January 28, 2015 Shabbat Services: Message from Rabbi Cosnowsky Glenbard Parent Series Throughout the ages, Judaism has held fast to three pillars: Family, education and community. These are central to our core values. In keeping with these values, we have a gem in the crown of our greater community. Shabbat Beshallach Friday January 30, 2015 7:30 PM Shabbat Family Service Seventh Grade will lead services Oneg Hosts: Riemer Family and the Families of the Seventh Grade Saturday January 31, 2015 9:30 AM Torah Study with Ashley Rose & Jordie Trafimow 10:30 AM Morning Service ~ Ryan Riemer will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah Shabbat Yitro Friday February 6, 2015 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat ~ Rabbi Bob will tell a story 8:15 PM Shabbat Evening Service ~ Rabbi Cosnowsky will discuss, “Wisdom of Our Elders.” Honoring members of 20 - 29 years Oneg Hosts: Mastrud Family Saturday February 7, 2015 9:00 AM Torah Study with Rabbi Bob 10:30 AM Morning Service ~ Jon Mastrud will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah Childcare is available on Friday nights during services in our nursery The Glenbard Parent Series helps our community foster good values and strengthens our resources by offering real-world parenting skills to help us keep our children safer in our ever-changing modern world. Even before I had a child on the cusp of the teenage years, as a teacher and community leader I found the various offerings to be of great value. I have also met many other parents and professionals at these workshops who have joined to strengthen the fabric of our community. Last fall I networked with the Vice Principals of the Glenbard High Schools and one Vice Principal brought his entire family to volunteer at our Congregational High Holiday Hustle 5K race. The bridging of our various communities is just one of the benefits that has come from this wonderful endeavor. I am proud to stand with other clergy from our area to show that our school systems are supported by the religious community. We all matter and it does indeed take a village to grow a healthy and successful future for our larger community. The mission of the Glenbard Parent Series is to help facilitate "real world parenting skills that enhance our teens' social and emotional development, encourage responsible decisionmaking and promote respect-based relationship keeping our adolescents safe." All of the programs are free and open to the public. As a parent and Jewish professional, I highly recommend these offerings to members of Congregation Etz Chaim. It behooves us to strengthen our own families as well as the greater community by taking part in these educational offerings. To access the link to learn more about the programs, please go to: glenbardgps.org for more information. There are even CPDU's available for education professionals. May we continue to strengthen one another. 1 Message from Our Educator Tot Shabbat Services ~ 6:30 PM February 6 March 6 April 10 May 1 June 12 Shabbat Family Service ~ 7:30 PM January 30 February 20 March 27 April 17 May 22 June 19 SHABBAT CHAVERIM Reform Movement in Israel Last week I voted. I voted in the World Zionist Organization elections. These elections take place every four years. The money that the WZO gets helps fund many activities in Israel. For instance, the state pays the salaries of 260 rabbis of which 256 are Orthodox and 4 are Reform. The Reform movement is growing in Israel but still has very little power. The number of Reform congregations continues to grow. We at Etz Chaim have had personal relationships with Kehilat Ra’anan in Ranana as well as Or Hadash in Haifa. Many of our teens that went on our teen trips have been to at least one of these synagogues. My last two family trips went to both of these synagogues and had such a positive experience. Reform Jews in Israel face constant problems. They are not recognized by the “religious” courts at all. If someone converted to Judaism and wants to marry in Israel, that can only happen if the person has an Orthodox conversion. Religious rights, as far as the state is concerned, are only for the most observant. Reform Judaism is not recognized. The movement is actively working to get more funding. Our next Shabbat Chaverim is THIS Friday morning, January 30 at 10:00 AM. This program is for young children and a parent/guardian. Carrie Barrera will guide the group in a simple Jewish themed craft, often related to a holiday. These have included making edible Torahs out of pretzel sticks and fruit roll ups, colorful bookmarks with stick-on stars of David, delicious hamentashen, Hebrew alphabet snowflakes, dried orange slice pendants, and matzoh s’mores, to name a few. If you care about Israel and want to work towards a more pluralistic, progressive and democratic Israel, this is one of the most important things you can do. You can help with minority rights, women’s rights and Reform rights. Vote for ARZA in this vote. To learn more about the importance of this election, click here. You can also go to the ARZA website, for a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. __________________________________________________________ SNOW DAY SCHOOL CLOSING INFORMATION Cindy Michelassi will tell a story relevant to the parsha of the week or current holiday and leads everyone in song. Some involve a little dancing, and others offer each child the opportunity to keep time with one of a variety of percussion instruments. If we need to close for some unforeseen reason, not due to bad weather, we will contact you via phone. If we need to cancel school because of bad weather we will do three things. The program will end with an oneg. Everyone blesses the candles, juice and challah. Following blessings a variety of tasty snacks and conversation are enjoyed around the table. Send an email blast by 7:30 AM on a Sunday and by 2:00 PM on a Wednesday. Post it on the home page of our Etz Chaim webpage. Post it on the Etz Chaim facebook page. Like us on Facebook. 2 ANNIVERSARY OF MEMBERSHIP FEBRUARY 6, 2015 We recognize these Etz Chaim members of 20 – 29 years! We pray that God will grant you many more years of life and health, and that you may continue to enrich us with your presence and carry on your service to God, Israel and mankind. YEAR JOINED 1985 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 MEMBER YEAR JOINED Michael & Cynthia Sawyer Frederick & Sharon Clark Gary & Felice Dorsay Sima Tavana Howard Goldstein & Margaret McGrath Howard & Mary Carol Farber Kenneth & Ronni Markwell James & Tracy Rosenbaum Harve & Joyce Bogolub Wendy Yellin Richard & Tina Singer Nelson & Marilla Hanan Joan Mues Timothy & Michelle Barrett Joy Aaronson Cathleen Green Mark Heisler & Jamie Cosnowsky Steven & Cara Cap Jose & Esther Morales David & Wendy Peck Barry & Ann Mehrman Carol Forbes William & Deborah Miller Joel & Paula Butler William & Patricia Cherny Greg Zelman & Margo SzopskaZelman Werner & Ursula Ulrich Roberto & Cindy Michelassi Harland & Holly London Judy Gardner John & Elise Ciribassi Janis Wittrig Scott & Karen Burstein Robert & Marcia Gibson Harvey & Anne Stein Jay & Tina Brackmann James & Laurie Blackmon Loran & Laura Eatman Paul & Nancy Maddrell 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 MEMBER Michael Schwartz Mony & Linda Sarcu Terry & Kathleen Shapiro Douglas & Linda Longman Howard & Sandra Roth Linda Krause Philip & Susan Hurwitz Michael & Sharron Jordan Harold & Judith Witkov Bruce & Michele Miller Patricia Friedman Jack & Julie Mandru Lawrence & Judith Lernor Jack & Marilyn Rabens Bruce & Sharon Beiersdorf John & Sindee Viano Michael & Lisa Samuels Howard & Anita Stoller Michael Glass Ronald & Robin Carlini Edward Silverstein & Kim Leffert Gregorio & Janet Chejfec Steve & Nancy Zuckerman Douglas & Karen Sullivan David & Cynthia Swanson Robin & Jeanette Zeldin John Weitzner Joseph & Deborah Schodrof Art Porton & Linda Richman Jeff & Katherine Loman Sherrell Shanahan Peter & Laurie Sterling Michael Marion Marshall & Martha Mendelsohn Lawrence & Lori Feldman Mark & Laura Weiss Philip & Donna Nuger Alan & Meryl Diamond Carole Foner Later this spring we have 2 more Recognition Shabbats: March 6 for 30 – 39 years May 1 for 40+ years Watch for your invitation! Sponsored by the Membership Committee SOUP, BREAD AND GAME NIGHT Winter is here and at Etz Chaim that means an evening of delicious soups, breads, desserts and game playing in the Social Hall. The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Etz Chaim will be hosting their annual Soup, Bread and Game Night on Saturday, February 7 at 6:30 PM; non-member guests are welcome too. Please join us for a fun-filled evening of good food, good company and games. This event is always a favorite, so circle the date and plan to join us. Bring a soup, bread and/or dessert to share, and any games (board, card, etc.) you would like to play. Please do include a list of the ingredients in your dish, or even the recipe itself if you’re willing to share. The cost is $5.00 per person, to cover beverages and paper goods, which are included. Please fill out the sign-up sheet below and email Cara Cap with the information by Friday February 6. You can bring your payment to the event, or drop it off in the Sisterhood mailbox appropriately noted. If you have any questions, please contact Cara Cap. Hope to see you there! Soup, Bread and Game Night Sign-Up Name: ___________________________ Number Attending: ___________ Amount due ($5.00 per person): I/we will bring: _________soup (and/or) _________bread (and/or) _________dessert [PS- don’t limit yourself to one category – we can always use more soups than the other dishes since for many of us, this is dinner!] 3 A DEFINING MOMENT FOR MENTAL HEALTH: Diverting persons with mental illness from the jails and into treatment that works Dialogue with Judge Steve Leifman* Tuesday, February 10, 2015 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Congregation Etz Chaim 1710 South Highland Avenue Lombard, IL 60148 This event will focus on the success of Miami-Dade County, how we can learn from their example, and what kind of action steps are needed to improve our jail and mental health systems. Registration Required - Etz Chaim & all DuPage United members free $30 per person for non-members of an IAF Affiliate, free for members. To register contact Adrienne McCauley, Organizer, 512-560-8838 - [email protected] * Judge Leifman is associate administrative judge for the Miami-Dade County Court Criminal Division and chairman of the Florida Supreme Court Task Force on Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues in the Court. He helped start the Criminal Mental Health Project in Miami-Dade County, a program that began in 2000 when the recidivism rate for low-level misdemeanor offenders with mental illness was 72%. The Miami-Dade plan, which included training thousands of police officers on how to deal with people who have mental illness, cut the local jail population nearly in half and allowed the county to close one of its facilities. In 2011, 3,500 trained officers responded to 16,000 mental health-related crisis calls. The result: more than 3,500 pre-booking diversions and a mere 45 arrests. 4 Fridays 12:00 PM: February 6, 13, 20, 27 March 6, 13, 20, 27 April 10, 17 Each week I share with the class a verse from the Book of Jonah, excerpts from the medieval commentaries to that verse and other relevant texts. You need no prior knowledge to be part of this group. This is a study group not a course. You do not need to attend every session to participate. We read selections from the Book of Jonah and explore what they have to teach us concerning how we lead and understand our lives. The Book of Jonah raises key questions about the purpose of our lives, including: Who am I? Why are we here? What is evil? For many years I have devoted my January study leave to understanding the Book of Jonah. I am pleased to have the opportunity to share what I have learned with the members of our community. MAH JONGG JOIN OUR CHAVURAH AND BECOME A CHAI MITZVAH Our tradition tells us that an integrated Jewish life involves study, ritual and social action. Explore all of these on your terms, with your personal interests through a new adult education initiative called Chai Mitzvah. You will participate in a monthly learning group with a specially designed curriculum that focuses on real life, relevant issues. You will also choose an individual study topic that is personally interesting to you, adopt a new ritual or deepen an existing practice, and engage in a social action activity in your community. Then, at the end of the nine-month program, you can celebrate your journey! Group meets monthly for nine months. Cost to participate is $18. Mah Jongg is being played on Monday afternoons in the synagogue library at 1:00 PM. Mary Jo Wolsky is the contact person for this group. You can RSVP at http://doodle.com/yg4wxyiakg39wit6 for the dates you are available. You may also contact Merle Erlich. Mah Jongg While You Wait! There is a mah jongg set in the synagogue office for those who wish to play while waiting for their children during mid-week or Sunday mornings! Bring your mah jongg cards and start a game! PINOCHLE To become a Chai Mitzvah, or for more information, contact Alice Heinz or Susanna Perrett. Go to the Chai Mitzvah website (www.chaimitzvah.org) to learn more. Monday night pinochle 7:00 PM is now being held at the home of the Bogolubs in Willowbrook. Program is supported by the Lifelong Learning Committee. Tuesday afternoon pinochle 1:00 PM is played at the synagogue. Please call Harve Bogolub for more information. 5 Part 3 of 4 Understanding Sikhism Please join us on Tuesday, February 24 from 7:30-9:00 PM in the Social Hall. We are delighted to welcome Simer Singh, who will share with us the history, beliefs and the practice of Sikhism – a monotheistic religion, which rejects ritualism, emphasizes the principle of equality among all people and rejects discrimination on the basis of caste, religion or gender. Simer Singh was born and raised in Chicago, the son of Sikh immigrants who enshrined a love for Sikhi and the Guru Granth Sahib in all of their children. Simer studied under Bhai Sewa Singh Tarmala and learned the practical and spiritual applications of the Guru Granth Sahib through meditation (known as simran). Simer has a BA from Loyola University, a Juris Doctor and MBA from DePaul University and an LLM in Financial Services from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago Kent. He travels throughout North America teaching native English-speaking audiences of both Sikh and non-Sikh people about simran and the Guru Granth Sahib. For more information, or to RSVP, please phone the synagogue office, 630.627.3912, or email Barbara Turner. 6 Marcey Siegel is a wife, mother, Bubbe, sister, friend and retired elementary school physical education teacher. She is currently an adjunct instructor at Benedictine University, teaching fledgling physical education majors and supervising student teachers. At Etz Chaim, she taught 2nd grade for 25 years, and invented the 2nd Grade Family Class, which allows parents and children to learn about their Jewish heritage together. She has been leading / co-leading the High Holiday Jr. Congregation for 33+ years. Q: What are your interests? What gives you pleasure? A: I am a vegetarian and cannot eat gluten, but I love to eat out and many restaurants are able to prepare their food safely for me. I am interested in staying healthy, am working hard at physical fitness at CrossFit Glen Ellyn, so that I will be able to continue to move around well as I get older, and I have a great interest in nutrition. I love the work that I am doing with the college students, as it is important to me to help the next generation of teachers learn and apply best practices. I spend as much time as I can and as I am needed with my four local grandchildren, ages 5 weeks to 4 ½. I love hearing them say “Bubbe” as they run into my arms! And I love talking with my grandchildren in Virginia who are 13 and 9. Our new 6 month old dachshund puppies bring smiles and laughter to our house. My husband and I attend many cultural events regularly – theatre, ballet and opera. We also enjoy traveling around the country and the world, seeing new things, visiting relatives and friends, and spending time with each other. Q: Who are some of the people and what are some of the events that have been critical in forming you? A: Certainly my parents and growing up in a family with three brothers. I got my love of dance from my Mom, and love of honesty and forthrightness from my Dad (and Mom). I think that my undergraduate education at Goddard College in Vermont really helped me to form my approach to teaching and to learning. At Goddard, you “learned by doing”. And I wrote my own major there – combining elementary education with dance and movement. Q: What are you particularly proud of? A: 1) Having raised, together with Ken, my husband of 43 years, three responsible and caring children who are now raising children of their own. 2) Having been chosen to be, in 2003, the National Dance Educator of the Year. This honor enabled me to help promote the importance of dance education nationwide to other educators and leaders. Q: If you had the power to solve one and only one problem, what would it be and why? A: Prejudice. I would love to put blinders on everyone, so that they could meet others without regard to gender, skin color, or religion. They would get to know each other this way. Ideally, language would be no barrier to this. If getting rid of prejudice could be done, I believe all other problems in the world would solve themselves. All people would see other people as human and equally important and valuable. Q: What advice would you give to young people? A: Don’t spend so much time trying to put everything in place to get to what you perceive as the next phase of your life. Live the life you are in. Enjoy family and friends and spend time with them. 7 The Connections Team and the Membership Committee are spear-heading an ongoing initiative to expand our Chavurah offerings, and you are invited to consider being a part of one. Some have been going on for many years, some started this summer, and others are forming now. The participation form is located on the Etz Chaim website, in the Newsletter and in the synagogue Lobby. Chavurot at Etz Chaim are small groups of members who come together to share Jewish and/or secular experiences -from learning, to worship to social or cultural or even community volunteerism. Chavurot can be groups of people who live in the same neighborhood or groups with children of similar ages or groups with similar interests. Over 40 congregant families have indicated interest. The establishment of Chavurah groups is an ongoing endeavor of the Membership Committee and Connections Team. Find the Chavurah interest form on the Etz Chaim website at https:// congetzchaim.org/sites/default/files/uploaded_documents/chavurah_form_2.pdf or in the synagogue Lobby. Contact Merle Erlich with questions. TZEDAKAH BOX IN THE LOBBY DECEMBER – FEBRUARY 2015 HELP THE HEALTH WAGON KEEP ROLLING! The Health Wagon is a nonprofit organization providing mobile health services to the medically underserved in Southwest Virginia. Many people in this area are the working poor. They can't afford Obama Care, but are not eligible for Medicaid. A Winnebego gets driven through the mountains to provide medical care to many because they lack adequate and reliable transportation to get to a health care facility. The Health Wagon's staff consists of two full time certified family nurse practitioners, one registered nurse, two licensed practical nurses, a Director of Operations, a Director of Development, Data Systems Coordinator, and an Administrative Assistant. Every Dollar donated to the Health Wagon is approximately $100 reaped in health care benefits. The Health Wagon provides: Acute Disease Management Chronic Disease Management Low Cost Lab Services Immunization Programs Dental and Eye Clinics Cardiac Specialty Clinics Health Teaching Components Women's Health Care Community Health Fairs And much, much more..... As Reform Jews, we have an obligation of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) through tzedakah (charity). Please show your support by making a generous donation today! IF YOU ARE A JOBSEEKER, CAREER CHANGER, PROFESSIONAL, DOWNSIZED OR MATURE WORKER JEN (Jewish Employment Network) under JVS Career Moves can help you : Plan a career path, Tune you up for that Important Interview Revamp your Resume, Teach you how to Network succcesfully Submit you to positions listed with JVS by our employer partners For information about our services call JVS Career Moves at 1-855-463-6587 8 PURIM- March 4, 2015 Carnival 5:30 PM Purim Service 7:00 PM On Purim there are three commandments which Jews are obligated to fulfill. One is to hear The Book of Esther. The second is Shalach Manot, “the sending of portions” or sending gifts of sweets to friends, family and particularly to teachers. The third mitzvah is Manat L’Evyonim, “gifts to the poor.” At this time of great joy we remember those who have less than we do. This mitzvah can be fulfilled by directly handing money to those who are in need. If you want, the synagogue can be of help to you in fulfilling this mitzvah; your Manat L’Evyonim will be forwarded to the Walk-In-Ministry. REMEMBER: EVERYONE SHOULD BRING THEIR VERY OWN “MAC & CHEESE” GROGGER TO PURIM. As has been our tradition, the Mac & Cheese will be donated to a local food pantry as a fulfillment of the Purim Mitzvah of Manat L’Evyonim, gifts to the poor. DON'T FORGET TO COME IN COSTUME LET THE CARNIVAL BEGIN… Prior to the Purim Service the Junior Youth Group will provide entertaining challenges to children of our congregation, prizes will be awarded to all participants. Tickets will be on sale throughout the carnival. A delicious dinner will be served by the High School Youths. Don’t miss out on this evening of fun and frolic. 9 Etz Chaim Congregational Seder 2015 This year Etz Chaim's Congregational Seder will be held Saturday, April 4 at 6:00 PM. Everyone is invited to attend our communal celebration of this special holiday. The synagogue will provide the following for your Seder meal: the seder plate, wine, matzo, gefilte fish, meat, side dishes, coffee, tea and Haggadot. Each family will be required to bring one of the following dishes to serve 10 people: Fresh Fruit * Cookies or Cake Please remember all food items must be Pesadik and non-dairy. We have some great passover recipes. If you need ideas, give us a call. It is not necessary to bring your own dish on a decorative plate, as our kitchen helpers arrange the food for serving. In addition, each family will be required to send an adult to either set up before the seder or clean up after the seder. Set up will be Saturday, April 4 at 9:30 AM. We will try to honor your preference, but set up help is crucial. If you have any questions, please call the synagogue office. --------------------------------------------My Personal Reminder for the Congregational Seder Saturday, April 4 I have volunteered on April 4 to set-up at 9:30 AM or clean-up post seder The dish I am bringing to share is ______________________________ (enough for 10 people) ----------------------------------------------- Tear Here ---------------------------------------------- Seder Reservation Form Registration Post Marked by March 2, 2015 Adults $22 Kids (ages 5 - 12) $9 Tots $3 Registration Post Marked by March 21, 2015 Adults $ 27 Kids (ages 5 - 12) $ 12 Tots $ 6 Registration Post Marked After March 21, 2015 Adults $ 33 Kids (ages 5 - 12) $ 15 Tots $8 Please Do Not Ask To Be An Exception! Name ______________________________ Address ____________________________ City/Zip ____________________________ Adults _____ @ $ _____ ea. $ _____ Children (5-12) _____ @ $ _____ ea. $_____ Tots _____ @ $ _____ ea. $ _____ Phone ______________________________ I will bring _______________________ I will set up _______ clean up________ YOU CANNOT PAY ELECTRONICALLY. Please print this form and bring in or mail your reservation form to the synagogue office. Please make checks payable to: Congregation Etz Chaim 10 Kaddish January 30 – 31 01/25 Walter Beck 01/25 Ida Leviton 01/25 Besse Schneider 01/26 Majorie Layne 01/26 Kurt Salomon 01/26 Diana Seres 01/26 Joseph Singer 01/26 Jack Sommerfeld 01/26 Beatrice Zoll 01/28 Minerva Balon 01/28 Rose Burke 01/28 Zina Carpenter 01/28 Wilma Dalzell 01/28 Jack Kaplan 01/29 Anne Ross 01/29 Solomon Rubinson 01/29 Ida Stein 01/30 Frances Fisher Kaddish List February 6 – 7 02/1 Hatzkel Frumkin 02/1 Marvin Sirota 02/2 Betty Dunn 02/2 Herbert Hoffman 02/2 Fred Mitnick 02/2 Annette Primack 02/3 Ann Berland 02/3 Emily Dubiel 02/3 John Dubiel 02/3 Paul Solomon 02/4 Gerald Benson 02/4 Mary Scott 02/4 Alvin Silver 02/5 Fannie Etzkowitz 02/5 Anne Hagan 02/5 Abe Paskin 02/6 Sol Kaplan 02/6 Ben Margolis 02/7 Marvin Cooperman 02/7 Jennie Mandel 02/7 Jim Mann 02/7 Libby Weinstein Kaddish February 13 – 14 02/8 Sol Dvorkin 02/8 Milton Hyams 02/8 Albert Kaplan 02/8 Nancy Rovel 02/8 Nicole Smith 02/8 Daniel Stern 02/9 Edith Ableman Kaddish February 13—14 continued.. 02/9 Agnes Dustan 02/9 Rose Goldman 02/9 Isaac Hanan 02/9 Leagrace Margolis 02/9 Doris Margulis 02/9 Elva Perlstein 02/9 Jean Sefman 02/9 Robert Stotter 02/10 Max Brecher 02/10 Steven Lipson 02/10 Vivian Safer 02/10 Rhoda Saroniero 02/11 Lorenne Johnson 02/11 Henry Wolff 02/12 Sylvia Kaplan 02/12 Raisa Lapidus 02/12 Kathryn Longman 02/13 Sherwin Fox 02/13 Richard Solomon 02/14 Eleanor Bernfeld 02/14 Albert Goldstein 02/14 Shifra Kessler 02/14 Phillip Pechter 02/14 Greta Peck 02/14 Solomon Steinman 02/14 Jack Trafimow 02/14 Harry Wolin Kaddish February 20 – 21 02/15 Elsie Armin 02/15 Jane Ganet-Sigel 02/16 Celia Kaplan 02/17 Lucia Glass 02/17 Jack Oberman 02/17 Annette Schuman 02/18 Julius Newman 02/18 Belle Sirota 02/18 Martin Zimmerman 02/19 Leah Dvorkin 02/19 Lois Gordon 02/19 Marylou McGuire 02/19 Gussie Millar 02/20 Regina Behl 02/20 Harold Kaplan 02/20 Ed Owens 02/20 Conrad Sikora 02/20 02/20 02/21 02/21 02/21 Judith Silver Lorenz Wolsky Robert Hess Elliott Perlstein Phillip Rothenberg 11 The congregation offers its congratulations to… Ron and Mary Hason on the engagement of their daughter, Shayla to Adam Luedtke. Ken & Marcey Siegel on the birth of their grandson, Shayne Yehuda Mix. ETZ CHAIM MANNA ORDER FORM Due: Sunday, February 22, 2015 Distribution Begins: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 NAME:_____________________________________________ Phone:____________________________ E-mail Address:______________________________________ Manna order forms may be mailed, brought or faxed (630-627-9123) to the synagogue office or you may e-mail them to Jon Berman DELIVERY Available the next Wednesday at Hebrew School at the Synagogue Office PAYMENT □ Please make your check payable to Congregation Etz Chaim OR □ Charge order to credit card (NEW 2.5% fee will be added) □ Use credit card on file □ Call the office to provide credit card information TOTAL MANNA ORDER include Schmaltz Deli $ _________ Credit card order amount NEW Required 2.5% credit card fee $__________ $__________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discount SCHMALTZ DELI 5% Price Quantity $20 _______ = $ ___________ x The Manna Group Order Form As of 01/15/2015 Disc 1 Card | Popular Places $50 Ace Hardware $25 or $100 Adidas $25 Aeropostale $25 Amazon $10, $25 & $100 AMC $30 Bundle AMC Single Admission $9.00 AMC Theatres Gift Card $25 American Airlines $100 American Eagle $25 American Girl $100 American Girl $25 Angelo Caputo's $25 & $100 Applebee's $10 or $25 Arby's $10 Arco $50 Auto Zone $25 Avis $50 Barnes & Noble $5 $10 $25 Bass Pro $25 & $100 Bath & Body $10 & $25 Bed Bath & Beyond $25 or $100 Best Buy $25 & $100 Boston Market $10 Boston Market $25 BP Gas Cards $50 & $100 Brio/Bravo Rest $25 Brookstone $25 Brunswick Zone $10 & $25 Buca di Beppo $25 Buckle $25 Budget $50 Buffalo Wild Wings $25 Build A Bear $25 Buona Beef $10 or $100 Burger King $10 Burlington Coat Fac $25 Cabela's $25 or $100 California Pizza Kit $25 Caribou Coffee $10 & $25 Carsons $25 & $100 Champps Rest $25 Cheesecake Factory $25 Chevron $50 & $100 & 250 Chilis $25 & $100 Chipotle $10 & $25 Choice Hotels $25 & $100 Chuck E Cheese $10 Cinemark Theatres $9.00 Circle K $50 or $100 Claire's Boutique $10 Classic Cinema Theatres $10 Cold Stone Creamery $10 Columbia $25 Cracker Barrel $10 & $25 Crate & Barrel $25 or $100 CVS Pharmacy $25 $100 Dairy Queen $10 Darden Restaurants $25 or $100 Dave & Buster $25 Dell Computers $100 Delta Sonic Car Wash $16 Dennis Uniform $20 Denny $10 or $25 Dicks Sport Goods $25 or $100 Dillards $25 or $100 Disney $25 $100 $500 & $1000 Domino's Pizza $10 Dunkin Donuts $5, $10 or $25 Eddie Bauer $ 25 Edwardo's $10 Egg Harbor $25 Einstein Bros Bakery $25 Express $25 Exxon $50 5.0 5.0 15.0 9.0 4.0 15.0 10.0 9.0 5.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 4.0 9.0 9.0 2.0 8.0 6.0 10.0 10.0 14.0 7.0 3.0 14.0 14.0 2.0 13.0 15.0 9.0 10.0 9.0 9.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 5.0 9.0 12.0 9.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 6.0 2.0 12.0 12.0 5.0 9.0 10.0 2.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 14.0 10.0 7.0 5.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 5.0 20.0 5.0 8.0 7.0 10.0 3.0 10.0 4.0 10.0 9.0 4.0 10.0 11.0 2.0 * - Please circle denomination required. Participant: Amount Date: Disc Fairmont Hotels $100 Family Christian $25 Family Express $25 & $100 Fanatics $25 Fandango $10 Fannie May $10 or $20 Finish Line $25 Footlocker $25 FTD Florist $25 Fuddruckers $25 Game Stop $25 Garden Fresh $20 Gift Box Gold Swirls $2.25 Gift Box Sailor Stripes $2.25 Gino's East $10 GNC $25 Golfsmith $25 Goodrich Quality Theaters $10 Gordman's $25 GFS $25 or $100 Great American Bagel $5 Great Harvest Bread $10 Groupon $25 Guitar Center $25 Gymboree $25 Hair Cuttery $10 Hallmark $25 Hard Rock Cafe $25 Home Depot $25 , $100 & $500 Home Run Inn $25 Home Shopping Network $25 Honey Baked Ham $25 Houlihans $25 Hyatt $500 Hyatt $25 or $100 IHOP $25 iTunes $10 $15 & $25 J. Crew $25 Jack In The Box $15 Jamba Juice $10 JCPenney $25 or $100 Jewel $25 $50 & $100 Jiffy Lube $25 JoAnn Fabrics $25 Joe Caputo & Sons $25 Journeys $25 Kentucky Fried Chicken $5 Kmart $25 or $50 Kohl's $25, $50 or $100 L.L.Bean $25 or $100 Landrys $ 25 & $100 Lands End $25 or $100 Lane Bryant/Catherines $25 LettuceEntYou $25 $50 $100 Little Ceasars $20 Logan's Roadhouse $25 Lone Star $25 Lord & Taylor $25 Lou Malnati's Pizza $25 Lowes Home $25,$100,$500 Macy's $25 or $100 Marathon $25 or $100 Marcus Theatres $25 & $100 Marianos FM $25 $50 & $100 Mario Tricoci $25 & $100 Meijer $25 $50 & $100 Men's Wearhouse $25 Menards $25 & $100 & 500 Michael's Crafts $25 Mimi's Cafe $25 Nike $25 Noodles $10 or $25 Oberweis Dairy $10 Office Depot $25 & $100 Office Max $25 or $100 10.0 10.0 5.0 10.0 7.0 25.0 11.0 9.0 15.0 9.0 4.0 5.0 20.0 20.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 5.0 10.0 4.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 14.0 9.0 5.0 9.0 5.0 20.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 4.0 13.0 7.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 10.0 7.0 5.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 19.0 10.0 15.0 9.0 14.0 9.0 10.0 5.0 10.0 8.0 5.0 10.0 4.0 10.0 5.0 9.0 4.0 8.0 4.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 7.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 Total: Amount Disc Old Country Buffet $25 Omaha Steaks $25 Omni Hotels/Resorts $100 Once Upon A Child $25 Options $25 Oriental Trading $25 Outback $25 or $100 Overstock.com $25 P.F.Changs $25 Pac Sun $25 Panera $5 $10 & $25 Papa Johns Pizza $10 Payless ShoeSource $10 Petco $25 Pete's Fresh Market $20 Petsmart $25 Pier 1 Imports $25 Pizza Hut $10 or $25 Plato's Closet $25 Qdoba Mexican Grill $25 Quiznos $10 Gift Cards Red Box $25 Red Robin $10 or $25 Regal Entertainment $25 Regis Salon $25 REI $25 & $100 Restaurant.com $25 Restoration Hardware $25 & 100 Rockbottom/Old Chic $25 Rocky MounChocolate $10 Ross Dress for Less $25 Ruth's Chris Steak $25 or $100 Safeway $25 $50 & $100 Sally Beauty Supply $25 Sears $25, $100 or $250 Sephora $25 Shell $25, $50 & $100 Shoe Carnival $25 Shutterfly $25 BONUS Smashburger $10 SpaFinder $25 Speedway $25 $50 & $100 SportsAuthority $25 & $100 Staples $25 or $100 Starbucks $5 $10 & $25 Starbucks $50 or $100 Steak & Shake $10 Stein Mart $25 Subway $10 & $25 Subway $5 Super Cuts $25 Sweet Tomatoes $25 Taco Bell $10 Talbots $25 Target $25 $50 & $100 Texas Roadhouse $25 TGIFridays $25 The Childrens Place $25 The Container Store $25 The Limited $25 TJMaxx/Marshalls $25 or $100 Toys R Us $20 Ulta Cosmetics $25 Ultra Foods $25 or $100 UnderArmour $25 Uno Chicago Grill $25 VISA $50 Walgreens $25 or $100 Walker Bros $25 Walmart $100 $250 & $500 Walmart $5 $10 $25 & $50 Wendys Gift Card $10 Whole Foods $25 & $100 William Sonoma $25 or $100 Yankee Candle $25 Zappos $25 & $100 Amount 5.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 15.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 9.0 5.0 10.0 9.0 14.0 8.0 5.0 5.0 10.0 9.0 9.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 30.0 14.0 7.0 13.0 9.0 10.0 5.0 15.0 5.0 6.0 3.0 5.0 15.0 10.0 13.0 5.0 9.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 4.0 4.0 10.0 9.0 5.0 10.0 3.0 9.0 9.0 14.0 10.0 10.0 8.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 12.0 13.0 2.5 7.0 7.0 3.5 3.5 5.0 4.0 9.0 10.0 9.0 Discounts subject to change without notification. Donations January 2015 Senior Rabbi Discretionary Fund In honor of Donated by Kaitlyn McCallion's Bat Mitzvah Gwen McCallion Rabbi Bob Bruce & Jill Weininger In memory of Donated by Saul Kaplan Gwen McCallion Tobias Blaustein Eric Blaustein Jack Kaplan Marcy Kaplan Bernard Yellin Gina Bogin Mort Balon Joens Family Mort Balon Blackmon Family Associate Rabbi Discretionary Fund In memory of Donated by Brett Armin Irene Honig Sharon Simons Gwen McCallion Robert Simons Gwen McCallion Jane Ganet-Sigel Marcey Siegel Annette Primack Marcy Kaplan Rose Burke Ellen Gossage Barbarba Baruch School Scholarship Fund In memory of Donated by Mort Balon Joens Family Building Fund Get well wishes to Donated by Sarah Blumen Roy & Lilah Warshawsky In memory of Donated by Paul Nyland Michael Nyland Mort Balon Roy & Lilah Warshawsky Harry Heftman Roy & Lilah Warshawsky Louis Nadler Roy & Lilah Warshawsky Adrienne Warshawsky Roy & Lilah Warshawsky Cultural & Social Fund In memory of Donated by Robert Stamm Judy Frankel Facility Fund In memory of Donated by Abraham Convissor Lisa Johnson Robert Stotter Rebecca Berman Lorenz Wolsky Alan Wolsky Louis & Bettye Kaplan Social Action Fund In honor of Donated by Larry & Carol Neimark's 50th anniversary Howard & Ellen Gossage In memory of Donated by Robert Appel Florence Appel Henry Wolff Werner & Ursula Ulrich Music Fund In memory of Donated by Hy Rosen Ken & Marcy Siegel Mort Balon Ken & Marcy Siegel Sylvia Kaplan Marcy Kaplan John Weber John Weber Charlotte Nortell John Weber Steven Stangle John Weber New Prayer Book Fund In memory of Donated by Jim Mann Barb Svarz Mort Balon Carol Sebastian Joseph Cohen Marcia Gibson Norman Yellin Emergency Aid Fund In memory of Donated by Bernard Yellin VivienYellin Ritual & Religious Fund In memory of Donated by Mort Balon Marcy Kaplan Robert Scott Samuels Scholarship Fund In honor of Donated by Michael Mechanick's engagement Maggie Hamrick Hurwitz Family In memory of Donated by Mort Balon Eva Lauterbach Mort Balon Hurwitz Family Gertrude Rubinson Marlene Herschander Benjamin Weininger Weininger Family Jack Oberman Sharon Samuels Sophie & Jack Edwards Scholar-In-Residence Fund In honor of Donated by Larry Neimark's birthday Mike & Cynde Sawyer In memory of Donated by Belle Sirota Joyce Bogolub Marvin Sirota Joyce Bogolub Diana Seres Margaret Seres Gladys Appel Florence Appel Marge Gilbert Marc Gilbert Mort Balon Jordie & Alice Trafimow Mort Balon Bill & Debbie Lavine Stu Soreff Office Fund In memory of Donated by Max Shapiro Michele Miller Milton Hyams Michele Miller Gerneral Operating Fund In memory of Donated by Henrietta Stoltz Lee Weinstein Morris Stoltz Lee Weinstein Hyman Rosen Nancy Billish Martin Simon Steve Simon ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNITY PROGRAMS Religious Action of Reform Judaism Go to : http://www.rac.or g/eisendr ath-legislative-assistant-fellowship Or Tzedek Teen Institute for Social Justice 2015 Go to: https://jcua.or g/sslpage.aspx?pid=661&er id=589483&tr id=aee4e981-4acf-425e-8e1a-95c17552118c Israel Solidarity Day Go to : https://congetzchaim.or g/node/2254 NFTY Convention 2015 Go to: http://view.mail.r j.or g/? j=fe9915767760057d7d&m=fe8c1570726d077a7d&ls=fe28137173640d7a771675&l=fef716787d6006&s=fe3015707d650575721574&j b=ffcf14&ju=fe581776746003747111&r=0 AIPAC 2015 Go to: https://congetzchaim.or g/sites/default/files/uploaded_documents/aipac_2015.pdf Indiana University Incoming Freshman Jewish Studies Scholarship Go to: https://congetzchaim.org/sites/default/files/uploaded_documents/2015-16_incoming_freshman_scholarship_blue_4pgr_2.pdf PADS Volunteer Training Go to: http://dupagepads.org/solutions/volunteer/ Taglit Birthright Israel Go to: http://www.gokesher.org/ Upcoming Programs at Spertus Go to: http://spertus.edu/programs-events/all Jewish Healing Network of Chicago Go to: http://www.jcfs.org/jhnc Jewish Child and Family Services Go to: http://www.jcfs.org/ Jewish Employment Network Go to: http://congetzchaim.org/Jewish_Employment_Network 12 NFTY - EIE Spend a semester at the NFTY-EIE High School in Israel and take your own! Why just look at pictures in your history textbook? Earn High School Credit. Apply for the Spring or the Fall semester. Live in the picturesque Judean Hills on Kibbutz Tzuba. Discover your Jewish past as you live the Jewish present Learn to converse in modern Hebrew. Climb Masada, swim in the Dead Sea, hike from Sea to Sea, explore and camp out in the Negev. Travel to Poland for a week to continue your study of Modern Jewish History. Make new NFTY friends and build a strong Reform Community. For more information please contact Robin Kulwin Director of Admissions (212) 650-4073 A NOTE FROM THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE: WHERE TO DONATE BOOKS Etz Chaim is fortunate to have a vibrant and vital library. Thanks to the efforts of a dedicated corps of volunteers and the generous contributions of the congregation to the Robert Glass Memorial Library Fund, the library collection grows and is kept up-to-date. If you have books that you no longer wish to keep as part of your library, please consider donating them to your public library or to SCARCE - School and Community Assistance for Recycling & Composting Education (www.bookrescue.org), located at 799 Roosevelt Rd., Bldg. 2, Suite 108, Glen Ellyn. Please do not bring books to the Etz Chaim library unless previous arrangements with the library chair have been made. Thank you. 13 PLEASE SUPPORT THESE BUSINESSES WHO SPONSOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN OUR BULLETIN ______________________________________________________________________________ Crowne Plaza The newest Bar/Bat Mitzvah location in the Western Suburbs! Weddings Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Social Events Banquet Facilities for 10 to 200 1250 Roosevelt Road, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 mailto:www.cpglenellyn.com Contact: Sara at [email protected] Phone: 630-629-6000 Ask for Sales ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We're the only classic Jewish delicatessen west of Chicago. Visit us for overstuffed sandwiches, fresh baked bagels, honest-to-goodness homemade soups, meats by the pound, fabulous desserts and traditional Jewish foods. We cater, too! 1512 North Naper Boulevard, Naperville (630) 245-7595 http://www.schmaltzdeli.com ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Celebrating your daughter or son's Mitzvah? We can help decorate for any theme. We also can create one-of-a-kind candle-lighting pieces. Call to schedule an appointment to discuss how to make your Mitzvah the talk-of-the-town 518 S. Lake St. Aurora, IL 60506 Phone - 630-892-4053 http://www.aballooncreation.com/ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Families need a safe and secure environment in which their emotional needs are promoted and their financial needs are protected. This can be accomplished through their congregation supporting a provider whose primary concern is the family. Chesed v'Emet is just such a resource - personally representing congregations by serving only its members and their families. This individual approach provides the distinctive value of combining the support of personalized attention to savings." For more information, call Chesed v'Emet: 847.577.0856 http://www.chesedvemet.com/ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Simon’s Restaurant & Bakery We are a traditional American-Style restaurant that offers a large variety of dishes for breakfast, lunch & dinner every day. Try one of our daily specials and homemade desserts from our bakery. Breakfast is served all day at Simon's. A family owned & operated restaurant located in Villa Park since 1986. Open 7 Days a Week 6:00 AM to Midnight 2 West Roosevelt Road Villa Park, Illinois Phone: (630) 530-0200 Fax: (630) 530-0267 http://www.simons-restaurant.com/ 14 Independent Jewish Owned Since 1997 The Way It Should Be It should be, first and foremost, about service. It should be personalized and compassionate. It should be about commitment. It should be from people who work and live right here, in our community. It should be about having a service where you want it: chapel, synagogue, or graveside. It should be about being able to pre-plan for your family. It should be about the way you want to mourn. For immediate assistance with a death please call: 888.509.5011 http://www.chicagojewishfunerals.com/ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pinstripes features a distinctive entertainment and dining venue. Celebrate “sophisticated fun” in our warm and inviting 45,000 square foot indoor/outdoor facility complete with eighteen bowling lanes, six bocce courts, exceptional Italian-American bistro and wine cellar, outdoor patio and fireplace and beautifully appointed event and party rooms that can accommodate groups from 20-600. Contact us at [email protected] _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ Photography by Rick & Rich is Rick Sigel and Rich Dembinski. Located in Northbrook, IL, their philosophy is to provide high quality photography at a reasonable cost to consumers. Both have been involved in photography for many years and are deeply devoted to their craft. Rick and Rich, along with the staff at Photography by Rick & Rich strive to capture the essence of your event and provide you with an enjoyable remembrance. http://www.imagesbyrickandrich.com/ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Ink Well A Complete Print Service Family Owned and Operated Visit us for all your printing & copying needs Wedding Invitations | Business Cards | Stationery Letterhead | Envelopes | Flyers Programs | Menus School Programs | Newsletters | Booklets Let us make your work easier! Call today for a quote - 630.268.0050 Color Copies - Black & White Copies Full Service Print Shop - Bindery & Faxing Services Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM 119 E Roosevelt Rd. | Lombard, IL | 60146 Ph: 630.268.0050 | Fax: 630.268.0170 [email protected] 15
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