CV - Institut de mathématiques et de modélisation de Montpellier

Stefano Morra
Curriculum Vitae
Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto
40 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario
2008.09 2010.12
Ph.D., Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Versailles.
- Title : La structure des représentations universelles modulo p pour GL2
- Supervisor : A. Mézard
Master 2 en Mathématiques, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, mention Très Bien.
specialization: Algèbre, Analyse et Géométrie
Laurea specialistica in Matematica, Università degli Studi di Padova.
Laurea triennale in Matematica, Università degli Studi di Padova.
Diplomprüfung Violine, Kunst Universität Graz.
Supervisor: Professor Y. Kless
Research interests
Arithmetic Geometry, Automorphic Forms, Galois representations, p-adic Hodge
Theory, p-adic and p-modular Langlands Correspondence, p-adic and p-modular
representations of p-adic groups, p-adic Analysis and Geometry.
Visiting researcher, University of Toronto.
Fields-Ontario Post-Doctoral fellow, Fields Institute and University of Toronto.
Maître de Conférences, Université de Montpellier 2.
Publications et preprints
Explicit description of irreducible GL2 (Qp )-representations over Fp , Journal of
Algebra 339, (2011), 252-303.
Invariant elements for p-modular representations of GL2 (Qp ), Transaction of the
American Mathematical Society 365, (2013), 6625-6667.
Multiplicity theorems modulo p for GL2 (Qp ), Mathematische Zeitschrift 276,
(2014), 421-456.
On some representations of the Iwahori subgroup, Journal of Number Theory 132,
(2012), 1074 - 1150.
Sur la fidelité de certaines représentations de GL2 (F ) sous une algèbre
d’Iwasawa, avec B. Schraen, Y. Hu, Rendiconti del seminario matematico dell’ Università di Padova 131, (2014), 49-65.
Structure interne des représentations modulo p de SL2 (Qp ), avec R. Abdellatif,
Manuscripta Mathematica 143, (2014), 191-206.
Iwasawa modules and p-modular representations of GL2 , Israel Journal of Mathematics, accepted for publication.
Sur les atomes automorphes pour GL2 (Qp ), 2013, 43 pages.
submitted, under revision
Serre weights for locally ordinary 3-dimensional Galois representation, with C.
Park, 2014, 31 pages.
In preparation
On the local/global compatibility for GL3 in the ordinary case, (provisional title),
with F. Herzig, 2014.
in preparation
The Breuil-Mézard conjecture for some three dimensional Galois representations,
(provisional title), with B. Levin, 2014.
in preparation
Funding and Fellowships
June 2012
Prime de recherche et d’encadrement doctoral.
Prix de Thèse, Fondation de Mathématiques Jaques Hadamard, for the best Ph.D
thesis defended between 2010 and 2012 in one of the Mathematic Department of the
Foundation Hadamard, (IHÉS, Université de Paris 11, École Polytechnique, Université
de Versailles St. Quentin).
Ph.D. grant, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin, Supervisor: A. Mézard.
Teaching Assistant, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin.
AlGaNT grant, Université Paris 11.
Max Planck Institut, Bonn.
Institut des Hautes Études Sciéntifiques, Bures sur Yvette.
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin, Laboratoire de Mathématiques.
Bielefeld University, In the project “Automorphic representations and their local factors” of Bielefeld University, Germany.
(invited by Vytautas Paskunas)
Spring 2009
Hannover University, Institut für Algebra, Zahlentheorie und Diskrete Mathematik,
(invited by Stefan Wewers)
Selected Talks
January 2011
La structure des représentations irréductibles modulo p de GL2 (Qp ), Université
de Strasbourg.
for the Arithmetic Geometry seminar of the Institut de recherche mathématiques avancée
March 2011
La structure des représentations irréductibles modulo p de GL2 (Qp ), Université
de Paris-VII.
for the seminar “Groupes Réductifs, Formes Automorphes” of the Institut de Mathématique de
April 2011
La structure des représentations irréductibles modulo p de GL2 (Qp ), Université
de Bordeaux.
for the Number Theory seminar of the Laboratoire de mathématiques de Bordeaux
April 2011
La structure des représentations irréductibles modulo p de GL2 (Qp ), Université
de Rennes.
for the Number Theory seminar of the Laboratoire de mathématiques de Rennes
October 2011
Sur certaines représentations modulo p de GL2 et action de sous groupes compacts, ENS Lyon.
in the Arithmetic and Number Theory of Université de Lyon 1 and the ENS de Lyon
June 2012
Iwasawa modules with extra structure and p modular representations of GL2 ,
Westfälische Universität Münster.
in the Mittagsseminar of the Arbeitsgruppe of Prof. P. Schneider
September 2012
Cohomology of p-adic analytic groups and generalized multiplicity theorems for
the p-modular Local Langlands program, University of Toronto.
in the Number/Representation theory seminar at the Toronto University
December 2012
Cohomology of p-adic analytic groups and generalized multiplicity theorems for
the p-modular Local Langlands program, Columbia University.
in the seminar “Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic”
May 2013
Arithmetic and geometric properties of p-modular representations of p-adic reductive groups, King’s College London.
in the London Number Theory Seminar
January 2014
On the ordinary representations in the p-modular Langlands program, Tata Institute, Mumbai.
for the International Conference on the p-adic Langlads correspondence
March 2014
On mod p local-global compatibility for GL3 in the ordinary case, SUNY at Buffalo.
for the Algebra and Number Theory Seminar
March 2014
On mod p local-global compatibility for GL3 in the ordinary case, University of
for the Algebra and Number Theory Seminar
April 2014
On mod p local-global compatibility for GL3 in the ordinary case, University of
for the Number Theory Seminar
April 2014
On mod p local-global compatibility for GL3 in the ordinary case, Northwestern
for the Number Theory Seminar
September 2014
September 2014
Explicit Serre conjectures for ordinary Galois representations, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin.
Explicit Serre conjectures for ordinary Galois representations, Université de ParisVII.
for the seminar “Groupes Réductifs, Formes Automorphes” of the Institut de Mathématique de
Advanced courses
December 2013
On the p-modular Langlands program for GL2 , Tata Institute, (Mumbai).
for the International Conference on the p-adic Langlads correspondence
January 2015
Global patching and the Breuil-Mézard conjecture for GL2 (Qp ), KIAS, (Seoul).
for the Winter School on the Breuil-Mézard conjecture
February 2015
Recent developments in the p-adic Langlands correspondence, Università degli
studi di Padova, course assistant to Benjamin Schraen.
Academic year
Teaching Assistant, 64 hours.
Academic year
Instructor, 64 hours.
Academic year
Instructor, 64 hours.
Academic year
Academic year
- Calculus and Linear Algebra for Mathematicians and Physicists (Responsible: Prof. Ariane
- Advanced calculus for Mathematicians and Physicists (Responsible: Prof. Jean Pian)
- Calculus and Linear Algebra for Natural Sciences
- Calculus and Linear Algebra for Natural Sciences
Instructor and Teaching Assistant, 128 hours.
- Calculus and Linear Algebra for Natural Sciences (Responsible: Prof. Jean Malgoire)
- Representation theory of finite groups for Chemists (Responsible: Prof. Sylvain Brochard)
Instructor and Teaching Assistant, 192 hours.
- Calculus and Linear Algebra for Natural Sciences (Responsible: Prof. Philippe Castillon)
- Calculus and Linear Algebra for Mathematicians and Physicists (Responsible: Prof. Moulay
- Advanced calculus for Mathematicians (Responsible: Prof. Alexandre Cabot)
Administrative responsibilities
Co-organizer (with F. Herzig) of the "Number/Representation theory seminar",
Toronto University.
Organizer (with T.Ly) of the working seminar "The image of Colmez’s Montreal
functor", Laboratoire Mathématiques de Versailles,École Normale Superieure de Paris.
Representative for the Ph.D students at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques de
in the council of the Ph.D schools of Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin
March 2008
January 2009
June 2009
June 2009
GL2 , Centre intérnational rencontres mathématiques, Luminy.
Arithmetique et géometrie, Institut de recherche mathématiaues avancée, Strasbourg.
Séminaire de théorie des nombres Paris-London, Imperial College, London.
Summer school on Galois representations, Hawaii University, Honolulu.
Summer School of the Clay Mathematic Institute
September 2009
Winter 2010
March 2010
June 2010
February 2011
March 2011
June 2011
Advanced School and Workshop on p-adic Analysis and Applications, International
center of theoretical Physics, Trieste.
Trimestre Galoisien, Institut Henry Poincaré, Paris.
Conference en l’honneur de Jean-Marc Fontaine, Institut Henry Poincaré, Paris.
Summer school on Berkovich spaces, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris.
From p-adic differential equations to arithmetic algebraic geometry, Università
degli studi di Padova, Padova.
Workshop on Galois representation, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton.
Théorie de Hodge p-adique, équations différentielles p-adiques et leurs applications, ENS- Lyon, Lyon.
September 2011
March 2012
April 2012
January 2013
April 2013
September 2013
December 2013
May 2014
Schémas en groupes : introduction au séminaire SGA3 de DemazureGrothendieck, Centre intérnational rencontres mathématiques, Luminy.
Workshop on Cohomology of Shimura varieties, The Fields Institute, Toronto.
Workshop on the p-adic Langlands program, The Fields Institute, Toronto.
Iwasawa Theory, Representations and the p-adic Langlands program, Westfälishen
Wilhems-Universität, Münster.
Calculs effectifs en Théorie de Hodge p-adique, Centre intérnational rencontres
mathématiques, Luminy.
Conférence de mi-parcours, IHÉS, Bures-sur-Yvette (Paris), for the ANR program
“Théorie de Hodge p-adique et Développements”.
International Conference on the p-adic Langlads correspondence, Tata Institute,
The cohomology of arithmetic groups and the Langlands program, Bellaris Institute, Barbados.