The Collegiate FYI Collegi ate Acade m y of Col or ado January 29, 2015 Volume 2015, Issue 4 Letter from the Principal Our HS Art students will be traveling up to the mountains to visit the Breckenridge International Snow Sculpture Championships. Dear Collegiate Families, It is hard to believe that next week we are already entering the month of February! The school year is flying by so incredibly quickly and soon we will be preparing for our many graduation and continuation ceremonies. Last night we even held our first planning meeting for the end of the year carnival. I would like to thank everyone who was in attendance and willing to make it a fun event for our community! This week is packed with memorable experiences for our students. Earlier in the week, our Jr. First Lego League teams met for the first time and our middle school was able to wrap up their segregation study. Friday, our HS Art students will be traveling up to the mountains to visit the Breckenridge International Snow Sculpture Championships and our High School student council will be hosting a double feature movie night. On Saturday, our community will complete the construction of the playground structure which we were awarded during Thanksgiving break. These are just a few highlights of the exciting events occurring inside and outside of the classroom. I am proud of the growth within our community which contributes to providing our students with a truly holistic education. Next week will be a short week of classes for students because we are holding our second round of Parent-Teacher conferences. Please be sure to sign-up by logging in here and search by the email [email protected] so that you are able to stay connected to your student’s teachers. This is also a good time to remind you that you are able to contact teachers to discuss progress or concerns at any time you feel the need. Strong educational communities are built upon shared vision and common understanding. Staying informed and connected with your child’s teachers is a vital step in building a strong support network for your child at school. Mr. Becker, myself and Mrs. Brock are also available during conferences. If you would like to schedule time with us, please send us an email and we will be happy to set up an appointment. Thank you for your continued support and trust. Gus Johnson Assistant Principal charter schools to receive equitable funding and treatment. That's why the Colorado League of Charter Schools has coordinated a FREE Advocacy Training for Charter School Parents to take INTEGRITY PERSEVERANCE QUALITY OWNERSHIP Inside this issue: FOUNDATION, BOARD OF TORS, VOLUNTEER INFO DIREC- 2 HOOPS, MOVIE NIGHT, PLAYGROUND, BOOKS FOR BREAKFAST 3 CONFERENCES, BOOK FAIR, 4 CLUBS, CAMPS, ETC SENIOR SPOTLIGHT, SENIOR MEMORY PAGE, YEARBOOKS 5 SUMMER VOLUNTEERS, MOPS, 6 LUNCH MENU Free Advocacy Training for Charter School Parents When it comes public education issues, no one's voice is stronger than that of a parent. When parents mobilize, speak up and work together, they can make a tremendous difference in helping CORE Values: place on Thursday, February 26, from 9:00am-12:00pm at the Marriott Denver Tech Center (4900 S. Syracuse Street, Denver, CO 80237). Click here for the flyer. T-SHIRT NFO, CAMP, TANNER’S CORNER, CAR POOLING REQUESTS 7 CORE VALUE AWARDS 8 T-SHIRT ORDER FORM 9 CRAZY 8’S MATH CLUB 10 SWIM TEAM 11 The Collegiate FYI The Foundation Meet Monthly - 3rd Tuesday Elementary School Library 6:30 pm ~~~~~~~~ We need more parents who are willing to attend meetings once per month for two hours to help make funding decisions for our school. President - Niccole Board Co-Vice Presidents Elizabeth Miller & Mary Minger Secretary - Terry Usry Treasurer - Pamela Roberts Directors - Barbora Meese & Krystal Cook-Matson The Foundation is a group of parents, teachers, and adminstrators tasked with overseeing all fundraising, grants, group purchases, and donations collected for all K-12 students of Collegiate Academy. This group makes decisions regarding which fundraisers will occur, which grants we will pursue, how funds will be distributed, etc. helping prioritize funds to best meet the needs of all students. Please consider attending a meeting before making a commitment to serve in this manner. We would love to have you and your input. ~ Thank you Involvement in the FoundaPlease email: tion is an additional way for [email protected] parents to be involved by for more information. Volunteer Opportunities The Foundation is preparing to submit a grant application to Lowe’s and would like to get an estimate for redoing the elementary bathrooms. If you are able to prepare this document for us, please email Mr. Becker at cvbecker@ Organizing Pro? Handy? Crafty? The Father Daughter Dance is on March 14th and we need a team to make it a special time for our young ladies and their father, grandfather, or father figure. Please consider helping us out! Our Silent Auction & Carnival is coming up on May 2 and we need a planning committee. This is our biggest community event of the year! If you have the skills, crea- tivity, or desire to build and design games, facilitate the silent auction, reach out to potential vendors and donors, or help with food please contact us. Many of these positions can be started now from home. Please contact Terry Usry at 720490-6837 or [email protected] for more information on these or other opportunities to serve with the Foundation. Our kids want clubs! Community involvement in education is an integral part of our philosophy and the reason many of you chose our school. We will get you started, help champion your passion, and help you get your club filled. Please reach out to Gus or Pamela if you have an idea that you would like to put into action! [email protected] or [email protected] Board of Directors - Upcoming Election Meet 1st and 3rd Wednesdays (Weekdays vary to accommodate member schedules so please check the school calendar at for exact dates) 6:30pm ~~~~~~~~ Scott Close, Chair (Parent Member) Sherry Ballengee, Vice Chair (Elem. Teacher Rep, Secretary pro tem) Ken Patton, Treasurer For more information, a letter was included in the January 15th FYI or you can email the Board directly at [email protected] (At-Large Member) Mike Meese (Parent Member) Chris Becker (Principal) Gus Johnson (Asst. Principal) Page 2 Collegiate Academy is a community-founded and run charter school. Authorized by Jeffco Public Schools, CAC operates autonomously under the direction of its own Board of Directors. The CAC Board of Directors consists of five elected parents, two at-large community member, the administrative team, two high school students elected by the student body, one elementary teacher, and one upper school teacher elected by the teaching staff. Elections are rapidly approaching and letters announcing your desire to be included in the 2015 CAC Board of Directors election are due on February 4th. We have multiple positions open for students, parents, and other community members. Meetings are held twice monthly on Wednesdays. For more information, a letter was included in the January 15th FYI or you can email the Board directly at [email protected]. Volume 2015, Issue 4 Books For Breakfast Tomorrow! Friday January 30th, 2015 7-7:30 am ~ Cafeteria Families are encouraged to sit down together and enjoy Books for Breakfast! The first 20 families will receive a copy of the book, The Night Before the 100th Day of School, plus our Wellness Committee will provide a breakfast snack for all families for free. We hope that these events inspire our families to take a few minutes together at the start of each day instead of rushing of to school, work, and the other events that consume our time. Reading together provides an opportunity to enrich your conversations, bond as a family, and in this case, be silly. Enjoy! A big thank you to Kids’ Adventures for the books! School Store Hoops and Jump Rope for Heart Our goal this year was to have 100 students participate or raise $1000 more than last year. We can only do it if we all work together and there isn’t much time left! Use the online tools available on the Hoops for Heart website and collect some last minute donations. 100% of funds collected go straight to The American Heart Association. prizes plus we will get to duct tape Coach to a wall! Let’s get those coupons, donations, and permission slips in to Coach! Feb. 16-20 will be a Double Box Top Week! (.10 = .20) Please turn in all of your Box Tops by Feb. 23rd. If we reach our goal we will have a party to hand out all of the remaining ducks and Student Council Sponsored Movie Night - DOUBLE FEATURE! January 30th Popcorn, Soda, and Candy are available for purchase! Enjoy a great movie with your friends! Toy Story (rated G): 6:00 p.m - 7:30 p.m *Bring your favorite toy* Grease (rated PG-13): 8:00 p.m - 10:00 p.m *Root Beer Floats will be available* Playground Build Day We will be installing the new playground ourselves under the close supervision of Children’s Playstructures & Recreation so please mark your calendars for Saturday, January 31st from 8am until we are done! tion. We will be providing breakfast snacks and lunch thanks to Starbucks, Albertsons, Dominoes, Garlic Knot, and other vendors. We would appreciate any baked treats that you might want to donate, as well. We need a team of 15-20 at a minimum in order to complete the project and fulfill our obligation for receiving this dona- Thank you Jami Kaunda We will need volunteers to bring gloves and closed-toe shoes plus hard garden rakes and spade shovels. Children’s Playstructures & Recreation says that we are building rain, snow, or shine so dress warmly! for your efforts towards feeding the crew! Page 3 This is what our new playground will look like except it will be in Forest Green and White. The Collegiate FYI Conference Sign Ups & Teacher Meals Conference Sign Ups are Live! Don’t forget to sign up to bring something in for teacher meals during conferences. Many volunteers are needed to make this a success, so please visit our Sign Up Genius here to see how you can help! Conferences will be held on Wednesday, February 4th from 4-8 pm and Thursday, February 5th from 9-8 pm. There will not be school on the 5th and 6th as compensation for the very long hours our teachers will be working during conferences. parent, teacher) team strong. We really encourage you to sign up for a time slot for your child regardless of how well they are doing or their age. All conferences are valuable in the learning process. Please click here and search by email using: [email protected]. Conferences are an important way to keep the STP (student, We will have exciting new titles for Elementary and Middle School students as well as award-winners and many classic favorites. Scholastic provides the books and we set up, run the sales, and pack it up again. Book fair hours are: Mon, Feb 2nd, 11am-4pm Tue, Feb 3rd, 11am-4pm Wed, Feb 4th, 11am-8pm Thu, Feb 5th, 8am-7pm Thank you for your help in making our Winter Book Fair a success! Grades K-3 Board Games Club Need a Valentine’s Day Babysitter? Check in begins at the Ridge Rec Center at 6:30 pm with childcare ending at 10:30 pm. We receive a portion of the $12 fee, you get peace of mind, and your children have a great time doing fun activities! Send extra money and they can purchase snacks too. Sea Camp Openings [email protected]. Don’t forget that these donations count towards your annual volunteer hours and should be logged on our website under the donations tab. Winter Book Fair - Coming Next Week!! Kid’s Night Out For information contact Darren Ray at: There is also a sign up for donation of items for teacher meals during conferences. This sign up can also be found at the sign up genius link where conferences are found. Two spots have opened up for Sea Camp and will be offered on a first come first served basis to sophomores interested in attending. The trip will be April 6-10 of 2015. The total cost for the trip is $1200. Page 4 Laura Dial and Melissa Morton are leading the grades K-3 club and will provide all of the games. Grades K-3 Board Games Club Thursdays Feb 12th—March 19th 3-4 pm in the Café Only students that have signed up on this google form will be allowed to attend. The form goes live Friday, January 30th at noon. Thank you Laura & Melissa! 2015 Jr. POMS Dance Camp Flyers are available at both desks if your Pre-K through 8th grade daughter is interested in a camp hosted by the Chatfield Varsity Poms with a performance on Friday, February 20th at 7pm during their football game. You may also register online at Volume 2015, Issue 4 Senior Spotlight ~ Annie Elefante We are starting a new column in the FYI to highlight our incredible senior class. This week we are shining the spotlight on Annie Elefante, a student here at Collegiate since the 5th grade! During Annie’s free time she volunteers at the Columbine Library. She is also a member of our school Frisbee Team which won the state championship this past Fall. Annie has plans to major in Integrative Physiology with the hopes of going on to graduate school to become a Physical Therapist. Colorado State University: $10,000 scholarship Honors program invitation. As a Junior, Annie was awarded a $1000 scholarship from the Colorado School of Mines as part of their Achievement in Math and Science program. Annie has been accepted to multiple Universities and received scholarships from each one, as well. CU - Boulder $10,000 scholarship Honors program invitation. Colorado School of Mines $10,000 scholarship Regis University $72,000 scholarship Honors program invitation Please join us in congratulating Annie for her outstanding achievements and bright future ahead! Senior Memory Page Collegiate Academy Class of 2015 2015 yearbook staff is now accepting orders for Senior Memory Pages. These pages give you the opportunity to express your love, pride, and congratulations upon your child’s graduation. “express your love, pride, and congratulations upon your child’s graduation.” Space is limited and on a first come, first serve basis. We thank you for your patronage! If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school or leave a message for Mr. Brian Fleet, (303) 972-7433 ext. 635. Congratulations, and we look forward to making your page! CAC Yearbook Staff Information on how to order your child’s yearbook will be coming soon! We need your pictures! 5143715 Our yearbook editor is looking for candid pictures from each grade/class plus we need photos from the major events we have had this year. Please take some time to go through your photos and drop them off on a flash drive or email them to [email protected]. ~Thank you! Page 5 The Collegiate FYI School Improvement Team - Summer Volunteer Opportunities In effort to provide increased volunteer opportunities for our families this summer, families will be able to adopt a classroom in need of painting and sprucing up. In the past these painting projects have been completed at the end of the summer during our Volunteer Day, This summer you will be able to schedule your painting day on a day that works for you and for your family (or two families). We are currently building the list of volunteers so if you are interested please e-mail Gus Johnson at [email protected]. MOPS Annual Toy & Clothing Consignment Sale Do you have gently used children’s clothing, baby equipment, toys, and bikes you would like out of your home? 30% of all proceeds benefit the MOPS program and the rest is in your pocket! Seller sign-up is open now at Monday Entréé Salad w/Roll / BBQ Chickén Drumstick w/Roll/ Hamburgér / Chééséburgér / Frénch Friés Black Jack Pizza Tuesday Mini Prétzél, Chééséstring & Sunflowér Sééds / Tériyaki Chickén / Béan & Chéésé Burrito / Oriéntal Véggiés Ovén Friéd Chickén Black Jack Pizza Page 6 For general sales questions or to volunteer, call Lynette 720-9628894 or Danielle 618-444-9723. All volunteers will be allowed to shop the evening before the general public is allowed to Wednesday Entréé Salad w/ Roll / Big Daddy’s Pizza / BBQ Pork Sandwich Black Jack Pizza / Chickén Chorizo Quésadilla Corn Dogs Thursday Turkéy & Chéésé Sandwich / Chickén Nuggéts / Pintos & Chéésé / Frénch Toast w/Fruit Saucé & Sausagé Patty Burrito Bar Black Jack Pizza shop. Many items will be discounted on the final sale date. Sale Dates : March 6th and 7th 2015 Friday Entréé Salad w/Roll / Galaxy Pizza / Spaghétti & Méat Saucé / Applé Swéét Potato Baké Black Jack Pizza / Corn Dog ~~~~~~~ Middlé/HS only HS only ~~~~~~~ Daily (Sécondary Only) Prétzél, Chéésé, Sunflowér Sééds Volume 2015, Issue 4 School Spirit T-shirts—Final Order of the Year—Tomorrow! The Foundation has chosen a new vendor to print our spirit shirts and we will be placing an order tomorrow, Friday, January 30th. It will be our only order of the year and all forms are due by 9 am Friday—no exceptions. We are placing it on that date so that we can combine the shipping costs with our Frisbee team order. If you placed an order under the original vendor, you should have been contacted by a board member to verify that your order has not changed. We are now able to offer ladies’ t-shirts plus we have a three color logo. This logo probably will look best on a black tshirt because the logo is white, forest green, and burgundy. In other words, the black spaces of the log will be replaced by the color of the t-shirt. The new form is attached for any new orders. Carpooling Needs Becky lives in Roxborough in the West Village area and is looking for a carpool for her 7th grade daughter. She can be reached at 303-9298430. Anna can be reached @ 303-9067349 and needs rides for her 7th grade daughter from Wadsworth between Coal Mine and Pierce. Nona or Tanya can be reached at 303989-3951. They live near Jewell and Kipling in Lakewood. They would like to share carpooling for their middle school boy. Tanner’s Corner by Tanner B. ~ 4th Grade JOUST! A Mighty Medieval Musical Do you want to be in a play? Mrs. Ziegler is looking for 3rd through 6th graders who want to act in a play. The play is Joust! A Mighty Medieval Musical and it was written by John Jacobson and Roger Emerson. It will be performed April 15, 2015. The play is about Arthur and the Round Table. It is set in medieval times. Practice will be during specials time in music. There will be two performances, one during the day and one at night for the parents. There are many parts to be filled like there are acting parts and speaking parts. Two of the main characters are Merlin and Arthur. There are many small parts to sign up for too. Can’t wait to see you at the play. Page 7 Collegi ate Acade m y of Col or ado Our Vision 8420 S Sangre de Cristo Road Littleton, CO 80127 Phone (303)972-7433 Fax (303)932-0695 [email protected] To provide the highest quality k-12 college preparatory education in Colorado Our Mission To help students prepare for and succeed in college and their career by providing a Core Knowledge foundation that establishes the key values of lifelong learning, allowing them to recognize and to develop their unique and innovative ideas. CORE VALUE AWARDS Integrity • Perseverance • Quality • Ownership ~Perseverance~ Mrs.Board nominated Payton G. for pressing forward with learning to read. She tries again and again until she figures words out. Mrs Casassa nominated Mahala R. for getting all of her work done matter how long it takes her. Ms. Capolungo nominated Maddison O. because even though she has had to miss several days, Maddie has shown perseverence in getting all of her work caught up. Mrs. Zilkenat and Mrs.Hillan nominated Kade B. Because he works hard on EVERYTHING he does. He perseveres when things are difficult and keeps on keeping on when things aren't perfect. :) Mrs. Weber and Mrs. Zilkenat nominated Skyla S. because she persevered and achieved her highest score on her latest math test. In addition, Skyla perseveres through her reading homework and always has her homework completed on time and with quality. Mr. DeVries nominated Tatum B. because she never quits and always corrects her work if she is not happy with the grade. Mrs. Ballengee nominated Cooper F. because he never gives up on himself or what needs to be done. He is a hard worker who strives to do his best. The MS Team nominated Xander F. for persevering through his homework. The MS Team nominated all 8th Graders who stuck with the Segregation Simulation. It was challenging and you didn't give up! GO YOU! Mr Ziegler nominated Olivia F. because her hard work makes teaching worth while. Mrs. Zilkenat nominated Mrs. Hillan because she is an excellent example of a reflective teacher who continuously seeks feedback and analyzes her practices to change things that may not be effective. “Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.” ~ Thomas Carlyle Child’s Name___________________________ Parent’s Name_____________________________ Date Submitted_________________________ Payment Method___________________________ Collegiate Academy Spirit Wear Order Form Youth Sizes - XS, S, M, L, & XL Women’s Black or Forest Green Short Sleeve $14 Each/All Sizes Size Quantity Unit Cost Total Youth (Circle T-shirt Color) Burgundy, Black, or Forest Green Short Sleeve Men’s Youth $14 Each/All Sizes (Circle T-shirt Color) Women’s Black or Forest Green Long Sleeve $17 Each/All Sizes Youth (Circle T-shirt Color) Burgundy, Black, or Forest Green Long Sleeve Men’s Youth $17 Each/All Sizes (Circle T-shirt Color) Burgundy, Black, or Forest Green Hoodie Youth $25 Each/All Sizes (Circle T-shirt Color) Total Payment is due with the order and may be dropped off at the clinic or the elementary front desk by 9 am on Friday, January 30th. No late orders can be accepted. Thank you for your support & school spirit! Grades K-2 Mrs. Board’s Classroom #118 Tuesdays starting 3/3 - 8 weeks 3-4 pm Click here to sign up! THE STINGRAYS SWIM TEAM Wé’ré back for anothér yéar of swimming! If you havé évér thought about taking your swimming caréér oné stép furthér, thén wé aré thé summér club téam for you! Wé aré looking for kids, agés 4-18, which liké thé watér and want to havé fun. In réturn, wé will imprové théir strokés and gét thém éxcitéd about swimming. WINTER SESSION 4 WEEKS When: Sundays Fébruary 22, March 1, 8 & 15 Time: 6:15-7:30 pm Where: Thé Ridgé Récréation Céntér Who: Agés 4- 18, no éxpériéncé nécéssary Cost: $50 for thé first child & a $5 discount for siblings SPRING SESSION 4 WEEKS When: Sundays April 12, 19, 26 & May 3 Time: 6:15-7:30 pm Where: Thé Ridgé Récréation Céntér Who: Agés 4- 18, no éxpériéncé nécéssary Cost: $50 for thé first child & a $5 discount for siblings *IF YOU SIGN UP FOR BOTH SESSION BY MARCH __ THE COST IS $90 FOR THE 2 SESIONS! For moré information go to our wébsité at www.stingraysswimté or call Héathér Howé @ 303279-5184 or é-mail munchié_howé SUMMER SWIM TEAM Summér timé is just around thé cornér, which méans swimming is in thé air! Thé Stingrays Swim Téam is looking for a féw good swimmérs, agés 4-18, to join thém for a fun, action packéd séason. Thé téam practicés wéékday mornings at thé 6th Avénué Wést Pool, locatéd at 6th & Indiana Avénué. Practicé will bégin thé énd of May and thé séason runs through July. If you aré looking for a gréat activity to hélp fill up somé of your summér schédulé, chéck us out! Our wébsité has moré information about our summér program.
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