Oregon Association of Teacher Educators Eighteenth Annual Conference Advocating for Access, Opportunity, and Social Justice March 6, 2015 McMenamins Kennedy School Portland, Oregon Keynote Speaker: Ericka Guynes, Principal Earl Boyles Elementary School http://www.orate.org Conference at a Glance 7:45 am – 8:45 am 8:00 am – 8:45 am Registration and Continental Breakfast Pre-Session - Recruiting, Preparing, and Retaining a more Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Educator Workforce in Oregon Welcome and Keynote Address Breakout Session 1 Breakout Session 2 Lunch Posters and Breakout Session 3 Breakout Session 4 Breakout Session 5 Breakout Session 6 Recycle your name badges, and travel safely home! 8:45 am – 9:50 am 10:00 am – 10:50 am 11:00 am – 11:50 am 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm 12:30 pm – 1:20 pm 1:30 pm – 2:20 pm 2:30 pm – 3:20 pm 3:30 pm – 4:20 pm 4:30 pm * * * * * * * 2015 ORATE Conference Planning Board Janine Allen – Corban University Sue Ann Bottoms, Past President – Oregon State University Dew Anna Brumley, Co-President – Educational Consultant Micki M. Caskey – Portland State University Shawn Daley – Concordia University Mark Girod – Western Oregon University Hillary Gaudio – University of Portland Bonnie Morihara, Webmaster – Teaching Research Institute Maureen Musser – Educational Consultant Nicole Ralston – University of Portland Linda Samek, Co-President – George Fox University Karren Timmermans – Pacific University Katy Turpen – George Fox University Jacqueline Waggoner – University of Portland 2 3 Welcome to the 2015 ORATE Conference Featured Events Keynote Address In the Movie Theater 8:45 am – 9:50 am Ericka Guynes, Principal Earl Boyles Elementary School, David Douglas School District Ericka Guynes has been in education for 23 years and is passionate about educating and supporting children and families. This is her seventh year at Earl Boyles. She comes from a rural background in Northern California where the importance of community was instilled at a very early age. Ericka has a wealth of experience in the education arena. She spent 13 years as a classroom teacher, three years as a Teacher on Special Assignment, and seven as an elementary principal. Ericka is a member of the Distinguished Leaders Council and NAESP, the 2013 National Distinguished Principal of the Year, OESPA President Elect, and serves on the Educator Effectiveness Leadership Cadre for her district. Currently she is partnering with the Children's Institute to implement the Early Works initiative to demonstrate how aligning early childhood education and developing programs with the elementary grades can ensure school readiness and future success. Pre-Session In the Martha Jordan Room 8:00 am – 8:45 am Since the passage of the Minority Teacher Act in 1991, Oregon has sought to recruit, prepare, and retain a more diverse educator workforce. A panel discussion moderated by Hilda Rosselli from the OEIB will focus on: • • • • Progress towards 2015 SB 755 goals The Oregon Educator Equity Advisory Group Recruitment, preparation and retention projects Oregon’s new educator recruitment website 4 Student Poster Showcase Gymnasium 12:30 pm – 1:20 pm MAT Student Poster Presentations of In-Progress Capstone Research Projects Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) students will give poster presentations of their in-progress Capstone Research Projects. Jacqueline Waggoner University of Portland Additional Presenters: MAT Students: Kelsey Allred; Megan Baugh; Rachel Bell; Angelica Boyden; Christopher Cozzoli; Kelli Crandall; Katy DeLong; Gretchen Dierking; Megan DuPuy; Scott Fauble; Diana Flowers; Shelby Gagnon; Mikaela Gladstone-Saucedo; Christopher Hagerty; Julia Hittner; Henry Hooper; Amanda Jagelski; Breanna Johnson; Haven Kaplan-Miner; Sara Kemp; MacKenzie Kerns; Kathy Kim; Susan Kim; Samuel Kimerling; William Krolik; Gregory Leijon; Danielle Leveridge; Kristin McKenzie; Erik Mellgren; Emily Miller; Erik Nelson; Monica Palmesano; Sarah Puddy, Julie Rentz; Laura Reyes; Abby Richardson; Andrew Saxton; Alexandria Schorr; Amy Slaughter; Michael Street; Audrey Stroh; Brenna Symoniak; Elizabeth Tertadian; Christina Thomas; Kaylee Tryon; Andrew Van Dyke; Kari Vankommer; Laura Wenrich; Emily Wheeler Teacher Action Research Projects: Student Poster Presentations Pacific University graduate students present two teacher action research projects. Donna Kalmbach Phillips Pacific University Engagement with Interactive Media: Evaluating Pocoyo as an Asset to Preschool English Language Learners Elizabeth Garber and Heather Silva, Pacific University Graduate Students Clay and Play in the Atelier Natasha Arzaga-Kaio and Yannie Wong, Pacific University Graduate Students “Estoy Aquí Para Servirles:” Preservice Teachers and English Language Learners Two preservice teachers reflect on their sense of responsibility, service, and advocacy for English Language Learners through immersion, excursions, coursework, and service during their semesterlong study abroad in Oaxaca, Mexico. Kena Avila Linfield College Additional Presenters: Morgan Seymour and Vesta Namiranian, Elementary Education majors, ESOL Endorsement candidates, Linfield College 5 Professional Poster Showcase Gymnasium 12:30 pm – 1:20 pm Cultural Humility, not Competency! As we study the responses of our private, Christian, liberal arts institution to diversity in our community, we are learning humility and listening to the dreams of those around us. Linda Samek, Debby Espinor, Anna Berardi, Steven Bearden George Fox University Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: A Literature Review The literature review analyzes theoretical framework that supports Culturally Relevant Pedagogy; makes recommendations for teachers; communicates curriculum implementation strategies; identifies benefits and challenges of utilizing teaching practices. Zuly Naegele, Doctoral Fellow University of Portland Peer Teacher Evaluation: A Literature Review This Literature Review will analyze the theoretical framework that supports peer teacher evaluation; describe the rationale behind the practice; identify implementation practices; distinguish various program models; and pinpoint goals and challenges related to peer review. Rebecca Smith, Doctoral Fellow University of Portland Teacher Candidates’ Voices about Themes in an Educational Psychology Class Presenters will share teacher candidates’ work about topics of their interest in an educational psychology class, and what connections they draw to their future profession. Xiaopeng Gong and Carmen Cáceda Western Oregon University Giving Teachers more Time to Teach Research ranks classroom management as the most important variable for classroom success. This poster outlines a powerful program that will enable teachers to create a learning environment optimal for teaching. Shaundele Letherberry Center for Teacher Effectiveness 6 Breakout Session 1 10:00 am – 10:50 am Movie Theater Mina Parsons Martha Jordan Student Breakout Session with Ericka Guynes Students attending the ORATE conference are invited to join the keynote speaker, Ericka Guynes, for an informal conversation. Build a Globally Relevant and Culturally Responsive Classroom Lori Sanchez, Concordia University – Portland Emily Chamberlain, Nobis Project Add a global dimension to service-learning projects or enhance teaching about poverty, race, and class through a global lens. Leave with lesson examples on how to teach about global issues. Strategies to Engage Culturally Diverse Youth in Powerful Mentoring and Pre-Teaching Experiences Suzanne Hall, High Desert ESD Angie Cole and Amy Howell, Central Oregon Community College Leo Tsou and Dan Jones, Madras High School Library Learn how allied education professionals are working together in one Oregon county to increase educational equity by recruiting and supporting students of color who wish to pursue careers in teaching. The Transformation of Student Teaching to Co-teaching in Rural Oregon Saurra Heide, George Fox University Debbie Klumph, Tillamook High School Cassandra Thonstad, Newberg High School Gym This session will highlight collaborative strategies to offer opportunities for rural school districts to host student teachers in a co-teaching model through home stays. Growing Partnerships Through Transparency: Data Sharing that Leads to Teacher Growth Jennifer Roberts, Chalkboard Project Karen Spiegel, Salem-Keizer School District Mark Girod, Western Oregon University Kristin Dixon, Corban University This school-university partnership is using the sharing of information across the teacher development continuum to improve educator preparation and teacher mentoring programs. They will share successes and lessons learned from data sharing. 7 Breakout Session 2 11:00 am – 11:50 am Movie Theater Mina Parsons The EdTPA Experience: Lessons from an Early Adopter Carolyn Platt and Michael Giamellaro, Oregon State University-Cascades MAT Students Presenters will share their experiences with initial implementation, as well as tips, tools, and strategies, to support your institutional transition to the EdTPA. Developing Preservice Teacher Professional Dispositions through the IDP Process Gregg Gassman and April Harrison, Southern Oregon University Martha Jordan Library Using the “Individual Development Program” (which mirrors the Individual Education Program) and disposition ratings, candidates are assessed on qualities of effective teachers. This presentation will present data on the development and use of this program component. Integrating Visual Literacy Skills in PK-12 Education Teresa Farrell, Eastern Oregon University This session provides an overview of the field of visual literacy, its relevancy to PK-12 education (including social justice, critical thinking and civic literacy, CCSS), and suggested methods for curricular integration. The Mathematics of Language: The Simple Math of Writing Well Jennie Harrop, George Fox University Gym In this session, we will identify simple mathematical components of effective writing; differentiate between negotiable and non-negotiable rules; and apply those mathematical components so writing is consistent, effective, and errorfree. We Have to Adopt That?!?!: Results and Implications from the Fall 2014 Survey of Oregon Literacy Instructional Practices and Materials Mindy Legard Larson, Linfield College Melanie Landon-Hays and Marie LeJeune, Western Oregon University Dot McElhone and Maika Yeigh, Portland State University Amanda Villagómez, Eastern Oregon University Analysis of results and recommendations for policy changes from the Fall 2014 statewide survey exploring the reading instructional materials and practices used by Oregon K-5 elementary and 6-12 ELA teachers. 8 Lunch 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Movie Theater Poster Presentations 12:30 pm – 1:20 pm Gymnasium Breakout Session 3 12:30 pm – 1:20 pm Movie Theater Open for lunch and networking conversations, but we would encourage you to go check out the posters in the Gymnasium. These include both student and faculty posters of work they are doing in enhancing the education of our children in Oregon and around the world. Mina Parsons STEM-trained Substitutes: Their Training and Role in an Inclusive STEM Rural K-12 District Debbie Siegel, Michael Giamellaro, Margaret Prevenas, Oregon State University-Cascades Martha Jordan This session focuses on the training, role, and impact of STEM-trained substitute teachers in the inception year of a rural, K-12, district-wide STEM initiative. Recruiting Talented Future Teachers of Color for Oregon: Innovative Strategies, Challenges and Successes Suzanne Hall, High Desert ESD; Susana Ghio, Salem-Keizer School District; Laura Scruggs and Nicole Reyes, Springfield School District; Kevin Carr, Pacific University; Tara Cooper, Portland State University We will share innovative strategies undertaken to significantly increase the numbers of culturally and linguistically diverse candidates both entering and completing a teacher preparation program in Oregon. Gym Posters!! 9 Breakout Session 4 1:30 pm – 2:20 pm Movie Theater Mina Parsons Martha Jordan Developing School-wide Cultural Competence: 10 Strategies that Work Deborah Peterson, Susan Carlile, and Amy Petti, Portland State University In this interactive session participants will learn about and practice successful strategies for building school-wide cultural competence. The strategies can be adapted for classroom, club, and professional development settings. Split by the Border: Educational Challenges for Deported Families Alejandra Favela, Lewis and Clark College Unparalleled deportation rates are deeply impacting families and schools in the US and Mexico. This presentation highlights educational challenges and binational recommendations for supporting students split by the border. Exploring the use of Multiple Measures for Continuous Improvement of Educator Preparation Programs Mary Cadez and Jennifer Roberts, Chalkboard Project; Jennifer Carinci, CAEP; John Henning, Ohio University at Athens; Brett Cheevers and Karen Spiegel, Salem-Keizer School District Library Session participants will be introduced to information on the results of pilot implementation of multiple measures that can be used in educator preparation programs to inform continuous program improvement. Strengthening the Conversation: Techniques for Integrating Online and Face-to-Face Participation Margaret Perrow, Southern Oregon University Gym This presentation will demonstrate some simple protocols for integrating online and face-to-face participation in teacher-education courses. Intentionally integrating these domains can support stronger connections between ideas, and promote deeper learning. Collaborating to Prepare Each Leader for Each School Marc Shelton and Gary Sehorn, George Fox University Preparing leaders who influence priorities, based on needs and resources, requires local perspectives. Oregon’s leader preparation standards strengthen partnerships within schools of education, among preparation institutions, and with local schools. 10 Breakout Session 5 2:30 pm – 3:20 pm Movie Theater Glass in Class? Examining the Pedagogical Applications and Complications of Google Glass in Secondary and Higher Education Classrooms Shawn Daley and Melina Maltese, Concordia University Mike Bedney, St. Mary’s Academy Mina Parsons Martha Jordan Library A research team will discuss their use of Google Glass wearable technology in Portland-area high school and university classes and their findings on its classroom utility and pedagogical opportunity. Universities and Districts: Collaborating for School Improvement Nicole Ralston and Jacqueline Waggoner, University of Portland What P-12 district school improvement research questions can be answered by a new model of collaboration between a university, a non-profit organization, and six high-needs school districts? Teacher Candidates and SB 290: Preparing for Effectiveness Amy Lynn Dee, George Fox University Brian Putnam, Oregon Department of Education Explore using the Student Learning and Growth Goal Setting Template in foundational courses to effectively transition from the Work Sample to edTPA, as well as preparing candidates for teacher evaluation. Oregon Educator Licensure Redesign Victoria Bianes Chamberlain, Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission Gym Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) is in the process of redesigning the tiered licensure system for educators for Oregon. This will have an impact on all licensed k-12 educators in Oregon. This session will discuss the recommendations from the advisory committee. Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Teachers Wanted: How Education Programs Can Help in Filling the Void Alexis Mendez and Cara Teterud, Corban University The need for more culturally and linguistically diverse teachers will be examined, and ideas will be presented for how education programs can partner with schools to be agents of change. 11 Breakout Session 6 3:30 pm – 4:20 pm Movie Theater The Teacher Educator Tool Box: Cultural Intelligence for Diverse Classrooms Janine Allen, Corban University Mina Parsons Martha Jordan Library Effective teachers exhibit cultural awareness. Research indicates that this awareness and capability is a teacher’s cultural intelligence (CQ). How can teacher educators support the growth of CQ in teacher candidates? Project DIRECT: A Model for Long Distance Professional Development Peggy Marconi, Lynne Anderson, Mary Harwood, and Eric Tuck Center for Advanced Technology in Education, University of Oregon Learn how Project DIRECT tackled the problem of PD for isolated rural teachers by building an immersive online learning community in Second Life where teachers attend virtual workshops as avatars. Teaching Collaboratively for Inclusive Practices: A Paradigm Shift Ellyn Lucas Arwood, University of Portland Chris Merideth, Portland Public Schools A practicing teacher and university faculty member collaborate to develop effective, inclusive practices based on neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and language assumptions. Aligned theory, philosophy, and methods will highlight student learning. Supporting the Vision of Educational Equity and Excellence Christina Reagle and Mary Ellen Dello Stritto, The Teaching Research Institute This session will provide background on the Oregon Mentoring program and the diversity of teachers served. A discussion will focus on how to address the changing demographics in Oregon schools. 12 Thank you for joining us at the 2015 ORATE Conference! You are welcome to provide comments and suggestions for future conferences. You are also welcome to get more involved in ORATE! Any comments, suggestions, or requests for more information about getting involved should be sent to Linda Samek, ORATE CoPresident, at [email protected] Please plan to attend the 19th Annual ORATE Conference Western Oregon University Monmouth, Oregon 2016 Visit the ORATE website at www.orate.org PLEASE RECYCLE YOUR NAME TAG! 13
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