Deloraine Primary School Newsletter No. 38 17 December 2014 Dates for your diary… 18 December 28, 29, 30 January 4 February Final Assembly at 9.25 am. Last day for Students. School finishes at 2 pm. Levy payment days, stationery collection and uniform sales. Credit card & EFTPOS available. School resumes for 2015. Website: News from the Principal We have had a busy week, with many things to celebrate. Firstly I would like to acknowledge how wonderful our celebration of learning, participation and achievement was at the Presentation Evening last Tuesday evening. It was a night of celebration. Well done to all students who participated and were acknowledged for their performances at Deloraine Primary School in 2014. It was pleasing to see our community come out and celebrate with us. Over the weekend Mrs Kettle showcased members of our Choir at the Deloraine Carols by Candlelight. This was a really pleasant community event and another great opportunity for our students. Thanks Mrs Kettle. On Monday evening we enjoyed a wonderful celebration with our Grade 6 Leavers. They made such a great effort, looked fantastic, and presented themselves as very proud and responsible students. The evening was fun, and definitely enjoyed by the students and the staff who attended. Special mention must be made for the contribution of the School Association and the key ladies who organised and catered for the evening. The food was absolutely splendid. Thanks to Suzanne, Patsy, Alicia, and all the other helpers. The Grade 5 students who hosted and waited on tables did a wonderful job. Well done to them. And thanks to Mrs Harvey, Mrs Beams, Mrs Kettle and Mr Case – who have contributed to the learning and participation of the Grade 6 throughout the year, and created a wonderful night for them all to look back on with great memories. I certainly enjoyed listening to the students share some of their memories – most significant was the mention of Maurice and how much he is missed. Reports were posted and should have arrived in homes early this week. These reports are a summary of your child’s learning since mid year, and include assessments for 5 subject areas as well as a summary of participation in a range of areas. If you have any questions regarding the report, please talk with your child’s teacher. This morning our School Association hosted a parent meeting to discuss the impact of the budget and staffing allocation for 2015. A summary of our discussion is with this newsletter. Tomorrow at 9.25 we will come together to enjoy our final Assembly for 2014 to celebrate the achievements of our students for this term. We will also, sadly, farewell some staff at this assembly. Mrs Anna Youd will be taking maternity leave and we wish her all the best. We will farewell Mrs Justine Page, Miss Belinda King, Miss Shellee Cooke, Mr Chris Hanley, Mrs Bernadette Bennett, Miss Rachel Chivas and very significantly Mrs Jane Gibson. We hope that you will join us. Unfortunately we are not in a position to confirm all teachers for 2015. Therefore as class placements will be posted out this afternoon there will be several classes with ‘To be advised’. Please be assured that we are doing our best to finalise this information, and we understand how frustrating this is for families, but it may well be in January that this information becomes available to us. We will inform families of this information when it is confirmed with us. Finally, I would like to thank the individuals and families who have contributed their positive outlook on our school and the work that all of our teachers, ASTs and I do with your children on a day to day basis. I truly appreciate the conversations that have promoted enhanced learning, and social and emotional outcomes for your children; and there have been many. Thank you for your collaboration and partnership with us. As I mentioned at the Presentation Evening – we will do great things together when we work in partnership. Have a wonderful, safe and happy holiday. Deloraine High School Information Pack Information Packs from the Deloraine High School have been sent home with Grade 6 students. Any queries phone 6362 8900. Gold Card Recipients & Morning Tea Congratulations to our latest Gold Card recipients. A special morning tea was held last week for Term 4 recipients. Early Departure Reminder—School will finish at 2 pm TOMORROW. Buses will transport students home at this time. 40 Years Service Congratulations to Mrs Gibson (pictured below with her son) who attended a special ceremony last week in recognition of her 40 years of service with the Department. What an achievement. Deloraine Carols Well done to students in our Choir who performed on Saturday night and to Mrs Kettle for her time and effort preparing the students for the event. Community Notices Deloraine Rotary Learn to Swim Campaign for 2015 at the Deloraine Public Pool—Registration day—31/12/2014 from 10 am—4pm. Sessions commence—5/1/15— 16/1/15. Morning sessions will run from 10 am until 12.15 pm. Afternoon sessions will run from 12.45 pm to 3.45 pm. Admission is free. The Rotary Club of Deloraine Inc. has been running this programme for over 35 years, as a free community service for the children of the Deloraine and District areas. Looking for something different to do in the holidays? ALLSORTS OF CRAFTS (the new shop in town) is holding CRAFT classes on Tuesdays for 5—10 year olds at 10 am and on Thursdays at 10 am for 11—14 year olds. Classes will run for about an hour and will cost $5 to cover the cost of materials. This may vary depending on choice. Launceston Youth Theatre Ensemble enrolments open for the 2015 Ensemble. LYTE is currently taking enrolments for Grades Prep—4, Grades 4 –7 and Grades 8—12. For more information contact Jane Johnson on 0402 634 820. No previous experience required. Brixhibition—Burnie. Tasmania’s premier Lego exhibition event is coming to Burnie on 25 & 26 January at the Arts and Function Centre. Gold coin donation. Deloraine Junior Basketball Club AGM—15 February, 2015 at the Community Complex at 7 pm. All welcome. 2015 MEANDER VALLEY YOUTH HOLIDAY PROGRAM Available for 12 to 25 y.o.’s. Participants MUST register. There are limited places. Parents/guardians need to fill in the annual registration form and relevant consent form What: When: Where: Push BIKE MECHANICS Workshops 11am – 1pm + Tues 13th, Thurs 15th, Tues 27th, Wed 28th Resource Cycles Workshop, East Westbury Place – Football Ground, Deloraine Rock CLIMBING 9am-430pm Wed 21st 930am-330pm Thursday 29th Meet and Return to Westbury Community Health Centre Meet and Return to Westbury Community Health Centre Mountain BIKING CAVING HOME SCHOOLED ASSOCIATION ONLY CONTACTS Nate Austen Vicki Jordan Westbury Community Health Centre Meander Valley Council 0427 543 365 0400 155 690 6701 2150 6393 5306 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] MEANDER VALLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM January 2015 TUESDAY 27th JANUARY 2015 Activity: Devonport Aquatic Centre & Bass Strait Maritime Museum Time: 9am – 3pm Transport: Bus leaves Westbury Health Centre at 9am. Pick up at Deloraine Visitors Centre at 9.15am. Return: Deloraine at 3pm/ Westbury at 3.15pm. Cost: $10 per child THURSDAY 29TH JANUARY 2015 Activity: Sport with PCYC & Craft Day at Mole Creek Primary School Time: 9am – 3pm Transport: Own transport for this day. Cost: $5 per child PARTICIPANTS NEED TO BRING OWN LUNCH & DRINK PLEASE NOTE CHANGES TO BOOKING PROCEDURE: 1. Ring Kylie Johns PH 0400 780 189 to register. 2. Download Activity Consent form & Annual Registration form 2015 from (If unable to download these forms, copies are available from Council). 3. Complete forms ( 1 per child, NOT 1 per family), return to Council Offices with payment by Wed 21st January 2015. Post: PO Box 102, Westbury or in person at 26 Lyall Street, Westbury. The Deloraine Llama—Being pulled in too many directions? Need 8 arms to get it all done. Come and visit us at 44 Emu Bay Road for some “Me” time. Monday—Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. All services—$20. CONTACT DETAILS: East Barrack DETAILS: Street, Deloraine 7304 CONTACT Ph 03 6362 2012 Fax 03 6362 3231 East Barrack Street, Deloraine 7304 Email: [email protected] Ph 03 6362 8999 Email: [email protected] A/Principal: Brett Youd AP: Principal: AST: AST: Margaret Terry Jeanagh Viney Janette Beams Jan Beams SEO: AST: Jo Puccetti Anne Harvey SBM: Jo Puccetti
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