Kobe Sakura Meeting 2015

Kobe Sakura Meeting 2015
The 5th International Conferences for Collaborative Research
2015/4/8 (Wed.) -2015/4/10 (Fri.)
協賛: 日本学術振興会・課題設定による先導的人文・社会科学研究推進事業
Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
1. Alex Braithwaite “Troop deployments and political stability.”
2. Jun Koga (with Sabrina Karim) “Autocracies and Peace-keeping missions.”
3. Kaisa Hinkkainen (with Joakim Kreutz) “The peace dividend paradox: Natural resource wars in
the shadow of the future.”
4. Zorzeta Bakaki and Elina Brutschin “The Competition over Resources: A New Approach in the
Context of Low-Scale Violence.”
5. Kazuto Ohtsuki “Regime Promotion and the Fate of Imposed Democracies.”
6. Jessica Maves Braithwaite and Alex Braithwaite “Ballots, Bans, and Bombs: Terrorism, Spoiling,
and the Quality of Elections”
7. Daina Chiba and Erik Gartzke “Make Two Democracies and Call Me in the Morning”
8. Böhmelt Tobias and Atsushi Tago (with Ulrich Pilster) “A Good Navy is the Surest Guaranty of
(Civil) Peace? The Impact of Naval Strength on Civil-Military Relations.”
9. Graeme Davis, Robert Johns, and Atsushi Tago (with Maki Ikeda) “Legality Perception and SinoJapanese Territorial Conflicts.”
10. Yoshiharu Kobayashi “Public Opinion and the Reputation Effect of Economic Sanctions”
11. Gaku Itoh “Escalation or Relocation? Modeling Diffusion of Violence in Civil War”
12. Håvard Mokleiv Nygård (with Håvard Hegre) “The Conflict Trap”
13. Marianne Dahl “Non-Violent revolutions and democratic change”
14. Kazunori Inamasu, Shoko Kohama and Atsushi Tago, “To Denounce, or Not To Denounce:
Survey Experiment on Diplomatic Quarrels.”
★お問い合わせ:法学研究科 多湖淳研究室 [email protected]