Food FFo oo od dM Makers ak a ke ke errs Bakery Ba B ak ke ery ry E Equ Equipment qu q uip pm me en ntt 62 6 626-358-1343 26 6--35 358 8--13 134 43 3| w ww ww. w.FM FMB BE E.c .co om m 1 We Guarantee: We believe in building a quality product that will outlast and out perform any other rolling stock on the market. Our expertise in all aspects of the baking industry gives us special insight into your needs. It’s the high standard and work ethic of our team members that have made our company an industry leader for over 30 years. Order our optional double welds on all slides for superior strength and we will guarantee these welds for life. Imagine…a rack with no The second installment in our broken welds…ever ! It is this strength that keeps our HEAVY DUTY LINE OF RACKS is our industrial, oversized red casters. Our 5”x 2” can support 750 lbs. per Caster. rack rolling. Located in the city of Irwindale in Los Angeles. Our 60,000 square foot plant offers a full range of services to meet the needs of today’s baker. Make a smart investment in the company that knows this industry from the inside out. Signs of a low quality ality rack: Lastly our industrial base plate design takes all the weight off the welds, making this a LIFETIME rack frame… no broken welds ever…nothing else compares. JUST SAY NO to cheap frames and nd casters. or All Standard Racks Include These Exceptional Features: G Unbreakable, J Industrial Red Casters, 3000 lb. Load Capacity 50 Percent Thicker Tubing 3600 Lbs. Load Capacity THE HEAVIEST RACK EVER BUILT Z$%X>[<& Aluminum Reg. \J 10 Slides $ 258 $ 232 "#%&'%() 15 Slides $ 291 $ 262 J[];:J 20 Slides $ 321 $ 289 /+9&:;#(: Base Plate System Stainless Reg. 10 Slides $ 302 $2 272 72 2 4” Spacing $ 606 $ 545 4 15 Slides $ 347 $ 312 5” Spacing $ 573 $ 515 "#$%&'%() 20 Slides $ 392 $ 352 6” Spacing $ 539 $ 485 Stainless Shown Here SPE-203 ) *+ Aluminum Construction /+9&:;#(: Base Plate System *;(<=> Your Needs Upgrade Option: Add These Options For Increased Durability *>":;+ Double Welded 14-Gauge Slide Tray Guard - Add $1.00 Per Set Of Slides - Add $2.00 Per Set Of Slides - Add $20.00 Reg. Shown Here SPE-203-HD CUSTOM SIZING ))Q*: )/ W"X AVA IL ABLE Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 626 358 1343 | www F 5 A Type Lift* (:# Base Plate Foundation > C Type Lift B Type Lift Don’t See Your Lift Type?: Our Manufacturing Department Can Design And Duplicate Any Lifter Type Not Common In The (ZWJ(#`<(Z)/ '^[9 Of Maintenance AND LESS NOISE! *; [> <GJ: : : And Foreign Ovens – LBC, Revent, Lucks, Baxter, Bakers Aid And More ):+ Air-Flow Over Traditional Slides ] >+; />> ]# Long Life - Easy Maintenance J:> Heavy Duty Base Plate Design Makes This A Lifetime e Frame *; [> <Popular Domestic And Foreign Ovens LBC, Revent, Lucks, Baxter, Bakers Aid And More Shown Here DO-125-LBC Call For Other Spacing, Special Needs Or Custom Designs ];JGJ Makes This A Lifetime Frame Reg. 10 Slides $ 472 $ 425 12 Slides $ 494 $ 445 $ 529 $ 475 20 Slides $ 583 $ 505 Reg. CUSTOM SIZING / ( :( / 8% Food Makers Bakery Equipment $ 875 ' /,)(7,0( :$55$17< )0%( Shown Here AVAIL AVA A IL LA ABL ABLE BLE BL B LE 6 56 Pan Capacity '( !"# ] >+; /To The Heat, Long Life And Easy Maintenance Double Welded - Add $2.00 Per Set Of Slides 14-Gauge Slide - Add $2.50 Per Set Of Slides '2 15 Slides Consider These Upgrades: For Increased Durability And To Receive + 626-358-1343 | DOW-28-B Food Makers Bakery Equipment $ 787 !"# 626-358-1343 | 7 FAR MORE OVEN RACK MODELS AVAILABLE CALL US MORE INFORMATION CUSTOM SIZING AVA IL ABLE Shown Here Shown Here Shown Here Shown Here DO-154-B-1465DW DO-154H-RADW DO-6875TC SOE-134-A-MB Shown Here Wire Shelf 8S4355 Shown Here SOWE-36-RC Shown Here Shown Here Shown Here DOE-25225-B-RF SDOE-125-RC DO-13425RC38TG2H SINGLE OVEN RACKS ALSO AVAILABLE <)*[ And Cooling )*<9;G: <;> + G [*J": <&j:*G: A Type Lift B Type Lift C Type Lift Reg. Standard Or Custom Lifters Are No Problem For Our Manufacturing Team 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 26” x 40” Shelf $ 69 Food Makers Bakery Equipment $ 62 2 (Rolling Rack And Pans Not Included) 626-358-1343 | 9 G:>G[) *)+ Elements From Above ):*; THE TRIPLE THE DOUBLE THE SINGLE (:(GQ)[ > `J Your Floors *;(#J{>j CUSTOM SIZING 8% AVA IL ABLE / ( :( / '( /,)(7,0( ' '2 TIONAL OP :$55$17< )0%( Shown Here SPS-24384TC Call For Pricing ng Shown Here SPDS-203TC Call For Pricing Shown Here SPDS-203ZB Call For Pricing SPDS-125TC SP SPDS- Reg. 12 Slide Slid - Double $ 476 $ 430 0 Red Heavy Duty Casters Offer 3000 lbs. ):* > $ Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 11 };":> [9 <&jG:[: *[G:G ea :;J*9)/(G:Area **): > #*): ) +9 : ];J")+* {~9&: >:(G:) % & J '()!*%(%+: Powder Coat Finish Available In A Variety Of Colors To Match Your Décor Designed To Save You Valuable Floor Space Reg. Reg. 8% / ( :( / '( /,)(7,0( :$55$17< Shown Here ' '2 TIONAL OP 15 Slides $ 358 $3 322 32 22 20 Slides $ 406 $ 365 )0%( SPE-203N Shown Here APSD-7 7 Slides $ 224 10 Slides $ 244 12 Slides $ 270 $ 201 1 $ 220 $ 243 (Trays not included) )":9> )*Flows Flows Evenly Around Loaves ) ) ]J> *Of Pans Than Traditional Slides ]> +> *Prevents ents Over Baking (:*> Q+> Nesting Rack 9&"( Casters Ensure Smooth, Safe Transport CUSTOM SIZING Reg. 36 Pan Capacity $ 394 $ 35 355 40 Pan Capacity $ 422 $ 380 Shown Here APEC-40N AVAIL AVAILA AVA A IL L ABLE A BLE Reg. 24” x 60” - 6 Shelves $ 954 24” x 72” - 6 Shelves $ 998 $ 709 9 $ 749 Shown He Here ere SCR6-2472 OTHERS SIZES & SHELVES AVAILABLE - CALL CALL US US FO FOR PRICING PRICING Superior Performance For Cooling And Freezing ) ]>G9: Z Doubling Your Pan Capacity In Less Space Up To 40 Pans In A Rack J>$[ *#> *[ ):+ Air-Flow Over Traditional Slides (:G(> And Outlast Any Other Rack #G* Industrial Casters Are Standard (];J"Casters Can Support Up To 3000 lbs. And Its Polyurethane G;* "> ` Damage Your Floors CUSTOM SIZING Shown Here SWPE-20 14 Shown Here Reg. APEC-40 AVA ILABLE 20 Slides Aluminum Frame $ 361 $ 32 325 25 20 Slides Stainless Frame $ 390 $ 351 36 Slides Aluminum Frame $ 457 $ 411 36 Pan Capacity $ 370 $ 333 3 36 Slides Stainless Frame $ 482 $ 434 40 Pan Capacity $ 458 $ 412 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Reg. Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 15 ":): /: ):/$< Metal Than Other Brands W]; 9&)G;~# 9> 8% /( (/ Shown Here '( /,)(7,0( ' '2 TIONA OP : L :$55$17< TC-40 Shown Sh how own Here Shown Here TC-44 TC-24 )0%( Shown Here G:[* G*> APR-6 J[>*):* *::% &'%[j G CUSTOM SIZING *):G;*" [9< ":#[ J ];J: :JJ> AVAIL ABLE *;(j+)+>Your Requirements Reg. Reg. 6 Shelves (Aluminum) 6 Shelves (Stainless) $ 425 $ 525 CUSTOM SIZING $ 383 $ 473 Shown Here SPR6-05-NG 16 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | AVA AVAILABLE A IL L ABLE 24 Pan Capacity $ 455 40 Pan Capacity $ 583 44 Pan Xtra Tall $ 637 Food Makers Bakery Equipment $ 410 $ 525 $ 573 626-358-1343 | 17 (Trays not included.) ) W]] 9#9&")"9 Z> ): [&][9Maneuvering )]+;' G 9 G[> ];J):[): X )J[/XG *; "()[ > Reg. Shown Here SSPD-48H 36” High Handle H dl $ 265 48” High Handle $ 276 $ 249 249 4 $ 259 Reg. R 48” High Handle $ 322 Shown Here $ 289 9 SSPDBL-48H "() (:[): [)j ) W]] Reg. Shown Here SSPD $ 200 9#9&") Roll Effortlessly $ 180 180 Z> ): G[ Transportation )J[/XG Shapes Available [":); Non-Nesting Pans Stacked Shown Here [&][9Maneuvering SSPDBL-3036572H ];J):[): Shown Here SSPD-192960H 48” High Handle 60” High Handle Shown Here Shown Here SSPD-60-SB SSPD-202948-GB 60” High Handle $4 419 9 $ 429 72” High Handle Food Makers Bakery Equipment $ 308 $ 408 626-358-1343 | 19 (:9Q::G:G: On Pans Directly. :G+'> ][) " ;)[9<; (Trays not included) Reg. $ 288 Reg. Shown Here $ 259 9 $ 664 SSPC $ 59 597 97 Shown Here SUC-2858-HD8 ":#] (:9Q::G:G: On Pans Directly. *:::+G '%&$% [ G9; Up On Top From Falling Over ];JAll Stainless Steel Construction :G+'> ]%)$Z ] +) [/G9"J/>W +) support supp Z> ): G[> ;)[9<; (:>[J" (: Casters And Two Rear Swivel Super Cast Duty Plate Casters Shown Here G:[<;G#+ G Ingredients, Boxes And More Ingre $ 277 277 SSC-1TCH-SE Bread Strap Cart / Flat Bed Utility Cart Reg. R $ 805 $ 725 "() Shown Here STM-282820-15 (:[): Shown Here Z> ): SUCS-2858-HD8 SUCS-2858 [)j $ 769 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | $ (:) ) *): " >] (:*[( +'%>;WIncredible ble % & 5” x 2” Industrial Heavy Duty Casters For Mobility >W)j Shown Here 9*>+( SDR-5-2460 ]j* [ Easy Maneuvering Reg. $ 456 Reg. $ 411 Shown Here H CUSTOM SIZING SIB-1 $ 481 $ 433 AVA IL ABLE Our Tube Their Tube DOUBLE THE STRENGTH ":#] [ GZ)<Q [ To Fit Your Bread Pans ]%)$Z+ ] ) [/G9"J/>W ) (:>[J"Casters ( And Two Rear Swivel Super Duty Plate Casters A ]JjZ [Easy ] Maneuvering And Storage M [<\%>Z)/[ [ Customized Options C Shown Here: 24” x 60” with Casters Reg. Reg. $ 507 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Shown Here $ 457 SSPD-2228-SB Food Makers Bakery Equipment $ 510 $ 459 459 626-358-1343 | , Shown Here }J SDC-3025-HDC )** Complete Unit Or Separately # G:*;J )[9(Q: J[)+ Smooth-Moving Casters )<Q>] )+W:Q:Z Shown Here CUSTOM SIZING SIB-3-Complete Shown Here SDC-3025-TUB AVAILABLE Available Separately Or As A Complete Unit }J }[}"G "];J)> `JW[ J[+];J G[ ): )Z'%&Z%&]Z% Z'\%&Z'%&]Z'%$ZJ ): Shown Here )<Q>] )+W:Q: )+W 8S4356 Reg. Reg. *Complete Unit - $ 430 Cart $ 225 Tub $ 205 Food Makers Bakery Equipment *Complete Unit $ 388 $ 203 $ 185 626-358-1343 | $ 516 Cart $ 212 Bin(s) $ 64 S/S Lid $ 47 Food Maker Makers Bakery Equipment $ 465 $ 190 $ 58 $ 42 626-358-1343 | . Shown Here STHSD-2496-2 / Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | > <J>(> ( Made Tough For Daily Production %(<> ):[(9; '%>Provide > <"#: )>*::*j+ <[] +Production <[] +Production Areas '%[ > Shown Here Shown Here WTSF-3672-2 ST-3672-2 2” Tubing Makes Our Tables <"{ Massive 2 Inch Tubing Over The Industry Standard Of Shown Here STM2D-3672 1” Inch Tubing Makes This Table The Shown Here Strongest, Most Durable WTSF-3696-2 Pricing Available In Previous Chart Table Ever Made Stainless Steel Sliding Drawer(s) #J*): /> >+JDrawer Hidden And Unobtrusive Jj\% &'% +;j%&%] &'\%J Shown Here WTSFM2D-3072 Dough Prep/Transit G:[J G*> #G :] Up To Dough Cutting Abuse G#"() Make Maneuvering Easy >':):> :/W`"><; ";) Soft Ciabatta-Type Doughs Shown Here STMTB-487234-M Call For Pricing Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 0 Food Makers Bakery Equipment custom manufactures racks, dough bins, rolling stock, panning carts, tables, and many different types of conveyors. ;;&: : custom products out of stainless steel and aluminum to meet your custom needs. Round Tray Oven Rack G Stainless Steel Rack Mobile Medium Prep Table Mobile Cutting Board Top Prep Table Mini Stainless Steel Tray Rack SPE-675P/PI DO-12RS-B SSPWR-28325/3 STS-3648-2-M SCBT-3036-2-M APE-06336-CR 8% / ( :( / '( /,)(7,0( :$55$17< )0%( ' Custom: Request To Have This G:*(> WZ] # # :ZWZ '2 + + Cooling Rack + Products. Add The Double <(*:J` +:+Z9; +# Our Rack For LIFE. Piece Of Equipment Displayed Is Made By Us. Stainless Steel w/ Over-shelf Stainless Steel Table w/ Drawer Heavy Duty 2 Inch ; Heavy Duty 2 Inch Shelving 3 Tier Slanted Cart STOS-3096 ST25D-306035 ST25D 306035 ASR-3-244866 SDRM-5-2460-4 SLC-315-FE SUPER DUTY PLATE CASTER Part# 8P1373 Home To The Strongest, g , Durable,, Most Well Built Casters SUPER DUTY RIGID CASTER R Part# 8P1374 $ 36.95 ea. ):)[9& Z ) ]G: Floors From Damage ;G[9<; %&\% & \ % j % j %&'”< %&'”< '^[9<: SUPER DUTY PLATE CASTER SUPER DUTY DU "((J)*>9" HEAVY DUTY PLATE CASTER HEAVY DUTY STEM CASTER MEDIUM DUTY STEM CASTER ](]>9<G OVEN CASTER 1250 lbs. Load Capacity Per Caster 1250 lbs. Load Capacity Per Caster Industrial Strength Caster G > ` Damage Your Floors HEAVY DUTY PLATE CASTER MEDIUM DUTY PLATE CASTERS Part# 8P1318 $ 11.95 ea. j Large Only $%&'% LARGE MEDIUM SMALL Everything You Need To Maintain Your Oven Casters HIGH-TTEMP OVEN CASTER Tough, Industrial, High ~)[ {GQZ*;( Three Caster Plate Sizes Part# 8P1307 ^[ Easy Maintenance /[< ): 750 lbs. Load Capacity Per Caster Part# 8P1330 j(8P1318: Large) (8p1307: Small) $%&%% $ 14.95 ea. 250 lbs. Load Capacity Per Caster ] >Z + #8P1283 HEAVY DUTY STEM CASTER MEDIUM DUTY STEM CASTER $ 5.95 Part# 8P1332 Part# 8P1310 Exclusive Design Stem Caster '%* %&%X[ [< ): '%* %&%X[ jSmall, Medium, Large $%&% $%&% $%] \% 500 lbs. Load Capacity Per Caster 250 lbs. Load Capacity Per Caster $ 14.95 '^** ] > ea. ^[ Bushing ] >Z #8P1285 #8P1284 #9P1270 $ 1.99 $ 1.50 $ 9.50 $ 12.95 ea. $ 11.95 ea. Bread, Bagel, Pastry Equipment And Much More! All Our Machines Are Rebuilt >}<: :Q: *}G *}9:: /" ]> G:+} SShown hown Here AMF 3 340 Glen Spiral Mixer FMBE# FMBE#13864 Offering Only The Best! Official Distributor Test Bake Your Products In Our Baking Center Today =+>+) {]<: (; We Have Over A 10,000 Parts Available Online or Call Us 626-358-1343 ,- Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | ,. 2 3: 3*; $/$0! < = >?!0$@ //A,.BA$,-, See It All For Yourself Visit Our 60,000 sq. ft. Facility PRICES GOOD THROUGH JUNE 30, 2015 Follow Us Online: ,/ 626-358-1343 | 6 626-358-1343 26-3 3 343 4 | ww www om FFood Fo od Makers Mak a ers Ba Bakery ake ery yE Equipment quip pme ent
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