s Dave McPhail Chief Executive Officer Memex Automation Inc. (Cincinnati) SOFTWARE UPDATE NEWS ABOUT DIGITAL MANUFACTURING TOOLS AND SOFTWARE The Value of Virtual Plant Monitoring Manufacturing Engineering: What can a plant-floor monitoring system do for shops today? Dave McPhail: The achievable goal is real-time situation- required, the cost is closer to $5000-$5500 per monitored asset installed. To make an informed cost decision, manufacturers need al awareness and complete visibility of operations, or con- to understand the value created by effectively monitor- nected manufacturing. The vast majority of manufacturers ing their shop-floor assets. Memex Automation customers today do not measure the results of their shop-floor opera- typically experience IRR [internal rate of return] greater than tional efforts in real time. With a disconnected manufacturing 400%, which means that the average payback is measured model, they have little or no real-time data to drive excellence in mere months. ME: What new monitoring tools from Memex Automation and profitability. ME: Why don’t more manufacturers use monitoring? McPhail: As with anything new that challenges the pres- can help shops today? McPhail: We call our award-winning technology MERLIN, ent status quo, adoption rates are contingent on manufactur- an acronym for Manufacturing Execution Real-time Lean ers sharing their successes with others. Most manufacturers Information Network. Our solution includes both connection purchase and adopt new equipment and processes by hardware, if required, and visualization software that, for the identifying and benchmarking their performance against that first time, allows manufacturers to really see exactly what of their peers. transpires on their shop floors, in real time, by the second. As the results of our early adopters are validated and MERLIN enables the synthesis and contextualization of shared, we are seeing the market open up dramatically. At three data sources. The first data source is the shop-floor last September’s IMTS show, our booth was booking a new equipment that produces the product. This could be any lead every two-and-a-half minutes and we are now scaling piece of resident shop-floor manufacturing equipment, such up all areas of our company to meet demand. as CNC machines, punch presses, saws, injection-molding “To make an informed cost decision, manufacturers need to understand the value created by effectively monitoring their shop-floor assets.” ME: How much does it cost to start a shop-floor monitoring program? machines, packaging equipment, robots, and PLC-controlled equipment. It could also be a “virtual machine,” where the McPhail: The cost depends on the method of connec- process is completely manual, such as assembly or pack- tion required to access the data generated by the shop- aging. The second data source is the shop-floor personnel floor-resident manufacturing equipment. For new equip- that operate the equipment, and perform related tasks. Our ment capable of talking intelligently via Ethernet and using MERLIN Operator Portal (MOP) supports a new paradigm in an electronic protocol such as MTConnect or OPC, the manufacturing where the equipment operator is as valued cost is $2750-$3500 per monitored asset installed. If the as an intrinsic resource. Our customers have proven that if equipment is considered legacy and a hardware adapter is the operator is empowered and given the tools to assist in 26 AdvancedManufacturing.org | February 2015 SOFTWARE UPDATE pliers, costing, and scheduling. In a disconnected manufacturing model, the data that they are presently Image courtesy Memex Automation Inc. fed from the shop floor is manually entered, usually well after the fact, which hinders their ability to influence time-sensitive outcomes and make critical decisions. A connected manufacturing model offers the ability to automatiUsing Memex’s MERLIN Operator Portal, operators are empowered with tools needed to quickly solve problems, boosting shop-floor productivity. cally drive and influence inventory, and procurement, based solely on what is happening in real-time on the solving problems as they arise on the manufacturing floor, shop floor. Another benefit is transparent scheduling visibility productivity dramatically improves. The third data source is based on exactly what has been produced by the company’s ERP/MRP. In most manufacturing shops, these complex sys- manufacturing operations without the delay associated with tems are not directly tied to what is happening on the shop manual data entry. floor. They hold vast amounts of data about sales orders, raw material availability, delivery dates, outsourced vendors/sup- 28 AdvancedManufacturing.org | February 2015 ME: What specific metrics are most critical for shops looking to improve productivity? McPhail: The new buzzword in manufacturing today trapped in most manufacturers’ ERP/MRP systems. With is OEE. OEE is a distillation of the six-sigma principles of F.OEE, Income From Operations [IFO], asset by asset, hour waste, and is the product of three ratios. The first ratio is by hour, can for the first time be calculated, visualized and "$+)'(',',',!-+--#*#+*+)--+$)"-(--,&-+ Availability, which is defined as actual run time/total time, truly understood. including downtime. The second ratio is Quality, which is defined as good parts produced/total parts produced, including rejects/scrap. The third ratio is Performance, which is defined as actual part-to-part runtime collected/ theoretical part-to-part runtime. Availability is where most companies see the largest and quickest improvement for the effort expended. MERLIN measures nonproductive time into 20 downtime categories per machine. This allows continuous improvement personnel to rapidly determine root causes of equipment downtime and eliminate them by understanding exactly where to look, and exactly what to change to gain additional manufacturing capacity. Quality and performance are also extremely helpful in improving a company’s overall OEE score. World-class OEE is 85%, which is 95% in each of these categories multiplied by each Looking to make things a whole lot easier around your shop? other. It should be duly noted that the average manufacturing customer we engage with believes its OEE is approximately 65%, when the actual post-MERLIN-implementation initial If you’re looking for powerful CAM software that makes everyone’s job easier while providing support that you can rest assured in, GibbsCAM is YOUR CAM software solution. benchmark is closer to 32%. Once the shock of that typical OEE - gap is fully understood, within a few months a MERLIN customer’s OEE Powerfully Simple. Simply Powerful improves dramatically. We have several customers that have started at 32%, 800-654-9399 and attained world-class OEE of 85%. www.GibbsCAM.com ME: How can using financial OEE, which you described at MTConnect’s conference, help improve shops’ bottom line? McPhail: Financial OEE, or F.OEE, Solid Modeling 2-5 Axis Milling High-Speed Machining Multi-Task Machining Swiss Machining Tombstone Machining Turning Mill/Turn Wire-EDM leverages the power of real-time shopfloor data, and accurate costing data See us at HOUSTEX Booth #1245 February 2015 | AdvancedManufacturing.org 29 SOFTWARE UPDATE This allows manufacturers to manage their shopfloor operations with a new management tool that helps them understand their equipment’s contribution to their monthly income statement in real-time, not three weeks after month-end when it’s far too late to modify a manufacturing process. Think of F.OEE as a universal metric Image courtesy SigmaTek LLC that is well understood by all—money! New Releases SigmaTek Systems LLC (Cincinnati), a developer of nesting software, has released its updated SigmaNest Version 10 for users of plasma, laser, punch, oxyfuel, waterjet, router, knife, tube/pipe and combination cutting machines. The updated SigmaNest Version 10.2 software adds a Split Window for simultaneously viewing different areas of the workspace. The updated SigmaNest software adds a number of new areas of the workspace. Users can also manually nest parts features and enhancements that make machine program- across the split windows and onto other sheets. This capabil- ming even more effective and easy. SigmaNest 10.2 offers ity provides quick nesting of parts onto multiple sheets. The a Split Window that allows simultaneously viewing different new software adds several other enhancements including the infinite possibilities of process control RENGAGE™ strain gauge technology—for the most accurate probes in the world. OMP400—Optical transmission strain gauge probe. More details at renishaw.com/omp400 $($$%#&% * #$ &#' !! #%&%*% %# %'#$ !# $$ %# #$% &$+ %#$!%/%$ &% % $%&!#&$#! (#/)%&# $%$ &"&#"&* !!%&# % %$# %#$$$ %# '%, $$%.'# %$ - (# %% #$ #$$$%*&$ !#%#' -)% !# # -'&#* -)$%#$$% % $ Learn more: Renishaw.com/RMP600 See us at BOOTH #313 Renishaw Inc $%%$www.renishaw.com 30 AdvancedManufacturing.org | February 2015 SOFTWARE UPDATE laser destruct; center of gravity tabbing; a quick search parts, sheets, and work order list; horizontal line cropping; and Acquisitions ERP developer Epicor Software Corp. (Austin, TX) punching enhancements. CADENAS Part Solutions LLC (Cincinnati) on Dec. 5 announced Jan. 5 that it has completed its acquisition of released the new parts4cad app for users of the cloud-based privately held ShopVisible LLC (Atlanta), a cloud-based design and planning tool Autodesk Fusion 360. The app, cre- retail order-management and digital commerce solutions. No ated by software developer CADENAS GmbH (Augsburg, financial terms were disclosed. Germany), gives engineers access to millions of 3D CAD The acquisition, announced Dec. 11, 2014, expands models from more than 400 certified manufacturer cata- Epicor’s position as a leading provider of extended omni- logs. The desired components can be configured individu- channel solutions for midsize and large retail chains. Shop- ally and afterwards integrated directly into existing designs Visible customers include global and domestic retailers and in Autodesk Fusion 360, a solution for 3D modeling that is manufacturers such as 3M, Liberty Hardware, Tempur-Pedic, used by designers and engineers to collaborate on product Bluemercury, Hue, Atwoods, and Plow & Hearth. creations. The cloud-based technology in Fusion 360 allows ShopVisible’s multitenant Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) users to access designs at any time and any location with software will complement Epicor’s offerings in retail transac- any mobile device and Internet browser. The part4cad app is tion, enterprise and analytics systems, and the acquisition available for download for $7.99 from the Autodesk Ex- will become part of the Epicor Retail suite of solutions. change Apps store. For more information, see http://tinyurl. VacuumFilterAd_Layout 1 1/12/15 1:34 PM Page 1 com/parts4cad. Software Update is edited by Senior Editor Patrick Waurzyniak; e-mail [email protected]. Keep Your Grinding Oils Clean & Cool ERIEZ Vacuum Filters using rolled media are the perfect match to keeping your cutting and grinding oils clean and cool. Their innovative design and best-in-class performance makes them the filter of choice in the industry. • Filtration to 8-10 microns • Flow Rates from 40 to 1,500 GPM See all the HydroFlow fluid management solutions. Visit Hydroflow.Eriez.com or call 814.835.6000 See us at HOUSTEX Booth #1748 32 AdvancedManufacturing.org | February 2015
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