Peterhead Indicative Town Centre Action Plan Update September 2014 OBJECTIVE 1.1 PROJECT LEAD Business Growth and Enterprise - Enable private sector initiative through BIDS / Local innovation funds. Proactive marketing of council properties will test the theory of central business district and decisions on the opportunities made by March 2015. Test office Print in October – Property Develop prospectus as a key promotional Draft prospectus drawn up and agreed £5,000 space and continual assessment tool for all internal vacant sites in with Property and the selling agent for commercial until buildings sold. Peterhead. the currently available property. Final demand layout being agreed with the design team to allow printing in the by the end of November. 1.2 Enterprise Growth 1.3 Review Council wide Bid Policy ACTION PROGRESS Test Demand through various targeted contacts and networks The market has proved reasonably buoyant with interest in the council properties. TIMESCALE Property Property Gather Data on the availability and affordability of premises Assess interest in enterprise partnership, following on from the pilot project in Fraserburgh Research will be carried out into Business Improvement Districts and a paper recommending whether Aberdeenshire Council should support a BID will be presented to ISC BUDGET Extensive Scottish wide research has been carried out into the effectiveness of BIDs. The research paper went to the regeneration strategy group in March. A paper was then presented with the recommendation of reversing council policy on BIDS to one of support in April and was approved by ISC in May. Information and guidance has been developed for the council website. Written guidelines are in place for any business community interested in March 2015 Economic Development P&R June/ Date for Aberdeenshire workshop to be set Audrey Michie – Town Team 1.4 Community Capacity Building Initiate processes to develop committed community groups. Facilitate the involvement of a Youth Forum to ensure young people have a voice in the regeneration of their town centre. instigating a BID. Information will go out through Retail forums and retail/business associations throughout Aberdeenshire. Specific to Peterhead it will be on the Business forum agenda and has gone out to the Peterhead business association. An Aberdeen wide BIDs workshop will be organised in partnership with Highlands and Moray. A community forum for all community groups is in the process and will link together with a youth forum. Community ownership is paramount and this has been a slight stumbling block. £3,000 November 2014 Community Forum supported by Heather Barclay /Steph Swales Key stakeholders include Theatre Modo, Princess Trust and Aberdeen Foyer, Peterhead Projects and Peterhead Civic Society and council CLD colleagues and relationships are being developed with these stakeholders. The town team are working closely with community planning to establish a youth forum. 2. 2.1 Better Balanced Retail offer – the tone of the town centre offer is visibly improved through good quality retail and food service offering. 5 new businesses created in the town centre. Professionalise PR campaign to celebrate successful Partnership between retail forum and Timescales to be Retail forum/ the profile of independent retail and food businesses and Buchanie, including Shop Local week. confirmed by the Buchanie retail and food highlight the skill and professionalism Heather has been working closely Buchanie supported by service sector Heather with Morag from the Buchanie who involved Barclay will attend the retail forums to offer 2.2 Develop and promote a career path at schools. Engage with national retail organisations to develop career path publications and work with education providers on enterprise initiatives to prospect potential entrepreneurs and enable their progression. Identify local business owners who are willing to mentor or advise young people considering a retail or food service career. Develop a partnership with the Prince’s Trust to promote their business grant scheme to young entrepreneurs. 2.3 2.4 Encourage new independent businesses Arbuthnot House Engage those interested and develop ideas through learning journeys / specialist group mentoring and mainstream Business Gateway support. Investigate the formation of a mentoring group made up from local business people willing to share their expertise. Work with current partners in Business Gateway to accelerate and build quality and viability in new retail propositions Assess as part of portfolio marketing of possible clustering of independents or as support to the local retailers and will assist in highlighting the importance of retail and shop local. Progress has been made on a joint project with Banff to enable a partnership with NESCOL in order to propose a project with various phases which will allow the retail and catering sectors to be emphasised in schools. NESCOL re-organisation and summer holidays has delayed progress. This will be established through the retail forum and through communications with the business association. The Peterhead retail forum has been initiated and further meetings coordinated. Communication has been made with the Prince’s Trust, once the youth forum is set up, we will look for complimentarities. Due to action required in summer months on Aldi site Gateway and seagulls, this action has been delayed. This will be on the agenda of the first retail forum. £10,000 Develop Partnerships by October 2014, Test initiative for 9 months and review successes for continuation Partnership with NESCOL/ Academy supported by Economic Development Retail forum £10,000 Initiate project by March 2015 Prince’s Trust/ Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development Arbuthnot House is currently being marketed and a verbal offer received. The selling agent is obtaining more Property directed through the proactive planning process. Building on previous Mary Portas master classes, offer one to one mentoring to improve viability of the business and perceptions of town centre quality. details on the proposed use and timescales. Successful scheme in Fraserburgh and Banff have stimulated interest. The Retail forum meetings organised in September confirmed demand and project approved by Peterhead Futures Group. The expansion of the scheme in Fraserburgh has affected tender value and therefore additional approvals need to be sought. Investigating possibilities via NESCOL and Chamber of Commerce. 2.5 One to one mentoring offer for existing businesses 2.6 Investigate food service gaps and promote as opportunities 3. Secure the Regeneration or Reuse of High Profile Sites and Buildings - Focal Areas improved and utilised creating greater vibrancy and Market Research and publicise results, engaging with NESCOL as appropriate. £6,000 P& R – January 2015 for February start Economic Development – Heather Barclay £12,000 Nov 2014 Partnership between NESCOL, Audrey Michie, Heather and Elizabeth Mathie community feeling around the centre 3.1 Council properties disposal strategy Market testing with proactive marketing support. Ongoing review on demand and tailor action accordingly. Prepare ghost planning applications and consents if necessary. Discussed regularly at Peterhead Futures Group. Interest being shown in most properties with one verbal offer received (See Arbuthnot House above). Two parties are showing keen interest in 53 Windmill Street/Glenugie Business Centre and there is some interest in 60 Broad Street. Prospectus is being completed. Ghost planning applications are not being pursued at this stage until level of interest and possible uses are established. £4,000 Property 3.2 Stimulate business and community innovation 3.3 Town centre first approach 3.4 Utilisation and vibrancy for broad Street. Facilitate community events and utilise empty spaces. 3.5 Identify priority projects from 4 towns study for proactive planning approach and progress accordingly through partnership approach Community Capacity building 3.6 This is being progressed through background research and will be further developed in line with community forums in Peterhead and Banff / Macduff. Discussion at Regeneration Strategy Group but further cross service conversations required before taking forward. Paper to be developed for discussion at all Area Committees and P&R. Muckle Market project approved. Further work through community forum. £3,000 November 2014 Retail Forum/Comm unity Forum supported by Heather Economic Development – led by Audrey Michie £8,000 On going 1st priorities: Broad Street – business hub Chapel Street development Town Centre Community Hub 2nd Priorities: Drummers Corner youth activities and entertainment. Market interest in available properties is being gauged to assess appetite for office use in Broad Street. Chapel Street access is developing and work is due to start on the chapel street flats. Initial conversations over Drummers Corner have taken place and project to develop during November. £275,000 Community Forum/ Business Forum supported by Heather Barclay Property with Economic Development and Planning Develop and implement a process relevant to the town centre which will stimulate communities to become active and empowered. Several meetings have taken place and plans developed although the capacity of existing key organisations such as Peterhead Projects and Peterhead Civic Society requires to be stable before significant progress £3,000 November 2014 ongoing A partnership will be set up between Peterhead Projects and the Civic Create depository of ideas, best practice and contacts for potential community projects and follow up support through project officer. Investigate best practice visits if necessary can be made. Possible Community Council involvement. 3.7 Local innovation Fund 3.8 Seagull Nuisance 3.9 4. 4.1 £75,000 £15,000 Create youth and general fund to empower community and stimulate innovation from individuals, business groups and communities to utilise empty spaces and develop interest and vision in their town. Investigate ways of reducing seagull nuisance and report back to community. Dates can be set once the Governing body is created. Phase 1 - June 2014 – Following increasing health and safety issues a successful project was Phase 2 Jan-April 2015 delivered to disperse gulls by a hawk. This activity attracted strong press interest and provided excellent opportunities for education on litter and feeding gulls. A project proposal will be put to the Futures Group at the start of the year for a partnership with the businesses on egg removal and Hawk patrolling. This project will be initiated by Environmental Health with support from Heather Barclay. Artistic Softening areas where the largest problems Draft proposals have been developed interventions exist. and discussed by the Peterhead Futures Development Group including community involvement and well renowned artists. No consensus on the proposals has yet been agreed. Access & Visibility – Every member of the community is familiar with and has access to the town centre offering Image and Promotion Mi Peterhead to be evaluated and continuation discussed and agreed. Match funding for joint promotional campaigns An evaluation incorporating input from over 40 businesses was conducted leading to an improvement project being approved. The mi Peterhead ambassador has been recruited, which has led to increased £7,000 March 2014 Society supported by Heather Governing body created from the Community Forum Environmenta l Health / support from Heather Barclay Community Planning / Be Part of the Picture Economic Development – Heather Barclay Digital assistant project to work with businesses on social media visibility and promotions etc. 4.2 Car park, access and pends Review of property proposition document widened and promoted Investigate potential for a public relations and branding campaign to change the town’s image as a hard and uncompromising place, highlight its strong community values and address perceptions of crime. Investigate existing brands including Energetica and Be Part of the Picture. Signage review to ensure clear route into town centre and ease of access to car parking areas. Provision of town centre plan in key car parks and at Drummers corner. Car parking and access review in liaison with Peterhead Business Forum and Roads Service Pends leading to main shopping areas should be inviting well lit and safe. engagement and more promotions. Heather has been working with Richard from miconnex to ensure that any issues fed back from the retailers are looked into. We will invite the digital ambassador to the next town team meeting in order to discuss joint promotions and the communication of events. These can be communicated to the businesses through the retail forum as well as through the ambassador. £8,500 Communication has begun with the Energetica team in order to market the vacant properties. Ideas for a branding campaign will be sought from the retail and community forums. Progress on Chapel Street reopening has been made. Derek Murray to propose a plan to the Futures Group on new Town Centre Signage. £20,000 December 2014 Economic Development Area committee report May, New Car parking policy prices in place Novemeber 2014 Robert McGregor/Der ek Murray Heather has spoken to Mark Skilling, with regards to parking and signage. A meeting is scheduled for late October (in dark) with the relevant officers to discuss and plan improvements to town centre lighting around chapel street, drummers corner and the pends. Walk Round Late October/ proposal to Futures Group November Mark Skilling/Derek Murray Audrey Michie/Derek Murray/Angus McKiver/ Ian Tillet 4.3 Heritage Trail Liaise with public transport providers to ensure easy access to information on timetables and services As part of Peterhead’s role as cycle demonstration town provide secure facilities for pushbikes in carparks and key locations. Develop interest and awareness of key town centre sites, giving Peterhead an attraction to use to encourage footfall around the town centre. 4.4 Improve tone of gateways to the town centre 5. 5.1 Town centre Living Temporary boundary improvements to Aldi site A review of the buses will be completed following the opening of chapel street. A £30,000 project has been developed and match funding sourced. A heritage steering group has been formed with community members with a heritage interest. Social media has also been used to encourage further engagement. Through the procurement procedure a supplier has been contracted. Due to the timescales of this process and the gathering of information the project has been slightly delayed and new deadlines of October have been set. The signs have been chosen through the steering group and the information for the blades and the website is in the process of being finalised. A sponsor package still needs to be put together for phase 2 of the project to gain extra funds for the website and augmented visual apps. A proposal was approved for high quality sports images to be inserted on the Aldi boundary. Peterhead academy and Jog Scotland were consulted and the project implemented within a short timescale. £15,000 October £10,000 Heritage Steering group supported by Heather Barclay Economic Development - Heather Barclay Encourage more people to live in the town centre by improving housing quality and choice and encouraging development of retail and food outlets to support a good town centre lifestyle. Work with developers to identify suitable premises for conversion of existing buildings to loft apartments, flats and town houses. Carry out market research to identify gaps in the business mix required to support more town centre homes (i.e food outlets, cafes and restaurants etc.) Proposals have been discussed relating to the Caley buildings with input on market situation for selfcatering apartments.
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