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WILD ROSE’s gentle and nourishing oil helps to relieve dry skin and leaves it velvety soft. We believe in dreams Because we believe and understand your dreams, we bring you Love Nature, a new skin care range featuring the most trusted and carefully selected extracts from nature, giving you a true natural experience, every day. YOUR DREAMS – OUR INSPIRATION™ 4 NOURISHING WILD ROSE NEW UP TO 25% Removes impurities DRY SKIN $//$*(6 DERMATOLOGICALLY TESTED Love Nature Day Cream Wild Rose IN FOCUS OFF (DVLO\DEVRUEHG\HWULFKLQQXWULWLRQFRQWDLQV QDWXUDO:LOG5RVHH[WUDFWWRVRIWHQDQG VPRRWKHQGU\VNLQDQGKHOSFRQWUROGU\QHVV DQGWLJKWQHVVE\UHVWRULQJFRPIRUW%ULQJV VXSSOHQHVVDQGSURWHFWLRQWRWKHVNLQ DQGOHDYHVLWYHOYHW\VRIWDQGK\GUDWHG 'HUPDWRORJLFDOO\WHVWHGPO Soft, nourishing day cream 30160 ` 329 ` 249 Love Nature Night Cream Wild Rose Rich, velvety night cream 30161 ` 349 ` 259 Love Nature 2-in-1 Cleanser Wild Rose LQIDFLDOFOHDQVHUZLWKDPLON\IRUPXODWLRQ FRQWDLQLQJQRXULVKLQJ:LOG5RVH2LOH[WUDFW ,WFOHDQVHVE\HIIHFWLYHO\UHPRYLQJLPSXULWLHV DQGWUDFHVRIPDNHXSDQGQRXULVKHVWKURXJK HIIHFWLYHHPROOLHQWVWKDWSURYLGHDVXSSOHDQG VRIWDIWHUVNLQIHHO'HUPDWRORJLFDOO\WHVWHG DQGVXLWDEOHIRUGDLO\XVHPO 30163 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP 5LFKDQGQRXULVKLQJLQWH[WXUHWKLVFUHDP PRLVWXULVHVDQGQXUWXUHVGU\VNLQGXULQJ WKHQLJKWWLPH/HDYHVVNLQVRIWDQGVPRRWK 'HUPDWRORJLFDOO\WHVWHGPO ` 299 ` 229 5 WE LOVE Go barefaced with even-toned skin OFF 25% PAGE ,17+,6&$7$/2*8( 35 MUST HAVE Gives lips an instant moisture boost! OFF 20% PAGE 63 10 TIPS FOR THE PERFECT V-DAY LOOK 0DNHKLPVD\´%H0LQHµZLWKEHDXW\WLSVDQGIDEXORXV SURGXFWVIRUWKHPRVWJRUJHRXV9DOHQWLQH·V'D\ORRN 16 SKIN CARE :RQGHULQJZKDWWRJLYHWKDWVSHFLDOSHUVRQIRU9'D\" &KRRVHIURPRXUUDQJHRIDPD]LQJVNLQFDUHSURGXFWV 36 PERSONAL CARE 6KRZ\RXUORYHGRQHV\RXFDUHDERXWZLWKWRLOHWULHVWR LQGXOJHLQIURPKHDGWRWRH Q Quick buy: 24191, ` 1499 Q Quick buy: 12286, ` 219 54 MAKE-UP *RUJHRXVFRORXUGLYLQHWH[WXUHVDQGKLJKSHUIRUPDQFH PDNHXSDQ\ZRPDQZLOOORYH 68 VERY ME )UHVKHDV\DQGQDWXUDOEHDXW\HQKDQFLQJPDNHXSIRU\RXU WHHQ·VÀUVWGDWH 74 FRAGRANCE &DVWDOOXULQJORYHVSHOOVZLWKWKHVHLQWULJXLQJVFHQWV PAGE 23 80 MEN’S CORNER 3HUIHFWWKHVPRRWKDQGGDSSHUORRNWRLPSUHVV\RXUZRPDQ ZLWKWKHJURRPLQJHVVHQWLDOV 86 BEAUTY DIARIES $ZLVKOLVWRI9'D\JLIWVWKDWZRUNGD\VD\HDUDWSULFHV \RX·OODSSUHFLDWH $%28725,)/$0( 2ULÁDPHLVRQHRIWKHIDVWHVWJURZLQJGLUHFWVHOOLQJFRPSDQLHV WRGD\ 2YHU\HDUVRI6ZHGLVKEHDXW\H[SHUWLVH &RPELQLQJWKHZLVGRPRIQDWXUHZLWKWKHODWHVW VFLHQFH :LGHVHOHFWLRQRIDIIRUGDEOHSUHPLXPSURGXFWV &KDULW\DQGHGXFDWLRQSURJUDPVDFURVVWKHZRUOG ([FOXVLYHEXVLQHVVRSSRUWXQLW\WKURXJK2ULÁDPH Q Quick buy: 30819, ` 99 IN FOCUS IN FOCUS LOVEDDICTED This February, it’s time to celebrate love in all shades and tones! For women all over, it’s a wonderful time to be loved, admired and desired. Inspired with our wonderful colour cosmetics in hand, you are bound to feel HYHQPRUHIHPLQLQHSUHWWLHUDQGFRQÀGHQW 1LNODV)ULVN 9LFH3UHVLGHQW+HDGRI6RXWK$VLDDQG 0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRU,QGLD Every woman’s prime weapon of seduction – The ONE Matte Lipstick – in the hottest lip colours! With so many shades to choose from, matching the right colour with your personality will be like announcing a powerful “I’m in charge here!” and “I am beautiful!”. Go ahead, grab your favourites and paint the town red. Oriflame is a proud member of the Indian Direct Selling Association, reflecting our commitment to practising the highest level of business ethics. Through our collaboration with the Rainforest Alliance, we strive to ensure that all the paper in our catalogues originates from well managed forests. To learn more about Oriflame’s animal welfare policy please visit: www.oriflame.co.in Our ongoing charity initiatives support children and young women through a diverse range of education programs. KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP YO U R D R E A M S – O U R I N S P I R AT I O N ™ 7 BB – BEAUTY BALM Once a secret of make-up artists and celebrities, BB creams are now one of the hottest beauty trends in the world.They’re the perfect timesaving solution for WKHRQWKHJRZRPDQZKRZDQWVDÁDZOHVVIDFHLQDÁDVK 8 MY SKIN DREAM COME TRUE! 40% OFF Look younger and save time and money with our most wanted Skin Dream BB Cream SPF 30! Spend ` 600/- in this catalogue & get one that matches your complexion at 40% off. HOW TO If you have dry skin, apply BB cream on top of your normal moisturiser. If you have combination /oily skin, BB cream is all you need! 26526 Medium 26525 Light Skin Dream BB Cream SPF 30 All-in-one solution fusing make-up, skincare and SPF protection. At once conceals all types of pigmentation, blemishes, discoloration and reduces appearance of pores. Hydrates and creates a perfect, lustrous skin tone. Suitable for sensitive skin and is non-comedogenic. Doesn’t clog pores/oil free. SPF 30. 30 ml. ` 599 ` 359 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP &29(56'$5.63276$1' %/(0,6+(6 5('8&(67+($33($5$1&(2) 325(6$1'6.,15('1(66 C5($76$1,167$17*/2: $//'$<+<'5$7,21:,7+ 0$77(),1,6+ 68,7$%/()256(16,7,9(6.,1 $1',6121&20('2*(1,& SPF 30 NOW OR NEVER NOW OR NEVER 9 0TIPS FOR THE 1PERFECT V-DAY LOOK POLISHED NAILS TO IMPRESS HIM g ng-lastin lo ic t s fanta i Gold 1. Use from Giordan ives my G . colour e c n a Brilli out ok with h Lacque lo d e h las olis tips a p him from my g in distract ! ure with batting ic n a m nch d white ate Fre 2. Cre y pink base an super ea a shin tips giv e. h c n e r attir tips. F to any k o lo y rt class d nail a e p a h s art r 3. He s – perfect fo e n ply trac desig im S ! o es to the Valentin of the top of line the out he nails with a nt heart o EHIRUHÀOOLQJLQ N WRRWKSLF . lish with po 10 30414 7HPS WLQJ3 LQN IN FOCUS 40% OFF IN FOCUS Salon-inspired formula for long-lasting colour intensity, high shine and nail care. &KH HUHG 270 9 FTX 2 /D Revives and protects nails by smoothing uneven, ridged surfaces and preventing signs of ageing such as dryness and brittleness. Nails look and feel stronger and healthier*. UU\ FORTIFYING COMPLEX Giordani Gold Lacque Brilliance 0LUURUVKLQHQDLOSROLVKLQULFKFODVVLFVKDGHV )RUWLÀHVSURWHFWVDQGLPSURYHVQDLOFRQGLWLRQIRU VPRRWKHUKHDOWKLHUORRNLQJQDLOV/RQJODVWLQJ FKLSUHVLVWDQWÀQLVKPO ` 449 27088 0LVW\:KLWH 27089 3HDUO\1XGH 27090 3LQN&DUDW 27091 5R\DO5HG 30413 6DWLQ5RVH 27092 /DFTXHUHG&KHUU\ › LONG-LASTING MIRROR SHINE KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP ` 269 30414 30415 7HPSWLQJ3LQN 1REOH%XUJXQG\ * Consumer tested on 63 women 11 4. Give hair som e extra lo before th ving e big dat e ! Shampo with Hair o X Volum e Boost Shampo o while M ichael Bu croons in ble the back g round. 5. After shamp Volume B oo, apply HairX oost Lea ve-In Conditio ner and let it stay whilst so aking in bubble b 6. For a ath. dded stre n g t h a you can nd shine also app ly hair m , that nou ask rish hair from the roots. 7. Keep a hair SXUVHIRU serum in your DQLQVWD QWÀ[WRE used as H and whe n require d. 0 TIPS FOR THE 1 PERFECT V-DAY LOOK SHINY, SMOOTH HAIR TO DRAW HIM IN 12 IN FOCUS NEW AND IMPROVED %8<$1< AT FOR FINE HAIR % % OFF - CERAMIDE COMPLEX HairX Volume Boost Shampoo $ZHLJKWOHVVVKDPSRRZLWK&HUDPLGH&RPSOH[ WKDWJHQWO\FOHDQVKDLUZKLOHDGGLQJERXQFHDQG ERG\WRIODWKDLUPO 26670 ` 329 AT OFF ` 295 IN FOCUS %8<$1< HairX Volume Boost Leave-In Conditioner 26675 ` 399 ` 359 › WEIGHTLESS SYSTEM KEEPS HAIR SOFT WHILE LIFTED ALL FORMULAS NOW WITH › WEIGHTLESS FORMULA TO BOOST VOLUME KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP $ZHLJKWOHVVOHDYHLQFRQGLWLRQHUZLWK&HUDPLGH &RPSOH[WKDWJLYHVPRUHPDQDJHDELOLW\WRKDLU ZKLOHHIIHFWLYHO\ERRVWLQJYROXPHPO 1 7, 2; , '$ 17 *,1 *(52/ $ 1 2 8 5 , 6 + ( 6 6 & $ / 3 ) 2 5 9 , 6 , % / < % ( $ 8 7 , ) 8 / + $ , 5 13 3UHYHQWXQGHUH\HS XIÀQHVVE\ VOHHSLQJZLWKKHDGVOLJKWO\ HOHYDWHGRQSLOORZV 0DNH VXUHWRXVHOptimals Whit e Seeing is Believing Eye Cr eam, ZKLFKKHOSVVRIWHQGDUNF LUFOHV &OHDQVHDQGWRQHIDF HDQG VODWKHUOptimals White Oxygen Boost Day Crea m SPF15WRK\GUDWHDQGLQMH FW VNLQZLWKSRZHUIXO/LQJRQE HUU\ DQWLR[LGDQWSOXVJLYHLW SURWHFWLRQWKURXJKRXWWKH GD\ 5HFHLYHVNLQQRXULVK PHQWDQG DOORZWKH5XPH[DQG2[\ JHQ DFWLYHVLQOptimals Whit e Oxygen Boost Night Crea mWR VDIHO\OLJKWHQ\RXUVNLQWRQ H ZKLOH\RXVOHHS TIPS FOR THE 1 PERFECT V-DAY LOOK 14 325&(/$,16.,1+(·///29(72&$5(66 IN FOCUS W H I T E SAVE UP TO for all skin types › HYDRATES, DE-PUFFS & BRIGHTENS EYE AREA all ages Optimals White Seeing is Believing Eye Cream +HOSVVRIWHQGDUNFLUFOHVGHSXIIDQG OLJKWHQVNLQDURXQGWKHH\HV:LWK SDWHQWHGDQWLR[LGDQW/LQJRQDQG &DIIHLQHDFWLYHPO 26646 20% IN FOCUS 6((,1*,6%(/,(9,1* ` 599 ` 499 OX YG E N B O O ST all ages › LIGHTENS, HYDRATES & PROTECTS SKIN DURING THE DAY Optimals White Oxygen Boost Day Cream SPF 15 Normal/ Combination Skin +\GUDWLQJIRUPXODFRQWDLQLQJSDWHQWHG DQWLR[LGDQW/LQJRQWKDWKHOSV SURWHFWVNLQDJDLQVWHQYLURQPHQWDOVWUHVV OLJKWHQLQJ5XPH[DQG2[\JHQDFWLYH63) $GDSWHGIRUQRUPDOFRPELQDWLRQVNLQ $SSO\HYHU\PRUQLQJPO 26644 ` 649 ` 519 Optimals White Oxygen Boost Night Cream Normal/Combination Skin +\GUDWLQJDQGQRXULVKLQJQLJKWFUHDP FRQWDLQLQJSDWHQWHGDQWLR[LGDQW/LQJRQ WKDWKHOSVSURWHFWVNLQDJDLQVW HQYLURQPHQWDOVWUHVVOLJKWHQLQJ5XPH[ DQG2[\JHQDFWLYH$GDSWHGIRUQRUPDO FRPELQDWLRQVNLQ$SSO\HYHU\HYHQLQJ PO 26841 ` 699 ` 559 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP for normal/combination skin › LIGHTENS, NOURISHES & BOOSTS MOISTURE OVER NIGHT 15 SKIN CARE INSTANT SPOTS REMEDIES FOR YOUR HIGH-SPIRITED TEENS! You’re excited to see your little ones all grown up, anticipated for the V-Day, and one of the least things they should worry about are breakouts! Don’t let any spots ruin WKHLUFRQÀGHQFHZLWKWKHKHOSRIPure Skin special care products! Pure Skin Blackhead Clearing Mask Reduce and prevent blackheads and spots. With Salicylic acid and Detect Technology. Use 1-2 times weekly. 50 ml. 24202 ` 379 Pure Skin Blackhead Toner Deep Action A powerful toner for removing oil, dirt and dead skin that can cause blackheads.150 ml. 20166 ` 449 Pure Skin Face Wash Cleanses impurities and eliminates excess shine for a clearer skin. 150 ml. 20164 YO U R D R E A M S – O U R I N S P I R AT I O N ™ 16 ` 429 Helps to clear blackheads & spots from your skin 79% agree** SKIN CARE %RRVW\RXUURXWLQH &RQVXPHUHIIHFWLYHQHVVWHVWHGRQSHRSOH FOR PROBLEM 722,/<6.,1 + HOW TO USE: 1. SCRUB DVVDJHRYHUZHWIDFH 0 DQGULQVHDZD\6NLQLV UHDG\IRUWKHPDVN SSO\WKLQOD\HURQWKH $ IDFHDQGOHDYHWRGU\ IRUPLQXWHV7KHQ ZDVKDZD\ZLWKZDWHU Pure Skin 1 Clarifying Scrub 2 Purifying Mask 7ZRVWHSSXULI\LQJV\VWHPWKDWUHGXFHVH[LVWLQJ RXWEUHDNVDQGKHOSVVWRSEODFNKHDGVDQG EOHPLVKHVEHIRUHWKH\VWDUW[POVDFKHWV 22418 ` 99 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP 2. MASK 17 UNVEIL A FAIRER, MATTE COMPLEXION ALL FOR OILY SKIN AGES Essentials 50 ml. 23764 Essentials 50 ml. 23760 Essentials 50 ml. 24110 18 Fairness Gel Lotion ` 139 Essentials 125 ml. 24109 Fairness Balancing Cleanser Essentials 100 ml. 24139 Fairness Balancing Toner ` 299 ` 299 Fairness Lotion ` 139 Fairness Cream SPF 8 ` 139 7KHHIIHFWLYHIRUPXODWLRQVEULQJ OLJKWQHVVDQGHVVHQWLDOQXWULWLRQWR \RXUIDFHFRPSOH[LRQ)UHVKDQGVRIW LWORRNVDVLIOLWIURPZLWKLQ0DNH (VVHQWLDOV)DLUQHVV\RXUWUXVWHG URXWLQH FORMULATED WITH CARE. APPLY WITH LOVE. FOR ALL SKIN TYPES ALL AGES SKIN CARE GIVE LIGHTNESS TO YOUR SKIN EVERY DAY MULTI-VITAMIN COMPLEX VITAMINS B3, B5, B6, C & E SKIN LIGHTENING COMPLEX DERMATOLOGICALLY TESTED 5-in-1 cleansing gel Essentials Fairness 5-in-1 Gel Wash /LJKWHQFOHDQVHQRXULVKDQGVRIWHQ6RDS IUHHZLWKVNLQOLJKWHQLQJFRPSOH[DQGYLWDPLQ ()RUDOOVNLQW\SHVPO 23754 ` 299 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP + ` 249 19 FOR PROBLEM TO OILY SKIN 15+ FORMULATED WITH CARE. APPLY WITH LOVE. FOR ALL SKIN TYPES ALL AGES Pure Skin Spot SOS Gel Deep Action Pure Skin Scrub Face Wash Deep Action 6 ml. 150 ml. 24752 ` 179 Pure Skin Shine Control Cream 50 ml. 20167 ` 499 ` 449 20194 Pure 15 ml. Skin Hide & Treat 20176 LAST TIME Last time in this catalogue ` 298 Essentials Moisturising Day Cream Hydrate, nourish, protect. Light formula with multi-vitamin complex. For all skin types. 75 ml. 23747 Essentials Nourishing Night Cream Richer formulation for overnight hydration with multi-vitamin complex. For all skin types. 75 ml. 23745 20 ` 329 ` 379 FOR ALL SKIN TYPES Botanical extracts, natural beauty FOR COMBINATION TO OILY SKIN ALL AGES ALL AGES Pure Nature Strawberry Fruit Extract Face Wash PO SKIN CARE ` 149 30853 Pure Nature Orange Fruit Extract Face Wash PO ` 149 30855 Pure Nature Peach Fruit Extract Face Wash PO Pure Nature Tea Tree and Rosemary Facial Kit for Combination to Oily skin ` 1199 31006 FOR NORMAL TO DRY SKIN ` 149 30854 ALL NORMAL SKIN ALL AGES AGES DERMATOLOGICALLY TESTED Love Nature Cleansing Gel Aloe Vera 32408 ` 299 Love Nature Face Toner Aloe Vera PO 32348 ` 299 Love Pure Nature Tropical Fruits Facial Kit for Normal to Dry skin 31005 Nature Gel Cream Aloe Vera PO 32407 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP PO ` 329 ` 1199 21 BEST PRICE OF THE YEAR Botanical extracts, natural beauty 22 FRESH LIKE A ROSE – ALL DAY LONG! ONLY AT 99 ` How to : &ORVH\RXUH\HVDQGVSUD\GLUHFWO\RQWR\RXUIDFH *HQWO\ZLSHH[FHVVZLWKDFRWWRQEDOOWRUHIUHVKDQG WRQHDIWHUFOHDQVLQJ$OWHUQDWLYHO\VSUD\RQWRDFRWWRQ EDOODQGJHQWO\ZLSH\RXUIDFHZLWKLW7KLVSURGXFWFDQ DOVREHXVHGDVDELQGHUIRUGU\PDVN Rose extract Rich in antioxidants, it helps protect the skin against external aggressors.The extract also contains plenty of natural emollients to condition and soften the skin. ALL AGES Pure Nature Rose Extracts Refreshing Rose Water $IUHVKOLJKWDQGHDVLO\DEVRUEHGZDWHU EDVHGWRQLQJIRUPXODWKDWOHDYHV\RXUVNLQ VRIWDQGJORZLQJ,QIXVHGZLWK5RVHH[WUDFW ULFKLQDQWLR[LGDQWVWRKHOSSURWHFWWKHVNLQ ,WFDQEHXVHGWRKHOSK\GUDWHVRRWKHDQG UHIUHVKWKHVNLQWKURXJKRXWWKHGD\,WDLGV LQUHPRYLQJRLODQGGLUWDFFXPXODWHGRQWKH VNLQPO 30819 SKIN CARE FOR ALL SKIN TYPES ` 129 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP : LWK\RXUOLJKWK\GUDWLQJ5RVHZDWHU 23 Dermatologically tested Tested to be gentle to your skin. Sun Zone Lotion Face and Body SPF 15 Medium 150 ml. ` 699 23294 Sun Zone Intensive Balm Face and Body After Sun 100 ml. ` 399 23336 Sun Zone Whitening Protector Face and Exposed Areas SPF 30 High 50 ml. ` 499 30322 Sun Zone UV Protector Face and Exposed Areas SPF 50 High 50 ml. ` 699 23378 FOR ALL SKIN TYPES ALL TENDER CARE AGES FOR ALL SKIN TYPES Sun care cream SPF 20 Moisturising cream with UVA and UVB filters.Contains Vitamin E and Sunflower Oil to delay the signs of ageing. Water resistant. 50 ml. 1815 Sun care lotion SPF 10 Light, waterproof, silky and moisturising formula. Contains Vitamin E and Sunflower Oil to keep the skin supple and protected. 50 ml. 1814 24 ` 379 ` 299 Tender Care Relieves dryness and restores skin softness and suppleness. A special formula with beeswax and vegetable oils, suitable for lips, face, cuticles or any area that is dry, rough or sore. 15 ml. 1276 ` 249 ALL AGES )25$// 6.,17<3(6 Overnight nourishment ALL AGES 0XOWLDFWLRQDQWLR[LGDQW Ecobeauty skincare, with Natural Pro-Blend™ technology, works in perfect synergy to VWUHQJWKHQ SURWHFW and be kind to your skin. SKIN CARE PERFECT SKIN SUSTAINED BY NATURE DWXUDO&RVPHWLFFHUWLÀHGE\(FRFHUW*UHHQOLIHDFFRUGLQJWR 1 (FRFHUW6WDQGDUGDYDLODEOHDWKWWSFRVPHWLFVHFRFHUWFRP Replenishes & protects Oriflame Ecobeauty Smoothing Day Cream Oriflame ,QQRYDWLYHDQGQDWXUDOWKLVPXOWL DFWLRQDQWLR[LGDQWGD\FUHDPKHOSV UHSOHQLVK\RXUVNLQDQGUHLQIRUFHLWV SURWHFWLYHEDUULHUWRÀJKW LPSHUIHFWLRQV6HFXUHGLQDLUWLJKW SDFNDJLQJ'HUPDWRORJLFDOO\WHVWHG PO 7KLVPXOWLDFWLRQDQWLR[LGDQWQLJKW FUHDPLQWHQVHO\QRXULVKHVSURWHFWV DQGUHMXYHQDWHV\RXUVNLQZKLOH\RX VOHHS6HFXUHGLQDLUWLJKWSDFNDJLQJ 'HUPDWRORJLFDOO\WHVWHGPO 23404 Ecobeauty Smoothing Night Cream 23406 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP ECOBEAUTY VNLQFDUHFRQWDLQVQRXULVKLQJ)DLUWUDGH 2UJDQLFFRFRQXWRLODQG)DLUWUDGH6KHD%XWWHU7KURXJK )DLUWUDGHZHFRQWULEXWHWRORFDOFRPPXQLWLHVLQ,QGLDDQG $IULFDWRKHOSWKHPEXLOGDEHWWHUIXWXUHIRUWKHPVHOYHV DQGWKHLUIDPLOLHV 7ROHDUQPRUHDERXWWKHGLIIHUHQFH (FREHDXW\DQG)DLUWUDGHPDNHJRWR ZZZRULÁDPHFRPHFREHDXW\ ` 1499 ` 1399 25 CLEANSERS/TONERS For normal to combination skin OXYGEN BOOST all ages for oily skin Optimals White Oxygen Boost Day Cream SPF 15 Oily Skin Optimals White Foaming Gel Normal/ Combination Skin 50 ml. 200 ml. 26650 26643 ` 499 Optimals White Balancing Toner Normal/ Combination Skin 26651 OX Y G E N B O O S T White Oxygen Boost Night Cream Oily Skin 50 ml. 26842 ` 699 ` 499 SKIN YOU TH all ages ` 649 Optimals 200 ml. for normal/combination skin all ages for all skin types EVE N O UT all ages for all skin types all ages Optimals White Skin Youth Day Cream SPF 15 50 ml. 26648 ` 1099 Optimals White Skin Youth Night Cream 50 ml. 26649 Optimals White Oxygen Boost serum 30 g. 26758 26 ` 899 ` 1199 Optimals 50 ml. 25206 Optimals 50 ml. 25207 Even Out Day Cream SPF 20 ` 899 Even Out Night Cream ` 999 OFF Unclogs pores & removes make-up CHOOSE THE CLEANSING ROUTINE THAT MATCHES <2856.,17<3( 20% W H I T E CLEANSER/TONER for oily skin SKIN CARE THE MUST-HAVE BASICS FOR PERFECTLY CLEANSED SKIN all ages Removes all LPSXULWLHVPDWWLÀHV and closes pores 1. CLEANSE Optimals /LJKWZHLJKWJHOIRUPXODWKDWHIIHFWLYHO\ SXULÀHVRLO\VNLQXQFORJVSRUHVDQG UHPRYHVPDNHXSKHOSLQJWROHDYHWKH VNLQPDWWLÀHGDQGUHIUHVKHG:LWK SDWHQWHGDQWLR[LGDQW/LQJRQDQG VNLQOLJKWHQLQJFRPSOH[PO 26652 Optimals 2.TONE WRQHULVHVVHQWLDOIRU $ IDFLDOVNLQFDUHLWUHPRYHV WKHODVWLPSXULWLHV UHIUHVKHVWKHVNLQWLJKWHQV SRUHVDQGSUHSDUHV\RXU VNLQIRUWKHDSSOLFDWLRQRI GD\RUQLJKWFUHDP$SSO\D WRQHURQDVRIWFRWWRQSDG DQGJHQWO\EORWRUZLSH \RXUIDFH White Cleansing Gel Oily Skin ` 499 ` 399 White Purifying Toner Oily Skin )ROORZ\RXUFOHDQVHUZLWKWKLVSXULI\LQJ WRQHUWKDWUHPRYHVDOOUHPDLQLQJ LPSXULWLHVPDWWLÀHVDQGKHOSVWRFORVH DQGWLJKWHQSRUHV:LWKSDWHQWHG DQWLR[LGDQW/LQJRQDQGVNLQ OLJKWHQLQJFRPSOH[<RXUVNLQLVQRZ UHDG\IRU\RXUGD\RUQLJKWFUHDP PO 26653 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP RDFKLHYHIUHVKSHUIHFWO\ 7 FOHDQVHGVNLQJHQWO\ VSUHDG\RXUFOHDQVHURYHU \RXUIDFHPDVVDJHDQG ULQVHRIIZLWKZDWHU ` 499 ` 399 27 35+ For all skin types Ecollagen Wrinkle Correcting Day Cream SPF 15 50 ml. 26685 ` 1599 Ecollagen Wrinkle Correcting Night Cream 50 ml. 26686 28 ` 1699 Ecollagen 200 ml. 30141 Ecollagen 200 ml. 30139 Foaming Gel Wash ` 949 Skin Perfecting Toner ` 949 1 $17,:5,1./( SAVE ` 2 LIFTING Boosts skin collagen production by over Boosts production of elastin – skin elastic protein by over 200%* 300%** 3ODQW6WHP&HOOH[WUDFWWHVWHGLQYLWUR WHVWHGLQYLWUR SKIN CARE '28%/(32:(5 DJDLQVWZULQNOHVDQGVDJJLQJ ,PSURYHVÀUPQHVVDQGHODVWLFLW\ JLYLQJWKHVNLQDYLVLEO\OLIWHGORRN 75% agreed*** Plant Stem Cell extract Double concentrationIRUDQ LQWHQVHDQWLZULQNOHDFWLRQ 3URYHQWRKHOSUHFUHDWHVNLQ FROODJHQWRFRXQWHUDFWZULQNOHV Powerlift technology ( FROODJHQ:ULQNOH&RUUHFWLQJDQG /LIWLQJ6HUXP 7KLVH[WUHPHO\SRWHQWVXSHUVHUXPGHOLYHUV RXWVWDQGLQJDQWLZULQNOHDQGOLIWLQJHIIHFWV :LWKGRXEOHFRQFHQWUDWLRQRIWKH EUHDNWKURXJK3ODQW6WHP&HOOH[WUDFWDQG 3RZHUOLIWWHFKQRORJ\$SSO\WZLFHGDLO\XQGHU \RXUGD\DQGQLJKWFUHDPPO 30030 ` 1799 ` 1599 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP 7HVWHGRYHUZHHNVRQZRPHQ SRZHUIXOSHSWLGHWKDW $ VWLPXODWHVHODVWLQSURGXFWLRQ DQGKHOSVSUHYHQWVNLQVDJJLQJ 29 LEAVE YOUR SKIN PRISTINELY CLEAN FOR ALL SKIN TYPES WITH UNIQUE GENUINE DIAMOND MICRO POWDER 40+ Restores skin brilliance with diamonds Rejuvenates your skin while you sleep Diamond Cellular Anti-Ageing Cream This exceptionally rich cream targets the visible signs of ageing to reveal skin that defies its age. 50 ml. 13659 Diamond ` 2499 Cellular Night Restorative Treatment Apply before sleep for the overnight treatment. Use every night. 30 ml. 18437 Diamond ` 2599 Cellular Multi-Perfection Eye Treatment 15 ml. 22419 Diamond ` 1299 Cellular Micellar Solution Cleanser 200 ml. 21339 30 ` 1199 A PRECIOUS SECRET TO FIRMER SKIN + SKIN CARE FOR ALL SKIN TYPES Royal Velvet Repairing Night Cream PO 22814 ` 1399 Royal Velvet Firming Day Cream SPF 15 PO 22424 ` 1299 Royal KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP Velvet Ultra Firming Capsules SFV 24547 ` 1799 Royal Velvet Firming Eye Contour Cream PO 22815 Royal ` 690 Velvet Creamy Cleansing Milk 1HZOLJKWWH[WXUHGIRUPXODWKDWVSUHDGV EHDXWLIXOO\RYHUWKHVNLQWRUHPRYH LPSXULWLHVPO 22421 Gently cleanses the skin ` 799 31 Time Reversing SkinGenist™ Day & Night Essence 30 ml. 24217 Time ` 1399 Reversing SkinGenist™ Day Cream SPF 15 50 ml. 24181 Time 50 ml. 24184 Time 15 ml. 24665 32 ` 1690 Reversing SkinGenist™ Night Cream ` 1790 Reversing SkinGenist™ Eye Cream ` 999 NOURISHING CLEANSING FOR GORGEOUSLY YOUTHFUL SKIN FOR MATURE SKIN 45+ SKIN CARE Introducing 1st ever anti-ageing milk cleanser with genisteinSOY IRUVSHFLÀFQHHGVRIPDWXUHVNLQ WKHÀUVWHVVHQWLDOVWHSRQ\RXU URXWHWRXQIDGLQJEHDXW\ Nourishing, cleansing care for mature skin 7LPHRevHUVLQJ6NLQ*HQLVW 0XOWL&OHDQVHU 5HMXYHQDWLQJDQGZRQGHUIXOO\UHIUHVKLQJPXOWL SXUSRVHPLONFOHDQVHUZLWKDSRZHUIXOEOHQGRI JHQLVWHLQSOYPRLVWXULVLQJDQGQRXULVKLQJDJHQWV /HDYHV\RXUVNLQSHUIHFWO\VPRRWKUDGLDQWDQG VRIWPO 25261 ` 1099 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP VXSHULRUDQWLDJHLQJQXWULHQWGHULYHGIURP6R\ $ ZKLFKDFWVDWDJHQHWLFOHYHO6HOHFWHGDIWHUQHDUO\D GHFDGHRIH[WHQVLYHUHVHDUFK(QFDSVXODWHGWR UHDFKGHHSHUVNLQOD\HUV3URYHQWRWDUJHWDOOQHHGV RIPDWXUHVNLQ 33 SERIOUS SOLUTIONS to SERIOUS SKIN PROBLEMS SKIN PROBLEM HYPER PIGMENTATION 25+ TARGET UNWANTED PIGMENTATION PREVENT IT WITH HIGH SPF 45 Bioclinic Active Defence Shield Day SPF 45 Lightens and prevents unwanted pigmentation. Patented skin lightening technology promotes fading of pigmented skin cells and activates skin renewal to accelerate skin brightening. SPF 45. 30 ml. 24882 34 ` 1999 Inspired by aesthetic medicine REDUCE HYPERPIGMENTATION. RESTORE SKIN EVENNESS WE LOVE SAVE Why you should try it: Dr Alain Mavon, PhD, Bioclinic Research Director. BEFORE Reduces hyperpigmentation & restores skin evenness AFTER AFTER /,1,&$//<3529(15('8&7,21 & IN PIGMENTATION* SKIN PROBLEM '$5. SPOTS 25+ ”Hyperpigmentation is caused by excessive local production of melanin in the skin. Bioclinic Tone Down™ Technology acts at the cellular level to improve skin clarity and lighten dark patches of skin”. Bioclinic Fade Away Active Essence Night *skin colour changes observed after 8 weeks &RQFHQWUDWHGFUHDPWRUHGXFHSLJPHQWDWLRQ DWWKHFHOOXODUOHYHODQGHYHQRXWVNLQWRQH 'DUNSDWFKHVJHWYLVLEO\OLJKWHUDIWHUZHHNVRI FRQVLVWHQWXVHPO 24191 FACE FACTS BREAKTHROUGH CELLULAR ` 1999 ` 1499 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP BEFORE %HFDXVHLWUHVWRUHVXQHYHQVNLQDQG UHGXFHVWKHDSSHDUDQFHRIGDUNSDWFKHV WKDQNVWR7RQH'RZQWHFKQRORJ\ZKLFK SRZHUIXOO\UHYHUVHVWKHHIIHFWVRI K\SHUSLJPHQWDWLRQ WE LOVE ` TECHNOLOGY 3 YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 35 15% ,QGXOJHLQWKHEHDXW\RI JORZLQJZKLWHQHVV DGLDWH\RXULQQHUEHDXW\ with the 5 luxurious new Silk Beauty White glow range, designed to truly HQKDQFHWKH ZKLWHQLQJJORZ of your skin’s tone. &KHUU\%ORVVRP Silk Beauty White Glow Body Wash /HWWKHULFK6LON3URWHLQVRI6LON%HDXW\:KLWH *ORZ%RG\:DVKJHQWO\FDUHVV\RXUVNLQDVWKH :KLWH0XOEHUU\H[WUDFWQDWXUDOO\PRLVWXULVHVDQG OLJKWHQVZLWKLWVSURWHFWLYHDQWLR[LGDQWSURSHUWLHV 7KHDOOXULQJ&KHUU\%ORVVRPDGGVDWRXFKRIWKH GLYLQHIRUDVHQVXRXVIUDJUDQFHDQGIXUWKHUKHOSV EULQJRXW\RXUQDWXUDOJORZPO 22713 ` 429 ` 365 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP :KLWH0XOEHUU\ ([WUDFW PERSONAL CARE OFF 37 Feet Up Advanced 2 in 1 Deep Action Foot Scrub Anti-bacterial Lemon Myrtle and Intensive Care Complex purify and revitalize your feet. 100 ml. 23277 ` 349 Feet Up Advanced Cracked Heel Repair Foot Cream Repair cracked heels with softening actives and Intensive Care Complex. Use twice daily. 75 ml. 21889 ` 349 Feet Up Soothing Foot Cream Soothe and soften with this easily absorbed cream with Wheat Germ and Orange Blossom. 75 ml. 20548 38 ` 299 PURIFY, SOFTEN AND HYDRATE WORN FEET % Happy Feet from toes to heels Softening $YRFDGR & Soothing $ORH9HUD Feet Up Overnight Moisturising Foot Cream PERSONAL CARE 2)) 1RZ·VWKHWLPHWRPDNH\RXUIHHWIHHOIUHVKHUDQG FRROHUZLWKWKH)HHWXSUDQJH)HDWXULQJLPSURYHG IRUPXODV\RXFDQIUHH\RXUIHHWDQGKDYHIXQGRLQJ WKHWKLQJV\RXORYH %ULQJVVRIWQHVVDQGKHOSVVRRWKH RYHUQLJKWZLWK$YRFDGR2LODQG$ORH9HUD 8VHMXVWEHIRUHEHGWLPHPO A smooth foot cream to improve your feet overnight ` 299 ` 249 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP 20554 39 INDULGE IN THE PUREST LUXURY EFFECTIVE PROTECTION FOR CONFIDENCE! ONLY 129 ` 250 ml. ` 529 15570 ` 249 Milk & Honey Gold Moisturising Shower Cream & Honey Gold Conditioner Activelle Anti-perspirant 24h Deodorant Pure Care ` 179 Activelle Anti-perspirant 24h 'HRGRUDQW,QYLVLEOH52' ` 179 23725 ` 449 & Honey Gold Smoothing Sugar Scrub ` 499 & Honey Gold Creamy Soap Bar ` 59 18953 40 ` 179 & Honey Gold Hair Mask 17556 30741 50 ml. 50 ml. ` 249 24734 Milk 100 ml. Anti-perspirant 24h Deodorant Cotton Dry 23718 ` 429 22625 Activelle 50 ml. 200 ml. Milk 100 g. ` 279 23719 25281 & Honey Gold Shampoo 22624 Milk 200 ml. ` 279 25280 150 ml. & Honey Gold Nourishing Hand & Body Cream Milk 250 ml. 150 ml. Anti-perspirant 24h Deodorant Pure Care Milk 15579 Milk 200 ml. Anti-perspirant 24h Deodorant Cotton Dry Activelle Milk 200 ml. Activelle & Honey Gold Shampoo ` 149 ` 129 THE BEST JUST GOT BETTER! FEMINELLE INTIMATE CARE NOW WITH PERSONAL CARE with women in mind EXTRA VITAMINS Feminelle Soothing Intimate Wash $QLQWLPDWHZDVKZLWKH[WUDYLWDPLQV 3HRQ\)ORZHUVDQG6ZHHW$OPRQG2LOIRU ODVWLQJVRRWKLQJFRPIRUWPO ` 399 24891 Feminelle Refreshing Intimate Wash $UHIUHVKLQJZDVKIRU\RXULQWLPDWHDUHD IRUPXODWHGZLWKFRROLQJ/RWXV)ORZHU ([WUDFWDQGH[WUDYLWDPLQVPO ` 399 24889 with soothing White Peony Flower Extract** 100% FRESH with refreshing Lotus Flower Extract** KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP 100% COMFORTABLE (IIHFWLYHQHVVEDVHGRQVHOIDVVHVVPHQW XQGHUJ\QHFRORJLFDOFRQWURO 41 With moisturising Organic Cotton Baby Moisturising Cream Daily moisturiser formulated to help protect and care for baby’s delicate skin. pH balanced. 150 ml. 25284 ` 329 Baby Oil Help prevent skin from drying out with this gentle oil formulated with Sunflower Seed Oil. 150 ml. 25283 ` 379 Baby Hair & Body Wash pH-balanced wash that gently cleanses and cares for baby skin and hair. Tear free. 300 ml. 25282 ` 429 Baby Soap Bar Mild soap bar made from natural vegetable oils, Glycerin, emollients and softening talc. 75 g. 25286 42 ` 89 SOFT AND CLEAN FROM DELICATE HEAD TO TINY TOES! BUY BABY TALC AT 10% 20% 30% Our guarantee: 2 AT OFF PEDIATRICIAN APPROVED 3 AT For the diaper area as well as the cute chubby folds where water goes to hide ORGANIC COTTON OFF PARABEN FREE PERSONAL CARE OFF CLINICALLY TESTED ALLERGY TESTED 2UJDQLF&RWWRQ([WUDFW to moisturise, condition and soften baby’s skin Baby Talc .HHS\RXUOLWWOHRQHIUHVKGU\DQGFRPIRUWDEOH ZLWKWKLVJHQWOHEDE\SRZGHUJ 25285 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP ` 129 ` 115 43 – the bliss of simplicity – Nature Secrets Exfoliating Shower Gel with Energising Mint & Raspberry 250 ml. ` 379 22667 Nature Secrets Anti-perspirant Deodorant with Energising Mint & Raspberry 50 ml. ` 169 22669 44 RASPBERRY Mint extract is well-known for refreshing and stimulating properties that help to energise your senses. Raspberry extracts are highly valued due to their energising and caring characteristics. ONLY ` 69 PERSONAL CARE 0,17 Vitalize Reinvigorate REFRESH, ENERGISE AND ENJOY! Energising & invigorating Secrets Soap Bar with Energising Mint & Raspberry %ULJKWO\DURPDWLF6RDS%DUZLWK HQHUJLVLQJ0LQWDQG5DVSEHUU\ H[WUDFWV$QLQYLJRUDWLQJZD\WR FOHDQVHDQ\WLPHJ 22668 ` 79 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP Nature 45 – the bliss of simplicity – Clean, healthy scalp! Nature Secrets Shampoo Anti-Dandruff with Burdock & Grapefruit Creamy, delicate anti-dandruff shampoo infused with Burdock root & Grapefruit seed extracts gently softens and hydrates hair to restore its natural beauty. It helps reduce dryness, leaving the scalp feeling clean and soothed. 250 ml. 22694 46 ` 249 ` 209 FAREWELL FLAKES! HELLO SMOOTH, HEALTHY HAIR! Nature Secrets Conditioner Anti-Dandruff with Burdock & Grapefruit This nourishing conditioner infused with Burdock root & Grapefruit seed extracts gently hydrates and detangles hair. A natural conditioning agent derived from Rapeseed leaves hair manageable, shiny and smooth. 250 ml. 22695 ` 249 ` 209 PERSONAL CARE OFF Hydrates and detangles KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP 15% 47 WHEAT & COCONUT NETTLE & LEMON – the bliss of simplicity – Nature Secrets Refreshing Pedicure Set Nettle & Lemon 4 pcs. ` 1199 31000 Nature Secrets Shampoo for Dry and Damaged Hair Wheat & Coconut 100 ml. ` 139 30742 Nature Secrets Body Spray Rosemary & Blackcurrant 150 ml. ` 199 Nature Secrets Body Spray Lavender & Fig 250 ml. Nature 22701 250 ml. Nature ` 249 21860 Nature Secrets Conditioner for Dry and Damaged Hair Wheat & Coconut 250 ml. ` 199 22702 ` 249 21862 GINSENG & PASSION FRUIT Nature Secrets Body Spray Nettle & Lemon LAVENDER & FIG 150 ml. 30849 ` 199 BASIL & PEACH Nature Secrets Antiperspirant 24h Deodorant with Invigorating Ginseng & Passion Fruit 50 ml. 26444 ` 159 Nature Secrets Soap Bar with Hydrating Basil & Peach 75 g. 25179 48 ` 79 Nature Secrets Shower Gel with invigorating Ginseng & Passion fruit 250 ml. 26443 ` 379 ` 249 Secrets Conditioner for Greasy Hair Nettle & Lemon 250 ml. 150 ml. 30852 Secrets Shampoo for Greasy Hair Nettle & Lemon Secrets Shampoo for Dry and Damaged Hair Wheat & Coconut 30850 Nature Nature Secrets Relaxing Manicure Set Lavender & Fig 4 pcs. 31001 ` 1199 ` 249 7DNHSOHDVXUHLQWKHIUHVKQHVVRI1DWXUH6HFUHWV LUUHVLVWLEOHQHZWDOFV1DWXUDOO\VRIWHORTXHQWO\ IUDJUDQWDQGHIIRUWOHVVO\DEVRUEHQWWKHVHDOORYHU ERG\SRZGHUVRIIHUDZRQGHUIXOWRXFKWRNHHS \RXIHHOLQJIUHVK Nature Secrets Talc 400 g. 25445 Cooling Breeze 25443 Tropical Burst 25441 Floral Bouquet 23710 Forest Glade PERSONAL CARE TANTALIZING TALCS! (DFKDW ` 169 Wonderfully warm & lush aroma Delightfully sweet & melodious scent Nature Secrets Talc NATURE 100 g. 25444 Cooling Breeze 25442 Tropical Burst X PXrH. L V. Irresistible! VFioX 25440 Floral Bouquet Nature Hair Oil with 100% Coconut Oil 23709 Forest Glade PO (DFKDW ` 59 21712 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP ` 159 49 NEW AND IMPROVED FOR COLOURED HAIR FOR DAMAGED HAIR FOR FLAKY SCALP - ARGAN OIL - - SALICYLIC ACID & GINGER OIL - - BAOBAB LEAVES EXTRACT HairX 150 ml. Colour Protect Leave-In Treatment ` 399 26677 HairX 200 ml. Colour Protect Conditioner ` 329 26672 HairX 250 ml. 26666 HairX 250 ml. 26642 HairX 200 ml. 26671 HairX Restore Therapy Shampoo ` 329 Colour Protect Shampoo ` 329 Restore Therapy Split Ends 30 ml. ` 329 26674 HairX 200 ml. HairX 250 ml. 26680 Dandruff Rescue Shampoo ` 329 Restore Therapy Conditioner Serum 26673 50 ` 699 Restore Therapy Hair Mask ` 399 HairX 100 ml. 26681 Dandruff Rescue Treatment ` 449 Smile with confidence Optifresh Fluoride Toothpaste Cavity Protection PO PERSONAL CARE ` 99 20538 Optifresh Fluoride Toothpaste Whitening PO ` 109 20539 Optifresh Kids Fluoride Toothpaste PO ` 89 24050 Happy Skin caring body lotion sensitive skin PO 23729 ` 549 Happy Skin hydrating body lotion normal dry skin PO 23730 ` 549 Happy Skin nourishing body milk extra dry skin PO 23733 ` 549 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP Happy Skin nourishing body cream extra dry skin PO 23734 ` 449 51 6 RADIANT HAIR COLOURS 1.0 25415 Black 4.54 25425 Deep Mahogany Copper 2.1 25417 Blue Black 5.25 25426 Intense Brown 3.0 5.6 25416 Dark Brown 25427 Mahogany ADVANCED SMART TECHNOLOGY Long-lasting vibrant colour 100% grey coverage EXCEPTIONAL CARE Radiant shine 52 FREE! 2QO\LQVXEVFULSWLRQSURJUDPPH <RXFDQFKDQJHWKHVKDGHVRIFRORXUVZLWKLQWKHVDPHVXEVFULSWLRQSHULRG How to subscribe to your favourite products: 1. This offer on HairX TruColour is an ongoing programme 2. Choose your HairX TruColour shade from this catalogue 3. Continue to buy HairX TruColour from the next March and April catalogues 4. Get the 4th pack for FREE instantly along with your April catalogue order 5. Multiple purchases can be made within a month, KRZHYHUTXDOLÀFDWLRQIRUWKHRIIHUUHTXLUHVSXUFKDVHVIRU consecutive months as shown below PERSONAL CARE (YHU\WKSDFNIRU FREE 1st catalogue February 2nd catalogue March 3rd catalogue April 7UX&RORXU·VULFKVPRRWKFUHDPIRUPXOD FRQGLWLRQVDQGSHQHWUDWHVKDLUIRULQWHQVH ORQJODVWLQJFRORXU,QFOXGHVLQVWUXFWLRQVJORYHV &RORXUDQW&UHDP*HOPO'HYHORSHUPO DQG3RVW7UHDWPHQWPO ` 799 SUBSCRIBE – and look great for less! %X\DQGJHWWKIRU)5((ZLWKWKHUGSURGXFW 6XEVFULEH+DLU;7UX&RORXUIRUFRQVHFXWLYHFDWDORJXHVDQG SAVE ` 799! KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP HairX TruColour MAKE-UP IMPRESS THEM WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE MAKE-UP Wondering what to give a special colleague or friend for Valentine’s? Busy and active individuals will love high-performing make-up such as The ONE, to keep them looking and feeling their absolute best during the day without any hassles! 30571 Absolute Blush 30574 Fuchsia Excess 30475 Black 30598 Nude Pink 30577 Forever Plum 30 47 7 lack 75 B 304 30596 Porcelain Blu e 30571 Absolute Blush 30477 Blue ` 799 30575 Endless Red 30578 Mocha Intensity The ONE Eye Liner Stylo The ONE Colour Unlimited Lipstick 0. 8 ml. 1.7 g. ` 499 YO U R D R E A M S – O U R I N S P I R AT I O N ™ 54 30574 Fuchsia Excess 30577 Forever Plum 30601 Olive Beige 30 ml. 30573 Pink Unlimited 30576 Violet Extreme 30600 Natural Beige The ONE IlluSkin Foundation 30572 Always Cranberry ` 499 MAKE-UP / LJKW3HUIHFWLRQ &RQFHDOHU HaloLight Technology™ to perfect and illuminate skin Buildable coverage for a fresh, QDWXUDOÀQLVK Oil-free formula means no shine 01 ULJKWHQDURXQG % QRVHDQGFRUQHUVRI H\HVZLWKIlluSkin Concealer 02 SSO\IlluSkin $ FoundationE\VWDUWLQJ DWFHQWUHRIIDFHDQG EOHQGLQJRXWZDUGV8VH VSDULQJO\IRUDQDWXUDO ORRN 03 XLOGFRYHUDJHZLWK % FRQFHDOHUZKHUH\RX QHHGLW RQFHDOHU & BRIGHTENSXQGHUH\H DUHDUHGXFHVWKHORRN RIH\HSXIÀQHVV 30615 )DLU/LJKW 30616 1XGH3LQN KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP ** Consumer tested on 104 women 30617 1XGH%HLJH The ONE IlluSkin Concealer PO ` 349 55 Huma is wearing: The ONE Volume Blast Mascara 30460 Black, The ONE Colour Impact Cream Eye Shadow 30751 Shimmering Steel, The ONE IlluSkin Foundation 30596 Porcelain. Huma Qureshi Actress HIGH IMPACT – VOLUME BLAST MASCARA 56 % 15 FIRST IN THE WORLD OFF MAKE-UP BY ORIFLAME 24 X VOLUME INCREASE MASCARA* &OLQLFDOO\WHVWHG²FRPSDUHGWREDUHODVKHV &RQGLWLRQLQJDFWLYHVKROGRQWRPRLVWXUH IRUVRIWOXEULFDWHGDQGFRQGLWLRQHGODVKHV DQGVitamin E WKDWSURYLGHVLPPHGLDWH QRXULVKPHQW The ONE Volume Blast Mascara PO ` 529 30460 %ODFN ` 449 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP EVERY LASH COUNTS /DVKJUDEELQJEUXVKFDWFKHVHYHU\ODVKIRU VXSHUVHSDUDWLRQDQGERPEDVWLFYROXPH BOLD BOOST WAX SYSTEM +HOSVWRFUHDWHDULFKVPRRWK DQGFUHDP\FRQVLVWHQF\IRUXOWUD YROXPHDQGHDV\DSSOLFDWLRQ 57 2ULÁDPH%HDXW\.DMDO(\H /LQHU 17473 Black 2.5 g. ` 349 17473 LAST TIME /DVWWLPHLQWKLVFDWDORJXH 2ULÁDPH%HDXW\:RQGHU /LQHU 21648 Black 2.5 ml. ` 429 21648 +\SHU6WUHWFK0DVFDUD 8 ml. ` 429 24306 24306 Black 22491 Brown Huma Qureshi Actress 22490 Black 22491 Brown 22492 Grey 2ULÁDPH%HDXW\6PRRWK'HÀQHU 0.3 g. ` 349 58 22493 Blue 22494 Green Huma is wearing: The ONE Colour Impact Cream Eye Shadow 30747 Olive Green, The ONE Volume Blast Mascara 30460 Black, The ONE IlluSkin Foundation 30598 Nude Pink. INTENSE COLOUR % 15 OFF CREAM EYE SHADOW RHVRQFUHDP\DQGWUDQVIRUPVWR * DSRZGHUIRUFRORXULQWHQVLW\HYHQ DSSOLFDWLRQDQGJUHDWZHDU 30745 5RVH*ROG 30746 *ROGHQ%URZQ MAKE-UP BOLD EYE FINISHES THAT MAKE AN IMPACT 30746 *ROGHQ%URZQ 30747 2OLYH*UHHQ 30745 5RVH*ROG 30750 ,QWHQVH3OXP 30751 6KLPPHULQJ 6WHHO 30749 'HHS,QGLJR CREASE-RESISTANT formula stays put all day* The ONE Colour Impact Cream Eye Shadow J ` 449 `379 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP 30749 'HHS,QGLJR &RQVXPHUWHVWHGRQZRPHQ 59 24035 Perfect Pink 24035 Perfect Pink 24038 Real Red 24039 Dark Plum 24040 Cream Chestnut Wonder Colour Lip Liner The retractable lead delivers creamy, vibrant colour in five flattering shades. 0.3 g. LIPS EXUDE COLOUR & SHINE 6HGXFWLYHFRORXUDQGVXSHUEJORVVZLWKWKHZRUOG·VÀUVWOLSVWLFNWKDW ` 279 SUHFLVHO\IROORZVWKHFRQWRXUVRIDZRPDQ·VOLSVRQO\IURP2ULÁDPH 60 7 0 HOW LQJ 3 L 90 8 ' UR S RI ) X QN MAKE-UP 90 FK VL D Perfect precision & intense moisturising 26906 3HDFK6HQVDWLRQ 26909 /LTXLG5HG 26907 0HOWLQJ3LQN 26910 *ORVV\%HUU\ 26908 'URSRI)XFKVLD 26911 %URZQ)XVLRQ 26 Colour Drop Lipstick *HWHQGOHVVSHUIHFWLRQLQWHQVHFRORXUDQGKLJK VKLQHJORVVIURPWKHILUVWDSSOLFDWLRQWRWKHODVWGURS ZLWKWKHZRUOG·VILUVWOLSVWLFNWRIROORZWKHFXUYHV RIDZRPDQ·VOLSV:LWK'HZ'URS&RPSOH[IRU LQWHQVHPRLVWXUHDQGFRPIRUWJ 91 1 %U RZ Q) XV LR Q KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP 26 26 ` 399 61 20%OFF 12810 Natural Ivory Oriflame Beauty Perfecting Face Primer Silky soft skin and an even complexion for easier make-up application and a truly flawless result. 30 ml. ` 499 22862 ` 399 12809 Porcelain Oriflame Beauty Matte Control Foundation 30 ml. ` 499 Oriflame Beauty All-over Make-up Remover 12807 Light/Medium 100 ml. 12807 Light/ Medium 12808 Medium/Dark 22860 Oriflame Beauty Nail Polish Remover ` 379 75 ml. ` 379 18939 Oriflame Beauty Matte Control Pressed Powder 8 g. ` 479 24922 Light Ivory 24916 Porcelain Oriflame Beauty Crystal Base & Top Coat Oriflame Beauty Studio Artist Loose Powder 7 ml. 7 g. 24079 62 ` 649 18927 ` 219 24922 Light Ivory Oriflame Beauty EverLasting Foundation 30 ml. LAST TIME Last time in this catalogue ` 799 GIVE YOUR LIPS A MOISTURE SURGE! % 2)) ,QQHUFRUHSURWHFWV ZLWK89ILOWHUVDQG HPROOLHQWV 2 in 1 T E C H NO LO GY 2XWHUFRUHFRQWDLQV DPRLVWXULVLQJ FRPSOH[ Because its dual core texture boosts moisture instantly and helps protect lips from environmental stresses. MUST HAVE MUST HAVE 'XDOFRUHWH[WXUHKHOSV SUHYHQWZDWHUORVV 'HOLYHUVDPRLVWXUH ERRVW $OOGD\PRLVWXULVDWLRQ 63) Lip Spa Therapy 6XSHUK\GUDWLQJOLSEDOPWKDWRIIHUVLPPHGLDWHUHOLHI WRGU\OLSV'XDOFRUHWH[WXUHERRVWVPRLVWXUHDQG KHOSVSURWHFWOLSVIURPHQYLURQPHQWDOVWUHVVHV 63)J 12286 ` 279 ` 219 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP &OLQLFDOO\WHVWHG&RQVXPHUWHVWHG 63 Pure colour – pure value Pure Colour Intense Lipstick High coverage lipstick in the most popular shades. Concentrated colour for great pay-off. Comfortable and moisturizing formula gives a smooth lip feel. Friendly prices let you indulge in all your favourite shades. 2.5 g. Pure Colour Nail Polish Mini ` 159 Glossy, high shine nail polish in a wide range of exciting shades. Gorgeous fi nish, fantastic colours – and what’s more, it’s unbelievable value! Why not try them all?! 6 ml. 26654 Lovely Lilac de 08 Nu & 26656 Juicy Plum 26657 Daring Berry 26658 Dark Burgundy 26659 Warm Rust 30822 Fabulous Fuchsia 30823 Pretty Purple 30825 Forrest Berries 30800 Lusty Lavender 30804 Serene Green 30801 Bronzed Brown 30805 Marine Blue 30802 Burgundy Wine 30806 Blue Ice 30798 Classic Red 30824 Baked Brick 30803 Midnight Blue 30795 Trendy Nude 30799 Mauve Mirage 30826 Cocoa Brown 24810 ey Gr 30796 Pink Crush 30797 Hot Fuchsia 26657 Daring Berry 30797 Hot Fuchsia ` 129 26655 Cherry Compote k t & Pin 30791 Black Pure Colour Kajal Long lasting, blacker than black kajal for intensely sultry eyes. Light, nongreasy formula with a wonderfully soft, velvety feel. 3 g. ` 129 30791 23160 Baby Pink 23168 Coral Red Midnigh 23163 Intense Pink 24424 Lavender Shimmer 8 24 26258 Red Classic 26259 Ruby Pink 26260 Berry Intense 26261 Deep Plum 23209 Light/Medium 23208 Light 24809 Sand & Green 64 Pure Colour Eye Shadow Palette Pure Colour Pressed Powder A world of colour, incredible value! Eye shadow palette bursting of wearable shades in gorgeous colour combinations. Combine or use your favourite on its own. Applicator included. 4.8 g. Touch yourself up with this ultra-fine powder that give you a pure natural look. Its lightweight formulation contains the mineral zeolite to help smooth the skin. For combination/oily skin. 20 g. ` 529 ` 249 Pure Colour Nail Polish Glossy, high shine nail polish in a wide range of exciting shades. Gorgeous finish, fantastic colours – and what’s more, it’s unbelievable value! Why not try them all?! 8 ml. ` 179 ` 149 MAKE A LASTING IMPRESSION 35,&(667$57,1* )520 129 23543 'HVHUW5RVH 23544 :DUP)XFKVLD QW5HG 'HVHUW 23543 23548 5DGLD MAKE-UP ` 5RVH 23547 5LFK5HG J 23548 5DGLDQW5HG 23551 7HPSWLQJBrown 23553 %ODFN&KHUU\ 23554 5LSH3OXP Pure Colour OnThe Go Lipstick 6PRRWKFRQGLWLRQLQJOLSVWLFNLQDKXJH VSHFWUXPRIFRORXU%ROGVKDGHVFUHDP\ WH[WXUHJ KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP 23160 %DE\3LQN 23552 0LQN%URZQ ` 149 ` 129 65 26894 Porcelain 26517 Natural 26894 Porcelain 26897 Natural Beige 26516 Light 26517 Natural 25377 Light Ivory Giordani Gold Age Defying Pressed Powder Giordani Gold Mineral Therapy Foundation Pressed powder with instant and long-term age defying results. With BeautAge Technology to help maintain skin’s natural moisture and reduce appearance of signs of ageing. 7 g. Your favourite formula in a new exclusive bottle design. Natural coverage make-up for skin glowing with health. Nourishing and hydrating formula that helps to instantly reduce the appearance of fatigue. Skin looks younger over time. SPF 8. 30 ml. ` 1099 66 25376 Porcelain ` 1099 26895 Light Ivory 26898 Amber Beige Giordani Gold Age Defying Compact Foundation SPF 15 Velvety smooth cream-to-powder foundation with anti-ageing BeautAge Technology and special lightUHÁHFWLQJSLJPHQWVWRPLQLPLVHWKHDSSHDUDQFHRI ÀQHOLQHV%OHQGVHIIRUWOHVVO\DQGHYHQO\IRUD SHUIHFWÀQLVKWKURXJKRXWWKHGD\J ` 1099 THE GOLDEN TOUCH MAKE-UP Explore your favourite bronzing pearls in two new beautiful colour constellations – perfect radiance for every skin tone. Giordani Gold Bronzing Pearls Bronzing pearls to be used as a bronzer or blush over face and eyes. 25 g. ` 1099 63 21 23763 Natural Peach 2N r at u al R ad i a n ce 21632 Natural Radiance Giordani Gold Powder Brush Elegant and retractable gold coloured powder brush. Perfect for blush or powder application. 2.3 cm in diameter, 12 cm long. ` 399 Impeccable skin and a sun kissed ORRNWRÀQLVK KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP 23258 67 VERY ME SWEETHEART DEALS FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART Make your girl’s dream come true by gifting her with trendy and affordable make-up from Very Me that will help her create sweet, sassy, and even hot date looks for Valentine’s Day! Very Me Peach Me Perfect Body Glow 150 ml. ` 399 24267 Very Me Peach Me Perfect Skin Glow 30 ml. ` 349 20529 Light 27 lear 2 7C 07 7 70 8 Bro nz e Very 20530 Dark Me Peach Me Perfect Powder 8 g. ` 329 YO U R D R E A M S – O U R I N S P I R AT I O N ™ 68 +R W5 HG 0 50 26 5HÁHFWLRQRI\RX 26496 &ORYHU+D]H 9(5<0( Mirror mirror on the wall… new day, new look, new reflection of you. To celebrate the reflection-altering power of make up check out our stunning new high-shine gloss – can you see yourself in it? H HULV 9 & 9 264 26497 3LQN%OXVK 2649 6 &OR YHU+ 26498 6RIW&RUDO 26499 &HULVH KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP D]H 26500 +RW5HG INTENSE COLOUR AMAZING GLASSY SHINE! Very Me Mirror Gloss 97 N % 3LQ ` 249 4 26 *LYH\RXUOLSVWKHPLUURUHIIHFW%HDXWLIXOVKDGHV JUHDWFRYHUDJHDQGLQFUHGLEOHVKLQHPDNHWKLVWKH XOWLPDWHJORVVIRUJODPRURXVJDOVPO K OXV 69 Very Me Lip Addict 30364 Mocha Dream 30368 Flirty Pink 30365 Pink Blush 30369 Pink Kiss 30369 Pink Kiss The ultimate lip colour for the girl who wants it all! Good coverage, beautiful colour and glossy shine in a comfortable conditioning formula with Vitamin E. 4 g. ` 279 30366 Hot Red 70 30370 Rockstar Pink 30367 Fresh Peach 30371 Violet Vibe 3XW\RXUVHOILQWKH 3LFWXUH ONLY 2460 6 1R XJDW 24605 &RUDO 246 24604 1XGH 139 VERY ME ` 05 &R UDO 8 ) 60 24 24608 )XFKVLD 24607 Pink D KVL XF 24606 1RXJDW 7 60 24 'HÀQH\RXUOLSV&UHDP\JORVV\PHGLXP FRYHUDJHOLSSHQFLOLQVKDGHVWRFRRUGLQDWH ZLWK/LSPDQLDOLSVWLFN*OLGHVRQVPRRWKO\ IRUWKHSHUIHFWFRQWRXU0.8 g. k Pin ` 179 24 60 4 1 XG KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP Very Me Lip Crayon H INTENSE COLOUR AMAZING GLASSY SHINE! 71 Rock Angel Eau de Toilette Set the world on edge with the sassy insouciance RI5RFN$QJHO(DXGH7RLOHWWH6ZHHWLQQRFHQW pear and gardenia spin a web of romance before audacious cedarwood winks and reveals your PLVFKLHYRXVVLGHPO 20386 Porcelain 20387 Ivory ` 999 22953 24351 Sweet Coral Very Me Smoothie Foundation Nourishing foundation with berry and \RJXUWH[WUDFWVJLYHV\RXÁDZOHVV SLFWXUHSHUIHFWVNLQPO ` 349 24350 Pretty Pink ` 329 30920 30919 Sweet Candy Blue Passion 30833 Gold Rush 72 30833 Gold Rush 20386 Porcelain 24351 Sweet Coral Very Me Cherry My Cheeks Accentuate those gorgeous cheeks ZLWKSRZGHUEOXVKLQIUHVKVKDGHV Goes on smooth and soft for SHUIHFWO\URV\FKHHNVJ 30834 Green Envy 30921 Moonlight 30829 Pink Pearl 30830 Twilight Dust 30831 Aqua Green 30832 Steel Frost Very Me Metallic Nail Polish The ultimate fashion nail polish collection! An array of trendy metallic shades give ÀQJHUVDQGWRHVWKHZRZIDFWRUPO ` 149 20422 0RFKD/RFD 20423 *RGGHVV*UHHQ 20424 %OXH/DJRRQ UHHQ RGGHVV* 20423 * 20425 (OHFWULF3XUSOH Me Double Trouble Eye Pencils 20424 %OXH/ DJRRQ H 7XUQXSWKHKHDWZLWKGRXEOHWKHFRORXULQ RQHSHQFLOIRUWKHKRWWHVWORRNV3HUIHFWIRU OLQLQJ\RXULQQHUODVKOLQH)LYHQHZFRORXU FRPERVIRUXOWUDGD]]OHJ Length, curl, GHÀQLWLRQ ` 249 Very Me Extendalash mascara 0 AquD %luH 26 2682 02 FN OD 4% /LNHWKUHHDZHVRPHPDVFDUDVLQ RQH([WHQGDODVKGHOLYHUV LQFUHGLEOHGROOOLNHOHQJWKFXUODQG GHÀQLWLRQWKDQNVWRRQHRIWKH PRVWLQQRYDWLYHODVKKXJJLQJ EUXVKHVLQWKHPDVFDUDZRUOG PO 26024 VERY ME Very ` 329 26816 Downtown *UH\ 26817 &RFRD *OD]H 26818 26819 6RIW%URZQ /DG\/LODF 26820 $TXD%OXH 26821 6ZHHW 2OLYH 26822 'HHS*UHHQ 2 68 Very Me Soft N’ Glam Eye Shadow 19 LDd y L ilD F 268 1 8 So f t % ro w n KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP 7KHH\HVKDGRZGXRWKDW·VDVYHUVDWLOH DV\RXUPRRG$SSO\LWGU\IRUDVRIW VKLPPHULQJÀQLVKDSSO\LWZHWIRULQWHQVH PHWDOOLFJODPRXUJ ` 299 73 FRAGRANCE ALLURING SPELLS FOR YOUR ‘BEST FRIEND FOREVER’ Give your BFF the power to cast unforgettable spells on her man with the ultra elegant and feminine scent of Giordani Gold. Add the body cream for fragrance longevity or body spray if she prefers a light misting. Either way, she’s sure to leave a lasting, lavish impression. Giordani Gold Body Cream Luxurious body cream beautifully scented with Giordani Gold nourishes and hydrates your skin. 250 ml. 24172 Giordani Gold Deodorising Body Spray Sensual, delicately perfumed body spray imbued with the luminous notes of Giordani Gold. Perfect for misting all over your body. 75 ml. 24170 ` 229 Giordani Gold Eau de Parfum Introducing a new interpretation of Giordani Gold Eau de Parfum. Radiant notes of mandarin, Madonna lily and patchouli exude pure radiance and splendour. 50 ml. 24169 YO U R D R E A M S – O U R I N S P I R AT I O N ™ 74 ` 579 ` 2099 FRAGRANCE 6 XFFXPEWRWKH SRZHURIGHVLUH Spicy ginger stimulates passion. Sinful chocolate triggers reactions similar to falling in love. Together, these delicious aphrodisiacs are a potent elixir of desire. GINGER, COCOA FLOWER, CHOCOLATE. Love PO 22442 Potion Eau de Parfum ` 2099 Love Potion Body Cream ([SHULHQFHDERG\FUHDPDVVHGXFWLYHDVLW LVQRXULVKLQJIRU\RXUVNLQ/RYH3RWLRQ%RG\ &UHDPGHULYHVLWVDSSHDOIURPRXUPXFKORYHG (DXGH3DUIXPDQGFRPELQHVWKHWLPHOHVV DSKURGLVLDFVRIFKRFRODWHDQGJLQJHUH[WUDFWV ZLWKWKHVHQVXDOVRIWQHVVRIZKLWHOLO\DQG VDQGDOZRRGQRWHV,QGXOJH\RXUVHOILQORYH PO 30594 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP ` 579 75 The secret of magnetism My Red Body Cream Heighten the pull of your alluring magnetism. Luxuriously sumptuous body cream melts into skin as it moisturises and nourishes, leaving it beautifully fragranced with the intoxicating red jasmine notes of My Red. 250 ml. 26767 76 ` 649 SAVE FRAGRANCE 300 FEMININE SENSUALITY ANNATTO POWDER CRANBERRY RED JASMINE My Red Eau de Parfum Sexy, stunning and tantalizing My Red Eau de Parfum sets hearts racing with the dazzling magnetism of elusive red jasmine and its RSXOHQWERXTXHW,QWHQVHO\ÁRUDOPRGHUQDQG audacious, this intoxicating blossom seduces with its astonishingly red facets and heady sensuality. Turn up the intensity...do it in red. 50 ml. 25403 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP ` ` 2799 ` 2499 77 Lovely Garden Eau de Toilette Pretty Swan Eau de Toilette Surround yourself in the delicious beauty of Lovely Garden. Charming hints of rhubarb, hot milk accord and vanilla orchid will lead you astray. 50 ml. Give in to your heart’s desire with the ethereal symphony of Pretty Swan Eau de Toilette. Graceful notes of pink pepper embrace a luminous velvet apricot heart, then settle into a silky rice powder trail as delicate as gossamer wings. 50 ml. ` 1799 23838 25057 ` 1799 Muse Body Spray Fall into a blossoming dream with Muse Body Spray and its gorgeous notes of green leaves, dewy violet and white musk. 75 ml. 25042 LAST TIME ` 229 Last time in this catalogue Amber Elixir Night Eau de Parfum Succumb to seduction with the sensual oriental vanilla amber notes of Amber Elixir Night Eau de Parfum. 50 ml. 25040 78 ` 2299 ENJOY THE GLAMOROUS LIFE Paradise Body Cream 0RLVWXULVLQJERG\FUHDPWKDWFRQGLWLRQVDQG IUDJUDQFHV\RXUVNLQZLWKWKHORQJODVWLQJRSXOHQW VFHQWRI3DUDGLVH/HDYHVVNLQVPRRWKDQGVRIW PO For the strong, free-spirited woman who is chic yet relaxed. ` 579 24352 Paradise Deodorising Body Spray 6XPSWXRXVO\VFHQWHGERG\VSUD\LQIXVHGZLWKWKH FKLFYLEUDQF\RI3DUDGLVH$SHUIHFWEOHQGRIEROG OX[XU\ZLWKFRQWUDVWLQJQRWHVRIURVpSHSSHU MDVPLQHSHWDOVDQGPXVN)RUXVHDOORYHUERG\ PO ` 229 24353 FRAGRANCE L I V E Y O U R L I F E B E A U T I F U L LY Paradise Eau de Parfum (PEUDFHDOLIHH[WUDRUGLQDU\ZLWKWKHHFOHFWLFDOOXUH RI3DUDGLVH(DXGH3DUIXP7KHGHOLFDWHEHDXW\RI SHRQ\PLQJOHVZLWKMDVPLQHSHWDOVDQGVSLF\URVp SHSSHUEHIRUHHYROYLQJLQWRDWUDLORIVHQVXDOFHGDU DQGPXVNVDVVRIWDQGDLU\DVVLONPO EXTREME SENSUAL FEMININE SENSUALITY PINK PEPPER JASMINE PETALS MUSK KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP ` 2699 23853 79 MEN’S CORNER SPREAD THE LOVE WITH SCENTS HE’LL ADORE Bring a smile to your man’s face and take advantage of super cool deals with our love month’s selection of popular male fragrances to match his style and personality. I.D. Beats 150 ml. 24163 I.D. 150 ml 24164 I.D. 150 ml 24162 Eau de Toilette Spray ` 329 Player Eau de Toilette Spray ` 329 Energy Eau de Toilette Spray ` 329 Voyager Eau de Toilette Live the adventure with the woody spicy notes of Voyager Eau de Toilette. 75 ml. 21707 ` 1690 Architect Eau de Toilette Sparkling blue hemlock fuses with sequoia wood and tobacco to form the complex vision of Architect Eau de Toilette. 75 ml. 21559 ` 1999 YO U R D R E A M S – O U R I N S P I R AT I O N ™ 80 Rival Eau de Toilette speaks to the man with the drive of a modern gladiator and the heart of a champion.Vu-huong accord gives the scent an invigorating opening while violet leaves a layer of elegance before descending into a warm drydown of black coffee. MEN’S CORNER :LQQHUWDNHVDOO Rival Eau de Toilette 3RZHUIXODQGIXOORIEUDYDGROLNHDKHDY\ZHLJKW FRQWHQGHU5LYDO(DXGH7RLOHWWHSDFNVDSXQFKZLWK H[KLODUDWLQJQRWHVRIEODFNFRIIHHDQGVWLPXODWLQJ YXKXRQJDFFRUGDURXQGWKHVXEWOHUHILQHPHQWRI YLROHWOHDYHVIRUDG\QDPLFFRQWUDVWRIWKHGULYHQ FKDPSLRQDQGVH[\VRSKLVWLFDWHPO 25488 ` 1299 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP BLACK COFFEE,VIOLET LEAVES, VU-HUONG ACCORD 81 Tycoon Anti-perspirant 24h Deodorant *HWWKHFRQÀGHQFHSURWHFWLRQ\RXZDQW ZLWKWKHHQLJPDWLFVFHQWRI7\FRRQ7KLV HIIHFWLYHUROORQGHRGRUDQWNHHSV\RX IHHOLQJIUHVKVR\RXFDQIRFXVRQVHDOLQJ WKHGHDOPO ` 189 25049 Tycoon Eau de Toilette &RQÀGHQWVHOIDVVXUHG7\FRRQ(DXGH 7RLOHWWHVSHDNVWRWKHPDQZKRVHWVKLV VLJKWVKLJK7KHIUHVKVDOW\KLQWRIWKH RFHDQÀHU\QRWHVRIVXQEUHH]HDQG HOXVLYHEODFNDPEHUHYRNHWKHHVVHQFHRI DPDQERUQWROHDGPO ` 1999 25048 PACIFIC AIRY OCEAN SHORE 82 `1499 SUN BREEZE BLACK AMBER SUCCESS IS A GIVEN FREE SAVE UP TO % 00 Anti-Perspirant 24h Deodorant when you purchase TRY ME! Rub the EDT bottle and try the fragrance! TYCOON Eau de Toilette at 25% OFF MEN’S CORNER TYCOON KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP 83 Giordani Man Eau de Toilette Flamboyant Eau de Toilette Live the limitless life with Flamboyant Eau de Toilette.Vibrant citrus fruit pulls you in before a potently spicy heart sparks your taste for the finer things in life. As it settles into a white cedarwood-musk base Flamboyant’s urbane flair keeps you coming back for more. 75 ml. With its refreshing, luxurious notes of Italian neroli and bergamot blended with black pepper and marine accords, Giordani Man’s delivers the ultimate in modern male elegance and sophistication. Warm sandalwood and musk give it a distinctively amber character. 75 ml. 17328 Fresh & Nature by Oriflame Cardamom and Vetiver Eau de Cologne for men 400 ml. 23049 ` 899 ` 1799 Flamboyant Privé Eau de Toilette Capture the scintillating vibe of a passionate dawn with the fresh, masculine notes of Flamboyant Privé Eau deToilette. 75 ml. ` 2099 24737 Men´s Collection Citrus Tonic ` 1999 Eclat for Men Body Spray Greet each day with confi dence and freshness.Citrus Tonic Eau de Toilette emphasises the invigorating signature note of bow wood – an energetic scent that opens the fragrance with an unforgettable citrus lift, perfectly expressing the feel of a man in his element. 75 ml. 30058 84 19639 ` 1199 Subtly elegant with fresh notes of bergamot, warm exotic woods and amber, Eclat for Men Body Spray captures the heart and soul of the classic gentleman. 75 ml. 23564 LAST TIME ` 229 Last time in this catalogue UNLEASH YOUR WINNING SPIRIT WITH ENERGISING MENTHOL MEN’S CORNER H[WUHPHFDUHIRUHYHU\PDQ North For Men Active Hair & Body Wash PO 30121 ` 399 North For Men After Shave Lotion PO ` 379 30786 North For Men Cleansing Fairness Soap Bar 100 g. ` 109 18297 North For Men Active Normal Skin Shaving Foam North For Men Active After Shaving Moisture Balm PO 30120 PO 30119 ` 379 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP ` 299 85 86 30821 ` 299 ` 349 A brightening and moisturising lotion that leaves skin soft and smooth. Helps make skin visibly fairer by reducing and preventing skin pigmentation. Artic Pro Defence helps reinforce the skin’s natural resistance against daily aggressions for less irritations and more comfort. 50 ml. North For Men Moisturising Fairness Cream SPF 18 23562 ` 199 ` 229 Glacier Body Spray Fresh and energetic with crisp herbal and woody notes, Glacier Body Spray captures the vigour of the thrill seeking man. 75 ml. MAKES HIS FACE IRRESISTIBLY FAIR & MOISTURISED This This week’s week’s mission: mission: Prepare Prepare My My Man Man for for V-Day V-Day by by giving giving him him essential essential cleansing cleansing and moisturising skin care from North for Men Active Fairness. Not and moisturising skin care from North for Men Active Fairness. Not to to forget, give him a fragrance that will make him impossible to resist! forget, give him a fragrance that will make him impossible to resist! MY FAIR-SKINNED HERO 87 20159 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP ` 379 ` 449 $EULJKWHQLQJIDFHZDVK ZLWKSURWHFWLQJVRRWKLQJ DQGUHIUHVKLQJEHQHILWV3RODU :KLWH&RPSOH[KHOSVWR EULJKWHQVNLQWRQH$UWLF3UR 'HIHQFHOHDYHVWKHVNLQIHHOLQJ LQYLJRUDWHGDQG0HQWKRO VRRWKHVJLYLQJDFRROLQJDQG UHIUHVKLQJVHQVDWLRQPO For Men Active Fairness Face Wash North KEEPS HIS FACE CLEAN, FRESH & FAIR PROMOTION % 6$9(8372 PROMOTION FRESH & ENERGETIC SCENT FOR THE THRILL SEEKER 88 ` 899 ` 1199 25472 ` 899 ` 1199 Power Musk Eau de Toilette Manly, spicy and with a dash of sophistication, Power Musk Eau de Toilette personifies the heart and soul of the passionate man. With sexy musk, oud wood and nutmeg he’ll always be on top. 50 ml. 25447 Seductive Musk Eau de Toilette Turn heads with the sensual appeal of Seductive Musk Eau de Toilette. Gorgeously feminine rose, sexy musk and soft cashmeran mingle beautifully for an unforgettable scent that will keep him coming back for more… 50 ml. Found the secret to getting my way this Valentine’s – buy a pair of sexy fragrances for him and me and enlist the powers of scent to set the mood for romance! NOTES OF SEDUCTION FOR THE WOMAN WHO WANTS A NEW WAY TO FEEL SEDUCTIVE 89 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP PROMOTION OFF 25% PROMOTION FOR THE SELF-CONFIDENT, PASSIONATE MAN 90 OFFERS A REFRESHING SENSATION WITH CHERRY EXTRACT Make your hands soft, smooth and touchable in time for V-Day with our range of luscious and gorgeously scented hand creams inspired by Nature to give rough and dry hands the pampering it needs. NATURAL HAND ATTRACTION 91 LAST TIME KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP Last time in this catalogue 30646 ` 229 Caring Hand Cream with Olive Oil ,QVSLUHGE\QDWXUH·VEHVW7KLVULFKWH[WXUHG KDQGFUHDPIRUPXODWHGZLWK9LWDPLQ(ULFK 2OLYH2LOK\GUDWHVFRQGLWLRQVDQGVRIWHQVWR OHDYHKDQGVIHHOLQJVPRRWKDQGFDUHGIRULQWKH EHVWSRVVLEOHZD\'HOLFDWHO\VFHQWHGZLWKVRIW DQGIHPLQLQHROLYHWUHHOHDYHVIUDJUDQFHPO REVEALS THE NATURAL BEAUTY OF DRY HANDS WITH OLIVE OIL LAST TIME ` 229 EDITION / ,0,7(' ` ($&+$7 PROMOTION PROMOTION Last time in this catalogue 30553 ,QVSLUHGE\QDWXUH·VEHVW7KLVOLJKWDQG UHIUHVKLQJKDQGFUHDPIRUPXODWHGZLWK9LWDPLQ &ULFK&KHUU\([WUDFWK\GUDWHVFRQGLWLRQV DQGVRIWHQVWROHDYHKDQGVIHHOLQJVPRRWKDQG UHYLWDOL]HG9LEUDQWO\VFHQWHGZLWKWKHFULVS IUDJUDQFHRIUHIUHVKLQJFKHUU\DFFRUGPO Refreshing Hand Cream with Cherry Extract 92 Show off the lovely glow of a face in love with these fruity face moisturisers packed with Omega 3, antioxidants and Vitamin C for healthy-looking, radiant and energised skin. THE MANY FACES OF LOVE PACKED WITH ANTIOXIDANTS FOR CONDITIONING & PROTECTION 93 30856 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP ` 199 $PRLVWXULVLQJDQGVPRRWKLQJIDFH FUHDPZLWK3HDFKH[WUDFWULFKLQ DQWLR[LGDQWVWRKHOSSURWHFWWKH VNLQ/HDYHV\RXUVNLQLQFUHGLEO\ VXSSOHDQGUDGLDQW)RUDOOVNLQ W\SHVPO $QRXULVKLQJIDFHPRLVWXULVHU IRUPXODWHGZLWK6WUDZEHUU\ H[WUDFWKLJKLQ2PHJD7KHIDFH FUHDPUHVWRUHVVNLQUDGLDQFH FRPIRUWDQGVRIWQHVV/HDYHV\RXU VNLQKHDOWK\ORRNLQJDQGQRXULVKHG )RUDOOVNLQW\SHVPO ` 199 Nature Peach Fruit Extract Face Moisturiser 30857 Pure Nature Strawberry Fruit Extract Face Moisturiser Pure HIGH IN OMEGA 3 FOR DEEP NOURISHMENT & A NATURAL GLOW 30858 ` 139 ($&+$7 PROMOTION PROMOTION ` 199 $QRXULVKLQJIDFHFUHDPZLWK 2UDQJHH[WUDFWULFKLQ9LWDPLQ& 7KHIDFHFUHDPPRLVWXULVHVDQG VRIWHQVWKHVNLQDVZHOODVUHVWRUHV VNLQUDGLDQFH/HDYHV\RXUVNLQVRIW JORZLQJDQGHQHUJLVHG)RUDOOVNLQ W\SHVPO Nature Orange Fruit Extract Face Moisturiser Pure RICH IN VITAMIN C FOR FRESHNESS & RADIANCE 94 23859 N GHÀQHGH\HLVWKHEHVWZD\WRYDPSXS $ \RXUHYHQLQJORRN)RUDGUDPDWLFIUDPH to the eye, apply the pitch-black shade along your upper and lower inner lid. 23858 Black To create an illusion of big and clear eyes, apply the nude shade on the inside of the lower lid.The eye appears more open and fresh. 23859 Nude HÀQLWLRQ ' )RUSURIHVVLRQDOORRNLQJGHÀQLWLRQ JHQWO\GUDZWKHEUXVKDFURVVWKH XSSHUODVKOLQHLQVPDOOVWURNHV ÀQLVKLQJRQWKHRXWHUFRUQHU$GG GUDPDE\H[WHQGLQJWKHOLQHIXUWKHU )RUWKHEHVW´ZLQJµHIIHFWHQGWKH OLQHLQDWKLQSUHFLVHSRLQW 'D]]OHKLPDOOWKHPRUHRQWKLV9'D\'HÀQH\RXUH\HVZLWK kohl pencil and then glide on the gel eye liner to avoid any EOHHGLQJ+HZLOOEHQRWEHDEOHWRWDNHKLVH\HVRII\RXUV TWINKLE IN LOVE DAY LOOK NIGHT LOOK 23858 Blac k ude 175 KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP ` ` 249 Oriflame Beauty Kohl Pencil (QKDQFHDQGGHILQH\RXUH\HVZLWKFUHDP\FRORXU ULFKH\HOLQHU1XGHVKDGHDFWDVDQH\HRSHQHUEODFN OLQHUDGGVGUDPDWLFGHILQLWLRQ3HUIHFWIRUVHQVLWLYH H\HV J SLANTED BRUSH FOR PRECISE APPLICATION LAST TIME Last time in this catalogue 26531 395 2)) % 8372 PROMOTION 352027,21 ` ` 449 *HWWKHSUHFLVHOLQHRIDOLTXLGOLQHULQDJHOZLWK WKLVSURIHVVLRQDOO\GHYHORSHGH\HOLQHU/RQJZHDULQJ LQWHQVHFRORXUDQGHYHQFRYHUDJHWKDWVWD\VSXWIRU XSWR+6ODQWHGEUXVKDSSOLFDWRULQFOXGHGIRU IODZOHVVSUHFLVLRQJ Eye Liner Beauty Studio Artist Gel 26531 %ODFN Oriflame 26531 %ODFN + ZHDU 8SWR DVK)LOOHU / +ROGDÀQJHUDWWKHRXWHUFRUQHURI the upper lash rim and pull gently to H[WHQG'RWWKHHGJHRIWKH applicator in between lash roots to create an illusion of having fuller and PRUHDEXQGDQWODVKHV *Consumer tested on 64 women 95 MY STUDIO SECRET GREAT DEFINITION 'HÀQH\RXUFKHHNERQHV by adding the darker shade below the cheekbone and the lighter shade above it.Then blend the shades together. SHIMMERING BLUSH Mix both shades with your blush brush before applying. Smile and apply to the apples of cheeks for a healthy glow. 30612 Light The ONE IlluSkin Powder 8 g. ` 649 ` 585 30612 Light 30613 Medium 30614 Dark Huma Qureshi Actress EVERYDAY BEAUTY – ILLUSKIN BLUSH 96 Huma is wearing: The ONE IlluSkin Blush 30979 Luminous Peach, The ONE IlluSkin Foundation 30600 Natural Beige, The ONE IlluSkin Powder 30613 Medium SILKY GLOW NEW UP TO BLUSH DUO 25% IN FOCUS OFF A TOUCH OF DELICATE LUMINOSITY MULTI-BENEFIT – WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED With HALOLIGHT TECHNOLOGY™’s UHÁHFWLYHÀQLVK for subtle lustre 30978 Shimmer Rose Transfer-Resistant – 'RHVQ·WWUDQVIHURIIHDVLO\ through rubbing or exposure to moisture 0RLVWXULVLQJLQJUHGLHQWVIRU DGGHGFRPIRUWWRKHOSSUHYHQW DGU\DSSHDUDQFH The ONE IlluSkin Blush %XLOGDEOHFRYHUDJHZLWK JUHDWSD\RII 4 g. KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP Instantly create contoured cheeks 6FXOSWGHÀQHZLWKWKHGDUNHU VKDGHRUKLJKOLJKWZLWKWKH OLJKWHUVKLPPHULQJVKDGH ` 599 30977 Pink Glow 30978 Shimmer Rose 30979 /XPLQRXV3HDFK ` 449 97 Huma is wearing: The ONE Matte Lipstick 31537 Red Seduction, The ONE Volume Blast Mascara 30460 Black, The ONE Color Impact Eye Shadow 30745 Rose Gold 10 Trendy Shades 31529 Desert Sand 31530 Nutty Plum 31531 Berrylicious 31532 Brownie Delight 31533 Wild Rose 31534 Molten Mauve 31535 Pink Raspberry 31536 Cherry Brown Huma Qureshi Actress 31537 Red Seduction 31538 Marry Maroon LONG WEAR – MATTE LIPSTICK 98 NEW INTENSE COLOUR, LONG WEAR 25% IN FOCUS OFF MATTE LIPSTICK Non- Glossy Matte Finish Non-Drying on Lips Blend of Avocado and Jojoba Oil plus Vitamin E to hydrate, condition and protect the lips. The ONE Matte Lipstick KWWSLQRULÁDPHFRP Intense Shades 31537 Red Seduction A HYDRATING LIPSTICK THAT GIVES YOU BEAUTIFUL, INTENSE MATTE LIPS TO START YOUR DAY 4g. ` 499 ` 375 99 )2508/$7(':,7+&$5($33/<:,7+/29( ) 25$// 6.,17<3(6 /29,1*)$,51(66 )25<285)$&( ALL AGES Essentials Fairness 5-in-1 Face Cream /LJKWHQVK\GUDWHVQXUWXUHVSURWHFWVDQG VPRRWKHQV\RXUVNLQZLWKYLWDPLQVDQG 0XOEHUU\H[WUDFWPO 26530 ` 299 ` 179 Essentials Fairness Body Lotion 6NLQVRIWHQLQJRQHVWRSERG\ORWLRQWR PRLVWXULVHDQGKHOSSURWHFW\RXUVNLQ IURPKDUPIXO89UD\VZLWKVNLQOLJKWHQLQJ H[WUDFWDQGDQWLR[LGDQWVIRUDOLJKWHU PRUHHYHQVNLQWRQHPO 30810 ` 199 ` 149 8 372 2)) Head Office: Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd., Ground Floor, Corporate One, Plot No 5, NHCC, Jasola New Delhi -110076, INDIA Tel. +91 114 054 9500 Email: [email protected] www.oriflame.co.in Such is the belief in our quality that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you aren’t completely happy with product performance you may return it within 30 days for a full refund. *Conditions apply. *Please visit www.oriflame.co.in for details regarding policy on money back guarantee. ZZZIDFHERRNFRPRULÁDPHLQ WZLWWHUFRPRULÁDPHBLQGLD ` 8 2ULÁDPH&RVPHWLFV6$ 40%
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