Highlights February 2015 Page 1 highlights Mayport Chapter Military Officers Association February 2014 Volume XXIV No 2 Serving Mayport and the Beaches Jacksonville Florida What’s inside… President’s Message 1 Program 2 Calendar 2 Legislative Affairs 3 Photos from Jan Member Meeting 6/7 Af T_X Aircraft 8 P3 Final Deployment from JAX 10 Menu & RSVP 12 Military Officer Association of America 380,000 + Members From The Podium CWO4 Patrick Ivory, USN (Ret) H I everyone, I hope this finds your well. My comment above is meant to be an eye catcher. At our January meeting, we installed the officers and committee chairs for 2015. It was a bit disappointing that there were only 24 members and guests present, including those being installed. The numbers of members attending the luncheons have been steadily declining over the last couple of years and that begs the question, why? Our members are aging and in fact we have 44 that are over the age of 90 attending may be an issue for them. I am asking you to please contact me, either by phone or e-mail and tell me what you think the cause is and what you feel we can do to improve attendance. Is it people are tired of going to Ocean Breeze, the fact that the meetings are in a Sunday, do we need to change the focus on guest speakers, or do we need to have more social events, without a speaker? John and Donna Snyder, Bob Bachmann. Terri and I attended the Florida Council of Chapters leadership forum this past weekend. There are several chapters that are struggling with recruitment and retention of their members. There were many ideas discussed and the board will be looking at possible changes, but I would like your input. Each member is effectively a recruiter for members. If you know someone that is eligible to join us, please encourage them to join. They can complete an application through the website. COL. Mike Hayden, USAF, retired is the Director of Government Relations. He routinely testifies on the Hill concerning issues (Podium Continued on page 8) “We Miss You!” Five Star Excellence Award Every Year Since 2003 Visit Us on Highlights February 2015 MAYPORT CHAPTER (MOAA), INC. 2993 Bright Eagle Dr Jacksonville, Florida 32226-4045 mpmoaa.org The Mayport Chapter (MOAA), Inc. is a nonprofit corporation operated to promote the objectives of the Military Officers Association of America and for other purposes as set forth in the Chapter’s Bylaws. HIGHLIGHTS is the newsletter of the Chapter published monthly for the information of the members. Editor and Web Master: LCDR John Snyder, USN/Ret…...…….363-6030 MEETING TIME & PLACE The Chapter meets at the Ocean Breeze Conference Center, U.S. Naval Station Mayport, Florida or, as specified in the calendar. BOARD OF DIRECTORS for 2015 President: CWO Patrick Ivory, USN/Ret...................757-9206 Vice President: CDR Miles Dean, USN/Ret.......................... 497-5911 Secretary: Mrs. Teresa Ivory........................................ 757-9206 Treasurer: COL Bob Bachmann, USA/Ret.......................... 737-0568 Directors: CAPT Robert Frampton USN/Ret.............. 642-7856 Carol Trentalance........................................ 821-8094 COL Jim Jandreau USA/Ret .................... 361-3068 Immediate Past President: LCDR John Snyder, USN/Ret ............................ 363-6030 February Program W e are excited to have RADM Thomas C. Watson Jr. USN Retired as our speaker at our February meeting. Prior to moving to Jacksonville in 1990, he was President and CEO of Mars Electronics International, Inc., based in Philadelphia. The company designed, manufactured and distributed a number of microprocessor-based products RADM Thomas C. Watson Jr. USN Retired for commercial applications as well as some consumer electronic products. The rapid growth of the company resulted in the need for designing and building a large modern facility which became a model of technology application in manufacturing. Prior to becoming President of this fast growing company in 1982, he had a (Program Continued on page 10) CHAPTER CALENDAR Chaplain: COMMITTEE CHAIRS Printed by: ARC 7999 Philips Hwy, Suite 202 Jacksonville, FL 32256 2015 MEETING SCHEDULE February 2015 CDR, Steve Souders CHC USN .............(360) 917-5939 Programs: COL Bill Walker, USAR/Ret .....................268-7593 Membership: Vacant .............................................................................................. Legislative Affairs: CDR Miles Dean, USN/Ret...................... 236-1714 Personal Affairs: CDR Jerry Johnson, USN/Ret ....................249-1654 Chapter Events: Mrs. Donna Snyder....................................................363-6030 ROTC/Junior ROTC: CDR Gale Ruskosky, USN/Ret . . . . . ………564-2081 Data Processing: LCDR John Snyder, USN/Ret . . . . . ……….…363-6030 AUX Liaison: Barbara Gearhart........................................................ 744-1195 USO: CDR Jerry Johnson USN/Ret.........................249-1654 TOPS: CAPT Mike McHugh, USN/Ret ........................ 992-6123 Public Relations: Vacant............................................................................................... Page 2 7 0930, Feb Board of Director Meeting Location John & Donna Snyder’s 8692 Hampshire Glen Dr S Jacksonville FL Jan 18, Sun, 1230 Ocean Breeze Brunch Feb 15, Sun, 1230 Ocean Breeze Brunch Mar 15 Sun, 1230 Ocean Breeze Brunch 14 Valentine’s Day Apr 19, Sun, 1230, Ocean Breeze Brunch 15 1230, Ocean Breeze Brunch May 17, Sun, 1230 TBA Brunch 16 President’s Day Jun 21, Sun, 1230 TBA Brunch 18 Ash Wednesday Jul March 2015 7 0930, Feb Board of Director Meeting Location John & Donna Snyder’s 8692 Hampshire Glen Dr S Jacksonville FL 8 Daylight Savings Time Starts Summer Break Aug Summer Break Sep 20, Sun, 1230 Ocean Breeze Brunch Oct 18, Sun, 1230 Cypress Village Brunch Nov 15, Sun, 1230 Ocean Breeze Brunch Annual Member Meeting, (Toys for Tots) Election of Officer for 2016 15 1230, Ocean Breeze Brunch Dec ??, Fri, 1800 Ocean Breeze Christmas Dinner Dance (Toys for Tots) Highlights February 2015 Page 3 Legislative Affairs From MOAA.org January 16, 2015 S everal important concurrent receipt and veterans’ bills have been introduced in the 114th Congress. Click on the bill numbers below to send your legislators a MOAA-suggested message in support. H.R. 333 – Disabled Veterans Tax Termination Act. Authorize full concurrent receipt for retirees with a service-connected disability rated less than 50 percent, including Chapter 61 disability retirees with less than 20 years of service. Bills of Interest H.R. 303 – Retired Pay Restoration Act. Authorize full concurrent receipt of military retired pay and veterans' disability compensation for retirees with regular or Guard/Reserve retirements, regardless of disability rating. H.R. 218 – CHAMPVA Children’s Protection Act. Increase the maximum age for children eligible for medical care under the CHAMPVA program to age 26. This legislation would align CHAMPVA coverage for children with coverage provided under the Affordable Care Act. H.R. 216 - Department of Veterans Affairs Budget Planning Reform Act. Require the Secretary of the VA to establish a Chief Strategy Office to advise the Secretary on long-range VA planning. The bill also aligns the planning cycle of the VA to a four year cycle to match DoD's in an effort to advance cooperative strategic planning and provide better long-term care for veterans. S. 167 – Clay Hunt SAV Act. Support the health needs of our nation’s servicemembers and veterans who are experiencing challenges resulting from a service-related mental health issue, traumatic brain injury or post-traumatic stress. The House unanimously passed the companion measure (H.R. 203) on January 12. MOAA expects many more important bills to be introduced over the next few weeks. January 13, 2015 By Col. Mike Hayden, USAF (Ret) New Bottom Line: New Sec Def New Congress Same Old Problems The 114th Congress is now in office, and secretary of defense nominee Ashton Carter awaits confirmation. Many observers in the press are speculating what this turnover in congressional and Pentagon leadership means for the military community. You can color me interested, too. (LA Update Continued on page 5) February 2015 Highlights Page 4 February 2015 Highlights Page 5 (LA Update Continued from page 3) Carter is known within Pentagon circles as a reformer on acquisition costs, while incoming Armed Services Committee Chairs Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) also have signaled plans to tackle acquisition reform. But acquisition will not be the only item these three will face. There are several issues over the coming months that will drive the discussion. By Feb. 1, the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission (MCRMC) will issue its anticipated report detailing proposals to overhaul military compensation and personnel programs. At the same time, the White House will release its FY 2016 budget request. The request must grapple with the budget caps established by sequestration that return in full force Oct. 1. Somehow Congress will need to address the conflict between the budget submission, which is expected to exceed sequestration’s limits, and the caps established by the law. Can Congress find cost-saving reforms in time? Acquisition reform can take years to yield savings. Sequestration’s budget rules limit where money can be cut to the point where Congress has forced itself to make the false choice between people programs or weapon systems. But infrastructure and weapons programs are political hot buttons that often generate “not in my backyard” cries from legislators. What’s the quickest way to show savings in the accounting books? Draw down troop levels and shift personnel costs onto the backs of servicemembers and their families. The next few months will include a flood of activity for the new secretary of defense, Congress, and MOAA, with political posturing and the formulation of defense bills. The question is whether the MCRMC recommendations will affect the FY 2016 defense bill process. The first year of a new Congress provides greater opportunity to implement sweeping reforms. Legislators arrive in Washington emboldened by a sense of popular mandate in their first year, without the fear of an upcoming election. It’s unlikely any MCRMC recommendations will be included in the White House budget submission, as budget planners have been working for months on the FY 2016 proposal. However, this won’t stop members of Congress from trying to include them in the defense bill markup process, especially if the proposals come with a blessing from Pentagon leadership. That endorsement might come quickly. The Military Times already has reported Pentagon leaders plan to take a month to review the MCRMC recommendations and finalize a position for the new secretary — all in advance of the markup timelines. MOAA’s biggest concern is that the new Congress will look at the Pentagon and the MCRMC proposals with the purpose of saving money or cutting the budget and will make decisions based on arbitrary budget caps, without considering how compensation and benefits are necessary to recruit and retain a high-quality all-volunteer force. The bottom line: The next few months will be very busy, and we will need all hands on deck to make sure your voice on the pay and benefits needed to sustain the all-volunteer force is heard by legislators. We ask that you pay close attention to the report in early February and participate in MOAA’s grassroots efforts to ensure shortsighted budget savings don’t come at the expense of the health of the all-volunteer force. ## February 2015 Highlights January Meeting Annual Memorial Service for fallen members CAPT James Mennis CHC USN Retired, COL John Berle USMC Retired Major Richard Robinson USAF Retired and Mrs. Ann Hume AUX were Memorialized Mrs. Donna Snyder was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for her work as Events Chair for 2014 Page 6 Highlights February 2015 Page 7 January Meeting Installation of Officers of the Mayport Chapter MOAA for 2015 Left to right: CDR Steve Souders USN, LCDR John Snyder USN Ret, Mrs. Donna Snyder, CDR Jerry Johnson USN Ret, COL James Jandrau USA Ret, Mrs. Terri Ivory, CAPT Robert Frampton USN Ret and CWO4 Patrick Ivory USN Ret Ala in s ew ars rize e tP P Pa oor D Bill Walker wins Free Brunch nP ea 50/ rse w ins Pri 50 ze Highlights February 2015 Pertinent Telephone Numbers I.D. Cards /DEERS NavSta Mayport: (904) 270-5571 Retired Pay NavSta Mayport: (904) 270-5363 or direct to Chuck Venable, ext 149 Retired Activities Office NAS Jax: (904) 542-2766, ext 124/126 Casualty Affairs NavHospital NAS Jax:(904) 542-7584 Local Social Security Office: (904) 730-5555 Florida Dept of Veterans Affairs: 1-800-827-1000, ext 7432 National MOAA Personal Affairs: 1-800-245-8762, ext 116 TRICARE For Life Help Line: 1-866-773-0404 TRICARE Senior Pharmacy (TSRx): 1-877-363-6337 SHARING & CARING Do you know any member or spouse of a member who is ill or passed away? Page 8 (Podium Update Continued from page 1) that affect active duty, reservists and retirees. As you are all aware, there has been a shift in power in the Senate. It is hoped that this shift will help push through issues of great importance, however, the administration will likely stone wall these efforts. It was brought out that MOAA has repeatedly had a large impact on the COLA minus one issue recently. It took less than two months, to reverse that law. The Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission will be submitting their report in the first week in February. There is a lot of concern that there will be recommendations that will have a negative impact on the all-volunteer force, and will recommend significant changes In Tricare; including TFL. Mike indicated that we should expect Legislative Alerts to be sent out requesting our members to respond to their congressional representatives. I hope everyone will take the time to respond almost immediately, so that Congress understands our concerns. I hope that you will come to the February member meeting on March 15th. Our next speaker is RADM Thomas Watson, USN Ret. Admiral Watson was a Naval Aviator who did three tours in Viet Nam, commanded a squadron, two air wings and two large ships including the USS Independence. He also served on the Department of the Navy and the Joint staffs at the Pentagon. Respectfully submitted. Pat Ivory If so, please contact Carol Trentalance 821-8074 our Chapter's Sharing and Caring committee person for an appropriate card to be sent. Editor Needed! HIGHLIGHTS newsletter needs some fresh blood to rejuvenate its superior standing. I have had the privilege of editing and producing the newsletter since early 2005. After 10 years it’s time for a change. The job includes collecting inputs, layout and submitting to the printer plus preparing the mailing of each issue and dropping off at the Business Mail Unit. Training on Microsoft Publisher is available as well as mail prep. All you need is a windows computer. A copy of MS Publisher will be provided along with a laser printer to print the envelopes. Mail addressing is provided by our Database Manager. To volunteer contact me at [email protected]. John Snyder Highlights February 2015 Page 9 T he U.S. Air Force plans to apply a new acquisition strategy to a handful of weapons programs, from a new trainer aircraft to a battlefield intelligence system, the service’s top civilian said. Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James announced the effort, dubbed “Bending the Cost Curve,” on Wednesday at the Atlantic Council. The idea is for the service to work with defense contractors to encourage innovation, cut costs and speed up the acquisition process, she said. James, a former executive at SAIC Inc. and onetime staffer on Capitol Hill, said it takes the Air Force, on average, 17 months — almost a year and a half — to award a sole-source contract. “That is simply too long,” she said. The new strategy is more targeted than the Pentagon’s Better Buying Power effort, the secretary said, and includes three components: enhancing interaction with companies, expanding competition to include non-traditional contractors, and improving internal business analytics. Air Force Eyes T-X Aircraft, Intel System for Cost-Cutting Strategy The first component includes launching a so-called Cost Capability Analysis to better identify instances where small changes in requirements have a large impact on cost, James said. For example, if the service has a requirement for a jet to fly 500 miles per hour, but could save a significant amount of money by reducing the figure to 450 miles per hour, officials could use the information to make trade-offs, she said. The Air Force plans to apply the analysis to a handful of acquisition programs, including the T-X jet trainer, Long-Range Stand-off Weapon, Multi-Adaptive Prodded System and Space-Based Infrared System follow-on, the secretary said. The second strategy component will make it easier for the Air Force to award contracts after events where company officials demonstrate their products to government customers, James said. The first such industry event, known as PlugFest Plus, will take place Jan. 20 at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, and apply to the Distributed Common Ground System, an opensource intelligence system that collects data from a variety of sensors, she said. “If this event proves successful, we will take steps to evolve the process to other Air Force applications,” she said. The third component of the strategy seeks to set up a business analytics office for information technology, James said. It was the No. 1 recommendation from corporate chief information officers who were asked about what could be done to bring down the service’s acquisition costs, she said. “What we’re really after here is a data-driven approach to spending,” she said, noting that similar efforts in the private sector have reduced costs by 25 percent or more. February 2015 Highlights Page 10 (PROGRAM Continued from page 2) long career as a naval officer which included duty as a carrier-based naval aviator, a test pilot, three tours in combat operations in the Vietnam War and command of five US Navy commands; a squadron, two air wings and two large ships, including the aircraft carrier, USS Independence. He also served on both the Navy and the Joint Staffs in the Pentagon. He is the recipient of a number of military awards and medals; he culminated his naval career as a Rear Admiral. Shortly after arriving in Jacksonville in 1990, he was asked to lead the Museum of Science and History as the executive director. Subsequently, he founded and served as President of CAVU Associates, an economic development consulting company. He has been active in a number of local organizations including the Jacksonville University Council, the Navy League, Rotary International, the World Affairs Council and others. He was born in 1931 in Pensacola, Florida, graduated from Marion Military Institute, attended The Citadel for a year before going to, and graduating from, the US Naval Academy at Annapolis. He earned his Navy Wings of Gold and served as a combat aviator in a number of aircraft carriers in both the Pacific and Atlantic Fleets. He is a graduate of the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, the Aerospace Safety School at the University of Southern California and the Senior Officer Ship Material Management course in Arco, Idaho. He has attended a number of graduate business courses including the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Admiral Watson has traveled extensively and is a strong proponent of a policy of engagement in international trade as a means of national prosperity as well as national security. He is a patriotic and experienced business executive, naval officer and community activist who is routinely involved in the current affairs of our country and the local community. P-3C Orion makes final deployment T he sailors of Patrol Squadron 26 made history Thursday as the last East Coast squadron to deploy in the P-3 Orion aircraft. The deployment will mark the end of an aircraft with a 50-year legacy of excellence and historic milestones. Two of 10 P-3 aircraft from Naval Air Station Jacksonville took off Thursday carrying about 300 men and women from VP-26 Squadron to El Salvador and Bahrain. The sailors will be conducting counter drug missions and supporting command operations. “It's pretty exciting for the community,” Cmdr. Greg Smith said. “The P-3 has a long legacy here in Jacksonville. VP-26 has been flying the P-3 since 1966 -- for 50 years.” Since 1966, this aircraft has performed combat roles during the Vietnam War and the Cold War. When this group returns from deployment they will transition to the new P-8A "Poseidon" aircraft. Six P-3 squadrons still remain between Washington state and Hawaii. Those are set to transition to the P-8A within the next six to eight years. Excerpts from a story on News4Jax on Jan 22, 2015. February 2015 Highlights Page 11 Highlights February 2015 New Members Membership Report None since our last newsletter 2015 Membership Scoreboard as of 1/21/14 Description Retention Recruitment Page 12 Total Members Target 185 15 201 Actual 176 1 185 Performance 86.7% 45.0% 83.0% Remarks Set by Board of Directors for 2015 A s we closed out 2014 membership you will note that we did not achieve our goals for either retention or recruiting. For our chapter to continue we need to add new members at the rate of 2 members per month to stay at the level we are at. As you receive your January copy of the newsletter please check to see if you have renewed for 2015. We need your membership an MOAA National needs your membership especially in the turmoil the military is currently facing your assistance with meeting the Legislative goals of MOAA. America must maintain a strong military now and the immediate future. Our chapter will be calling on each of you to respond to Legislative Call to Action focused upon ensuring we keep our military strong and ready to face challenges around the world. Reservations for the Mayport MOAA February Member Brunch Meeting Sunday February 15, 2015 Ocean Breeze Conference Center Naval Station Mayport Social hour 12:30 PM, Brunch 1:00 PM Donna Snyder must receive reservations NO LATER THAN Feb 11, 2015 Cost is $20 per person Please reserve ___ for a Total $________ (Checks will be accepted at the door for those who made their reservations online. Please mail check to the address below.) Enclose check (for total) payable to: MAYPORT MOAA Names of Attendees: *** _______________________________________ Address and Phone: _______________________________________ *** If none of the members of your party have access to the base please include their Date of Birth and the last 4 digits of their SSN when making your reservation (You may make your reservations online @ http://mpmoaa.org ) Mail your reservations with check to: Donna Snyder 8692 Hampshire Glen Dr S Jacksonville FL 32256 Or Call Donna at 363-6030 Membership Drive Every Member Get a New Member By the end of 2015 Do your part Menu Tossed Green Salad w/ assorted dressings Fresh Fruit Salad Scrambled Eggs w/ chives Crispy Bacon Chicken Marsala Rice Pilaf Sautéed Garden Vegetables Dessert Station Coffee, Iced Tea, Water Cash Bar
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