FEBRUARY 2015 VOLUME 58.09 GET-AROUND GAZETTE The Monthly Newsletter of Corvettes Limited of Los Angeles, CA PROUDLY SPONSORED BY: CORVETTES SPECIALISTS 464 SOUTH CATARACT AVE. SUITE B SAN DIMAS, CA 91773 RICHARD SJOBERG 99-599-0722 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! CALL RICH AND ASK CORVETTES LIMITED BUSINESS MEETINGS ARE HELD AT 7:00PM ON THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH AT THE: ABOUT DISCOUNTS. ELKS CLUB 27 WEST HUNTINGTON DRIVE ARCADIA, CA PHONE: 626-445-2025 NEXT MEETING: 2/4/15 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT WEBSITE: www.corvetteslimited.com DAVE THOMPSON SECRETARY CHERYL VERDICCHIO TREASURER CHAR HUDDLESON MEMBERSHIP DOROTHY McCAIN ACTIVITIES GAZETTE EDITOR WEB MASTER NCCC LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! LEIF HAGMAN KATHY HENRY ANITA MEESE BRIAN VALPARAISO DON MEYERS GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 2 PREZ LEIF I would like to start by thanking the members for electing me the 2015 President. I look forward to working with the 2015 Board Members to continue the great traditions of Corvettes Limited and to ensure that our members continue to have fun and many fantastic events. Rosalinda has done a fabulous job as President for the past two years and I want to thank her for all her assistance to make this a smooth transition. Also, would like to extend my gratitude to the 2014 Board Members for their service. The Installation Banquet was a memorable event (good food, excellent service, music, numerous raffle winners) and it appeared everyone had a wonderful time. Thanks Al for doing a great job on the Installation Banquet, Nancy for the gorgeous centerpieces, and all the volunteers. Congratulations to Ralph Verdicchio for receiving the well deserved “Member of the Year” award and to all the well deserved award winners who were recognized for their efforts. Also, congratulations to members Mitch, Anita, Joe and Debbie that were awarded lifetime memberships pins. The first event in February is the Super Bowl Pot Luck Party at Doug and Linda’s home on Sunday, February 1st. Thanks Doug and Linda for your hospitality. Come cheer for your team and enjoy good food. Together, let’s make 2015 a great year! LEIF LEIF HAGMAN, PRESIDENT, MEMBER:2012 LEIF & WIFE DEBBIE WITH THEIR SILVER C5 2002 CONVERTIBLE. Ralph Verdicchio presenting Leif with the best C5 award. GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 3 VICE PRESIDENT Hello everyone and Happy 2015. First of all I want to say congratulations to all the 2014 winners. What a great year 2014 was with amazing people, events and cars keeping us busy all year and sharing fun times together. Thanks to Rosalinda for doing such a great job as president for the past 2 years. As your 2015 vice president I am very excited about the upcoming year. I am looking forward to working with your new president Leif Hagman and the board to plan another exciting year of things to do and see together and look forward to all of the fun we will have. I am also looking forward to the trip to the Living Desert in Palm Springs on Saturday February 21st and planning the annual banquet next year. I would like to say a big thanks to Al & Nancy Lundgren for such a fun and wonderful banquet at Cal Poly and thanks to all those that attended and had a great time. See you on the road. DAVE DAVE DRIVES A 2005 LS2 COUPE DAVE THOMPSON, VICE PRESIDENT, MEMBER 2013 DAVE WITH ROSIE, SHARON AND GARY OUT ON THE DANCE FLOOR! GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 4 Hi All, We currently have 31 people who will be eating a polynesian-style rib dinner at the Elks at the February business meeting. If you have not already made your reservation, please do so before Sunday, February 1, 2015. You don't want to miss this great meal. You can contact me at [email protected] or call me at (323) 257-4346. Dorothy Hello Membership! A message regarding the March Laughlin Run: Al members who are planning to go to Laughlin and want a "T Shirt" like last year, need to bring a white or grey shirt to the meeting and be sure to mark your name on the label andCheryl will get them done for us. For those people who would like a shirt made, you MUST be sure to BRING one to the FEBRUARY 4TH MEETING. Al CORVETTES LIMITED NEW BOARD FOR 2015 LEIF, ANITA, CHERYL, KATHY, DOROTHY, CHAR, DON, DAVE, BRIAN A BIG BIG “THANK YOU” TO OUR VOLUNTEERS!!! GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 5 CORVETTES LIMITED MEETING 1/7/15 JANUARY BIRTHDAYS THAT ATTENDED MEETING: BRIAN VALPARAISO, SHELLY GRAY, PAT MAYHALL, WES BERRY & LARRY GRAY. PRESIDENT ROSALINDA MAYE HERE WITH BIRTHDAY WINNER, WES BERRY. CONGRATULATIONS!!! HERE WITH RONNIE MAYE IS CL NEW PRESIDENT, LEIF HAGMAN WHO WON THE 50/50 CASH….CONGRATULATIONS!! CONGRATULATIONS TO DON DRUM AS HE WON THE NAME BADGE DRAWING. THANK YOU TO RONNIE & ROSALINDA MAYE FOR DOING THE RAFFLE FOR THIS MEETING. DECEMBER 31, 2014 THIS GROUP WENT DOWN THE PARADE ROUTE IN PASADENA! Cruisers: Maye’s, Skillman’s, Lundgren’s, Valparaiso’s, Valparaiso’s Petersen’s & Camp’s. THIS IS A FUN RUN AND HOPEFULLY WE WILL HAVE MORE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL VETTES REPRESENTED NEXT DECEMBER! GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 6 Activities Director Kathy Henry 2015 MEMBER ACTIVITIES AGENDA SPONSOR NAME CLUB EVENT THIS MONTHS ACTIVITIES Feb 1 Super Bowl Party Pot Luck 2:00pm Feb 4 General Meeting 7:00pm Dinner 6:30pm Board Meeting 7:00pm Dinner Social 6:00 pm Max’s pg. 14 Palm Springs Run and Lunch, meet 8:00am @ McDonalds, San Dimas leave 8:30am Feb 11 Feb 18 Feb 21 FUTURE ACTIVITIES General Meeting 7:00pm Dinner Mar 4 6:30pm Mar 11 Board Meeting 7:00pm Mar 18 Dinner Social 6:00 pmMar 20 Laughlin weekend Run 20th-22nd April 25 Hollywood Museum Run Doug and Linda Mitts Yes Leif Hagman Yes Leif Hagman Don Meyers Yes Yes David Thompson Yes Leif Hagman Yes Leif Hagman Don Meyers Al Lundgren Leif Debbie Hagman Yes Yes Yes Yes Other fun gatherings 1st Sunday – Legends Glendora 3 ish 2nd Sunday - Elks Breakfast 9 -11am APR 22 June 25 JUNE 28 OCT 18 TULIP TIME CRUISE BIG BEAR BASH HIGHWAY EARTH-REGISTRATION MAY 1 AUTO DRIVE MUSEUM BARB PRICE CORVETTES WEST LEIF & DEBBIE HAGMAN Yes GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 7 DETAILED ACTIVITIES KATHY HENRY [email protected] Feb 1- Super Bowl XLIX Party and pot luck 2:00pm- Come cheer your team on and pick a square or just come and visit with everyone. Bring a pot luck dish to share. Always a fun time at the Mitts home. Bring your own bottle, water and soft drinks provided. Feb 4- General meeting 7:00pm- with our new President Leif Hagman! Welcome Leif. Rib dinner 6:30 pm for rsvp’s Feb 11- Board meeting 7:00pm- with our new President Leif Hagman and new Vice President Dave Thompson and new Web Master, Brian Valparaiso , happy to have you. Feb18- Dinner Social 6:00pm– Max’s Mexican restaurant, 1101 E. Huntington Drive, Monrovia 91016 . Don Meyers Feb 21- Palm Springs Run and Lunch- David Thompson will lead us to The Living Desert, Zoo and Gardens. Meet at McDonalds in San Dimas @8:00am leave @ 8:30am. Parking is free, reserved parking $5.00 (a 10 car minimum) Tram tour starts @ 10:30am, $20 and lasts 2 hours. A Box lunch is available for $13.50 see flyer for more details. Must Pay All Fees to Char Huddleson, checks made out to Corvettes Limited at this meeting. The River Mall is aprox.10min. away where there are many restaurants to choose from in case you would like to have lunch there instead of a boxed lunch. (Cheese cake factory, Chili’s, BBQ and more)Sounds like a great day, signup & pay at meeting. FUTURE ACTIVITIES: March 4- General meeting 7 pm Dinner 6:30pm- If we have 30 rsvp’s. Let Dorothy know. A signup sheet for those who would like to be in charge of raffle prizes for a month will be at the meeting. Please volunteer March 20-22- Laughlin weekend run. Al & Nancy are leading us to exciting Laughlin then a drive to see the London Bridge Saturday morning then a concert with Sheena Easton that evening. You may bring a T-Shirt to have our Laughlin trip logo put on and give your shirt to Cheryl at this meeting. A flyer will be coming out and more info will be emailed. Please sign up@ meeting. Al Lundgren 1-909-720-0583 April 25-Hollywood Museum- in the historic Max Factor building & Lunch. (This is not the Hollywood Wax Museum) Save the date. See flyer and more info to come. Leif &Debbie Hagman 626-466-8428. GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 8 MEMBERSHIP NEWS & VIEWS What a great night we had at the Awards and Installation Banquet on January 17. Al Lundgren found a great location with a wonderful view and excellent food. Nancy coordinated the table decorations with our club colors and they really got your attention. Everyone had picked their table for dinner and they numbers made them easy to find. Personally, I would like to thank Anita Meese for choosing me for the Newsletter Award. I am honored. I truly didn’t expect it. THANK YOU ANITA. We tried something a little different this year. Instead of giving everyone a token door prize, everyone got a ticket and a chance to win an envelope with $50 to $100 in it. The winners seemed to enjoy it. Al kept the raffle going throughout the night which added to the suspense of the evening. Congratulations to all the trophy winners. Sorry, I forget to keep track. After dinner and awards, it was on to DANCING! The DJ was very good and kept us on the dance floor most of the night. It was great to dance with Gary Ohrn who showed us his unique moves. I do believe he’ll have some competition in the future with Dave Thompson. They were quite a pair. GREAT JOB AL, NANCY and all their helpers. 2015 is certainly off to a great start. CONGRATULATIONS to the newest members of a very prestigious group of members. Joe and Debbie Garr and Mitch and Anita Meese were acknowledged as the newest LIFETIME MEMBERS of Corvettes Limited. This is an impressive accomplishment when you consider that a Lifetime Member has been in the club for at least 15 years. THANK YOU Joe, Debbie, Mitch and Anita for your dedication to Corvettes Limited. When Rob and Barbara, Don and Rosa and I headed to Laughlin for New Years we knew we were going to have a lot of fun, but we didn’t count on a little surprise. IT SNOWED!!! Yes, for the first time since 2009 it snowed in Laughlin. It snowed pretty hard for about 10 hours, but stopped in time for our dinner cruise aboard the Celebration up and down the Colorado River. We had a great time. The dinner on the Celebration was excellent and was prepared on the boat. $50 for prime rib (they also have chicken and pasta) isn’t too expensive when you consider it included a 2 hour river cruise. Next time you are in Laughlin try it, I guaranty you’ll like it. February brings us the Super Bowl Party on February 1, at Doug and Linda Mitts’ great party house. Rumor has it, they now have an 80 inch TV (do they make them that big?). Should be fun. February 21, brings us Dave Thompson run to the Living Desert Museum in Palm Springs. I have never been to this museum and am looking forward to it. February 21, is a very busy day for me. After Palm Springs I have to hustle to the Elks for the Arcadia Elks Mardi Gras Charity Ball. Going to be a busy day!!! Hope to see everyone one at these and all our up-coming events. DOROTHY DOROTHY McCAIN MEMBERSHIP, MEMBER 1983 GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 9 INSTALLATION BANQUET 1/17/15 I first want to start off with I am not a very good story teller, I can take minutes no problem, but having to write a article is very not me. But when it comes to the Installation Dinner & Awards I have to give Al as 2014 Vice President and Host for this event a big ‘high 5’. I know I few of us had a hard time getting to Cal Poly Center but once everyone relaxed and had a nice drink things just got better all night. The view from the balcony with the lights twinkling down below us was fantastic! Our dinner was great I even got to enjoy my steak which I ask to be well done, on previous occasions I ended up bringing it home to Ralph since the meat was still rare. I have to say our club sure cleans up good, all the women in their sparkly outfits and the guys in their suits and ties, someone even said Ralph looked like he was from the Soprano's show. For all you who couldn't make to this event and for those who can't remember what awards were given here's CONGRATULATION’S for the following winners. First off the club gave a plaque to Richard Sjoberg in appreciation for being our sponsor. Newsletter award: Dorothy McCain Home Hosted: Progressive Dinner, Kathy Henry, Brian & Monica Valparaiso, Fred & Valerie Simola 1 Day Event: Mendenhall's Museum, Leif & Debbie Hagman Overnite Event: Laughlin Winter Dance Party, Al Lundgren The car winners for 2014: C-1 1962 Roadster: Ernie Huddleson C-2 1963 Roadster: Joe Garr C-3 1980 Coupe: Mitch Meese C-4 1985 Coupe: Rosalinda Maye C-5 2002 Convertible: Leif Hagman CAR OF THE YEAR TO BILL GALLAVAN. C-6 2008 COUPE. C-6 2005 Coupe: Kathy Henry C-7 2014 Coupe: Brian Valparaiso CAR OF THE YEAR: C-6 2008 COUPE: BILL GALLAVAN Member of the Year: Ralph Verdicchio MEMBER OF THE YEAR: RALPH VERDICCHIO. GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 10 A special plaque was given to Rosalinda as outgoing President for all the hard work and dedication to Corvettes Limited as President from 2013-2014 presented by 2015 President Leif Hagman. Congratulation's to all money winners from the raffle tickets even though I was not one of the lucky ones I'm not bitter, I at least was close a couple of times, go and treat yourselves to something special. It was great seeing Gary Ohrn back on the dance floor having a ball, reminded me when were @ Stateline in our 50's costume with all the girls around him like old times. The Dance floor was busy with our New President Leif showing his moves. Vice President Dave and Gary did a special dance act for the club, have to say I have never seen Dave that color of red before. I even got my old man out on the dance floor for a couple of slow dances, even though he said I was trying to kill him. He was still breathing the next day. Hope everyone had a great time. Sorry if you missed it! CHERYL CHERYL VERDICCHIO, SECRETARY, MEMBER: 2005 CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL AWARD WINNING CORVETTES LIMITED MEMBERS! GET-AROUND GAZETTE Mitch & Anita Meese & Debbie & Joe Garr lifetime members PAGE 11 GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 12 CORVETTES LIMITED CLUB WISHES YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND A GREAT YEAR DRIVING YOUR VETTES!!! ROB PRICE—3RD WILLIAM GALLAVAN-6TH SAL CUMELLA-21ST MITCH MEESE-6TH MARSHA GALLAVAN-19TH LINDA MITTS-22ND STEVE COPELL-14TH CHRISTINA DREYER-23RD GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 13 TECH TALK The French Connection ! When the small block came out in the mid 50's the GM engineers developed a very good exhaust system for the engine. The Ram's Horn manifold are a typical of the way people thought in the 50's. The cars from those years did not last much past 100,000 miles without being rebuilt. And the exhaust system is one of the most overlooked areas. The bolting and studs used wear out usually last about 100,000 miles. Bolts hold by stretching a bit, the manifold grows when hot, in a up and out manner and returns to the original position when cool. When the car came from the factory the exhaust manifold was bolt to the head without any gaskets. The outside bolts are retained in their original position with the use of French Locks and Grade 8 bolts and AN style flat washers. The outside bolts are torqued to 20 FT pounds and the two center bolts are set a 30 FT pounds. AN washers are smaller in outside diameter and slightly fatter that a regular flat washer. Lock washers are not used because they work on spring principle and springs fail in high heat. Why use a French Lock? When the tabs are bent up against the side of bolt head it becomes a positive lock and does not allow the bolts to move or become loose. It’s also a very inexpensive way hold the bolts and a lot cheaper than safety wire, you do not have to drill a hole in the center of the bolt head. The six lower studs in the exhaust manifold erode away over time and can be difficult to remove and replace. If your engine has been rebuilt the hardware may have been reused, this is something that will result in a exhaust leak as bolt's will fatigue and walk out. Do not use FelPro exhaust gaskets because the only material that worked back then was asbestos, and most of know that cannot be used any more. The Ram's Horn manifolds were use in the C 1,2,and 3. Check the tightness of the bolts and make sure the French Locks are still on the car. The next French item on the car is the C 5 alternator. Being a French item, they last as little as 35,000 miles on some cars and other go in excess of 140,000 miles. These alternators are so reliable that I carry a spare alternator in my car and the tools to change it out. A weak or not charging enough alternator can cause false codes to turn on your check engine light or even worse failure of computer driven components to fail. The dual zone A/C control, ABS circuits and the 5 computers in the C5. After driving the car your system voltage should be at or above 14 volts after 20 minutes or so. If it stays at 13 volts, head home or be towed home. GET-AROUND GAZETTE Questions? [email protected] PAGE 14 ED MORGAN, MEMBER: 1982 ED CORVETTES LIMITED SOCIAL 1/21/15 25 ATTENDED THE SOCIAL AT DI PILLA’S. WE HAD A GOOD TIME AND A GOOD ITALIAN DINNER. THEY DONATED TO OUR CHARITIES. THANK YOU DON MEYERS! CORVETTES LIMITED SOCIAL 2/18/15 FEBRUARY SOCIAL WILL BE AT: MAX’S MEXICAN RESTAURANT 1101 E. HUNTINGTON DR. MONROVIA, CA 91016 626 303-3330 6PM Max’s will be donating a portion of our Dinners to our charities. GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 15 DISCOVER The Living Desert through Preservation, Education, and Conservation !!! Date: Saturday, February 21, 2015 Where: The Living Desert in Palm Springs (Approximately 2 hour drive) Time: Meet at the McDonalds in San Dimas @8am leave at 8:30 Contact/RSVP David Thompson (626) 905-3198 Please pay Char at the February meeting if you plan to attend Parking is free or we can reserve parking for $5 a car 10 car minimum. Tram tour of The Living Desert begins @ 10:30. Tram tour is $20.00 and lasts 2 hours. Box lunch is also available for $13.50 includes choice of flakey croissant with either turkey, ham or beef with lettuce and tomato or chicken Caesar salad or a garden salad w/veggies or deli salad w assort. meats and cheeses accompanied by chips, cookie and 20 oz. bottle water. The facility needs 48 hours in advance for box lunch choice. The River Mall has many restaurants and is close for those who wish to eat out. DAVE THOMPSON GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 16 2nd ANNUAL CORVETTES LIMITED TRIP TO LAUGHLIN STAYING AT THE RIVERSIDE HOTEL CALL 1-800-227-3849 GROUP CODE C/CORVE FOR ROOM ENTERTAINMENT AT THE RIVERSIDE HOTEL: SHEENA EASTON, 8PM SATURDAY MARCH 22ND. $25 A TICKET CALL: 1-800-227-3849, EXT. 616 TO RESERVE SHOW TICKETS. ALSO GOING TO ON A POKER RUN TO LONDON BRIDGE. TRIP LEADER AL LUNDGREN [email protected] IF YOU WISH TO ORDER A SPECIAL T-SHIRT FOR THIS TRIP PLEASE SEE CHERYL VERDICCHIO AT THE FEBRUARY MEETING. See page 4. GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 17 GET-AROUND GAZETTE PAGE 18 Hollywood Museum (in the historic Max Factor building) and lunch (THIS IS NOT THE HOLLYWOOD WAX MUSEUM) Saturday, April 25, 2015 We will meet on Saturday, April 25th at 8:30 AM in the Coco’s parking lot (1150 W. Colorado Blvd. in Arcadia) and leave at 9:00 AM. The self-guided tour of the Hollywood Museum starts at 10:00 AM. Group tickets for the self-guided tour (adult ticket is $12 & senior/65+ ticket is $10) must be purchased in advance. Please give your money for the tickets to Char Huddleson by the April 1, 2015 club meeting. We will have lunch at Mel’s Drive-in (located next door). Valet parking is $8 with validation from the Hollywood Museum or Mel’s Drivein. The Hollywood Museum is the largest collection of authentic showbiz treasures, props and costumes from Silent Movies, Talkies, Hollywood’s Golden Era, Film Noir, Feature Films, and more! The Hollywood Museum is housed in the historic Max Factor building where Max Factor, Hollywood’s Makeup King, created the looks of Hollywood’s Golden Era stars. You can see where Marilyn Monroe became a blonde and Lucille Ball a famous redhead. The Hollywood Museum features four floors of exhibits (two floors above the lobby and a basement below). The ground floor houses many original displays from the old Max Factor Make-up Studio with one room for blondes only, one room for brunettes only, and another room for redheads only. In the theatre room, you can watch the film Max Factor – Hollywood Fashion Machine. There is also a gallery featuring Planet of the Apes, Jurassic Park, Marilyn Monroe’s Cadillac limousine, and much more. The second and third floors are devoted exclusively to costumes worn by famous stars in famous films, corresponding props, cars, and posters (as well as a wealth of Hollywood memorabilia). The lower level houses “all things creepy and scary.” There is a collection from many cult horror films. You can walk down the same jail cell corridor Jodie Foster walked in Silence of the Lambs and see an array of props from the film. Questions: Call Debbie or Leif at (626) 466-8428. GET-AROUND GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS IF YOU WANT TO PLACE AN AD OR HAVE INFO TO SHARE IN THE NEWSLETTER PLEASE CONTACT: ANITA MEESE NEWSLETTER EDITOR [email protected] ALWAYS BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER! REMEMBER VALENTINES DAY! PAGE 19
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