8380 Fifth St., P.O. Box 150, Onekama, MI 49675 Phone: 231-889-4254 Fax: 231-889-3706 email - [email protected] website - stjosephonekama.com Pastoral Staff Rev. Ruben D. Munoz, Pastor Darlene Falk, Administrative Assistant Chris Sattler, Organist/Music Director Michael Nelson, Maintenance M-115, Copemish, MI 49625 Mailing address: P.O. Box 150, Onekama, MI 49675 Office Phone: 231-889-4254 website - straphaelcopemish.com ST. JOSEPH/ST. RAPHAEL PARISH MISSION STATEMENT "We are a welcoming spiritual home that provides community and personal growth through liturgy, evangelization, the Word of God and a call to His service." Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time B Mass Schedule Weekdays 9:00 a.m.: Tues., Wed. at St. R Thurs., Fri. at St. J Saturday: 4:30 p.m. at St. J 7:00 p.m. at St. R Sunday: 8:30 a.m. at St. R 11:00 a.m. at St. J Office Hours Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fri. at St. J 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sacrament of Penance Saturday 4:00 p.m. at St. J Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. at St. R or by appointment Sacrament of Baptism Parents interested in having their children baptized need to contact the Pastor for further information. Sacrament of Marriage Those seeking this sacrament are required to contact the Pastor at least six months in advance. Pre-marriage instructions/classes are required. Sacrament of the Sick Those in need should contact the parish office as soon as possible. The sacrament can be celebrated before and after Mass, home, hospital or where it is convenient. Christian Initiation of Adults Anyone interested in becoming a Roman Catholic Christian or who would like to inquire about our faith should call the Pastor at the parish office. Parish Membership Welcome new Parishioners! Please call the parish office to schedule an appointment to register. Please notify us if you have a change of address or are moving outside the parish. “In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit; he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us?” Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, how many of us have the same question like this unclean spirit, have you come to destroy us? When I was younger I was very afraid of God. I always thought that God was always watching me and counted my mistakes in order to punish me. It is so nice to hear from Saint Paul these words, “Brothers and Sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties.” God is merciful and kind and He is always giving us time to grow in our knowledge of his love for us. Last week, we heard that God is inviting us to help him to save this world, to bring good news to the people around us, to share what God has done for us. Today God wants to heal all our misconception about him! Is it not amazing! God wants to bring us close to him to be free of all anxiety. This is the first day of the second month of this year of 2015. I invite you to consider to work a little more hard in this 12 months to know better our God. Today the Gospel shows us how this unclean spirit was totally wrong about Jesus purpose of Jesus for us. What is the image of God in your life? We have heard His word week after week for years, we all own bibles, we receive the sacraments, we have the fullness of truth handed to us, and still we are more interested in others things than we are in the Lord. Remember two weeks ago, Jesus was asking, what are you looking for? Perhaps we have not said that we do not want to hear the voice of the Lord; instead, we have ignored Him. We will say that we believe, but rarely do we really act on this faith in our daily lives. I always wonder what is more important for you in the mornings? I celebrate mass with a very few people! How many of us are really interested in this? How many of us would actually act to show God that He is the first in our lives? I know that all things are possible for God, I only ask you to make some changes in your live so that what is truly for our benefit is what we will pursue. The words of our God are very close to us if we want to hear Him. God wants the best for us and God is showing us through our mistakes that we can do the opposite. My invitation for this week is to take a moment and see what image of God we have and try to recognize the real image of Him that is showing us in many different ways. Bulletin Deadline - Wednesday 12:00 p.m. Fr. Rubén Darío Muñoz Jiménez Schedule for Feb. 2 - Feb. 8 MONDAY- 2/2 ST. JOSEPH CHURCH Mass Times: Thursday & Friday, 9:00am, Saturday, 4:30pm, Sunday, 11:00am Mal 3: 1-4, Heb 2: 14-18, Lk 2:22-40 TUESDAY - 2/3 Heb 12: 1-4, Mk 5: 21-43 9:00am(St. R) - For the Sick 2:00pm - Mass at the Medical Care WEDNESDAY- 2/4 Heb 12: 4-7, 11-15, Mk 6: 1-6 9:00am (St. R) - For the Poor 6:00pm - St. Joseph Pastoral Council Meeting THURSDAY- 2/5 Heb 12: 18-19, 21-24, Mk 6: 7-13 9:00am (St. J) - For the Sick PLEASE remember to turn off all cell phones in church. This is a time of quiet and prayer. Thank you!! "SWEET AND SALT" BINGO PARTY Sunday, February 8th following the 11:00am Mass in the Church Hall 9:00am (St. J) - For the Poor SATURDAY - 2/7 Heb 13: 15-17, 20-21, Mk 6: 30-34 4:30pm (St. J) - Robert & Therese O'Neill (Fink Family 7:00pm (St. R) - Jose Acosta Hernandez SUNDAY- 2/8 Jb 7: 1-4, 6-7, 1 Cor 9: 216-19, 22-23, Mk 1: 29-39 8:30am (St. R) - Edna Chandler (St. Raphael CCW) 9:30am-10:45am (St. J) Faith Formation Class Donation of candy bar, can of peanuts, bag of chips, etc. will get you bingo cards and these items will in turn be our prizes for bingo. Special prizes for coverall games. Sloppy Joes, Hotdogs and beverages will be provided by the Ladies Guild. BABY BOTTLE BLITZ January 25th - February 22nd St. Joseph Ladies Guild Sweet N' Salty Bingo after ENVELOPE OFFERTORY $ 1,231.00 LOOSE OFFERTORY S 370.19 CHILDREN'S OFFERTORY $ ------- STIPEND $ BIBLE STUDY $ ------------- TOTAL $ 1,601.19 D & L FUND-BLG. $21,676.86 $ 67.25 June Bartlett, Janice Berben, Carl Foster, Cheryl Debano Griffin, Addy Hollifield, Tammy Holmes, Retta Jurczak, Florence Levandowski, George Macko, Rose Ann Maue, The Nielsen Family, Nancy Satal, Mary Steen, Faith Swanson, Tommy VanIttersum, The Viol Family, Ann Whelan, Shirley Yondo Lighthouse Pregnancy Center Support Lighthouse Pregnancy Care Center through the Baby Bottle Blitz. Fill a bottle with your change, currency or a check; return the baby bottle on February 22nd. Bottles will be placed at the entrance to church on January 24th. Life is the most precious gift of all..you have the opportunity to make a difference in the life of the unborn. This fundraiser allows the Lighthouse Pregnancy Center to continue to reach out to young women and their families facing unplanned pregnancies or financial difficulties in the Manistee Community. Their goal is to spread the love of Jesus Christ by assisting families with material items, emotional support, and spiritual guidance. Happy Birthday!!! Jan. 29th - Jacob Sawka Jan. 31st - Braden Bowling Happy Anniversary!!! Feb. 7th - M/M Jacob Sawka Feb. 8th - M/M John Gauthier, M/M Rudy Gross, M/M Jerome Ray ST. JOSEPH'S MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR FEBRUARY 7 & FEBRUARY 8 Saturday, 4:30pm 11:00am (St. J) - Rudy & Mary Ann Gross 40th Wedding Anniversary May Our Lord bless us through our generosity FOOD PANTRY FRIDAY- 2/6 Heb 13: 15-17, 2021, Mk 6: 30-34 ST. JOSEPH'S STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Lector - John Baribeau Body of Christ - Tom Fleming Precious Blood - Beth Klajda & Sandra Bologna Altar Servers - Lilly & Andre Brown, Madison Miller Sunday, 11:00am Lector - Mary Jerore Body of Christ - Tom Berard Precious Blood - Bruce Soller & Julia Sidor Altar Servers - Adam Porter & Gabe Sidor ST. RAPHAEL CHURCH Mass Times: Tuesday & Wednesday, 9:00am, Saturday, 7:00pm, Sunday, 8:30am ST. RAPHAEL'S STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE May Our Lord bless us through There will be NO CCW Meeting for the month of February!!!! St. Raphael Pastoral Council meeting will be held at 6pm on February 10th and is open to all parishioners. To voice a concern you must be put on the agenda. To do so, please contact Bob Saul or one of the council members prior to the meeting our generosity Happy Birthday! ENVELOPE OFFERTORY $ 517.15 LOOSE OFFERTORY $ 366.00 STIPEND $ 90.00 V. LTS/PAPER $ 13.75 COFFEE $ 22.00 FUEL $ ------- BIBLE STUDY BOOKS $ 165.30 Feb. 3rd - Jamie Stutzman Feb. 5th - Robert Saul CURSILLO TOTAL $ 1,174.20 Do you feel the urge to develop a closer relationship with the Holy Sprit? In the Cursillo Movement we approach evangelization as very natural act of being Christ-like within each of our daily activities. We realize that while most people would like to live their lives in a Christ-like manner, the pressures of the world often make this difficult. The Cursillo Movement in the Diocese of Gaylord is growing and touching lives through Christ. Discover the tools available to you in the Cursillo Movement. The Cursillo hopes to make a natural Christian life possible for anyone. Cursillo is not a retreat. It is a once in a lifetime weekend experience to "Let go Let God". The weekend is for all a welcome respite from a society that has largely forgotten the Lord's simple request to "love one another as I have loved you." In the words of Matthew Kelly, "God want each one of us to become the best version of ourselves. For more information regarding your participation in a Cursillo Weekend, please call: Dale or Barb Kowalkowski at 231-723-7391 or the Diocesan Pre-Cursillo Rep. Sandi Bauman at 231-775-9287. Gaylord Cursillo Website: webpapes.charter.net/acmepete/Cursillo Gaylord Diocesan TEC: newlifetec.org National Cursillo Website: www.natl-cursillo.org David Clous, Barbara DeVoll, Caitlin DeVoll, Jeremy DeVoll, Johnathan DeVoll, Charles DeVoll, William Hogarth, Tammy May, Craig Meredith, Kelly Miller, Kenneth O. Milliron, Virginia Platter, Kelli Sattler, Chad Schualer, Don Walston I would like to thank Fr. Ruben and the Rosary prayer group for the plant, cards, letter & prayers. - Pat Mullen ST. RAPHAEL'S MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR FEBRUARY 7 & FEBRUARY 8 Saturday, 7:00pm Lector - Carlina Breitner Body of Christ - Marylyn Nabozny Precious Blood - Gerry & Viva Kastl Altar Server - Michael & Stephanie Schaub Sunday, 8:30am Lector - David Clous Body of Christ - Maria Saul Precious Blood - Carlina Breitner & Herb Dyer Altar Server - Rose Clous & Bob Saul Please pray for all service men and women who are serving our country. Tim Brandt, Sgt. Chris DeVoll, Army, Spc. Renada DeVoll, Army, Navy, SFC Jeremy A. Kott, Army, Jay Long, USMC, Adam O'Neill, Army, 2nd Lt. Courtney Pierce, RN, Army, Staff Sgt. Philip Sedlar, Jr., Andrew Saul, Navy, Adam Schuessler, Army, USAF, Sgt. Dylan Somsel, Pvt. First Class Justin Zupin, USMC Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior Amen. If you know of someone serving our country and would like a his/her name printed in our military corner please call the parish office or put their name in the collection basket and mark it military corner. Thank you. ST. JOSEPH LADIES GUILD NEWS **There will be no Ladies Guild Meeting until March 2015. ALL women of the parish are invited to join us when we meet!! Come and meet your fellow parishioners. Our church needs your helping hands, and the good ideas in your heads. Need a ride? Call the church secretary and she will contact us to help. SEE YOU THERE!!! **Ladies Guild is still collecting Oleson's receipts. We receive 1% of each receipt. Every penny counts. We are also collecting used postage stamps, General Mills box tops for education, Campbell Soup UPC's and Spartan UPC's. When you are cutting out the box top for education we need the General Mills Box Top for Education not the save 25-75%. Also, on the Campbell Soup we need the UPC's. Please place your receipts in the box in the church vestibule. ❋❋❋ ST. JOSEPH'S COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRY: The next month's Food Pantry will February 27, 2015 beginning at 10 a.m. Your financial support is appreciated and encouraged. Every dollar you contribute goes toward purchase of food and household items. ❋❋❋ FAMILY PERSPECTIVE - Today’s Gospel reminds us “unclean spirits” still haunt our families. These “spirits” thrive inside our grudges, punishing silence, impatience and abruptness. Today Jesus offers you the “authority” to cast out these spirits from your life and your family. Stewardship by the Book - Moses told the people, "A prophet like me will the Lord, your God raise up for you from among your own kinsmen." God still provides among His people the gifts and talents necessary to continue the work of His Church. What gifts are yours to share? Reflecting on Stewardship - “Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties.” - 1 Corinthians 7:32 How much anxiety do we bring upon ourselves by constantly worrying about not having enough or attaining more things? God won’t necessarily give you everything you want, but He will provide everything you need. Try this – use the word “pray” instead of the word “worry” in the future. Vocation View - If you do respond to a religious vocation, do not be afraid that you will not know what to say. The Lord promised that He would put His words into your mouth. But you must be open to His speaking to and through you. Televised Sunday Mass - The weekly Eucharistic Liturgy at St. Mary Cathedral is broadcast on Fox TV 32/45 at 8 AM Sunday mornings. The broadcast is funded through gifts to the annual Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) as well as private donations. Anyone interested in making a financial contribution specifically to this telecast ministry may send donations marked “For Televised Mass” to Diocese of Gaylord, 611 West North Street, Gaylord, MI 49735. Donations may also be made online through the diocesan website by clicking on “Make a Gift” on the home page of www.dioceseofgaylord.org. Promise to protect; pledge to heal - In an effort to protect all children and to promote healing, the Diocese of Gaylord encourages victims of child abuse or neglect to report the matter. In fact, many professionals are required by Michigan State law to report suspected abuse or neglect of a child or minor. Individuals should contact their local office of the Department of Human Services. If an allegation involves sexual misconduct of a minor by clergy or any employee of the Diocese of Gaylord, even if it is in the past, individuals may also contact Tom Tenerovicz at 989.732.5147. Blessed are the merciful - WYD 2016 - Registration for World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland is now open! Join the Diocese of Gaylord on a life-changing pilgrimage with your fellow young adults. Cost for the 13-day pilgrimage is $3,999 per person and includes round-trip airfare from Detroit, accommodations, World Youth Day registration, and most meals. This WYD pilgrimage is open to young adults from the Diocese of Gaylord who will be between the ages of 18 and 35 by July 1, 2016. More information is available at www.dioceseofgaylord.org or by contacting Priscilla Oddo or Fr. Peter Wigton at [email protected] or 989.732.5147. Space is limited and a $200 deposit is required to guarantee your spot. For Your Marriage - The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has launched www.foryourmarriage.org, a website dedicated to providing tips, advice, and support those called to the vocation of marriage, as well as providing information on Catholic marriages. Sign up for the daily tips and advice, find humor in blog posts from others in all stages of marriage, or find Catholic marriage support by using the Office Locator tool. “For Your Marriage” is sponsored by the USCCB and the Catholic Communication Campaign. Lector Workshops - The Center for Catholic Studies will be hosting workshops for those who wish to serve the Church as a lector and those already serving, who would like additional training. Cost is $10 per person and classes will be offered throughout the diocese. Visit www.dioceseofgaylord.org for a complete listing of classes. For more information or to register, contact Tammy Boylan at 989.732.5147 or via email at [email protected] Keep an eye out for these upcoming classes:- Wednesday, February 4, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at St. Joseph School in West Branch - Tuesday, February 10, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier in Petoskey - Saturday, February 21, from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at St. Joseph in Manistee - Tuesday, March 17, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at St. Mary in Grayling - Saturday, March 21, from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at Christ the King in Acme Heart of Strength – Father/Son RetreatAll fathers and sons grades 8-12 are invited to a day retreat on Saturday, February 7 at the Augustine Center in Conway. The retreat will answer the question, “What does it mean to be a man with a heart of strength?”. This annual and well-built retreat experience highlights excellent faith-focused presentations, quality father and son time, Eucharistic Adoration, Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation, St. Joseph’s workshop, and time for quiet and prayer. Cost is $20 per person and includes lunch. Co-Sponsored by St. Francis
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