Commercial Schedule for EST Mike Gallagher Show Show #15-7 For week of 2/9/15-2/15/15 Date & Time Monday, 2/9/15 9:02:55AM Length Advertiser,Product Cart # Page Creative Title 1 of 5 ISCI 5 BJU Press, BJU Press 58753 Embedded Reminder 9:16:30AM 60 Proflowers, Proflowers L529 vMG-FEATURE3REDFGV 9:17:30AM 9:17:30AM 60 NuPlexa, LLC, Texas Superfood 60 BJU Press, BJU Press 58812 L443 9:27:40AM 60 Cosmederm Bioscience, Tricalm Pharm ProductL511 MG-Tricalm-102714 9:46:30AM 60 Visiting Angels, Living Assistance Service Visiting Angels-Live 9:56:35AM 9:56:35AM 30 Australian Dream, Back Ache Meds 58134 Target 30 Triumph Pharmaceuticals, Smart Mouth 12 Hour58995 Mouth Wash Aging vAD-140403 vSM-MG-0106 9:57:35AM 9:57:35AM 30 BJU Press, BJU Press 30 Barracuda, Barracuda Networks 58755 58796 BJUPress-30 CantHelp-DataTheft 10:16:30AM 60 Weinstein Company, The Imitation Game L526 10:17:30AM 10:17:30AM 60 NuPlexa, LLC, Texas Superfood 60 LifeLock, Lifelock 58801 L500 10:27:40AM 60 Neogenis, Neo40 L508 Neogenis-Live-MG 10:46:30AM 60 Proflowers, Proflowers L529 vMG-FEATURE3REDFGV 10:56:35AM 60 Gourmet Foods/Sheri's Berries, Gourmet Foods L528 10:57:35AM 10:57:35AM 30 BJU Press, BJU Press 30 Pfizer, Robitussin ZRAG4090000-60 DR Radio / Texas Superfood Int Decisions L524 58755 58598 CantHelp_DataTheft TIG-MG-LIVE DR Radio / All 55 ZRAG4091000-60 LLUPLUS-NEWS-CP-60 vMG-GFVDAYWEEK2-N BJUPress-30 Another Not so Silent Night UJHR4230300 11:02:45AM 5 Weinstein Company, The Imitation Game 58803 IMITGAME-EMBEDDED 11:16:30AM 60 Visiting Angels, Living Assistance Service L524 Visiting Angels-Live 11:17:30AM 11:17:30AM 11:17:30AM 30 Skoche Films, Old Fashion 58026 30 BJU Press, BJU Press 58755 60 Physicians Technology, Willow Curve Knee Brace L527 Run 2/9-2/12 OF-30-ThisFri BJUPress-30 Willow-0209 11:27:40AM 11:27:40AM 30 Cremo Company, Cremo/Gallagher End 30 BJU Press, BJU Press 58751 58755 Cremo-CVS Cremo-CVS BJUPress-30 11:40:50AM 60 Neogenis, Neo40 L508 11:56:35AM 60 Gourmet Foods/Sheri's Berries, Gourmet Foods L528 vMG-GFVDAYWEEK2-N 11:57:35AM 60 The Company Store, Bright White Sale TCS-60-Rev L73 Neogenis-Live-MG 58136 Printed 2/4/15 3:23:18PM Commercial Schedule for EST Mike Gallagher Show Show #15-7 For week of 2/9/15-2/15/15 Date & Time Tuesday, 2/10/15 9:16:30AM Length Advertiser,Product 60 Proflowers, Proflowers Cart # Page Creative Title 2 of 5 ISCI L530 vMG-CONTINUITY2 9:17:30AM 9:17:30AM 60 BJU Press, BJU Press L443 60 MEDI-SHARE-CHRISTIAN CARE MINI, Medi-Share 58005 Christian Care Ministry Decisions MG-Time-BIBLE 9:27:40AM 60 Gourmet Foods/Sheri's Berries, Gourmet Foods L528 vMG-GFVDAYWEEK2-N 9:46:30AM 60 Cosmederm Bioscience, Tricalm Pharm ProductL511 MG-Tricalm-102714 9:56:35AM 60 Visiting Angels, Living Assistance Service L524 Visiting Angels-Live 9:57:35AM 60 The Company Store, Bright White Sale 58136 TCS-60-Rev 58803 IMITGAME-EMBEDDED 10:02:30AM 5 Weinstein Company, The Imitation Game 10:16:30AM 60 Gourmet Foods/Sheri's Berries, Gourmet Foods L528 10:17:30AM 10:17:30AM 10:17:30AM 30 Hachette Book Group USA-FaithW, Bill Bennett58028 30 Barracuda, Barracuda Networks 58797 60 Physicians Technology, Willow Curve Knee Brace L527 10:27:40AM 60 Visiting Angels, Living Assistance Service L524 Visiting Angels-Live 10:46:30AM 60 Proflowers, Proflowers L530 vMG-CONTINUITY2 10:56:35AM 10:56:35AM 30 Cremo Company, Cremo/Gallagher End 30 Skoche Films, Old Fashion 58754 58026 10:57:35AM 60 MEDI-SHARE-CHRISTIAN CARE MINI, Medi-Share 58004 Christian Care Ministry 11:02:45AM 5 BJU Press, BJU Press vMG-GFVDAYWEEK2-N EMailSecurity-FinalV2 Cremo-Target Run 2/9-2/12 GoingToPot EMailSecurity-FinalV Willow-0209 Cremo-Target OF-30-ThisFri MG-MS-StressReli-Bib 58753 Embedded Reminder 11:16:30AM 11:16:30AM 30 Australian Dream, Back Ache Meds 58134 Target 30 Triumph Pharmaceuticals, Smart Mouth 12 Hour58995 Mouth Wash Aging vAD-140403 vSM-MG-0106 11:17:30AM 11:17:30AM 11:17:30AM 30 National Assoc. Realtors, NAR 58093 30 Hachette Book Group USA-FaithW, Bill Bennett58028 60 BJU Press, BJU Press L443 NR-201501 GoingToPot Decisions 11:27:40AM 60 Cosmederm Bioscience, Tricalm Pharm ProductL511 MG-Tricalm-102714 11:40:50AM 60 Proflowers, Proflowers vMG-CONTINUITY2 11:56:35AM 60 Gourmet Foods/Sheri's Berries, Gourmet Foods L528 11:57:35AM 60 NuPlexa, LLC, Texas Superfood L73 Expertise L530 58812 vMG-GFVDAYWEEK2-N DR Radio / Texas Superfood Int ZRAG4090000-60 Printed 2/4/15 3:23:18PM Commercial Schedule for EST Mike Gallagher Show Show #15-7 For week of 2/9/15-2/15/15 Page 3 of 5 Cart # Date & Time Length Advertiser,Product Creative Title Wednesday, 2/11/15 9:16:30AM 30 Australian Dream, Back Ache Meds 58134 Target 9:16:30AM 30 Triumph Pharmaceuticals, Smart Mouth 12 Hour58995 Mouth Wash Aging vAD-140403 vSM-MG-0106 9:17:30AM 9:17:30AM 60 MEDI-SHARE-CHRISTIAN CARE MINI, Medi-Share 58005 Christian Care Ministry 60 Neogenis, Neo40 L508 MG-Time-BIBLE Neogenis-Live-MG 9:27:40AM 9:27:40AM 30 Cremo Company, Cremo/Gallagher End 30 Skoche Films, Old Fashion vCremo OF-30-ThisFri 9:46:30AM 60 Gourmet Foods/Sheri's Berries, Gourmet Foods L528 vMG-GFVDAYWEEK2-N 9:56:35AM 60 Proflowers, Proflowers L529 vMG-FEATURE3REDFGV 9:57:35AM 60 NuPlexa, LLC, Texas Superfood 58801 10:02:15AM 5 BJU Press, BJU Press 58405 58026 ISCI Run 2/9-2/12 DR Radio / All 55 58753 ZRAG4091000-60 Embedded Reminder 10:16:30AM 60 Gourmet Foods/Sheri's Berries, Gourmet Foods L528 vMG-GFVDAYWEEK2-N 10:17:30AM 10:17:30AM 10:17:30AM 30 BJU Press, BJU Press 60 Neogenis, Neo40 30 National Assoc. Realtors, NAR 58755 L508 58093 BJUPress-30 Neogenis-Live-MG NR-201501 10:27:40AM 60 Visiting Angels, Living Assistance Service L524 Visiting Angels-Live 10:46:30AM 60 Cosmederm Bioscience, Tricalm Pharm ProductL511 MG-Tricalm-102714 10:56:35AM 60 Physicians Technology, Willow Curve Knee Brace L527 Willow-0209 10:57:35AM 60 The Company Store, Bright White Sale 58136 TCS-60-Rev 58803 IMITGAME-EMBEDDED L529 vMG-FEATURE3REDFGV 11:02AM 5 Weinstein Company, The Imitation Game Expertise 11:16:30AM 60 Proflowers, Proflowers 11:17:30AM 11:17:30AM 11:17:30AM 30 BJU Press, BJU Press 58755 30 Hachette Book Group USA-FaithW, Bill Bennett58028 60 Neogenis, Neo40 L508 BJUPress-30 GoingToPot Neogenis-Live-MG 11:27:40AM 60 Gourmet Foods/Sheri's Berries, Gourmet Foods L528 vMG-GFVDAYWEEK2-N 11:40:50AM 60 Visiting Angels, Living Assistance Service L524 Visiting Angels-Live 11:56:35AM 60 Proflowers, Proflowers L529 vMG-FEATURE3REDFGV 11:57:35AM 60 Mercedes CPO, Mercedes CPO 58083 DZAU4160000 L73 Printed 2/4/15 3:23:18PM Commercial Schedule for EST Mike Gallagher Show Show #15-7 For week of 2/9/15-2/15/15 Page Date & Time Length Advertiser,Product Thursday, 2/12/15 9:02:45AM 5 Weinstein Company, The Imitation Game Cart # 58803 IMITGAME-EMBEDDED 9:16:30AM 60 Proflowers, Proflowers L531 vMG-FEATURE21DZ 9:17:30AM 9:17:30AM 9:17:30AM 30 Hachette Book Group USA-FaithW, Bill Bennett58028 30 Skoche Films, Old Fashion 58026 60 Weinstein Company, The Imitation Game L526 9:27:40AM 60 Visiting Angels, Living Assistance Service L524 Visiting Angels-Live 9:46:30AM 60 Weinstein Company, The Imitation Game L526 TIG-MG-LIVE 9:56:35AM 60 Gourmet Foods/Sheri's Berries, Gourmet Foods L528 vMG-GFVDAYWEEK2-N 9:57:35AM 60 MEDI-SHARE-CHRISTIAN CARE MINI, Medi-Share 58004 Christian Care Ministry MG-MS-StressReli-Bib 10:02AM 5 BJU Press, BJU Press Creative Title 4 of 5 ISCI GoingToPot OF-30-ThisFri TIG-MG-LIVE Run 2/9-2/12 58753 Embedded Reminder L508 Neogenis-Live-MG 10:16:30AM 60 Neogenis, Neo40 10:17:30AM 10:17:30AM 60 Mercedes CPO, Mercedes CPO 58069 60 Physicians Technology, Willow Curve Knee Brace L527 10:27:40AM 60 Visiting Angels, Living Assistance Service L524 Visiting Angels-Live 10:46:30AM 60 Proflowers, Proflowers L531 vMG-FEATURE21DZ 10:56:35AM 60 Gourmet Foods/Sheri's Berries, Gourmet Foods L528 10:57:35AM 10:57:35AM 30 Skoche Films, Old Fashion 58026 30 Hachette Book Group USA-FaithW, Bill Bennett58028 11:16:30AM 60 Weinstein Company, The Imitation Game L526 11:17:30AM 11:17:30AM 60 NuPlexa, LLC, Texas Superfood 60 BJU Press, BJU Press 58812 L443 11:27:40AM 60 Cosmederm Bioscience, Tricalm Pharm ProductL511 MG-Tricalm-102714 11:40:50AM 60 Proflowers, Proflowers L531 vMG-FEATURE21DZ 11:56:35AM 11:56:35AM 30 Australian Dream, Back Ache Meds 30 Cremo Company, Cremo/Gallagher End 58134 58751 11:57:35AM 60 MEDI-SHARE-CHRISTIAN CARE MINI, Medi-Share 58005 Christian Care Ministry L73 Mercedes-SRN-011215 DZAU4163000 Willow-0209 vMG-GFVDAYWEEK2-N Run 2/9-2/12 OF-30-ThisFri GoingToPot TIG-MG-LIVE DR Radio / Texas Superfood Int ZRAG4090000-60 Decisions Target Cremo-CVS Printed vAD-140403 Cremo-CVS MG-Time-BIBLE 2/4/15 3:23:18PM Commercial Schedule for EST Mike Gallagher Show Show #15-7 For week of 2/9/15-2/15/15 Date & Time Friday, 2/13/15 9:02:45AM Length Advertiser,Product 5 BJU Press, BJU Press Cart # Page Creative Title 5 of 5 ISCI 58753 Embedded Reminder L508 Neogenis-Live-MG 9:16:30AM 60 Neogenis, Neo40 9:17:30AM 9:17:30AM 60 MEDI-SHARE-CHRISTIAN CARE MINI, Medi-Share 58004 Christian Care Ministry 60 LifeLock, Lifelock L500 MG-MS-StressReli-Bib LLUPLUS-NEWS-CP-60 9:27:40AM 60 Proflowers, Proflowers L531 vMG-FEATURE21DZ 9:46:30AM 9:46:30AM 30 Cremo Company, Cremo/Gallagher End 30 BJU Press, BJU Press 58754 58755 9:56:35AM 60 LifeLock, Lifelock L500 LLUPLUS-NEWS-CP-60 9:57:35AM 60 The Company Store, Bright White Sale 58136 TCS-60-Rev 58803 IMITGAME-EMBEDDED L508 Neogenis-Live-MG 10:02:45AM 5 Weinstein Company, The Imitation Game Cremo-Target Cremo-Target BJUPress-30 10:16:30AM 60 Neogenis, Neo40 10:17:30AM 10:17:30AM 60 MEDI-SHARE-CHRISTIAN CARE MINI, Medi-Share 58005 Christian Care Ministry 60 LifeLock, Lifelock L500 MG-Time-BIBLE LLUPLUS-NEWS-CP-60 10:27:40AM 10:27:40AM 30 Australian Dream, Back Ache Meds 30 Skoche Films, Old Fashion vAD-140403 OF-30-NP 10:46:30AM 60 Cosmederm Bioscience, Tricalm Pharm ProductL511 MG-Tricalm-102714 10:56:35AM 60 Physicians Technology, Willow Curve Knee Brace L527 Willow-0209 10:57:35AM 60 The Company Store, Bright White Sale 58136 TCS-60-Rev 11:16:30AM 60 LifeLock, Lifelock L500 LLUPLUS-NEWS-CP-60 11:17:30AM 11:17:30AM 60 MEDI-SHARE-CHRISTIAN CARE MINI, Medi-Share 58004 Christian Care Ministry 60 Neogenis, Neo40 L508 MG-MS-StressReli-Bib Neogenis-Live-MG 11:27:40AM 60 Weinstein Company, The Imitation Game L526 TIG-MG-LIVE 11:40:50AM 60 Neogenis, Neo40 L508 Neogenis-Live-MG 11:56:35AM 60 BJU Press, BJU Press L443 11:57:35AM 11:57:35AM 30 Skoche Films, Old Fashion 58027 Run 2/13-TFN 30 Triumph Pharmaceuticals, Smart Mouth 12 Hour58995 Mouth Wash Aging L73 58134 58027 Target Run 2/13-TFN Printed Decisions OF-30-NP vSM-MG-0106 2/4/15 3:23:18PM
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