École Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School Bandit News “Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Relationships” January 2015 “Des Esprits Sains, Des Corps Sains, Des Relations Saines” Inside this issue: Principal’s Message Principal’s Message 1 Yearbook 2 Upcoming Events 2 Hour Zero 2 Classroom Interruptions 2 Grad Banquet Committee 3 Grad Wall Contest 3 Textbooks 3 Accountability Pillar 3 Parking Passes 4 Student’s Union Update 4 Art Club 4 Bandits SportsDesk 5 Sr. Boys Basketball 5 Student Services 6-8 Teen Anxiety Group 9 Understanding Your Teen 10 Spring Awareness 11 ESBCHS 5417 43 Avenue, Beaumont, AB T4X 1K1 Phone: 780.929.6282 Fax: 780.929.1323 esbchs.blackgold.ca focus. Scholastically, students need to make sure their graduation requirements are all in order. If students have any questions about their graduation status, they are encouraged to go to Student Services as soon as possible to find out what they need to do to be eligible to participate in Graduation ceremonies. This is our second year of a parent-led Banquet committee, and I look forward to our volunteers building on a very successful event from last year. As many hands make light work, please give serious consideration to volunteering for this committee if you are a Grade 12 parent or student. Ensuring the success of future Graduation banquets, we always encourage Grade 11 students and parents to get involved and learn the ropes for next year I would like to congratulate all students and staff for a successful first semester. Specifically, I have been impressed with how our students this year have followed our exam setting expectations and have arrived in good time for their exams. With final exams now coming to an end, we look forward to new challenges, and hopefully the application of newly acquired skills in second semester courses. Getting off to a positive start is a common goal for students, and maintaining good habits and consistent commitment will ensure success as students work through their classes over the next five months. Basketball season resumes For our Grade 12 this week, and the cheer students, Graduation is team and curling teams now coming i n t o are rolling too, and then our spring sports are right a r o u n d t h e corner. February 4th is Winter Walk Day so I encourage everyone to get out and enjoy the fresh air. February will also see the administration of two surveys rolled into one: Tell Them From Me as well as the Accounta bility Pill ar surveys will run in class during the week of February 17-20. We ask that all participants respond to these surveys with thought and honesty as accurate feedback can be very useful. Je vous souhaite bon succes dans vos cours ce semestre. Good luck to everyone in their second semester courses! Chris Peacocke Principal Bandit News Page 2 Did you order a Yearbook yet? 2014-15 yearbook orders are still being accepted. If anyone missed ordering their copy of this year's edition when paying their school fees you can still get your name on the list by bringing your $44 payment to Mrs. Hayward in the office. Add $6 if you would like the cover embossed with your name. The 2013-14 yearbooks have arrived and are available for pick up. First Day of Semester 2 February 2, 2015 Teacher’s Convention (No School) February 5 & 6, 2015 Grade 9 Immunizations February 9, 2015 Family Day (No School) February 16, 2015 New Emergency Procedures for Black Gold Schools Black Gold School Division is standardizing emergency procedures across the division using the Hour Zero protocols Please see the Black Gold Emergency Response Protocol Parent Summary document via the link bellow. http://www.blackgold.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Black-GoldEmergency-Response-Protocol-Parent-Summary.pdf Classroom Interruptions Classroom interruptions disrupt the flow of the lesson and make it difficult for students to re-focus on the task at hand. It is our policy to not interrupt classes but instead hold messages until the bell and then deliver them. Although we attempt to call students to the office during breaks, lunch hour, and after school to pick up messages, often students do not respond to these calls. Out of respect for all concerned, please ensure you advise your son/daughter of any appointments, etc., before they arrive at school. Thank you for your cooperation. Bandit News Page 3 Bandit News Grad Banquet Committee The next meeting will be on Thursday, January 29 @ 7:00 pm in the staff room. Grad Wall Contest Students interested in developing the grad wall should see Ms. Baron for an entry form. Students need to be in groups of 2-5 and should develop their concept in response to this year’s theme “Oh the Places You’ll Go”. Groups may submit more than one entry. Submissions should be returned to Ms. Baron by Friday, February 27th. Semester One Textbooks Important Reminder: Today, January 29, 2015 is the last day to return Semester 1 textbooks. Please be sure students have returned all textbooks to the library once their exams are completed. All textbooks that have not been returned by the end of the day will be invoiced to parents/guardians. We are always short of textbooks for Semester Two. Returning Semester One textbooks in a timely manner is imperative. If Semester One textbooks have not been returned there could possibly be a delay in receiving Semester Two textbooks. Accountability Pillar As an annual check-up on the education system, the Accountability Pillar provides an opportunity for Alberta Education and school authorities to ensure that we are equipping students for success. The Accountability Pillar uses a set of 16 indicators consisting of surveys of students, parents and teachers on various aspects of quality; student outcomes such as dropout and high school completion rates; and provincial assessments of student learning. From January to the end of February, Alberta Education will be conducting the annual Accountability Pillar Survey. In January, parents of students in grades 4, 7 and 10 (change to grades 4-12 if applicable) will receive a survey from Alberta Education. In February, students in grades 4, 7 and 10 (change to grades 4-12 if applicable) and all teachers will be completing their surveys online at school. All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about experiences with the school. In addition to English and French, the parent survey is available in Chinese, Punjabi, Arabic, Blackfoot, Cree, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Urdu. Your participation in the survey helps provide important information on the quality of education your child is receiving, so we encourage you to return your survey promptly. Survey results will be available to school authorities in May 2015, and will be reported publicly as part of their 3-Year Education Plans and Annual Education Results Reports. Page 4 Bandit News Semester 2 Parking Passes Parking pass applications for Semester 2 will be available for pickup in the main office on Monday, February 2nd. Applications must be handed back in by Wednesday, February 4th and passes will be handed out to students the following week. We will not accept applications without student signature, parent signature, vehicle description, license plate number and the $10 permit fee. Distribution criteria of passes include 1) Distance between home and school. 2) First come first served. Students who had parking passes in Semester 1 must hand in their Semester 1 passes before they will receive an application for a Semester 2 pass and are not guaranteed a parking pass for Semester 2. Students’ Union Update January was a quiet month for Students’ Union. We met the first week back to school after the Christmas break but cancelled the rest of the month’s meetings to accommodate exams/assignments/ projects and other such deadlines. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with current events and theme days in the new semester. Join us on Tuesdays at lunchtime in room 108 (first meeting is on February 3rd) we are always looking for new members!! Good luck to everyone in Semester 2. Art Club Coming soon! Art Club! Art club will start up once again on February 13th. Art Club is a casual after -school opportunity to draw, paint, sculpt, and create. Students pay a one-time $2 fee towards studio supplies, and can attend on a regular or drop-in basis. If students are interested in projects, instruction will be provided; if they just want to escape into their art, then they will be given the space to do so. Art Club runs most Fridays until 5:00 pm. You do not need to be registered in Art or Design to take part, everyone is welcome. Students looking for exciting opportunities to make art outside the classroom should see Ms. Baron. Remember to check out the display cases for new work. The fabulous final projects for the Art 20 and 30 students will be featured soon! Bandit News Page 5 Bandit SportsDesk Our Beaumont Bandits Sr. Boys hosted the annual Bandits Invitational tournament Jan 9th and 10th, and took 3rd place with wins over Cold Lake in the opener and a 99-67 win over West Central High from Rocky Mountain House. The Bandits dropped their second game in a close one with HJ Cody from Sylvan Lake. Marcus Hunter was named one of the tournament all starts with a very productive weekend. Congrats to the boys and their coach, Keith Kruse. Winners of the tournament were the Panthers from Spruce Grove Comp. They defeated HJ Cody by a wide margin in the final. C ongra ts to the Panthers and their coach, Rob Killen. The Bandits will resume league in February following the exam break. Currently they are 4-0 in league play. December saw our Sr. Girls earn first place in Fort Sask’s Sting Cup. This was their first tournament of the year. Coach Suzy Kavanagh predicts good things to come for this group. They are at 5-1 in league play and are looking forward to a busy February after exams. Both Grade 9 teams started their seasons in January and are off to a good start, both undefeated in league play with a couple wins each. Coaches Chris Peacocke and Jenn Kruse of the boys and girls squads respectively, are excited about their teams and their fine group of students/athletes. Senior Boys Basketball The 2014-2015 Sr. Boys Basketball Team is ‘off and running’! Already the season is close to its midway point in only four weeks of the season and the team is beginning to show steady improvement. To date, the team is sporting a record of 10 wins and 4 losses. This record includes a 7 th place finish in their first tournament (Lillian Osborne), a 2nd place finish (Camrose Comp. HS), a 3rd place finish at our home tournament, and a League Record of 4 wins and 0 losses (tied for 1st Place). However, the next six weeks—beginning with Jan 30-31 weekend through mid-March--will test the resiliency and strength of the team. This upcoming stretch will include four games on Jan. 30-31 at a tournament in Forestburg, 5 league games in the first three weeks of February, a tournament on Feb. 27-28 in Lloydminster, and then League and Zone Playoffs. The highlight of the season to date has been the strength of the Grade 10 members of the team, especially Marcus Hunter, Papa Adjaye and Taha Hussain. Marcus’ highlight came during Game 2 of the tournament we hosted when 1) he scored 34 of the teams 63 points and 2) when he launched an end-of-the-period shot from 80+ feet and made the basket: truly a highlight for any player in any part of their career! Papa has also put up steady offensive statistics and is very consistent from the free throw line. Together, these two young men are a joy to watch and coach. Then, when you add the inside strength of Taha Hussain (Gr. 10) with his defensive prowess, the opportunities for the remainder of this season and the next years are exciting. If you have not yet had the opportunity to come and watch the 2014-2015 Senior Boys Basketball Team, I strongly encourage you to take the time and come watch…they are highly entertaining! For upcoming dates, times and locations, please call Coach Kruse (780 929 1306) for more information. Helping you put the pieces together Student Services News & Information January 2015 Inside this issue: Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Diploma Requirements Grade 12 Updates Concordia University College Prospective Student Registration & NAIT presentation February 9, 2015 , 2:30-3:00 P.M. for Concordia...Please sign up in Student Services February 24, 2:30 PM NAIT 2015-2016 Registration Information Norquest Open House Scholarships Semester 2 will begin on February 2nd and Student Services is already focusing on registration for the 2015-2016 school year. Following are important dates to remember: April 8-17—Classroom presentations, April 20-23-Computer Registration High School Orientation Evening - April 15, 2015 7:00 in Drama Lab Information evening for Grade 9 students and their parents - topics covered will include High School registration, requirements for High School Diploma, scheduling and pre-requisite marks. Career Planning Student Services Contact Information Diploma Requirements Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. Lazu Curious about Alberta High School Diploma Requirements? Check out the information in the website. Grad Information Grad Ceremony: To be eligible to participate in the Graduation Ceremony, students are responsible for the following: Students must be registered in and working towards (including a minimum of 30 credits for Gr. XII) completion of the courses required to earn a High School Diploma. Outstanding school fees must be paid in full. Students who have not met all requirements or must have a plan in place and have received approval from Student Services on or before February 27th As of June 8th students who have any grade below 40% will be ineligible to participate in the graduation ceremony. (This applies only to courses that are required for graduation.) Withdrawal from classes on the basis of poor attendance or behavior before or after June 8th will result in removal from the Grad list. Grade 12 Information E-Mails Student Services has now sent out four e-mails with information about scholarships, post-secondary and grad information. If either a parent or student has not yet signed up to receive these e-mails, please send an e-mail to Mrs. Busenius at [email protected] to be added to the list. Page 7 Bandit News Please note the scholarships listed below are applicable to grade 12 students. Scholarship Name Amount Deadline Website Leduc County Environmental Scholarship Two students awarded $1000 each January 31, 2015 http://www.leduc-county.com/iwant-to/apply-for/scholarshipsawards#Environmental Hal Rogers Endowment Fund Bursary $1000 any program February 1, 2015 http://www.kincanada.ca/hal-rogersendowment-fund RAP/CTS Scholarship $1000 February 28, 2015 http://tradesecrets.alberta.ca/ Ken Dryden Scholarship (Youth Formerly Up to $3000 in Care) March 6, 2015 http://www.youthincare.ca/work/ Schlulick Leader Scholarships Nominations closing Feb. 2, 2015 Application Deadline Feb. 23, 2015 http://www.schulichleaders.com/ Up to $60,000 ($15,000 per year) Invite Right School Tools is excited to announce three $500 scholarships for graduating high school students. 1. $500 Acting Out Grad – Theatre Arts Scholarship Deadline – March 31, 2015. Show off your theatrics! Grade 12 students applying for this scholarship should describe how they express themselves through music, acting or working behind-thescenes. $500 Sweat Your Way to Grad – Athletics Scholarship. Deadline–April 30, 2015 For the student athlete who demonstrates school spirit throughout the year. Include special awards (MVP, team captain, league championship, class president etc.) 2. $500 Making Grad Great – Graduation Scholarship Deadline–May 31, 2015 This scholarship goes to the student who best displays how they went the extra mile to make grad special at their school. .Students can apply by visiting: 2015 InviteRight SchoolTools Scholarship Application Website 3. Other Organizations Scholarship information is communicated to students in a variety of way through the daily bulletin, on posters posted on the Scholarship Information board and by information in our newsletter. Some other sites that may be useful when searching for scholarships are: www.studentawards.com www.scholarshipscanada.com/ www.studentscholarships.org/ Scholarship dollars are readily available to those students who become qualified, inform themselves and continue to be thorough in their scholarship application process. Counsellors, instrumental in supporting students throughout their school years, invite students to Student Services office if you are having difficultly completing your scholarship application or if you need any additional information to complete it. Page 8 Student Services Contact Information Mrs. Kim Thomas Student Services Department Head/ Counselor (H-Z) 780-929-1307 Mr. Brad Umpherville Learning Support & Off-Campus 780-929-1319 Mr. Keith Kruse Counselor (A-G) 780-929-1306 Mrs. Lise Layton Youth Worker 780-929-1340 Extension 1432 General Inquiries or to book an appointment: Mrs. Theresa Busenius 780-929-1340
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