Green Bay High School OPTION COURSES HANDBOOK for YEAR 10 STUDENTS 2015 1 CONTENTS OPTION COURSE SELECTION TIMELINE Careers Information: NCEA Information Page 2 3-4 5 Courses Summary Chart, 2015 6-7 Pathways Beyond School 8-10 YEAR 10 OPTION CHOICES FOR 2015 Business Studies 11 Dance 11 Design and Visual Communication 11 Digital Technology 12 Drama 12 Eco-Design 12 Electronics Technology 12 English as a Second Language 13 Food and Nutrition 13 French 13 German 14 Leadership in Action 14 Learning Enrichment 14 Media Studies 15 Multi Materials Technology 15 Music 15 Science Investigations 16 Spanish 16 Sports Studies 16 Te Reo Maori 17 Textiles Technology 17 Visual Art 17 Selecting Your Option Courses for 2015 18 Option Courses Selection Form 19 2 OPTION COURSES SELECTION TIMELINE – TERM 3 Step 1 WEEK 6 Step 2 WEEK 7 Step 3 WEEKS 7 & 8 Step 4 WEEK 9 Year 9 Assembly Wed 27th August: Year 13 students will talk about learning and making wise choices. Year 9 Assembly Mon 1st September: Presentation about options choices. Form Time Tues 2nd September: You will be given your Option Courses Handbook A Careers teacher will visit one of your classes to help you finalise your course selections for 2015. Monday 15th September: Deadline for handing in your Course Options Selection Form to your form teacher. 3 Careers Information: To help give you an idea of useful subjects for a particular career area, follow the steps below. 1. Go to and this is what the screen will look like. Using the ‘SEARCH’ feature type in the career you are thinking off eg pilot 2. The screen will look like the one below. Select your occupation. 4 3. To check the subjects you need for your chosen occupation, click on ‘How to enter this job,’ then scroll down to Secondary Education. 4. Click on the ‘Interactive Tools’ tab to bring up a list of tools to use. Use Subject Matcher and CareerQuest to further help with choosing subjects. 5 GAINING NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3 Level 3 & Scholarship Level 2 Level 1 80 credits at Level 1 or above Including: 10 literacy credits 10 numeracy credits University Entrance Numeracy Requirement: 10 credits at Level 1 or higher 80 credits at Level 2 or above or 60 credits at Level 2 or above plus 20 credits at any level University Entrance Literacy Requirement: 10 credits at Level 2 (5 in reading and 5 in Writing) 80 credits at Level 3 or 60 credits at Level 3 or above, plus 20 credits at Level 2 or above University Entrance Requirement: 14 credits in each of 3 subjects from the list University Approved subjects; and 18 credits from any other subjects 2015 UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE University Entrance (UE) minimum requirements are: Pass NCEA Level 3 = 60 credits at Level 3 and 20 credits at Level 2 = 80 credits This is made up by: 14 credits in each of three subjects from the list of university-approved subjects (see below) = 42 credits 18 credits from any other subjects and can be either achievement or unit standards. UE Numeracy = 10 credits at Level 1 or higher from specified achievement standards or the 3 specific numeracy unit standards UE Literacy = 10 credits (5 in reading and 5 in writing) from specified achievement standards at Level 2 and higher; or specified Level 2 standards in Te Reo Māori Most universities ask for higher entry requirements than above, go to their websites or ask at the Careers Centre. UNIVERSITY APPROVED SUBJECTS University Approved Subjects offered at Green Bay High School in 2015 Check with your teacher about how the courses, below, meet the university approved subject requirements 03 Accounting 03 Economics 03 Mathematics Applied 03 Art History 03 English Academic 03 Multi Materials Technology 03 Biology 03 English General 03 Music 03 Calculus 03 Food and Nutrition 03 Physics 03 Chemistry 03 Textiles Technology 03 Physical Education 03 Computing 03 French 03 Science General Technology 03 Geography 03 Statistics 03 Design and Visual 03 German 03 Te Reo Maori Communication 03 Health Science 03 Visual Art: Design 03 Digital Technology 03 History 03 Visual Art: Painting 03 Dance 03 Japanese 03 Visual Art: Photography 03 Drama 03 Media Studies 03 Visual Art: Printing Non University Approved Subjects 2015 03 Early Childhood Education 03 Customer Service 03 Foundation Programme 03 Science Applied 03 Senior Bridging Programme 03 Social Science 03 Travel and Tourism 03 ITO Construction 6 COURSE SUMMARY CHART for 2015 SUBJECT AREA YEAR 9 YEAR 10 ENGLISH English* English* MATHEMATICS Mathematics * Mathematics* SCIENCE Science * Science* Forensic Science¹ Science Investigations¹ Social Studies * EcoDesign¹ Media Studies¹ Social Studies* Eco-Design¹ Media Studies¹ SOCIAL SCIENCE HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION LANGUAGES VISUAL ARTS Physical Education* Sport Studies¹ Leadership In Action¹ ESOL¹ Spanish¹ German¹ Japanese Te Reo Maori¹ Visual Art¹ KEY * Compulsory subject ¹ Option course for 1 semester (half a year) ² Option course for full year ° Course entry by invitation and interview only # Level 3 university approved subject. Physical Education* Sport Studies¹ Leadership In Action¹ (incl Duke of Edinburgh Award) ESOL² Spanish² German² Te Reo Maori² Visual Art¹ YEAR 11 NCEA Level 1 YEAR 12 NCEA Level 2 YEAR 13 NCEA Level 3 (unless otherwise stated) (unless otherwise stated) (unless otherwise stated) English Academic* English General * English Applied* Mathematics* Mathematics General* English Academic* English General* or English Applied1 (L2, Yr1) Mathematics Mathematics with Statistics Mathematics Applied (L2, Yr1) Mathematics Applied (L1, Yr2) Biology Chemistry Physics Science General Science Applied (L2, Yr1) Geography History Social Science Travel and Tourism Media Studies Physical Education Physical Ed Outdoors English Academic # English General # English C2 (L2, Yr2) Calculus # Statistics # Mathematics Applied # Health Science Health Science Health Science # Snr ESOL French German Japanese Te Reo Maori Visual Art Snr ESOL French German Japanese Te Reo Maori Visual Art: Print/Paint Visual Art: Design Visual Art: Photography Art History Snr ESOL French # German # Japanese # Te Reo Maori # Visual Art: Printing/Painting # Visual Art: Design # Visual Art: Photography # Art History # Mathematics Applied* (L1, Yr1) Science A Biology/Chemistry AND Physics/Chemistry – [counts as two subjects] Science General* Science Applied Geography History Social Science Media Studies Physical Education Biology # Chemistry # Physics # Science General # Science Applied (L2 & L3) Geography # History # Travel and Tourism Media Studies # Physical Education # 7 COURSE SUMMARY CHART for 2015 SUBJECT AREA YEAR 9 YEAR 10 Performing Arts Dance¹ Drama¹ Music¹ Dance¹ Drama¹ Music¹ Technology Multi-Materials Technology¹ Home and Life Sciences Textiles Technology¹ Design & Visual Communication1 Food & Nutrition¹ Multi-Materials Technology¹ Electronics Technology¹ Textiles Technology¹ 1 Design & Visual Communication Food & Nutrition¹ YEAR 11 NCEA Level 1 YEAR 12 NCEA Level 2 YEAR 13 NCEA Level 3 (unless otherwise stated) (unless otherwise stated) (unless otherwise stated) Dance Drama Music Stage Technologies (L2) Multi Materials Technology ITO Construction Technology ITO Mechanical Engineering Textiles Technology Design & Visual Communication Food & Nutrition Hospitality Early Childhood Education Dance Drama Music Stage Technologies (L2) Multi Material Technology ITO Construction ITO Mechanical Engineering Textiles Technology Design & Visual Communication Food and Nutrition Digital Technology Digital Technology Early Childhood Education Digital Technology Computer Science Technology Computer Science Technology Computing Technology Customer Service Accounting Business Studies Customer Service Accounting Economics Customer Service° Accounting # Economics # Customer Service° Foundation Programme Foundation Programme Foundation Programme Foundation Programme Digital Technology¹ Digital Technology Commerce Financial Literacy & Marketing¹ Business Studies¹ Dance # Drama # Music # Stage Technologies (L2) Multi Materials Technology # ITO Construction Textiles Technology # Design& Visual Communication# Food and Nutrition # Hospitality (L2) Early Childhood Education Bridging Programme Junior Bridging Programme° Junior Bridging Programme° Senior Bridging Programme° Senior Bridging Programme° Senior Bridging Programme° GATE 10LEO¹ (Learning Enrichment) 10LEO¹ (Learning Enrichment) LEAP (mentoring) LEAP (mentoring) LEAP (mentoring) KEY * Compulsory subject ¹ Option course for 1 semester (half a year) ² Option course for full year ° Course entry by invitation and interview only # Level 3 university-approved subject. 8 PATHWAYS BEYOND SCHOOL Apprenticeship and on-job training If you are considering entering into an apprenticeship or trainee position, it is important to realise that most employers are looking for young people with a positive attitude, good communication skills, basic literacy, numeracy and information technology skills. Many of the training programmes in work places are administered by ITO’s (Industry Training Organisations). Although the minimum entry for many apprenticeships and trainee positions are generally set at Level 1, students are encouraged to continue with Level 2 NCEA studies. To complete four years secondary schooling increases a student’s opportunities for employment. A high level of maturity is required to meet the demands of both work and study necessary to complete an apprenticeship. Subject recommendations and requirements vary but the main focus is on the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Technology. Remember, in competitive times the “minimum” might not be enough for you to be offered a place. Aim to be well above the minimum! The following list outlines the NCEA level subject requirements to enter careers which require certificate or diploma level training. Additionally some areas may have specific credit requirements. Career Area Agriculture / Horticulture Apprenticeships (Trades) eg. Building, Plumbing, Automotive Apprenticeships (Electrical) Banking / Insurance Computing / I.T. (PC Engineer) Chef / Hospitality Fitness Instructor Hairdressing Legal Secretary / Office Admin Retail / Sales Travel & Tourism Minimum Recommendations or Requirements No specific subjects, Science @ L1 is useful English, Mathematics, Science or a Technology subject @ L1 is recommended ETCO has compulsory requirements set as a minimum of 12 credits in each of English, Mathematics and Science @ L2 English and Mathematics @ L2, I.T. skills essential English and Mathematics @ L2 recommended to gain entry into a Diploma PC Engineering. Computer Studies useful No specific subjects, experience in industry is helpful No specific subjects, Science and P.E. useful No specific subjects, Science @ L1 is useful English @ Level 2, Mathematics useful, I.T. skills essential English and Mathematics @ L1, I.T. skills important 4 years secondary schooling to gain entry into a L4 Certificate course. To find out about other careers and their requirements refer to See pages 3-4 for instructions. Defence forces (Air Force, Army, Navy, Police) The Defence Forces provide many opportunities for apprenticeships and on job training. The minimum age for entry is 17 years and applicants are required to pass a Medical Assessment, Physical Fitness Test and Aptitude Test. It is important to check Residency / Citizenship requirements GENERAL SUMMARY OF ENTRY INTO THE DEFENCE FORCES Air Force, Army, Navy, Police Recommendations / Minimum Requirements Police Equivalent of Level 2 English, Aptitude Test required Support Roles English, Mathematics, Science @ L1 Most Apprenticeships English, Mathematics and Science or a Technology subject @ L1 and L2 for Electrical Engineering Apprenticeships English, Mathematics & Science (preferably Physics) @ L2 Officer & Specialist Roles English, Mathematics, and a Science subject @ L2 or L3 Undergraduate Scheme University Entrance @ L3 – high level of achievement Further details on career areas and entry criteria can be found on the NZ Defence Forces 9 Careers requiring university study The information in the following tables is a guide only. The criteria for each University may be different. Some of the subjects below are recommended for the particular career, and others compulsory. To gain more detailed information please see Careers or visit CAREER NCEA Level 1 NCEA Level 2 NCEA Level 3 Architecture Maths, Science, Art, Graphics, Product Design, Geography, History, English Art or Graphics English One of Maths, Physics or Economics One of History, Art History, Geography or Product Design Architectural Draughting English, Maths, Art, DVC, MMT, Computing Art Auckland Uni: Art and/or Graphics One of English, Geography, History, Art History, Te Reo Maori, (16 credits) plus one of Bio, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, Stats & Modelling, Economics or Accounting (16 credits) Portfolio of work is required plus a ranking (best 80 credits @ Level 3) Unitec: 60 credits @ Level 3 plus English 15 credits Level 2 NCEA English, Maths, Art, DVC, MMT, Computing Painting, Photography, Design, Art History Any of English, Art History, Geography, History, Languages, Maths, Media Studies, Music Arts Degree Any of English, Geography, History, Languages, Maths, Media Studies, Music Commerce Degree: Accounting and Economics can be started at University but studies are easier if these subjects have been studied at school English Maths English, Maths, Art, DVC, MMT, Computing Art, Photography, Design, Art History Any of English, Art History, Geography, History, Languages, Maths, Media Studies, Music English Maths Commerce: NZ Dip Bus English Accounting and/or Economics recommended English, Media Studies Commerce subjects recommended. 48 NCEA credits @ Level 2 English, Media Studies Computing English, Maths Engineering: NZ Diploma Technicians Training Engineering Degree: Akld Uni Ranking best 80 L3 NCEA AUT L3 Calculus & Physics Maths, Science, Mechanical Engineering English, Maths, Science English, Maths, Computing (useful) Maths Physics English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry (useful) Fashion Design / Textiles Film, Television and Radio Food Tech: Massey Uni (Albany) Landscape Design Law Textiles Technology A range of subjects Science, Maths Art, DVC English Maths Art / Design Communication Studies and Journalism Maths, Science Maths, Physics Textiles Technology A range of subjects Physics, Chemistry, Maths Art, Design, DVC English Maths if majoring in Economics. Otherwise any 3 of English, Accounting, History, Art History, Te Reo Maori, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, Statistics or Economics Need one from English, History, Geography, Art History, Media Studies, and overall 3 approved subjects AUT – requires min 60 credits over 4 subjects (at least 3 subjects from approved list). Calculus or Statistics Computing (useful) Maths Calculus (18 credits) Physics (18 credits) Chemistry (useful) Calculus, Physics Textiles Technology A range of subjects Physics, Chemistry, Maths Art, Design, DVC One of Art History, English, Geography, History 10 CAREER NCEA Level 1 NCEA Level 2 NCEA Level 3 Medicine (Health Science) Students should consult the Careers Dept before choosing their Year 13 course English, Maths, Science English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics Medical Laboratory Science English, Maths, Science Nursing English, Maths, Science English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics English, Maths, Biology or another Science Auckland University recommends students to take one of English, Art History, History, Geography and one of Biology, Chemistry, Te Reo Maori, Physics, Statistics or Calculus. All 3 Sciences are preferred English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics Biology, Chemistry or Physics, Maths and one of English, Geography, History, Art History, Food & Nutrition, Early Childhood English plus two of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Maths Music Drama, English English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics English Physical Education English, Physics, Calculus Food & Nutrition Occupational Therapy English, Maths, Science Performance Music Performing Arts Pharmacy Music Drama, English English, Science, Maths Physiotherapy English, Science, Maths Physical Education English, Maths, Science Pilot – Air Force Engineering English, Maths, Science Science Degree Science, Maths Social Work Sport and Recreation Any Any Teaching: Early Childhood Teaching: Primary Teaching: Secondary English, Maths, Science Same as above Depends on area of study Veterinary Science English, Maths, Science Food & Nutrition, Early Childhood English plus two of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Maths Music Drama, English English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths English PE or Sports Science English (high grades required), Maths, Physics or Chemistry Any of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Geography, Computing, Phys. Ed Any English A science subject English Same as above Depends on area of study English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths Any of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Geography, Computing, Phys. Ed 60 credits @ Level 3 for entry English A science subject, Phys. Ed At least 3 Level 3 subjects from approved list Same as above Depends on area of study Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus or Stats & Modelling To find out about other careers and their requirements refer to See pages 3-4 for instructions. 11 YEAR 10 OPTION CHOICES FOR 2015 BUSINESS STUDIES 10BUS Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: This course covers how business functions in terms of accounting, economics, finance, marketing, and creative decision making. Topics include: the power of marketing; money matters and financial communication; creative advertising and campaign design; consumer analysis; small business start-up; and the Goods and Services Tax (GST). Two NCEA Level 1 standards are offered: (a) the marketing mix; and (b) budgeting. Course Costs: Students cover own cost of product testing and development. DANCE 10DAN Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: This course promotes personal and social well-being by developing your self-esteem, social interaction and confidence in physical expression. You will develop skills, including: exploring the dance elements of body awareness, space, time, energy and relationships; using personal experiences and imagination to express ideas in dance; and sharing movement and responding to your own and others’ dance. You will also explore and perform a variety of cultural dances. Course Costs: A 2B8 exercise book. Visits to performances have entry and transport costs. The attire for class and performances will be outlined at the beginning of the course. DESIGN and VISUAL COMMUNICATION 10DVC Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: In this course you will work on three areas: (a) media and illustration; (b) architecture and environment; and (c) engineering and technology. In each of the areas you will research and develop design solutions. Solutions are presented using various media and drawing modes. The course is taught in a purpose-built graphics classroom. Design and Visual Communication (DVC) is the nationally recognised name for this subject. Course Costs: Specialised stationery required – see stationery list. 12 DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY 10DIT Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: The aim of this course is to develop and extend your current ICT knowledge and skills. You will work through a variety of fun and engaging units throughout the semester, all of which are completed and presented digitally. You will learn to publish and submit your work electronically for marking and can access digital content using Google Apps. Units include Back to the Office (Microsoft Office), I Can Animate (learning about the history of animation and creating an animated video) Movie Editing, Getting Started with Photoshop (creating and editing enhanced graphics) and That’s Flash (learning the basics of flash animation. Course costs: Nil DRAMA 10DRA Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: This course will introduce you to the world of drama through language, improvisation, characterisation, stagecraft, mime, movement and mask. You will be taken on a journey that will build on personal strengths, while at the same time open new doors that challenge old perceptions of what one can and cannot do. You will also learn to process different scripts through to live performances, with the use of stage technologies. Course Costs: Visits to performances have entry and transport costs. ECO-DESIGN 10EDN Length of course: Half-year Course Summary: In this project-based course you will learn how to be an “eco-innovator” when working on solutions to environmental problems and challenges. You will be given the opportunity to develop your own inquiry path, including creative and sustainable design, life cycle thinking, and problem solving. There will be a variety of projects to choose from, including: an eco-design challenge; sustainable living; eco-friendly buildings; bio-mimicry; ; eco-fashion; packaging; disposable products; recycling and upcycling – new products from old; and electric and hybrid vehicles. There will be a local field trip. Course Costs: Transport costs for local field trip. ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 10ELT Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: In this course you will undertake projects based on building and problem solving with components and transistor circuits, and programming using microprocessors to solve real-world situations. We will design and test prototype breadboards and final solutions will be assembled on circuit boards and packaged to meet design requirements. This course leads on to all NCEA level 1 Technology courses. Course Costs: To be advised 13 ENGLISH as a SECOND LANGUAGE 10ESL Length of Course: Full-year Course Summary: This course is for you if English is not your first language. The course will give you the opportunity to develop your English language skills in the following areas: Listening – listening for main ideas, information and other people’s opinions. Speaking – giving information, describing and explaining, and expressing your own opinions. Reading – understanding main ideas, specific information and opinions. Writing – presenting information, describing processes, presenting points of view. ESL will help you to learn across all your courses. Topics covered are chosen from a wide range of subject areas including Science and Social Studies. Course Costs: Nil FOOD and NUTRITION 10FAN Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: This course will teach you to prepare food safely, follow recipes and develop basic cooking skills. You will also develop knowledge and skills in nutrition and product development. Food is taught at each senior level, and it is an advantage to develop skills at this level to lead into those courses. You can expect to complete practical lessons once or twice per week. The fees cover some of the food costs. You must purchase a workbook, which is essential for the course. Course costs: $60 for basic cooking ingredients. $15 for workbook. FRENCH 10 FRE Length of Course: Full-year Course Summary: In this full-year course you will learn how to understand, speak, read and write French. You will earn how to understand and construct simple texts using your knowledge of France to describe aspects of your own background and immediate environment. Topics include: introducing yourself and your family; talking about your daily life; school; travelling in French speaking countries; hobbies and spare time activities; eating and drinking; personal descriptions. You will learn how to recognise and describe ways in which the French culture is organised and compare and contrast cultural practices through cultural assignments. You have to do this course if you want to do NCEA Level 1 French. Course Costs: Workbook required; cost to be confirmed. 14 GERMAN 10GER Length of Course: Full-year Course Summary: In this full-year course you will learn how to understand, speak, read and write more German. You will learn how to understand and construct simple texts using your knowledge of German-speaking countries to describe aspects of your own background and immediate environment. Topics include: introducing yourself and your family; talking about your daily life; school; your town; hobbies and spare time activities; eating and drinking; and German music and film. You will learn how to recognise and describe ways in which the German culture is organised and compare and contrast cultural practices through cultural assignments. You have to do this course if you want to do NCEA Level 1 German. Course Costs: Workbook: $12 LEADERSHIP IN ACTION (including DUKE of EDINBURGH AWARD) 10LIA Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: To enter this course you will need to attend a meeting with the Teacher-in-Charge Head of LIA, Miss Buchanan. You will have to show that you are interested in the outdoors and be committed to developing your leadership potential. You will develop your leadership and decision-making ability in a variety of activities designed to challenge you mentally, emotionally and physically. You will be assessed on how well you demonstrate leadership in action, which will include establishing personal goals and plans, managing projects, and setting high personal standards. You will work towards gaining the Duke of Edinburgh Bonze Award and will be expected to plan and prepare in groups and participate in a two-day bush camp in a local wilderness area. Course Costs: $100 buses and venues plus $100 for two-day bush camp in local area. LEARNING ENRICHMENT OPTION 10LEO Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: The Learning Enrichment Option (LEO) is an invitational programme for selected academically able Year 10 students who are self-motivated, creative and demonstrate task commitment in areas of interest. In order to participate in this course, students will need to replace one of their four chosen options with LEO. This course builds on the thinking and learning skills introduced to students in Year 9 LEO, with a focus on individual students’ particular strengths. The teacher facilitates individualised learning programs which are student centred and driven. Small class numbers will enable students and the teacher to individualise learning. Course Costs: To be advised. 15 MEDIA STUDIES 10MED Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: This course is for you if you are interested in studying the media and producing media products. You will choose from a variety of units of work during the semester which can be completed by your or with a small group. The units of work include topics such as advertising; film-making; print production (magazines / newspapers / comics); online media production (blogs, viral videos); genre studies; research; media analysis and podcast/radio production. Note: You can only take this course once during either Year 9 or Year 10. Year 10 students cannot take both Media Studies and Digital Technology in 2015. Course Costs: Will not exceed $50 MULTI-MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY 10MMT Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: In this course you will learn problem solving, construction and communication skills, while using a wide variety of material applications to help you develop a prototype. We will focus on cooperative group work, the environment and sustainability. You will work creatively and analytically to identify, trial and evaluate potential solutions, and eventually put your ideas into practice. Projects will be manufactured in the school’s Technology rooms. This course leads onto all NCEA Level 1 Technology courses. Course Costs: Materials used for take-home projects – to be advertised. Specialised stationery required - see stationery list. MUSIC 10MUS Length of Course: Full-year Course Summary: Students choosing this course must be actively learning an instrument, either through the school ($60 per year for lessons), or through private lessons. The course consists of a combination of solo and group practical work; solo and group creative work; music technology; musical knowledge; theory and listening. A broad range of music is covered to give students a wide knowledge of the world of music and the contemporary music industry. This course is designed to prepare students for Level 1 NCEA Music. Course Costs: Stationery – 2B8 exercise book, music manuscript book, pens, 2B pencils, eraser and glue stick. 16 SCIENCE INVESTIGATIONS 10SIN Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: To enter this course you will need the recommendation of your Year 9 Science teacher. You will develop your understanding about science, including scientific investigation and communication skills. You will complete two science fair projects for entry into the NIWA Auckland Science Fair and Google International Science Fair. You will be assessed on how well you carry out your investigations and how successfully you communicate your findings in a scientific way. You will choose your investigation topics with guidance from your teacher Course Costs: Students cover own cost of product testing and development. This will be $20 to $50 for consumables. SPANISH 10SPA Length of Course: Full-year Course Summary: In this full-year course, you will learn how to understand, speak, read and write Spanish. You will learn how to understand and construct simple texts using your knowledge of Spanish to describe aspects of your own background and immediate environment. Topics covered include: introducing yourself and your family; talking about your daily life, school; travelling around Spanish-speaking countries; hobbies and spare time activities; eating and drinking; personal descriptions. You will learn how to recognise and describe ways in which the Spanish cultures are organised and compare and contrast cultural practices through cultural assignments. Those who work consistently well all year will be rewarded. You will have to do this course if you want to do NCEA Level 1 Spanish. Course Costs: Workbook $15 SPORTS STUDIES 10SPS Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: This course is designed to challenge you physically and mentally. The emphasis is not only on gaining practical knowledge across a range of activities, but also performance analysis, and developing and demonstrating tactical awareness. The course is made up of theoretical components such as fitness and training, personal development, sports psychology, and the opportunity to complete Level 0 Football Coaching and Fast Fire Netball. Course Costs: $60 17 TE REO MAORI 10MAO Length of Course: Full-year Course Summary: In this full-year course you will learn how to understand, speak, read and write Te Reo Maori. You will learn how to understand and construct simple texts using your knowledge of Te Reo Maori to describe aspects of your own background and immediate environment. Topics covered include: introducing yourself and your family; talking about your daily life; school; Aotearoa; hobbies and spare time activities; eating and drinking; personal descriptions. You will learn how to recognise and describe ways in which the Te Reo culture is organised and compare and contrast cultural practices through cultural assignments. You have to do this course if you want to do NCEA Level 1 Te Reo Maori. Course Costs: $12 TEXTILES TECHNOLOGY 10TEX Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: 'Who's Got Square Pants?' is a one semester course that will allow you to develop your ability to problemsolve using the technological process as a framework. You will build creative, practical thinking skills to develop and produce an outcome. You will be given an opportunity to design and produce sleepwear for a target market. You will learn about cotton fabric and fibres; trial and test printing and dyeing techniques; develop some basic construction skills; consider new technologies; brainstorm ideas; and gather stakeholder feedback to develop your ideas into a sleepwear design which you produce. Course Costs: $25 to cover thread, interfacing, fabric, felt. Additional cost of fabric, commercial pattern, and notions – student choice. VISUAL ART 10ART Length of Course: Half-year Course Summary: This course is designed to help you gain skills and knowledge in the Visual Arts, and prepare yourself for NCEA Level 1 Visual Art courses at Year 11. The aim is to introduce you to new materials and techniques including: drawing media; basic computer design; relief printing; simple photographic processes; and painting techniques. You will work on four different projects: Drawing; Printmaking; Design and Painting. Each project is approximately five weeks in length. You will be expected to draw out your ideas, develop your work through a number of stages, explore and control different materials and techniques before arriving at the final work. Course Costs: $15 covers the cost of the Visual Art workbook. You are expected to purchase your own stationery for this course. 18 SELECTING YOUR OPTION COURSES FOR 2015 Think about what subjects/things you are good at and/or what you want to do once you have finished high school. Talk to people about your ideas or to help you get ideas. Try talking to subject teachers, older students or siblings, your form teacher, your parents, your dean, careers staff. Make sure you understand the requirements and/or prerequisites for the pathway you are interested in. Remember to be realistic ☺ Complete the Course Selection Form (next page) I am good at doing… In the future I am interested in doing… I have talked my ideas through with… You can also use web sites such as or MyCareerMatch or CareerQuest. The requirements or prerequisites I need to be able to achieve this are… • ___________________ • ___________________ • ___________________ • ___________________ I have completed the planning sheet on the reverse of this sheet ☺ Refer to the Course Selection Timeline on page 3 for what happens next. 19 OPTION COURSES SELECTION FORM (for students who are in Year 10 in 2015) Your Name Form Class You must now select option courses which are either half-year or full-year. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CHOOSING OPTIONS: CROSS the boxes of the course options you would like to take in 2015. You can choose: TWO full-year courses or ONE full-year course and TWO half-year courses or FOUR half-year courses HALF-YEAR COURSES □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Business Studies (10BUS) Dance (10DAN) Design and Visual Communication (10DVC) Digital Technology (10DIT) Drama (10DRA) Eco-Design (10EDN) Electronics Technology (10ELT) Food and Nutrition (10FAN) Leadership in Action (10LIA) Learning Enrichment (10LEO) Media Studies (10MED) Multi Materials Technology (10MMT) Science Investigations (10SIN) □ Sports Studies (10SPS) □ □ Textiles Technology (10TEX) Visual Art (10ART) FULL-YEAR COURSES □ □ □ □ □ French (10FRE) German (10GER) Music (10MUS) Te Reo Maori (10MAO) English as a Second Language (10ESL) Parent/caregiver signature____________________________________
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