LITURGY, THE PRAYER OF THE PEOPLE 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time Saturday: 4.30 pm 5.30pm Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys (+John O’Connor) (+Marie Hanrahan, +John Flannelly, Frances Kinsella (Get Well)) (Joseph Cotterall Intention, Sr. Visitation) 9.00 am 9.30 am 10.30 am 11.00 am 6.00 pm Saint Anne Saint Mary Saint Michael Saint David Saint Mary (Holy Souls) (+Sr. Perpetua (Zimbabwe), +Mrs. Kath Armstrong) (People of the Parish, +Audrey Bartlett) (Holy Souls) (Deceased Regan & Hanley Family) 9.30 am 10.00 am Saint Michael Saint Mary 6.00pm Saint Mary Saint David Lewis Sunday: The Presentation of the Lord (Feast) Monday 7.00 pm Morning Prayer (+Gianni & Maria Conti, +Una McNulty, Joseph Carrolls Intention, Mattei Family.) (Deceased Members of St. David Lewis Community) Saint David Lewis Saint Blaise, Bishop & Martyr Tuesday 10.00 am 10.00 am Saint Anne Saint Mary Morning Devotions (+Giovanni & Maria Fava, +Orsali Vardevoulia) Saint Mary Saint Michael Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys (+Riccardo & Teresa Fava) Adoration (+Kath Essery) Wednesday 10.00 am 6.30 pm 7.00 pm Thursday Saint Agatha, Virgin & Martyr 10.00am Saint Mary (+Andrew & Emilia Conti) 10.00 am 10.00 am Saint David Lewis Saint Mary Adoration and Devotions. (+Mario Conti) 10.00 am 10.30 am 3.30 pm Saint Mary Saint Mary Saint Mary (+Robert Hearn, Mathew Michael Thayil,) Adoration, till 11.45. Adoration, till 4.15. Friday Saturday [Next Sunday’s Intentions: Saint Anne – People of the Parish Saint Basil & Gwladys – +James McGrory, Sr. Paul & Sr. Francis, +Nellie O’Mahony Saint David – Holy Souls Saint David Lewis – +Pat Conway, People of Willow Brook. Saint Mary – +Tony Higgins, +John Feeney, +Gabriel Mathys ; +Mrs. Kath Armstrong, +Sr. Perpetua (Zimbabwe) ; People of the Parish Saint Michael – +Ian & Don Long SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Monday Wednesday Saturday 6.30 – 6.50 pm 6.30 – 6.50 pm 10.45 – 11.45 am 3.30 – 4.15 pm Saint David Lewis Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys Saint Mary Saint Mary A Parish of the Archdiocese of Cardiff :: A Registered Charity :: ALL SAINTS PARISH Saints Anne, Basil + Gwladys, David, David Lewis, Mary, & Michael “A L I V E A N D A C T I V E ” 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time The Year of Saint Mark Sunday 01.02. 2015 EDUCATION SUNDAY (Sunday Readings: Year B :: Weekdays of Year 2 :: Breviary: Week ii) THIS SUNDAY’S MASS Scripture: Deuteronomy 18: 15 – 20. Psalm 94 R/. O that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your hearts. Come, ring out our joy to the Lord; hail the rock who saves us. Let us come before him, giving thanks, with songs let us hail the Lord. Come in; let us kneel and bend low; let us kneel before the God who made us for he is our God / and we the people who belong to his pasture, the flock that is led by his hand. O that today you would listen to his voice! / ‘Harden not your hearts as at Meribah, as on that day at Massah in the desert when your fathers put me to the test; when they tried me, though they saw my work.’ 1 Corinthians 7: 32 – 35. Mark 1: 21 – 28. Intercession: Lord graciously hear us A woman was at work when she received a phone call telling her that her daughter was ill. She left work and went to the pharmacist to buy some flu medicine. Unfortunately, having done so, she returned to discover she’d locked her keys in the car. She looked around for a rusty coat hanger, found one, but didn’t know how to use it. So she bowed her head and prayed for help. Within seconds a scruffy man appeared. She was so desperate she told him her plight and asked him, “Do you know how to break into a car with one of these?” “Sure,” said the man, and within a minute had opened the car door. The woman hugged him and thanked him profusely. “Thank you so much,” she said, “You are a very nice man.” The man replied, “Lady, I am not a nice man. I just got out of prison today. I was in prison for car theft and have only been out for one hour.” “Thank you, Lord,” shouted the woman, “for sending me a professional!” ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There were eleven people hanging onto a rope that came down from a plane. Ten were Irish, and one was a university professor. They all decided that one person should get off because if they didn’t then the rope would break and everyone would die. No one could decide who should go, so finally the professor said, ‘I’ll get off.’ After a really touching speech from the professor saying she would get off, all of the Irish people started clapping. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What do you get if you cross a hedgehog with a giraffe? (Search the newsletter) PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL PARISH PASTORAL TEAM Revd. Michael Evans Revd. Richard Aziati Revd. Michael Doyle Sister Brigid Cantwell Sister Paul Gerard Chidgey Sister Justina Morrin Sister Visitation O’Donoghue Revd. Deacon Richard Withers PARISH OFFICE 9 Stow Hill, NP20 1TP 01633 265533 [email protected] HOSPITAL TEAM Royal Gwent + St. Woolos Hospitals Emergency Sick Call Number (Monday -Friday: 9am-3pm) 265533 Father Richard 0780 5696474 Next Sunday: Saint Michaels Hospital Rota: Today: David and Mary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collections £173.08 £ 184.00 £385.72 £140.00 £ 997.00 £377.00 (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: (Gift Aided: KEYS – To have and to hold Please note the lock on the Institute door has been changed, therefore, following insurance guidelines, if you hold keys to either the Institute or Presbytery could you kindly call into the Parish Office to sign for the said keys and if applicable obtain the new key. The Mass in Welsh: On February 22nd, and every Sunday from then on, the Mass will be celebrated in Welsh at 4pm at the chapel of Nazareth House, Colum Road, Cardiff. This is a new opportunity for those learning Welsh and children in Welsh medium education to hear Mass in Welsh – you will be welcome to join the regular congregation or come from time to time. A warm welcome awaits – croeso cynnes i bawb. Newsletter Items Please make sure that any items for the newsletter are sent into the office, no later than 12pm on Thursdays. If it is received after this time, unfortunately it will have to go in the following week. Many thanks for your co-operation, Tracy & Mary £) £65.00) £63.10) £56.00) £359.00) £48.00) 71 67 228 84 517 256 ACTA – A Call to Action – is a national group of clergy and laity who have come together to discuss the future of the Church. [Website:] There is an active group in most of the dioceses in England and Wales. An inaugural meeting for a group in the Archdiocese of Cardiff is to meet at St. Brigid’s Parish Hall, Crystal Glen, Cardiff, CF14 5QN on Monday 2nd February 2015 starting at 7.00 pm. All are welcome. Further details from Frank Callus – [email protected] or Mobile 07956005459 GENERAL NOTICE Be aware of thieves. Please take all bags and valuables with you when you go to Holy Communion. Answer A very long hairbrush!. Saint Anne: Saints Basil and Gwladys: Saint David: Saint David Lewis: Saint Mary: Saint Michael: The Annual University Mass celebrated at the re-constructed preReformation church of St. Teilo at St. Fagan's Museum, Cardiff will be on Saturday 7th February at 10am. An ecumenical scholar will sing the Victoria Mass. Bible Sharing The next session of Bible Sharing takes place on Thursday 4th February in St. Mary’s at 7.00 p.m. Studying : The Acts of the Apostles Chapters 13-14 If we are not willing to climb the mountain, then we will not see the view. AROUND AND ABOUT IN OUR CHURCHES Today: 9.30 5.00 Baptism of Rosie-May Gibbons during Saint Mary’s Mass St. Mary’s Folk Choir practice in St. Mary’s Church. New members are always welcome. Monday: 5.30 7.00 Tuesday: 10.30 10.30 10.30 6.15-7.45 Wednesday : 2.00 Thursday : Friday: 3.30 7.00 7.30 Saturday Next Sunday: 12.30 5.00 Saint Mary’s Legion of Mary meets, in the Marian Room in Saint Mary’s Institute. Saint David’s S.V.P. (Society of Saint Vincent de Paul) meets, in Saint David’s Sacristy. Cenacolo Prayer Group in Maripa, 1A School House, Hartridge Rd. NP18 22LN Saint Anne’s Community Club meets in Saint Anne’s Hall: All welcome. Saint David Lewis Talent Sharing, in Saint David Lewis Hall. Saint Anne’s welcomes Marcia Doyle will provide an update regarding the children of Belarus Brownies meet in Saint Mary’s Institute. Sugar n’ Spice meet in Saint Mary’s Institute. Rogers & Hammerstein. Newport Justice & Peace meet in Saint Mary’s Institute. Quiz Night in Saint Mary’s Institute. Bingo, in Saint Michael’s Hall. Baptism of Issac Perry in Saint Mary’s Church. St. Mary’s Folk Choir practice in St. Mary’s Church. New members are always welcome. Dates for your Diary 11.02.15 7.00pm 12.02.15 06.03.15 2.00pm 2.00pm Memorial Service for the relatives of those who died at St. Anne’s Hospice will be held at St Anne’s Church Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys Natter Group meets.. Women’s World Day of Prayer Service at St. Julian’s Methodist Church. PRAYERS PLEASE Please pray for the Repose of the Soul of Patricia Millar and all deceased members of All Saints Parish. In your Prayers, Please remember also in your prayers, Sally Cox-Mulvanney, Ron Kelly, Ellen Hobbs, Lawrence Caruana, Anthony & Casey Hard, Mary Savini, Pat Bowen, Libby Fussell, Sheila June White, Win Jackson, Joan Harrington, Margaret Rowe, Mary Stewart, Malcolm Stewart, Avril McDonald, Callum Lewis, Easton William & Arabella Rose Thomas-Yendle (Premature Twins), John Fox, Lillian Skillen, Bernard Dunn, Janet Walsh, Lolith Sauksciuviene, Lucy Stoneman, Colin Richards, Albert Evans, Iris Anthony, Annette Jones, Keiron & Liz Breen, Alfonso Putz, Ron Page, Ted Page, Mary Park, Colin Blacker, Pat Webb, Christine Bennett, Zonia Dagger, Douglas Skinner, Janet Gillian Jones, Maureen Harris, Peter Wright, Danny O’Carroll, Dale Ward, Ada Jones, Avril Taylor, Glenys Harvey, Rose Hackwood, Catherine Williams, Lil O’Hagen, and Idris Skillen and all in the Family of our Parish who are sick or housebound, and all who care for them. Someone to Pray for? Please tell your ‘Community Correspondent’, or ring the Newsletter Secretary, 265533. A Teachers’ Prayer on Education Sunday May I praise, not criticise; encourage, not deter; help, not hinder; accompany, not direct; and bring light and joy to those I meet. May my lessons be truthful and inspiring as they reveal the wonderful traces of your presence in creation and in the best of human kind. May my classroom be a place of peace and respect, discovery and learning, where each person is given space and encouragement to flourish, growing to be the person you call them to be. Give me energy, and faith and commitment, especially when I am tired or despondent, let down, or wondering if my efforts are worthwhile. Give me the wisdom and strength of your Spirit, today and each day; that I may help the souls committed to my care for the common good and for your greater glory. Amen. The next meeting of the Natter's Group will be on Thursday, 12th February at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to come along for tea, biscuits, cake and good conversation. Alice through the Looking Glass According to those living next door to Alice she would prefer to look through the stained glass windows planned for St. David Lewis Church. All proceeds therefore from our next charity social will go to their appeal for funding. It will be held on Saturday 14th February, further details to follow. Prize for best Fancy Dress.- It’s Valentines Night. The Pastoral team from St. Anne's Hospice are holding a Memorial Service in our church on Tuesday, 11th February, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes at 7:00 p.m. This Service is for those who recently died in the hospice. Marcia Doyle will be with us this Tuesday, February 3rd at 10:30 a.m. Marcia will provide an update regarding the children of Belarus. The Word Communion C.L.O.W. Counters Cleaners 31st Jan/1st Feb Bernard Tyson Ceri Hobbs Pat Burgess Sr. Visitation Nancy Jones Beryl Williams Bethan Manners Mike & Janet Singleton Sr. Visitation Eileen 7th/8th February Marilyn Richard Josie Brett Margaret Millwater Bridie McNulty Jean Stanford Marta Williams Trevor Williams Bernard & Janet Tyson Mary & Conrad Gallinagh Lottery Sat 3rd Jan 24 A Bray Wed 10th Jan 24 Chris Edge Is your Lottery paid up to date? ROTA This is Week 2 for the Ministers of the Word and of Communion, and the Counters. Church Cleaning Group 4 The Word Communion 31st Jan/1st Feb David Esther Pam, Rita, Martin th th 7 /8 February David Helen Pam, Rita, Mary B This week the Prayer Group will be praying for those living in Thames Close and Yeo Close especially those with any special needs at this time. Community committee will meet on Thursday 5th Feb at 6.00pm in the hall. If you have anything to discuss please contact Mary or come along and join us. This month we are asking St Basil and St Gwladys to particularly watch over everyone who lives, works, visits or passes through Rogerstone. st The Word Communion st 31 Jan/1 Feb Faith Young Angela Haines Siobhan Quinn th th 7 /8 February Larry Cullen Keira Cullen Anne Edge Why not combine getting fitter with fun and join the line dancers. Sessions are held on a Monday and Thursday 10am- 12.00 and Wednesday 7-9pm all abilities welcome. If you prefer something more sedate the Tuesday Talent Group would be pleased to see you 10am-12. The Word Ministering to the Assembly st st 31 Jan/1 Feb Readers 4.30 9.30 6.00 Communion Counters Cleaners C.L.o.W. th th 7 /8 February Mary Tilley Charles Reynolds Tony Corten Hilary Cameron Tim Hancock Mary Williams Rose O’Keefe John Haywood Patsy Groves James Carney As per separate list Barbara Aplin John Wysome Anna Lloyd Paddy Richardson Kitty McHugh Group 1 A. Jones E. Hurley Tony Turner Vincent Charmary As per separate list Helen McCormick Cath Watkins Maureen Lyons Group 2 C. Lloyd A. McHugh CONGRATULATIONS Our Prayers and Congratulations go to Communion 31st Jan/1st Feb Catherine Fisher Rosemary Anderson Sergio Cinotti Sheila Wigmore Jo Hurley 7th/8th February Ann Pollard Rosemary Anderson Myfanwy Anderson Jo Hurley Teresa Cinotti There will be Adoration on Wednesday at 6.30pm. Many thanks to the wonderful Little Voices of St Michael's choir for leading us in last week's school Mass. It was great to hear you. Final call for unclaimed raffle prizes- check your tickets now! There will be a meeting of the Community Council on Weds Feb 11th at 7.30pm in the Hall. Please let any of the members know if there's anything you want discussed. Bruce Reynish who will celebrate his 90th Birthday on February 3rd 200 Club : 25.01.15. M. McGonigle No. 197 The Legion of Mary candle this week is offered up for Saint Mary’s Community Council Nominations are required for the re-establishment of St. Mary’s Community Council. If you wish to nominate anyone, please first consult with the nominee, before forwarding their name to the Parish Office. We are initially looking for 5 members to represent the people who attend St. Mary’s. We already have three people who have shown an interest in re-establishing this committee. Please could we have these names by today, 1st February – place names in an envelope with the signature of acceptance from the nominee and address it to the Parish Office, by the above date. When little Susie came home from her first day of school, she promptly asked her mum, “What is sex?” Susie’s mother had been expecting the question for some time, so she launched into a speech about the birds and the bees and the eggs and the sperm and what happens when two people love each other very much and so on. Noticing her daughter’s brow was still furrowed, she stopped talking. “Susie, haven’t you been able to follow what I’ve been telling you?” “I have, mum, I really have,” replied Susie, pulling her school registration card out of her backpack. “But how am I going to fit all that in this little box?” St Mary’s Brownies and Guides are collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers. If you collect any and would like to donate them, please put them in the box in the Church or drop them into parish office. Many thanks.
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