Resolution. Wester asked for an explanation. Sheridan stated that Allegan County asked that the Township agree to Hazard Mitigation which would make the Township eligible for FEMA funds in case of an emergency. Rudich stated that the Township had approved the plan previously and this was the Resolution to adopt the plan. McIlwaine asked if this included erosion on the Lakeshore. Sheridan stated it did. Rudich made the motion to adopt the Allegan County Hazard Mitigation plan by Resolution, Wester seconded. Roll call vote: Phillips, yes; Babinski, yes; Wester, yes; McIlwaine, yes; Rudich, yes. Resolution passes 5-0. D. Riverside Dr., Dugout Rd. Maintenance. McIlwaine asked to explain to the board. McIlwaine walked the road with the Fire Department and County engineer, and the road was not wide enough in several sections. The county would like a minimum standard of 22’ wide. The county engineer recommended the road be paved. Wester asked who would pay for paving. McIlwaine stated that the first thing to do was to survey the road. Sheridan mentioned that the water line was also in need of an upgrade. Wester asked if McIlwaine knew what other residents thought of the road. McIlwaine was unsure. Wester asked Fire Chief Janik his thoughts on the subject. Janik said there was risk in the area. The homes on the road are incurring a liability by not having proper access, and proper water access. McIlwaine stated he believed the cost was a road maintenance issue to be paid by the road fund. Wester asked Sheridan to request a work order for a survey from the county. E. Saugatuck Township Fire Chief Greg Janik, Comments to the Board. Wester stated that there was an issue with fire access in the Township. Janik explained that thanks to Zoning Administrator Steve Kushion, Manager Sheridan and Supervisor Wester, the Township has elevated the level of safety in the Township by revising building permits to give the fire department a sign off on final building permits. Janik gave several examples of safety issues pertaining to long, narrow driveways that were recently corrected with thanks to the Zoning Administrator, Fire Chief and the individual residents. F. 2015 Summer Tax Collection, Saugatuck Public Schools. Wester asked Sheridan to explain. Sheridan stated it was an agreement for Babinski to collect tax for Saugatuck Schools. McIlwaine asked Babinski about the rate of $3.28 per parcel. Babinski thought it was fair. Wester made the motion to approve the Saugatuck summer tax collection agreement, Babinski seconded. Motion passes 5-0. G. Township Manager Salary. Wester stated according to the comparable salaries, the increase to $50,000 that Sheridan was asking for was modest. McIlwaine stated that comparable salaries with the current staff should consider that Sheridan doesn’t have health insurance with the Township. McIlwaine stated that $52,000, would be a better offer, Rudich agreed. Wester stated that the raise should be the $50,000 that Sheridan asked for. Discussion on salary and benefits. McIlwaine made the motion to raise Sheridan’s salary to $52,000, second by Rudich. Discussion on why Sheridan chose the salary figure. Motion passes 3-2, Wester and Phillips dissenting. H. Deputy Supervisor. Wester stated has chosen Shawn Powers as his Deputy Supervisor. I. Michigan Religious Freedom Act. Wester asked Rudich to start the discussion. Rudich stated that he opposed the proposed Michigan House Bill and thought the Township should join the City of Saugatuck, and others to show their opposition to the Bill. Wester stated that the board should take time to consider the facts before making a decision. Rudich agreed and asked that Manager Sheridan draft a resolution to consider for the next meeting. Sheridan discussed analysis that should be included. Wester asked to wait until the bill came out of committee. J. Laketown Township Utilities. Wester made the motion to go into closed session, Rudich seconded. Motion passed 5-0. Board went into closed session to discuss legal matters. Committee Reports: A. Planning Commission. No report. B. Road Commission. No report. 2 Saugatuck Township Board Draft MINUTES C. Interurban. Babinski reported that the board made Phil Quade the Director Emeritus. D. Fire Board. McIlwaine reported that medical response call were way up. Trucks were now all DOT compliant for lighting. Department has a new emergency generator. Chief Janik now has a new assistant. E. Ambulance Committee. No update. F. Harbor Authority. Jon Helmrich submitted a written report. G. Open Board Report. No comments. H. County Commissioner. No report. Public Comments: Wester asked for public comments. There were none. There being no further business, Wester declared the meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm. ____________________________ Brad Rudich, Clerk 3 SAUGATUCK TOWNSHP POLICY OF APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES This policy shall consist of the below rules and apply to public appointments made by the Saugatuck Township Board or public body made on behalf of the Township Board and shall establish uniformity in the process applied to appointments. Saugatuck Township recognizes and supports the concept of balanced representation in regards to filing vacancies on all Boards, Commissions and Committees. To this end, every effort is made to appoint members who represent Saugatuck Township’s diverse community, including citizens of all ethnic groups as well as people with disabilities. Rules: 1. Once an opening is official or a term is near expiration, the Township Clerk shall notify the Manager and Supervisor of the Township Board and shall announce the vacancy at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. 2. Upon official request Township Board an Appointment Committee shall be formed and seek to provide to the Board a recommendation of appointment(s) of applicant(s) that are duly filed with the Township Office and qualified to perform the duties of a public official following the vacancy or term expiration from a Township Board, Commission and/or Committee in Saugatuck Township. 3. The Appointment Committee shall consist of the Manager, one representative from the board or commission in which the vacancy exists (typically the chair or vice chair), and the Supervisor or his/her designate. 4. The Appointment Committee shall review all qualified Applicants of Appointment that are duly filed with the Township Office, and shall seek to provide the Township Board with either a written or verbal recommendation for consideration at their next regularly scheduled Board meeting. All applications to be considered by the Appointment Committee or the Township Board shall be submitted to the Township Office in a timely manner no later than 1 week prior to the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. 5. A publication of notice of appointment may be made at the discretion of Manager and/or at the request of the Township Board following the meeting of announcement of vacancy or term expiration. Notice shall be provided for in a newspaper of general circulation in Saugatuck Township, Allegan County, Michigan. 6. The Application of Appointment that is duly filed with the Township Office shall be the necessary information needed to apply for an appointment and shall be made readily available to the public at the Township Office during business hours and online at 7. Upon the request of a qualified applicant, the Township Clerk shall be responsible for keeping the his/her respective Application for Appointment on file for future consideration of appointment pursuant to any and/or all vacancy or term expiration of a Board, Commission and/or Committee in Saugatuck Township. It is the purpose of this policy of Saugatuck Township to promote the equal treatment of all individuals and to assure equal opportunity to all persons in the area of employment, housing, public accommodations, and public services. Discrimination based upon race, color, religion, gender, age, height, weight, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, or physical or mental limitation is contrary to the keeping of the peace, goodwill, and harmony among the citizens of Saugatuck Township and is strictly prohibited. As an equal opportunity employer Saugatuck Township shall not discriminate in its employment or appointments of its public officials. SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 2015-_____ RESOLUTION IN OPPOSITION TO SB 0004 OF 2015 At a regular meeting of the Township Board Members for Saugatuck Township, Michigan, held at the Saugatuck Township Hall, Saugatuck, Michigan, on the 4th day of February, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ABSENT: __________________________________________________________________ The following Resolution was offered by Board Member ________________ with a second by Board Member _____________________________. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Saugatuck Board prohibiting discrimination based upon color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or preference, national origin or ancestry; and WHEREAS, Senate Bill No. 4, as introduced January 20, 2015, by Senator SHIRKEY and referred to the Senate Committee on Judiciary; and WHEREAS, if passed into law as presently drafted SB 0004 of 2015 would void Chapter II, Article V of the Saugatuck Township Code of Consolidated Ordinances entitled Nondiscrimination Ordinance that prevents discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or preference. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The members of the Saugatuck Township Board resolves to oppose the adoption of any legislation in Michigan that would void all or a portion of its local Ordinance: Chapter II, Article V Nondiscriminiatnion as currently enacted which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. 2. The Township Board members directs that a copy of this Resolution be transmitted to Governor Snyder, Senator Rick Jones, Representative Cindy Gamrat, and Senator Tonya Schuitmaker 3. The Township Board members resolves to encourage all citizens of Saugatuck Township, Allegan County, Michigan to communicate their views on this matter to their elected representatives in Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan. SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP BOARD BY: William W. Wester, Supervisor BY: Brad Rudich, Township Clerk 2 CERTIFICATE I, Brad Rudich, the duly appointed Clerk of the Township of Saugatuck, Allegan County, Michigan do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a Resolution adopted by the Saugatuck Township Board Members at a regular meeting held February 4, 2015, in compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, as amended, the minutes of the meeting were kept and will be or have been made available as required by said Act. SAUGAUCK TOWNSHIP BY: Brad Rudich, Township Clerk 3 Construction Year 2015 Township of SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP WORK ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION or SPECIAL MAINTENANCE ON PUBLIC ROADS (Note: Two (2) copies of this form are furnished. The Township Supervisor and Clerk are to sign, date, and return both (2) copies to the Road Commission for approval and signature. An approved copy will be returned to the Township Board. This is legal proof that the Township Board is in full compliance with the laws regarding contractual relations with the County Road Commission.) To: Board of County Road Commissioners of Allegan County 1308 Lincoln Road Allegan, Michigan 49010 Under provisions of the general highway laws and specifically Act No. 51 P.A. 1951 as amended, the following road work was authorized by the Township Board under date of . These projects are to be considered in the following order: Project LH 4772 – On Indian Point Road south of 131st Avenue, tree removal, crush and shape existing asphalt surface and resurface 22’ wide, two courses at 165 lb/syd, HMA 13A with 2’ gravel shoulders, 0.22 miles. Township Supervisor Date Township Clerk Approved by , Chairman Board of County Road Commissioners of Allegan County Date Date ESTIMATE Estimate for renovation and resurfacing of Indian Point Road from 131st Avenue south approximately 1,190' to the end of the public road. ITEM Clearing Trenching HMA Crushing and Shaping Pavement for Butt Joints, Rem Aggregate, 21AA HMA, 13A Shoulder, Cl II Flag Control Traffic Control Devices Pavement Marking, Temporary SUBTOTAL Construction Engineering, Testing & Overhead TOTAL QUANTITY 1 24 2,150 150 550 510 150 1 1 12 10% UNIT LS Sta Syd Syd Ton Ton Ton LS LS Sta UNIT PRICE $15,000.00 $100.00 $1.50 $10.00 $20.00 $58.00 $20.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $10.00 TOTAL $15,000.00 $2,400.00 $3,225.00 $1,500.00 $11,000.00 $29,580.00 $3,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $120.00 $68,325.00 $6,832.50 $75,157.50 This estimate is for the renovation and resurfacing of Indian Point Road south of 131st Avenue with 3" of HMA, 13A at a width of 22' with a 2' gravel shoulder on each side. Renovation includes clearing, trenching, addition of aggregate base and crushing and shaping the existing asphalt surface, Estimate date: November 19, 2013 Construction Year 2015 Township of SAUGATUCK TOWNSHIP WORK ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION or SPECIAL MAINTENANCE ON PUBLIC ROADS (Note: Two (2) copies of this form are furnished. The Township Supervisor and Clerk are to sign, date, and return both (2) copies to the Road Commission for approval and signature. An approved copy will be returned to the Township Board. This is legal proof that the Township Board is in full compliance with the laws regarding contractual relations with the County Road Commission.) To: Board of County Road Commissioners of Allegan County 1308 Lincoln Road Allegan, Michigan 49010 Under provisions of the general highway laws and specifically Act No. 51 P.A. 1951 as amended, the following road work was authorized by the Township Board under date of . These projects are to be considered in the following order: LH 4768 - Preliminary survey work on Riverside Drive and Dugout Road west of 66th Street. Township Supervisor Date Township Clerk Approved by , Chairman Board of County Road Commissioners of Allegan County Date Date
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