CITY OF WALLED LAKE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, February 3, 2015 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE TO FLAG & INVOCATION ROLL CALL DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM REQUESTS FOR AGENDA CHANGES APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Regular Council Meeting of January 6, 2015 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Please approach the Podium and state your name and address before speaking. COUNCIL CONSIDERATION 1. Reschedule May 5, 2015 meeting due to Special Election 2. Automatic Mutual Aid Agreement with City of Novi 3. Planning Fees Pg. 2 Pg. 11 Pg. 15 MAYOR’S REPORT COUNCIL REPORT CITY MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Departmental Statistical Report a. Police b. Fire c. DPW d. Code Enforcement 2. Request for Executive Session for Labor Negotiations Pg. 18 Pg. 27 Pg. 34 Pg. 37 CORRESPONDENCE ATTORNEY’S REPORT 1. Confidential Attorney Client Communication 2. Wireless Communications Regulatory Change Pg. 38 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Second Reading C-319-14 Sign Ordinance Amendment Pg. 42 NEW BUSINESS 1. Proposed Resolution 2015-6 Building Permit Fees 2. Proposed Resolution 2015-7 2015 Poverty Exemptions 3. First Reading C-320-15 2012 International Fire Code Pg. 44 Pg. 50 Pg. 52 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Please approach the Podium and state your name and address before speaking. COUNCIL COMMENTS BILLS FOR APPROVAL Warrant #2-2015 in the amount of $450,871.22 Pg. 56 ADJOURNMENT Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 1 of 81 CITY OF WALLED LAKE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2015 7:30 P.M. The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Ackley Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Ackley Invocation led by Mayor Pro Tem Robertson ROLL CALL: Mayor Ackley, Mayor Pro Tem Robertson, Council Member Ambrose, Council Member Loch, Council Member Owsinek, Council Member Sturgeon ABSENT: Council Member Yezbick There being a quorum present, the meeting was declared in session. OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Whitt, Police Chief Shakinas, Interim Fire Chief Coomer, Finance Director Coogan, Public Works Coordinator McGill, City Attorney Vanerian, Deputy City Clerk Stuart and Confidential Assistant Rodgers REQUESTS FOR AGENDA CHANGES: City Attorney Vanerian requested an executive session to discuss pending litigation; added under Attorney’s Report item #2. Finance Director Coogan requested to add Building Permit Fees to the agenda; added under New Business item #6. CM 01-01-15 TO EXCUSE COUNCIL MEMBER YEZBICK FROM TONIGHT’S MEETING Motion by Sturgeon, seconded by Ambrose, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To excuse Council Member Yezbick from tonight’s meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: CM 01-02-15 APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 2, 2014 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Motion by Robertson, seconded by Owsinek, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve the December 2, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Minutes. Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 2 of 81 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 6, 2015 Page 2 of 9 AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: Jennifer Wiley from Crown Castle said she was there to discuss the cell tower located on city property. She said there are two outstanding issues that need to be addressed. She said the City was sent a consent agreement in July of 2014 and a building permit application for additional work to be done on the tower in October of 2014. She said neither has been returned. She said that any work to be done on the cell tower, per the lease agreement, is subject to City approval. She said the City is deliberately upholding the return of the consent agreement and the building permit. She said the City receives revenue shares and lease payments. She said the City has requested the carriers’ sublease agreements from Crown Castle and she said they are not permitted to provide those documents. She said the requested information is not part of the lease agreement with the City. She said Crown Castle has provided everything within their power to the City. She said she is requesting on behalf of Crown Castle, a signed consent agreement and the building permit application to be processed. City Manager Whitt said he recommends referring to the City Attorney for review and he said this is a legal issue at this point. Council Member Ambrose asked if the City Attorney had a chance to review. City Attorney Vanerian said it is a legal issue and cannot be resolved with a vote by City Council. He will review in greater detail and provide a legal opinion at the next meeting. Frederick Eaton, Senior Manager, External Affairs with Comcast said he was before Council seeking approval of the franchise agreement included on tonight’s agenda. He said Public Act 480 of 2006, Local Franchising provides authorities to receive a fixed amount of revenue. He said currently the City receives 5%. He said the law also requires that whatever level of PEG fees that were provided under the expiring legacy franchise it be continued under the new franchising agreement. He said Walled Lake is a member of the Western Oakland County Cable Communications Authority (WOCCCA) and in the past the City’s PEG fees have been paid to the WOCCCA consortia. He explained the PEG fees may only be used for educational purposes. He asked if Council wished to continue the PEG fees to be paid to WOCCCA or to the City. COUNCIL CONSIDERATION: 1. Swearing in on Police Officer Michael Byberg Police Chief Shakinas introduced Police Officer Michael Byberg. He said he earned his associates degree in criminal justice from Oakland County Community College and graduated from the police academy in December 2013. Deputy City Clerk Stuart administered the ceremonial oath to Police Officer Michael Byberg. 2. Badge presentation and swearing in of Firefighters Dan Taylor and Zach Roemer Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 3 of 81 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 6, 2015 Page 3 of 9 Fire Marshal Coomer introduced Firefighters Dan Taylor and Zach Roemer. He said both are State Certified Firefighter II, licensed EMT’s, have completed their paramedic program and are preparing to take the National Registry. He said Mr. Taylor currently works at St. John Hospital in Detroit as an emergency room technician and Mr. Roemer is employed by the Detroit Fire Department. Deputy City Clerk Stuart administered the ceremonial oath to Firefighter Taylor and Firefighter Roemer. 3. 2016 Budget Review Schedule Finance Director Coogan said last year Council held budget workshop meetings and she is requesting meetings dates for next year’s fiscal budget discussions. She said she asking for an initial workshop meeting toward the end of February to discuss long range planning and then two workshops in April. Council agreed upon Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, April 11, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. and Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. CM 01-03-15 MOTION TO APPROVE THE 2016 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING DATES Motion by Owsinek, seconded by Sturgeon, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve the 2016 Fiscal Year Budget workshop meeting dates. MAYOR’S REPORT: None COUNCIL REPORT: Council Member Owsinek reported on the Trailway Council. He said the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) has approved the estimate for acquisition of the proposed Trailway property. He provided a handout from the MDNR approving the appraisal from Fuller Appraisal, LLC. He said this is the first step for the Trailway Council to purchase the property. He said Council needs to review the document. He said he wants Council and Administration to be aware of exactly what is required. He said there is a Master Plan that was formulated by the Trailway Council and they will be meeting in the near future to discuss that. He said the Master Plan was created to enable each community involved with the Trailway Council to receive a $300,000/year grant for trailway enhancements. He said this is a long term project for the community and its taxpayers. He said he wants all to be informed of the ongoing legacy costs that will be created with the purchase of this property. CM 01-04-15 TO REFER ACQUISITION OF TRAILWAY PROPERTY TO CITY MANAGER, CITY ADMINISTRATION AND CITY ATTORNEY FOR REVIEW Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 4 of 81 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 6, 2015 Page 4 of 9 Motion by Robertson, seconded by Ambrose, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To refer acquisition of Trailway property to City Manager, City Administration and City Attorney for review. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson asked if the City could operate as an independent entity from the Trailway Council. City Manager Whitt said he agrees with Council Members Owsinek’s concerns. He said the owner of the railroad property is now requesting reimbursement for past expenses. He said because of prior agreements made by the City, the City cannot walk away. He said there will be perpetual maintenance required for the trailway and the City will have to contract these services out or be the responsibility of the City’s DPW. He said Council needs to review what was originally done. He said this is not something to agree to just because it has always been so. Council Member Loch said she was recently on the new Decker Road area and she made her way to Maple Road. She asked why Maple Road has not been resurfaced or repaired as Decker Road. She said the stretch of Maple Road from McDonalds east to the City limits needs to be repaired. She asked how to move this forward. City Manager Whitt said that has been an issue for a very long time. He said there were discussions of grants for making Maple Road a four lane road. He said that was a grandiose project that has been proposed for a long time. He said the City has the authority to make the recommendation to review for resurfacing and/or repair of the road if there is support from Council. Council Member Ambrose asked if the City had any funds to move forward. City Manager Whitt said there is federal money and the City would need to provide funds as well. CM 01-05-15 MOTION TO REVIEW MAPLE ROAD FOR POSSIBLE RESURFACING AND REPAIR Motion by Loch, seconded by Ambrose, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To review Maple Road for possible resurfacing and repair. Council Member Ambrose said the Walled Lake - Novi Lake Board has a tax special assessment designated for cleanup of the weeds in the lake. He said part of the resolution required a review in five years. He said the time has come, and he will be attending lake board meetings and report back to council. Council Member Sturgeon said he met with recently elected Congressman Trott. He said he seems to be someone who wants to work with municipalities for improvements. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT: Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 5 of 81 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 6, 2015 Page 5 of 9 1. Monthly Departmental Statistical Reports CM 01-06-15 MOTION TO RECEIVE MONTHLY DEPARTMENTAL STATISTICAL REPORTS Motion by Ambrose, seconded by Owsinek, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To receive monthly departmental statistical reports. 2. Request for executive session to discuss labor negotiations on three management contracts CM 01-07-15 MOTION TO ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS ON THREE MANAGEMENT CONTRACTS Motion by Robertson, seconded by Ambrose, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To enter into executive session to discuss labor negotiations on three management contracts. Roll Call Vote: Yes: (6) No: (0) Absent: (1) Ambrose, Loch, Owsinek, Robertson, Sturgeon, Ackley Yezbick CORRESPONDENCE: (6-1) MOTION CARRIED None ATTORNEY’S REPORT: 1. Confidential Attorney Client Communication City Attorney Vanerian said he prepared a memo that he will discuss during executive session. He said New Business #1 pertains to requested executive session. CM 01-08-15 MOTION TO ENTER IN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY CLIENT COMMUNICATION Motion by Sturgeon, seconded by Ambrose, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To enter into executive session to discuss confidential attorney client communication. Roll Call Vote: Yes: (6) No: (0) Absent: (1) Loch, Owsinek, Robertson, Sturgeon, Ambrose, Ackley Yezbick Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 6 of 81 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 6, 2015 Page 6 of 9 (6-1) MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned 8:17 p.m. Council entered into executive session 8:18 p.m. Council rose from executive session 8:28 p.m. Meeting reconvened 8:31 p.m. 2. Request for executive session to discuss pending litigation CM 01-09-15 MOTION TO ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION Motion by Sturgeon, seconded by Owsinek, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To enter into executive session to discuss pending litigation. Roll Call Vote: Yes: (6) No: (0) Absent: (1) Owsinek, Robertson, Sturgeon, Ambrose, Loch, Ackley Yezbick (6-1) MOTION CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: 1. Proposed Resolution 2015-1 Uniform Video Service Local Franchise Agreement with Comcast CM 01-10-15 MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2015-1 UNIFORM VIDEO SERVICE LOCAL FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH COMCAST DOCUMENT REFERENCE NUMBER 2938756.2 Motion by Ambrose, seconded by Robertson, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve Resolution 2015-1 Uniform Video Service Local Franchise agreement with Comcast document reference number 2938756.2. Mr. Eaton said the City will continue to yield the same revenue fee as under the previous franchise. He asked Council if they wished the PEG fees to be disbursed to the City or to WOCCCA, as previously done. Mayor Ackley said she will be attending a WOCCCA meeting next month and will get back with Mr. Eaton. Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 7 of 81 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 6, 2015 Page 7 of 9 2. Proposed Resolution 2015-2 Credited Service to be granted to City Manager in the MERS program CM 01-11-15 MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2015-2 CREDITED SERVICE GRANTED TO CITY MANAGER IN THE MERS PROGRAM Motion by Robertson, seconded by Owsinek, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve Resolution 2015-2 Credited Service to be granted to City Manager in the MERS program. 3. Purchase of Police Vehicles Police Chief Shakinas said the department is requesting to purchase two new police vehicles and approval for installation from a single source, Canfield Emergency Equipment in Warren, MI. He said funding would be provided from the forfeiture line item 265-399-980-001 Vehicle Purchase. City Manager Whitt said this is something the department began four years ago. He said the fleet has been continually updated. He said this allows for purchase of new vehicles not using tax payer funds, and disposal of the older vehicles that do use tax payer funds for repair. CM 01-12-15 MOTION TO APPROVE PURCHASE OF TWO POLICE VEHICLES FROM SHUMAN CHRYSLER/DODGE FOR $26,075 PER CAR WITH SINGLE SOURCE INSTALLATION FROM CANFIELD EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT IN WARREN, MI Motion by Sturgeon, seconded by Loch, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve purchase of two police vehicles from Shuman Chrysler/Dodge for $26,075 per car with single source installation from Canfield Emergency Equipment in Warren, MI. 4. Purchase of Patrol Car Camera Systems CM 01-13-15 MOTION TO APPROVE PURCHASE OF PATROL CAR CAMERA SYSTEMS FROM WATCHGUARD Motion by Owsinek, seconded by Sturgeon, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve the purchase of one patrol car camera system from WatchGuard. 5. Livescan Equipment Replacement Request Police Chief Shakinas said the system used to finger print and photograph individuals is required to be updated per Oakland County. Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 8 of 81 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 6, 2015 Page 8 of 9 CM 01-14-15 MOTION TO APPROVE LIVESCAN EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Motion by Sturgeon, seconded by Ambrose, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve the Livescan Equipment Replacement. 6. Building Permit Fees Finance Director Coogan introduced a building permit fee memo outlining the current building permit fees and the recommended adjustments not including the electrical, mechanical, and plumbing. She asked that council review and provide feedback. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: None COUNCIL COMMENTS: Wished everyone a Happy New Year and be safe with the artic weather. CM 01-15-15 BILLS FOR APPROVAL Motion by Robertson, seconded by Loch, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To authorize the Treasurer to make disbursements and transfers on Warrant #1-2015 in the amount of $521,049.43 this being the best interest of the City. Council recessed 8:53 p.m. Council entered into executive session 9:03 p.m. Council rose from executive session 10:01 p.m. CM 01-16-15 MOTION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PROCEED WITH LIGATION SETTLMENT AS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Sturgeon, seconded by Ambrose, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve authorize the City Attorney to proceed with litigation settlement as discussed in executive session. CM 01-17-15 MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2015-3 APPROVING AN EMPLOYEE AGREEMENT WITH PAUL SHAKINAS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 9 of 81 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 6, 2015 Page 9 of 9 Motion by Robertson, seconded by Loch, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve Resolution 2015-3 approving an employee agreement with Paul Shakinas and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement. CM 01-18-15 MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2015-4 APPROVING AN EMPLOYEE AGREEMENT WITH COLLEEN M. COOGAN AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT Motion by Robertson, seconded by Loch, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve Resolution 2015-4 approving an employee agreement with Colleen M. Coogan and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement. CM 01-19-15 MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2015-5 APPROVING AN AMENDED EMPLOYEE AGREEMENT WITH L. DENNIS WHITT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT Motion by Ambrose, seconded by Owsinek, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: To approve Resolution 2015-5 approving an employee agreement with L. Dennis Whitt and authorizing the City Mayor to execute the agreement. Council adjourned 10:05 p.m. __________________________________ Jennifer A. Stuart, DEPUTY CITY CLERK ________________________________ Linda S. Ackley, MAYOR History: Chapter 6, The Council: Procedure and Miscellaneous Powers and Duties: Section 6.7 (a) A journal of the proceedings of each meeting shall be kept in the English language by the Clerk and shall be signed by the presiding officer and Clerk of the meeting. Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 10 of 81 MEMORANDUM Department of Public Safety ∙ Fire Division 1499 E. West Maple Road ∙ Walled Lake, MI 48390 ∙ (248) 624-2088 To: L. Dennis Whitt, City Manager From: James O. Coomer, Jr., Interim Fire Chief Re: Automatic Mutual Aid Agreement Date: February 3, 2015 The City of Walled Lake Fire Department and the City of Novi Fire Department propose to enter into an Automatic Mutual Aid Agreement (AMA). With this AMA, the resources are automatically provided at no cost. The AMA agreement (attached) provides an engine or ladder truck from the City of Novi Fire Department and sends it automatically to any confirmed structure fire (e.g. multiple calls of smoke/flames showing) in the Walled Lake city limits and in turn the City of Walled Lake Fire Department will automatically provide an engine or ladder to Novi in the North sections 01,02,03,04,(NE and SE), 09 (NE and SE),10,11 and 12; the southeast quadrant of their community. Legal counsel has reviewed this matter and opines there is no legal impediment which precludes the City of Walled Lake from executing the agreement. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of the Fire Department Automatic Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of Walled Lake and the City of Novi. Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 11 of 81 STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND AGREEMENT FOR AUTOMATIC MUTUAL AID This Agreement is between the City of Novi, a Michigan municipal corporation, whose address is 45175 West Ten Mile Road, Novi, MI 48375, and the City of Walled Lake, a Michigan municipal corporation, whose address is 1499 E. West Maple Road, Walled Lake, MI 48390, effective on the last date of the signatures set forth below. R E C I T A L S: Novi and Walled Lake both staff and maintain fire station(s) for the safety and protection of the lives and property within their respective jurisdictions; and In order to provide the most appropriate service response to its residents, Novi and Walled Lake desire to enter into an agreement whereby each entity may render automatic mutual aid to each other for certain defined incidents; and More specifically, Novi and Walled Lake seek to provide automatic response with at least an engine or ladder company with 2 personnel for confirmed structure fires. The parties have agreed to set forth guidelines for such automatic mutual aid. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: a. "Automatic Mutual Aid Response" shall mean the automatic response by the Responding City of the closest available resources via emergency dispatch to a request for response by the Requesting City. b. “Confirmed Structure Fire” shall be identified as first person caller, police officer or firefighter on scene, or multiple calls to dispatch or PSAP In Walled Lake, a confirmed structure fire within the City limits of Walled Lake. In Novi, confirmed structure fires in accessible areas of sections 01,02,03,04 (NE and SE), 09 (NE and SE), 10, 11 and 12. Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 12 of 81 2. Request for Assistance. The Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) communications dispatching center for each municipality will confirm the structure fire from a caller, police or fire personnel. Either City is authorized at any time to request Automatic Mutual Aid Response from the other City. The request shall be directed to the authorized PSAP of the City being called to respond. The request for Automatic Mutual Aid Response shall specify the amount and type of equipment and number of personnel required, and shall specify the location to which the equipment and personnel are to be dispatched. 3. Response to Request. Upon receipt of a request for Automatic Mutual Aid Response, the commanding officer of the Responding City shall: a. Immediately advise the Requesting City if the equipment and personnel are not available. 4. Command Responsibility at Emergency Scene. The incident commander of the Requesting City at the scene of the emergency to which an Automatic Mutual Aid Response is made shall be in command of the operations under which the equipment and personnel sent by the Responding City shall serve; provided, however, that the responding equipment and personnel shall be under the immediate supervision of the officer in charge of the responding apparatus. 5. Responsibility for Employees. Each City agrees to be responsible for disability and workers’ compensation benefits, including derivative benefits, dependent benefits or other benefits related to disability and workers’ compensation benefits, for its own employees. 6. Liability. Each City shall be responsible for any claims made against that City and for the acts of its employees or agents. In any claims that may arise from the performance of this Agreement, each City shall seek its own legal representation and bear the costs associated with such representation, including attorney fees. Except as otherwise provide in this Agreement, neither City shall have any right, under any legal principle, to be indemnified by the other City or any of its employees or agents in connection with any claim. This Agreement does not, and is not intended to, impair, divest, delegate, or contravene any constitutional, statutory, and/or other legal right, privilege, power, obligation, duty or immunity of the Cities. All of the privileges and immunities from liability, and exemptions from laws, ordinances, and rules which apply to the activities of parties, officers, agencies, and employees of any governmental agency when performing its functions, shall apply to the same degree and extent to the performance of such functions and duties under the provisions of this Agreement. No provision of this Agreement is intended, nor shall any provision of this Agreement be construed, as a waiver by either City of governmental immunity as provided under law. Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 13 of 81 7. Insurance. Both Cities hereby confirm and acknowledge that they maintain adequate insurance coverage to cover claims or damages arising out of the provision of fire service under this Agreement. A lapse in the insurance coverage required under the Agreement by either City shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement and the Agreement shall become null and void automatically as to that City at any time such a lapse in coverage exists. 8. No Compensation. Neither City will seek compensation from the other City for Automatic Mutual Aid Response services rendered under this Agreement. Each City will remain responsible to its own employees for the payment of wages and other compensation and for carrying workmen's compensation upon said employees, and shall be responsible for its own equipment and bear the risk of loss therefore. 9. Authority. This Agreement is being execute in accordance with the provisions of Michigan Constitution of 1963, Article 7, § 28, and the Urban Cooperation Act of 1967, Act No. 7 of the Public Acts of 1967, Ex. Sess., being MCL 124.501, et. seq. 10. Termination. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect unless written Notice of Termination is given by either City. Termination shall be effective on the 90th day following such Notice, unless the termination is for cause, in which case it shall be effective within 14 days of such Notice. 11. Amendments for Additional Contracting Agencies. Additional parties to this Agreement may be added by resolution of the legislative body of the added party and corresponding resolutions of the legislative bodies of all parties to this Agreement, and appropriate signatures by the representatives of the added party. CITY OF NOVI A Michigan Municipal Organization Dated: _______________, 2015 BY: ________________________________________ Robert J. Gatt, Mayor BY: ________________________________________ Maryanne Cornelius, City Clerk CITY OF WALLED LAKE A Michigan Municipal Organization Dated: _______________, 2015 BY: _________________________________________ L. Dennis Whitt, City Manager BY: _________________________________________ Jennifer A. Stuart, Deputy Clerk Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 14 of 81 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND BUDGET MEMORANDUM January 23, 2015 Planning Fees The City of Walled Lake planning process fees are in line with other communities. The problem with the Walled Lake fee structure is its lack of clarity and cohesiveness which causes fluctuating interpretations and inconsistent fee charges. The fees were last revised in 2003 however staff is unable to locate Council approval of the last revision - an excerpt from the procedures manual in current use is attached. The Department of Planning and Development is serviced by a consultant planner and the general office staff. The consultant planner provides technical and advisory planning services for a monthly retainer of $1,250 which covers six (6) hours of on-site office hours, preparation and attendance as needed at City Council, City Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals meetings. All additional work including site plan reviews are billed to the City separately. After multiple conversations with staff, and the consultant, and analysis of specific application of the fees in use; finance has determined the following: 1. The existing fee structure is open to interpretation and as a result the fees assessed have been subjectively implemented – said implementation has changed with the staff interpretation. a. It appears the entire application payment was at one time treated as an escrow and all consultant charges applied against that. b. Reports indicate the communication between Finance and Planning as to the proper recording of the dollars was not clear. c. Applicants whose plan is handled through ‘Administrative Review’ i.e. a subcommittee of the Planning Committee are not charged any fees even though staff and planner time are still utilized in that process. d. There is some confusion as to what consultant services are included in the fees as assessed and what consultant services are to be billed additionally. Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 15 of 81 2. The city does not recoup any of the monthly retainer costs for the planner. Applicants have pre-application meetings with the planner, and although there is a fee for this on the 2006 procedures manual, it is not assessed if the applicant meets during the planner office hours – unless the planner decides the applicant needs to be billed. As a result applicants do not understand when fees are imposed and subsequently are loose and casual with the staff and planner time. 3. The city fee structure is unnecessarily structured around the planner methodology of billing, when in fact, the City fees only need to structure around city staff time. 4. Applicants are to deposit an escrow amount with the city which is used to pay for “review expenses”. This escrow is rarely enough and the City does not have a good history of receiving additional deposits once the escrow has been depleted. 5. The city has historically charged the applicant 10% of the consultant charges as part of an administrative fees but the authority for this process is unknown. Finance recommends the following fee schedule for Council review: Simplify the fee structure as follows: 1. Reduce the fixed fee and charge said fee to all applicants 2. Maintain the 10% administrative charge on the consultant expenses; the revenue will be applied consistently and increase as the complexity of the project and staff time spent on the project increases. 3. Tighten up the pre-application process with a reduced but consistent fee charge At this time, these administrative fees are not structured to recoup the entire expense of all staff time involved in a project but to at least regain some control, authority, and consistency over the process. Escrow amounts should be sufficient to cover the expected consultant charges and 10% administrative fee. Escrow amounts as directed by the Finance Department will be stated on the application. Applicant will receive a monthly statement of charges against the escrow including written documentation of said charges and any unused escrow amounts will be refunded to the applicant within 90 days of the final review expense received. There should also be a process to report escrow shortages to the City Manager so as to potentially halt further work on a project until the escrow account is replenished. Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 16 of 81 Description Current Fee Recommended Fee All Planning Applications Pre-Application Conference Initial contact/conceptual planning or zoning meeting for ideas Administrative Application Fee (includes one Planning Commission or Administrative Review Sub Committee agenda item) Publication Expense All other expenses including consultant fees and variable admin charged to the applicants escrow which must be deposited at the time of application Escrow Amounts determined by finance department and adjusted as needed Zoning Variance Applications Administrative Application Fee (includes one agenda item): Residential/Commercial Publication Expense All Other Expenses including consultant fees and variable admin charged to the applicants escrow if required which must be deposited at the time of application Escrow Amounts determined by finance department and adjusted as needed $100/$250/$250 During Planner Dir/Plnr/Engr Office Hours at City Hall: 1 conceptual Applied meeting with the inconsistently planner with no fees assessed. Subsequent conference fees to be a flat rate = 1 1/2 hour consultant(s) hourly rate + $30. $750 plus 10% of $250 plus 10% of consultant expenses consultant expenses 0 $250 Direct Pass Through Direct Pass Through Set by Council Set by Finance $75/$500 None None $100/$200 + 10% of consultants 0 $250 Direct pass through Set by Finance Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 17 of 81 December Citations Report December 2014 Search Criteria: Month : December Year : 2014 Citation Type: Both Violation Type: No Warning(s) Range One: 00:00 - 07:59 Range Two: 08:00 - 15:59 Range Three: 16:00 - 23:59 Include Court Approved Only? Yes Count Secondary Officer's Violation? Yes Report ID: 135907 Saved: No Run By: SHAKINAS, PAUL 1/28/2015 12:44:26 PM Page 1 of 5 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 18 of 81 December Citations Report December 2014 TIME RANGE Count Percentage Accident One Two Three YTD ASSAULT 0 0% 0 0 0 0 5 CARELESS DRIVING 0 0% 0 0 0 0 7 1 1.79 % 0 0 0 1 2 0 0% 0 0 0 0 13 DISOBEY TRAF SIGNAL (DISOBEY TRF LGT;ENTER INT ON RED LT;LF TRN THRU RED LT;FAIL STOP TRF SIGNAL/LT) 0 0% 0 0 0 0 2 DISOBEY TRAF SIGNAL (RAN AMBER OR RED LIGHT;RIGHT TURN THRU RED LIGHT W/O STOP) 0 0% 0 0 0 0 6 DISOBEYED STOP SIGN-FAILED TO STOP AT STOP INTERSECTION 0 0% 0 0 0 0 13 DISOBEYED STOP SIGN-FAILED TO STOP AT THROUGH STREET OR STOP SIGN OR RAN STOP SIGN 2 3.57 % 0 0 1 1 5 DISOBEYED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE 0 0% 0 0 0 0 11 DISORDERLY/FIGHTING 0 0% 0 0 0 0 5 DISORDERLY/INTOXICATION 0 0% 0 0 0 0 11 DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE 1 1.79 % 0 0 1 0 3 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 2 3.57 % 0 0 0 2 14 DRIVERS; EXERCISING DUE CARE 1 1.79 % 0 0 0 1 3 DROVE WHILE LICENSE EXPIRED/CANCELED 2 3.57 % 0 1 0 1 8 1 1.79 % 0 1 0 0 7 DROVE WHILE LICENSE SUSPENDED/REVOKED/DENIED 2 3.57 % 0 0 2 0 19 DROVE WITHOUT CYCLE ENDORSEMENT 1 1.79 % 0 0 0 1 2 DROVE WITHOUT DUE CARE AND/OR CAUTION 0 0% 0 0 0 0 6 DRUG PARAPHERNALIA 0 0% 0 0 0 0 2 EQUIPMENT VIOLATION: DEFECTIVE BRAKES/NO BRAKES 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 EQUIPMENT VIOLATION: DEFECTIVE EXHAUST SYSTEM 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 EQUIPMENT VIOLATION: DEFECTIVE LIGHTING 0 0% 0 0 0 0 3 Violation Description **ALL OTHERS** CONSUMPTION OF LIQUOR ON HIGHWAYS OR ON PROPERTY OPEN TO PUBLIC CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES DROVE WHILE LICENSE NOT VALID OR IMPR LICENSE (NO LICENSE NEVER APPLIED) 1/28/2015 12:44:26 PM Page 2 of 5 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 19 of 81 December Citations Report December 2014 EQUIPMENT VIOLATION: DEFECTIVE TIRES 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 EQUIPMENT VIOLATION: DEFECTIVE, CRACKED, SHATTERED WINDSHIELD 0 0% 0 0 0 0 2 EQUIPMENT VIOLATION: OBSTRUCTED REAR OR SIDE REAR WINDOW DUE TO EXCESSIVE TINT/FILM 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 1 1.79 % 0 0 0 1 4 FAIL TO YIELD: ONCOMING TRF; RIGHT OF WAY; R.O.W. TO VEH ON RT; AT STOP SIGN; DID NOT OBSERVE TRAF 0 0% 0 0 0 0 3 FAILED TO CHANGE ADDRESS ON DRIVER LICENSE 0 0% 0 0 0 0 5 FAILED TO DISPLAY VALID LICENSE 0 0% 0 0 0 0 3 0 0% 0 0 0 0 2 FAILED TO STOP LEAVING ALLEY OR PRIVATE DRIVE 0 0% 0 0 0 0 2 FAILED TO STOP WITHIN ASSURED CLEAR DISTANCE 1 1.79 % 0 0 1 0 18 FURNISHING FALSE ID TO PO 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 2 3.57 % 0 0 0 2 2 IMPEDED TRAFFIC 2 3.57 % 0 0 1 1 3 IMPROPER LANE USE 0 0% 0 0 0 0 6 IMPROPER PASSING (PASSING ONCOMING VEHICLES) 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 IMPROPER PASSING ON YELLOW LINE OR PASSING IN NO PASSING ZONE 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 IMPROPER TURN (LEFT TURN IN FRONT OF MOVING TRAFFIC) 0 0% 0 0 0 0 3 IMPROPER TURN (RT OR LFT TRN; CUT TRAF IN INTERSECTION; WIDE RT TRN; RT OR LFT TRN FROM WRONG LANE) 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 LARCENY 1 1.79 % 0 0 0 1 1 NO INSURANCE - CIVIL INFRACTION 1 1.79 % 0 0 0 1 7 10 17.86 % 0 1 3 6 31 OPEN INTOXICANTS IN VEHICLE-DRIVER 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 OPERATING WHILE INTOXICATED 0 0% 0 0 0 0 12 OPERATING WHILE INTOXICATED-ACCIDENT 0 0% 0 0 0 0 4 FAIL TO YIELD WHEN TURNING LEFT FAILED TO REPORT ACCIDENT (PERSONAL INJURY/PROPERTY DAMAGE) GIVING AWAY ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR ON UNLICENSED PREMISES NO PROOF OF INSURANCE 1/28/2015 12:44:26 PM Page 3 of 5 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 20 of 81 December Citations Report December 2014 OPERATING WHILE READING, TYPING OR SENDING A TEXT MESSAGE 1 1.79 % 0 0 0 1 3 PARKING FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES PROHIBITED 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 PARKING-FIRE LANE 1 1.79 % 0 0 1 0 7 PARKING-HANDICAP 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 PARKING-HANDICAP 1 1.79 % 0 0 0 1 1 PARKING-IMPROPER 1 1.79 % 0 0 1 0 4 PARKING-IMPROPER 0 0% 0 0 0 0 4 PERSON UNDER 21 REFUSED PRELIMINARY BREATH TEST 0 0% 0 0 0 0 2 PROHIBITED TURN (ILLEGAL U-TURN; ILLEGAL RIGHT OR LEFT TURN; PROHIBITED TURN - HOURS POSTED) 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 0 0% 0 0 0 0 4 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 REGISTRATION/PLATE VIOL: EXPIRED PLATES 0 0% 0 0 0 0 3 REGISTRATION/PLATE VIOL: EXPIRED PLATES 4 7.14 % 0 0 3 1 37 REGISTRATION/PLATE VIOL: FAILED TO TRANSFER REGISTRATION PLATES 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 REGISTRATION/PLATE VIOL: IMPROPER ATTACHMENT OF LICENSE PLATES 0 0% 0 0 0 0 3 REGISTRATION/PLATE VIOL: IMPROPER PLATES 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 REGISTRATION/PLATE VIOL: NO REGISTRATION 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 REGISTRATION/PLATE VIOL: NO REGISTRATION ON PERSON 0 0% 0 0 0 0 2 REGISTRATION/PLATE VIOL: NO VALID PLATE 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 RESIST/OBSTRUCT/HINDER/INTERFERE W/POLICE 1 1.79 % 0 1 0 0 9 SCHOOL BUS SPEED 06-10 OVER 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 SPEED SCHOOL/EMERGENCY 11 - 15 OVER 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 SPEEDING 01-05 OVER 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 SPEEDING 01-05 OVER 12 21.43 % 0 2 5 5 69 SPEEDING 06-10 OVER 2 3.57 % 0 0 1 1 19 RECKLESS DRIVING REGISTRATION/PLATE VIOL: DROVE UNREGISTERED VEHICLE 1/28/2015 12:44:26 PM Page 4 of 5 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 21 of 81 December Citations Report December 2014 SPEEDING 11-15 OVER 0 0% 0 0 0 0 4 SPEEDING 16-20 OVER 0 0% 0 0 0 0 2 SPEEDING 21-25 OVER 0 0% 0 0 0 0 4 STOPPING, STANDING, OR PARKING ON STREETS SIGNED FOR ANGLE PARKING 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 UNAUTHORIZED OR IMPROPER USE OF LIGHTS (FAILED TO TURN ON LIGHTS AFTER SUNSET; DROVE WITHOUT LIGHTS) 1 1.79 % 0 0 0 1 1 UNDER 21 POSSESS/CONSUME ALCOHOL 1 1.79 % 0 1 0 0 15 VIOL SAFETY BELT LAW/DRIVER 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 VIOL SAFETY BELT LAW/DRIVER 0 0% 0 0 0 0 3 VIOLATION GRADUATED LICENSE PERMIT 0 0% 0 0 0 0 4 VIOLATION OF BASIC SPEED LAW 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 VIOLATION OF CHILD RESTRAINT LAW (LESS THAN 4 YRS OLD) 0 0% 0 0 0 0 1 VIOLATION RESTRICTED LICENSE (CT ORD REST LICENSE/DRIVER IMPR REST/DLAD REST LICENSE/MINOR REST LIC) 0 0% 0 0 0 0 2 56 100 % 0 7 20 29 481 Total **ALL OTHERS** Total Violations 56 0 7 20 29 481 Total Tickets 47 0 4 19 24 400 1/28/2015 12:44:26 PM Page 5 of 5 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 22 of 81 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 23 of 81 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 24 of 81 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 25 of 81 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 26 of 81 Walled Lake Fire Department Monthly Report December 2014 January 26, 2015 TO: L. Dennis Whitt-City Manager FROM: James Coomer-Interim Fire Chief RE: Summary of Fire Activities for the Month of December 2014 Attached you will find a report of activities as they relate to the Walled Lake Fire Department for the month of December 2014. All Firefighters were re-certified in CPR and the use of the Automatic External Defibrillator this month. During training this month, each Firefighter was fit tested in the use of a Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). This testing process is performed annually and mandated by MIOSHA. Two of our Firefighters are enrolled in Company Officer I program in Holly Michigan. Firefighter Ron Menser is enrolled in Company Fire Officer III series in South Lyon, MI. Were in the Process of re-licenses our EMS transport licenses. Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 27 of 81 INCIDENT INFORMATION DECEMBER 2014 This Month Incident Type TOTAL INCIDENTS 2014 2013 2012 Fires Hazardous Conditions False Calls EMS/Rescue Ambulance Transports Service calls/Good intent calls 65 2 1 5 38 11 19 850 29 44 79 448 154 251 882 33 61 80 506 241 202 984 41 52 74 566 311 251 Mutual Aid Information Auto-Aid Given Auto-Aid Received Mutual Aid Given Mutual aid received 1 0 1 1 15 5 17 7 18 10 21 5 17 10 19 8 Response Time/Staff Average Response Time Average Staff Per Call 5:00 3.6 4:50 3.7 5:01 4.6 5:26 5.1 2014 INCIDENT BY DAY OF WEEK 160 141 140 129 122 129 127 120 100 108 95 80 60 40 20 0 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 28 of 81 28 28 23:00:00 to23:59:59 22:00:00 to22:59:59 21:00:00 to21:59:59 20:00:00 to20:59:59 25 19:00:00 to19:59:59 34 18:00:00 to18:59:59 35 17:00:00 to17:59:59 40 16:00:00 to16:59:59 28 15:00:00 to15:59:59 41 14:00:00 to14:59:59 2014 INCIDENT BY TIME OF DAY 13:00:00 to13:59:59 12:00:00 to12:59:59 40 11:00:00 to11:59:59 10:00:00 to10:59:59 09:00:00 to 09:59:59 08:00:00 to 08:59:59 10 10 07:00:00 to 07:59:59 2.8 3 06:00:00 to 06:59:59 9 12 05:00:00 to 05:59:59 3.3 04:00:00 to 04:59:59 14 03:00:00 to 03:59:59 02:00:00 to 02:59:59 16 01:00:00 to 01:59:59 00:00:00 to 00:59:00 INCIDENT INFORMATION DECEMBER 2014 2014 AVERAGE RESPONDER BY TIME OF DAY 6.31 5.94 5.455.57 4.96 4.8 4.2 4.13 3.96 3.82 3.7 3.42 3.34 3.063.2 3.043.22 2.872.87 1.922.18 60 46 38 32 27 22 21 14 9 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 29 of 81 WALLED LAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT INCIDENT RESPONSE JANUARY 2014 THROUGH DECEMBER 2014 Type of Calls 100 - Fire, other 111 - Building fire 112 - Fires in structures other than in a building 113 - Cooking fire, confined to container 131 - Passenger vehicle fire 151 - Outside rubbish, trash or waste fire 154 - Dumpster or other outside trash receptacle fire Total - Fires Total Percent 1 17 1 5 2 2 1 23 0.12% 1.53% 0.12% 0.59% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 2.74% 3 145 3 268 15 3 8 2 1 444 0.35% 16.80% 0.35% 31.26% 1.76% 0.35% 0.94% 0.24% 0.12% 52.86% 400 - Hazardous condition, other 411 - Gasoline or other flammable liquid spill 412 - Gas leak (natural gas or LPG) 424 - Carbon monoxide incident 444 - Power line down 4441 - Other Utility - Phone or Cable Line 445 - Arcing, shorted electrical equipment Total - Hazardous Conditions (No fire) 1 3 8 2 21 8 1 44 0.12% 0.35% 0.94% 0.24% 2.47% 0.94% 0.12% 5.24% 500 - Service Call, other 510 - Person in distress, other 511 - Lock-out 512 - Ring or jewelry removal 520 - Water problem, other 522 - Water or steam leak 531 - Smoke or odor removal 541 - Animal problem 550 - Public service assistance, other 551 - Assist police or other governmental agency 552 - Police matter 553 - Public service 3 6 1 1 4 5 3 1 25 4 8 38 0.35% 0.71% 0.12% 0.12% 0.47% 0.59% 0.35% 0.12% 2.94% 0.47% 0.94% 4.47% 300 - Rescue, emergency medical call (EMS) call, other 311 - Medical assist, assist EMS crew 320 - Emergency medical service, other 321 - EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 322 - Vehicle accident with injuries 323 - Motor vehicle/pedestrian accident (MV Ped) 324 - Motor vehicle accident with no injuries 352 - Extrication of victim(s) from vehicle 381 - Rescue or EMS standby Total - Rescue & Emergency Medical Service Incidents Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 30 of 81 Type of Calls 554 - Assist invalid 561 - Unauthorized burning 571 - Cover assignment, standby, moveup Total - Service Call Total Percent 45 15 7 166 5.29% 1.76% 0.82% 19.76% 600 - Good intent call, other 611 - Dispatched & cancelled en route 611E - EMS: Dispatched & cancelled en route 622 - No incident found on arrival at dispatch address 631 - Authorized controlled burning 650 - Steam, other gas mistaken for smoke, other 651 - Smoke scare, odor of smoke Total - Good Intent Call 28 26 3 5 4 1 14 80 3.29% 3.06% 0.35% 0.59% 0.47% 0.12% 1.53% 9.52% 700 - False alarm or false call, other 7001 - False Alarm - Medical 7002 - False Alarm - Fire 731 - Sprinkler activation due to malfunction 733 - Smoke detector activation due to malfunction 735 - Alarm system sounded due to malfunction 736 - CO detector activation due to malfunction 740 - Unintentional transmission of alarm, other 741 - Sprinkler activation, no fire - unintentional 743 - Smoke detector activation, no fire - unintentional 744 - Detector activation, no fire - unintentional 745 - Alarm system sounded, no fire - unintentional Total - False Alarm & False Call 1 25 5 1 10 5 8 10 2 9 2 1 79 0.12% 2.94% 0.59% 0.12% 1.18% 0.59% 0.94% 1.18% 0.24% 1.06% 0.24% 0.12% 9.40% 1 3 4 0.12% 0.35% 0.48% 850 100.00% 900 - Special type of incident, other 9001 - Dispatch Error Total - Special Incident Type Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 31 of 81 Walled Lake Fire Dept. Training Report December Captain Jason R. Gonzalez Training Officer 2014 Training Overview o o o o o On-site scheduled training averaged 10 firefighters in attendance per drill. 11 hours of Scheduled training was offered. Focus of this month’s training was CPR/AED recert & SCBA fit test December was a Joint training month with Commerce Twp Fire. Recruit Firefighters participated in Basic EMT class. Scheduled Training Wed. 12/10 CPR/AED Refresher Sun. 12/21 SCBA Fit Test. Total training hours for December 33.5 HRS . Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 32 of 81 APPARATUS/EQUIPMENT MAINTEANCE REPORT DECEMBER 2014 Apparatus Utility 1 Rescue 1 Bravo 1 Engine 23 Ladder 1 Mileage 35,819 23,573 33,112 29,975 26,430 Last Month 35,625 23,500 32,740 29,905 26,349 Total Miles 194 73 372 70 81 YTD Miles 6398 758 3901 1870 1423 Apparatus Ladder 1 brake air line repaired. Warning lights repaired. Ambulance charging unit repaired. General winter maintenance on apparatus pumps. RADIOS Monthly tower check. 2-Pagers sent in for repair. 1- Prep Radio repaired and reprogrammed. 4-New Pagers received and issued. UNIFORMS AND FIRE GEAR 2 Sets of Turnout Gear cleaned, inspected and repaired. 20-Traffic safety vest issued. Issued Turnout gear to new Firefighter. Equipment 4- Gas Meter sent out for service. Performed maintenance on Ice water rescue suits. Maintained CPR Auto Pulse device battery conditioning. Misc. Duties and Responsibilities: Assisted Park and Recreation with the Holiday Tree Lighting. 2- Blood pressure clinics for seniors citizens. Building Replaced stained ceiling tiles throughout building. Repaired apparatus bay door. Installed weather stripping on bay man doors. Assisted Library with a restroom during water main break. Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 33 of 81 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DECEMBER 2014 MONTHLY REPORT WATER DEPARTMENT Conducted monthly meter reading Collected monthly water samples for bacteriological testing Conducted chlorine residual testing Nine (9) Miss Dig stakeouts Eleven (11) final reads Nine (9) meter inspections/repairs Conducted routine water equipment maintenance Flagged hydrants in Lake Village Condominiums Inspected leaking valve by meter and shut off/on water at road for repair on Wanda One (1) cross connection re-inspection – complied Communicated with business owner regarding cross connection repair Worked with DWSD on meter replacement Investigated status of hydrant repairs on Oakshade and E. West Maple (private property) Investigated and repaired leaking hydrant at end of Oakshade ROADS Local Roads Removed dead animals and debris along road edge as needed Checked and cleared drains as needed Salted all local roads as needed Cold patched as needed Installed new “Stop”, “Road Ends”, and red diamond signs on Osprey Major Roads Removed dead animals and debris along road edge Cold patched roads as needed Checked and cleared drains as needed Salted all major roads as needed PARKS, BEACH AND CEMETERY Picked up garbage and debris at parks, beach and cemetery Inspected parks daily Restocked Mutt Mitts as needed Salted cemetery and Hiram Sims Park bike path as needed Delivered supplies to Foster Farmhouse Mulched leaves at Hiram Sims Park Cleaned Hiram Sims Park BUILDING AND GROUNDS Cleaned City Hall daily Conducted routine inspection of emergency power supply generator at Police Department. Posted and removed marquee messages as needed Emptied trash receptacles throughout city as needed 1 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 34 of 81 Building and Grounds – continued Replaced burnt out bulbs and fuses in street lights as needed Replaced burnt out bulbs at City Hall (inside and outside) as needed Cleaned Council Chambers for meetings Performed routine maintenance on all equipment Performed routine maintenance on all vehicles Set up, assisted with, and removed decorations for Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony Salted all City sidewalks and parking lots, and City Hall complex as needed Inspected daily and replaced burnt out light bulbs on all Christmas lights throughout city Cleaned DPW shop and yard Prepared all vehicles and equipment for plowing and salting Inspected city welcome sign lights Lowered and raised flags in remembrance of Pearl Harbor, and in honor of fallen police officer Repaired decorative streetlight pole decorations as needed Worked in conjunction with electrician on decorative streetlight pole repair along N. Pontiac Trail Repaired electrical switch on City Hall Removed garland and decorations for decorative streetlight poles and City Hall complex REFUSE December regular trash tonnage – 179.67 December curbside recyclable tonnage – 23.56 WATERSHED Counted and restocked brochures as needed at City Hall, Library, and DPW Building Worked on 2015 e-waste collection schedule OTHER Supervised community service workers who picked up trash and debris, and conducted basic building maintenance and cleaning Worked on and submitted annual Act 51 financial report to MDOT Attended monthly DDA meeting Attended RRRASOC meeting in Farmington Hills Worked on MDOT asset management report Spoke to RCOC regarding various items Attended Support Our Troops run/walk meeting Reviewed DWSD materials Attended meeting with developer of proposed lakefront project Met with City-contracted engineer about various projects Entered business testable devices results into spreadsheets Updated cross connection inspection spreadsheets Picked up road construction signs along N. Pontiac Trail and Decker Assisted Finance Director with record retention Repaired grass at W. West Maple and Ladd and along E. West Maple 2 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 35 of 81 DDA Picked up road side trash and other debris, conducted routine inspections, and checked and cleaned drains in DDA area as needed Miss Dig stakeouts as needed Picked up City trash in downtown Repaired and replaced fuses/bulbs in streetlights as needed Salted all roads, sidewalks, and parking lots as needed Repaired decorative streetlight pole decorations as needed Removed garland and decorations for decorative streetlight poles Worked in conjunction with electrician on decorative streetlight pole repair along N. Pontiac Trail SMART BUS Washed SMART bus as needed Handled SMART bus maintenance issues as needed 3 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 36 of 81 Department Of Building & Planning CODE ENFORCEMENT Harold W. Rudolph Building Official Jeff Rondeau Code Enforcement City of Walled Lake, Michigan 1499 E. West Maple Walled Lake, MI 48390 (248) 624-4847 [email protected] January 9, 2015 Planning Commission Board Re: Ordinance Enforcement Status Report City of Walled Lake December 2014 Called property owner about dock poles left in the lake, now removed from this residence. Visited Salvation Army (old store) to address resident concerns about old furniture being stored along the wall that used to be a smoking place for employees. Removed old chairs and placed near dumpster. Notice left for resident about not removing their trash cans after pickup. Several issues addressed at Salvation Army about cart storage and doors being blocked. Fire department visited and Building Official as well, concerning bathroom exhaust fans. Owner of rental property contacted about old furniture left in front yard of home, it is now removed. Several letter and notices left at rental home concerning storage of cars and construction materials. Letter have been sent to the owner with no response, been working with the tenant to clean up, going slow but steady. Letter sent to owner of rental home concerning huge brush pile on front of home after complaint from the neighbors; cleaned up. Six vehicles red tagged unlicensed or inoperable, now removed. Resident was asked to stop burning leaves, after huge cloud appeared from the smoke, resident complied. Closed Soil erosion inspection report for new built home on the lake. Notice left at a new business opened without C of O inspection and required fire department inspection now scheduled required inspections and following proper process. Commercial Semi tractor red tagged behind apartment complex, I will monitor to be sure it stays gone. Sincerely, Jeff J. Rondeau Ordinance Enforcement Officer HWR/jr Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 37 of 81 MEMORANDUM To: Linda Ackley, City of Walled Lake Mayor; Walled Lake City Council Members From: Vahan C. Vanerian, City Attorney Re: Wireless Communications Regulatory Changes File: 7037 NF4 Date: January 28, 2015 OVERVIEW Recently, there have been drastic changes in the law related to wireless communications including the scope of local review, regulation and approval of wireless communications facilities and structures such as cell towers, antennas, shelters and related equipment. Specifically, the FCC recently issued Report and Order No. 14-153 related to Wireless Communications Facilities. State and local governments have 90 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register to comply with the rules adopted. Accordingly, timely review and adoption of new local wireless communications facility regulations is imperative, or the municipality will not have any input on a proposed facility- it will be deemed approved by operation of law. On January 8, 2015, the FCC published Rule 14-153 in the Federal Register. Consequently, it is recommended that the city adopt the necessary ordinance amendments by April 8, 2015 to preserve local regulatory authority over wireless communications facilities to the extent allowed by existing laws. ANALYSIS This is a summary of the legal changes related to wireless communications infrastructure: Changes in State Law On February 24, 2012, Public Act 143 of 2012 became effective. This Act amended the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act and added a new section MCL 125.3514. MCL 125.3514 provides that wireless communications equipment, including cellular towers, are a permitted use of property and not subject to special land use approval or other local approval if 1) the wireless communications equipment is to be collocated on an existing wireless communications support structure or in an existing equipment compound previously approved by the municipality; and 2) that the proposed collocation does not do any of the following: 1 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 38 of 81 a) Increase the overall height of the cellular tower by more than 20 feet or 10% of its original height, whichever is greater; b) Increase the width of the cellular tower support structure by more than the minimum necessary to permit co-location; and Increase the area of the existing equipment compound to greater than 2,500 c) square feet. In addition, it is very important to note that new time restrictions for acting on an application for approval of a wireless communications facility are in effect. Pursuant to MCL 125.3514 an application must be reviewed to determine if it is complete, and notice must be provided to an applicant within fourteen (14) business days if the application is incomplete. If notice is not provided within the time frame, the application is deemed complete. A decision on the application for a collocation shall be made within sixty (60) days or it is deemed approved; and a decision on an application for a new facility shall be made within ninety (90) days or it is deemed approved. Changes in Federal Law The Telecommunications Act in 47 USC 332(c)(7)(B)(i)(I) and (II) provides that the regulation of the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities such as cell towers by any municipality “shall not unreasonably discriminate among providers”; and shall “not prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services.” Federal courts have determined that if a municipality denies a carrier’s request for a cellular tower which results in the carrier continuing to have a “significant gap” in coverage, such denial is a violation of the Act. Further, a local government may not regulate based on the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions, provided that the facilities comply with FCC regulations. In addition, 47 USC 332(c)(7)(B)(3)(iii) provides that a local government’s denial of a carrier’s request to place, construct, or modify personal wireless facilities shall be in writing and supported by “substantial evidence contained in a written record.” Federal courts have determined that “substantial evidence” is such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion. Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and the Job Creation Act of 2012 In 2012, federal legislation was adopted to require local government to approve certain collocations. Section 6409(a) of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 contained provisions to limit a local government’s authority to deny requests to modify existing facilities that do not substantially change the physical dimensions of the existing tower or base station. Specifically, Section 6409(a) provides: Sec. 6409. Wireless Facilities Deployment. (a) Facility Modifications. 2 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 39 of 81 (1) IN GENERAL. Notwithstanding section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (Public Law 104–104) or any other provision of law, a State or local government may not deny, and shall approve, any eligible facilities request for a modification of an existing wireless tower or base station that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Report and Order 14-153. On October 21, 2014, the FCC issued Report and Order 14-153 “to promote the deployment of wireless infrastructure, recognizing that it is the physical foundation that supports all wireless communications.” Therein, the FCC adopted rules to clarify and implement Section 6409(a) and 47 USC 332(c)(7). Specifically, the rules are to implement the directive contained in Section 6409(a) that: A State or local government may not deny, and shall approve, any eligible facilities request for a modification of an existing wireless tower or base station that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station. The FCC Report and Order provides definitions and clarification that any structure used for wireless communications equipment becomes an eligible facility for collocation of equipment (regardless of local zoning) provided that it does not substantially change the physical dimensions of the structure. The rule also adopts regulations related to the review of applications for collocation and a sixty (60) day time frame for review. Consistent with State law, the FCC rules state that in the event the local government fails to approve or deny a request for collocation within the time frame for review, the request is deemed granted. T-Mobile v West Bloomfield Township The United States Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit in the case of T-Mobile Central LLC v Charter Township of West Bloomfield, supra., addressed many issues regarding the ability of municipalities to deny a carrier’s request for a cellular tower. The Court held that T-Mobile was only legally required to establish that T-Mobile’s proposed manner of filling the significant gap in coverage met the Federal Court’s “least intrusive standard.” In order to meet the least intrusive standard, a cellular carrier must only show that a good faith effort was made by the carrier to identify and evaluate less intrusive alternatives, that it considered less sensitive sites, alternative system designs, alternative tower designs, and placement of antenna on existing structures. The Court found that the Township’s denial of T-Mobile’s request for a cellular tower was in violation of 47 USC 332, and that the denial of the cellular tower prohibited and/or had the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services by T-Mobile because it resulted in T-Mobile continuing to have a “significant gap” in coverage. 3 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 40 of 81 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that council authorize preparation of the appropriate wireless communications ordinance amendments needed to preserve the City’s local regulatory authority over wireless communications facilities to the extent authorized under existing law. 2969067 4 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 41 of 81 STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND CITY OF WALLED LAKE ORDINANCE NO. C-319-14 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE SIGN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WALLED LAKE, ARTICLE 20.00, SECTION 20.08(r) “ELECTRONIC CHANGEABLE COPY (LED) SIGNS” OF THE CITY OF WALLED LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE. THE CITY OF WALLED LAKE ORDAINS: Section 1 of Ordinance. Purpose The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend The Walled Lake Sign Ordinance as provided herein to allow the usage of Light Emitting Diode (LED) signs for use within the City. Section 2 of Ordinance. Nonresidential District Signs Article 20.00, “SIGNS”, Section 20.08, sub-section (r) “ELECTRONIC CHANGEABLE COPY (LED) SIGNS” of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Walled Lake IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ IN ITS ENTIRETY AS FOLLOWS: (r) Electronic Changeable Copy (LED) Signs. a. LED signs may be permitted in the C-1, C-2, and C-3 Districts subject to the following conditions: 1. Such sign shall not produce blinking or animated messages. 2. The changeable copy or message delivered by the sign shall not be changed more often than once in any eight-hour time period. 3. Such sign may be a maximum of 15%, up to a maximum of 30 sq. ft., of the total sign size. 4. LED signs may only be incorporated into freestanding signs. 5. All messages shall not exceed two lines of characters. 6. Such sign shall be limited to 50 foot-candles power output. b. Exempt Signs. 1. Public signs and traffic control signs, including the authorized signs of a government body or public utility, including traffic signs, legal notices, railroad crossing signs, warnings of a hazard, and similar signs. Page 1 of 2 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 42 of 81 Section 4 of Ordinance. Repealer. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed only to the extent necessary to give this ordinance full force and effect. Section 5 of Ordinance. Severability . If any section, clause or provision of this ordinance shall be declared to be unconstitutional, void, illegal or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, such section, clause or provision declared to be unconstitutional, void or illegal shall thereby cease to be a part of this ordinance; but the remainder of this ordinance shall stand and be in full force and effect. Section 6 of Ordinance. Savings. All proceedings pending and all rights and liabilities existing, acquired or incurred at the time this ordinance takes effect are saved and may be consummated according to the law in force when they are commenced. Section 7 of Ordinance. Effective Date. The provisions of this ordinance are hereby ordered to take effect following publication in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the City of Walled Lake. AYES: ( ) NAYS: ( ) ABSENTS: ( ) ABSTENTIONS: ( ) STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) )SS. ) ________________________________ L. DENNIS WHITT City Manager/Clerk _________________________________ LINDA S. ACKLEY Mayor Introduced: Adopted: Published: Effective: Page 2 of 2 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 43 of 81 STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND CITY OF WALLED LAKE RESOLUTION AMENDING BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE Proposed RESOLUTION 2015-6 At a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Walled Lake, Oakland County, Michigan, held in the Council Chambers at 1499 E. West Maple Road, Walled Lake, Michigan 48390, on February 3, 2015, the following Resolution was adopted. WHEREAS, the Stille-DeRossett-Hale Single State Construction Code Act, 1972 P.A. 230, as amended, MCL 125.1501, et seq, (“Act”) authorizes a governmental subdivision, as defined by the Act, to adopt an ordinance assuming responsibility for the administration and enforcement of the State of Michigan Construction Codes throughout the governmental subdivision’s corporate limits; and WHEREAS, the City of Walled Lake, pursuant to authority under the Act, has adopted an ordinance codified under Chapter 14 of the City of Walled Lake Code of Ordinances assuming responsibility for the administration and enforcement of the State of Michigan Construction Codes throughout the City’s corporate limits; and WHEREAS, that Chapter 14, Article II, Section 14-27 of the City of Walled Lake Code of Ordinances authorizes establishing City fees to cover costs incurred by the City arising out of administration and enforcement of the state construction codes by adopting a fee schedule by resolution of City Council; and WHEREAS, the City incurs significant costs, expenses and expenditure of time due to assuming responsibility for the administration and enforcement of the State of Michigan Construction Codes throughout the City’s corporate limits; and WHEREAS, City Council having previously established by resolution a fee schedule for certain services arising out of administration and enforcement of the State of Michigan Construction Codes throughout the City’s corporate limits (“fee schedule”); and WHEREAS, City Council having determined that the City’s current fee schedule requires updating to reflect actual and reasonable costs incurred by the City due to assuming responsibility for the administration and enforcement of the State of Michigan Construction Codes throughout the City’s corporate limits; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City’s Building Department Fee Schedule is hereby amended as set forth below: Page 1 of 3 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 44 of 81 1. Plan examination fee: Plan Examination (Review) Fees Minimum Fee Hourly Rate $35 $75 2. Specific permits fees: Specific Permit Fees Replacement Windows Replacement Doors Tear Off or Re-Roof: Res/Com Decks & Porches Siding Demolition Grading: Res /Com Soil Erosion Parking Lots Pools Fence Special/Addtl/Re-inspection Temporary C of O Safety Inspection Manufactured (Mobile) Housing Temporary Buildings Work not involving Sq Ft Computation $60 $60 $60/$120 roof section $120 $60 $120+.07/sq ft $60/$120 $120 acre (min 1 acre) $120 $120 $120 $50 $100 $125 $120 $120 $60 # Inspections 1 1 1/2 2 1 2 1/2 2 2 2 2 1 N/A 1 2 2 1 3. All other permit fees to be based on the most current Bureau of Construction Codes Square Foot Construction Cost Table and utilizing the pricing table recommended by the Construction Code Commission: Residential & Commercial Permit Fee Table to $1K $75 $1K - $10K $75 + $10/$1K over $1K $10K - $100K $165 + $3/$1K over $10K $100K - $500K $435 + $2/$1K over $100K over $500K $1,235 + $3/$1K over $500K NOW, FURTHER IT BE RESOLVED, that except as expressly provided by this resolution, all fees and fee amounts charged by the Department of Planning and Development Page 2 of 3 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 45 of 81 prior to adoption of this resolution, not specifically adopted or amended by this resolution, shall be and remain in full force and effect. Motion to approve Resolution offered by ______ seconded by ______. AYES: NAYS: ABSENTS: ABSTENTIONS: RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED: STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) )SS. ) __________________________________ L. DENNIS WHITT City Manager/City Clerk ___________________________________ LINDA S. ACKLEY Mayor Page 3 of 3 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 46 of 81 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND BUDGET MEMORANDUM January 6, 2015 Building Permit Fees The Building Department exists to oversee construction and alterations to the buildings in the City, with the objective of assuring conformity to various State and Local building and zoning laws, so that building users' health, safety and welfare are protected. All activity in the Building Department is initiated by the action or inaction of city residents. As a result there is justifiable basis for expecting that the expenses of the building department be borne by those residents who are the catalyst for the activity. The Walled Lake Building Department has been operating in the red for the last eight (8) years with losses ranging from $23,000 to $145,000. Staff analysis has determined that the primary weaknesses in the fee structure revolve around the following factors: 1. The City does not recover the cost of plan examination (review) expenses for the Building Department – all plans are reviewed and commented upon before actual construction begins. The City bears the time and cost of these reviews as the ‘permit fee’ is structured to recover only the inspection and administrative costs and in most cases it does not meet those objectives. The time involved in the plan examination process increases with the size and complexity of the project. 2. Some smaller project permits are incorrectly priced as if only one inspection is required. For example ‘Decks & Porches’ – small project permit fee is $85 – cost of inspections is $60. After paying the plan examination fee of $30 the city has a loss of $5 and does not recover any administrative costs. 3. In large projects the permit cost for residential construction could exceed the cost of commercial construction. 4. The City of Walled Lake bases its fees on the square footage involved in the project. However square footage is not a determinant of the complexity and therefore of staff time required for the project. Without exception the communities chosen for comparison rely on the project cost to determine the majority of the permit prices. The most common Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 47 of 81 source for cost information is the Michigan Bureau of Construction Codes ‘Square Foot Construction Cost Table’ as approved and updated by the Construction Code Commission under the auspices of the Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs. Staff recommends the following fees for Council review: 1. Add a plan examination fee to be charged as necessary: Plan Examination (Review) Fees Minimum Fee Hourly Rate $35 $75 2. Revise the small project permits that are individually noted so that the prices cover the cost of the needed inspections and administrative time: Specific Permit Fees Replacement Windows $60 Replacement Doors $60 Tear Off or Re-Roof: Res/Com $60/$120 roof section Decks & Porches $120 Siding $60 Demolition $120+.07/sq ft Grading: Res /Com $60/$120 Soil Erosion $120 acre (min 1 acre) Parking Lots $120 Pools $120 Fence $120 Special/Addtl/Re-inspection $50 Temporary C of O $100 Safety Inspection $125 Manufactured (Mobile) Housing $120 Temporary Buildings $120 Work not involving Sq Ft Computation $60 # Inspections 1 1 1/2 2 1 2 1/2 2 2 2 2 1 N/A 1 2 2 1 3. For uniformity and clarity link the majority of the permit fee prices to the most current Bureau of Construction Codes Square Foot Construction Cost Table by use of the consistent pricing table recommended by the Construction Code Commission: Residential & Commercial Permit Fee Table to $1K $75 $1K - $10K $75 + $10/$1K over $1K $10K - $100K $165 + $3/$1K over $10K $100K - $500K $435 + $2/$1K over $100K over $500K $1,235 + $3/$1K over $500K Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 48 of 81 TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION (distinguished by fire rating of materials) Category Type I & II Type III Type IV Type V Description Building elements are non-combustible except as specifically permitted Exterior walls are of noncombustible materials and the interior building elements are any material permitted by code Exterior walls are noncombustible and the interior building elements are solid or laminated wood without concealed spaces Building elements are of any materials permitted by code. E.g. wood frames. Residential homes fall into this category Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 49 of 81 STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND CITY OF WALLED LAKE CITY OF WALLED LAKE ADOPTED POLICY RELATIVE TO THE REVIEW AND GRANTING OF POVERTY EXEMPTIONS BY THE WALLED LAKE BOARD OF REVIEW Proposed RESOLUTION 2015-7 At a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Walled Lake, Oakland County, Michigan, held in the Council Chambers at 1499 E. West Maple, Walled Lake, Michigan 48390, on the 3rd day of February, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. WHEREAS, MCL 211.7u, which deals with poverty exemptions, was significantly altered by PA 390 of 1994 and was further amended by PA 620 of 2002 requiring local governing bodies are required to adopt guidelines that set income levels for their poverty exemption guidelines and those income levels shall not be set lower by a city or township than the federal poverty guidelines updated annually by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that to be eligible for a poverty exemption in the City of Walled Lake, An applicant or applicants must physically occupy and be the “sole” owner(s) of the property for which the exemption is requested. The subject property must be classified as an “improved single family residential” or residential condominium” property with a valid Homeowner’s Principle Residence Exemption currently in effect. The applicant must submit the most recent year’s copies of the following for all persons residing in the homestead: o Federal Income Tax Return – 1040 or 1040A. o If applicant did not file Michigan State Income Tax Return they MUST provide statement of benefits paid from the Social Security Administration or Michigan Department of Social Services. o Three months of all bank statements. o Either Senior Citizens Homestead Property Tax Form MI- 1040CR-1 or General Homestead Property Tax Claim MI-1040CR-4. o Statement from Social Security Administration and/or the Michigan Social Services as to monies paid to applicants during the previous year. o The applicant must supply a copy of current driver’s license or other form of identification. o The applicant must provide a deed, land contract, or other evidence of ownership if Board requests it. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the applicant’s total household income cannot exceed the most current limits set forth by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Page 1 of 2 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 50 of 81 Development (HUD) “Very-Low Income” figures as established by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the total value of the assets of the applicant and each member of the applicant’s household shall not exceed the income limits established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, excluding the property for which the exemption is requested, but to include all savings, retirement accounts, cash, bonds, stocks and mutual funds, coin collections, boats, recreational vehicles, jewelry, second homes, cottages, or any other saleable real property or other tangible items. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any reductions in the State Equalized Value of property is granted for one year only must be applied for and reviewed annually based on the applicant’s current situation. BE IT FURTHER RESOVED that in reviewing the application and all supporting documentation, the Board of Review will consider income, assets, potential earning capacity, medical conditions, and any other unique circumstances of the applicant. The Board may deviate from the establish policy and guidelines only for “substantial and compelling reasons.” Income level does not guarantee 100% exemption. At their discretion, the Board may approve full or partial exemption if deemed appropriate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that to conform to the provisions of MCL 211.7u, this resolution is hereby given immediate effect and will stay in effect for subsequent years until amended or voided. Motion to approve Resolution offered by _____ and seconded by _____. AYES: () NAYS: () ABSENT: () ABSTENTIONS: () RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) )SS ) ______________________________ L. DENNIS WHITT City Manager/Clerk ______________________________ LINDA S. ACKLEY Mayor Page 2 of 2 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 51 of 81 CITY OF WALLED LAKE COUNTY OF OAKLAND STATE OF MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO. C-320-15 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 38 OF THE CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ADOPT THE INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE, 2012 EDITION, BY REFERENCE. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Chapter 38, Article II “Fire Prevention Code”, of the City of Walled Lake Code of Ordinances, the City adopted and incorporated by reference the 2003 International Fire Code as promulgated and published by the International Code Council, and WHEREAS, the International Code Council has promulgated and published an updated 2012 version of the International Fire Code, and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it would be in the best interest of the City to adopt the updated 2012 Edition of the International Fire Code as the Fire Code for the City of Walled Lake. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council for the City of Walled Lake as follows, THE CITY OF WALLED LAKE ORDAINS: Section 1 of Ordinance. Purpose The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the City of Walled Lake Code of Ordinances, Chapter 38, Article II “Fire Prevention Code”, to adopt and incorporate by reference the 2012 International Fire Code as the Fire Code for the City of Walled Lake. Section 2 of Ordinance. Amendment to Chapter 38, Article II Article II, Fire Prevention Code in Chapter 38, Fire Prevention and Protection, of the City Code of Ordinances, is amended in its entirety to read as follows. ARTICLE II. FIRE PREVENTION CODE Sec. 38-26. Adoption of Code. The International Fire Code, 2012 Edition, including the Appendix Chapters, as promulgated and published by the International Code Council is hereby adopted by reference as an Ordinance and Fire Code for the City of Walled Lake, regulating and governing the safeguarding of life and property from fire and explosion hazards arising from the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, and from conditions hazardous to life or property in the Page 1 of 4 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 52 of 81 occupancy of buildings and premises as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefore, and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said Fire Code on file in the Office of the Walled Lake City Clerk are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this Ordinance, with the amendments and insertions, and subject to the limitations, in the remaining Sections of this Article. Printed Copies of such code shall be kept in the office of the city clerk and made available for inspection by and distribution to the public during regular business hours. Sec. 38-27. Insertions in Code. The following sections of the International Fire Code, as adopted, are amended to insert the information indicated as follows: Section 101.1 Insert: “City of Walled Lake”. Section 109.3 Insert “$500 and/or 90 days in jail”. Section 111.4 Insert “$250 up to $500”. Sec. 38-28. Geographic limits. The geographic limits referred to in the following sections of the International Fire Code, as adopted, shall be as follows. Section 5704. The storage of Class I and Class II liquids in above-ground tanks outside of buildings is prohibited except: (1) as disclosed and permitted by an approved site plan on property zoned I-1, Limited Industrial District, under the City of Walled Lake Zoning Ordinance or (2) if determined by the City Fire Chief to be allowed by the State of Michigan Fire Prevention Code, Public Act No 207 of 1941, as amended, or rules promulgated under that Act, and in compliance with all other applicable governmental regulations. Section 5706.2.4.4 The storage of Class I and Class II liquids in above-ground tanks is prohibited except: (1) as disclosed and permitted by an approved site plan on property zoned I-1, Limited Industrial District, under the City of Walled Lake Zoning Ordinance, (2) if determined by the City Fire Chief to be allowed by the State of Michigan Fire Prevention Code, Public Act No 207 of 1941, as amended, or rules promulgated under that Act, and in compliance with all other applicable governmental regulations or (3) in connection with a temporary activity necessary to the use or development of property in conformity with all City and other governmental ordinances, laws, permits and approvals. Section 5806.2 The storage of flammable cryogenic fluids in stationary containers is prohibited except: (1) as disclosed and permitted by an approved site plan on property zoned I-1, Limited Industrial District, under the City of Walled Lake Zoning Ordinance or (2) if determined by the City Fire Chief to be allowed by the State of Michigan Fire Page 2 of 4 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 53 of 81 Prevention Code, Public Act No 207 of 1941, as amended, or rules promulgated under that Act, and in compliance with all other applicable governmental regulations. Section 6104.2 For the protection of heavily populated or congested areas, the capacity limitations in this Section shall apply to all properties except as disclosed and permitted by an approved site plan on property zoned I-1, Limited Industrial District, under the City of Walled Lake Zoning Ordinance. Sec. 38-29. Amendments, additions and deletions. The following Sections of the Fire Code are amended, added or deleted as follows. Section 307.1.2 is added to read. 307.1.2 Prohibited leaf and vegetation burning. All open burning of leaves and other non-woody organic material such as dead grasses, weeds, etc. is prohibited at all times. Sec. 38-30. Limitations. The adoption of the International Fire Code does not include any provisions that are “inconsistent” with, and as defined in, the State of Michigan Fire Prevention Code, Public Act No 207 of 1941, as amended, or rules promulgated under that Act and any such provision shall not be enforced. Secs. 38-31 through 38-60. Reserved. Section 3 of Ordinance. Repealer All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed only to the extent necessary to give this ordinance full force and effect. Section 4 of Ordinance. Severability If any section, clause or provision of this ordinance shall be declared to be unconstitutional, void, illegal or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, such section, clause or provision declared to be unconstitutional, void or illegal shall thereby cease to be a part of this ordinance; but the remainder of this ordinance shall stand and be in full force and effect. Section 5 of Ordinance. Savings All proceedings pending and all rights and liabilities existing, acquired or incurred at the time this ordinance takes effect are saved and may be consummated according to the law in force when they are commenced. Page 3 of 4 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 54 of 81 Section 6 of Ordinance. Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect following publication in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the City of Walled Lake. AYES: NAYS; ABSENTS: ABSTENTIONS: STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) )SS. ) _______________________________ L. DENNIS WHITT City Manager/Clerk ________________________________ LINDA S. ACKLEY Mayor Introduced: Adopted: Published: Effective: Page 4 of 4 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 55 of 81 WARRANT 2-2015 PAGE 1 OF 2 City of Walled Lake February 3, 2015 EXPENDITURES FOR APPROVAL CHECK NUMBERS: 107050 - 107259 GENERAL FUND $ 88,806.60 MAJOR ROADS FUND $ 17,035.37 LOCAL ROADS FUND $ 5,394.04 DRUG FORFEITURE $ 14,231.41 LIBRARY FUND $ 15,823.19 DEBT SERVICE FUND $ - DDA FUND $ 294.56 TRANSPORTATION FUND $ 965.41 REFUSE FUND $ 25,203.90 WATER & SEWER FUND $ 57,124.78 TRUST AND AGENCY $ 2,263.00 INTERNAL SERVICE INSURANCE $ 23,633.57 RETIREE HEALTH CARE $ 5,098.06 VENDOR EXPENDITURES $ 255,873.89 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 56 of 81 WARRANT 2-2015 PAGE 2 OF 2 Pay Date ending: TOTAL 1/15/2015 & 1/29/2015 DEPARTMENT City Manager Finance General Clerk Treasurer Police Fire Building Public Works Library $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ OVERTIME 150.33 210.46 2,289.94 1,552.64 4,210.04 8,413.41 EXPENSE ALLOWANCE/REIMBURSEMENTS SALARY & WAGES PAY IN LIEU OVERTIME GROSS PAYMENTS EMPLOYER FICA EMPLOYER PENSION EMPLOYER OPEB PAYROLL EXPENSES PERSONNEL EXPENDITURES VENDOR EXPENDITURES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,346.81 148,051.42 8,413.41 158,811.64 11,723.29 24,012.40 450.00 36,185.69 194,997.33 255,873.89 February 3, 2015 $ 450,871.22 REPORTED EXPENDITURES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ PAY IN LIEU - I herby certify these listed vouchers and payroll items for goods, services, and transfers to be authorized expenditures. The accounts have been charged and the vouchers are in order for payment. Linda S. Ackley, Mayor Robert Robertson, Mayor Pro-Tem Casey Ambrose, Councilperson John Owsinek, Councilperson Dennis Yezbick, Councilperson William B. Sturgeon, Councilperson Tamra Loch, Councilperson Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 57 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: 1/24 Account Dept Amount SERVICE 933-000 448 134.30 SERVICE 933-000 448 460.00 Fund: 101 GENERAL FUND 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107050 G M ELECTRIC 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107051 ALLEYCATS DESIGN CHECK PAYAB 107050 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: UNIFORMS 594.30 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107052 ALLIE BROTHERS INC UNIFORMS 731-000 300 87.98 UNIFORMS 731-000 300 234.46 UNIFORMS 731-000 300 164.47 UNIFORMS 731-000 300 233.96 UNIFORMS 731-000 300 90.93 UNIFORMS 731-000 300 259.95 UNIFORMS 807-000 300 698.61 731-000 335 30.00 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107057 DIGIGRAPHX CO CHECK PAYAB 107052 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: UNIFORMS 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107058 DTE ENERGY SERVICE 921-000 335 31.64 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107059 DTE ENERGY SERVICE 921-000 448 3,340.17 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107060 DTE ENERGY SERVICE 924-000 448 1,461.36 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107061 HAROLD'S FRAME SHOP, INC. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 933-000 441 46.10 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107062 IAPE INC MEMBERSHIP 806-000 300 50.00 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107063 LAKEWOOD PARTS & EQUIPMENT 150748 933-000 441 13.01 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107064# LOWES BUSINESS ACCOUNT PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 300 157.09 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 300 10.05 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 300 24.83 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 300 23.14 PARTS/SUPPLIES 934-000 335 298.15 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 441 10.71 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 441 37.48 CHECK PAYAB 107064 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: 1,770.36 731-000 300 311.00 561.45 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 58 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 2/24 Amount Fund: 101 GENERAL FUND 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107065 MADISON ELECTRIC COMPANY SERVICE 933-000 448 218.88 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107068 MMTA BRUCE MALINCZAK MEMBERSHIP 806-000 253 50.00 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107069 OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE EDUCATION/TRAINING 958-001 300 250.00 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107070*# OFFICE CONNECTION PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 218 6.49 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107072# PROVIDENCE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE 829-000 300 30.00 SERVICE 829-000 335 255.00 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107073 QUILL CORPORATION CHECK PAYAB 107072 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: PARTS/SUPPLIES 285.00 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107076 SECREST WARDLE LYNCH ET AL SERVICE 813-001 211 2,607.00 SERVICE 814-000 211 3,300.00 SERVICE 817-001 211 653.00 SERVICE 869-000 211 355.16 727-000 219 88.82 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107077 SHADY TINTS CHECK PAYAB 107076 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: MAINTENANCE 6,915.16 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107078 SHUMAN MOTOR SALES MAINTENANCE 939-000 300 233.76 MAINTENANCE 939-000 300 35.10 939-000 300 55.00 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107080 SUN BADGE COMPANY CHECK PAYAB 107078 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: UNIFORMS 268.86 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107081 THE ACCUMED GROUP SERVICE 627-000 000 182.73 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107082 ACCENT SERVICE 627-000 000 697.50 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107084 ANN ARBOR CREDIT BUREAU SERVICE 733-000 335 156.33 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107085 AT&T MOBILITY SERVICE 920-000 300 31.55 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107087# CITY OF WALLED LAKE SERVICE 923-000 218 57.07 SERVICE 923-000 731-000 300 336.00 441 Packet February 97.00 Council 3, 2015 Page 59 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 3/24 Amount Fund: 101 GENERAL FUND 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107088 COMCAST CHECK PAYAB 107087 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: SERVICE 154.07 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107089 COSTCO MEMBERSHIP PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 218 62.49 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107091*# CYNERGY PC SOLUTIONS, LLC MAINTENANCE 936-000 218 302.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107094 GLENDALE AUTO SUPPLY PARTS/SUPPLIES 933-000 441 28.67 PARTS/SUPPLIES 939-000 441 50.67 PARTS/SUPPLIES 939-000 441 50.94 PARTS/SUPPLIES 939-000 441 30.80 920-000 335 6.32 CHECK PAYAB 107094 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107095 HALT FIRE 161.08 MAINTENANCE 939-000 335 1,394.62 MAINTENANCE 939-000 335 406.04 CHECK PAYAB 107095 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107096# HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 1,800.66 PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 218 33.18 PARTS/SUPPLIES 934-000 218 24.24 PARTS/SUPPLIES 891-000 690 34.09 PARTS/SUPPLIES 891-000 690 27.68 PARTS/SUPPLIES 891-000 690 2.74 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107097 HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC CHECK PAYAB 107096 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: SERVICE 121.93 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107098*# INTERNATIONAL MINUTE PRESS PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 300 91.07 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107100 KUSTOM SIGNALS INC MAINTENANCE 933-000 300 431.90 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107101 LAKEWOOD PARTS & EQUIPMENT PARTS./SUPPLIES 933-000 441 18.76 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107102 LB OFFICE SUPPLY & FURNITURE PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 300 65.05 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107104 MADISON ELECTRIC COMPANY SERVICE 933-000 448 163.82 934-000 218 658.75 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 60 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 4/24 Amount Fund: 101 GENERAL FUND 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107105*# MCKENNA ASSOCIATES INC SERVICES 817-000 801 1,250.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107107 MEGA PRINTING SERVICE 727-000 335 117.85 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107108*# MELVINS ACE HARDWARE PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 218 35.00 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 262 35.00 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 300 35.00 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 335 58.47 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 441 628.83 PARTS/SUPPLIES 933-000 441 2.93 PARTS/SUPPLIES 934-000 441 23.98 PARTS/SUPPLIES 939-000 441 4.78 PARTS/SUPPLIES 939-000 441 1.54 PARTS/SUPPLIES 933-000 448 24.49 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 690 35.00 PARTS/SUPPLIES 891-050 690 142.72 PARTS/SUPPLIES 937-000 690 41.99 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107110 MGIA 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107115 MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COUNCIL OF MI 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107118 POLICE CHIEFS PETTY CASH CHECK PAYAB 107108 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: EDUCATION/TRAINING 1,069.73 958-000 441 99.00 727-000 218 100.00 PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-001 300 8.24 PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-001 300 11.95 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 300 30.97 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 300 85.58 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 300 23.21 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107119 PONTEM SOFTWARE CHECK PAYAB 107118 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: MAINTENANCE 159.95 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107120 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 008-050 000 3,000.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107121# PROVIDENCE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE 829-000 300 55.00 SERVICES 829-000 335 71.00 936-001 276 483.00 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 61 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: 5/24 Account Dept Amount 829-000 441 35.00 Fund: 101 GENERAL FUND SERVICES CHECK PAYAB 107121 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107123 SECREST WARDLE LYNCH ET AL 161.00 AUGUST 2013 817-000 210 3,300.00 JULY 2014 817-000 210 3,300.00 CHECK PAYAB 107123 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107125*# SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA LLC 6,600.00 GAS & OIL 732-000 300 1,949.70 GAS & OIL 732-000 371 47.77 GAS & OIL 732-000 441 694.27 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107126 STAPLES CHECK PAYAB 107125 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: PARTS/SUPPLIES 2,691.74 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107129 UNITEX DIRECT UNIFORMS 731-000 335 250.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107130 VAN METER & ASSOCIATES, INC. EDUCATION/TAINING 958-001 300 150.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107132 WALLED LAKE SCHOOL EMP FCU DECEMBER 2014 727-000 218 61.99 DECEMBER 2014 936-001 218 449.94 727-000 218 154.98 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107133 WATER RESOURCE COMMISSIONER CHECK PAYAB 107132 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: SERVICE 511.93 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107134 WITMER ASSOCIATES INC PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 335 160.87 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107135 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY INC PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 335 59.95 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107136 ADVANCED MARKETING PARTNERS SERVICE 727-002 253 442.95 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107137 ASCAP LICENSE 886-001 690 335.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107138*# AT&T LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 920-000 218 55.74 SERVICE 920-000 253 14.86 SERVICE 920-000 300 37.16 SERVICE 920-000 335 11.15 SERVICE 920-000 371 55.74 SERVICE 920-000 805-000 441 20.00 Council 3, 2015 441 Packet February 18.58 Page 62 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 6/24 Amount Fund: 101 GENERAL FUND 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107141 CHRISTINE M. PANYARD, PH.D. CHECK PAYAB 107138 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: SERVICE 193.23 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107142 COMCAST SERVICE 920-000 335 99.40 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107143 COMTECH EQUIPMENT 980-000 335 2,082.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107144*# DELL MARKETING LP EQUIPMENT 980-001 300 800.42 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107147 GALLS INCORPORATED UNIFORMS 731-000 300 30.35 UNIFORMS 731-000 300 297.54 829-000 300 400.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107148 GRAINGER CHECK PAYAB 107147 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: PARTS/SUPPLIES 327.89 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107149 HALT FIRE MAINTENANCE 939-000 335 205.55 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107150 HINES PARK FORD INC MAINTENANCE 939-000 335 185.29 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107152*# JK LOCKSMITH CO LLC SERVICE 933-000 300 305.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107153 KENTUCKY TRAILER MAINTENANCE 939-000 441 65.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107154 KNAPHEIDE TRUCK EQUIPMENT PARTS/SUPPLIES 933-000 441 542.55 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107155 LAKES AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP 806-000 218 275.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107156 LAKEWOOD PARTS & EQUIPMENT PARTS/SUPPLIES 933-000 441 73.72 PARTS/SUPPLIES 939-000 441 33.16 PARTS/SUPPLIES 939-000 441 30.40 934-000 335 82.94 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107157 LB OFFICE SUPPLY & FURNITURE CHECK PAYAB 107156 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: PARTS/SUPPLIES 137.28 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107159 MADISON ELECTRIC COMPANY SERVICE 934-000 441 66.97 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107160 MISS DIG SYSTEM MEMBERSHIP 803-000 441 1,169.26 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107161 MMTA BRUCE MALINCZAK MEMBERSHIP 806-000 727-000 300 207.75 253 Packet February 50.00 Council 3, 2015 Page 63 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 7/24 Amount Fund: 101 GENERAL FUND 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107162 MUNIMETRIX SYSTEMS CORPORATION MAINTENANCE 936-001 219 499.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107164 OAKLAND COUNTY MUTUAL AID ASSOC. MEMBERSHIP 806-000 335 3,000.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107165*# OAKLAND COUNTY TREAS CASH BLDG 12 SERVICE E MAINTENANCE 724-001 300 6,139.34 933-000 300 183.00 724-001 335 1,347.66 SERVICE CHECK PAYAB 107165 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107166 OFFICE CONNECTION 7,670.00 PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 218 251.66 PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 218 142.18 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107168 PITNEY BOWES INC CHECK PAYAB 107166 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: EQUIPMENT 393.84 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107169 QUILL CORPORATION PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 219 63.72 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107171 SAFEWAY SHREDDING SERVICE 829-000 300 60.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107172 SHUMAN MOTOR SALES SERVICE 939-000 300 38.52 MAINTENANCE 939-000 300 83.95 MAINTENANCE 939-000 300 76.40 MAINTENANCE 939-000 300 35.10 MAINTENANCE 939-000 300 58.16 941-000 218 252.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107177 WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS CHECK PAYAB 107172 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: PARTS/SUPPLIES 292.13 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107179*# WEISKOPF INDUSTRIES CORP PARTS/SUPPLIES 934-000 441 108.37 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107180 WEST SHORE FIRE INC MAINTENANCE 933-000 335 662.70 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107181 WITMER ASSOCIATES INC PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 335 35.97 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107182 WIXOM POLICE DEPARTMENT SERVICE 814-001 300 1,950.00 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107184 AIRGAS USA, LLC PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 218 692.40 ** VOIDED ** Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 64 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 8/24 Amount Fund: 101 GENERAL FUND 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107186 CITY OF WIXOM REIMBURSEMENT ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107187 CONSUMERS ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107188 CONSUMERS ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107189 CONSUMERS ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107191 COOMER, JAMES TRAINING ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107193 CYNERGY PC SOLUTIONS, LLC COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107194 CYNERGY PRODUCTS EQUIPMENT ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107196 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107197 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107199 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107201 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107203 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICES ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107204 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107205 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERIVCE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107206 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107207 KNAPHEIDE TRUCK EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE ** VOIDED ** VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ** VOIDED ** MEMBERSHIPS ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107210 MAMC BETTY KENNEDY Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 65 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 9/24 Amount Fund: 101 GENERAL FUND 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107211*# MCKENNA ASSOCIATES INC PLANNING SERIVES - DEC, 2014 ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107212 MICHIGAN NOTARY SERVICE SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107214*# NEXTEL SPRINT SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107215 OCCA MEMERSHIPS ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107216 OFFICE CONNECTION PARTS/SUPPLIES ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107217 PAUL SHAKINAS EQUIPMENT ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107218 RUDOLPH, H. W. SERVICES ** VOIDED ** SERVICES ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107220 SUPER CAR WASH SYSTEMS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107221 VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107222 AIRGAS USA, LLC PARTS/SUPPLIES 941-000 335 38.76 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107224 CITY OF WIXOM REIMBURSEMENT 975-008 218 13,364.89 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107225 CONSUMERS ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE 922-000 441 1,783.02 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107226 CONSUMERS ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE 922-000 218 1,613.45 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107227 CONSUMERS ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE 922-000 335 1,145.80 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107229 COOMER, JAMES TRAINING 729-005 335 139.45 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107231 CYNERGY PC SOLUTIONS, LLC COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 980-001 300 125.96 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107232 CYNERGY PRODUCTS EQUIPMENT 980-001 300 520.05 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107234 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE 921-000 732 42.31 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107235 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE 921-000 441 786.00 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107237 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE 921-000 Council 3, 2015 335 Packet February 792.97 Page 66 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 10/24 Amount Fund: 101 GENERAL FUND 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107239 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE 921-000 300 730.90 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107241 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICES 924-000 448 139.15 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107242 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE 921-000 276 29.24 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107243 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERIVCE 921-000 732 29.24 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107244 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE 921-000 218 775.24 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107245 KNAPHEIDE TRUCK EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 933-000 441 72.80 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 939-000 441 204.80 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107248 MAMC BETTY KENNEDY CHECK PAYAB 107245 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: MEMBERSHIPS 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107249*# MCKENNA ASSOCIATES INC PLANNING SERIVES - DEC, 2014 817-000 801 1,250.00 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107250 MICHIGAN NOTARY SERVICE SERVICE 806-000 300 212.44 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107252*# NEXTEL SPRINT SERVICE 920-000 300 28.96 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107253 OCCA MEMERSHIPS 806-000 219 75.00 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107254 OFFICE CONNECTION PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 218 12.93 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107255 PAUL SHAKINAS EQUIPMENT 983-000 300 624.33 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107256 RUDOLPH, H. W. SERVICES 708-002 371 1,080.00 SERVICES 828-000 371 510.00 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107258 SUPER CAR WASH SYSTEMS CHECK PAYAB 107256 TOTAL FOR FUND 101: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107259 VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICE Total for fund 101 GENERAL FUND 277.60 806-000 219 140.00 1,590.00 939-000 300 27.00 920-000 335 28.69 88,806.60 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 67 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: 11/24 Account Dept Amount SERVICE 802-000 474 694.10 SERVICE 802-000 474 125.79 Fund: 202 MAJOR ROAD FUND 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107075 ROAD COMMISSION OAKLAND CTY 819.89 967-010 474 8,890.45 SERVICE 988-000 451 1,930.98 734-000 462 86.25 820-000 482 1,750.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107122 ROAD COMMISSION 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107127 STATE OF MICHIGAN - MDOT 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107139* BARRETT PAVING MATERIALS 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107140* BOSS ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SERVICES 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107195* DETROIT SALT COMPANY LLC PARTS/SUPPLIES ** VOIDED ** PARTS/SUPPLIES ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107233* OAKLAND CTY CHECK PAYAB 107075 TOTAL FOR FUND 202: SERVICE DETROIT SALT COMPANY LLC PARTS/SUPPLIES PARTS/SUPPLIES 735-000 478 1,181.70 PARTS/SUPPLIES 735-000 478 2,376.10 CHECK PAYAB 107233 TOTAL FOR FUND 202: Total for fund 202 MAJOR ROAD FUND 3,557.80 17,035.37 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 68 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: 12/24 Account Dept Amount 734-000 462 86.25 820-000 482 1,750.00 Fund: 203 LOCAL ROAD FUND 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107139* BARRETT PAVING MATERIALS 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107140* BOSS ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SERVICES 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107195* DETROIT SALT COMPANY LLC PARTS/SUPPLIES ** VOIDED ** PARTS/SUPPLIES ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107233* DETROIT SALT COMPANY LLC PARTS/SUPPLIES PARTS/SUPPLIES 735-000 478 1,181.70 PARTS/SUPPLIES 735-000 478 2,376.09 CHECK PAYAB 107233 TOTAL FOR FUND 203: Total for fund 203 LOCAL ROAD FUND 3,557.79 5,394.04 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 69 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 13/24 Amount Fund: 265 DRUG FORFEITURE FUND 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107074 RAINBOW HI-TECH/UNIVERSAL LED EQUIPMENT 981-000 399 11,870.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107091*# CYNERGY PC SOLUTIONS, LLC MAINTENANCE 936-000 400 117.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107111 MICHIGAN POLICE EQUIPMENT CO PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 399 940.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107116*# NEXTEL SPRINT SERVICE 920-000 400 383.60 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107144*# DELL MARKETING LP EQUIPMENT 980-001 399 136.13 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107178 WATCHGUARD EQUIPMENT 728-000 399 699.00 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107214*# NEXTEL SPRINT SERVICE 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107252*# NEXTEL SPRINT SERVICE Total for fund 265 DRUG FORFEITURE FUND ** VOIDED ** 920-000 400 85.68 14,231.41 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 70 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: 14/24 Account Dept Amount PARTS & SUPPLILES 982-000 738 28.01 PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 12.01 PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 12.03 PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 53.85 PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 16.13 PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 5.99 PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 12.72 PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 80.61 PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 20.74 PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 28.07 PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 18.04 PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 49.94 PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 5.35 Fund: 271 LIBRARY FUND 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107053 BAKER & TAYLOR 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107066 MICROMARKETING LLC CHECK PAYAB 107053 TOTAL FOR FUND 271: PARTS/SUPPLIES 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107067 MIDWEST TAPE PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-002 738 336.78 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107071 OFFICE EXPRESS PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 738 39.78 PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 738 15.36 METRO OFFICE 343.49 982-002 738 54.99 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107083 ALLIANCE WINDOW CLEANING CHECK PAYAB 107071 TOTAL FOR FUND 271: SERVICE 55.14 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107093 GALE PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 53.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107098*# INTERNATIONAL MINUTE PRESS SERVICE 737-000 738 266.40 SERVICE 900-000 738 270.00 934-000 738 15.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107103 LOGICAL PLACEMENT LLC CHECK PAYAB 107098 TOTAL FOR FUND 271: LIBRARY PROGRAM 2015 536.40 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107112 MICROMARKETING LLC PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-002 738 66.98 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107113 MIDWEST TAPE PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-002 738 559.86 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107124 SIPES, TIM SERVICE 932-000 737-000 738 200.00 738 Packet February 425.00 Council 3, 2015 Page 71 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: 15/24 Account Dept Amount PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 738 34.95 PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-001 738 3.26 PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 738 40.82 PARTS/SUPPLIES 737-000 738 103.74 PARTS/SUPPLIES 958-000 738 30.00 Fund: 271 LIBRARY FUND 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107131 WALLED LAKE LIBRARY PETTY CASH CHECK PAYAB 107131 TOTAL FOR FUND 271: 212.77 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107138*# AT&T LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 920-000 738 11.15 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107146 GALE PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-000 738 52.50 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107151 INTERNATIONAL MINUTE PRESS SERVICE 900-000 738 1,970.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107152*# JK LOCKSMITH CO LLC SERVICE 934-000 738 485.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107158 LIBRARY NETWORK MAINTENANCE 936-000 738 67.83 EQUIPMENT 980-001 738 601.88 METRO OFFICE CHECK PAYAB 107158 TOTAL FOR FUND 271: PARTS/SUPPLIES 669.71 727-000 738 103.90 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107167 OFFICE EXPRESS 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107173 STANLEY ACCESS TECH MAINTENANCE 934-000 738 813.96 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107176 TEI LANDMARK AUDIO PARTS/SUPPLIES 982-002 738 222.00 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107198 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107208 LIBRARY NETWORK PARTS/SUPPLIES ** VOIDED ** MAINTENANCE ** VOIDED ** QUARTERLY INVOICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107236 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE 921-000 738 308.82 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107246 LIBRARY NETWORK PARTS/SUPPLIES 833-000 738 95.15 MAINTENANCE 936-000 738 Packet February 6,888.53 Council 3, 2015 Page 72 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 982-000 738 16/24 Amount Fund: 271 LIBRARY FUND QUARTERLY INVOICE CHECK PAYAB 107246 TOTAL FOR FUND 271: Total for fund 271 LIBRARY FUND 1,343.06 8,326.74 15,823.19 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 73 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: 17/24 Account Dept Amount Fund: 494 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT FUND 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107056 CONSUMERS ENERGY SERVICE 922-000 895 48.90 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107086 AT&T-U-VERSE SERVICE 920-000 895 45.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107108*# MELVINS ACE HARDWARE PARTS/SUPPLIES 729-000 895 35.00 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107190 CONSUMERS ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107202 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107228 CONSUMERS ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE 922-000 895 56.55 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107240 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE 921-000 895 109.11 Total for fund 494 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT FUND 294.56 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 74 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: 18/24 Account Dept Amount Fund: 588 TRANSPORTATION FUND 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107116*# NEXTEL SPRINT SERVICE 920-000 689 88.42 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107125*# SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA LLC GAS & OIL 732-000 689 679.11 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107138*# AT&T LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 920-000 689 111.45 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107214*# NEXTEL SPRINT SERVICE 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107252*# NEXTEL SPRINT SERVICE Total for fund 588 TRANSPORTATION FUND ** VOIDED ** 920-000 689 86.43 965.41 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 75 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 19/24 Amount Fund: 590 REFUSE FUND 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107145 DUNCAN DISPOSAL SYSTEMS SERVICE 827-000 538 25,181.90 01/14/2015 RRRASOC SERVICE 827-005 538 22.00 PAYAB 107170 Total for fund 590 REFUSE FUND 25,203.90 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 76 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 20/24 Amount Fund: 591 WATER AND SEWER FUND 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107070*# OFFICE CONNECTION PARTS/SUPPLIES 727-000 536 374.70 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107079 SOUTHEASTERN EQUIPMENT CO., INC. PARTS/SUPPLIES 933-000 536 1,327.82 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107090 COUGAR SALES & RENTAL INC UNIFORMS 731-000 536 34.99 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107108*# MELVINS ACE HARDWARE PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 536 213.33 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107125*# SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA LLC GAS & OIL 732-000 536 194.98 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107128 TECH RESOURCES SERVICE 936-001 536 150.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107138*# AT&T LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 920-000 536 55.74 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107165*# 929-000 536 30.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107174 OAKLAND COUNTY TREAS CASH BLDG 12 SERVICE E SUBURBAN LANDSCAPE & SUPPLY PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 536 40.89 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107175 TECH RESOURCES MAINTENANCE 936-000 536 150.00 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107179*# WEISKOPF INDUSTRIES CORP PARTS/SUPPLIES 934-000 536 108.37 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107183 WRIGHT STEEL FABRICATORS PARTS/SUPPLIES 728-000 536 240.00 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107185 BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONER SERVICE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107192 COUGAR SALES & RENTAL INC PARTS/SUPPLIES ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107200 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERIVE ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107213 MWEA EDUCATION/TRAINING ** VOIDED ** EDUCATION/TRAINING ** VOIDED ** ** VOIDED ** 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107219 SUBURBAN EXCHANGE PARTS/EQUIPMENT 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107223 BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONER SERVICE 928-000 536 53,364.73 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 77 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 21/24 Amount Fund: 591 WATER AND SEWER FUND 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107230 COUGAR SALES & RENTAL INC PARTS/SUPPLIES 988-000 536 481.25 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107238 DTE ENERGY UTILITY SERIVE 921-000 536 117.98 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107251 MWEA EDUCATION/TRAINING 958-000 536 95.00 EDUCATION/TRAINING 958-000 536 95.00 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107257 SUBURBAN EXCHANGE CHECK PAYAB 107251 TOTAL FOR FUND 591: PARTS/EQUIPMENT Total for fund 591 WATER AND SEWER FUND 190.00 728-000 536 50.00 57,124.78 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 78 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: 22/24 Account Dept Amount Fund: 701 TRUST AND AGENCY FUND 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107099 KINGSETT LLC D/B/A SPINAL COLUMN ADVERTISING 263-000 000 60.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107105*# MCKENNA ASSOCIATES INC SERVICES 263-002 000 1,250.50 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107117 OAKLAND COUNTY MOBILE HOME TAX 222-004 000 307.50 01/14/2015 PAYAB 107163 OAKLAND COUNTY MOBILE HOME TAX 222-004 000 305.00 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107211*# MCKENNA ASSOCIATES INC PLANNING SERIVES - DEC, 2014 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107249*# MCKENNA ASSOCIATES INC PLANNING SERIVES - DEC, 2014 Total for fund 701 TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ** VOIDED ** 263-002 000 340.00 2,263.00 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 79 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Pag e: Account Dept 23/24 Amount Fund: 705 ACCRUED INSURANCE LIABILITIES 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107092*# FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE INS/EYEMED JANUARY 2015 231-017 000 299.84 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107106*# MCLAREN HEALTH PLAN JANUARY 2015 231-016 000 16,276.30 JANUARY 2015 231-016 000 162.97 JANUARY 2015 231-016 000 2,191.72 CHECK PAYAB 107106 TOTAL FOR FUND 705: 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107114*# MORGAN WHITE JANUARY 2015 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107209 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE JANUARY 2015 01/23/2015 PAYAB 107247 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE JANUARY 2015 18,630.99 231-016 000 2,973.85 ** VOIDED ** 231-019 Total for fund 705 ACCRUED INSURANCE LIABILITIES 000 1,728.89 23,633.57 Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 80 of 81 01/29/2015 09:59 AM User: MJAGANJAC DB: Walled Lake Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR CITY OF WALLED LAKE CHECK NUMBER 107050 - 107259 Banks: PAYAB Description Fund: 736 RETIREE HEALTH CARE FUND 12/30/2014 PAYAB 107055 BENISTAR/UA - 6803 SERVICE Pag e: 24/24 Account Dept Amount 717-000 218 1,568.00 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107092*# FIDELITY SECURITY LIFE INS/EYEMED JANUARY 2015 717-000 218 109.60 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107106*# MCLAREN HEALTH PLAN JANUARY 2015 717-000 218 3,035.06 01/12/2015 PAYAB 107114*# MORGAN WHITE JANUARY 2015 717-000 218 385.40 Total for fund 736 RETIREE HEALTH CARE FUND TOTAL - ALL FUNDS 5,098.06 255,873.89 '*'-INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE FUND '#'-INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE DEPARTMENT Council Packet February 3, 2015 Page 81 of 81
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